95-522L � ORIGINAL Council File # %✓ �� Ordinance # Green Sheet # � a � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Referred 20 Committee: Date An ordinance to amend Chapter 331 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code to simplify the Food Vehicle license ciassification. THE COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOFS ORDAIN: Section 1 Secdon 331.04(b) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 331.04. Licenses and fees. 30 (b) Applicable dicenses. Any person operating a food establishment within the City of Saint Paul must obtain a license from the city of the appropriate type as listed as follows: (1) (2) (3) (4) Bakery (A): A bakery whose predominant sales are retail, over-the-counter, carryout purchases with no seating provided. Bakery (B)-Add-on: A retail bakery operated within an already licensed food establishment. Butcher (A): A butcher facility whose predominant sales aze retail, over-the- counter, carryout purchases. Butcher (B): A ret�il butcher facility operated within an already licensed food establishment. (5) Caterer (A)-Limited: A caterer with all food being prepared and served in a licensed food establishment and no transporking and/or serving of food at a satellite location allowed. No food vehicle license permitted with this license. (6) Catering (B)-Full: A caterer with all food being prepared in a licensed food establishment and hansporting and serving of food at a satellite location is permitted. Food vehicle license is required. Approved food transport containers must be provided. ('n Catering (CJ Add-on: A caterer with the pmvision that this is an add-on license to an already licensed food establishment. The facility must be specifically approved for catering. Food vehicle license is required if food is to be {� 4-�-1`�� � 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2Fl 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 transported to satellite location. 9s-s�a- (8) Day care food (A): A day care food situation limited to snacks oniy. No on-site food preparation of potentially hazardous foods allowed. (9) Day care food (B): A day care food situation where there is on-site preparafion and serving of ineaLs. (10) Food velucle�h}: A vehicle used #s-�sger� �:°#��� ,..,�,:,,,. . o.:a:<y.. . .... �.. .:.. :: . .u.m...:rr.. ,:....: food products " ., , > , , , , . . -� � , , �� .. (� �� Food/boarding facility: For preparing and serving food to occupants of a licensed bed and breakfast, rooming and/or boardinghouse, or supervised rooming and/or boardinghouse. (�3 �� Food/institution facility: religious or educational churches). (� �J (�5 ��� 4'..:. (� �� For preparing and serving food by and in a nonprofit, institution (i.e., hospitals, schools, nursing homes, Food processar/distributor/warehouse: Wholesale processing and distributing of food products (i.e., bakery, butcher, confectionery, beverage bottler, produce). Food salvage: For satvaging and sate of damaged food products. May include salvage of nonhuman food. Food vending machine: Includes the vending of all food products except canned and bottled pop. (� ��) Food vending operator: Limited to prepackaged food. No food preparation or storage permitt� in a residential facility. Food vehicle license required if food products aze transported. (� �� (� �;� Food warehouse/distributor: Wholesale food distributor that is warehousing food products. May include frozen or refrigerated products. Food processing not pernutted. Grocery (AJ; Food shelf or nonprofit grocery (grocery as defined in Grocery (C) or (D)). (�8 �� Grocery (B): Farmer's market (see Grocery (C)). Individual food establishments operating at the farmer's market. Excludes home-grown products consistent with Minnesota Department of Agriculture definitions. (� � Grocery (CJ: Small retail grocery operation such as convenience store, confectionery, eta Limited food prepararion andior self-service such as coffee, popcom, nonalcoholic beverages or ice slush permitted. A microwave oven may be provided to heat purchased food. Prepara6on of potentially hazardous foods on site would require additional licensing. , � �-,���y q5 -sa�-- (� ��� Grocery (D): Large retail grocery operations (as defined in Grocery (C)) that may include food operations requiring addifionat licenses such as Bakery, Butcher, or Restaurant (A)iDeli. (�3 � Mobile food. Preparing and serving foods from a self-contained vehicle. Food items will be limited by the equipment that is in the vehicle. No commissary is recluired- (�4 �� Mobile food-limited.