95-19L� ORIG�N�L Council File # Ordinance # Green Sheet $ OF Presented � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Referred To Coa¢nittee: Date 30 An interim ordinance preserving the staxus quo with respect to the establishment of pawn shops within the City of Saint Paul pending the completion of studies of possible amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan and regulatory ordinances concerning pawn shops, which ordinance is enacted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.355, subdivision 4. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: PAUL, MINNESOTA SECTION 1 The Saint Paul City Council has initiated a study of the possible adoption of amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan and regulatory ordinances concerning the determination of which of the C`ity's zoning districts and under what conditions pawns shops should be a permitted use. For purposes of this interim ordinance a pawn shop is defined as a place where money is loaned on deposit or pledge of personal property or where personal property is purchased on condition of selling the same back again at a stipulated price. SECTION 2 Pending the completion of this study and the recommendations of the Planning Commission and the adoption of the necessary amendments to the City's Comprehension Plan and Zoning regulations, for a period of time not to exceed one year from the date of the adoption of this interim ordinance, no permit or license for the establishment of a pawn shop at a new location sha11 be issued by any City official. There may be a change of ownership for an earisting pawn shop location provided the new owner is granted a pawn shop license as required by Chapter 344 of the Legislative Code. The purpose of not pemutting the establishment of new pawn shops is to establish a moratorium for a limited period of time to a11ow a study of the present zoning classifications of pawn shops and possible amendments to the existing Zoning Code. SECTION 3 The restrictions enacted herein sha11 continue in force until the City Council has had an opportunity to wnsider possible amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and regulatory ordinances concerning pawn shops, or for one year, whichever occurs sooner, and which may be extended by resolution of the City Council for additional periods of time, not to exceed an additional 18 months, in the event the studies and 9S- 3ia� 1� recommendations of the Planning Commission and the deliberations of the City Council ��� Z require such ea�tensions of time. � 3 4 SECTION 4 5 6 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tlurly days from and after its 7 passage, approval, and publication. 8 � vi t f EB 111995 Requested by Department of: By: Appr By: Adopted by Council: Date S� �j Adoption Certified by Counc 1 secretary �� � _ �`-���`��,�% q5-19 � oEPP D �ip/pg/94 GREEN SHEE N°_ 3.1234 INRIAUDATE INRIAVDATE CONTACTPERSONBPHONE DEPAHTMENTDIRECTOfl �CfTYCAUNCIL Roger Ryan 66574 ���N � CRYATTORNEY � CRYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� po� GFOR � BUDGET DIpECTOR O FIN. & MG2 SEMICES Dlq. w+�++ �MAYOR(OflASSISPWT} � Ping Adm. TOTAL # OF SIGNANHE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION RE�UESTED: Enact moritorium on new pawn shops until study completed. RECOMMENOA710NS: Approve (A) w Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING �pMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �• Has ihis persoMirm ever worked under a confracl for ihis tlepartment? - _ CIB COMMITfEE YES NO ���� — 2. Has this person/Flrm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DIS7AIC7 COUfi7 _ 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normall � y possessed by any current city employee. SUPPORTS WHICN CAUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes enswers on aeparate sheet and attach to green aheet INITIATING PROBIEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY (Who, What. When, Where, Why): With the recent increases in the number of pawn shops in the city, police have great difficulty investigating potentially stolen property at the pawn shops; existing zoning regulations may be allowing pawn shops to Tocate in inappropriate business districts. The moritorium on new pawn shops has been requestea by the uffice of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection and the Police Uepartment. AOVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: City will" be able to assess ihe proper location for and any needed regulation of pawn shops during moritorium. DISADVANTAGES tfAPPROVED: � � None. id2i&?�'m'K kf+a�m�Zi'a"` 5✓'�fdiiYd �t� `� `i ���� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Pawn shops couid continue to locate in inappropriate business areas and the police wouid fall further behind in stolerz property investigations. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TiiANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDItdG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) OCT-1�-1�94 13�55 FP.Oht CIT`( GF ST PaUL LlEP TO 92283314 P.eO: I � 13:<7:4Z 10-t0'9+ City oP Saint Paul, nfnrtasoca °AGII 7 Ph5iN5HOP_LIST LICENSED PAVH SHOPS ZOt1E. Bu5inM5 Nmrs ...................... Coirtg 9usiness As....................... 57AR0 EFF.RtTE 8-� EIEHTN FI'FAl�CIAL LSAqLY PANN & J'1:ELRY C•I 1QI15l94 956 RICE ST �_� JOHNSON. SCOT NIGIAY JESIECRY � PAGN � 70/09/90 1575 MIYNEHAHA AYE 4t B-3 tASH-N-PNJN Lt0-3 CASH-4-PANN 41 04/25l94 49Q INIVERSITY AVF u $-5 NATIONAL PAWNBROKFRS ING tU1TFQNAL P�ROKEtS IHC C2 02/16l94 136 tOrr 57 £ 8-L fNl, MNiFL .! AMFRICAN PM'T' SHOP 02 08114/92 789 77H 57 f B-5 GI;SE. PFUL A NoR?NERN 7IME SERVICE 02 021i2/87 , 182 7Yr s7 u B-3 CASX-N-PA4N LTD-7. U15H-N-FAyN 04 O1R0l9� ists uwsv�es±rr nve u g-; T1IN CITY AUTO PALIN [NC TilIN CITY AUfC fi46'k iNC OS 65l3C/91 605 COFfO AYE 0 3 EICHTH FIN+NCiAL I TNMI N PA,VN & J67ELRY 06 09/25/94 1675 1��1fTE BEAR AVE N g-2 pEL7IER, ROBcRT A YIKENG PAMN BRqC:RS 02 O7/15186 T52 GRAN� AVf E-3 J J JE42LRY k PAMM INL J.1 �EVE�RY A 7AVN 7G �2106/9� 117Z ARCADE ST tl recor�ls iisced. bl-5b APPLICATION FOR APPEAL Property Code Enforcement Legislative Hearing 170 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Telephone: (612) 266-8989 1. Address of n property being Appealed: �� (���P��C- 2. Number of Dwelling Units: � — 3. Date of Letter Appealed: a-ra-a� 4. Name of Owner: Address: �j � ` City: ��� State: �,1 Zip Code: �/7 Phone Number: Business Sib ature: Residence �-�p� - � �� 5. Name of Appellant / Applicant (if other than owner): Address: �Qa �--��'�'P Cih'� ��_�tate: r,-�n _ ZipCode: � �G'P L "' r � Residence aaa-�y�y Phone Number: Business (' jPC.{-p� Sib ature: 6. State specifically what is being appealed and why (Use an attachment if necessary): f ��� "-� ` r�crrtvF� v NOTE: A 525.00 filing fee made payable to the City of Saint Paul must accompany �is application as a necessary condition for filing. You must attach a copy of the original orders and any other correspondence relative to this appeal. Any person aggrieved by the final decision of the City Council may obtain judicial revie�v by timely filing of an action seekina review of such decision as provided by law in District Court. For Ofiice Use Date Received: Fee Received Recein� ber 11/97 i i :� { 1 i � 1 _, r To: Tl:� '' SAINT PAUL PUBUC NEALTH CODE ENFORCEMENT P_ROGRAIVIS - 555 Cedar Street Sai�t Paut, Minnesota 55101 � tsi2> i92a»� <.I�y � D�Tn a„ ��a �� n,,,� M�,so " J - - . . �,z {€. _ � �---�� ° � AAdT¢sS: � G r:. � c .7` S I C .: �� i N � `�1"� /S !�l , To c��`t z.,.u. ; '—= .j��_��?flAedress: in � �.�vgG�t,-� - - 2..�e.,lnu S C>.,� /-�!t/ r TO: �cbr:.'o EVe+?(�� D9V/rnTliaO �L Zo �� Le.�..� N? S � '!'� ,�*.�,ail _ „-�� �,� y�----- Address: c�F r ;s� ,S: : ; Y �j� ,5� � As ownec or person(s) responsible for: ; i�� ' 4 s? , c f: � �•� r '� ��'` �' �"�'' �° � � c;- ' ' -��o - � s< <� you are hereby ordered to eliminate al! nuisaece cond�trons wh�ch violate the Saint Paui Legislative Code; � Rernove improperly stored or accumulated refuse inctuding: garbage, rubbish, discarded furniture, vehic{e parts, scrap wood and metal, recyciing materiafs, household items, building materials or rubble, tires, etc., from yard.areas. ❑ Cut and remove ta(( grass, weeds and rank plant growth. Q Retnove and proper�y dispose af ali animat feces from yard areas. `Q tMME_DtA'TE'(.y secpr� all bipldmgs which are open to unauthorized entry, including: ` �� ; �- If qou do not correct the nuisance or f5le an appeal before %: �: c; ;-� ' F�� the City will wrrect the nuisance and charge a!I costs, inclading boarding costs, against the property as sp�ass�ment to 6e coRected in the same way as property tares. You must maintain the premises in clean condition and provide proper and adequate refuse starage at all tintes FAILURE TO COMPlY MAY RESULT iPt COURT ACTION Issued by: ' . ' If you have any questions about this order, the requirements or the deadline, you should contact the Inspector by cailing 292-7771 between 8:00 and 9:30 a.m., Monday through Friday. AA () S.. �y �ppeal tFtis order and olx.iin a hearing befo�e ihe City Council by filing a written request with the City Ckrk before che appeai deadii� noted above, or ��' �� s after Ux daze maile4 whichever cpmes fitst No appeals may be fiied after thaz daze. You may obtain an application fcom the City Clerk's Ofrce, Room I70, CSty Hall, SG Paut MN SS IO2. The Wephone number is 266-$�t. you must submit a wyy of this order with your zpplicarion, - y s�F� CHARCFS�:jf � G�. ��� �e nuisance, the charg¢s will include [he cost of wrtection, i�pection, imvel [ime, equipment, etc. T'he rate. wiA be around $ t70.00 per hour p1�ezPrnses fotabaremeat