95-872��.�s�;-�.�� -�Ja�4s Council File # 95-872 � e.- Ordinance # Green Sheet # 31273 ORDINANCE ITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Referred Committee: Date An ordinance enacted pursuant to Section 17.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul and Section 409.20 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code by creating an additional commercial development district at 249 West 7th Street between Walnut and Chestnut Streets. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 The West 7th Street Commercial District, as shown in Exhibit 1-1995, which is attached to and incorporated by reference in this ordinance, is hereby created as a commercial development district under Section 17.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul and under Section 409.20 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Section 2 This ordinance shall be in force and take effect thirty days following its passage, approval, and publication. esiaifcu�n SEP - 91g95 Requested by Department of: Planninq & Economic Develonment � &y: Approved by By � Form App�oved by City Attorne,y e � � f B .yv'��.fw,°� � �°,.?lJ.s` ►� Y � �- P r+ Appro�ed by Mayor for Submission to Counc�l Sy: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 95'-�'Ia' �� DEPARTMENT/OfFICE/COUNCIL DATE �NITIATED � � PED PLANNING 07/17/95 GREEN SI-��E - CONTACT PEHSON & PHONE INI IA 7 TE INITIAUDATE DEPAfiTMENTDIRE � �CINCOUNCIL K � Dadlez 266-6582 p���N �CITYATfORNEY CRYCLERK � NUYeENFON MUST BE O COUNCIL AGENDA BY (�ATE) pOUTIXG � BUDGEf DIRECTOR PIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR.. � � �] � �5 ONUEN � MAYOR (OFi ASSISTANn �C(Ln 4 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL �OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: Consideration by the City Council of the request by The Penguin Corporation that 249 West 7th Street be designated a"commercial development district" and so to be made eligible to apply for an into�cating liquor license. RECOMMENMTIONS. Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CqMMISSION _ CIVIL SEFVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this tlepartment? CIB CAMMITfEE YES NO 2. Has this personttirm ever been a city employee? STAFF — YES NO _ DIS7RICT COUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city empioyee? SUPPoRTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attaeh to green sheet INI7IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, Whet. When, Where, Why): In accordance with the City Charter and Licensing Code, The Penguin Corporation petitioned the City to be designated as a"commercial development district." The Planning Commission has revi� quest and found it to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and zoning. �UL 18 19 � �T =: � ����t� ADVANTAGES �FAPPROVED. The new lessee of the bar will be able to apply for an intoxicating liquor license. ���� � ���! � � T��J� DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: . None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The property will be vacant. � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TNANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INfORMATION: (E%PLAIN) ORIGIf�AL Council File # �� �• � Ordinance # Green Sheet ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,�` Presented By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Referred To An ordinance to amend Ordinance No.l by creating an additional commercia development district at 249 West 7th � between Walnut and Chestnut Str,�et THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES Section 1 . Date _.3�� 73 The West 7th Street Commercial District, as sho in E�ibit 1-1995, which is attached to and incorporated by reference in this ordinance, is hereby reated as a commercial development district under Section 17.