95-3521 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ?g 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 L �.. Presented ORlG�NAL Referred To Ordinance # Council File # �`� ��� Green Sheet # � �� ORDlNANCE OF SAINi' PAUL, MINNESOTA a9 Committee: Date An ordinance amending sections 60.201 and 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Zoning. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: Seciion 1 That section 60.201. A. of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended so as to add the following clause thereto: Sec. 60.201. A. Accessory use or accessory. A use which is clearly incidental tq customarily found in connection with, and (except as provided in section 62.104) located on the same zoning lot as, the principal use to wl�ich it is related. When "accessory" is used in the tea�t, it sha11 have the same meaning as "accessory use." An accessory use includes, but is not limited to, the foliowing: (1) �2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ��) Residential accommodations for servants or caretakers. Swimming pools for the use of the occupants of a residence or their guests. Domestic storage in a barn, shed, tool room or similar accessory building or other structures including the storage of antique and ciassic automobiles within accessory structures. A newsstand primarily for the convenience of the occupants of a building which is located wholly within such building and has no exterior signs or displays. Storage of inerchandise normally carried in stock in connection with a business or industrial use, unless such storage is excluded in the applicable district regulations. Storage of goods used in or produced by industrial uses or related activities, unless such storage is excluded in the applicable district regulations. Accessory off-street parking spaces, open or enclosed, subject to the accessory off-street parking regulations for the district in which the zoning lot is located. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 48 39 )0 �l gs 3 �a.- (8) Uses cleazly incidentai to a main use such as, but not limited to, offices of an industrial or commercial compiex located on the site of the commercial or industrial compiex; greenhouses located on the premises as incidental to a florist. (9) (10) Accessory off-street loading, subject to the off=street loading regulations for the disttict in which the zoning lot is located. Accessory signs, subject to the sign regulations for the district in which the zoning 1ot is located. (I 1) Trash containers, including garbage dutnpsters, in accordance with Chapter 357 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. (12) Radio and television receiving antennas including satellite receiving dishes, ar short-wave transmit/receive antennas designed for dispatching or use with household elecironic equipment including "ham" radio equipment, subject to the regulations in section 61117. (13) Air conditioning condenser. f���..:.' Section 2 That Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 64,300. Planning commission and planning administrator approval. (a) Application to planning commission. Any person having an ownership or leasehold interest in land and/or building (contingent included) is eligible to file an application with the planning commission far a special condition use permit, site plan approval, determination of similar use, nonconfornung use permit, or other matters provided for in this zoning code. A11 applications shall be filed on appropriate forms and with requisite fees. (b) i'I�ptti�ig e�iu�iit�i�sY�t� re�i��v� dQl+���t3�i1, tu:a�dmt]�t35Y�,�f4r : The planning commission shall review and approve all principal uses permitted subject to special conditions, site plans, determinations of similar use, and other matters and�cases as may by 1aw be provided. The planning commission shall have the authority to iu�rd��? :ttr revoke any special condition use permit, nonconforming use permit, change in nonconforming use permit or sign variance. The planning commission may, by rule, delegate to the planning administrator its power to review and approve all such matters and cases; provided, however, that the planning commission shail not delegate its power to : rii�ztif�:a�rrevoke any nonconforming use permit, any change in nonconfornung use permit, any sign variance or special condition use permit or modify special conditions imposed upon any princapal uses permitted subject to such special conditions. The applicant shall present the application, a site plan meeting requirements of section 64.102, and other information as requixed to substantiate his or her case. (�) ��� administrator approval tzfc;ii �itipt`�d:: :The planning commission, or pianning amstances of each such case before granting an a permit or sign variance. When authority has not 2 92 93 94 95 46 97 98 94 100 l01 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 ll5 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 �t� 3 �� been delegated to the plamiiug administrator, the planning commission shali make no decision until after a public hearing has been conducted by the planning commission or the zoning committee of the plamiing commission. The plauuing commission or zoning committee sha11 send notice of the tune and piace of any hearing to all parties who may, in its opuuon, be affected by its decision, which shall in ali cases include all owners of record of properly within three hundred fifry (350) feet of the premises in question. Such notices shall be delivered personally or by mail addressed to the respective owners at the address given in the most current Raxnsey County properiy ta�tation records. (d) ��n�t€��at �s� pe�tE� ��era�.