96-151LL ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Refesed To Council File # 9 �-� 51 Green Sheet # 3 S o 9 3 Committee Date An Aduiiuistrative Ordinance establishing the position entitled Admiiustrative Assistant as specified by Chapter 12 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, Section 12.032(I� thereof. 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That it is appropriate and desirable to establish the position entitled Administrative Assistant in the Office of Public Health. Section 2. That pursuant to Section 12.03.2(H) of the City Charter such position be established in the Unclassified Service of the City of Saint Paul. Section 3. That appoinhnents to such posirion be made with the advice and consent of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul. Section 4. That this ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage and approval. ,� � , � Requested by Deparnnent of: Office of Human Resources By: �� •��5�� Form Approved by City Attomey B ��'�-j�` � �"� 1 �� }qb Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: a �► Approved by May r a� l By: 3i� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �� � � /Vi'�� 91IRI IN4CR �.�a..� .�. ��i Adopted by Council: Date� �,�.,� (� `q,q L a DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INITTATED `�� I S t � Human Resources O1-10-96 GREEN SHEET No.: 35093 COA"CACT PERSON & PHONE: p I1�tPrtncmwTe mlTTpt.�paTE John Shockley 266-6482�� Milt Patka 266-6485 �I�N I DEPARTMENT DIlL s crrv couxcn. NUhIBER 3 CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK � � FOR Z$UDCET DIIZ- 6 FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIIt MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING 4 MA1 OR (OR ASST.) ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAI'URE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) acrion aeQtiES�ren: Approval of an Ordinance establishing an unclassified Administrative Assistatjt posirion located in the Office of Public Health pursuant to Section 12.03.2(I� of the City Charter. ;A� 2 3 1996 k���� ��:�°� <.. RECOMIJ.ENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACl'S Mi7ST AIVSR'ER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING WMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMIvIISSION 1. Has this person/5an ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMIvIITTEE Yes No _STHPF 2. Aas this person/firm ever been a ciry emptoyee? DISTRICT WURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COiINCIL OBJECTIVE? 3. Does this peaonlfirm qossess a skill mt nom�ally possessed 6y any cuRent city employee? Yes No Explain alI yes aoswers m separate sheet aod attach to green sheet INI1'fATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNII'Y (Who, What, Wheo, Where, Why): This action is based upon a study of a provisional Administra6ve Assistant position currently performing duties assigned by the City Council. This position is located in the Housing Code Enforcement Division of the Office of Public Health. � y �, �,�'��' ���`�4i _.:.�_... ��� �� ���� nnvnNracES iF nrrxovEn: An appointed position approved by the City Council will be established that will perform assigned duties in resoiving constituent concerns surrounding housing code enforcement complaints, improving housing code operating procedures, assisting in housing code hearing prepazation and coordinating and establishing neighborhood clean-up and inspection programs. ���� Gq ��„ � � nisnnv.arrrncES�nrrxovEn: None. ,��,N ig 1996 �. e �:_�� �� � � ����� nisnnvnrv�rncES iF NoT arrxoveD: No position will be established that is subject to City Council appointment approval. TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7'RANSACTION: $ COST/REVEN[JE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACl'IVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMe1TION: (EXPLAIl� 7ohn HamiUnn, Dbutar CTI'Y OF S�]'f PAUL No�m Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Councilperson Dino Guerin V y� C� Council atk��� Human Resources December 22, 1995 J30 Ciry HaJI Annee 25 Weu Faunh Strea Saint Pau7, �ota 55102-1632 Guy WilliYs position study determination a�-�st Telephone: 6Z2-266b500 TDD/TTY 612-2665501 7obline: 612-2666502 Faumni7e: SS2 J92-7656 We ha�e completed the study of the provisional Administrative Assistant position held by Guy Willits at Public Health. On October 12, 1995 we determined the position should be allocated to the Management Assistant II class. We received additional information which warrants the position to remain in the Administrative Assistant class in an unclassified capacity. We will process the ordinance and resolution required to implement this determination. cc: Nea1 Holton Jerry SerIling ac.