95-707�� ORIGINAL CITY OF Presented By Council File # ordinance # � �d Green Sheet # ORDINANCE ►INT PAUL, MINNESOTA �l A . Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 31268 S �p �^ . � An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaiuing to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£ WIIEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §4b2357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, WILLIAM A. ROTH duly petitioned to rezone 961 PROSPERITY AVENUE, being legally described as the NELY 140 ft mol of fol; ex NWLY 175 ft partr of SW 114 of NW ll4 & of NW 1i4 of SW 114 bet Johnson Parkway, Ames & Prosperity Aves & C.ST.P. & O RY r/w; all in SEC 27 TN 29 RN 22, from RM-2 to P-i to allow off-street pazking for the business at 958 Prosperity Avenue, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on Mazch 22, 1995 as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the azea of the properiy to be rezoned, and further hauing been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous properry within one yeaz proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on May 4, 1995, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Plam�ing Commission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on May 12, 1995 and recoxnmended that the Ciiy Council deny the petition; and WHEREAS, nofice of public heazing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City and nofices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on June 14, 1995, where a11 interested parties were heard, the Council hauing considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Secrion 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 15, as incorporated by reference in §60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property with the address of 961 PROSPERITY AVE, being more particularly described as: NELY 140 ft mol of fol; ex NWLY 175 ft partr of SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 & of NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 bet Johnson Parkway, Ames & Prosperity Aves & CST.P. & O RY r/w; all in SEC 27 TN 29 RN 22 be and is hereby rezoned from RM-2 to P-1. 42 43 44 45 46 ORIGINAL Section 2. qs �a ? This ordinauce shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. � Z��'L anai ieuen AUG - 5199a Adopted by Council: Date Adop ion Certified by Cou By: Approved by yo : D BY � ' (/ ��.,. Requested by Department o£: �` . . .� - .. -.� . _ / j �I�:��` I,I�� — i Form App oved by City Attomey B � ►.� ��.:�c � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counc�� � By: gs �o� ✓ DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCiI DATE INITIATED N� 312 6 8 06l16/95 GREEN SHEET -. INITIALDATE MITIAWATE CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CRY COUNCIL N Y'BERFUR C �dTVCLERK MU T BE O CAUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) I ' p��N� � BUOGEf DIRECTOfl � FIN. & MGT. SERWCES DIR. �` C_w'^ R C G,1..1 n OflDER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) ��FQ J Jw�� v�� � K+�c. TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES ' (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� AGT10N REQUESTED: Adopt ordinance to finalize council approval of a petition of �VII,LIAM A. ROTH to rezone property located at 961 PROSPERITY AVENiTE, from RM-2 to P-1 (public hearing held June 14, 1995). RECOMMCNDnTroNS: Approva (A) m Rejeet (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTONS: � PtANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this pereoNfirm ever worked under a con[rect for this department? - T CIB COMMITfEE YES NO .