95-517�,. . . �, L . C�RIG1f�AL Council File # � � «' � Ordinance # Green Sheet # �� 0 t ORDINANCE OF Presented Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance to amend Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code increasing permit fees to reflect changes in Section 307 of the Minnesota Uniform Building Code. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 THE COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Ld � Section 1 Section 33.02�of the Saint Paul Legisladve Code is hereby amended to read as follows: � "Sec. 33.02. Minnesota State Bnilding Code--Adoption. (d) Section 307 of the Uniform Building Code, a part of the Minnesota State Building Code in Minnesota Rule 1300.1200, is amended for the City of Saint Paul to read as follows: Sec. 307.(a) Use or Occupancy. No building or structure of Group A, E, I, H, B, ��.�qQ or R, Division 1 Occupancy, shall be used or occupied, and no change in the elcisting occupancy classification of a buiiding or struchue or portion thereof shall be made untii the fire marshal has issued a cerkificate of occupancy therefor as provided herein." f� �� �-�S PAUL, MINNESOTA i 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 EE:� 19 s�ctron z 9's-s� 7 Table A following Section 33.04(A), Secfion 33.(?4(B) and Secfion 33.04(G) is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 33.04. Fstablishment of permit fees. TABLE A BUII.DING PERMIT FEES FOR GENF�2AL CONSTRUCTION Total Valuation Fee �38�09 $�111;� to $2,000.00.... �.&98 ��;(�# for the fust $500.00 pius � ��A $�::;�� for each addifional $100.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000.00 $2,001.00 to $25,000.00.... �58�9 �f�:'� for the fust $2,000.00 plus ,.:,�.......,, �9:�9 ; .I:��SQ for each additional $1,000.00 �.�, .�.< or fraction thereof, to and including $25,OOd.00 $25,001.00 to $50,000.00.... �89 �34�;�� for the first $25,000.00 plus �-SA $�:;i� for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $SO,OQ0.00 $50,001.00 to $100,000.00.... �8 �,5'��€;?� for the first $50,000.00 plus �4:58'�;Z� for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000.00 $100,001.00 to $500,400.00.... �C44:3A �8��1y�� for the fust $100,000.00 plus �4:99'�:� for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thezeof, to and including $500,000.00 $500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00.... $�44:38 `�xx$�'�n�� for the first vWm �. $SOO,OOO.00�plus �3-3A ��;=� for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000.00 $1,000,001.00 and up.... �3,s394.30 �^;4���p� for the first $1,000,000.00 plus �38 ��:�7;� for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof z �� 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 z2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Other inspections and fees: (i) Inspections outside of normai business �5:�99 �,� , per hour hours.... (Minimum charge — 7�vo (2) hours) (2) Reinspection fees assessed under �33�:89 ��� per hour provisions of Secfion 305 (g) U.B.C..... (Minimum chazge — One (i) hour) ' r hour (3) Inspec6ons for which no fee is �3�80 �;��, pe specifically indicated.... (Minimum charge -- One hour) (4) Additional plan review required by �33:A9 ��� per hour �.��. � changes, additions or revisions to approved plans.... (Minimum charge -- One hour) (5) Inspecrions of buildings to be moved: (a) Garages and group M occupancies.... �:AB �4;��i (b) Dwellings other than group M �HHA:A9 � occupancies.... (c) Structures located outside city limits will have an additional fee of �-fi�e a g �' �, ���'� >��,�'t�:�� .,�s.. . ,... s<..� per hour including travel time (Minimum charge -- One (1) hour) �'� s� 7 (B) Plan Review Fees: For valuation under , , � ���� W �'� C;yi(}t � f,{ � 5 ii..H..... .ri :06�.0 � .. . � � .. , n..nix�i�n n. ���:YJ.:Y.v�[W..� .. i$ � , � .