�ta�d�rt�� :;$efore the planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special conditions, the commission shall find that: (1) The ea�tent, location and intensiry of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subazea plans which were approved by the city councii. ��) (3) (4) �$) The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the public streets. The use will not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general welfare. The use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the sunounding property for uses permitted in the district. The use sha11, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. (e) �tri�t�ifi€i9�iisi`::_The pianning commission or the planning administrator where delegated may impose such reasonable conditions and limitations in granting an approval as are determined to be necessary to fulfill the spirit and purpose of the zoning code and to protect adjacent properties. (fl 1l'I��.��t�c��i�:t�ri��ts<:::'The plaYning commission, after public hearing, may modify any or all special conditions, when strict application of such special conditions would unreasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawfiil use of a piece of property or an existing structure and would result in exceptional undue hardship to the owner of such properiy or stnxcture; provided, that such modification will not impair the intent and purpose of such special condifion and is consistent with health, morals and general welfare of the community and is consistent with reasonabie enjoyment of adjacent property. The requirements of secfions 61.100 through 61.105 and 62.103 sha11 remain in force and effect and shall not be superseded or waived by any such modification of a special condition. ,. - . : �... . . . (g) �ii�il� �se. c�t"e��miri�Yxpii�^_: When a specific use is not listed in a district the plauuuig commission shall determine if a use is similar to other uses permitted in each district. The planning commission shall make the following findings in determining one use is similar to another: (1) (2) (3) That the use is similar in chazacYer to one ar more of the principal uses permitted. That the traffic generated on such use is similaz to one or more of the principal uses permitted. That the use is not first permitted in a less restrictive zoning district. 3 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 (4) Thax the use is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 9� 3Sa-- (h) ��ii�=�;�iat;�}1,I�I�ei1� Revocation--Conditional �se� `ius� permits, nonconforming use permits, change in nonconforming use permits and sign variances: ..,. . .,.,._,. (1) '�"�� i� z�a� ���s���e�l �' r�:cI�� ��a� �� V�Ja�u a principal use subject to special ��t�"��tiis, a nonconfonniug use, a change m nonconformiug :.... . _ ;. _. use; e� a sign vanance, a site p1an, ¢z �r �ztat�r t�z c�sc �r'a�e� �y the p��ta�3g ea���.�� �x �� t�€s�i1, has not been estabiishecl within one (1) year after the date of granting thereof, then without further action by the plamiing commission, or the city council, the authorizaxion for such anDroval shail be nuli and void. 'T�e: ct��i�ti�iun-_��.�€��:ri[�ri�i�a� �2) zoning administrator shall notify the commission wnen a aeve�opment coverea by s�a�e�a4 �:c�Ttt€i7li3n�t. us�,;J?��YiEt; Ti#�Y�G��?ti�it3�:1� per�i��, c�ng� z� x�c�zl�zi�t��?g.��s� gexriifi�, c� ,��i �raazu� is not in compliance with any of the conditions imposed upon such use permit. The commission may, at a public hearing, following notice to the owner of subject properiy and other adjacent properiy owners as specified in paragraph {� {��, and upon determination that the conditions imposed by such approval are not being complied with, revoke the authorization for such approval and require ....:..,._:, _.. that such use be discontinued.:�;:�.:�cr��z��:izr,_Iz�:�-:x�uakiiqg:�k�;�ezz�t%ssi�i�; z�3� (i) Pe�i�its�issii��?�ec��t�e;t� Upon approval of a principal use permitted subject to special conditions, site plan, defermination of similar use, or other matter or case by the planning commission or the planning administrator where delegated, the applicant shall be issued a permit upon which all conditions or limitations imposed shall be recorded, r���w �°��* °"�" '�� - ��a ��''w� ��^° �° ��* °°*°'�'�°'�°-' > r..«�� ,. .: .:., ._,. .... :, _ ::......... (j} Pi�r��u►�:��ma��r�t�r s,��[�t�l��p+�a�.#rx:�t�ittm3s��ts�t,: The grant or denial of approval by the planning administrator is subject to appeal to the planning commission by any person, firm or corporation, or by any office, department, board or bureau affected by a decision of the planning administrator within thirty (30) days after the decision appealed from shall have been served either in person or by mail upon the owner of the property which is the subject matter of the decision. The planning commission sha11 conduct a hearing on the appeal within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the appeal by the planning commission. (k) ;€�`�iprars'a�f��ial:�f:�a��pi��p�i��i ,� �i� ��iti�t�::::The grant or denial of approval or revocation of a special condition use permit by the planning commission is subject to appeal, to the city council in accordance with section 64.2Q6. (1) �fe�;s�lietivI�;.-'.:A fee to be established by resolution of the city council shali be paid to the zoning section of the planning division by all holders of special condition use permits which are subject to annual review. Fees shall be paid by the permit holder at the time notice of the review is made to the permit holder. Such resolution may provide for waiver or refund of such fee under specific circumstances. 4 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 2�3 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 q�� �S r (m :"i�ieia��fi��d��ii�u;?iis+�' "?