95-305� � � Covncil File # �+ — �w � 0 R 1 G 1 N A L Ordinance # Green sheet # �OZ � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA o?'g . Presented By ����j .' � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2a 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£ WIIEREA5, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, EUGENE SCHWAY & JEROME GOTLIEB duly petitioned Yo rezone 1601 JACKSON STREBT, being legally described as Lots 7-10, Block 9; Gurney Highland Pazk, from RM-1 to OS-1 to allow a dental office, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on December 19, 1994 as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and fiirther having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the properiy situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous properiy wixhin one year proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Pianning Commission held a public hearing on January 19, 1995, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on January 27, 1995 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on February 2, 1995 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and proper[y situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the properiy sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public heazing before the City Council having been conducted on March 1, 1995, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 5, as incorporated by reference in §60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fm•ther amended as follows: That properry with the address of 1601 JACKSON STREET, being more particularly described as: Lots 7-10, Block 9; Gurney Hig�land Park be and is hereby rezoned from RM-1 to OS-1. 42 , Section 2. %J' 3 D`� ', 43 ' 44 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 45 publicarion. f:•� MAY - 61995 Requested by Department of: By: Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Plannin Economi Develo ment By: 1l Adopted by Council: Date �--�� \a. �qq5 9s-�+s ✓ DE ENT/OFPICE/GOUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� 312 5 8 � GREEN SH T 03/02/95 inmauo ir+mwnn� ' CONTACT PERSON & PNONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR m CITY GOUNdL ASS�GN CRY ATfOfiNEY � CRY CIERK NUYBEAfON MU BE O COUNqL AGENM BY (DA7E) RQ�µG BUDGET OIflECTOR � FIN. 6 MGT. SERVICES DIR. '�O-� �Q ��� ORDEit MAYOR(ORASSISTANn O �.�ta TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CUP ALl L6CATfONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncrwni REOU�o: Adopt ordinance to finalize council approval of a pefiuon of Eugene Schway and Jerome Gotlieb to rezone property located at 1601 Jackson Street, from RM-1 to OS-1 (public hearing held Mazch 1, 1995). RECAMMENDa770NS: Appmve (q) or qejett (P) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: � PLANN7NG COMMfSSYON _ qV1L SEPVICE CAMMISSIOT7 �- Has this persontfirm ever worketl under a coMrac[ for tftis deparunent? - , CIBC�MMRTEE �S NO � SiqFF _ 2. Has this personHirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO _ DISiRIC7COUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cur2nt Ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNCI� OBJECTNE? YES NO � ,� Explain all yes enswers on sepprate sheet and attach to green sheet INfTIATIN6 PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Wlw, Whet, When, Where, Why): Finalize council approval of a petition of Eugene Schway and Jerome Goflieb to rezone property at 1601 Jackson Street from RM-1 to OS-1 to a11ow a dental office (public hearing held March 1, 1995). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: �[��9�,6 tl �4..A ���� e � 1995 ���� �m ������ DiSAWANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: , .� , �.9r f��v^..�-�.'.��� + y �. e � � 9 n A�v.�-.,- � .i.. . . a �i ..;:J� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N S CQSt/REVENUE BUpGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INiORMATION: (EXPLAIN) DEPARTMEN7 OF PLANNING &. ECONOMIC DEVEI..OPMENT CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL Norm Colemon, Mayor February 16, 1995 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hal] Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Division oJPlmming 25 West Forath Sveet So"nu Pmr� M7J 55702 RE: Zoning Pile #94-277: Eugene Schway & Jerome Gotlieb City Councii Hearing: March 1, 1995 `� c�, _ 3 Os Telephone: 617d66-6565 Fac,nmite: 672-228-33 ] 4 4 PURPOSE: To consider rezoning properiy at 16XX Jackson Sd�eet from RM-1 to OS-1 to allow a dental office. PLAI�iNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL ZONRJG COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL SUPPORT: District 6 Planning Council supports the rezoning petition. One letter was received. OPPOSITION: No one spoke. One letter was received. Deaz Ms. Anderson: Eugene Schway and Jerome Gotlieb submitted a petition to rezone property at l6XX Jackson Street. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on January 19, 1995. A representative fot the applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the pubiic hearing, the committee voted 3-0 to recommend approvai to rezone to OS-1. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation with a unanimous vote on 7anuary 27, 1995. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on Mazch 1, 1995. Please notify me if any mem6er of the City Council wishes tq have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, Ken Ford `� Planning Adminisuator KF:kd Attachments cc: City Councilmembers city of saint pauf planr�ng commission resolution f�e number 95-06 (JUte ;3anuazv 27, 1995 WHEREAS, EUGENE SCFfWAY and JEROME GOTLIEB, fite #94-277 have petifioned to rezone 16XX JACKSON STREET, situated on west side of the street between south of Wheelock Pazkway, from RM-i to OS-i to allow a dentat office; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 19, 1995, at whicl� all persons present were given an opportunity to be heazd pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to iu Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: A dentist has a contract to purchase the property from the applicants and pians to develop a dental office. The dentisE plans to build a new building wbich wovld be approximately 30' x 70'; a pazldng lot facing Jackson Street would pmvide between !0 and 12 off-sueet parking spaces. There would be one dentist and several support staff work4ng at ihis locatioa; the hours of operation are expccted to be 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday througti Friday, with some Saiurday hours. The dentist curren8y has au o�ce in Wheaton, Minnesora; he plans to relocate his business to Saint Paul. 2. The rezoning is in conformance with the comprehensive plan for the city. Policies of the Economic Development Strategy, 1990, include: i) "the City's iand use plan shouId provide adequate land for indusuial and commerciai development and expansion in order to increase the proportion of commerciaUindustrial tax base," �f25, p.I7; 2) "the City should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend them as necessary to keep current with technological and economic changes affecting the nature of business activiry #29," p.18; 3) "the City and Port Authoriry's neighborhood efforts should focus on reducing vacancies in euisting commercial and industrial buildings when economically feasible; and should pursue redevelopment and new development when doing so better serves the objectives of jobs, taY base, and/or neighborhood compatibility," p.37. moved by ���n seconded by in favor �� against �S-3o5 Zoning File t{94-277 Page Two of Resolution One of the policies of the I.and Use Plan states that the City will continue to review its present commercial zoning to ensure that 1) each zoning classification reflects uses appropriate to the intended application of that disuict and 2) each commercial area is appropriately mned for its intended use. 4.2-5 p.27 Goals of the District 6 Plan include, "to �prove the tax base through better utilization of the land and appropriate development of vacant land," p.6; "to encourage the develapment of new housing and businesses," p.21. 3. The rezoning is in keeping with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on surrounding property. The intent of the OS-1 O�ce Service District is to accommodate various types of office uses performing administrative, professional and personal services. The property has been vacant for many years; the proposed dental o�ce use is a low intensive use that is in keeping with the intensity of development in the surrounding area. This stretch of Jackson Street carries about 3,SOQ velucles per day. 4. T'he proposed dental office requires 8 off-street parking spaces; the planned development will provide 10 to 12 off-street parking spaces which is adequate to serve the use. 5. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by twathirds oP the property owners within one hundred <1Q0� feet of the property to be rezoned consenting to the rezoning (56 parcels eligibie, 38 parcels needed, and 38 parcels signed). NOW, Tf�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Pianning Commission that the petition of EUGENE SCHWAY and JEROME GOTLIEB to rezone property at 16XX 3ACKSON STREET, more particularly described as Lot� 7-10, Block 9; Gurney Highland Pazk, from an RM-1 zoning classification to an OS-1 zoning class�cation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Pianning Commission does hereby recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that property located at 16XX JACKSON STREET be rezoned from RM-i to OS-1 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with the Saint Paul Planning Division. PLANNING COD�IISSION OF SAINT PAUL City Hall Conference Center 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint PauI was heid Friday, January 2�, 1995, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Mmes. Bader, Carter, Geisser, Maddox, Morton, Treichel and Wencl and Present: Messrs. Gnmey, Kajer, Kramer, McDonell, Riehle, Schwichtenberg and Vaught. Commissioners Mmes. *Faricy, *LundTohnson, and "Nash and Messrs.'Field, '`Horak, •Tally and *Zobel. Absent: •Excused Atso Preseat: Jerry Segal, Assistant City Attomey; Ken Ford, Jean Birkhotz, Kady Dadlez, Donna Drummond, Nancy Homans, Patricia James, Allen Lovejoy, Charles McGuire, Roger Ryan, Lucy Thompson, and Lazry Soderholm of the Planning Staff; Lazry Buegler, Planning and Economic Development Department Director and Mazk Vander Schaaf, PED Strategic Planning and Economic Development Administrator. L Approva! of Minutes of Tanuary 13, 1995 VII. Zoning Committee � �4-27 i Eusene Sch�vav & Jerome Gotlieb - Rezone to OS-1 to a11ow a dental office (16XX Jacison St, N side, S of `Vheelock Pkwy; zoned RI�I-1). MOTION: Commissioner blorton moved approva( of the requested rezonins. The motion carried unanimous[y on a voice cote. � �94-295 Oous Corooration - Sign Vaziance to allow a 248.15 sq ft sign area variance & a 5 fr hei�ht variance (2080 Ford Plc«y, S side between Cleveland & Finn; zoned B'2)- MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved denial of the requested five foot height variance to allow a 25 foot hi�h monument sien and approvat of 248.15 square feet to allow a totai of 2,272.15 square feet of sig�a�e. The motion to approve ihe amended si� variance was carried unanimously on a voicd vote. Minor Zoning Amendments Study - Roger Ryan Mr. Ryan listed and briefly explained the aznendments. MOTION: Ms. MoROn moved approval of the minor zoning ameadmeats. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. �S_3os � MINt]TES OF THE ZONI4IG COMMITTEE CITY COIINCIL CHANIDERS, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ON JAN[7ARY 19, 1995 PRESENT: Mmes. Mortan, Nash and Wencl, Messrs. Gurney, and Itajer of the . Zoning Co�mnittee; Mr. Segal, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dadlez and Sanders; and Mr. Ryan of the Planning Division. ABSENT• Faricy Field, excused Vaught Time: 3:32 - 3:36 p.m. '�ITG�NE SCHWAY & JEROME GOTLIEB. 16xx Jackson Street; west side south of Wheelock Parkwav, #94-277. Rezonina OS-1. To allow a dental office. Kady Dadlez, Planning Division staff, reviewed the staff report and presented slides. Staff recommended approval of the rezoning based on £indings 1 through 5 of the staff report. The District 6 Planning Council voted to support the rezoning and the intended use of the property for a dental office. One letter was received in support of the rezoning and was distributed at the meeting. Les Gubman, Real Estate Agent with Caldwell Banker Jambor, 2265 Youngman, spoke representing the applicant. Mr. Gubman said that he sold the two lots to Dr. Waite, who is now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota, who groposes to � build a very modern dental building on the site if the rezoning is granted. Mr. Gubman indicated that Dr. Waite is Southeast Asian, and is interested in returning to Minnesota to live among people of his culture. Ae suggested this to be a good use for the location with the close proximity of a large Southeast Asian papulation living in the nearby McDOnough housing project. Coa�iasion Gurney moved approval of the rezoning. Commiasioner Nash seconded the motion. The motioa carried with a unanimous voice vote of 3 to 0. Commissioners Kajer and Wencl were not present for the vote. Submitt d by: I ��� Kady D lez Approved by: ��� Gladys Mor�� Chairperson Z6ItING CO2�RITTgS STAFF RBPORT asa:sn:szsssussss:ssssrsass: FILS $ 94-277 1• APPI+ZCANT: B[TGENE SCBWAY &.TSROMS GOTI,Iffi DATB O! �ARINl3: Ol/19/94 2. CLASSSFIGTION: Rezoaing 3. LOCATION: 1601 JACRSON STREET (west side south of Wheelock Parkway) 4. P�ING DISTRICT: 6 5. 2,8GAL DBSCRSPTION: Lots 7-10, Block 9; Guraey Highlaad Park 6. PRSSffidT ZOlTIN6: RM-1 Z02iING CODS RBFBRffidZCB: §64.400 7_ STAFF INVSSTI6AT20N AND RBPOAT: DATB; 1/12/94 SY: Ifady DaQlez ses ac c v:t=asxssaosavasavaxevs=xaasv:smzsezassas:sasac:sev:�sasss:zasses:saase sse sa s s:aa:ssasaessx¢axcs�zxs-xssssisssssasaasaaavi:aarsvasaacs:s��s�r::t��:sa A. PIIRPO58: Rezone property from RM-1 to OS-1 to allow a dental office. 8. PARCSL SIZB: The property has 100 feet of froniage on Jackson Street and is 130 feet in depth for a total lot area of 13,000 square £eet. C. BXISTING LAND IISB: The property is currently vacant except for trees and brush. D. 3IIRR04NDING LAND IISB• North: Twin Town Treatment Center home for chemically dependent adult females in an RM-1 zone and single family homes in an R-2 zone. East: McDOnough Homes in an RM-1 zoning district. South: McDOnough Homes, single family homes, and vacant property in an RM-1 zoning district. West: Condominium development along Wheelock Lane in an RM-i zoning district. E. 20NING CODB CITATION: Section 64.400(a) states, "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently estab2ished herei.n pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed.^ Section 64.400(b1 states in part that ^an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning co�nissioa or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoned. F. 823TORY/DISCIISSION: There are no previous zoning cases concerning this property. G. DISTRICP COIINCSL R8C01�4ffi7DATION: The District 6 Planning Council voted to support the rezoning and the intended use of the property for a dental o££ice. � S- 305 Zoning File #94-277 Page Tvro H. FINDINGS• 1. A deatist has a contract to purchase the property from the applicaata snd plans to develop a deatal office. The dentist plans to build a new building which would be approximately 30' x 70' a parkiag lot facing Jackson Street would provide between 10 and 12 off-street parking spaces. There would be one deatist and aeveral aupport staff working at thia location; tbe hours of operation are expected to be 8:00 a.m. to 5:0o p.m. Monday through Friday, with some Saturday hours. The dentist currently has an office i.n Wheaton, Minaesota; he plans to relocate his business to Saint Paul. 2. The rezoning is in conformance with the comprehensive plan £or the city. Policies o£ the Bconomic Development Strategy, 1990, include: i) "the City•s land use plan should provide adequate land for industrial and commercial development and expansion in order to increase the proportion of commercialJindustrial tax base,^ #25, p.17; 2) "the City should periodically review its zoaing regulations and amend them as necessary to keep current with technological and economic changes affecting the nature of business activity #29," p.18; 31 "the City and Port Authority's neighborhood efforta should focus on reducing vacancies in exiating commercial and industrial buildings when economically feasible; and should pursue redevelopment and new development when doing so better serves the objectives of jobs, tax base, and/or neighborhood compatibility," p.37. One of the policies of the Land Use Plan states that the City will continue to review its present commercial zoning to ensure that 1) each zoning classification reflects uses appropriate to the intended application of that district and 2) each commercial area is appropriately zoned for its intended use. 4.2-5 p.27 Goals of the Distxict 6 Plan include, °to improve the tax base through better utilization of the land and appropriate development of vacant land," p.6; "to encourage the development of new housing and businesses,° p.21. The rezoning is in keeping with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on surrounding property. The intent of the OS-1 Office Service District is to accommodate various types of office uses performing administrative, professional and personal services. The property has been vacant for many years; the proposed dental office use is a low intensive use that is in keeping with the intensity of development in the surrounding area. This stretch of Jackson Street carries about 3,500 vehicles per day. The proposed dental office requires e off-street parking spaces; the planned development will provide 10 to 12 off-street parking spaces which is adequate to serve the use. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the pzoperty to be rezoned consenting to the rezoning (56 parcels eligible, 38 parcela needed, and 38 parcels signed). STAFF R8CO3�ffiNDATION: Based on findings 1 through 5 staff recommends approval of the rezoning petition. r�rrriox ro er�xn xx� zoxixc coaE CITY OF SAINT PAIIL �������� NOV 2 2 9994 ����;{�;;� � TO TSE HONOBABLE tlAYOB AND CITY COIIIQCIL c/o Zoaing Office, 1100 City Aall Annex 25 W. 4th Street, Saint Paul, MN. 55102 20NING OFFICE IISE O14LY File # ��� Applicatioa Fee $ �� ��� Teatative Hearing Date V�h_ � � t�S � DATE �" `��'�"�,'° �( 2 2' 19 9� Pursuant to Section 6k.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, G(H.,Fa „_ -{•Schw,��/�tJ�tv� A-�' ownerS of sll the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: Street Address:_ �C XXx JAG�SOl� S"(" Legal Description: k �o"F7Y-S' �5' from e � J�'I� Zoning District tc a �S � Zoning District for the purpose of G Subsczibed attd svoza to before me this ,�,�� day of ,C/ca• 19� c n � /' By: � 4' t ��; .L�_� �_ Title: �� 2 Yage 1 of 12/93 DtANE M. MONTOUR �'�s� ��: � NOTART PUBLIC-MINKESQTA ��a„y R�MSEYCOUNTY � Mr Cemm. Esp4es tati 3, 1997 • vv�/VVVwvw�NVVV��NVVViwWVwYVW s 1 m - � � 9 SUFF CHECK SHEET ZONZNG CUP NGUP 2ITZONS FIRST SUBHITTED RESUBMIIZED DATE PETITIOV SUBMITTED: ��� Z�' T DA2E SUB:SITIED: DATE OFFICI.�LLY RECEZVED: I Z' I�'I '�I� DATE RECEZVED: PARCELS ELIGIBLE: S� YARCELS ELIGIBLE: PP.RCELS NEEDED: 3 C PARCELS NEEDED: P?.RCEL SIGYED• � S PARCELS SIGFED: � CHECXED BX: ������t I� -- DATE: I t • I 9 • 9 ¢ . ZONING F1LE 4•z� a STATE OF Y.IYtiE50TA) COt7fIFY OF 1ZS:fSEY ) SS , �� E� G,�� 8 �,.� ��/ , being first duly scorn, deposes s::c states that he/she is the person who circulated ihe withia petition and consent, consisting of _ pages; that affiant is infor�ed and be]ieves that the pazties desctibed aze Lhe oscners respactively of the lots placed immediately before each na�e, that a£fiant is inforaed and believes ths: esch of the pzrties descsibed above is the oF�er of property vnich is vithin 100 £eet fro�a �ny property oFned or purchased by petitioner o: so2d by petitioaer Zrithin or.e (1) year precedin� the date of this petition Rhich is eonti�co_s to the pzoper�p dascribed in Lhe petition; that except for none of the parties described above has puzchssed or is perchasing pro?ezt; froce petitioner contiguoLS Lo tne above desczibed psoper�y Fithin one (1} y'<= of the cate of the petitioa; tnat this consen[ Fas signed by each of s�ic ow-nezs in the presence of tnis afiiant, aad tisat the si�atures are t�e tru= and correct sio atures of each and all of tne pazties so described. � �� � ` � f a t Nzme • �C•' � S S��C �//,'fi/� ✓��f % 1!ddress /��� .��(-� S � / /,� (�/�- /..�'_.���-- Telephone Nu�oer . � Subseribed zad sworn to bezore me this %�""-day of Mc;,�z�»: -• , 1 °.� � � i t � l� Notary Public . �' Apgroved as zo £orm - Jan. 1, 1491 Ylanning Department . • nnrt/`MMhMnnnMMnMM1M1Mn/v`,/JJJ�/y� � < � � �. DIANE M. MONTOUR �:'`��i'�1�"�` NOTARY PUBUC-NINNESOTA � �A.� RAMSFYCOUNTY My Comm. Explres Jan.3, 1997 : vvvN.'�'�'�4vvwwvVwvw A'Vt�"n/�MVV • - zo�i�N� Fi�E � page __ of _ � ' 1nI-91 DcaZO •5a 1z:11 KoNtCr•a Pruc 7ze JAMB4R ' Y �woMrw.�rxternrE saxr.vvA wc�,�w sa.mn«r«a •KPU1Mfofi4 Dec;ect�er 14, 1994 Teffrey Valento 665 Labore Road Iitt'e Canada, MN 55117-1220 Dear Mr. Vvlsnto, T}u6letier ic to inform you o! the situation now deve:op:ng concern:r:g :he two pe: ce:s oi luru� uru:i�diately south of the ccsre home at 160J Jacl:3on $traet. P. 2 c� S_ � as An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite row practicing ir, Whacton, Minnesota. He wants to huilri n clantrfl nff'sr.e nn thP �ro�:rty i�ut to dn so wa hcyvp t� ccpprove a zoning change from RM 1(3ingtc fcanily dwclling? to OS 1(office I�uilding for professioncd selvlees). Please see enclosed zonuiy ccxie �tieet. R is nxessary to have appr�val of ihe adjaoent property owners to accomp(ieh this fe�f. Rczoning will inezease th� prosent tax value of the land and remove a bad security ptvblet�� u� il will op�n up the arecs. 1'he btulding the dentist v�rants to build will be ?0 xt30 with a parkina lot facing Jackson Street for 10 ta 12 cars as the planning commission cletermines. Please indicate ori the bottom oi this letter if you cspprove or dtsapprove of thts acrion by check;nq the proper box and re:ur,.i:ig it to us in the enclosed sfamped envelope. ���:�5 10� i:�i ��iSiS�.P. )VT �'vMT ��me �.�� liC�'�O QT3 il �Di. RaiG �I C;JSa I..EaLC contuct sue ul cny �hu�br numbar listed beiow, � Gubman, GRT � ZC�t'���G F�L� a¢�2�7 � � M maeoa�my ow�a ma a�e��ea nae�e� or caaw�� e�� �d�m� �n���, u,�. JAMBOR PESWH7TUL FlFX ESTA7E September 28, 1994 Angeline Mayer 1581 Wheelock Lane #202 Saint Paul, MN 55117 Deaz Ms. Mayer, 60a SNELLe�lG AVENUE SOU�N $APlf PAUL. MN SSit6 &5 (612)�46fi66 FAX�6��699�033a This letter is to inform you of the situation now developing conceming the two parcels of land immediately south of the caze home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in VJheaton, Minnesota. He wants to build a dental office on the property but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (single family dweiling) to OS-1(office building for professional services}. Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent properry owaers to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present tax value of the land and remove a bad security problem as it witl open up tfie azea. The building the dentist wants to build wilI be 70 x 130 with a pazking lot facing Jackson Street for 10 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. P2ease indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of tius action by checking the proper box and returning it to us in the enctosed stamped enveIope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if yoa have any questions please contact me at my phone numbet listed below. S' c ely, ������ Les Gubman, GRI 699-6666 Appmve: Disapprove: ZO�dti�G F�#.E q4�2�� � -3D-� Date M In�perWeMty Ownetl and Operated Man6er of Coldwell Banker pesidentiai Atfil"iates, inc. .+-- JAMBOR Nf5mEN7 V�L NFAt. ESTAiE September 26, 1994 Marie Hoffman 1580 Wheelock I.ane �i104 Saint Paul, MN 55117 Dear Ms. Hoffman, �5- 3os 6W SIJELLPIG AVENUE SOUiH 541M PAUL. MN SStt6 BUS (6t2)693666fi FAX(Bt21fi94033a This letter is to inform you of the siruation now developing concerning the two parcels of land immediately south of the care home at 1609 jackson $treet. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wants to build a dental office on the property but to do so we have to approve a zoning change fzom RM-i (single family dwelling� to OS-1 (o�ce building for professional services). Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning wili increase the present tax value of the land and remove a bad security problem as it will open up the area. The building the dentist wanu to build will be 70 x 130 with a parking lot facing Jackson Street for 10 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this aaion by checking the proper box and returning it to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questions please contaa me at my phone number listed below. Sin rely, u ��- Les Gubman, GRI 699-6666 Approve: Disapprove• `Za�I�G F��� � 'i� � ��/ `� � Date M k+dependertly Owned and Opecated Member of CoidweA Bas�cer Residertial Afliliates, Inc. JAMBQR PESmENT1ALREAL6TA7E September 26,1994 Gregory Momssey 1571 Wheelock I.ane #102 Saint Paul, MN 35117 Dear Mr. Morrissey, $NNTPA{A.ldN55116 Blb.