95-971Council File # L � } t � � t � � � � 1 Ordinance # � ' T �� ��E �v�f �. {� Green Sheet � �j ORD{NANCE CITY OF SAiNT P1�,UL, MiNNESOTA �7 n ii i ., , � Presented Sy Referred To Committee: Date p.iaF3 An ordinance to permit the sale of pulltabs from a movable cart during the conduct of bingo games. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section i Section 402.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 402.03. General regulations. (a) The fallowing regulations and restrictions shall appiy to lawful gambling conducted witbin the Ciiy of Saint Paui and shall appiy to organizations licensed by the state pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 349, and to organizations issued permits gursuattt to this chapter. (b) Prize limits. Prize limits for lawful gambling shall not exceed the limits permitted by state law. (c) Liyuor and minorsJbingo. No intoxicating or nonintoxicating liquor or beer shall be sold, served or consumed in the room where the bingo game is conducted. (d) Bingo--Ganxe conduct and procedure: (1) Public view of proceedings: All bingo games shall be conducted in full view of the public and all accounting for and changing of money shall take place in the gazne room or hall in full view of game participants. (2) Numbers: The selection and calling of numbers shail he in view of game participants and a11 numbers called shail be determined by chance by use of a f'vc-proof device of a kind approved by the inspector. (3) Record of numbers: The organization shall maintain in full puhlic view a record of the number of bingo games played or that is being played at all times during each bingo session. i'� � 3-�� 2 3 4 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 P ZaF3 (e) Time and place limitations. All such organizations shall comply with the requirements of state law as to the aliowabie number of bingo occasions and other time and piace limitations, and such reasonable conditions and restrictions, including, but not limited to, by reason of this speci�cation, restrictions on the number of occasions and f or hours of operation, as may be imposed on the applicable bingo, gambling or bingo hall license. (t� Bingo regulations—State licenses. The following regulations apply only to charitable organizations licensed by the State Charitable Gambling Control Board for the conduct of bingo. (1) �2) Age limitation No person under the age of eighteen (18) years shall be allowed in the room while bingo games are conducted. Limitation of number of bingo licenses: No more than sevenry (70) bingo licenses shall be issued or permitted to be issued in the City of Saint Paul. This restriction shall apply only to bingo licenses issued for more than four (4) bingo occasions during a twelve-month period issued by the Minnesota State Charitable Gambling Control Board. (3) Pull-tabs and tipboards: Pull-tabs and tipboards may be sold only during the hours that bingo may be conducted and one-half hour before and after each bingo occasion, shall be sold only from a booth approved by the inspector, and shall be used soleiy by the charitable organization for that purpose. In �dd�t��n, pu#�»�abs �ri��.b� �ri1d �caiii a rrm�va#�� '�rt at tlie �ame tusi� that t�e� m�� be sc�ld'fr�am a bc�oth,.pr�id�d:tT�at th� enfir� pu�i �ab de�l sk�atl b� dis��ayed �f a11€zmes fcr� �al�s frc�ss� a tianth, �a�t ax bt�th. Pull-tabs and tipboards shall be sold in the manner described in subsections 409.22(t� tbrough (o) of this Legislative Code. (g) Raffte regulation. No person or organization, �vhether or not licensed by the state or issued a permit under this chapter, shall conduct or allow to be conducted under its name more than four {4) raffles in any calendar year. ���� � � '�� � �� � rY 3-95 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 OR4GI�JA# 9s-q7j �. 30� 3 (h) Pull-tabs; infomzation required to be posted. In accardance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 349172, organizations selling pull-tabs musz post in a prominent place at the point of sale alt ma}or prizes that have been awarded from each deal of pu11-tabs. Posting of major prizes shall be done immediately upon awarding of tbe prize. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. a�iatieucn SEP 16 i995 Requested by Department of: By Appx By <` �""z""--�J � '- "�<�� By � J Form Approved by City Attorney Bv: �,�• � 6- 3 �rs by Mayor for Submission to Adopted by Council: Date �� 19 �.� , Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �s-� �r cs c«�;� � V^8191/95 GREEN SHEE N� 22878 :ONTACf PERSON & PHONE �NRIAVOATE IT AT � pEPARTMENT DIRE � CRY CAUNCIl + .� ICRyBI81fCYCYSC)IO - ��GN �CRVATRJRNEY �CfTYCLERK NUYBER FOfl ❑ BU�GET D1RECiOR � FIN. ffi MGi SERVICES D1R. AUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DA'f� pOUTING OfiOEN O {ApYOR (OR ASSISTANn O TOTAL # Of SIGNATURE PAG ( CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 1GTLON REQUESTED: An ordinance ta �mit the sale of pull-tabs from a movable cart during the conduct of bingo games. RECAMMENDAifONS: AppYOVe (A) m RejeM (R) __ PIANNING COMMISS�ON _ CIVII _ GB CAMMITTEE _ _ _ STAFF _ _ _ DISTR1CTCqURT _ _ SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SEHVICE CONiRACiS MUS7ANSWEfi TXE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this personfiirm ever worked untler a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this personttirm ever been a city emplcyee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skdl not rrormalfy ppssessed by any curcent c�ty empbyee? YES NO Ezplafn atf yes answera on separete sheet antl attaeh to gresn sficet To allow charitable organ'v.ations the ability to enhance pull-tab sales by the addition of movable carts at bingo games onty. IF APPRWED: Chazitable organizations will likely increase funds for their activities. None. NOi Monies for charitable activities will not be increased. ta�l"�t�4L4 s�."�s'�'=.'i� i Ls�`*.?��� AU� � i995 OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE 6UDGETEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO UNDING SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER NANCIAL INFOflMATION: (EXPLAIN)