95-524LL ORIGfNAL CITY Presented by Referred To �������p S ��,�as ORDINANCE SAINT PAUt, MfNNESOTA Councii File # �.� Sa 7" Ordinance # Green Sheet # .3 0 �0 � 3� Committee Date 1 An ordinance to amend Chapter 200 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code 2 to allow veterinarians to act as license vendors. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 THE COUNCII� OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 200.02 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 200,02. License required. No person shall c without a license. or maurtain in the City of Saint Paul any doe over three f31 months of � A license is required if the dog is owned, harbored, kept or maintained for three (3) consecutive days or more, except that no license shall be required for dogs whose owners aze temporarily within the city, nor to dogs brought into the city for the purpose of participating in any dog show, nor to guide dogs accompanying and properly trained to assist blind or deaf persons when such dogs are properly harnessed c�r leashed so that the blind or deaf person may maintain control of the dog." � a 3 4 s�aon a q� �� �P This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. pl IpI1SNC�i JUL - l 1995 Yv� Q�� Degartment of: Office of License. Insuections and Environmental Protection By: ��������?�leSCC� — Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified by Approved by E by City Attorney for Submission to -s.� OFFICE OF LIEP Bate: 3/20195 GREEN SHEET N° 30808 Robert Ressler 266-9112 ° 4 z � ... _ �.�.� ust be on Council Agen a y: � " .` T. . u ` . SAP 3 a xanx TAL QF SIGDiATURS PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTIOI3 REQUESTED: ordinance to amend Chapter 200 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to allow '- veterinarians - to act as license vendors. coeamronzxors: nrrnova �a) ox �arr (a) mnu asavxcs covnac�s xosx nswae za ro�.oxsaa: PLANNIdG COE4fISSiUM CrvIL SS&YLCB CUl41ISIOd 1. Hae the pei9on/fiim ever vorked uIlder a eoatract for Lhia depaYtment7 CIH COM4I1TS8 Y85 NO STAFi — Has thia pexaon/fizn ever been a City employee7 DISTRICT COVRT YES NO — 3. Ooes this peraon/firn poeaesa a akill aot aormally poasesaed by aay TS WHiCH COUNCIL OHJECTiV87 CuLLe¢t City employee7 YSS NO lain all 288 answexs � a aaparate sLaot and attaa6. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (W o, What, When, Where, Why): his is an attempt to increase market penetration. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: increase in license revenue; increase in number of licensed dogs in the City. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: It will take staff time to start up a new type of licensing system through egistrars. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: oss of funding for City services; mediocre market penetration. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/RE�7ENUE BUDGETED YES NO UNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER INANCIAL INFORMATZON: (EXPLAIN) � � ,�,� , �.���' ° "� ����