[1 ST/�F _ 2. Has this person/firm ever been a crty employee? YES NO __ DISTRICTCOURi _ 3. Does this pErson/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent ciry employee? SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCIL 0&IECTIVE7 � YES NO �� �� ��, . ,� ^ Explain a{t yes nnswers on separete sheet and nttacfi to green sheat V [!a L J; IN�TIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WI�O. N1�at, When, Whera, Why): Finalize council approval of a petition of WII,LIAM A. ROTH to rezone property at 961 PROSPERITY AYENUE from RM-2 to P-1 to allow off-street pazking for the business at 958 Prosperity (public hearing held June 14, 1995). ��� �ua �� �9s� ADVAN7AGES IFAPPPOVED: ����� ��� u DISADVANTACaESIFAPPROVEO: LwCrrc�€i aA7$ci{ a .. � JUN � 2� 1995 DISADVANTACaES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOFiMAT10N: (EXPWN) DEPAR'I'MENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENf CTI'Y OF SAII�TT PAUL No>m Coleman, Mayor May 15, 1995 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: �t��` 1 � CSg� I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Councii is scheduled for Wednesday June 14, 1995 for the following zoning case: Applicant: File Number: Purpose: Address: Legal Description of Property: Previous Action: BILL ROTH 94-300 Rezone property from RM-2 (residential) to P-1 (parking) to allow parking for the business at 958 Prosperity Avenue 961 Prosperity Avenue 1VELY 140 ft mol of fol; ex NWLY 175 ft partr of SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 & of NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 bet Johnson Pazkway, Ames & Prosperity Aves & C.ST.P. & O RY r/w; all in SEC 27 TN 29 RN 22 Planning Commission Recommendation: Denial, vote: 10-3, 5/12/95 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 4-3, 5/4/95 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda for the May 24, 1995 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6582 if you have any questions. Sincere y, dI� Kady D d ez City Planner Zoning Section cc: File #94-300 Mike Kraemer Donna Sanders Division of PI¢nntng 25 West Fourth S6eet Saint Paul, MN SJ102 9��� 7 Telephone' 672-266-6565 F¢csimile.' 672-228-3374 �s3�"�; '����3� �ti�� NOTICE OF PIIBLIC HEARIN6 The Sain.t Pavl City Couacll will conduct a public hearing on� Wednesday: June 14, 1995, at 3:30 p.m. In We City Council Chaznbers, Th'ud Flooz, Ci[p Hall, to cronsider thaapplication of Bill Roth to re2one property &om ftM=2 {resideattalT to P-1 (pazking) to allow parking for [fie business at 958 Prosperity Avenue. - Dated: May 16, 1995 ` " - - NANCY ANDERSON � � " � . Assistant City Couxicil Secretary . . . " (May 18. 1995} � � _ DEPARThfENT OF PLANMNG & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 95 � � . . CTTY OF SAII�'T PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor June 5, 1995 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #94-300: WILLIAM ROTH CiTy Council Hearing: June t4, 1995 Orvsion af P7¢nning 15 West Fow1h Street Saint Paul, MN 55702 Telephone: 6I2-266-6565 Facsimile: 672-228-33I4 PURPOSE: To consider rezoning property at 961 ProsperiTy Avenue from RM-2 to P-1 to allow off- street pazking for the businesses at 958 Prosperity Avenue. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION DENIAL ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL • STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL SUPPORT: District 2 Community Council supports the rezoning petition. OPPOSITION: None. Dear Ms. Anderson: WILLIAM ROTH submitted a petition to rezone property at 961 Prosperity Avenue. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public heazing on the proposed rezoning on May 4, 1995. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 4-3 to recommend approvalto rezone to P-1. The Planning Commission reversed the Zoning Committee's recommendation with a vote of 10-3 in favor of denia] on May 12, 1995. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heazd by the CiTy Council on 7une 14, 1995. Please notify me if any member of the CiTy Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, /`�+�v Ken Ford Planning Administrator KF:kd Attachments cc: City Councilmembers • ������ a city of saint pau{ p�anning commission resolution file number 95-38 �te May 12, 1995 WHEREAS, WILLIAM A. ROTH, file #94-300 has petitioned to rezone 961 PROSPERITY AVENUE, situated on the west side of the sueet south of Ames Avenue from RM-2 to P-1 to allow off-street parking for the business at 958 Prosperiry Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on May 4, 1995, at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.4�0 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following fmdings of fact: �� � The applicant owns the property and intends to pave and stripe the lot to provide additional off-street parking for the businesses to the east in the industrial zoning • district (cabinet making and specialty products manufacturing). The proposed parking lot will provide 15 spaces (one handicapped) wiih access from Prosperiry Avenue. This stretch of Prosperity Avenue dead-ends at the railroad tracks and is unimproved and without sidewalks. 