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint P ul and under Section 409.20 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Section 2 This ordinance sha11 be in force and yalce effect thirty days following its passage, approval, and publication. / Requested by Department of: Planni & Economic Develo ment By� L Adoption Cer�ified by Council Secretary By: Approve by Mayor: Date By: Form Appro� by City Attorney f" � r BY � � r � '" r � ° ' :r '� z; � � �, .�'�'`� By: 'by Ma�b�fo,r Submission to /% Adopted by Couylcil: Date 1s���- Sw3NT PAUL � AAAA CTTY OF SEIINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor July 18, 1995 Council President Thune and Members of the City Council 390 City Ha11 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AT 249 WEST 7TH STREET Dear Council President Thune and Members of the City Council: Enclosed is the petition of The Penguin Corporation for a"commercial development district" at 249 West 7th Street and the Planning Commission's Neighborhood Planning Committee recommendation on the petition. Since Alary's is losing its lease, its intoxicating liquor license will terminate. Since transfers of liquor licenses aze not allowed and the bar is within one-half mile of more than four establishments with intoxicating liquor licenses, the only way for the applicant to obtain an intoxicating liquor license is to be designated a commercial development district which is not subjected to the concentration requirement. Before the City Council acts on a petition for a commercial development district, the proposal must be reviewed by the Planning Commission for conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and zonang. The Planning Commission's Neighborhood Planning Committee supports the designation as a commercial development district. The Planning Commission's position will be available July 28, 1995. I agree with the Neighborhood Planning Committee's conclusions and support the commercial development disHict. I have consistently supported business development and regularions which encourage economic opportunity in the City of Saint Paul. If you have any questions, please call Ken Ford at 266-6577 or Kady Dadlez at 266-6582. Sincerely, on,,._ �0�% Norm Coleman Mayor Enclosure 390 Ciry Hall 75 R'es[ Kellogg Boulevard Samt Paul, MN �5102 Telephone 612-266-8�T0 Facsim�ie: 612-228-8513 cc: Ken Fard Fred Owusu �s-��� ATTACHMENTS i. Ordinance Creating West 7th Street Commercial Development District with Map Planning Commission Resolution (draft) Petition of The Penguin Corporation Planning Staff Report � � � oF 5 � J�' QP c "U/ �ST � � � � (-' � � v w vl — J / qS-��y \'j J � � � � v �.1.� , ; � Gy > �. , ;��Y�' ,'.,.; � !; � .. .� � � .,� - EXHIBIT 1-1995 WEST 7TH STREET COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The property at 249 West 7th Street, legally described as ex alley Lot 8, Block 52; Rice and Irvines Addition Blocks 26 tlu�u 41, 46 thru 53. D �� � � g5-�1� city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number . - . f , x � l COi�II�ERCIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT: 249 WEST 7TH STREET WHEREAS, The Penguin Corporation, lessee of a bar on property located at 249 West 7th Street, has petitioned the City to establish a commercial development district so that an intoxicating liquor license can be issued; and WHEREAS, a commercial development district for purposes of this review is a district pursuant to the City Charter, Section 17.07.1, where an intoxicating liquor license can be granted for a location within one-half mile radius of which there already are four (4) or more premises licensed for the sale and consumption of intoxicating liquor on the premises; and WHEREAS, the Planning Division has determined that The Penguin Corporation's petition is sufficient (10 parcels eligible to sign, 7 parcels needed, and 7 parcels signed); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed commercial development district against the Land Use Plan, the Economic Development Strategy, the District 9 P1an, the West 7th/Chestnut Small Area Plan and the zoning of the area; and WHEREAS, the site has been a bar with a liquor license for many years; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission advises the Mayor and the City Council that the petition of The Penguin Corporation to establish a commercial development district solely for the property at 249 West 7th Street is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Code; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, tfiat the Planning Commission thinks, as it did at the time of the Polish-American C1ub designation in 1991 and the Gannon Road designation in 1993, that the procedure of creating a one-lot commercial development district to allow an exception to the liquor patrol limits or concentration levels should be replaced with a more straight-forward procedure. , . �, .: �, !., •. �.: �" �.... •.,.. .,..• .� �. .. � � agalnSt gs-�T� APPLICATION FOR A COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Department of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section II00 City Hall Annes 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 266-6589 APPLICANT � Name PROPERTY LOCATION w Address I5 ( i3, S�I�� �(�� {'Ltsc� City �vP,�J ��i�6ti"FGrt St. Mti� Zp SS'I1 z- Daytime phone b3/-/LSI Name of owner (if different) Contact person (if different) Lihc�u-Sc hw�� Phone �3i-Ibsl R Address/Location ��} �I I,c�, 7'h'� S'trr� � St. Pcc.�E ,.vlti�, Legal description: 12�c.e c�d'1rp�nzs����fi�an, Blvcfvl �i -�f/ a,.d �6-�3, �xcemfi ull�a- , �ofi b'', Ploe.l� 5'a— (attach if necessary) ADDITIQNAL INFORMATION : Q � ..f_- (attach additionai sheets if necessary) p��1�- �riF1 I Csn�r�" occ��uwt;s ��ar�'s `INCLUDE SITE PLAN WITH APPLICATION �i�c��- (� , c-�"i� � �' � y`° applicanYs signature Date �'3o k City agent qs-17y ` i' ,/ CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of a`} �1 �,i; ,�'�'" S �" and the total contiguous description of real estate owned by the petitioner acknowledge that we have been fumished with a copy of the application of - j1� �enc��.�,� (crper�ll"vv� for a Commercial Development District, where a new liquor license may be issued, along with any relevant site plans, diagrams, or other documentation; and consent to the approval of this application as it was explained to us by the applicant of his/her representative. ADDRESS OR P.I.N. # RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE DATE ob-z$-Zz-z3-oir8-y un�f{�Q �-�•G..---� �--, 6-29-��' ob-�k-zz-z3-ou9-.�- l,{n �s/�iia�3 ^a G�:n.t-�, � lo ? 7-�; ab -ak-zz- z 3-o��fo -� l�( �rTc� ��s��� ��--� � = — � � Z '7mS�• tvi'c�. �-, �:a�, 1'� t S tGik�{er � A� E n.� � t�c, l� ���=I� � 5� —7�� .St w. �- � 2 5�{-a2SfS'l ,�}: ��, �- � �� Z sS- �?Jh S�. G�.�,.6 3�{� �� ' �` 23� � z'fr'�� � �- > q� � �h� j �,S'sd �r� A, K � <mA, �C���st.�°-� ��i��-- b�af 4:r .�,. _�. � �� T 1 1-k / 95-�7�- S1ATt OI ?!T_�i+cSOlA) COU:iTY OF P=`:SEY ) : 55 �� ��(� �• SGf'J{'}')�, being first culy s::orr., ceposes a::c. wno circulated tne withi. petit�on �.^.c states tnat he/she is tnz person af_• nt is in`or�ed �nd believes thzt consent, consisting o� �}-Ytz_pages; that lz izced the paities cescribed ate tiie owners respzc�ivzly of tne lots p_ it��ediately before each n�,a, that affiant is in�or�aed a^.d believes tn=� e�c� of the pa:ties described above is the o;.�er of property Gnichlis �it2�icicOzr zeet fron any prooerty o:.�ed or purchased by Pe` eC?tion G�.ich isbcontig�ous to r.ritnin or.e (1) year precedin� the date of this p the propzrt}' dascribed in the petition; that escept for none oi tne parties described above has purch�szd or is p�rcnaszn� pro:e:t;" £ro� petitiozer conciguous to tne above describzd p:ooerty �:ithin o�a (1) }"_-�= of the datz oL" the petition; tnat this consent Fas sioned by e<ch of s�'_c o�. 7.n ihe prese,ce or tnis zfiiant, and tnat the sign=tures are tne t*u= znd cozrzct signatures oi e�cn �nd all oi tne pazties so described. 1 ilij/ktf�j/�/ 1 ' ���%�%' L__ Nzm° 5s33 -l3� �c"� S %�1/�L�3, Address �lz-�Pz� Te7.ephone N�:..noe� • Subscrib d end s rn to ba�ore this�zy of 1/�� !�. 