95-557�--�'. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ORIGINAL Council File # /���� Ordinance # �/aGvL Green Sheet # / ORDINANCE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To 3! Committee: Date An ardinance amending Chapters 60 and 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Zoning. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: Section 1 That section 60.201 A. of the Saint Paul Legislafive Code be and is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Sec. 60.201. A. Adult massage �ente� pu�Tii�: A massage �f g�rSor which restricts minors by reason of age, or which provides the service of "massage," if such service is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on "specified sexual activities" ar"specified anatomical areas." No obscene work shall be allowed. Section 2 That sec6on 60.512. (3) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 60.512. PrinciQal uses permitted. (3) Professional offices such as, but not limited to, medical offices, including medical clinics and ,..:. :�:..:... : .... medical laboratories; riz�sag� ���f�g offices of engineers, azchitects and accountants; auditing, bookkeeping, legal, duplicating service offices; and studios of artists. Section 3 That section 60.572. (2) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to read as foliows: Sec. 60.572. Principal uses permitted. (2) All principal uses pernutted in the B-2 Community Business District; provided, that they meet the special conditions imposed in the B-2 District, and except the following: ;::.,.... ::.......:.:.� :....:::... ...;.... , ... restaurants, �arry`::aut r�aiai'xz�fis�:�r fast'.:f�;i���i3fs �_ ,..,.,,_ ..,,.,.,... ..en,:.,,. c ,.., ,... k�eve�ages; private clubs, fraternal organizations and lodge halls; theaters, assembly halls, concert ha11s or similaz places of assembly, currency exchanges businesses. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 �3 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Section 4 9�� That section 60.612 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 60.612. Principal uses permitted. In an I-i Industrial District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures and the alteration, enlazgement and moving of e�sting buildings or shuctures from other locations or districts shall conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: (1) �2) (3) All principal uses as permitted and as regulated in the B-3 Business Disirict except family day caze and group family day caze. Any research use. Warehousing and wholesale establishments, and trucking facilities. (4) Where retail sales is not the primary function, the manufacture, compounding, processing, packaging or treatment of such products as, but not limited to: bakery goods, candy, cosmetics, phazmaceutical, toiletries, food products, hardwaze and cuUery; tool, die, gauge and machine shops. (5) The manufacture, compounding, assembling, or treatment of articles or merchandise from previously prepared materials such as, but not limited to: bone, canvas, cellophane, cloth, cork, feathers, felt, fibre, fur, glass, hair, horn, leather, paper, plastic, precious or semiprecious metals or stones, steel, sheehnetal (excluding the process of stamping large items such as automobile fenders or bodies), shell, textiles, tobacco, waac, wire, wood (excluding saw and planing mills) and yarns. (6) ��) ( (9) The manufacture of pottery and figurines or other similar ceramic products using only previously pulverized clay, and kilns fired only by electricity or gas. The manufacture of musical instruuients, toys, novelties, and metal or rubber stamps, or other molded rubber products. The manufacture or assembly of electrical appliances, electronic instriunents and devices, radios and phonographs. The manufacture and repair of electrical or neon signs, light sheet metal products, including heating and ventilating equipment, cornices, eaves and the like. (10) Laboratories canying on experimental and testing processes. (11) Electric and gas service building and yazds. Public utility buildings, telephone exchange buildings, electrical transformer staUons and substations, and gas regulator stations. Water supply plants. Railroad and ternunal freight faciliries, transfer and storage tracks. (12) Lumber yazds. (13) Storage of contractor's equipment and supplies. 2 (14) Automobile service stations, auto repair stations and auto body shops. (15) Municipal public works yazds and facilities. (16) Crreenhouses, industrial. (17) Trade or industrial schools. (18) Recycling processing center; provided, that: 9�- 5',�7 a. All processing activities aze conducted within a wholly enclosed building; b. Outdoor storage of materials aze withiu covered containers or behind an opaque visual screen meeting the requirements of section 62.107 on three (3) sides. Such outdoor storage is located at least three hundred (300) feet from any residential district; and c. � There is no outdoor open burning on the site; and All types of processing aze allowed except heat reduction that would othercvise be permitted in I-2 districts. (19) Rental storage facilities. (20) Taxi companies, both dispatching offices and storage. ��-.� � - -- - -- -- - (22) Recycling collection center; provided that: a. � Outdoor storage of material is permitted under the same requirements of section 60.612(18)(b); and The facility shall be free of litter and any other undesirable materials and cleaned of loose debris on a daily basis. (23) Cellulaz telephone antennas, including necessary equipment buildings and supporting poles or towers, subject to the following conditions: a. The supporting pole or tower, if any, shall not exceed one hundred fifty (150) feet in height and shall be located on a continuous parcel having a d'unension equal to the height of the pole or tower measured between the base of the pole or tower located nearest the properry line and said property line, unless a qualified shuchxral engineer shall specify in writing that the collapse of the pole or tower will occur within a lesser distance under a11 foreseeable circumstances. b. The proposed installation shall meet all requirements as outlined under section 62.108, site plan. ,.. ,... ... ............ .:.: .. ���� ��:� szztii�ar;�:� �€b��e uses ��:e #�end�;A t�f �he �a� ��:' 3 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 (-�4-}���� Accessory buildings, stnxctures and uses as defined in section 60.201. Section 5 q.�- �s-j That secfion 60.803. (5) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 60.803. Designation of Commercial Parldng District Overlay. (5) At the conclusion of the public hearing, the council may by resolution establish the overlay parking district. The resolution shall contain the following: � � �� Identify the district boundaries and the legal descripfions of the properties included therein. Set forth the facts and conclusions which justify the need for the overlay district. Incorporate some or all of the recommendations submitted by the businesses, which may be accomplished in accordance with the existing provisions of state or local law. d. Set forth any special conditions and restrictions which shall be applicable to a11 commercial and business uses within the overlay pazking district which are enacted for the purpose of alleviating the parking problems for the commercial and business uses, and the adjacent residential properties. In addition to any special conditions and restrictions, the e�u[�i3.>rrt�,prtifsiei�;:Y1�af;utf�€� i�r; �1 i�f t�i� following conditions sl� be applicable in e� �zi overlay pazking districts: 1. All existing parking facilities serving commercial and business uses within the overlay pazking district shall be improved so as to maYimdze the number of off-street parking spaces that may be provided thereon and sha11 also provide appropriate landscaping buffers. Parking facilities in eacistence as of November 23, 1993, shall be brought into compliance with this requirement within five (5) years after the establishxnent of the overlay parking district. 2. The five-space parking exemption in section 62.103(d) for change of uses in a structure shall not apply within the overlay parking district, except that requests for vaziances may be made. 3. The banking of pazking spaces in section 62.103(i) for expansions of legally nonconforming parking for businesses shall not apply within the overlay parking district, except that requests for vaziances may be made. The city clerk shall fde a certified copy of the resolution with the office of county recorder. Section 6 That sections 64.100 and 64.101 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 64.100. Enforcement. 0 195 196 197 148 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 ...., : .. , . . . 9S�SS7 , The �z�i�ae d�ee� of the � building inspection and design se�t[c�zt � . : . :.::..........::...... ,..,...,... ,.: ,. ,:.,::,;... ..:.: . :..,. .,...... ..<.. .:. . . of . q��;xj��x�, ���� ��1�n���i�ta� p'r���Z�s� shall enforce tlus code and is hereby designated the zoning adwimstrator a� � ba�dS�€� �3�ial. Sec. 64.101. Dufies of tiie zoning administrator. (a) The zoning admiuistrator shall enforce the provisions of this zoning code and any amendment thereto and shall have the power to certify zoning compliance and to make inspections of buildings or premises necessary to �tir�� this code. It shall be unlawful for the zoning adtninistrator to approve any site plans, as required in section 64.102, or issue any penroits for any excavation or construction until �eete� such plans �a�t��l7ee�zat�e��e� in detail and found fi�iex� to conform with this code. (b) The zoning administrator sha11 deteiYnine whether lots, structures, or uses aze legally nonconforming by consulting building records, city directories and other pertinent evidence for the purpose of canying out the provisions of section 62.102. (c) The zoning administrator shall have no authority to change or to grant variances from the terms of this code in carrying out Yt�e i�is duties p� as-a zoning administrator. (d) Upon proper application, and a finding of compliance with the terms of tivs code by the zoning administrator, the zoning administrator shall issue the permit applied far. (e) Reserved. Section 7 That section 64.202. of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 64.202. Meetings. All meetings of the boazd of zoning appeals shall be held at the ca11 of the ��Z�,i��ei€�� � and at such times as such board may deternune. All meetings conducted by the board shall be subject to a11 applicable open meeting laws and ordinances. The secretary, or his representatives, sha11 keep minutes of its proceedings showing the vote of each member upon each question, or if absent or failing to vote, indicating such fact, and shall also keep records of its heazings and other official action. Four (4) members of the boazd sha11 consritute a quorum for the conduct of its business; provided, that no action may be taken unless at least four (4) members vote in favor of such action. The board sha11 have the power to administer oaths and, upon order of the district court, to issue subpoenas, require the attendance of witnesses, compel testimony and the production of books, papers, files and other evidence pertinent to the matters before it. Section 8 That section 64.204 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to read a follows: Sec. 64.204. Administrative appeals. 