2. The proposed rezoning is not in conformance with the comprehensive plan for the City. One of the major recommendations of the District 2 Plan states, "Vacant land should be developed in a manner which preserves and enhances the residential character of the district" #1, p.i. The rezozring is a way to provide required parking for the industrial uses on land zoned P-1 which then allows the industrial uses to expand which will intensify the incompatibiliry of the industrial uses with residential uses to the north and south. In addition, the rezoning is not consistent with the Phalen VIllage Small Area Plan which was adopted by the Planning Commission in 1994 but has not yet been adopted by the City Council. moved by Kramer seconded by Lee in favor 1 0 • against 3 (Field, 6eisser, Vaught) 95-707 Zoning File #94-300 . Page Two of Resolution 3. The rezoning is not consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will have an adverse impact on the adjacent residential property in the sunounding area. 4. The applicant submitted a suff'icient petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property to be rezoned consenting to the rezoning (23 parcels eligible, 16 parcels needed, and 18 signed}. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the petitian of WILLIAM A. ROTI-T to rezone property at 461 PROSPERITY AVENUE, more particularly described as NELY 140 ft moi of fol; ex NWLY 175 ft partr of SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 & of NW i/4 of SW 1/4 bet Johnson Parkway, Ames & Prosperity Aves & C.ST.P. & O RY R/W; all ia SEC 27 TN 29 RN 22, from an RM-2 zoning classification to a P-1 zoning classi�cation is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City, and is hereby recommended for denial. • • PLANivING COMMIS3ION OF SAINT PAUL City Hall Conference Center 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paut, Minnesota 55102 95°� ' A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, May 12, 1995, at 830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Mmes. Bader, Carter, Geisser, Lund-Johnson, Morton, TreicheI and Wenct Present: and Messrs. Field Jr., Gordon, Kramer, Lee, Mahoney, Mazdell, McDonell, Sch�vichtenberg and Vaught. Commissioners Mmes. *Faricy, *Maddox and Messrs. *Chavez, Gumey, and Riehle. Absent: *Excused Also Present: Peter `Varner, Assistant City Attomey; Ken Ford, Planning Administrator, Jean Birkhotz, Kady Dadlez, and Roger Ryan of the Planning Staff; and Tom Beach from L.I.E.P. I. L►'I Approval of Minutes of April 28, 1995 MOTION: Commissioner Field moved approval of the minutes of April 28, 1995; Commissioner Wencl seconded the motion which carried unanimously on a voice vote. Zoning #94-300 William A. Roth - Rezone to P-1 to allo�v off-street pazking for the business at 958 Prosperity Ave (961 Prosperity Ave, west side south of Ames Ave; zoned RM-2). MOTION: Ms. Morton moved approval of the request to rezone to P-1 to a]low off-street parking for the business at 958 Prosperity Aveaue. Commissioner Schwichtenberg questioned the division in the zoning committee vote. Commissioner Kramer replied that he, aton� with Chair Morton and Commissioner Wencl voted against the motion because adding additional parking now would aIlow the industrial use to intensify at a later date; this would prove very intrusive since single family homes abut the property and there is already a parking problem at the apartment properiy. In addition, this was not a recommendation in either the District 2 Plan or the Phalen Village Small Area Plan. Some discussion ensued. Chair McDonell called the vote. A rolf catt vote of the motion to approve failed 4 to 9(Kramer, Schwichtenberg, Gordon, Mardell, Lund-Johnson, Mahoney, Morton, �Vencl, Lee). #95-OSS 7ohn