19�� � � / t otery Yuolic . Approved as to fora - Jan. 1, 1941 � Plaivning DepaZtaent ANITA E ORTIZ r�OTAPV PUBLIC - MINNESOTA M��OMM EXP�RES1�31-200C PaBe — °f — ' , 1-1-41 q,r�y� 0 SUFFICIENCY CHECX SHEET REZ023ING SGUP 2ICUP PETITIONS e FIRST SUB;iZTTED RESUBMITiED DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: �' 7 U 5 DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: �p '��'� S DATE RECEIVED: PARCELS ELIGZBLE• / v PARCELS ELTGIBLE: PARCELS NEEDED; � PARCELS NEEDED: PARCEL SIGNED: � PARCELS SZGNED: � CHECKED BY: r DATE: / - � ' ZONING �ILE s� ► ,• � B:-� ���d�, '�O�b� . 0 � , �''� _ : ' - qp y �.\ 4 's� 6 � _ � .;� � �, \ ,ko� 6 \ C �/ i n' � i;C ���V ; ,,• ' +� 6 • �� ` Q 5 ti ° 4. �i \ e� I 7 / �� ? c�•" � o� I' / 1� �?�' Y �� � / 8 9�� 0 g � � `� , zz} `��� t� � y'�� `�� '�! � a o �� � / o s 9 d `��� ��f . 5 � _ , •r � � � y e0 17'�� '• �Ir� P �� � j , � r>� � � I 12 y �� J ;, \ -� �' ` � ��J/ .� m � � a ; � ( �z9) � ; � v° L • , c - 5' � G� J v �< ' 6a ° , �6 ,� �, 3 , �� .� `o, � ° � '� � �� ti �� � o ' �..� 12 ,. 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C � ��� ., �� � C��91�: �'� . ,, �/ os -� 1 , � � 1� v�: .�I. t� � 4 � 5 �� `� a � :^�'�> ' , o < < �F'� ,^• ° ' o�^ '�'' � y i � "` • ,b , C' ` • ., 1 S � ^ , � e° � �)' � , � ' N � �, ' ` � a , / , l , � - �, q= Y o g , � � � "s� z '' �' �' � o , ,ti� ,�;� ,�. �� �,,, . , ;Iet) 1$?�Q� t �, ,' ` S �x � o aL � �°''� a 5� ` .r� �' t:< v. .� ,� Z 0 ' 8 � ,. s �., � ... .� �> �a �t �°��`y ��' ,' la� 6 � ,5�� • 3 � V / , ` � . J� \� , fl9 �1�� bO.oP� Dti� ' s6 � f o o �..,� � 1, Z' .Q 1� S 7� :% 4 �'�"��` , .y�� n \ ` ��\ pza a p ��`�� / 1 r �., ( � ` � � �a _p��y. � y� �� ���I/ry � \ • � . �J t � .^� ♦ S � `- 4 L�O� �3 � . / � . 0 ���! � � o � ��.� � 9 c`�(� 2 `b, � I �g .� 9 a , � , / 8 4 � `\ �^ t i� �c / . . �, . _�� ��,otZ.�2� I� 0(� �.� '� `� _� �. �.� 9'S' GHBORHOOD COMMITTSE STAFF R$PORT FILH # 95-144 1. APPLICANT: THE PENGUIN CORPORATION DATB OF H$ARING: To be determined 2. CLASSIFICATION: Commercial Development District 3. LOCATION: 249 7TH STREET WEST (westerly side between Walnut & Chestnut) 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 9 5. LEGAL DSSCRIPTION: ex alley Lot 8, Block 52; Rice and Irvine's Addition Blocks 26 thru 41, 46 thru 53 6. PRBSENT ZONING: B-3 CODE REFSRHNCE: §17.07.1 &§409.20 7. STAFF INVSSTIGATION AND RSPORT: DATE: 7/6/95 BY: Kady Dadlez PIIRPOSPs: To allow the property at 249 West 7th Street to be designated as a commercial development district and be eligible to apply for an intoxicating liquor license. PARCEL SIZE: The property has 60 feet o£ frontage on West 7th Street and is 180 feet in depth for a total lot area o£ 10,800 square feet. BXISTING LAND USE: The property is occupied by a two-story structure with commercial use on the first floor and residential use on the second floor. The commercial space is occupied by Alary's Bar and the Downtowner Cafe. REOUE5T The Penguin Corporation, the new lessee o£ Alary's Bar at 249 West 7th Street, has petitioned the City to establish a commercial development district so that an intoxicating liquor license can be issued to them, the new operators of the bar. Alary's Bar is losing its lease and will be closing in August at which Cime the liquor license will be terminated and a new license is needed. However, the current license ordinance states that ^No new licenses shall be issued for any location within one-half mile radius of which there are already four (4) or more premises licensed for the sale and consumption of intoxicating liquor on the premises." The ordinance goes on to say that Chis restriction does not apply if the proposed new location lies within a designated commercial development district, hence the reason for the commercial development district at this time. It should be noted that at the same time the applicant is pursuing this commercial development district designation, License Inspections, and Environmental Protection (LIEP) is proposing an amendment to the license ordinance which would make the need for the commercial development district unnecessary. The proposed amendment states thaC the restriction on new licenses for intoxicating liquor would not