�'�;�s�� w�es � e valuarion of the proposecl construc6on exceeds fi3�ee �� ��. � �':...o�in.tioa.b.s.a :�w.a . .tw u:<�%wLr.o . �•. thousand dollars (-$3 ����1,�;Q� plan review fee shall be paid to the building official at �3�5�y 3 �� �� � the time of submitting plans and specifications for checldng review. Plan review fees €eF-g�eu�- , shall be����',�' �� . percent of the ;,� building permit fee as set forth in the tabie above. (G) Other Permit Fees: Permit fees for other than general construction shall be as follows: (1) Wrecking of buildings or structu�es. {�}-� �� per (1,000) cubic feEt or fraction ��M:;:, thereof, minimum ��A:98 ���. (2) Moving of buildings or structures. Buildings lazger than 12 feet high, 14 feet wide, 25 feet long other tltan buildings used for Group M, Division 1, occupancies: °''� ��� per move. Group M, Division i, occupancy buildings lazger than 12 feet high, 14 wide, 25 long: $50.00 per move. Buildings or structures smaller than size indicated above: �2Sr.9A �� per move. (3) Elevators, dumbwaiters, moving stairways, handicapped lifts and other similar devices: (a) New construction, repairs and major alterations: One' y �� °�. � w G �����;�¢ percent of the total valuatton of the work. ,�'��� � ��$ �y�'� � �A' - Y.t' .%SR�S}� ..��'�". �.�.....F'vb..W..vu'YV,.. .swR.....k 'MT.6�9... . ..n� n,z • c.y , g w��a.. ' w av . y x .,' _ . . .:,` . . .>.:, .�..: � � � 0 �..to>.v... 4'tG�t :: °:<. a0:x.,'.. (b) Annual inspection fees: 1. Power driven passettger and freight elevator: Up to 5 floors in height..... $35.00 6 to 10 floors in height...... �40.00 11 to 20 floors in height.... �45.00 21 or more floors in height..�50.00 2. Dumbwaiter ................... �&99 «..>n'.:<k.;.: : 3. Moving stairway .............. �8:A9 ;.> , vs _,x_n > � 4. Docklift ....................... �&89 �� 5. Handpowered elevator....... �A:89 ��t� 6. Manlift ......................... �&A0 ;; `�'� (4) Electrical work. For electricai work the pernut fee charges shall be made at the following rates; provided, however, the minimum fee for any permit shall be: 9ae- ' , . , one-family dwelling electrical work $25.00, multifamily, commerciat and industriai work, $35.00. � �-.�-�.� 4 , . . . 9� =a (a) Service: New service, change of service, temporary service, addition, alteration or repair on either primary or secondary service y�f,��,�� shall be nr u.° ' :s ar, � s.,:..a..a. �.�„�',3.�...:�.._�'i..�s�'.���".'��.��'��"�.��a'�'.�...� F�T��!!f_f [}.'I!'f �!1!1'!! ' ' "" .. _ _. �• ""_" ' '__'"_ ' �• ' """ "" "_. �• . """ ' """' ' ` '_""' "" _' • �. � •' " _ " _— � ' (b) Circuits: �<�:�,;� �itnstallation of new circuits and/or fceder addifions, a :<:r.o;A�:�.:xiace'� :w� �o:x.. altentions or repairs to e�cisting circuits i�Q��€ shall be ee�t�te�-as �.• g M .: .<,:.�.�. „ . ,� �":.,..�:.�,.>., €el�ervg: ����"��; f� 4 5-�� 5 r a 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 � m 41 . .r.�-- ,. _ , , „ 9.s-s`i,� � - - �-- �- - -- • �---- - .._.... � .. -- z,.z�., - �• - - - . .. - - �' - - -- .. .. � �..�� .. (c) .. . _ . _ _ �esr.o�,r.cn�es...+.* -r..� . In addition to the above fees, � all transformers for signs and outline lighting shall be� (d) Alterations, Repairs, or Extension of Electrical Systems: For any alteration, repair or extension of an enisting electrical system where the work is of such a nature that the fees for a pernut cannot be determined from the above schedule, the permit fee charge shall be based on one percent of the total ,5 � „���.. � a . �, m _ ..,..� � -. .< valuataon of the work. ���;��• a�;�m .�� �:�.�. � �.�a:..o.a.��.A. ;,��:��.:,� po � (e} Low-Voltage Fire Alarm Systems, Remote-Conuol Circuits, Signal Circuits, and Low-Energy or Low-Voltage Power Circuits: For remote control circuits, signal circuits, and low-energy or low-voltage power circuits (in other than single-family dwellings) the permit fee charge shall be: 1. Fire alarms.... �:98 �%� per control ,..:< plus $ 1.00 for each opening. 2. Others.... �A:98 �� per control ,� �,,....>� plus 1�13 '�-�� Transformers;° �^""�;._a,` and Generation for Light, Heat and Power: �- <� Transformers;����� and generation for light, heat and power shall be computed separately at $20.00 per unit plus $0.50 per KVt�,��;�� or fraction thereof. 2 5 6 7 10 �� ia 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 � @ 2 M C�,...,.L t h�� io:u..n... '�,�A"� °penings. 