��i't�'<,�1� .' chan e to a s ecial condition ) ��.,.:.<_..-,..,:....;:::,: ;.;....:,.,.-�.:...::-,:,:�<::.:--:: B P use requires a new pernut when one (�}of the following conditions occurs: (1) A speciai condition use changes from one (�j-special condition use to another special condition use. (2) The floor azea of a special condition use expands by fifty (50) percent or more. For a special condition use existing on October 25, 1975, expansion is the sum of the floor azea of all the expansions since then. For a special condition use established after October 25, 1975, expansion is the sum of the floor area of all the expansions since being established. Floor azea does not include floar azea which is accessory to a principal use and which does not result in the expansion of a principal use. t3) (4) (5) (6) The building conta.ining a special condition use is torn down and a new building is constructed, even if the new building contains the same or less floor area. The prancipal use of a special condition use expands onto an abutting lot, such as a used caz lot or a fast food restaurant building addition expanding onto an abutting lot. The nuxnber of residents in a community residential facility increases, or the number of rooming units in a rooming or boardinghouse increases. A college, university or seminary adds a school building or an off-street pazking facility for its exclusive use outside of its approved campus boundary. (n) ��ia�ig�:�£ s��i�; �i�i���=u�� �riui#�ii€�;si� condition use does not require a new permit but does req following conditions occurs: r�d:<; `A change to a special a site plan when one (1) of the (1) The floor area of a special condition use expands by less than fifty (50) percent. For a special condition use existing on October 25, 1975, expansion is the sum of the floor area of a11 the expansions since then. For a special condition use estabiished after October 25, 1975, expansion is the sum of the floor area o£ all the expansions since being established. Floor area does notinclude floor area which is accessory to a principal use and which does not result in the expansion of a principal use. ��) (3) (4) (5) An accessory use of a special condition use expands onto an abutting lot, such as a bowling alley's off-street pazking lot expanding onto an abutting lot. Off-street parking spaces aze added in a parking lot, garage or ramp on the site of a special condition use. An accessory structure is added to the site, such as a building to store salvaged motor vehicle parts being constructed on the site of a motor vehicle salvage operation. A college, university or seminary adds a school building or an off-street parking facility within its approved campus boundary. 5 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 9�-3.��, Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. �o�Rittuefl MAY 27 1995 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Council sy tary Planni & Econo ' Develo ment By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approv�3 j��� yor : l# / ay : j 1/ �.._ for ssion to C� q�"-3 sv OEPARTMENT/OFFICE/ UNCIL DATE INITIATED 'v� 312 5 7 GREEN SH T _ CANTACT PERSON & PHONE . �N INITIPVOATE �,DEPAHfMEMDIflECfOR �GliVCAUNCIL ASSIGH � CfiY ATTOFNEY � GT' GLERK MUST BE CqU L AGENOA BY (OATE) p��N� BUOdEf DIRECfOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SEflVICES OIR. �Ep MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n � ��I Q ,_ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACCION REWESTED: Adopt February Minor Zoning Amendments � RECAMMENDA7�ONS: Approve (A) aAejaci i� PEFiSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ C�VIL SEfiY{CE COMMISSION �- Has this perso�rm ever worked under a contract for this departmerrt2 _ CIB COMMfITEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has ihis personJfirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DIS7AIGi COUR7 _ 3. Does this person/Firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curteM ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCWNCILO&IECTIVE? YES NO Explafn ali yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITATING PflOBLEM, ISSUE, 07PORTUNITY (NTO, Whel, Whan, Where, Why�: Needed minor zoning amendments are delayed if done only periodically. � -- (NA4 O 1 1995 ���°� A��B�� ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Zoning code will be kept up to date. DISADVANTAGES IP APPROVEO: None. &f�! ��' MA� 1. 3 �99� DISqOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Needed amendments could face long delay. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COS7lpEVENUE BUOGE7ED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEH fINANCIAL INFORMATION'. (EXPlA1N) 9S3S� �.1� �F' J�f P1�� 390 Ciry Hatd Telephone.� 612-266-8510 Norm Co7eman, Mayor IS West Kellogg Boulevard Facsim:le: 612-128-8573 Sa:nt Paul, MN 55102 March 1, 1995 Council President David Thune and Members of the City Council 3rd Floor City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz President Thune and members of the City Council: Beginning in 1982, the Planning Commission periodically considered and recommended to the CiTy Council a series of minar zoning amendments contained in 40-acre studies called Zoning Amendments I, II, etc. There have been eight of them. The zoning amendments made changes needed to bring the code up to date with new living or business practices, carry-out newly adopted plans, clarify regulaUons, correct errors, and incorporate zoning administrator interpretations and Planning Commission findings. Since these 40-acre studies were done only periodically, needed zoning amendments were delayed until staff, the Commission, and City Council had the time to work on them. In order to avoid such delays and to keep the code as current as possible, the Commission will consider and recommend to the Ciry Council several minor zoning amendments each month. The second Minar Zoning Amendments recommendation is attached. They concern brew pubs and modifying zoning permits. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public heazing on the proposed amendments on Februazy 16, 1995. The Commission recommended their approval on Pebruary 24, 1995, as set forth in the attached resolution. I am pleased to transmit these amendments to you for your review and approval. Sincerely, ���-(�1�--- Norm Coleman Mayor l�[�1i'.i �city of saint pauf planning commission resoiutEOn file number 95-15 �te February 24, 1995 MINOR ZONING AMENDMENTS FEBRUARY 1995 9s-3 �� WI-IEREAS, the Planning Commission has deCermined that considering and recommending monthly zoning amendments Co the Mayor and City Council is the most desi.rable way to keep the zoning code as cuzrent as possible; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on proposed minor zoning amendments concerning modifications to permits and brew pubs at its February 16, 1995, meeting; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined: 1. That the number of real estaCe descriptions affected by the amendmezts renders the obtaining of written consent impractical; • 2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been made; 3. That a determination has been made that the proposed amendments to the Zoning Code are related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use, and to plans for future land use; and 4. That pursuant to State Statutes proper notice of the hearing was civen in the Pioneer Press on January 25, and February 1 and 8, 1995. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the zoning code amendments in the "Minor Zoning Amendments February 1995° sCudy pertaining to modifications of "zoning permits and brew pubs and directs the Planning Administrator to forward the study and this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. moved by Morton � seconded by in favor Una°;m°�S against DEPAAThfEM OF PLAI�NING & ECONO\fiC DEVELOP�tENT � S _ �sa- CITY OF SAIN'T PAUL Narm Co7eman, �4tayor Division of Planning 25 West Fou.th So-eet Telephone: 672-?66-6565 SaintPaul, hA'»I01 Facsimile: 672-238-33/�1 MINOR ZONING AMENDMENTS February 1995 � u c� s _ 3s a- � SMALL TRUCKS MINOR ZONING AMENDMENTS FEBRUARY 1995 Sec. 6Q.22� T. (DEFINITIONS) Sec. 60.412. (7) (g) Principal use permitted. (Home occupations in R-1 thru R-4 Districts) g. There shal] be no exterior storaoe of equipment or supplies associated with the home occupation nor parking of more than one business car, P�^'•••^ �^�^'� ^- �-^°" ^°^ smatl:tiniek nor any additiona] vehicles eYCept those for permitted employees identified under puagraph d. Sec. 60.413. (15) (fl Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. ( Shared commercial parking in institutional lots) f. Only passenger vehicles a�d st??all track� will be allowed in shared parking spaces in institutional lots. . AISCUSSION Home occupations are allowed to park pickup trucks or small vans, but these veh9cles are not defined. A modification of the Special Condition Use Pezmit for the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) shared commercia] parking lot was required to allow small trucks to pazk there. This amendment defines small trucks as the same size as those that were allowed on the IHM lot. See attached photos of trucks of vazious weights. 2. PARKING FACILITY LOCATION Section 60.221.U. (DEFINITIONS) [Inbuildable lot. A lot unsuitable for construction of a sin�l�familv dwetling without variances dne to lot condirions snch as lot size, lot width, availabiiitv of nublic utilities, soil conditions or topographV. Sec. 62.102 (2) Off-street parking facilities standards and design. (2) Parkingfacility location; residential. Residential off-street pazking shail consist of an off-street parking facility or parking spaces as defined in this code. Parking spaces for one- and hvo- � fami(y dwel(ing units shail be located on the same zoning lot that they are intended to serve or on an unbuildable ]ot in the same or less restrictive zonina district, across an allev and within 30 feet of the orincipal iot. Pazking spaces for buildings containing three (3) or more dwelling uniTS shal! be on the same zonina lot, in a P-1 zonin� district, or in an abutting zonina lot in the same or less restrictive zonin� district. � DISCUSSION In two 1994 variance cases, the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) has allowed garaQes to be constructed on unbuildable lots that are across the alley from the house tliat tliey serve. The BZA has reviewed this proposed amendment and recommends approval. 3. MODIFICATTON OF PERMTTS BY PLANNING COMMISSION Sec. 64.300. Planning commission and planning administrator approval. (a) Applica5on to planning commission. Any person having an o��nership or leasehold interest in land and/or building (contingent inciuded) is eli�ible to file an application with the planning commission for a special condition use permit, site plan approval, detemtination of similar ase, nonconformino use permit, or other matters provided for in this zoning code. AIf app[ications sfia[[ be filed on appropriate forms and with requisite fees. _._... _.,.._.:........._:.:...;. ........:...:......