-ts� CLASSIFICATION STIIDY REPORT (RESTUDY) REQUESTED CIASSIFICATION INCUMBENT: PRESENT CLASSZFiCATION DEPARTMENT � DIVISION: DATE OF REQUEST: STUDY CONDUCTED BY: Open Guy Willits Provisionally appointed to the Administrative Assistant class on 1-3-94 (formerly entitled Administrative Assistant - Community Services) Public Health Housing Code Enforcement October 19, 1995 Milt Patka APPROVAL OF CLASSIFICATION � COMPENSATION MANAGER DATE BAC&GROIIND ,-> � f� l iZ - ZZ - � An initial study of this provisional position was conducted and a determination was made on October 12, 1995 that the position be allocated to the Management Assistant II class. That determination was based upon information provided by the incumbent and the Supervisor of Housing Code Enforcement. On October 19, 1995 an objection to this determination was received from Councilmember Guerin's office. Mr. Guerin indicated that the initial study findings did not adequately reflect the duties and responsibilities o£ the position in relationship to the City Council. Consequently, a restudy of the position was conducted. STIIDY COMPONENTS In restudying this position, the following components were included: Interview with Councilmember Guerin. Interview with Gerry Strathman, Council Investigation and Research Birector. Further review of Job Profiles and advisory specifications of pasitions allocated to unclassified Administrative Assistant and City Council research positions. Re-evaluation of the position using the QES system. �I�-�s� DZSCIISSION CouncilmembeY Guerin and Gerry Strathman, Council Investigation and Research Director, provided job related information from the City Council's perspective. It was indicated this position was created by the Council to act as their intermediary in resolving housing code enforcement complaints. The incumbent has frequent contact with the Councilmembers' offices, the Mayor's Office and the Citizen Service Office to collect the ever increasing volume of these complaints. This position fulfills a public relations function to zesolve the concerns of constituents. The position in question is responsible for housing code enforcement problem resolution and preparing the necessary recommendations. This position has been in existence less than one year and the Council has assigned the incumbent the responsibility of seriously reviewing and improving the current operating procedures found in the Housing Code Enforcement Section of Public Aealth. This position assists the Council's Investigation and Research Director in the preparation required for hearings that are regularly held to grant citizens an opportunity to appeal the City's Aousing Code Enforcement decisions. This responsibility has alleviated supervisors, including the head of the Housing Code Enforcement section, the Housing Code Inspection Supervisor, from spending up to two days per week on this task. The incumbent has a role in coordinating and scheduling enforcement activities to coincide with the clean-up activities of the 17 neighborhood councils. In addition, the general role as a public relations person with all of the customers served in Housing Code Enforcement is continually expanding. Most of the above information was included in the original study. However, that study did not adequately reveal the Council's role in assigning duties to the position or the degree of importance the Council places on the position. The original study did mention that the Management Assistant II determination was not permanent as the position was in a state of flux. As an example, this position is to become the coordinator of a new project still in the development stage, the Citizen Inspection Program. The responsibility will be to coordinate 1000 City block clubs involved in teaching citizens how to conduct on-site housing inspections. COMPARISONS Unclassified Administrative Assistants are appointed positions that usually perform functions such as public relations, personnel, policies and procedures establishment, liaison, research and project coordination duties. These duties are performed under the general supervision of a department head appointed by the Mayor. The additional information provided revealed that the position in question is performing highly responsible duties in public relations, research, policy and procedures improvement, and program development and coordination that have been assigned by the City Council. These duties are very similar to those performed by unclassified Administrative Assistant positions. Policy Analyst and Financial Analyst positions are unclassified positions that q (. -1 s I perform duties assigned by the City Council. However, these positions are primarily responsible for collecting, compiling and analyzing data. They do not perform any public relations, policies and procedures or program coordination work. All other professional or supervisory positions performing duties assigned by the Council are in the unclassi£ied service. QES EVALIIATION A new QES evaluation, based upon the additional information provided, supports compensating the position at grade 16 of the non-represented salary schedule. :l�A��7 Even though the position in question is located in the Housing Code Enforcement Division of Public Health, the restudy revealed that the position is carrying out duties assigned by the City Council. Also revealed was that the level of the duties and the