Rodrieue - Rezone to OS-1 to allow o�ce space (484 Larpenteur Ave �Vest (southside beriveen Mackubin & Cohansey; zoned R-3). MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved approval of the request to rezone properly at 484- 486 Larpeateur Avenue West to OS-1 to atlow office space. � • . Commissioner Field explained that he voted against this request to rezone because, in his opinion, this is spot zoning io accommodate this one site. Commissioner Vaught concurred. The motion to approve this rezoning was approved on a roll call vote of 8 to 7{Bader, Field, Lund-Johnson, Gordon, Sch�vichtenberg, Vaught, Wencl). � 95-707 3 MINiTTES OF THE ZONING CONtMITT'EE • CITY COUNCIL CHAb�ERS, SAINT PAUL, MZNNESOTA ON MAY 4, 2995 PRESENT: Mmes. Morton, and Wencl, Messrs. Chavez, Field, Gurney, Kramer and Vaugkt of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Warner, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dad2ez and Sanders; and Mr. Ryan of the Planning Division. ABSEtaT': Faricy, excused Time: 3:32 - 3:50 p.m. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairperson. ty Avenue. at Kady Dadlez, PZanning Division staff, reviewed the staff report and was unable to present slides due to technical difficulties. Staff recommended approval based on findings 1 througk 4 of the staff report. The District 2 Community Council voted to supporr the rezoning petition. Commissioner Kramer observed that the District 2 Plan's zoning recommendations for this site did not include industriaZ or commercial uses but rather recommended residential use for that site. He aZso pointed out that the • P2xalen Village Plan did not include a recommendation for rezoning that parcel. Ms. DadZez responded that the reason that this site may not have been included in the PhaZen village Sma11 Area Plan was that at the time, no one had expressed an interest in creating a parking lot. The applicant has gone before the District 2 Community Council a couple of times, as well as the Phalen Village Small Area Plan Task Forpe to talk about his zoning request and both organizations were supportive of the rezoning, although they didn't recommend that it become part of the plan because it wasn't a part of all of the discussions regarding the plan that had preceded it. Commissioner Kramer asked what the o£f-street parking requirements are for the current business. Staff did not have that information available at the meeting. Commissioner Kramer addressed concern that allowing the expansion of available parking that the committee would also be allowing the potential for increasing the size of the building at a later time, thereby allowing an increase of an invasive industrial use in that residential area. Ms. Dadlez said that assuming that the current parking is not adequate to serve the use that the additional parking would then become required parking. In the event that an addition was built, they would either need to have enough parking between the new lot and what is already there, or provide additional parking on the lot. Commissioner Kramer asked whether the applicant was currently out of compliance with parking regulations. Staff directed the question to the applicant. Bill Roth, the applicant, said that the building has been in his family's • ownership since 1963. He said that the previous use of the site utilized about 1/3 of the property for warehousing, and did not generate many people, 45m� and that following this use the property sat vacant £or approximately 5 years Mr. xoth said that the current tenants, a cabinet manufacturer and an engraving business, generate a higher density of people per square foot. At the time o£ the last addition they were in compliance with the parking regulations Por the type.of manufacturing that was located there. Mr. itoth said that many cars are currently parked on the street during shift changes and it is their desire to alleviate this on-street parking with the proposed parking lot. Commissioner Kramer questioned whether there were any future plans for expansion. Mr. Roth said that currently there are no discussions regarding expansion of the building, however, one of his tenants is considering purchasing the building in another 5 to 6 years which would take over the entire building which he believed would alleviate any need for expansion. There was discussion regarding striping and paving of the back lot to maximize parking on the site. Mr. Roth pointed out that parking in the lot is tight and that it's currently necessary to move cars to accocc¢nodate semi-truck activity. He questioned the desirability of any kind of housing on the proposed site and said that he believed that many of his neighbors consider his building to be a buffer between their homes and the railroad tracks. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Field moved approval of the rezoni.ng based on the staff recommendations. Commissioner Vaught seconded the motion. Commissioner Kramer said he was opposed to the motion and restated his concerns as addressed above. The motion for approval carried oa a voCe of 4 to 3 iRramer, Wencl, Morton voting against the motion.) Submit ed by: K `V l� Xady Da ez Approved by: Gladys Morton, Chaisperson 2 � � • 95 r � o � • � L.J 1 2 3 4 ZONZNG CONB2ITT&8 STABF RBPORT _______°_____________________ FILB # 94-300 APPLICANT: WILLIAM A. ROTH DATH OF HSARING: O5/04/95 CLAS3IFICATION: Rezoning LOCATION: 961 PROSPERITY AVF,NUE (west side south of Ames Avenue) PLANNING DISTRICT: 2 5. LBGAI, D85CRIPTION: NELY 140 fC mol of fol; ex NWLY 175 ft partr of SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 & of NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 bet Johnson Parkway, Ames & Prosperity Aves & C.ST.P. & O RY r/w; all in SEC 27 TN 29 RN 22 6. PRESSNT ZONING: RM-2 ZONING CODE REFSRSNCS: §64.400 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATB: 4/27/95 SY: Kady Dadlez ____________________________� �___________ A. PIIRPOSB: Rezone property from RM-2 to P-1 to allow off-street parking for the business at 958 Prosperity Avenue. B. PARCBL SIZB: This property has about 128 feet of frontage on Prosperity Avenue and is about 140 feet in depth Eor a total lot area of 18,200 square feet. C. $XISTING LAND IISE: The property is vacant; it is being used for parking for the businesses to the east, although it is not currently improved. D, SIIRROUNDING LAND USE: North: A 42-unit apartment building and garage in an RtY-2 zoning district. East: Single family hames in an R-2 zone and industrial uses in an T-1 zone. South: Railroad right-of-way and single family homes in an R-4 zone. West: A 42-unit apartment building and garage in an RM-2 zoning district. E. ZONSNG CODE CITATION: Section 64.400(a) of the zoning code states, "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to tke provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine i£, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should ba changed.�� F Section 64.400(b) of the zoning code states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoned.° HISTORY/DISCVSSION: There are no previous zoning cases concerning this property. • G. DI3TRICT COIINCIL RBCOLII2ENDATION: The District 2 Community Council supports the rezoning petition. 95=� Zoning File #94-300 Page Two H. FINDINGS• The applicant owns trie property and intends to pave and stripe the lot to provide additional off-street parking for the businesses to the east in the industrial zoning district (cabinet making and specialty products manufacturing). The proposed parking lot will provide 15 spaces (one Y�andicapgedl with access from Prosperity Avenue. This stretch of Prosperity Avenue dead-ends at the railroad tracks and is unimproved and without sidewalks. The proposed rezoning is in con£oxmance with the comprehensive plan for the City. One of the objectives of the District 2 Plan states, "to improve the appearance of commercial, high density residential, and open space areas" #3, p.6. The rezoning is seen as an appropriate change and an improvement to the area. One of the policies of Che Economic Development Strategy, 1990, states "the City should periodically xeview its zoning regulations and amend them as necessary to keep current with technological and economic changes affecting the nature of business activity #29," p.18. Finally, one of the policies of the Land Use