95-204S�.bS-�;�.�� � LL Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 z1 zz 23 24 25 26 2� 2s 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4s _ �)� s�; Council File # �J — ���"l Ordinance # Green Sheet # ..� °� l g �, An ordinance amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code, adding a new chapter thereto establishing a user charge for excessive consumption of police services. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section 1 The Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended so as to add trie following new chapter thereto: ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING USER CHARGE FOR EXCESSIVE CONSUMPTION OF POLICE SERVICES Section .01. Purposes. It is the intent of the City Council by the adoption of this ordinance to impose on and collect from the person or persons in charge of or responsible for an nuisance event or activity that generates extraordinary cost to the City over and above the cost of providing normal law enforcement services and police protection city-wide. Section .02. Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter the terms defined in this section shall have the meanings ascribed to them: Last known address shall be the address shown on the records of the Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation or a more recent address known to the Police Department. In the case of parties not listed in these records, the last known address shall be that address obtained by the Police Department after a reasonable search. Mail: Service by mail shall mean by depositing the item with the United States Postal Service addressed to the intended recipient at his or her last known address with first class postage prepaid thereon. Nuisance event is one requiring special security assignment in order to protect the public peace, health, safety and welfare. A nuisance event includes but is not limited to the following: loud and boisterous conduct, noises and activities disturbing the peace, congregation of two or more persons in intoxicated conditions or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, fiqhting or use of obscene or inflammatory ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �t �a�.� language, loud music constituting a nuisance or disturbing the peace, activities causing excessive pedestrian vehicular traffic and parking problems and conqestions, events occurring after 11:00 P.M. to sunrise of the following day which disturbs the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood, use and display of narcotics, illegal drugs and controlled substances and paraphernalia for its use, congregating in a tumultuous, noisy or rowdy crowd, and indecent eaposure and lewd conduct. Owner: A person or persons shown to be owner or owners of property on the records of the Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation. Personal service: Service by personally handing a copy to the intended recipient or by leaving a copy at the intended recipient's residence or place of business with a person of suitable age and discretion. Police services fee is the fee to be imposed for law enforcement services associated with a special security assignment. Such fee may be either a flat fee of $250.00 or an additional amount of up to a total of $1000.00 based on, but not limited to, salaries of police officers while responding to or remaining at the nuisance event, the prorata cost of equipment, the cost of repairing City equipment and property, and the cost of any medical treatment of injured police officers. Responsible person is a person who owns the property where the nuisance event takes place, and/or a person in charge of the premises, and/or a person who organized or served as a host of the nuisance event. If the responsible person is a minor, then the parents or guardians of that minor will be considered responsible persons. Service of notice by personal service shall constitute the delivery of the warninq letter to the responsible person or by mailing it to the last known address of the responsible person. SpeCial security assianment is the assignment of police officers, services and/or equipment during a second or subsequent response to the nuisance event after the service of a written notice to the responsible persons that a police services fee may be imposed for costs incurred by the City for any subsequent police response. Section .03. Initial Police Responses to Nuisance Event. When any police officer responds to any nuisance event and determines that there is a threat to the public peace, health, safety or general welfare, the police officer s�� may_ serve a written notice to the responsible person or persons that any subsequent police response to that same location or address within a thirty (30) day period, shall be deemed a special security assignment and that the responsible person or persons may be liable for a police services fee. Section .04. 