duties performed are very similar to those of unclassified Administrative Assistants appointed by department heads. In addition, all positions performing duties assigned by the City Council at the professional or supervisory level are unclassified. Furthermore, the QES evaluation supports placing the position in the same pay grade as unclassified Administrative Assistant positions. Therefore, it is recommended that an unclassified Administrative Assistant position be created in the Division of Public Health and that the appointing authority should be the City Council. lohn Hamilmn, D'varar CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: I3ea1 Holton Public Health � Mi1t Patka Human Resources October 12,1995 z�o c;tyx�rra� 25 Wat Fourth Sveu Sairu P¢u� Mir+naota 55202-Z631 Results of Guy Wiliit's classif'ication study °►c.—�s► Telephone: 6I2-266�6500 TDD/I7Y.• 6I2266d501 lobline: 6I2•2666502 Facsmile: 612-292-7656 We haue completed our study of the position held by Guy Willits, provisionally. The incumbent and supervisor were interviewed, comparisons made with specifications and other positions, and a QES evaluation completed. Based upon that information, we have determined that the position should be allocated to the Management Assistant II class, with the proviso that because of the evolving nature of the position, another study be done in two years. To implement this action, please initiate a requisition by Friday, October 27, and send it through the required process. If you have any questions regazding this determination, please contact me at 66485. cc: Diane Holmgren 9c.—�s� REQUESTED CLASSIFICATZON: 1��(�IIf3i:l�M�Ylii PRESENT CLASSIFICATIQN: DEPARTMENT � DIVISION: DATE OF REQUEST: STUDY CONDUCTED BY: CLASSIFICATION ST[TDY REPORT Open Guy Willits P=ovisionally appointed to the Administrative Assistant class on 1-3-94 (formerly entitled Administrative Assistant- Community Services) Public Health Code Enfoscement July, 1995 Milt Patka �i ' _/ � r��� , ,�1�:� , . � / APPROVAL OF CLASSIFICATZON & COMPENSATZON MANAGER: DATE F7:t�J:Z���I4�l7 The incumbent was appointed to the exempt Legislative Aide class in January, 1992 and assisted a Councilmember until 12-31-93, at which time the council went on a half-time basis. This action resulted in the termination of the incumbent from the exempt position and appointment provisionally to the Administrative Assistant class in the Mayor's Office. The incumbent was transfered to the Citizen Service Office on 1-7-95 and two months later transfered to the Health Department. While working in the complaint office, the high number of daily complaints concerning tall grass, junk cars and garbage became apparent to the incumbent. The councilmembers and the Mayor's office also received 10-15 complaints a week concerning the City's neglect of problems or the manner of resolution of the problems. The City leaders asked the incumbent to address the complaints directed to their offices by physically relocating to code enforcement to "get a handle on the situation". STUDY COMPONENTS In studying the position, the following components were included: Review of the profile completed and signed by the incumbent and appropriate supervisors. Review of the current specificaitons for Management Assistant I, II and III and Administrative Assistant. Znterview with the incumbent and a phone conversation with the immediate � `-15 � superviscr. Evaluation using the QES system. POSITZON - Represents the department at various committees and meetings to provide data on current issues and to participate in developing responses. Currently involved with the business regulation committee, members of the business community, and the problem property co�ittee. - Works with code enforcement supervisors to identify and resolve problems so to satisfy the public and to improve the department's public image. Should the present practices, policies and procedures not lead to resolution of constitutent complaints, the incumbent confers with management - Health, council or mayoral staff - to resolve, - Confers with other City Departments to create new computer systems or to revise established procedures for a more efficient and effective operation - Acts as liaison between code enforcement and councilmembers, mayoral sta£f, other units of local government, public and private agencies, the news media and the general public. Meets with the council staffs once or twice a week to review and collect new complaints that warrant his attention. The more serious complaints are doled to the appropriate Inspector for resolution. The complaint office sends a listing of those complaints that are older than ten days and haven't been resolved. This position assigns these complaints to the appropriate Inspector to complete on Monday morning. This position does not conduct inspections but assigns and reviews same with the Inspectors and accompanies Inspector Supervisors who write up orders on the more serious inspections. - Coordinates and schedules enforcement activities to coincide with the clean up activities