apply to the £ollowing, "To a nem Iicense issued for a premises which had an existing and operating on-sale intoxicating liquor license for at least one year before and up to the time of issuance of the said new license, provided that this exemption sha21 sunaet on December 31, 1996, and thereafter sha21 be of no further force and effect." This provision essentially allows transfers of such licenses for about i7 months. �jS-���- File #95-144 Page Two Before tfie City Council creates a commercial development district, they are required by the licensing ordinance in the Legislative Code to consult with the Planning Commission for advice concerning consistency with the comprehensive plan and zoning. ADTHORITY FOR RHVISW The City Charter, Section 17.07.1, provides for commercial development districts which are excepted from the cap on intoxicating liquor licenses in each ward. The City Charter designates six commercial development districts and sets basic procedures for the creation of additional districts. It also provides that the Council may by ordinance adopt aclditional procedural or substantive requirements for creating or amending commercial development districts. The Saint Paul Legislative Code, Section 409.20(c), provides an additional reguirement that when the City Council considers creating or expanding a district, "...the Planning Commission shall be consulted Eor advice concerning the proposals for consistency with the city's comprehensive plan and zoning ordinances, and the Planning Commission shall report in writing to the City Council its findings and recommendations.�� BACKGROUND 1. In April 1991 and November 1993 the Planning Commission acted on similar petitions for the creation of one-lot commercial development districts at the Polish American Club and Buca Restaurant. The same procedure used for these cases is being followed for the current application for the Penguin Corporation. 2. The Penguin Corporation, the new lessee oE Alary`s Bar is seeking a liquor license through either of two alternatives: (1) amendment to the ordinance language which would allow the new license to be issued; or (2) £o11ow through with the petition for a commercial development district, where the new lessee will be able to apply £or a liquor license. 3. The bar will continue to operate as Alary's until the new lessee obtains the intoxicating liquor license. 4. The new lessee wants to resolve the liquor license question as soon as possible. The Penguin Corporation wants to get into the building to start making improvements and plans to open by Labor Day, if possible. The owner of the property would incur major carrying costs if the property is allowed to become vacant. Therefore, he will continue to rent to Alary's until the license issue is resolved. The lease payments for The Penguin Corporation began July 1, 1995; this is why they want to pursue both alternatives for getting a liquor license simultaneously. The City Charter provisions that limit the number of liquor licenses per ward cap Ward 2 at 41 licenses, this does not include those in the downtown commercial development district for which there are 35. This is a disproportionately high number of licenses, carrying forward the historical licensing pattern. "Commercial development district" as used in this application is a term used in the City Charter in regard to liquor licenses. The term is not defined. It is not legally tied to HRA powers, tax increment financing, q s'�7�' File #95-144 Page Three or any other development programs, although a common sense association was probably intended. When the Planning Commission recommended approval of commercial development districts for the Polish American C1ub and the Gannon Site, the Commission�s resolutions also questioned whether establishing single- lot commercial development districts was the best way for the city to make exceptions to the liquor license caps and stated that "commercial development district" should be defined. FINDINGS 1. A petition for a commercial development district at 249 West 7th Street was submitted to the City by The Penguin Corporation on June 30, 1995 pursuant to Legislative Code Section 409.20. The petition was found sufficient on the same day by the Planning Division staff (10 parcels eligible, 7 parcels needed, and 7 parcels signedl. The petition is attached. 