9�"-si� � �S) m� Traffic Signals: For traffic signats the permit fee chazge shall be made at the rate of $25.00 for each service location plus $3:99 �?T� for each standard. Street Lighting: For street lighting the pemut fee charge shall be made at the p ... rate of $20.00 for each control unit plus $�9A _x �,� �µ for each standard. Elecuic Space Aeating: . .. . . . . .. .., r�ra o.. ... .. ,.....�, _, . . _.. .,��.., ... ..� .. �..� �._,:�.' : !_,,:,,.:��,� ", 4001 watts and up ..................... �89 �,�<���,o�,; (5) Gas burner, oil bumer coal burner and other fuel burners. �34:A0 ��i3 for the first 100,000 btu per hour input or frac6on thereof, plus �6:90 ,,o..�� for each addifional 100,000 btu per hour or fraction thereof. Maximum fee for each individual burner shall be $39&99 ��. Where dual fuel installations aze made, the maximum combined pernut fee shall not exceed �99 ���. (6) Plastering, stucco and spray-on fireproofing. For plastering and stucco, the fee is �68:99 ��"�-��! for the first 200 square yards or frac6on thereof and �-SA �� for �; ..o �� each additionai 20 square yards or fraction thereo£ For redash, spray-on fireproofing or patching, the fee is one-ha�€ percent of the valuation of the work; provided, however, that the minimum fee for any permit is �88 �'�. ('n Plumbing fees: (a) Drain waste and vent, and fixtures. . . . . �. �`:� �.�..��� ;.�-._,......«: -.-.:. y .. ;. .,.. .a. ...x.::..a. : v.•.. .... , ... .. ..... • .�� .. . r.ma�� .��.�.'i.����R����''�+P�'� . o � a.nc...a....�� .m.�:;.:at�.Fxi.@<.�ozs.w.�?ca:...:` � �'S-� 9� =s�� �, �aa�aon c� r� . ... .. - . .. _.. -- - �- - -- - -- ---- - - ---.. -- �yl:i= . .: ' --- -- - -- --- •-- - - •-- - - -• ----- .. . ..- - - - • - -- •� - •-- • -• - - -. .. - - '-i.+�tt- . .. - •-- - - - - �- - -• - -. ..-- •• - •-•�- -• .. (b) Building sewer permit fees . . . . 49:89 �� "� (c) Each private waste treatment system . . . . �3&99 ���� (d) Gas burning water heaters, dryers, ranges or other devices including gas PiP�S�� 1. For devices up to 100,000 B'Ti3's, each .... d3:99 ;��`� �14�aa=�ee . . . . 34� �z. �'6i trvl riov��n�'9 . . . . �TOo � Each addiBonal 100,000 BTU's or porkion thereof . . . . �-99 ; , ��g�i Minimum fee . . . . 34:89 ��=� �� V.. � Maximum fee . . . . 3A�9A ���� (8) Standpipes, sgrinklers and fire pumps; new installations, repairs or alterations: (a) The minimum fee shall be �3��8 :.�;��, in addition to which the following fees shall be paid: 1. Standpipes: �46�9 �,'f� for each standpipe for the first five (5) a<s. a. floors, plus ��80 ���i for �ch floor above the fifth. t� � 8 �s:��� 2. Sprinklers: �98 �q� for the first ten (10) sprinkler eads or fraction thereof, plus $'�8 �,� for each additional ten (10) sprinkler heads or fraction thereof. 3. Fire pumps: �45:AA F� for each pump. (b) Fire extinguishing systems utilizing an extinguishing agent other than water, new installations, repairs or alterations: The fee shall be one percent of the valuation of the installation, repair or altention with a minimum fe� of �&� �� ..aa„ scoxa' (9) Refrigeration: (a) Refrigeration permit: �9&gl�pe percent of total value of work, minimum fee of �34:89 �t�. �_�:�, (b) Total value of work is defined under Section 33.04(A). (10) Signs, billboards, marquees and awnings: (a) Wall, roof, projecting and (b) Marquees over public property: $100.00 for each installation. (c) Billboards: . . (d) Awnings projecting over public property: �:99 ��� per lineal foot, �:�...$. , minimum �3�99 ��;°� for each installation. A separate sign pernut is required for awnings with signage. (il) Steam,fitring and hot water work: (a) Fee for new construction or alteration shall be one percent of total valuation of the work. Value of work must include the cost of installafion, alteration, addifion and repairs including heat transfer units, accessories to the heating system, including pipe, fittings, and all labor and materials necessary for installation. In addition, it shall include all materiais supplied by other sources when these matesials aze normally supplied by the contractor. (b) Minimum permit fee for commerciai, industrial, insfitutional or business occupancies is �34:99 ��3. (c) The fee for alteraflons, additions and repair to existing refrigeraflon, gas and oil systems shall be based on one percent of total valuation of the work with �34.