_. . . (b) 1'launin4 ea�nmiss�nic rei�e��; delegahou-ta a�m�a�s#rafvr .;-The plannm� commission shall review and approve all principal uses permitted subject to speciat conditions, site plans, deterrninations of similaz use, and other matters and cases as may by law be provided. The planning commission shall have the authoriry to m�i�'y;t�� revoke any special condition use permit, nonconforming use permit, chan�e in nonconformina use permit or si�n variance. The plannin� commission may, by rule, delegate to the plannin� administrator its po�ver to eeview and approve all • such matters and cases; provided, however, that the plannin� commission shal] noY delegate its po�ver to �.ris�Ti�y:,:a't:revoke any nonconformin� use permit, any change in nonconforming use permit, any sign vanance or special condition use permit or modify special conditions imposed upon any principal uses permiited subject to such specia] conditions. The appIicant shall present the application, a site pIan meetin� requirements of secrion 64.102, and other information as required to substantiate his or her case. C c Revie�:::'"�QCQ�uresa : �`�ar3u�:`au�_`�utices:>r�vii�e�I:;; The planning commission, or ) ., ::::.:....::: P:..:::.:,.:<.::.,:...:.::>:..........:..:.:.�..:::.::.:.<..,::...:..,..:..,::..,.......:,�._......: planning administrator where delegated, shali investigate the circumstances of each such case before granting an approval tir �ri�ifiea�in�;:tif;_'or �_:reuqcat[tzp;of� a permit or sign vaziance. When aathoriry has not been delegated to the planning administrator, th�e planning commission shal] make no decision untiI after a public hearing has been conducted by the planning commission or the zoning committee of the planning commission. The planning commission or zoning committee shalI send notice of the time and place of any heazing to all parties who may, in its opinion, be affected by its decision, which shall in atl cases include all owners of record of property within three hundred fifiy (350) feet of the premises in question. Such notices shall be delivered personally or by mait addressed to the respective owners at the address $iven in the most current Ttamsey County property tasation records. (d) �u�itiip�taE:use"�:e��urt�%getierat`:Sfa,ndartl54�r;Before the pianning commission may grant .._..:...,-:�.>.,�>.-.:.:.,:._..:�...,.,.:_......_......._:..,_._::...:.....,._. , approval of a principal use subject to special conditions, the commission shall find that: 2 s �S_�sa— � (1) The extent, Iocation and intensity of the use �vill be in substantia] compliance �vith the Saint Pau! Comprehensive Plan and any applica6le subarea plans which were approved by the city council. �2) (3 ) �0� (5) i The use tivill provide adequate in�ress and egress to minimize tra�c con�estion in the public streets. The use will not be detrimental to the existin� character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanaer the public health, safety and general welfare. The use will not impede the normal and order]y development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses pertnitted in the district. The use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. (e) !�'nailitfdiis�: ` planning commission or the planning administrator �vhere delegated may impose such reasonable conditions and limitations in granting an approval as are determined to be necessary to fulfill the spirit and purpose of the zoning code and to protect adjacent propedies. (� lYFae�ify'speeiial canditi�in$:`:The planning commission, after public heazing, may modify any or all special conditions, when strict application of such special conditions would unreasonably limit or prevent othenxise Iawful use of a piece of property or an existina structure and wouid result in exceptional undue hardship to the o�vner of such property or structure; provided, that such modification will not impair the intent and purpose of such special condition and is consistent with health, morals and general welfare of the communiry and is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. The requirements of sections 61.100 through 61.10� and 62.103 shall remain in force and effect and shall not be superseded or waived by any such modification of a special condition. (g) Simsi�c;v��e't��t�irniiriafian�=�When a specific use is not listed in a district the planning commission shall determine if a use is similar to other uses permitted in each district. The planning commission shall make the following findings i� determining one use is similar to another: (1) �2) (3) (4) That the use is similar in character to one or more of the principal uses permitted. That the traffic generated on such use is similaz to one or more of the principa! uses permitted. That the use is not first permitted in a less restrictive zoning district. That the use is consistent with the comprehensive plan. � h 1?fliit if`_�iaY est�bTiskeei; Revucarion—Conditional aseF fise permits, nonconforming use ) ..:::..: :..:::::.::.�..:.,:..:::.;:...:...:.>.....: permits, change in nonconforming use permits and sign variances: ��i� i�`;iipi_�Sta�iliS�i.�.....' .....?;�i............._A.:.:<� :...... T.. ..,tiere � (1) .,, ecE �fh�n tsnr� er{nt� ,,.e� a principal use subject to special eer�di�iea ctind�fi�tts, a nonconfotming use, a change in nonconformin� use, e� a si�n variance, a site plany b� nthet matter �sr,ease apgro�ed y the pI�n�lut� EortimtssF�si_ar t�ry couiicil has not been established within one (1) year . afrer the date of grantm� thereof then without further action by the plannin� commiss�on, or die city council, the aathorization for such approval shail be null and �2) not m compl�ance wim any oi me conait�ons tmposen upon sucn use permic. i ne commissioa may, at a public hearine, followin� notice to the owner of subject property and other adjacent property owners as specifed in paraQraph (-�} ��), and upon determination that the conditions imposed by such approval are not bein� complied with, revoke the authorization for such approval and require that such use be (i) Per�iij� issue�I�ec�ird�_:;.Upon approva] of a principal use permitted subject to special conditions, site plan, determination of similar use, or other matter or case by the planning commission or the plannin� administrator where detegated, the app(icant shall be issued a permit upon �vhich all conditions or limitations imposed shall be recorded. c,,,.