(6i2)W3fi666 FAX(6t2�699�0.73a This fetter is to inform you of the siruation now developing concerning the two pazcels of land immediateIy south of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wants to build a dental o�ce on the property but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (single family dwelling) to OS-1 (office building for professional services). Pleaze see enclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accompIish tlus feat. ftezoniag will increaze the present ta�c value of the land and remove a bad securiry problem as it will open up the area. The building the dentist wants to build will be 70 x 130 with a pazking lot facing Jackson Street for 20 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Pleaze indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of tlus action by checking the proper box and returning it to us in the enc2osed stamped envelope. I thank you in advaace for your time and trouble and if you have any quescions please contact me at my phone number listed beiow. Sia ly, ���ti1�ti Les Gubmaa. GRT 699-6666 Approve: Disapprove• Z�f'�V��`�G ���.� �2 --� �'"t • An Independentiy Owned and Operated Member uf Coidwell Banker FlesideMiai Atfiliates, Inc. m - - �— -� c��_3o5 JAMBOR HESIDEHTIAL NEAI ESf�7E Sepiember 28, 1994 David and Erma Smith 1580 Wheelock Lane #11 Saint Paul, MN 55117 Aeaz David and Erma, �6 SNELLiNG AVEFRS£ SOLRii 54MT PAUL. MN 55116 BV$ (6t27�3-6666 FAX (612) 699�433< 71us letter is to inform you of the situation now developing conceming the two parcels of land immedaately south of the caze home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wants to build a dental office on the properiy but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (single family dwelling) to OS-1 (office building for professional services). Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent pzoperty owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present tax value of the land and remove a bad security problem as it will open up the area. The building the dentist wants to build will be 70 x 130 with a pazking lot facing Jackson Street for 10 to 12 cazs as the pianning commission determines. Piease indicate_ on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this action by checking the proper box and retuming it to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questions please contact me at my phone number listed below. Sinc ely, ������ Les Gubman, GRI 699-6666 Approve: Disapprove: ' ��6���� �E�� �� E /� M lndependertly Prmed and OperateA Mamber oi ColdweA Banker Hesidential Affiliates, inc. � JAMBOR AESmINlI/�l iiFAl ESTATE Septembez 26,1994 Catherine Younghans 1581 Wheelock Lane #201 Saint Paul, MN 55117 Dear Ms. Younghans, 60a SaEWNG AVEMJE SOUfH $AIM PAUI. MN 55116 BUS.l6t215gg555fi fA1( (612) 6%�p1ta This letter is to inform you of the situation now developing concerning the two pazcels of land immediately south of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wants to build a dental office on the property but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (single family dwelling� to OSl (office building for professional services). Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present taz� value of the land and remove a bad securiry problem az it will open up the area. The building the dentist wanu to build will be 70 x 130 with a parking lot faciag Jackson Street for 10 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this action by checking the proper box and returning it to us in the enclosed staznped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questions please contaa me at my phone number listed below. S' cereIy, ` %- '` �1 L'1 Cl-'-'`_ Les Gubman, GRI 699-6666 Approve: �' Disapprove: I �����;� ���.� .� 9� � M V�eper�dentty Owned anQ Operated Member of Coldwell Banker ResiCentiai �Iiata, Inc. 7 JAMBOR NE5IDENTIAC HEAL E5fA?E $eptember 26,1994 Marguerite Ronquist 1580 Wheelock Lane #204 Saint Paul, MN 55117 Dear Ms. Ronquist, � soa srgu.iNC avEwe sourH SAMT PAUL. MN 551 i6 BUS (612)699$66fi FAX (6t2) 693033a This letter is to inform you of the siruation now developing concerning the two parcels of land immediately south of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wants to build a dental office on the property but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (single family dwellin� to OS-1 (office building for professional services). Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. Tt is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present ta�c value of the land and remove a bad security problem as it will open up the area. The building the dentist wanu to build will be 70 x 130 with a parking lot facing Jackson Street for 10 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom o£ this letter i£ you approve or disapprove of this aaion by checking the proper box and rerurning it to us in the endosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questions please contact me at my phone number listed below. S� erely, ,� ����x.�..c'-" �" _ Cu''� Les Gubman, GRI 699-6666 Approve: Disapprove• ��i''����� �az� �_ {'�'j .. M independentty Owned and Operated Member of Coidxeli Banker pesidenGai Afiiliates, inc. � JAMB�R sw s�ur� avErce� sourr+ ��� 541M PM1L. MN SSt t6 8U5.(61216946655 FAX (6t� 599.q9,94 September 28,1994 Naomi Schoenecker 1580 Wheelock Lane #12 Saint Paul, MN 55117 Dear Ms. Schoenecker, This letter is to inform you of the situation now developing concerning the two pazcels of land immediateIy south of the care home at I609 Jackson Street. Att offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wants to build a dental office on the property but to do so we have to approve a wning change from RM-1 (single family dwellingj to OS-I (office building for professionat services). Please see enctosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have apgroval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish ttus feat. Rezoning will increase the present tax valne of the land aud remove a bad security probtem as it wiil open np the azea. The bui}ding the dentist wants to build will be 70 x 130 wiih a parking lot facing Jackson Street for ! 0 to 12 cazs as the planning corrunission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of tivs action by checking the proper box and retmning it to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questions please contact me ai my phone number listed below. Sin ety, a —.- _ -- --...�...�._._�_—. __ C �, !'� , � ' ��! l � : 3V'�8 �'" t ir.� �: �? � � � �� Les Gubman, GRI � 699-6666 Approve: Disapprove: M Md�Nly Owned and Operated Mernber of Coldwell Banker Residential Aifiliates, lnc. "� _- .`-� JAMBOR i�51DENML AFJiL E5�ATE September 26, 1994 Kevin Lundell 1580 Wheelock Lane #102 $aint Paui, MN 55117 Dear Mr. Lundell, c�s_3os 60a $NELLING /1VENUE SOUTM SP.TT PAUI. MN 55116 BU5 (612)fi99-6666 FAX(6t2�fi99-033< This letter is to inform you of the situation now developing concerning xhe two pazcels of land immediately south of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wants to build a dental o�ce on the property but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (single family dwelling� to OS-1 (office building for professional services}. Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present tax value of the land and remove a bad securiry problem as it will open up the area. The building the demist wanu to build will be 70 x 130 with a parking lot facing Jackson Streec for 10 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this action by checking the proper box and returning it to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and uouble and if you have any questions please contact me at my phone number listed below. sin ,ely, � �����'u� Gubman, GRI 699-6666 Approve: Disapprove• � ZOt��€VC� E1LE q��a�? � M In�p�demiy Dwned and Operated Member of Coldweil Banker Residential Atfiiiates,inc. �K 0. JAMBOR pESmEHtUI XEI�L ESTATE September 28,1994 Ioseph SIabaszewski 1581 Wheelock Lane #43 Saint Paui, MN 55117 Dear Mr. Slabaszewski, 6p6 $NELLING AVENUE SOUfi'� 54MT PAUL. MNSSti6 BUS.(612JfA9•fi666 FAx(61�693033< Tlris letter is to inform you of the situation now developing conceming the two pazceis of land immediately south of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wants to build a dental office on the property but to do so we have to appmve a zoning change from RM-1 (single family dwelling) to OS-1 (office building for professional services). Please see enclosed zoning code sheet, It is necessary to have approvat of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present tax value of the land and zemove a bad security problem as it will open up the azea. The building tYce dentist wants to build will be 70 x 130 with a pazking lot facing Jackson Street for 1Q to 12 cars as the planning commission deternunes. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this action by checking the proper box and returning it to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questions please contact me at my phone number listed below. s� reiy, C�y� Les Gubman, GRI 699-6666 Approve: Disapprove: � ������`�:v ���,� -1�� � n� n�eem�y o�e a�d ov���a �n�� ot co�u e� ��a�r�i affirar�, i�. ,._-� �S_� JAMBOR MESIDENiIN. fiFX ESiATE September 26,1994 jaznes and Cazol Smith 1571 Wheelock Lane #1Q4 Saint Paul, MN 55117 Deaz James and Carol, 60a SNELINJG AVENUE SOUTH SAIM VAUI. MN $5116 BU$ (6121b�93Bbbb FAX (612) 699-033a This letter is to inform you of the situation now developing concerning the two parcels of land immediasely south of the care home at ib09 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wants to build a dental office on the property but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (single family dwelling} to O$-1 (o�ce building for professionai services). Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent proQerty owners to accomplish this feat. Rewning will increase the present tax value of the land and remove a bad securiry problem az it will open up the area. The building the dentist wants to build will be 70 x 130 with a parking lot facing Jackson Street for 10 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this action by checking the proper box and retuming it to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questions please contact me at my phone number listed below. Si erely, � ��«� Les Gubman, GRI 699-6b66 Approve: � Disapprove: �zo���� ���� � I /c�� �`I`� Date M Independentiy Owned and Operated Member oi Coldwell Banker Residentiai Aftiliates, Inc. -----. JAMBOR September 26,1994 Astrid I.emenager 1580 Wheelock Lane #202 Saznt Paul, MN 55117 Dear Astrid, 6D6 $NELLPKi AYEMIE $OUFH $pWT PAUL.I�4J 55116 8U5 <bi2)649-66fi6 FAX(6121693033a TIus Ietter is to inform you of the situation now developing conceming the two parcels of Iand immediately south of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist aazned Dr. Waite now practicing in Wfieaton, Minnesota. He wanu to buitd a dental o�ce on the property but to do so we fiave to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (single faznity dwelling� to OS-2 (o�ce building for professionat services). Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. Ic is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning witl increase the present tax value of the land and remove a bad seccirity problem as it will open up the area. The building the dentist wanu to build will be 70 x 13Q with a parking lot facing Jackson Street for 20 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Please iadicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this action by checking the proper box and zerurning it to us ia the ettclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and uouble and if you have any questions please contact me at my phone aumber listed below. Sincerely, )� � � � �i c,�— Gubman, GRI 699-6b66 Approve: ' " � �"�.t t= Disapprove• Signature � ZO��6�� �t�E R �a�1 � � Date 4} - An independemly Owned and Operated Mem6er M Coldweti Banker Raidenlial Affiliates, Inc. € •-- �S-�Os .- �� ', � dAMBOR FESIDEHT111L REAI ESiATE September 28, 1994 Christopher and Bazbaza Lyman 158I Wheelock Lane #305 Saint Paul, MN 55117 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Lyman, 60a SNELLRJG AVENUE SOUTM $AIM PAUL MN $5116 BUS (6121699b666 FAX�6t2)699�0.33a This letter is to inform you of the situation now developing conceming the two pazcels of land immediately south of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in VJheaton, Minnesota. He wants to build a dentai o�ce on the property but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (single family dwelling) to OS-1 (office building for professional services). Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the ad,}acent pzoperty owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present taY value of the land and remove a bad security problem as it will open up the uea. The bui]ding the dentist wants to build will be 70 x 130 with a pazking lot facing Jackson Street for 10 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this action by checking the proper box and zeturning it to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questio� please contact me at my phone number listed below. _-_------`. Sincerely, ��l ���� es Gubman, GRI 699-6666 Approve: Disapprove: �� �d"; � ���� � � An Independenfly Owned and 9perated Member of Coldweit Banker Residentiai Attiiiates, inc. iv � - _ JAMBOR i1E51DEN[Vil flEAI ESfATE $eptember 26,1994 William Liebelt 1571 Wheelock Lane #23 Saint Paut, MN 55117 DPar Mr. Liebelt, 80a5NELl�NG AVEWIE SOIRFI $41M FAUL 68J55t18 &15.(6t�69fr5bfi8 FAX (512) 899�IX134 This letter is to inform you of the situation now developing coacerning the two parcels of land immediately south of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. �� '� ��� An offer to buy hu been made by a denrist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota, He wanu to build a deatal office on the property but to do so me have to approve a zoning change from RM•1 (single family dwellia� to OSi (office bwlding for professional services). Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessazy to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplisk this feat. Rezoning mill increase the present taac vatue of the land and remove a bad securiry problem as it will open up the area. The building the dentist wanu to build will be 70 x 130 with a pazking lot facing Jacksoa $treet for 10 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this action by checking the proper box and returning it to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questioas please coataa me at my phone number listed below. Sin �rely, - -a- u �- Z����G F�lE ��' Les Gubman, GRI 699-b666 Approve: Disapprove: Signature fb`�-5 Date yt M tridependently Umetl and Operated Member af Coldweli Banker ResideMial Mil'�ates, Inc. � JAMBOR FE51DQ1TU6pbLLESiA7f September 26,1944 Maynard johnson � (1, 1571 Wheelock Way #204 � Saint Paul, MN 55117 Dear Mr. Johnson, - qs_�os 60a SNELLPIG AVENUE $OUiH snrcar vw�. e,rt� ssi,s BlU f612)699�6666 FAX (612) 6giO33d This letter is to inform you of the situation now developing concerning the two parcels of land immediately south of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wants to build a dentai o�ce on the property but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (singie family dweiling� to OS-1 (o�ce building for professional services). Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. Tt is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present tax value of the land and remove a bad security problem as it will open up the area. The buiiding the dentist wants to build will be 70 x 130 with a parking lot facing Jackson Street for 10 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this action by chetking the proper box and returning it to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questions please contact me at my phone number isted below. $' cerely, i / �� n, ^ /, �� ��..i � l Les Guhman, GRI 699-6666 Approve: � Disapprove• � Z���1�� F�LE `� 1 M Independently Owned and Operated Member Of Coldweil Banker Residentiat Afliliates, lnc. ,..— ,���� '. i.. JAMBOR • IIESIDENf V J. flFX ESTATE September 28, 1994 Bett� Robb I580 Wheelock Lane #206 Saint Paul, MN 55117 Deaz Ms. Robb, �o. s�um� av�n� �u�r $AINf PAUL MN 5511fi 8U5. (6121 W9�666b FAx{6t2)593K73a This fetter is to inform you of the situation now developing concerning the fwo parcels of iand unmediateiy south of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wants to build a dental office on the property but to do so we have to approve a wning change from RM-1 (single family dwelling) to OS-1 (office building for professional services). Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present tax value of the land and remove a bad security problem as it will open up ihe azea. The building the dentist wants to build will be 70 x 130 with a pazking lot facing Jackson Street for 10 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this action by checking the proper box and retuming it to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questions please contact me at my ghone number listed below. s�� �y, � ����`��� ���� g � ?