95-4721 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 LL ORIGINAL Presented By Council File # 9��7 ORDINANCE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Ordinance # An ordinance amending Sections 60.218, 60.512 and 60.522 of the Saint Paul Legislafive Code pertainiug to Zoning. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: Section 1 That section 60.218. R. of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 60.218. R Recyclable material. Reusable material including, but not limited to, glass, plastics and synthe6c materials, paper products (such as newspapers, stationery, scrap paper, computer paper and corrugated cardboard), rubber, batteries, fenous and nonferrous metals, concrete, asphalt, wood, and building ...:.:.... ...:..:� :. :. ... ..: .. .. .. materials, but not including yard waste �:�tzx�d:�zauta Section 2 That section 60.512. (7) of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 60.512. Principal uses permitted. (7) Mixed residential and office services uses subject to the following conditions: a. Residential uses are limited to not more than fifty (50) percent of the ktaset���#.�aiifl first floor. '�`xi,� upp�z flQVrs z�t�� l� u;� ��r z�s�cl�tf�al u� At least fifty (50) percent of the b��t��tf �i� first floor shall be devoted to a pt�9�sal use permitted in this distnctr: �xc�l::zest��rl2�a� z�se. ,.. >: :,: ..,.;;: ; :.,.,:: ;,:_:. . <::-:.> .::.::: .:. ::: .:::...:: ..: .: ::....:::.:...::::.:::::.::.::.:..::.. :<:::,.;.:.:_::; .,: :-:::.: ,:;:: b _ ::^ ��sui��� �'s.�.� i�c �c�upzec� ;� fcaste�. �Z�rx�e� �c�:�esta�a�aa� ���z �s�.. • - - - - -- - - Green Sheet # a�i3 y 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Section 3 �� � 7�-- That Section 60.522 (8) of the Saint Pau1 Legislafive Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 60.522. Principal uses permitted. (8) Mixed residential and commercial uses subject to the following conditions: •- - - - - - - . e -- _ - - -_ .��:. - _- � � c. Residential units may be occupied by foster homes or freestanding foster homes. For new conshuction, a minnnum four-foot side yard setback shall be required from a11 interior lot lines for residential uses. f�.r.e!!e!:+e�s�a�+ar�ea�ee!�err_frs:s. - • • - - Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approvai and publication. �[Ip� ieur.. JUtd�2�'1995 Requested by Department of: . . .�, - - • • - - \�L./ �_i���' � " � . — Certified by Covncil Form by City Attorney � Approved by Submission to B�,._...�J� 6 . - . �a4�� Adopted by Council: Date �v\ ��,`q0.5 �.:.. . }' DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL . DATE INRIA7ED - *Tp � A � � „ PfiD P�z�G, . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . ....:.,,o4f�r��F95 - GREEN SHEET � �.- �t � - - CONTACTPERSON&PHONE DEPARTMENTOIRECTOR CINCAUNCIL �N�T�ALI�ATE Roger Ryan 66574 nsswx ciTVnrroaNEV �cmc�aK NUMBER FON „ BUDGET DIREG70R FlN. 8 MGT SEFVICES OIR. MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAiE) -, � pp�� Q OflDEH YOR (OR ASSISTANn � �'��. TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP AlL LOCATIONS FOR S16NATUHE) ACfION REQUESTED: " Adopt March Minor Zoning Amendments . RECOMMENOATIONS: Apprwe (A) or Reject (R) PERSONA� SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION __ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has ihis personRrtn ever worked untler a contract tor this department? Ci OMMITTEE YES NO STAFP _ � 2. Has ihis personHirm ever been a c�ty employee? YES NO _ DISmICT CAUaT _ 3. Does this perwnttirm passess a skill not rtormally possessed by any curreM city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate shcet and attech to green sheet INITIATING PFiOBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who. What, V✓hen, Where. M1hy): Needed minor zoning amendments are delayed if done only periodically. ._.��� A�R 25 �95 ����°� ���s�� ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. Zoning code will be kept up to date. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. None. Council R�sca�c� Center APR 2 7 1995 __ � DISAOVANTACaES IF NOTAPPROVED� ' Needed amendments oould face long delay. TOTAL AMOUNi OF 7RANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDI{dG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANqAL INFORMATION. (EXPLAW) . � ' �" �N ���7� �� ��� CI� �F' .S�T PAj.�. 