�, _,....,:« ..r...n r.� ..,.:a :r«ws. �;_�,�' . V . a a � ` � -- s..r:..a.. .. ....1 F � N.� e.•+�..�:.... , ._.._,........._.,.;. � .. �. _ :.. . . _ .._....._:..: V) YTariniri�:;adi�irii5tratoY's;�deciSit�tilagpeat f�:coiitinissiat�_<�The �ant or deniat of :: ::.:: . :..:.: �. :.:: _....;:::,:_:..,._ :..,.;:.,.,,,:.:.:...:.:,.:,.,::,. _:;..:..,.. ..:;...<>...:.... :.:.�: -..,:-...._::... ..:.. approval by the planning administrator is subjectto appealto the plannin� commission by any person, firm or corporation, or by any office, department, board or bureau affected by a decision of the planning administrator within thirty (30) days after the decision appeated from shall have been served either in person or by mail upon the owner of the property which is the subject matter of the decision. The pfanning commission shall conduct a hearing on the appeal within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the appea] by the planning eommission. � k t1 .tov�IftCeriial'::af;`:er�i#f� grant or denial of approval or )....;AA .:...:::.:::.:..<..>.::;;..:.::.:.,::�::,,,;:_.;:.,,:>:.�P.:..,,;.,..,,:_::�::..,::.:;: revocation of a special condition use permit by t[�e planning commission is subject to appeal to the city council in accordance with section 64206. (1) �ee;scl�ei�t�2e<; A fee to be established by resolution of the ciry council shall be paid to the zoning section of the planning division by all holders of special condition use permits �vhich are subject to annual review. Fees shall be paid by the permit holder at the time notice of the review is made to the permit holder. Such resolution may provide for waiver or refund of such fee under specific circumstances. (m) SpectYa3 [OitdiYcaa uSe�terlinif� �ts�ig� re�tttt►�g 3ue}c' p�CYituF, ;; A change to a special . .. .. 4 . . . . .. � Goriditiaus via(aterT;_ revo�afiurt;�::;The zoning administrator shatt notify the commiss�on �vhen a deve[opment covered by se�e�ra�geava4 a cottttiX�ana� stse perm�i; � � condition use requires a ne�v permit when one f-}}of the following conditions occurs: (7) A speciai condition use changes from one (-i-j-special condition use to another special condition use. (2) The floor area of a special condition use espands by fifty (�0) percent or more. For a special condition use esistin� on October 25, 1975, expansion is the sum of the floor area of all the expansions since then. For a special condition use established afrer October 25, 1975, expansion is the sum of the floor area of all the espansions since being established. Floor area does not include floor area which is accessory to a principal use and which does not result in the expansion of a principal use. � (3) (4) (5) (6} The building containin� a special condition use is tom down and a new buildino is constructed, even if tl�e new buildin� contains the same or less floor area. The principal use of a special condition use expands onto an abutting lot, such as a used car lot or a fast food restaurant building addition expanding onto an abuttine lot, The number of residents in a community residential facility increases, or the number of xooming units in a rooming or boardinghouse increases. A college, university or seminary adds a school building or an off-street parkin� facility for its exclusive use outside of its approved campus boundary. (n) �haiige uf'_special;criridifipn#iis� requireci_';A change to a special condition use does not require a new permit but does require approval of a site plan when one (I} of the foilowing conditions occurs: (1) The floor area of a special condition use expands by less than fifty (50) percent. For a special condition use exisiing o� October 25, 1975, expansion is the sum of the floor area of all the expansions since then. For a special condition use established after October 25, 1975, expansion is the sum of the floor area of all the expansions since being established. Floor area does not include floor azea which is accessory to a principal use and which does not result in the expansion of a principal use. �2) (3 ) (4) (5) An accessory use of a special condition use expands onto an abutting lot, such as a bowling alley's off-street parking lot expanding onto an abutting lot. Off-street parking spaces are added in a parking lot, garage or ramp on the site of a special condition use. An accessory structure is added to the site, such as a building to store salvaged motor vehicle parts being constructed on the site of a motor vehicle salvaae operation. A coltege, university or seminary adds a school building or an off-street pazking facility within its approved campus bouadary. � � DISCUSSION The Planning commission is now authorized to revoke special condition use permits, nonconforming � use permits, and sign variances. In some circumstances it is more appropriate to modify a Plannine Cornmission approva! than to revoke it. This will make it that possible. 4. BREW PUBS Section 60.201. A. Accessory use or accessory. DISCUSSION This is a Zonina Administrator's determination resardine brew pubs. !I'• ;_:'.1 ;s�' Typographical errors can be corrected by the City Attomey's Office and wil done in that way. 0 � � ' - .9 . . "'r _ " "' ' " _ i��''.-��`�:'���`.�i:'�n{ _' �� � '''�^ . .;� g � ll � ;' � r_l. �����. ... -=�t:�f. ``�� � r -•- . _ :' GLASSIFIGAT}OK;:�;=�. ' - pF TRUCKS - - --- - _ -- _ q S .