95-349L �- ORIG��AL C Presented Referred To Committee: Date An interim ordinance amending section 60.803 (5) (d) of tbe Saint Paul Zoning Code, pertaining to Overlay Parking Districts, pending the completion of studies of possible amendments to the City's regulatory ordinances, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 462.355, subdivision 4. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section 1 -3� 9' � .ez�!�� �� The Saint Paul Planning Commission is in the process of studying amending section 60.803 commercial parking districts and will submit its report and recommendations to the City Council. Section 2 Pending the completion of this study and for the purpose of prohibiting any development that might be inconsistent with the outcome of this study, the Council does hereby enact the following as an interim zoning provision, amending section 60.803 (5) (d) of the Zoning Code, as follows: d. Set forth any special conditions and restrictions which sha11 be appiicable to all commercial and business uses within the overlay parking district which are enacted for the purpose of alleviating the parking problems for the commercial and business uses, and the adjacent residential properties. In addition to any special conditians and restrictions, the �puricit;:riiay ,,:::«._......_ ..... ..::...:..:,.:.:_.. ,... ....:... .. pr4vatle:tktat:s�+�aie:,ar:°a€l:;af;,t�ti�':following conditions � be applicable in a� 2zi overlay parking districts: 1. All el:isting parking facilities serving commercial and business uses within the overlay parking district shall be improved so as to m�imize the number of off-street parking spaces that may be provided thereon and shall also provide appropriate landscaping buffers. Parking facilities in existence as of November 23, 1993, sha11 be brought into compliance with this requirement witbin fzve (5) years after the establishment of the overlay parking district. Council File # Ordinance # Green Sheet # ORDINANCE SAINT �kl1L, MINIVESOTA 2. The five-space parking exemption in section 62.103(d) for /c7' 3�/ change of uses in a structure shall not apply within the overlay parking district, except that requests for variances may be made. 3. The banking of parldng spaces in section b2.103(i) for expansions of legally nonconforming parking for businesses sha11 not apply within the overlay parking district, except that requests for variances may be made. The city clerk shall file a certified copy nf the resolution with the office of county recorder. Section 3 This interun zoning provision sha11 continue in force for a period of 150 days from its effective date, or until the study has been completed and zoning amendments enacted pursuant thereto, whichever should occur first. Section 4 The interim ordinance enacted herein may be extended by resolution of this council far an additional period of time, not to exceed an additional 18 months, in the event the studies and recommendations of the Planning Commission and the deliberations of the city council should require an extension of time. Section 5 This ordinance shall be effective thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. N �m �p rrn _.. j :. � �� Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr By: By: Form App 1 By: / �� Apprbved Council ! % 1 g ✓ � b Cit JA�tor y � Y Y� � � �- l ',u�i %. � / r i . � Mayor;�for Submission to Adopted by Council: Date -���� a�„ 1iqs —r'---� q�3�y DEPARTMENVOFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INRIATED ' IV L b y b 4 c�t Council 3/28/95 GREEN SHEE INITIAVDATE INITIAL/DATE CONTACT PEflSON & PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIqECTOR � CITY CAUNCIL Dave Thune 266-8620 ^u OGT`lATCOftNEY �GT'CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL hCEN�A BY (DATEJ qO��FOR O gUOGET OIREGTOft � FIN. & MGT. SERYICES DIR. OflOER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANi� O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED' . Interim zoning ordinance suspending five-car parking exemption in the East Grand Avenue axea. RECOMMENDATIONS. Approve (A) or Re�ect (R) pEqSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has this personttirm ever worked untler a contract for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMITfEE YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICT COURi _ 3. Does this perSOnRirm possess a ski1V not normalVy possessed by a�y current c�ty employee? SUPP�RTS WHICM COUNCiI OBJEGTIVE? YES IVO Explain a11 yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIA7ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Where, Why). Planning Commission is considering a zoning amendment eliminating the five-space parking exemption in East Grand Avenue area. Interim ordinance would be in effect until Planning Commission and Council could act. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO' Maintain status quo on parking demand during study. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. ����?��; i'�'w��� ���� � �, � �t��� � DISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. Possible additional pressures on parking. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAGTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAl4NFORMATIOM (EXPtA1N) DEPARTMENT OF PLANMNG & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CITY OF SAII�IT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor MEMORANDUM Date: March 27, 1995 To: Council President Dave Thune From: Ken Ford �+T 1`hru: Larry Buegler o�y�,�t� U Re: Interim ordinance for East Grand Division oJPlanning 25 West Fourth Saeet Saint Pau� MN SSIO2 �s � �y Telephone: 612-266-6565 Facsimtle: 6I2-228-3374 Attached is an interim zoning ordinance suspending the five-car park9ng exemption in the East Grand Avenue area that you requested the planning staff to draft. BACKGROiTND. During the Planning Commission's consideration of a proposed pazking overlay dishict for East C.raud Avenue in February, the Grand Avenue Business Association and the Summit Hill Association requested that the five-space parking exemption be eliminated but that no other provisions of the overlay district be enacted. The Commission referred the request to a committee and planning staff has proposed a zoning amendment, which wi11 be considered by the Planning Commission in April, to a]low the request of both organization to be carried out. Since the zoning amendment would not be effective until mid-July at the earliest, Maryilou Cheple of the Summit Hill Association and Matt McDonough of the Crrand Avenue Business Association asked you to propose an interim ordinance, to be effective until the permanent zoning change goes into effect, suspending the five-space exemption. cc: Mazilou Cheple Matt McDonough Jerry Segal Pam Wheelock Chuck Repke