Plan states that the City will continue to review its present commercial zoning to ensure that 1) each zoning classification reflects uses appropriate to the intended application of that distxict and 2) each commercial area is appropriately zoned for its intended use. 4.2-5 p.27 r1 � The rezoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding area. • Garages for the multiple-family apartment buildings to the north and west border the applicant•s property and provide an appropriate buffer between the proposed P-1 zoning district and the RM-2 zone. Rezoning to P-1 provides the opportunity for improvements to be made to the property. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) Peet o£ the property to be rezoned consenting to the rezoning (23 parcels eligible, 16 parcels needed, and 18 signed). STAFF RECO2�NDATION: Based on findings 1 through 4 staff recommends approval oP the rezoning petition. . 95 � SSATc OF NT��iE50TA) : SS GOANTY OF RP`iSEY ) • �l� Li t �.y� �" ����..}-- , bei.ng fizst duly s::orn, deposes a::c ��. states that he/she is the pzrson uho circulated the within petition �r.c consent, consisting of _ pages; that affiant is infoz�ed and believzs tnat the pazties described are the owners Xespectively of the Zots pZaced ytn.�ediztely before each name, that aifiant is infortaed and be2zeves tha: e�cn of the parties described abovz is the os.�er of property Foich is withi;� 100 feet fro�a any property o: o: puzchased by petitioner o: sold by pecicic:e* within or.e (1) year preceding the date of this petition uhich is conci�LO_s zo the proper�y described in t?�e petition; [hat ercept for P:o�e_ty none of the parties described 2bove has purchaszd oz is purch�sin� . froc� petitioaer contiguoe:s to tne above descrioed propercy wichin one (1} }'ear o£ the cate of the petition; tnat this consent �:as sioned by each of saic ow in the pzesence of this affian[, and that the sig:��tures are t:^•e tru'- and correct signatures o£ each and all of the pzrties so described. ;� / / / � h �� �� ��A{ L" J Nane Subscribed and swozn to before me this �� day of [�cx�� , 199''r �� � � �� Notary Puolic . ' Approved as to form - Jan. 1, 1991 Planning Department '7 5 �� �J � t�i V'CU�C�2/`..�t � ?_ddress �� `��� �., 3�kK t.1_ �a1�'P j 'tt'12.° '���c'"Ik;' Telepho. N�oer . � � w wr.�YMn��n n � u r ^ � ^ ��rwiMUl���y��y��� � ... M�1Ll A. � £ � fk i� NOTARY PUBLlGMlNNESOTA 1 �.� / '•,,4 ��.J WASN(NGTON C�JNTY " j . j��✓ My Comm. Expires Jan. 31. 2000 � ....�..�..r..r:...........►....... �...., ...�. ZON�[�i� �1�.� R4-3a� � page � of � - _ -_ • , 1-1-91 r1 LJ PETZTIOtt TO AtlEND TIiE 20NZNG CODE CITY OF SAI2iT PAIIL � ����i,��� ���' � �. 1�9� ..� -. 95 ZONING 08FICE IISE ONLY File # 9 � � 3 � p Z. �������� �V�' M�� Application Fee $ E�AR 13199� Tentat�va xearing Date �� -�ra ������ a.,r.� a , r. �-� TO THE HONORABI.E MAYOR A23D CITY COUNCIL DATE D� a t 19�_ c/o 2oning Office, 1100 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street, Saint Paul, MN. 55102 Pursuant to Section 64.400 o the Saint Paul ning Ordinance Section 462.357(5) of MiTmesota Statutes, �/V�l.i.�ri-I•vr /'►� �� , the owner of all the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Sody to zezone the following described property: Street Address: L�I Legal ��� from a � �� �-- Zoning District to a ��� Zoning District for the gurpose of �`tk+2.�t1,�J� fYF� ��`{''k.�`c i Subscribed and swora to befoze me this ai' day of Dec.e:nber 14�'' C�,_ Cl _ �-e�'" HotarT Public Bq: Title CHAtI A. EE�t'!� � NQiAAY PUBI�CA r Wai�u�tnH r�uMn j MY Canrn. E�ns J�n. 31, 2000 i ..r•.�o�..r..r..q..y►..M� . Page 1 0£ ,L_ 12/93 , • 95-70? ` SUFFIC CHEGK SHEET ZONING SGUP N�UP SITIONS • FIRST SUB;iZTTED RESUB."?ZTTLD DATE PETITIOV SUBMITTED: � Z' ZI' DdTE SUB:iZTTED: 7' � Z l ��� DATE OFFICI�LLY RECEIVEb: DATE RECEIVED: �� Z�'� S s 7i'� PARCELS ELIGIHLE: Z '� PARCELS ELIGZBL..: PP.RCELS NEEDED: � � PtLTLCELS NE�DED: ! � PA.RCEL SIGVcD; �� PARCELS SIG�iED: '� CHECKED BY: ,."