��-'�'c�_' _ L � . - _ �.� ' _ _, .. ( � ' - _ . �y�' �.'.'- "."_'_ "_'_'� __��_' �. ��' - _ � � � �- . . —� ; _--_- . p.a, l t���! ��EA _ _. _ �::Yz _ ' ' c,u. 9oeo �bs. ... G.W. il .000 ibs. ��. i.' � r ;� •.-yr'i ..�war�� i- % ,� : , ; ,�F _ BUTTE�CUF ' O���S � � o^ . . ._ _ � �. , � . -: _. — _ - ... _ ' "-_ ' ' .':X xf; �. - G.4t. 17.a0'3 Ibs. G.r,. 1j�00D :bs. ti.�-1. �����Q �b5.` �,.__.'. _ �sa� r - ._ .'._ . . , t ,;.-.�� -- .- S '.. " " � •, - i .' . c.u. 23,oao t 4 ' ' ' � � �:.�=�'�_ G.1l. ]00^ ISs. - G.1:. 19,000� •bbs. �`'s:�3_:'�Z' -.��'4� � _r.. _ .�._ .>�� . -� _. :�._ - r—s� � -�" � d,� ;��„�.,lu �,$'�`�- .,,. "i y ^ : .� �„ :: _ - _��:; �:sr.:��`� `:�:' .. ` � � ' -- - � �� -.. '-`� r .cK:"X'.' "i�l'-�_YL �.��E'\_% T�- 1 '-Yi= 4 xe'd� c.�+, 27,coo ibs. -���` / .1.� �f: � �EAF = � � 1 i c+� ;: . �' � , _ � � . �/ � r� `�'�— • .S' . . G.N. 3i,JUi7 }bs.� °� . .� �` - • t }� _ _ ii Ru_. . � _ - _ _ ��� { ' •<GTS.$_� - _.:.:+i°"''�_r�—�3 -• _ ' t�y;� :": PFt� . dt :"i`1 _ c.w. 43,000 1�s: .-'; -,•-,., � _ .:.-�f�'° - - : �.: � - ":'-,_ _ . :� : — _ ��i . ..v.. .�i ' 'r- � � � -- r��. ' _•_ � . ';.Lrr-�.�'.t�'-f.�`:�:t:dC�'�i:�.�fY..c.��-.'i.-s.:e.r:iiY:w32++ . �" G.M. 1Ss. ,:: G.u. k5,oQ0 i�s. _ J ��V �- . . . . .. `�..'w r���O . . � ...�...- .,.�� 1 ;.L::L�:.::. � _ _.__ r ...._ �..,�.___, �«'-:. -..-,....:.:.�.z'.''�-��-�:z;:ft:_:�i:::a>: � ..,_�.....� .. __......,..�.a- ' "�` '_"..._�.::1.<:+.c -::%� !����U,l��ll� :�. � ;::�:. __ _ �a�s '' -- T _ G` - 1� � �! � �. ,M �. 1 ' . G.N. 27,�� tbs. G.N. 25 tbs. G. 33 ,OU0 Ibs. , � � 's . r��^"._ E � f.� ;',F: 'P'°�'.Z.��._ i ,YeCtTY__���� c , �."�.�.,. n t.Y+T meni.: +✓ :tL'�Co-. Yii� a� � �:••, d:tii� � '>'�. L �l.t�` ::< ')� ��' ?�� • � _ �J.2Cif.}; — . � . . �/ ..r. . . � :<�m: -~`z .-.._ " .� . --" '. . . _, ; •\ -:ji:: . .^ . . . . W .�• _•...._,. . .^�'� �� .. _ � �'�� _•. �'� ` ..�^ �c �:".� �.' 'a:-�: � � 'y.T�"S] :: : :f: rff . .l y �J;_; ..'.._ . _ . ��,.."b'A .a .:.s.-�=�:. �: . -,�,�a'z�Pa?:.as: .. � ;. .:r--...�... �M�;r `++'+c � �_ � .: _ r �-k:�.. .:_: �.<. r. � �`'---,'y'`L:��,a�� ;-�� � - ��_ ' . � TiV i �:���:�:i r.. � � . _�.-� . , i 2. - �=: )%'i- ._ ' � -.l. z _ 3 _ ,E Y � 1 ���3 :.i.:��:s�w ;_ i �. �;����� �_ � . - '._. :t...��.._�_" _" c - ,� ; Y .: : _.., : �- ...-- _ ' . :=�_ G.�+. 59, 16s. � . M �_ ' , ` � �,: � ' .. �- _ � . �,' I' __ � � ' � s._-� -- � G,u, 61,000 lbs. � . �; _ .. . � . . . - J X I � ' -�{��� � ,/! • .- ""'_3 --* � � _ - ,. - _ . - ..,. - T �f•_ ��..�p� � r. - - - '� �'r .� _ I ^,' � , . ' ---3 � , ^��P � _'' G.�. 59.oCO lbs. ,u '� �m ,��°z::>��,• � . T��.- �i 'V .8;,'�... ,_ ` ' . ' . ' _�:-°: . . . . _G.u. 73.oco ibs. w!: . %= r� � '" - -- - . � , . . . . - _, ;� - � �: _��.. _;� i •,n� _ a � , �" `t . � ` - � _ ..` � � . �� � G � .� ` � G.«. 73,000 Ibs. . .., . " . _ � - .. _14- . . �+ _,t ,�"'z"'>i..ac "' .. G.W. 73.Qa� lbs. - - -- G.N. 73 , OC'0 l bs ::.: G.'.t. bj,�CO Ibs. / • 2. PARKING FACILITY LOCATION Section 60.221.U. (DEFINITIONS) Sec. 62.102 (2) Off-street parking facilifies standards and design. c� 5 _ �s a- (2) Parking facility location, residential. Residential off-street pazking shall consist of an off-street pazkin� facility or parkin� spaces as deFined in this code. Parking spaces for one- and two- family dwelling units shall be located on the same zoning lot that they are intended to secve o� . : .... .::... ......::. aecass�anza.ey,a� < ,`x , t�t :; .ee_ �� ;; o ar tng spaces or ui tngs con a�mng : : .. . .....:::..:::.:..: . . three (3) or more dwelling units shall be on the same zoning lot, in a P-1 zoning district, or in an abutting zoning lot in the same or less restrictive zoning district. DISCUSSION In two 1994 variance cases, the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) has allowed gazages to be constructed on unbuildabie lots that aze across the alley from the house that they serve. The BZA has � reviewed this proposed amendment and recommends approval. � 2 �S_�sa- � PIINUTES OF THE ZONING CONII�IITTEE CITY COUNCIL CfLnS'BERS, SAINT PAUL, MZNNESOTA ON FEBRUARY 16, 1995 PRESENT: Mmes. Faricy, Morton, Treichel, and Wencl, Messrs. Field, Guraey, Kramer and Vzught of the Zonir,g Committee; hir. Sega1, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dadlez and Sanders; and Mr. Ryan of the Planning Division. ABSENT None. Time: 4:25 - 5:05 p.m. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairperson. Minor Zonina Amendments, Februarv 1995 Roger Ryan, Planning Division staff reported that public hearing notices were published on January 25, February 1 and 8, 1995, in the Pioneer Press. t� addendum to the staff report in the form of a memorandum dated February 16, 1995, was distributed which included a revision to the Small Trucks amendmeat. Mr. Ryan reviewed the proposed zoning amendments outlined in the staff repozt. SMALL TRUCKS Mr. Ryan summarized that the proposed revision, instead of having a definition • which treats all small trucks alike, it wi11 rather, allow small trucks or vans licensed for a gross weight of nine thousand (9,000) gross weight or less in the home occupations, and twelve thousand (12,000) gross weight for t?