• Preparing and serving food from a mobile food unit, such as a pushcart, that is not self-contained. A separate, approved wmmissary must be provided and inspected. (�5 H'� Original conlainer: The sale of prepackaged candy, snacks and canned/bottled nonalcoholic beverages. Food sales cannot be the predominant business. No refrigerated potentially hazardous foods. (Zb � Restaurant (A)-Q-12 seats: Food preparadon and service primarily for carryout or delivery food establishments with a limited menu and seating limited to no more than twelve (12) seats (e.g., deli, pizza, submarine sandwiches, chow mein, hot dogs, . . . ). (� ��) Restaurant (B)-more than 12 seats: Food preparation and service for on-site dining with more than twelve (12) seats. (�8 �� Restaurant (C)-limited: Food service limited to beverages, heating of prepackaged foods, bakery goods, etc., for on-site consumption. No potentially hazardous foods prepared and served. Example: coffee shops. (�9 ;�) Restaurant (DJ Add-on: An add-on license for an additional facility within or contiguous to an already licensed food establishment. Example: additional restaurant in a lazge hotel. (3A �� Restaurant (EJ-extension: Factension of restaurant food preparation and service on an annual basis to their parking lot, patio, sidewalk, etc., during normal business hours. Sidewalk must not be blocked. (3� � Special event food sales-I--3 days: Short-term food preparafion and sales, in conjuncfion with a special event. Food sales limited to no more than three (3) consecutive days. Application for this license must be made at least three (3) working days before the event or a late fee will be added. An emergency license fee will be added if there is no preapplication for a license and the facility is licensed on site. Only cash payment will be accepted for late and emergency licenses. (3� �� Special everu food sales-4--14 days: Short-term food preparation and sales, in conjuncfion with a special event. Food sales limited to a maximum of fourteen (14) consecudve days. The provisions for application dates, late and emergency fees and payments apply as they are contained in the one (1) to three (3) day special event license. (33 �) Special event food sales-annual: Short-term food preparation and sales for an �j d �S�J 3 - y�s-s� r unlimited number of special events in one (1) year. Must have the same menu and equipment that was originally approved at each event. The provisions for application dates and late fees apply as they are contained in the one (1) to three (3) day special event license. Annual special event licenses will not be issued on an emergency basis. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (34 �� Special event foorl sales waived: For licensed restaurants selling food on adjacent property in conjunction with an event, nonpmfit organizations selling food at a special event, or for situations where food is given away. The provisions for application dates, late and emergency fees and payments apply as they are contained in the one (1) to three (3) day special event license." Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approvai and publication. 9naireuen JUL -1 1995 by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Apps By: Office of License. Snsnections and Environmental Protection r. .����� l ;1 Y'orm Approved by City Attorney �e.�A/J - �u! ��5-�i :d by Mayor for Submission to Council ��� �� 4 s-s�� OFFICE OF LIEP Date: 3/20195 GREEN SHEET N° 30806 Robert &essler 266-9112 1 "'�a'�°'T ° R 4= ,,,o, 2 rY x .�..a ust be on Counci Agen a by: °^� u ° �. ` . . D1 � � S K 3 OR ( R I TAL OF SIGNATURE HAGE5 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: ordinance to amend Chapter 331 of the Saint Paul Leqislative Code to simplify the food vehicle license classification. COLP�NDATIONS: AYPROVE (A) O$ RE78CT (R) SRSOHIIL SSRVIf.R COHT9AC28 1WST ANSMBR T8E fOLTNiRN6: P7ANNZNG CO[BfISSION _ CIVIL SSRVICB COt4�fISION 1. Has Lhe pereoa/firm eVer aorked vader a eontract for thie tlepaxtment? CIS CUNMITT&8 YSS [f0 STAFe _ 2. 9as thie peieon/fism ever l�een a City e�aployesP DISTAICT COURT Y85 NO — 3. Does this peraoa/fixa possess a ekiil not aoxmally posaeeaed bp any UPPOATS WdICH COUNCIL OB7ECTIVS7 LuiLent City eeployee? YSS NO lain aii Z88 ansrers on a sepuate sLaet and attacL. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR`TUNITY (Who, What, W en, Where, Why): ood vehicle liaenses should only be defined once. No division is necessary. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Simplification of the license schedule. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: one. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO UNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER TNANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) $ z�. �, ✓ 4 ".�� .,r:.. ,,� . ���� t ar, : �€`�:,s va�a;;�5 �q'�'� °` ! :,:'�a��r z:.