95-360File # nance # � r J — 3 �o � Sheet # � � �o 'J l Presented Referred To ORDINANCE SAINT PAUL, M{NNES A 3� 1 An interim ordinance regulating parldng in the East Grand 2 pending the completion of studies of possible amendments 3 concerning CP Commercial Parking Districts, which ordina� 4 Statutes, Section 462.355, subdivision 4. ;' 5 �' 6 The Council of the CYty of Saint Paul does ordain: 7 8 9 10 11 The Saint Paul Planning Commission has in 12 District of the zoning code concerning the f 13 and landscaping of existing parking lot, and 14 Council. � 15 �'� 16 �,�' 17 1 Committee: Date �enue area within the city of Saint Paul the City's regulatory ordinances : is enacted pursuant to Miunesota :d a study of Section 60.800 CP Commercial Parlang pace parking exemption, banking of parking spaces, submit its report and recommendations to the City SECTION 2 18 Pending the completion of this study�nd for the purpose of prohibiting any development that might be 19 inconsistent with the outcome of this pending study, and for a period of time not to exceed one yeaz 20 from the date of the adoption of t�is interim ordinance, the five-space parking exempuon in Section 21 62.103(d) for change of uses in a tructure shall not apply within the East Grant overlay parking 22 district, except that requests for ariances may be made. "East Grand overlay pazking district" shall 23 mean the area bounded by Ay Mill Road, the alley north of Grand Avenue, Da1e Street, and the 24 a11ey south of Grand Avenue 25 2b 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 - 36 � 37 38 39 40 41 �� "/ �� ��, \d° �� � �� � 2 3 4 5 SECTION 3 6 7 The restrictions enacted herein shall continue in force until the City G 8 consider possible amendments to the regulatory ordinances concerning 9 Districts, or for one year, whichever occurs sooner, and which may be � 10 City Council for additional periods of time, not to exceed an additiona� 11 studies and recommendations of the Planning Commission and the d�l' 12 require such e�ensions of time. �� qs-3�o i�'has had an opportunity to Commercial Pazldng ided by resolution of the months, in the event the itions of the City Council � v� � � ��� �� G � .x� � �\ Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Co cil Adoption Cer ified Bye Approve by Mayor: By: . Date by Council secretary Date Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submiasion to Council By: `�S — 3�0 �EPAqTME T/pfFICE/CAUNCIL DATE INITIATED �� 3 2 6 81 c�t couns�� 3/28/95 GREEN SHEE - CANTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INRIAtJDATE INffIAVDATE O DEPAF7TMEM DIRECfOR O CffY CAUNGL Dave Thune ' 266-8620 "�'�" aC�TYATTORPiEY �crtrcaEaK NUYBEfl FOP MUST 8E ON CpUNCIL AGENDA BV (OA'f� R�� � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MCai SERVICES DIR. OflUEP O MpypR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAI # OF SIGNA7URE PAGSS (CLfP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) �- 0.Cf10N REQUE9TED: Interim zoning ordinance suspending five-car parking exemption in the East Grand Avenue area. HECAMMENOATIONS: Applove (A) of Rejec[ (Rj pER50NAl SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PII�NNING CAMMi$$1017 _. CNIL SERVICE COMMISSIOTf �� � m� Pe�so^lfirm ever wurked under a cont2c[ fw thi5 tlepartmeM? , _ qB C�MMITTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciry employee? - — YES NO _ DISTRICiCOURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any CurreM ciry employee? SUPPoRTS WHICH CAUNCII O&IECTIVE� YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNfTY (Wlro, What, When, Where, Why): Planning Commission is considering a zoning amendment eliminating the five-space parking exemption in East Grand Avenue area. Interim ordinance would be in effect unYil Planning Commission and Council could act. pDVANTNCaES IF APPRpYEO: Maintain status quo on parking demand during study. DISA�VANTACaES IFAPPROVED: None. DISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Possible additional pressures on parking. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/HEVENUE B1IDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUM6ER FINANCIAL INFOFMATION: (EXPLAIN)