�"`�'�'�' �- DATE: •22,-�U�. � zo��NG ��LE g���� i 9 7a (O! i• CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWI3ERS TO REZONII3G � We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 1�� feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this getition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the followine: . rs . '���, - � j ;. t 1. A copy of the Petition of (name ot petiuoner� 2. A copy of Sections 4s QYV� � through Qi =� , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and n�y acknowledge that we are aware of a11 of the uses permitted under a r.l District zoning classification and we are aware that any o£ these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the propert de cribed in the Petition of �J�}j�Lt �, �pl-�'- to a LUU District (name of petitioner) % { � 1 � i� • 7 � r/� 7�/ �{ T � � � • Petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. page�of� � PROYERTY Ot7NER5 TO REZOtIING o f the La�° �g �JOINING within 100 £eec ro ert"J or sold by petitiones ownars of the p P urchased e thAt „e have a raignad state o�Qd� p acicnowle wei sha un e tion of �eal e etit�.on contfBuOUS dascziP L h e �ta of this P within orte yea= 4xeceding been furn�sheb with thg followirt � tLl.t �� __«; rioriEr) . _ _f t_he A � oQy p� the Patition of 7o�a 2 A � of S Zoning �ade�� the useg Pe�itte of these wse�° be Saint Paul e awars o£ awarg that anY ereby consent to aelmowledge Lhat we aY and we ate an d we h classifi�8tion Yoval o� the zazoning; Distxiet zontng1 City ���cil �e i.n the pistrict establist�ad �' the ptopes kN the r.ezoning to g Fe�:tion � (naa�a =f Pstitioner) �'�, naTE_ / � � � �`!_�� r ���� : ,. ;. ,, -• � , ► � • ' " `- �,..�'1 , �,.�� � � ,� � ���°�s"��� l :� 7 � � . � � .� � � ��� r:�-�y �'�9s� � is-qq _,� = 9Y �/i �4'.� �r��� �rc t 0 FJ � � � Seven � "' filed unzil tihe lapsa of SignatoY � as officially D;vision. A uesti wi in ba considaYed Che Plannib8 written YeS petition $ ��aEcer a peLltion is xg�eY tt�e there£rom Y pag6 �of mosking �Litian maY witihdraw his/1� of any P tha[ tisaa • ' �jll-�- � p f�� �'�t'.1-1�u%I�� 1 Y�W S3� , sLlll �V, K\vf,(L.0 �-ST. � �o�-� -------�_�F�- 43�- ll YLH '+i�l� L!11,�. ItL�y Jdi� US'y5 15�2,=i h10.005 P.1"G 95'�� � CONSENT OF ADJOINSNG PROPERTY OW2vERS TO REZONTNG Ws, the underaigned, owners of the property within I00 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by peti�ioner within one year pzeceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following; 1. A copy of ths Petltion of 1/(/1LLa p-vt•� �� � {name o£ pet tionar) 2. A capy oP Sectioas �J�,�•��R►nz through 0 72 P-7 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; an n� acknowladge that we are awaxe of all of thc uses permittad undex a Y Distrtct zoning cZassi£icaCion and wa aYe aware that any of these uses can be establlahed upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to tha rezoni�g of the proparCy d acr ed i.n the Petit;on of ��1LL1/9'+'"� /7 '��� _ to a �/ District (name of petitioner) � �� � � � - l G•45 -ii-� � --------------------------------------------------------------- Peti�ion sha11 npt be considere8 as offi.cially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days a£tar a pntitioa is received by the Planning Division, Any signator oP any pstition may �,.ithdraw his/her name therefrom by written request wi n that Cime. page a. o_ nr 1..:-lc _f�,; ;__ :�fi :ri i=17 2E_ =1=.54 F.6-1 tl � , '�+_ 95-707� :.:. � ;>> �,,, _ CUtJSEUT OF ADJOIN:tiv PAGPc?RT`! 04?7ER5 TO REZO:�IAIG � «,f�'�,' ,'�t:. i ��,'; x i , �a4�R'�"�,' -1�e; _ the undersigned, ovr.ers of the property vithin 200 £es: of the toea? � con.;g•�a�S dnscrlption of :ea2 escqCe ov�ed, purchased, or soid by pECicic+ner vithln one year preced3nR ehe date of this nart,rs,,., g: � ;; ,� :: '_. b � ��;,` �� L baen furniehed v;yh thc folloa.-xr : 1 A copy of the Petition of �l.L, __�.�.._. ,,.__ 1` /� (nema of pett.sio,�ar) � �� � 2• A eopy o£ Sections t,f1 451f EYn2� rhrn„nt� I„A -�-� n( n_� \ :�..,.. _,.._ �. Sa?nL Pi111 Zon�ng f.OdC�� - o" ""`�. �..�..L. ��. .��.... %✓i �i�e acknoviedgs thet we aze avare of a12 0£ the uses psrmizted ; �;;3et a�� District xoning classifica.ion and ve a.a aware that any o£ theoc usca caa be esCabXished upo� CiCy Councf= epproval of ehn rezonin�; end we hereby conser,c tc the rezoning of cAe proprrt dr. c:ibcd in the Petit?on af LL . Cname vf prcittoe,�r) . to a tW�� �j� p r " !