2. The proposed commercial development district is one lot, the bar site, which has an area of approximately 10,800 square feet or 0.25 acres. The bar portion of the building has 2,235 square feet of area. The owner of the property owns and operates the Downtowner Cafe in the remainder o£ the first floor of the building. The bar portion of the building has always been a used as a bar and would need extensive remodeling to be converted to another use. 3. The proposed commercial development district is consistent with the adopted citywide Land Use Plan, which calls for supporting neighborhood and mixed use strip areas to maintain their commercial activities (Commerce, #2 p.l). 4. The proposed commercial development district is consistent with the EconomiC Development Strategy adopted in 1990. The Pirst and second major objectives of the plan deal with retaining and expanding existing businesses in the city (pages 13 and 14). 5. The proposed commercial development district is consistent with the District 9 Plan which calls for businesses to concentrate on appealing to presently poorly tapped secondary markets, such as the Historic xill, Macalester-Groveland, Highland Park, suburban dwellers, and the downtown labor force and tourists, #4 p.30. The applicants state that they intend to cater to the middle-aged professional crowd o£ residents and downtown workers. Free hors d'oeuvres during happy hour will be provided; they have a non-compete clause with the owner oE the Downtowner CaEe which does not allow them to sell food. At the time the District 9 Plan was written in 1980 no specific references were made about bars or the particular site. In addition, the West Seventh/Chestnut Small Area Plan identifies the emerging concentration of food and entertainment businesses along West Seventh Street as one of the neighborhood's strengths, p.3. The plan also calls for retention of the commercial district along West Seventh Street, p.3. The proposed commercial development district is consistent with existing zoning. The property is zoned B-3. A bar is a permitted use. A spine of commercial zoning exists on West Seventh Street radiating from downtown. ��"� � 7�- File #95-144 Page Four The restaurant has approximately 2,235 square feet of floor area and an off-street parking requirement of 22 spaces. There are no parking spaces on the lot although the applicant is talking with the Magic Shop to the west about sharing the parking lot. Zn addition, Che owner of the bar property recently purchased a property nearby which may be available for the applicant's customers. DISTRICT COIINCIL RECOi�SSNDATION: The West Seventh/FOrt Road Federation supports the commercial development district designation. RECOMt�ffiNDATION Based on the findings above, the staff recommends that the Planning Commission report to the City Council that the proposed commercial development district is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code and that the Planning Commission supports creation of the proposed district. In addition, as recommended previously, the staff thinks the Planning Commission should propose two or three alternative methods for the City Council to grant exceptions to the caps on number of liquor licenses per ward or concentrations of licenses within one-half mile. A very simple alternative would be to change the name of the districts to "restaurant incentive district", which would more accurately reflect the districts' intent. Another alternative would be a variance process so the Council could in specific cases make exceptions to the ward caps or concentration standard. A more radical alternative would be to do away with the ward caps and concentration standards and just have the citywide cap on total