�e shared commercial parking lots. Section 62.102 (2) has been rephrased_ Commissioner Vaught suggested tha[ the real issue with many of the parking lots is the physical size of the vehicles parked there, rather than the weight, below a certain limit, and questioned whether the committee ought to define it in terms of the length of the truck as opposed to the weight o� the truck. Mr. Ryan saicl that these vehicles are licensed by weignt which is included on their license plates which would provide ease of enforcement/administration. Mr. Vaught referenced photographs depicting trucks and their various weignts included in the staff report and indicated that some of the lighter weight trucks are also pretty large trucks, and that some of the heavier trucks are not. He suggested enforcement could simply use a tane measure as an enforcement tool to regulate truck length which he believes would more accurately address what is desirable to regulate which he believes is the size of trucks that are parked in lots as opposed to their weight. Commissioner Field objected to the amendment and questioned the need for a definition for such a limited use. Commissioner Wencl guesCioned the reason for this regulation and whether it pertains to the length, size, width, height oz weight of the vehicle. Mr. Ryan said that home occupation references small trucks or vans but does not defi.ne a small truck or van. As the Zoning Administrator has been using � 9,000 gross vehicle weight which is cited in an ordinance having to do with parkways, this has been proposed. Mr. Ryan further stated that the shared parking lot for Immaculate Heart of Mary also contri.buted to it becoming an issue. There was brief discussion regarding recreational vehicles and Mr. Ryan clarified that recreational vehicles are excluded from any parking . requirements. Commissioner Xramer suggested that perhaps a permit should be issued to allow for trucks over a certain size, with nei9hbors notified, and then if there is objection it can be addressed. Commissioner Gurney agreed that gross weight would sezve as a useful enforcement tool and felt that using anything other than that would l�e extremely difficult. � Mr. Segal clarified that action of the committee is only necessary if the committee chooses to accept a proposed amendment and forward it to the Planning Commission. No action was taken. 2. PARKING FACILITY LOCATION Mr. Kramer asked whether there has bee!x a continuing problem associatzd with this. Mr. Ryan indicated that there rave beea approximately 3 cases in the past 6 years or so. No action was taken. 3. MODIFICATION OF PE?2MIT5 BY PLA��7NING COMMISSION Mr. Segal briefly reviewefi that a previous hearing of revocation of the condition use permit for the Gznesis House generated conce?-n that the Planning • Commission should have the ability to do something other than revoke or not revoke a permit, but to change the conditions. Coarm.issi.oner ICramer moved approva2 of Amendmeat No. 3, Modification of Permits by Planning Co�ission, Cott�issioaer Guraey seconded the motioa. The motion carried with a voice vote of 5 to 1(Wencl against). Commissioners Field and Treichel were not present for the vote. 4. BREW PUBS Mr. Segal pointed out that Brew Fubs is a new business �nd that the auestion has coTae uo whether it is a permitted use in the business district. Commissioner Guraey moved approval of Amendment No. 4, Brew Pubs. � Commissioaer Rramer seconded the motion. The motion carried with a voice vote of 6 to 0. C�mmissioners FieZd an3 Treic?ie1 were not present for the vote. Discussion Recrardinq New Zonin4 Amendment Process Commissioner Wencl initiated discussion regarding the new zoning amendment process. Chair Morton reviewed that at a December meeting the Zoning Committee recommended to the Planning Commission who,also approved, that the con¢nittee review proposed zoning amendments on a monthly basis rather than reviewing a great number of them at the end of the year as was done previously_ • � e qS -3sa- � Commissioner Wencl questioned whether the possibility of changed zonir.c regulations on a monthly basis is business friendly. She also said that tn=_=_z frequent cnanges makes it difficult for commissioners to maintain an up-to- date and accurate Zoning Code for reference in decisionmaking. bir. P.yan said he sees this method as being business £rieadly, versus s�.-i:a c� proposed anendments and not keeping thirgs current. Ae reviewed the prccess of zoning amendments becoming official. Following the Planning Commissioa there is a public hearing before the City Council for their action, anc tre amendments go into ef£ect 30 days after council actioa. Shortly therea't=r . reprints of the amendments to the zoning code become available. With t�=_ current process the entire turnzround could occur within approximately 10 weeks from the time it first aopears on the council agenda. It was revealed that Planning Commissioners are not receiving updated rz�ri-�s of the Zoning Code. Nir. Ryan said that he will see that in the future Planning Comnissioners do reczive reprints of zoning amendments. Commissioner Vaught favors a more frequent zoning ameadment process tha- was done previously. In terms o� the public's cognizance he does not belie it really makes any difference. F3e believes the committee soends more time o, them with this current method aad that zoning code amendments more or 1==_s slide through when they're comniled for a rumber o£ months. Commissioaer Wencl suggested that the committee monitoz the new process to analyze whether it is in fact a more efiicienC use of the committee's a�d staff's time at committee meetings. Commissioner Kramer said that the term "minor zoning amendments" does nct . accurately reflect the amendments and requested that in the future they b° called "zoning code amendments". Commissioner Wencl discouraged zoning amendments being proposed because o- eaz instance the committee encountered as this can be dealt with by other neans. Commissioner Vaught said that he does not want to discourage staff from bringing issues forward as the committee does not have to adopt staff recommendations, and will be benefiting from a much more deliberative p-ocess. Approved by: � Gladys Morton, Chairoerson .� 3