-99 ��fi� minimum. � �-sys F� 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 �O 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 requiring approvat under the provisions of Legislative Code Sections 62.103 and 62.105 shall be constructed nor shall any existing unimproved lot be paved without first obtaining a building permit. Such lots shall not be used until the construction has been compieted and approved by the building code ;� � (12) Warna air, heating, ventilation and sheet metal: q�� ��T (a) Mechanicai warm air heating systems: '�34-99 F,�, :� for the first �A98 ��� btu per hour or fraction thereof, plus $4:88 �� for each additional 100,000 btu per hour or fraction thereof. (b) Ventilation systems, dust collection systems, pollution control systems, etc.; One percent of total valuation of the work. Value of work must inciude the cost of installation, alteration, addition and repair, including all labor and materiats necessary for installation. The minimum fee shall be�34:99 �� (c) General sheet metal: A separate permit is required for general sheet metal work. For gutters, flashing, metal chimneys, chutes or general sheet metal work, the fee shall be one percent of the totai valua6on of the work. The � minimum fee is �34.99 ��f. (13) Incinerators: (a) ro> Domestic incinerators: �34.89 ��� for each installation. Commercial and industrial incinerators: One percent of total value of work, minimum �34�9 �� for each installation. <o...$..,..,�.< (14) Fences. �i�90 � for the first 2001ineal feet or fraction thereof erected and ��:99 r „� for each additional 1001ineal feet or fracfion thereof. (15) Other projects. For aiterations, repairs or extensions for which the fee charge cannot be determined by items (1) through (15) above, the fee chazge shall be based on one percent of the total valuation of the wor ���`" �� `� .nn � .-_ � .< < . . .. .�... e. : : ... .�:.»�.,�s.���.....y��s.;,e i..»xx:.:. x• (16) Reserved. (1'n Solid fuel burning freestanding heaters and stoves, non�nasonry fireplaces and fire place inserts: $34.09 ��. Method for providing posirive combusfion air must be provided with permit application. (18) Solar heating systems. Permit fees for solar heating systems shall be one percent of �., �.�� �: �. �� �:.��t% {� -o� » � � W �j� � �'�[]{�[] .....�..Orc:::�h::.ti: x:i/OJ:4ntr,'�AVWO.K. �'+.S>'.ii�����:�Pi$� (19) Parking lots: (a) or loaclu►¢ and unloadm¢ atea io 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . . q�S�� officer. Permit fees shall be exclusive of fees specified in the Minnesota State Building Code, Uniform Buiiding Code Chapter 70. � --� - - --• -• - -- ----- -- �--- ..-��r�-- -- - .. .. ::.:.. , . .. _ - - - - - . .. _- - �. ... � . .. (b) No off-street parking lot or loading and unloading area shall be repaved, modified, reconfigured or enlarged without first obtaining a building permit. The permit fee shall be one (1) percent of the total eesE ;'. �, with a .� .��..,�;...,. �:. �.QO�.:�.> minimum fee of �-ciel�s-E$38:8Bj �i��:;��,�`. .wn �m::. nv S..:a..�u.:u.. Section 3 33 Secrion 33.05(P) of the Saint Paul Legislaflve Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 "Sec. 33.05. Certificate of occupancy. (� Fees for Certificate o,f Occupancy: (1) Original issue, new buildings. T'here shall be no fee charged for an issuance of the certificate of occupancy for new buildings at the complefion of their construction covered by a building permit. (2) Renewal fee for R-1 occupancies. Nine dollars ($9.00) per residential unit, minimum fee seventy-five dollars ($75.00), maximum fee two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). (3) Renewal fee for A, E, I, ���'����� and B occupancies. Seven dollars ($7.00) per one thousand (1,000) square fceC, minimum fee seventy-five dollars ($75.00), maximum fee two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). (4) Reinspection fee. The renewal fee established in subsections (2), (3) and (4) above shall provide for one (1} inspection and one (1) reinspection for the renewal of the �� r� ¢5�.