number of liquor licenses. Unfortunately, this issue has not been a priority and has not gone beyond a committee discussion or two since the last commercial development district was approved in 1993. cc: Councilmember Dave Thune Ken Ford, Planning Administrator Kris Schweinler, License Division Linda 5chmit, The Penguin Coxporation Gerald Frisch, Attorney representing The Henguin Corporation Betty Moran, West Seventh/FOrt Road Federation 9s_F�a- 1. SUNRAY•BATtLECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2. EIAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERITY HILLCRE5T 3. WEST SIDE 4. DAYTON'S BLLJFF 5. PAYNE-PHAI�EN 6. I30RTH END 7. THOMAS-DALE 8. SUMMIT-iJNIVERSTTY WEST SEVENTH�� 0. CO O 11. HAMLINE-MIDWAY 12. ST. AN"I'AONY PARK 13. MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNEL,LING HAMLINE 14. MACALESTER GROVELAND 15. HIGHIAND 16. SUMMIT HILL 17. DOWNTOWI�i Z�NtNG FILE s� CITTZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICI'S gs-���-- :� = ..� ==_�� �:�°=-_°- _== -°�-_:�: =�.J,% _--;�;-- - -- _ _ „ - �i-., � `�_-- --`= �`�---r"���-'� ��r��- , Ip.'���i � � ��_ .,.I �- �' -_�;�-,... .. _ �:-�—,— � �� �� _ —�,,..:�r.�c i .r :��� � -, ..� ' _.''i� � � —_'.�• . -� �d�.ii-� i ;�p _�� _ �� _ ��i. ��!�. _� _ IF ' ,. . �' i i:� ' ,, , . � _ , _ '_ _ ,.! � f � -: .'. �,�.. „��� � „ " � - - — � , ° �, ' �' >, r— v � € ° _' �� -" ' % �� I�.r ` s 9' _ �� ' � r � �� j ���i i �� / _ i �_ �" s �� �r- � ��� '' �� � � - ° __ _ - m ..��"�`a- � VA'!' // �. \ T-`_ L IJ� 3 � ~ /� � �� � f � �':( � �� ���� :�j,Lui�1 .I /�� _���_ �_ _ � � r , r - ' , '�SL�..� �F-+�'J4,'Vry Eu"'k � — .'�'-_ 'L, - � ✓ � 1 �'� ' i - aT� , ; ? / _ _ : � -- T -� _ - l .' ^�'= I �, ,1' � � � _ _ _ ' �LT r' �� � y �� � � ' " �.� ' ^ �L- - --_= --- - -_���� -�� -�! _ _ �� � � ; �; - � ,. ... ,� � ���`_�� -�j�,�� �_� _.---�-__� �� _.. -���,.-��� :� � � ;,� � =-= �=�`_T`,n � =^-°�� '— l-� � _� _� s �� ���� _. j 7 „�i� <, r: - � ;; �� �;� �; �%„ f ''%/ , : , ,, , � �, � ! ��, j / ���`� � � . � �9.�. 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DIST � MAP # �i 2 � o one family o rp � two fami4y SCALE 1" = 400' " � ,�� ��-Q multipiefamily � /� �� �� nL orth�• • • ^ commercial ♦ s e industrial V vacant , \ � f � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CTTY OF SAII�IT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor July 11, 1995 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: Divrsron of Planning 25 WestFourth Sbeet Samt Paul, MN SSIO2 gs-� �a- Telephone� 612-266-6565 Facs+mile 612-2383314 �� �� � .�ti�{ j i i,1�J ----- =�— I would like to confirm that a public heazing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday August 16, 1995 for the following Commercial Development District: Applicant: The Penguin Corporation File Number: #95-144 Purpose: To allow the property at 249 West 7th Street to be designated as a commercial development district and be eligibie to apply for an intoxicating liquor license. Address: 249 West 7th Street (westerly side between Walnut & Chestnut) Legal Description of Property: ex alley Lot 8, Block 52; Rice and Iroine's Addition Block 26 thru 41, 46 thru 53 Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation: will be available July 28, 1995 Neighborhood Committee Recommendation: will be available July 11, 1995 ���b _ and that Please call me at 266-6582 if you have any questions. incerely, 4�'K/ �� 2 ady D lez Zoning Se tion ca File #95-144 Mike Kraemer Donna Sanders NUTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING , The Saint Paui City Council witl conduct a public hearing on f�ugusE L6, 1995, at 3:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers: Phird Floor, City Ha71. to consider [he applicatfon of The Penguin Corporation to allow the properry at 249 West 7th Street (westerly side between Walnut & ChestnutZ to be designaced as a commercial development district and be eligible to apply for an intoxicating lic�uor license. Dated: July I1, 1995 � NANCY ANDERSON Rssistant City Council Secretary_ CJuiq I3. 1995)