� � �CCZ�� � �a�� Les Gubman, GRI 699-6666 Approve: X Disapprove: �o M 6�depaufenUy Qvmed dnd Opet2ted Member ot Coldwefi Banker Residenffal Alfitiates, kiC. � JAMBOR September 26,1494 joni Torgerson 1571 Wheelock Lane �i307 Saint Paul, MN 55117 Deaz Ms. Torgerson, Q S-� os soa sr�wr� nveraue sanN SA1M PAIA. fAN 55tt6 BUS (6t2)6956666 FAX(6t2)693033a This letter is to inform you of the situation now developing concerning the xwo parcels of land immediately south of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now praccicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wants to build a dental office on the property but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (single family dweilin� to OS-1 (o�ce building for professional services). Pleue see enclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present t� value of the land and remove a bad security problem as it will open up the azea. The building the dentist wanu to build will be 70 x 130 with a parking lot facing Jackson Street for 10 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this attion by checking the proper box and returning ic to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance £or your time and trouble and if you have any questions piease contact me at my phone number listed below. S' cerely, I ' ,.«�..�— , ZC)�s,�� ���� �? Les Gubman, GRI 699-6666 Approve: x Disapprove• M Independemty Owned and Operated Mem6er otColdweli Banker Residential �liates, Inc. �e �� JAMBOR I�SIDENf 61L PEAI ESTATE Segtember 28, 1494 Sharon Smith 2582 Wheelock Lane #304 Saint Paul, MN 55117 Dear Ms. Smith, 600 SNELLING AVFNUE SOUfH $AIM?AUL. NN 55116 BUS. (612) b�fi6 FAX(6t21b93�33a This letter is to inform you of the situation now developing concerning the two parcels of land immediately south of the caze home at 1609 7ackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wants to build a dental office on the property but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 {single family dwelling) to OS-1 (office building for professional services). Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. Ii is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present tax value of the land and remove a bad security probiem as it will open up the azea. T'he building the dentist wants to build will be 70 x 130 with a pazking lot facing Jackson Street for 10 to 12 cazs as the plannuig commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of ttus action by checking the proper box and retuming it to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questions please contact me at my phone number listed below. Sin rely, 61�� Les Gubman, GRI 699-6666 Approve: � � Disapprove: � ������� �i�.� 4 ' �� � „ an n�de�ny ow� ana or� �m� a caa,�I ean� �d� ana�s.1�. JAM80R. PESIDEMfLLL fiEAL ESTATE September 26,1994 David Anderson 1581 Wheelock Lane #104 Saint Paul, MN 55117 Dear Mr. Anderson, �s-3os �49$Lll1Ka AVENI!' $OUSH SAIMGAUL. MN$5tt6 8U5 (612)fi43bEfi6 PA%1612) Wl033a This letter is to inform you of the situation now develoging concerning the two pazcels of land immediately south of the care home at 1609 Jackson $treet. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wanu to build a dental office on the properry but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (single family dwellin� to OS-1 (office building for professional services}. Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present tax value of the land and remove a bad security problem as it wili open up the azea. The building the dentist wanu to build will be 70 x 130 with a parking lot facing Jackson Street for 10 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this aaion by checking the proper box and returaing it to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. 1 thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questions please cantact me at my phone number lisced below. � rxrely, ; �1 / ; ' �tiaa cc�'` Les Gubman, GRI b99-bbbb Approve: � Disapprove: � ZO��l�� ��LE 4� � M IndependentlY Owned and �perated MembeE ot Coldweil Banksr ResideMiai Affitiates, lnc. �—� Date � �� ��. JAMBOR RESW��RPALESfATE w. � av� �rr+ $AINT PAI� MN 55ti6 BUS. (6�2} �6 FAXf6t21� $eptember 26,1994 Ruth Emerson 1571 Wheelock Lane #{205 Saiat Paul, MN 55117 Dear Ms. Emerson, Tlus letter u to inform you of the situation aow developing conceming the two parcels of land immediately south of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. Aa offer to buy h�s been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now praaicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wanu to build a dental o�ce on the property but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-i (single family dwelling,� to OSl (o�ce building for professional services). Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present tui walue of the Iand and remove a bad securiry problem as it wifl open up the azea. The building the dentist wanu to build will be 70 x 230 with a parking lot facing Jackson Sueet for 10 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Please iadicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this action by checking the proper box and rerurning it to us in the enclosed staznped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questions please contact me at my phone number lisced below. S� rely, ° �e�l, c 1� „ CcA1 J�c.er t Les Gubman, GRI 699-6666 Approve: '�( Disapprove: � Z�?����� �tL� `� � C ' %G'►�'�''�°v� !0 — ( Z. a�.c�a�m�i amua�. x�c. __--- � JAMBOR fiE51DEMUL iiFJ�L EStATE September 26, 1994 Quynh Tran 1580 Wheelock Lane #205 Saint Paul, MN 55117 Dear Mr. Tran, �t5 -3 os 66� S�ELLING AVENUE SOUTH S0.INT PA�,. MN �116 BUS (612)fi49�6fi66 FA%(612)fi9}Qlfd This letter is to inform you of the situation now developing concerning the two pazcels of land immediately souxh of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wants to build a dental office on the property but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (single family dwelliny� to OSI (office building for professional services). Please see enclosed mning code sheet. It is necessary to have agproval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present tax value of the land and remove a bad securiry problem as it will open up the area. The building the dentist wanu to build will be 70 x 130 with a parking lot facing Jackson Street for 10 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this aaion by checking the proper box and returning it to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble'and if you have any questioas please contacc me at my phone number lisxed below. t. Sin rely, ; / kl /LL� � Les Gubman. GRI b99-bbb6 Approve: ', Disapprove• � ������ ���� Q���?? � An Independently Owned and Operated Member of Coldwell Banker Residential Afliliates, Inc. ' ,t - - L;. _ �� JAMBOR (iESWEN�DiL REN. ESTATE September 26, 1994 Ariene Carpenter 1581 Wheelock Lane #101 Saint Paul, MN 55117 Dear Ms. Cazpenter, 606SNELLIN6 AVEhiIE SOIRN 541Nf PAtR. LWW S51 i6 BUS. (61�6%fi666 FAZ (61216930SK This letter is to inform you of the situation now developing conceming the two parcels of land immediately south of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy haz been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minaesota. He wants to build a dental o�ce on the property but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (single faznily dwelling� to OS-1 (office building for professional services). Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rewning will increase the present tax value of the land and remove a bad securiry problem as it will open up the area. The building the dentist wants to buiId will be 70 x 130 with a parking lot facing Jackson Street for 10 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this action by checking the proper box and rerurning it to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and uouble and if you have any questions please concact me at my phone number listed 6elow, S' cere2y, `' � tn Lc��`— Gubman, GRI 699-6666 Approve: " / Disapprove• � L����V�7 i �h.s� --�.r, c � � M k�depaMeMly Owned and Operated Mern�r � CoidweU Banker ReSidentiai Aifiliates, l�x: � dAMBOR �� September 26, 1994 Dianne, Galen, Marilyn Nabe 1580 Wheelock Lane #201 Saint Paul, MN 55117 Dear Dianne, Galen and Marilyn, �S _30� 6DOSNELLttJGAVENUE50UTM $NM PAVL. ►W S51 tfi BVS. (6t� 69}fFb6 fAX(612) W9-033a This letter is to inform you of the situation now developing concerning the two parcels of land immediately south of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wants to build a dentai office on the property but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (single family dwelling) to OS-1 (office building for professiona] services). Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present ta�c value of the land and remove a bad securiry problem as it will open up the area. The building the dentist wanu to build will be 7Q x 130 with a parking lot facing Jackson Street for 10 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this action by checking the proper box and rerurning it to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questions please contact me at my phone number listed below. Sin rely, � ^ ����� es Gubman, GRI 699-6666 Approve: Disapprove: YC������`a ���� q�' _ k � j °�! ,� M lndependeMiy Oxmed and Operated Member oi Cofdweil BaMcer Residential AtSiliates, !�. � �� . � � ���_ � � ��i�L�J�LY'� \ � � JAM60R BOt $NELLiNG AVENUE 3 W iH S11NT PAVI, MN 55ttfi 9Y5• @itjf99d666 FI1XlMY) Wi077t October 19, 1494 �u v � . �_� 1580 Wheelock I.ane #102 Saint Paul MN 55117-5664 Dear Dear Ms. Hahn, This letter is to inform you of the situation aow developing concerning the two parcels of land immediately south of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wants to build a dental office on the property but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (single family dwellin� to OS-1 (office building for professional services). Please see enctosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will inaease the present tax value of tfie Iand and remove a bad securiry problem as it will open up the area. The building the dentist wants to build will be 70 x 130 with a parking lot facing Jackson Street for 10 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if yon approve or disapprove of this action by checking the proper box and returning it to us ia the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questions please rnntact me at my phone number listed below. Sia ,rely, �` � ZC��i�� F��.� a-a�� � � . Gubmaa, GRI ' 699-6666 Approve: : Disapprove: M fi�depen�ntty Owned and Operated Member W Coldweil Banker Residentiai Attiliates, Inc. 1 a- z.(-�� ._ �-- �� �.� - 3d5 JAMBOR RESIOEHfULREALESTATE September 28, 1994 Scott and Charlene Haskin 1580 Wheelock Lane #14 Saint Paul, MN 55117 Dear Scott and Charlene, 6W SNELLH�G AYENUE $DULH SAIM PAN,. MA155116 BUS (612)694G6fi6 FAX (612) 69lD33a Ttus letter is to inform you of the situation now developing concerning the two pazcels of land immediately south of the care home at 1609 7ackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wants to build a dental office on the properly but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (single family dwelling) to OS-1 (office building for professional services). Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present taa� vatue of the land and remove a bad securiry problem as it wili open up the area. The building the dentist wants to build will be 70 x 130 with a pazking lot facing Jackson Street for 10 to 12 cazs as the planning commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this action by checking the proper box and rehuning it to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for yow time and trouble and if you have any questions please contact me at my phone number listed be3ow. SinEerely, �D�U��c"�vt� Les Gubman, GRI b99-bb66 Approve: Disapprove: �ZO��r�� ��C� �? i M independeMly Owned and Operated Member ot Coldweli Banker Haidentiai Aifiliates, inc. t. - .r---� �� �� ��_ t� �F��� /� ' /� � JAMBOR PESIO@!f W. NEAL ESTA7E October 19,1994 Tamera Hecker 1580 Wheetock Lane #306 Saint Paul MN 55117-5664 Deaz Deaz Ms. Hecker, fi0a SNELLNiG AVENUESOUfH 541M PAUL. Aw 55116 BUS.KH�2) Wi�086b FAX(M�� This letter is to inform you of the siruation now deveInping concerning the two pazcels of land immediately south of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now praccicing in Whea�on, Minnesota. He wanu to build a dental office on the properry but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (single family dwelling) to OSl (o�ce bui�ding for professional services). Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present tax value of the land and remove a bad securiry problem az it will open up the azea. The building the dentist wanu to build will be 70 x 130 with a pazking lot facing Jackson Sueet for 10 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this aaion by checking the proper box and returning it to us ia the enclosed stamped enveIope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questions please contact me at my phone number lisced below. Sia ely, �.� �����— Gubman, GRI �„ ,..,..,,, Approve: Disapprove: �Z�c����� ���.� .�.� � An IntlependeMly OxTed and Operated Member ot CWtlwell Banke� Hesid�al AtFiliates, hic. �C� --�a�-e- -e .�rs�` c� � �� � � '. ' - � Cj> 3 iti-� � ,a. SAMBOR NESIDEMIAL pEN. E5TATE Ottober 19, 1994 Darcel Hill 1581 Wheelock I.ane #302 Saint Paul MN 55117-5965 Dear Dear Darcel, q s - 3 oS fi0d StffLLWG AYEMIE S9UTF1 $AIM CAUL MN 55116 eus. tsuf sssccac FAX (613) 69➢J.W This letter is to inform you of the situation now developing concerning the two parcels of land immediately south of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wants to build a dental o�ce on the property but to do so we have to apptove a zoning change £rom RM-1 (single family dwelling� to OS-1 (offace building for professional services). Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present tas value of the land and remove a bad security problem as it will open up the azea. The building the dentist wants to build will be 70 x 130 with a parking lot facing Jackson Street for 10 to 12 cazs as the planning commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this accion by checking the proper box and returning it to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questions please contact me at my phone number listed below. � ereiy, � � 1 zo����� F��� �- �� ��L��i� �� Gubman, GRI 694-6666 Approve: � Disapgrove: M Uidependentiy Owned and Operated Mem6er of Coidweil Banker Residenfial Aftiliates, inc. . � ` . �t�i� c�¢� �, � `� JAMBOR RESID@ITMI AEAL ESlATE October 19, 1994 6045NELLWGAVENUESOUTH SAINT PAIA. Mk55t16 8115.(6f�W9�6866 FAX(N'QBY9�033� Ruth Schwartzbauer 1581 Wheelock Lane #41 � Saint PauI, MN 55117 j � � Dear Ms. Scwartzbauer, This letter is to inform you of the situauon now developing concerning the two pazcels of land immediately south of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wanu to build a dental o�ce on the property but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (singIe family dweIIin� to OS-1 (o�ce building for professional services}. Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present tax vatue of the land and remove a bad security problem as it wi11 open up the area. The building the dencist wanu to build will be 70 x 130 with a parking lot facing Jackson Street for 10 to IZ cars as the planning commission determines. Please indicate on the 6ottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of tlus aaion by checking the proper box and reruming it to us in the enclosed staznped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questions please conr.act me at my phone number listed below. Since 1y, � � ����� Gubman, GRI 699-6666 Approve: x Disapprove: � Z��1��C F��.E 9� � � M in�pendeMiy Ovmed and Operated Member of CWdwelt Banker Residential Affiliates. inc. �G5 - 305 .--__. JAM64R pESIpEMiAI FIEAL ESIATE Re: PID #s 192922210121: 1929?2210122: 19?922210139: Z9292T210148; 192922210153 September 26,1994 $OC SNEI,LMG AYENUE $pUTM $AIM FAUL. MN 55� l6 BVS-16t2)699-6fifi6 fA%(612)694033a Gaughan Land, Inc. � 299 Coon Rapids Boulevard NW • Coon Rapids, MN 55433 Dear Sir or Madame, Sin � ely, �� � { ��,« �- Les Gubman, GRI � -n�'� This letter is to inform you of the situation now developing concerning the two parcels of land immediately south of the caze home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wanu to build a dental office on the property but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (single family dwelling) to OS-1 (office building for professional services). Please see enclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present t� value of the land and remove a bad security problem as it will open up the area. The building the dentist wanu to build will be 70 x 130 with a parking lot facing jackson Street for 14 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this action by checking the proper box and rerurning it to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questions please contaa me at my phone number listed below. �Z������ F��.