� � 9�-5�7 certificate of occupancy. A reinspection fee of ten (10) percent of the renewal fee shall be levied for each additional reinspeetion required of nonconfornung occupancies. The maximum reinspection fee shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of the renewal fee. � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (5) Partial certiftcate of oceupancy fee. Notwithstanding subsection (1) of ttris pazagraph (F), a fee of one hundred � dollars �$�9&89j �� will be chazged far each partial certificate of occupancy requested. The issuance of a partial certificate of occupancy is at the discretion of the building official and the portion of the building covered by the certificate must be legally completed and ready to occupy along with all other life and safety requirements." Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from its date of passage, appmval, and publication. f� Requested by Department of: Office of License. Insnections and Environmental Protection l,r , ,�i Adopted by Council: By: App By: Adoption Certified by Seeretary 12 Form Approved by City Attorney NC��� .� �'9� �F�S-�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ��� � �"`� �„� ,�� Request approved by Budget Office OF LIEP on Date: 3/20/95 � �� � ��`-� GREEN SHEET N° 30$O1 ordinance to amend Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code increasing mi.t fees to reflect changes in Section 307 of the Minnesota Uniform ldina Code. NOATIONS: APYAOVE (A) OA REJECT �R} SRSONAL SSRRSC6 COHTRACtB MV8T 11H8N66 46B lOLI.ONIIRi: NING CO3MISSSION CIVIL SHRVICS CO24.LSIOl1 1. Bae tAe peieoa/£iim evei voiked Undel a contZaCt £OY thie depastmeatl CONMITPEE YES NO F _ 2. eae thie geraon/firn ever beea a Cfty employee7 RICT COUAT Y$S Si0 3. ocea this pe[eon/fism possess a ak311 not aoxmally posaeeaed bp any 5 WeIC9 COUNCIL OBJBC2IVS? Curreat City employee? Y85 NO lain all t66 marrese on a seperate shoat aad altuh. IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, W en, Where, Why): is an attempt to conform both to state guidlines and to liken our 3ule to that of Minneapolis. in permit revenue. in cost to consumers. s of funding for the City. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $_ G SQURCE IAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES N� ACTIVITY NUMBER � i�AY �° 1 1995 9.�- �'i7' 22izu� OFFiCS OF LICENSE, INSPECfIONS AND � f � ENVIRONMHNTAL PROTF.CfION Robat lYesa•(er, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 18, 1995 350 St Peter Sbeet S`dre 300 Sa�u Paul, M'n,nrsom 55102 r ` t �,h4e:.-�`��? A°� 25 � ,,R��.� �.,s �,- . � �Jd : 3.>:_ To: Joe Reid, Budget Director � Mark Shields, Chief of Staff FY: Robert Kessler, LIEP D'uector � Ted Koeppl, Administrative Intern Re: 'Rethinlflng" Govemment Projects- Revenue Increases n, _�, � �__. G GG!l�:���i r-�,:.��H.�,3 �;;:;�� The proJected additional revenue generated by these proposals is conservatively $72,000 for the General F1and, and $588,000 for Special Nluid 320. These, however, are annual figures and must be adjusted to compensate for time already lapsed before adoption. Three suminaries identifying the green sheets and the legislative proposals are attached for your information and approval. Please let us lmow if you have any questions regarding these proposals. We would like to transmit all of the ordinances in one large "packet" to the City Council as soon as possible. c: LIEP Deputy D'uectors Il��fe : ..� 1,00�.Qcf a��X.z a,C'-�'B� ���.e.oz. a�-�.o�-...�svo ..�=o�� sX- S`�-�- Lo I' ,S�j� �� C��f�Gt- :.C� �sZv�i�-R-c �-GC-�� G� _ �p �cJ� � �-�K � �b� ��U;�� e�y ���������. ,� �-�-�s Zekphnne: 612-26b9I12 Facsumle: 612-2669124 RECEIVED APR 2 � 1995 BUDGET OFf►CE ���a `� `� [�g�3 z.. ._...,.,.