5ubsequent Police Responses; Liability. If after a written notiae is served pursuant to this chapter and a subsequent police response or responses is necessary to the same �s�� � location or address within a thirty (30) day period, then each subsequent response or responses shall be deemed a special security assignment. Responsible persons who had previously received a notice of warning shall be jointly and severally liable for a police services fee for a special security assignment. The amount of the police services fee shall be a debt owed to the City by the responsible person or persons. The City reserves its rights to seek reimbursement for actual costs and damages exceeding $1000.00 through other legal remedies or procedures. The police response or responses to a nuisance event may also result in the arrest and/or citation for violations of state or local laws or ordinances. Section .05. Cost; Collection. The Chief of Police shall notify the City Finance Director in writing of the performance of each special security assignment, of the name and address of the responsible person or persons, the date and time of the incident, the services performed, and the amount of the police services fee. If the polioe services fee is in excess of $250.00 the Chief of Police shall provide documentation to support the additional amount. The Finance Director shall thereafter cause appropriate billings to be made and be responsible for the collection of the police services fee. Section .07. Administxative Appeal. An administrative appeal of a police service £ee may be made to the Chief of Police or designee within ten (10) days from the date of mailing of the billing. The request for a Yaearing shall be in writing and addressed to the Chief of Police and shall include a copy of the billing and grounds for the appeal. The Chief of Police or designee may modify the service fee upon a finding that the responsible person or persons had made a good faith effort to remedy the situation or that the nuisance event was not the fault of the person or persons filing the appeal. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Section 3 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 � a 9 10 11 12 13 Section 4 This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given the chapter number andJor section number at the time oP the next revision of the Legislative Code. (Companion Resolution - Council Ei1e 95-812) PnRi icurn AUG 12 1995 9 s = aD`� Requested by Department of: By: Date Certified by Counc' etary Approved by By: Form App o ed by By: Approv d y Mayo Council By: for Submission to Adopted by Council: _ �sal�l DEPARTMEN7)OFFICE/COUNqL DAiE MITIATED ' `� � + � " � Councilmember Rettman Zi /95 GREEN SHEE INfTIAV�ATE INRIAUDATE CONTqCT PERSON & PHONE � DEPAflTMENT DIRECTOR � CIN COUNCIL Sanice Rettman dt 266-8650 p���N �CITVATTORNEV OCRYCLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) p0Ui1NG � BUIX'aEf D�RECTOR O FlN. 8 MGT. SERVICES �IR. March 1, 1995 OflDER OypyOF(Of1ASSISTANn O 70TAL # QF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION REQUESTED: . An ordinance amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code by adding a new chapter thereto establishing a user charge for excessive consumption of police services. (iECOMMENDATIONS: Approvs (A) or Re�ec[ (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ P�ANNING CAMMISSION _ CNI� SERVICE WMMISSION �� Has this personRirm ever worked under a conirac[ for ihis tlepartment? _ qB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personRirm ever bean a city employee? _ S7AFP — YES NO _ DIS7RiCr COUR7 _ 3. DoeS this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE'+ YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attaeh to green sheet SEE ATTACHED BUDGET CHANGE SHEET INITIATINCa PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORNNRV (Who, What When, Where. W1ry): The "cry" from the neighborhoods is for consistent and proactive enforcement regarding nuisance events including but not limited to loud and boisterious conduct, noises and activities disturbing the peace, congregation of 2 or nore persons in intoxicated condition or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, fighting or use of obscene or inflammatory language, loud music constituting a nuisance or disturbing the peace, activities causing excessive pedestrian vehicular traffic and parking problems and congestions, etc. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. The responsible party or parties would be held accountable for the extra cost of police services rather than the general taxpayer. This ordinance would be for repeat "offending" properties, etc. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED � DISA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOUHCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION (EXPLAIN) NOTE: Revenue fOT S0YVICP.S wi11 be received bv the C.It.S' fOT the extra services provided. .— 9 Interdepartmental Memorandum � : CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY Suite 400 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Phone: (612)-266-8710 FAX: (612)-298-5619 DATE: December 16, 1994 �s-�a�{ � �,__ - - � �� . TO: Councilperson Janice Rettman ' " ' Room 32�A CONFIDENTIA� City Aall FROM: Jerome J. Segal Assistant City Attorney SUBJECT: Police Special,r^•.rvices Fees Our File G-94- 74 c Attached is a draft of the ordinance which will be discussed next week in our meeting with you. This draft is based on a similaz concept developed in the City of Huntington Beach, California. I am sending a copy of the draft to your assistant also. cc: Joe Collins (enc) Tim Marx (enc) John McCormick (enc) , _ r - - --- - --- - - : � ,<: . � _ _ . . _ �....,. . _;.� :._. -,.;,_ •::..:_:: ;, _:,:�:: _ ,. ,. . _ . :,.: .�, � - ��, : - - �: , . ;r' _ t}���� - - ' - , ' - (`� 'i � �, �'r.; , `��f.�,. y � i'����� � � x- � ' � y - . F _ _ s. . `', - � - c Y � �� - : F \_ , t ' P fLl - "`Wi t ' � 1' x F �� L � � � � ��y�: R,. �. �- . ' ' �... - : i ` . � .:. . ..-., r � �n .. .._:_.. ., r.s�._.��: _ . �... _' . .._ "" ' _ _ _ - �� :<_ :'i.' � "�%.q - _ A. "z;;.5,` 'o .�.'.:ti.. _' 'r:' ;,�.' , .,p tY.ii._ _' „ ' " =•i �, - .'``- - - W �,- _ rlr. - .j_.ti.`,.�^:. :��.�� ��s �:',�;.`., .�l .c�° - a.=;a= =:-;�` `,�� � ��.. . - - - - -z�. - , u.[" .,. - � . :,.::: . .s.. - - �s�' -(�i;_ - ?=s;;}�: - :'�_:.�?;� ��l:r-,..ts:. - _ N' tr.;fir� is3ti:` - .� _ �..� ' _ ^� - %.�'_ ' " - - °> `` G �.1-�� ' - 7�Vi - '�� �" _ _ _ : y it � . : �p ' - t _ {� ��,y ��''(;`' Q q'x`� - ;e. ''• rM t 4Yi . Y r �, # tt � -{ -_ � i, �-?. o w,� __ '� i m 1 ._ � r�. � � - �' � � ` �t �D ♦ _ .. h `�'. - --� � _ � CC >> �� ��. .-`_ ,,... . -' :•: n � _ .' -� _ , ' i '.... - . . r , i ..;. � . .�.L L . ..' '. .. , r f S _. ..- : S.�' .. . .. 4 .� ... .,. << __.e ;:sw � . m.:ldliectl^.:.�':.�� �,;�.a � �>� � , �u. � - H � -.. (s7 y - W � a y . � . � � c� ��, �., ; ; ,,s � w . f W � _ �_� N � _ ^ � ' N . M1 y � ` O i..( V. a` f p ." f � .. � r� �•H ... ; �d [� � ' M � H W..] , o i � �x7 .�_� �a � Y � 4� U C H i. Qi N q >- a W . � . .4�i RI ,�"�.. a. PI �..rLO.L d . -.,. w � .x.�w . .,.. . _. .n Y :' � l 4 � 1 . � ' 1 - _ �i 4 � y . . ' V i . - - . ' ��. . . � . . . � . . . � � ` F 1 , „ i L `' � m � � zi � _ � m `' � . . r n �'-�< s �.:. I � r.;: � S- ar�� Facsimile Transmission To: All City Councilmembers From: West 7th/Fort Road Federation Date: July 1 X, I995 DATED MATERIAL If there are any questions with the ix�ansmission, call 298-5599. �UL 1�:�5 FEDERRTION p,0z �[S _a�`� V�'eet 7tL/Fort Raad FederafSon 974 West 7th Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)298-6b99 r� t t , 1995 City Operations Committee Members: Michael Harris, Chair Jeiry Blakey Dino Guerin Janice Rettman Dave Thune City Hall _ Third Floor 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Ordinance 95-204 Deaz Councilmembers, The West 7th/Fort Road Federation is in support of the grogosed ordinance to esmblish a usetr charge for excessive consumption of police services. At aut Annnal Convention of May 8th this yeaz, the community passed a resolution to continue to work on developing solutions to deal with problem properCies. This proposed ordinance is akin to an idea which was brought before the assembly at that time, This proposed ordinance will help to save city resources and make peopie responsible for their actions. Sincerely, . C/��� 3tasia Vercos cc: Councilmembers: Roberta Megazd Marie Grimm Cooperating Fhnd Drive Member AfT'irmative Actron/Equal Opportunity Employer TOTAL P.02 • �— LAW OFFICES OF SOUTHERN MINNESOTA REGIONAL LEGAL SERVICES, INC. 300 MINNESOTA BUILDING 46 EAST FOURTA STREET ST. PAUI„ MINNESOTA 55101 (612) 22U5863 FAX (612) 297-6457 BRUCE A. BENEKE EBECUT[VEDIRECIVR PATR[CIA ANN BRUMMER rxoaoxocoo�nzoa PARALEGAUS Atil'] SI7LiAVAN SAIVANG ]EANNIEM.W[LLIAffiS Honorable Roberta Megard St. Paul City Council Third Floor, City Aall St. Paul, MN 55102 July 19, 1995 RE: Proposed Ordinance Establishing User Chazge For Excessive Consumption of Police Services Dear Councilmember Megazd: `�- �.