� R��a I 699-6666 Approve: Disapprove• 1 , -¢� =' (a � / r dn Irbependentiy Ovmed and Operated Member of Coidwell Banker Hesidem'wl Aitiliates, Inc. � �; . � + �� �occweu. saxKeR a :�• October 19, 1994 Sara Barron 258Y Wheelock I,ane #2Q4 Saiat Panl MN 55117-5965 Dear Dear Ms. Barron, � � � � �- ,%: ,� SNMPAUI._AT155118 lUS.l�2) O9�b666 FAY(N� WiCW This letter is to inform you of the siruation now developing concerning the two parcels of land immediately south of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wanu to build a dental office on the property but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (single family dwellin� to OS-1 (office building for professional services). Please see endosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent pzoperty owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning wiIl increase the present tax value of the Iand and remove a bad securiry problem as it will open up the area. The buitding the dentist wanu to build will be 70 x 130 with a pazking lot facing Jackson Street for 10 to 12 cars as the planning commission determines. Pleaze iadicate on the bottom of tlus letier if you approve or disapprove of this action by checkiag the proper box and returning it to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questions please contact me at my phone number listed below. ,�� ,�-� ���� �Les Gubman, GRI 699-b666 Approve: Disapprove: � �0����t� ���E -q"� ( �� M Inde�nderdly Urmed and Operated Memper of Coldweli Banker R�idential �liates, In�. � �= � ������"� � ,-� `� S - 3 o S I,� ` �, , ` JAMBOR RES�DEHfULflEALESTATE October 19, 1994 Leslie Stagg Estes n 3240 Ranier Lane `:� Plymouch, MN 55447 Dear i.eslie, 60d SNELLRIG NVEMJE SOIfiH SAIMGAUL. MN SSt 76 BUS.(61� W9�6fi86 FAX (61]) 69FA73C This letter is to inform you of the situation now developing concerning the two parcels of land immediately south of the care home at 1609 Jackson Street. An offer to buy has been made by a dentist named Dr. Waite now practicing in Wheaton, Minnesota. He wanu to build a dental o�ce on the property but to do so we have to approve a zoning change from RM-1 (single family dwelling� to OS-1 (o�ce building for professional services). Please saP anclosed zoning code sheet. It is necessary to have approval of the adjacent property owners to accomplish this feat. Rezoning will increase the present ta�c value of the land and remove a bad security problem az it will open up the area. �'�' � 7C The building the denust wanu to build will be �£1 x�with a parking lot facing jackson Street for 10 to 12 cars as the pianning commission determines. Please indicate on the bottom of this letter if you approve or disapprove of this action by checking the proper box and returning it to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. I thank you in advance for your time and trouble and if you have any questions please contatt me at my phone number listed below. Sinc ely, � ! ��/�fB`'�� ���� `R� � Y ' � %�CVYL - Gubman. GRI 699-6666 Approve: Disapprove: M Independently Owned and Operated Mem6er of Coldweil Banker PesidenGai Attitiatas, lnc. ; CONSENT OF AdJOINING PROPER7Y OWNERS 70 REZONIN6 We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total corttiguous descriptions of reai estate owned, purchased, or sotd by Petitioner within one year preceding tfie date of this petition, acknowiedge that we have been furnished with the foliowing: _ 7. A copy of the Petition of � • �name ot petittoner� 2. A copy of Sections through , inclusive of the St. Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of a17 of the uses permitted under a �'� S�- District zoning classification and we are au�are that any of these uses can be estabiished upon City Councit approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to �he razar.#ng flr th pro��rty d °SC� 2�'O� i�l th? Petition of /����-t.�� /or^ Y�',�-t to a f.�i. 7 District. name pe ition2r • L � - � °�� � f�r r u w �� � UR-b'r � ' ` 7��L� �� u+,c�.I..�H. � 1- ( � � :yt;:e /,/�� =, r Lli E%i�.uLAI. 1 �/ � a7 C f+ )J , � t/ i+ekE> � 7 � j� -- a: a�e.� �r,.cai,r y � ..' SC.I� w 4 � v=fly� .3-scitwa7` Y f.� ct'�i �2. 1J l�' � � ?etitions shall rtot be considered as officially filed untii the 7apse of 7 working days after a petition is received in �he Zoning Office. Any signator of �ny pet9tion nay withdra�r his name therefrom by written request within that time. ,� �(�, p�kvcG2� t' (�"`��'�� "g �� P age 2 of _ � �'t.C1.`��`�� �y��,f q-�l.C. ,��,�,,, � l�� �( �4��YIf11.L�il�n^-'� �'�' - � 7 �n�C-".�:�... �.. :� �Ml'�.rlr,l`/nuo'2.oCJ - - �(, S _ 3aS REC�tVEd FEB 0 6 1395 ��o ou�B Atahro, rx � sic ?t`,��:tn:C_ Januar9 30> 1995 2onin�f Saint Paul g �°mmittee 25 West Fourth St. Saint Paul MN 55102 G entlemen ; Attn. %adp Dadlez Re. Zonin8 File No. 94-277 I know this hear' letter i: a bit from1RM—�n January 19th r late as you had a 1 �residential elative to to allow distr' rezoning pro on west a dental office OS— Perty S �_ sid Block th � W heelock� kwackson S�reete� Lot 10 g, Gnrney H ighland' Legal descr' e own Park, 1 Ptior rezonlna CO ndo at Wheelock Wa r� We Y and would do do not wanteourn this last to this the back of lt Would b uPr1vacY de stroyed nd °pt ed have the condos. P a gainst the area ne don+ w2th all the other With all t need more inf housing d we r °n our Privacysther �ust Please re�onsider if Thank Y h e' you, ave � n � t a�readY decided. � �" �`'� �%-L�e�-��- � • • • • • • s ' ---R�-GE-I-V-E-� . - �A1�1 - T37995 , • Z{SNf� • � `�,S-3o5 1. SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGIiWOOD 2. FiAZEL PARK HADEl�t-PROSPERITY HILLCREST 3. WEST SII?E 4. DAYTON'S BLLTFF 5. N 6. NORT'�i ENA 7. TH - ALE 8. SLJMMIT•IJNIVERSTI'Y 9. WEST SEVENTH 10. COMO 11. HAMLINE-MII?WAY 12. ST. ANTFiONY PARK 13. MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMI.INE-SNELLING HAMLINE 14: MACALESTER GROVELAND 15. HIGHI.AND . 16. SUMMfT HIJ L. 17. DOti'�NTOWN � ZONING FILE � � GTTiZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICIS NORTN END DISTRICT � SG�[ , R ZC3�i�t� ���.E 94-i�1i � 0 0 0 0 � � s�pp �� � � � �� o ' � � �� �� � � • � � • . . �� � . � Q �� . � � • � Q�'���� � � . �'.� � '4 o p „ � w W O O � � � o �4 �, � p o r ----� r--- � �4.."'_' _� ,.._.u.� - - ��=`y_== � Y - 9� �� � O _` --O - _ �_�`' " v ---- l_ �_- - ro- _'__. _"' t'_._" �` V � �Y-��---- t �••e•-ee 00 0' o 0 0� o � - - . -. �5-3e5 . - : .�: .: .-�_..; . � .�• •, � :•: �:�J Y � - '' �- ' S •: � '. , ' ...� _ - TIMBERLAKE .• =. • R0: � - �� �• �• � :. � � �. Q,C?.�. 0 0 0. ., � n �� .. �U� ' � �, � LANE � C1. �• � 3�.� �' •. . � 0 . � f � ♦ 0. m p� �. p�� �s � � Oa 1�\ f ♦ 4 �O� 1% YC OONWCN O \ MOUS�MY `'/ O4 n �o, APPUGANT ����� S�w�Y G C COt'LI�U LEGEND - J PURPOSE �T�t�Nt �.�A'� '♦' Or►•� ��� zoningdisfrictboundary . C� � J ♦ 4 FILE # �� � Z� � _ DATE � L - 3. ''���- — � subjed property �northi �. PLNG. DlST� t,App # � o one tamify� �- .• r+ commerciai SCALE 1 • ,. 400•- = n _ �. .. 1xro familY . ♦ � � industriai �. ��� , '�¢Q .muftiple tami►y V vacarn D6PARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT �S _ 3 c5 � CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor January 31, 1995 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: Division oJPlanning 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN S�IO2 Zelephone: 6I2-266-6565 Facsunile� 612-228-3374 I would like to confirm that a public heazing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday March 1, 1995 for the following zoning case: Appliaant: File Nuxnber: Purpose: Address: Legal Description of Property: Pievious Action: EUGENE SCHWAY & JEROME GOTLIEB 94-277 Rezone property from RM-1 (residential) to OS-1 (office service) to allow a dental office. 16XX JACKSON STREET Lots 7-10, Block 9; Gurney Highland Pazk Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, vote: unanimous, 1/27/95 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 3-0, 1/19/95 My understanding is that this ,�. _ , �. , P„+_.,:.kah�,.,,,��_'..i . .. , � ^�"�; ca`� �:�C�,.g =a�£a��.x �;�2:5� �a.,-c m-^�x_.�,m,; - - .�.�.;�ti. .. _.. �� � • � � Sincerely, �,,� �`.'Z.. Kady Da lez City Planner Zoning Section cc: File #94-277 Mike Kraemer Donna Sanders NOTiCB OF POBLIC HEARINQ The Saint Paul C1ty Couacit wll1 condu¢t a publlc hearing-on Wednesdap. blarch 1, 189b, at 3:30 p.m. in Fhe City Covncil Chambers. Third FLoor.Cl[y �Iatl. to consider the request oE Eugene Schway and 3erome Gotlieb W rezone pmper,ty from RM-1 (resideatial) to OS-1 (office service) to allow a- dental office at 187CX 3ackson Street . � DatedJanvary3i, 1995 �. .. NANCY AI3DERSON . � '� � ' � Ass'cstant City Council Secretary , � - (February 2,1995) �