�,_ >_.::�-. -�- Y-:.v: - °: — � 5=� �s 3� � � - s�'� SUMINIARY 1 (RETHIl�iKING PROJECT #2) ERPECTED REVENUE GENERATED FROM AN INCREASE IN PERl1�T FEES (GREEN SHEET N 30801) "I11e City of Saint Paul permit fee schedule has always been more complex than that of the City of Minneapolis. This added complexity has frustrated our customers and has added to the falsity that it is difficult to do business in Saint Paul. To answer the call for a revised permit fee schedule, work was initiated with Minneapolis to come up with a simplified fee schedule for both cities. 11ie timing of this project was especially good because the building permit fees as published in the Uniform Building Code have been recently increased and adopted naiionally. 11ie current proposed fee schedule reflects these nat[onal increases and conforms as closely as possible to the Minneapolis fee schedule. A conservative estimate of the revenue generated' through the present increase in permit fees is as follows: Building Pernut Fees: Inspection of Buildings to be Moved: F�lxel Burner Pernuts: Plastering / F7reproofmg Permits: Electrical Service Permits: Standpipe / Sprinkler / F7repump Permits: Refrigeration Pernuts: Plumbing Permits: Steamfitting / Hot Water Work Pernuts: Wann Air / Heating / Ventilation Pemuts: Fence Pernuts: Tank Installation and Removal: West Saint Paul Inspections: Examination Fees: $ 349,046 $ 800 $ 11,396 $ 2,750 $ 63,060 $ 3,650 $ 4,800 $ 68,870 $ 3,000 $ 14,280 $ 5,000 $ 4,000 $ 49,500 $ 7.750 Grand Totai: $ 887,902 When the shortfall of $531,114 between actual income and budgeted expenditures in 1994 is taken into account, we see that this increased revenue is needed to keep Special N�znd 320 balanced. � All projectlons based on 1994 permit quantitles. �� See attached ordinance for increase details. �fs-si� SUMMARY 2 (RETHINKING PROJECT #3) EXPECTED REVENUE GENERATED FROM AN INCREASE IN ANIMAL CONTROL FEES (GREEN SHEET N 30802 & 30803) Animal control is the only LIEP activity that is not fully supported by fees for service. While the current cost to the City is approximately $600,000, the revenue generated through licensing remains at about $77,000. This increase in license fees will help to offset this difference to a limited degree. We also e.xpect to increase market penetration through the use of deputy registrars. A conservative estimate of the revenue generated` through the present increase in license fees is as follows: Animal Impounding: Dog License: Dog License- Senior Citizens: Dog License- Lifetime with Microchip: Dog License- Senior Citizens- Lifetime w/ Microchip: Dog License- Duplicate: Dog License- Through Registrar Animal Boardin�' Fee- Per Da}�: Grand Total: $ 4,120 $ 24,540 $ 5,134 $ UNK $ LTNK $ 270 $ 9,000 4 791 $ 47,855"` . All projectlons based on 1994 license quantittes. � See attached ordinance package for increase details. ° l 5 _ 51 � SUMMARY 3 (RETHINKING PROJECT # 7) ��1+� �? FROM AN INCREASE IN MISCELLANEOUS LICENSE FEES (GREEN SHEETS Ws 30803 - 30810) All food establishment licenses were simplified and recalculated in 1993 in an attempt to make fees for license classifications reflect the amount of time spent on inspection and enforcement. After a trial period of a little under two years, it is now time to fine tune our eazlier adjustments. The following is a conseroative estimate of the amount of additional revenue' these changes aze expected to generate. Included are a few new license categories which need to be added to the fee schedule which were previously excluded. Keeping of Animals (Exotic Pets): Keeping of Animais (Exotic Pets)- Renewal: Outdoor Change in Service Area: After Hours Food Sexvice: Bakery (B)- Add On: Catering (B)- Ftill: Food Processor / Distributor / Warehouse: Food Salvage: Food Vehicle: Food Wazehouse Grocery (D): Mobile Food: J Distributor: Mobile Food- Limited: �rearms: Ice Cream Production / Processing / Distribution: Grand Totai: $ 550 $ 580 $ 200 $ 1,902 $ 300 $ 2,448 $ 3,498 $ 102 $ 168 $ 1,206 $ 1,848 $ 132 $ 2,550 $ 7,452 $ UNK $22.936" � All projecttons based on 1994 license quantities. See attached ordinance package forincrease details.