of the 17 neighborhood councils. Attends the council meetings to impart information and to receive citizen complaints. In£ormation concerning the various dates, times, locations, etc. of each of the clean-ups is compiled into periodic flyers prepared by this position. In addition, once a citizen receives a write up because of an infraction, there is a set amount of time to remedy the situation. A lack of action produces a warning prior to Parks cleaning up the mess at $150.00 per hour. The incumbent's role is to encourage the citizen to act prior to calling in the employees from Parks, - Communicates with elected officials, coffinunity organizations, block clubs and the public to improve services. Provides input to the legislative hearing process led by the Council Investigation and Research Dixector. These informal hearings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month and provide citizens an opportunity to present their cases in an appeal process. The incumbent provides pictures or tapes of the situation, an estimate as to how much it will cost to satisfy the complaint and the time £rame in which to do so. The Director presents his recommendations to the full council on Wednesdays. The incumbent is also present at these ° lt,-�S� meetings and may be called upon for fuzther explanation or input. COMP6&ZSOIGS The duties and responsibilities of the Management Assistant classes - I, IZ, and III - are geared to providing various levels of pro£essional work assisting management by conducting research; preparing reports, recommendations and grant proposals; being a liasion person and being involved with public information; and at the III level, preparing budgets. A position allocated to the Management Assistant II class typically is involved in conducting research and working in an assigned area. Incumbents analyze and evaluate information to make findings and report them, usually with an action recommendation�to management. Assistance is provided in the researching and drafting of new policies and procedures. Replies are made to inquiries from various sources which usually requires investigation and the coordination of information derived from several sources. Incumbents may be asked to assist in the preparation of contracts, resolutions and administrative orders and to monitor and coordinate the approval process. Materials such as presentations and fact sheets are prepared. Incumbents may also provide sta£f support for committees or be a liaison with vaxious community organizations, public agencies or other City departments. The duties of the studied position more closely match those of the Management Assistant II class as professional work is performed by providing staff assistance to various aspects of management, The position replies to complaints received £rom councilmembers, the complaint office and the 17 district councils; prepares clean-up fact sheets; and serves as a liaison with the councilmembers, Mayor's staff, public agencies and other City departments. Incumbents in the Management Assistant III class direct a major administra- tive function at a department. This includes the responsibility of preparing funding proposals, monitoring expenditures and assigning personnel. Additional duties of positions in this class include dra£ting legislation, developing programs, preparing contracts and resolutions, acting as a liaison with outside groups, and supervising a staff. As this studied position evolves, it may assume this level of responsibility, but at the present time, it does not. The incumbent is currently a provisional Administrative Assistant. Positions in this class are responsible for supervisory and highly skilled administra- tive work, which does not describe the studied position. Administrative Assistants are involved in problem solving and preparing the necessary reports and recommendations. They review the current operating procedures and recommend and implement new or modified ways of doing things. They provide pertinent information to public and local agencies and any information that is requested by the Mayor's staff, councilmembers and other City departments. Additionally, Administrative Assistants assist in developing long range plans for departmental programs and direct any special projects assigned by the supervisor. Past practice of positions in the Administrative Assistant class is that they work under the supervision of a department head. q��` The job evaluation, using our Quantitative Evaluation System, places this studied position in PEA Grade 9, the same as the Management Assistant II class. RECO24IENDATION Based on the �ob profile, comparisons to related classifications and positions and the QES evaluation, it is recommended this position should be allocated to the Management Assistant II class. This position was created and £illed in February 1995 and, according to the supervisor, is in a state of development as new and additional duties are assigned. Consequently, the position has growth potential and should be studied again when the duties are finalized.