� y STEVEN WOLFE LAW WORHMANAGER ATTORNEYS xeewnsn2zx rtosLr n�zeen�Ln MA&THAAEAVES xaxex F. EcvxGSOx ItAT1SLEEN At EYESLAGE RENGILCH&�ST MAAYMARGA2F."f HL10T GERALDG.KALUZNY ROYCELAWSON PACYINZLYFOUNG GREGMARI'fA LAURA MEI.NICR GLENDA POTTER D1ANE S9EEAY JAMES J. STREET THOMAS G. SQU[RE Thank you for inviting us to provide the City Council with input regarding the proposed ordinance establishing a user chazge for "excessive consumption of police services." We apologize for not having ready at this time a thorough analysis of the proposed ordinance, but with the large number of state and federal legislative changes affecting our clients, we have been extraordinarily busy during the fime since this proposal was made publia lf a final vote is not taken today, we would be happy to provide the Council with a more comprehensive analysis. As you know, Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services, Ina (SMRIS) is a non-profit law firm providing free legal services to low income individuals on civil legal matters such as loss of shelter, health care, income, and food, as well as protection from domestic abuse. As such, we represent a lazge spectrum of people who could poten6ally be affected by the proposed ordinance. Our greatest concern is with the most vulnerable of the people potentially affected. One such group is victims of domestic abuse. We understand that the Council has sought extensive input from advocates for victims of domestic abuse. We applaud the Council's efforts and recommend that cazeful consideration be given to advocates' proposals. We arz also concerned about other vulnerable people who may be adversely affected by the proposed ordinance,including elderly, physically disabled, and mentally disabled individuals, and other low income people who, due to economic constraints, are forced to live in high crime areas or buildings. Our general concerns about the ordinance, in its present state, aze its vagueness and overbreadth. Much of the vagueness comes from the definifion of "responsible person." The definition, as written, includes a person "in chazge of the premises." "In charge of" is a very vague term to e a5-�� Hon. Bobbi Megard July 19, 1995 page.2 be used to establish legal liability. The inclusion of a"host of a nuisance event" may also be problemafic for enforcement purposes. Police discretion is virtually unlimited under the ordinance language. That there is an appeal process may not make up for this discretion in light of the fact that the appeal is to the police department rather than to a neutral admuustrative appeal body. Inirial examples of the poten6al for harm we aze concerned about include: • Penalizing those who appear to be "in charge of the premises" but who, in reality, aze victims of abuse. + Penalizing those who appear to be "in charge of the premises" but who aze unable, because of fear and intimidation, to stop the nuisance activity. (We see this possibility as affecting elderly and disabled people disproportionately). • Penalizing a mentally ill person whose mental illness results in inappropriate activity that is beyond the individuai's control. If the ordinance is not voted on today, we can provide addidonal examples of ways in which the ordinance will unfairly affect some of the most vulnerable cifizens of St. Paul. If the ordinance is adopted in its present form, we fear it may be subject to successful legal challenges. We would be happy to work with the Council to achieve ;he laudable goa:s of conserving City resources while limiting the poten6al for misuse or abuse of the process. We feel that the ordinance language needs to be adjusted to make the ordinance more fair. Again, thank you for your invitation. We appreciate your willingness to consider our concerns. Sincerely, .�"���'-��� Steven J. Wolfe Attorney at I.aw Law Work Manager ( �Q�- ��`'.�""'�"� Laura Melnick Attorney at Law