390 City Hall Telephone� 672-266-8�10 Norm Coleman, Mayor IS West Kellogg Boulevard Facsimile 612-228-8513 Sairtt Paul, M[V 55702 April 23, 1995 Council President David Thune and Members of the City Council 3rd Floor City Ha11 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear President Thune and members of the City Council: Beginning in 1982, the Planning Commission periodically considered and recommended to the City Council a series of minor zoning amendments contained in 40-acre studies called Zoning Amendments I, II, eta There have been eight of them. The zoning amendments made changes needed to bring the code up to date with new living or business practices, cany-out newly adopted plans, clarify regulations, correct errars, and incorporate zoning administrator interpretations and Planning Commission findings. Since these 40-acre studies were done only periodically, needed zoning amendments were delayed until staff, the Commission, and City Council had the time to work on them. In order to avoid such delays and to keep the code as current as possible, the Commission will consider and recommend to the City Council several minor zoning amendments each month. The second Minor Zoning Amendments recommendation is attached. They concern recyclable materials and mixed residential and business uses. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a pubiic heazing on the proposed amendments on Mazch 16, 1995. The Commission recommended their approval on April 14, 1995, as set forth in the attached resolution. I am pleased to transmit these amendments to you for your review and approval. Sincerely, Norm Coleman Mayor NC:rr 9s=�'�� MINOR ZONING AMENDMENTS MARCH 1995 ����� NIII�TOR ZONING AMENDMENTS March 1995 1. RECYCLABLE MATERIAL Sec. 60.218. R. (DEFINITIONS) Recyclable material. Reusable material including, but not limited to, glass, plastics and synthetic materials, paper products (such as newspapers, stationery, scrap paper, computer paper and corrugated cardboard), rubber, batteries, ferrous and nonferrous metals, concrete, asphalt, . . . ,� ..:... wood, and building materials, but not including yard waste i�r;iiii€��°:`rii�rtici€��;s�3�i'd:tv�sY� .. _..... ...:..: ........ �°����• . DISCUSSION This clarifies that garbage is not a recyclable material and may not be handled at a recycling processing center. 2. MIXED RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS USES IN OS-1 AND B-1 DISTRICTS Sec. 60.512. Principal uses pernutted. (OS-1 DISTRICT) (7) Mixed residential and office services uses subject to the following conditions: a. Residential uses are limited to not more than fifry (50) percent of the ,.. :.... ... ... . : :.................. .: < .. ... . . ����iztt:' aiid first floor. 1`tie;; ��ii� ;i?ISj�er'; f�iaa�s' u�a� > �€:�tct.eilt�� t��� At least fifty (50) percent of the p��� �� first floor .�. ,..-......._.. ..:.... . .... : ,,.:.:.:. shall be devoted to a�Zi%�ipsl use permitted in this districtr ?e�ce.�at ��szd�ti�za�': €€�s�. _ . . .. _. . .• •• -- • - • •• -- - -- - - - -� -- � - - - •- -• - •- - • - - - •-_ - ••-•- •-- • •- q.� ���- Sec. 60.522. Principal uses permitted. (B-1 DIST'RICT) (8) Mixed residential and commercial uses subject to the following conditions: . �. a. b. Residential units may be occupied by foster homes or freestanding foster homes. c. For new construction, a minnnum four-foot side yard setback shall be required from all interior lot lines for residential uses. This makes the requirements for mixed residential and business use in the OS-1 and B-1 districts consistent with one another. �s-��a city of saint paul pianning commission resofutia file number 95-32 �te April 14, 1995 MINOR ZONING AMENDMENTS MARCH 1995 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined that considering and recommending monthly zoning amendments to the Mayor and City Council is the most desirable way to keep the zoning code as current as possible; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on proposed minor zoning amendments concerning recyclable material and mixed residential and business uses at its March 16, 1995, meeting; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined: 1. That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the amendments renders the obtaining of written consent impractical; 2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been made; 3. That a determination has been made that the proposed amendments to the Zoning Code are related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use, and to plans for future land use; and 4. That pursuant to State Statutes proper notice of the hearing was given in the Pioneer Press on February 22, and March 1 and 8, 1995. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the zoning code amendments in the "Minor Zoning Amendments March 1995" study pertaining to recyclable material and mixed residential and business uses and directs the Planning Administrator to forward the study and this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. moved by Mozton seconded by in favor Unanimous against