��• �.� # � a � �, .27 _ . � �� 1o�y / �-�-�`1�._...�3,.�•0�7U_. � a —s. .-��. ,3a-oasr t%44�CfiF40/ST. Pat�. Gnr��3 �ff11�FA �A1�£oflAS Cw�cnGo, sr. p�w: �K, d OfYtg11;x1_ R.Rt►.Rc�S_ .� tr � ....� ±-.._._... -- --� �-----_.� _.. ......._ _,;-_._. ����� _ AA:'c,__ : 3-F�•1�.. f r - .=" . � ".. _... -.T.i.... __,..�. � Pati�t4n aha2Y not be tansi3e�ed es offiaialty filed the lapse �f sevet7 (7) wo�king ddys afCs� a paCitlon ia received by Che Plar.r.ing Division. Any ;igner.nr [het�time� IDay vithdrev hi's�ar naae cherefrona 6y vriccen request within p' � ° � °t -�j- �xtsr�w�, �,�a.��s ---�-.. SE'R.t31GIWR PFh4LEU �_ P�icwrti� v�aA�ez 95-707 ZONtNG FtLE �� - �. :; :, � : ] '< i : ; i. � � i: � �.j �e { �� C �,. EXisT�wq LM�tKrq� 1�--- 6�- � � -:., . __. _ _�-__�. ,-•� � �Y1$T� ht ar+a�asS h _ -• t I � - -. _ _ . �{ �Rqss - - - � i ` -- � } -- ----- -- -- ! �...,� -�g- -- , - - - - - __ � � � £�se��� - - ��°�_- - ! - - � . { - - -. .. �--- -- ; - - � `� t i - - I.n-°36-_"�"'L -- - . . -- _ � _ • -R�� �-. .. -- .� f F�ec �+y � � .�A�. J1 - _--, - . - - _ - --- - - - � +s• r8' . - `t' , � �- .20 �4 - " . _ . _-- - -- � - - - • ,. � � ' ' -� _. 4' - - - �- -�- --� _---- � - - - -- / _ f�safl �5 -�, -- - �,� -- � .?eocs�e,� �v�,. - - � �-: — :--- - . - - - } 1 •�1�wo v �,v . - : PRa�� � �ARK�wi, ►.or �s4�.asv fs ���= Z0� - • _ ----, — �'llel _ Q{Cp,59i.R.�t� {1i�, �DFPD Ltioli� - - -����� - - uH►nrP�O�s��.tsr �a'osw��►uz. _ pt� Tt�s r�e.t �Ytsriwe�, �$ r ���'�'lE�[�°�' � ��N'1[N��T�T�°�°�Y ���[J�T�ID[s April 17, 1995 � REC�lV�� Kady Dadlez l lth Floor, c,� xali a�eX APR 19 1995 25 West Fourth Street St.Pau1,MN 55102 ZO�li�4� Dear Kady, 95 2169 Sflllwater Avenue, Suite 201 Saint Paul, MN 55119-3508 Phone:(612)731-6842 Faz:(612)731-0194 I amwriting to formally notify you of an action taken by the District 2 Community Council regarding the rezoning of 961 Prosperity Avenue (Zoning File #94-300). At its December Boazd of Directors meeting, the District 2 Community Council passed the foliowing resolution: To approve rezoning of 961 Prosperity Avenue to P-1 to aliow for parking lot. • • This motion was passed after two meetings with Mr. Roth at our Physical and Neighborhood Issues Committee. The immediate neighborhood received flyers infornung them of the meeting date, but there was no one present with any objections. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, � Tim Dornfeld Community Organizer EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPIAYER / CONTRACTOR 95 �� of ❑ � � ��•� . 4. DAYTON'S BLUFF 5. PAY13E-PHALEN 6. NORTEi END 7. T'HOMAS-DALE 8. SUMMTT-UNIVERSTTY 9. WEST SEVENTH 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. COMO HAMLINE-Iv�WAY ST. ANTfiONY PARK MERRIAM PARK-LEXII�IGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING HAMLINE MACALESTER GROVELAND HIGHLAND SUMMIT HTLI. DOWNTOWN I ZONING FlLE -306 CTTIZEN PARTTCIPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS Q7� ������� ���..� •�io0 � 6REATER EAST SIDE DISTRICT 2 ON '°° i � a000 _�000__ ___eo�o SC1LE tN /EET '• i2 � ( � ' 5� �J ' v -0 H V G. � �: �� . �, �� �, .c °" ,a �` 0 O �• � o , , , , \9 -�Q�' o �, � o o-� ,�� �,, � o 0 0 o �- c'' � o� ° � Nt G H A o �o o� 0 � G � � '. � J J . I t �i p oi Y � _ �?; C� O F� O - O O � " �� O I � v _ p � � O ; ,� p Hv�• � ��; O � Q'O O � ;�:": - ; : � c , C . � �� v ',. U �. � � � /���� ,^ ,-. -.�":` _- ..� � _ f- ��• �- .���' j ! I� �'�'' � HANOICAPPED CEVELpFMENT ,� `.� ME �`��.o � o, � �i�.-` �, p `,, �� o , �, � , .. ,� , �� a `',, ! �. / ri \ C� _ ''� �- _ '� . � � . - - � --�� �,; u ��� r ; �� � �' �� r' „"'� , �" , \ _r '' _-< O ..-�,"�\ \,' p.p �� .o�• �� ,.��0 � i�,\� I� ,-'� ��- , ',�.-- ,� � ,, , ,_ . , '� v Oi,\ y� '•, �� T-rTI � /;�� � \� ;:1 � �� I -- a _ �oo� o; o� o E i� O � - - �_�1��-� - k=°= \IVIV --� - . _ V i v v v�. -- � �_ . . �, �_ Q � F � � (A Oq ( P ��N' �� o;o� — APPLICANT �� � � W ' H IEGEND PURPOSE_L"��''�� �' ' �� � � zoningdistrictboundary 1 � ' ?�OU � subject property north FILE # DATE � PL?JG. DlST 2 MAP # �� o one family ••^ commercial i � � two family ♦ � � industriai � SCALE 1" = 400' �:� �¢ Q multiple famity V vacant ' �