5 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 (a) The boazd of zoning appeals shall haue the power to hear and decide appeals where it� 11�� by the appellant that there is an enor in any order, requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by the zoning administrator in carrying out or enforcing any provision of the code. (bc) An appeal may be talcen by any person, firm or corporation, or by any officer, department, .. oar or bureau affected by a decision of the zoning adininistrator c��:_. �; tii� t� ";ial within thirty (30) days after the decision appealed from shall have been served either in person or by mail upon the owner of the property which is the subject matter of the decision rendered by the zoning aduiiuistrator az E�€tild�ii�;t��ci�. Appeals shall be filed with the zoning administratoz specifying the grounds thereof. The zoning admiiustrator shall forthwith transmit to the board all of the papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. An a.duiinistrative appeal shall stay all proceedings, including criminal proceedings, in fiu1herance of the action appealed from unless the zoning administrator �ir 1�zi,i�;t�i��ei��i,�iJ certifies to the boazd, after notice of appeal has been filed, that by reason of facts stated :. ..:..... .... : :.. .... in the certificate a stay would, � ' '' , cause imminent peril to life or property, in which case the proceedings shall not be stayed otherwise than by a restraiuing order granted by a court of competent jurisdiction. (e-�) A fee to be established by resolution of the council shall be paid by the appellant at the time the notice of appeal is filed. The resolution may provide for waiver or refund of such fee under specific circuxnstances. Section 9 That section 64.207 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 64.207. Orders. In exercising the above powers, the city council or the boazd of �a� appeals may reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify the ardexs, requirements, decision or determination appealed from and may make such order, requirement, decision or determination as ought to be made. To that end, the boazd of zoning appeals shall have all the powers of the zoning administrator �1.�Iig:il�u€l� ���isi, , ::.............. .. and the city council shall have all the powers of either the 1�i��r� ;r�� zoning �pp��s e� or the plamiing commission. All final decisions, orders, requirements or deternunations by the board of zoning appeals and/ar city council shall be in the form of a written resolurion. The city council shall serve a copy of the resolution upon the appellant and/or the owner of the affected properiy, zoning administrator, planning commission and board of zoning appeals by mail or personal service. The board of zoning appeals shall serve a copy of the resolution upon the appellant and/or owner of the affected property, the zoning administrator and the planning commission. Decisions of the city council on all matters within its jurisdiction sha11 be final subject only to judicial review by a court of competent jurisdiction. � 296 297 298 299 300 9s"-.�s'� Section 10 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force flurty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. �nai reucn JUL -11995 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adopti n Certified by Cou By: Approved by M y� •� I7ate i � BY � / ��f�f��� �i���� Secretary Plannin & Econo 'c Develo ment By: � For� roved by City Attorney \� iJ�wCiC� By: Approved y Mayor for Submission to Council BY:�a� �� � � � 9s s�� � DEPARIMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SH N_ 31262 CANT E NE INITIAVDA INITIAlJOATE DEPAHIMENTOIRECTOP CRYCOUNCIL ASSIGN CITYATTORNEY �dTYCLEPK NUYBERPOR MU END t pp�� BUIX3Ef �IRECTOR � FIN._ & MGT SERVICES Dlfl. ONDEIt AYOR (OR ASSISTANT) �D� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AGfION REQUESTED: Adopt April Minor Zoning Amendments RECOMMENDA7i0NS: Approve (A) or Heject (a) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: Y PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SFAVICE COMMISSION �� Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a comrect for ihis departmeM? - �CIB COMMITiEE _ �'ES NO y �� 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — — o VES NO _ OfSTRICT COURT _ 3. Does this personitirm possess a ski11 not nortnall y possesseb by any curreM ciry empiqree? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explafn ell yes answers on separate sheet and attech to grean sheet INITIATING PflOBLEM, ISSUE, OPP�XTUNIN (Who. Wha1, When, Where, Why): �j aa Needed minor zoning amendments are delayed if done only periodically. mr AY Qa ��� fn �`���`� Ok�r$�� ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ' Zoning code will be kept up to date. ��� � MAY 08 1�g� DI6ADVANTAGE9�FAPPROVED: �' � ' M None. , �V�'°C� ��'���v�S �r�'�,a��.�i ���Y � `? 1395 DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: Needed amendments could face �onq ae�ay. MAY O� 1JJ5 4� 1 I ���� �� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE NCTIVITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFOflMATION: (EXPLAIN) 9 's"��� CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL 390 Crty Ha11 Telephone: 672-266-8510 No�m Colem¢n, Mayor IS West Kellogg Bwlev¢,d F¢csimile: 612-228-8513 Saini Paul, MN 55102 May 8, 1995 Council President David Thune and Members of the City Council 3rd Floor City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear President Thune and members of the City Council: Beginning in 1982, the Planning Commission periodically considered and recommended to the City Council a series of minor zoning amendments contained in 40-acre studies called Zoning Amendments I, II, etc. There have been eight of them. The zoning aznendments made changes needed to bring the code up to date with new living or business practices, cazry-out newly adopted plans, clarify regulations, correct enars, and incorporate zoning administrator interpretations and Planning Commission findings. Since these 40-acre studies were done only periodically, needed zoning amendments were delayed until staff, the Commission, and City Council had the time to work on them. In order to avoid such delays and to keep the code as current as possible, the Commission will consider and recommend to the City Council several minor zoning amendments each month. The fourth Minar Zoning Amendments recommendation is attached. They concern adult massage pazlors and massage centers, restaurants in B-2C districts, tire retreading, commercial parking overlay districts, and transfer of fixnctions to the Boazd of Zoning Appeals. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public heazing on the proposed amendments on April 20, 1995. The Commission recommended their approval on April 28, 1995, as set forth in the attached resolution. I am pleased to transmit these amendments to you for your review and approval. incerely, No� Col �� Mayor