95-106QRIGII��A�. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ?9 i0 tl �2 3 4 5 5 7 3 � Presented By Council File # `� S- I O � Ordinance # Green Sheet # 31236 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA « Refezred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaiuing to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, SEMPER DEVELOPMENT LTD. duly peritioned to rezone 1217 BIRIvIINGHAM STREET, 1395, 1405, 1415 MARYLt1ND AVENUE EAST, 1218 and 1224-1226 ETNA STREET, being legally described respectively as the south 15 feet of Lot 4 and all of Lot 5, Block 1 Bauerschmidt's Addition; Section 22, Township 29, Range 22, subject to street and avenue and except East 210.56 feet, the South 148 feet, East U2 of SoutheasE 1J4 of Southwest 1!4 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 22, Township 29, Range 22; subject to the a�enue, the West 45 feet of Lot 8, Block 1, BauerschxnidYs Addition; Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, BauerschmidYs Addirion; the North 21 feet of the South 169 feet, except the East 210.56 feet thereof, and the North 47 feet of the 5outh 21 b feet, except the East 165.56 feet thereof; a11 in the South 315 of the East 112 of the Southeast 1J4 of the Southwest 1J4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Secfion 22, Township 29, Range 22; the South 80 feet of the following described real estate, to wit: the South 315ths of the East 112 of the Southeast U4 of the Southwest 1J4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 22, Township 29, Range 22, except the East 165.56 feet thereof, and except the South 216 feet thereof, from R-3 and RM-2 to B-1 to allow a Walgreens Drug Store, the petifion having been certified by the Planning Division on November 4, 1994 as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property sihzated within 100 (one hundred) feet of the total contiguous property within one year proceeding the date of the petition; and WIIEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 5, 1994, far the putpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Flanning Commission thax the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Plamung Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on December 16, 1994 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on December 23, 1994 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on Januazy 11, 1995, where ali interested parties were heazd, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the pefition; now, therefore �'TFIE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Section 1. �5-��� That the zoning map of the City of Sainx Paul, Sheet Number 7, as incorporated by reference in §60301 of the Saint Paul Legislafive Code, as amended, is hereby fiuther amended as follows: That properry with the addresses of 1217 BIRMINGHAM STREET, 1395, 1405, 1415 MAI2YLAND AVENiJE EAST, 1218 and 1224-1226 ETNA STREET, being more particulazly described respectively as the south 15 feet of Lot 4 and a11 of Lot 5, Block 1 Bauerschmidt's Addition; Section 22, Township 29, Range 22, subject to street and avenue and except East 210.56 feet, the South 148 feet, East 1/2 of Southeast 1(4 of Southwest U4 of Southwest lf4 of Section 22, Township 24, Range 22; subject to the avenue, the West 45 feet of Lot 8, Block 1, Bauerschmidt's Addition; Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Bauerschmidt's Addition; the North 21 feet of the South 169 feet, except the East 210.56 feet thereof, and the North 47 feet of the South 216 feet, except the East 165.56 feet thereof; all in the South 3!5 of the East 1f2 of the Southeast 114 of the Sauthwest 1/4 of the 5outhwest 1/4 of Section 22, Township 29, Range 22; the South 80 feet of the following described real estate, to wit the South 3/5ths of the East i/2 of the Southeast 1f4 of the Southwest 1f4 of the Southwest 1!4 of Section 22, Township 29, Range 22, except the East 165.56 feet thereof, and except the South 216 feet thereof, be and is hereby rezoned from R-3 and RM-2 to B-1. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. �II@I fPGCR �'E6 251995 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: By: Appx By: By: ((y�v Form Appr By: /% App�e by Co ci � sy: � by City Attorney for�Sulimission to Adoption Certified by Council Secretary GREEN �S FOR CIT/ ATTORNEY BUOGET DIRECTOR MAYOR (OR ASSISTANi) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES j (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �_ �.�-�� � N° 3123b 1NRIAVDATE CT' WUNpL CITY CLEPK FIN. & MGT. SEpVICES DIR. Adopt ordinance to fmalize council approval of a petition of Semper Development Ltd. to rezone property located at 1217 Birmingham Street, 1395, 14�5, 1415 Maryland Avenue East, 1218 and 12241226 Etna � PLANNING COMMISSION e GVIL SF CIB CAMMITTEE _ _ � STAGF __ _ , DISTFi1CT COURT _ _ SUPPOFTS WHICH CAUNCII O&IECTIVEI �coria�i� �Qe�J� oQW�ev� PEHSOIiAL SEHYICE CONTHACSS MUSS ANSWEH TffE FOLLOWfNG qUESTiONS: 1. Has this per5o�rm ever worketl untler a contract for thi5 department? - YES NO 2. Has this per5o�rm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does tfus personlfirm posses5 a skill not narmally possessed by any curreM. ciry employfle? YES NO Explatn all yes answers on separate sheet anA attach to green aheat wnere, wnr): Finalize council approval of a petition of Semper Development Ltd. to rezone properry at 1217 Birmingham Street, 1395, 1405, 1415 Maryland Avenue East, 1218 and 1224-1226 Ema Street from R-3 and RM-2 to B-1 to allow development of a Walgreens Drug Store (public heazing held January 11, 1995). i�;' ^:�;, �� t� ����� ���9�? � ��t� �9 1995 ���� ���d���� ,, . :����i�'� �� :..�� �t'e�K.^.+-, . �I 1 �:..�5 J11T6 TJ � e���� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp �CIRCLE ONE) YES ` NO fUNDIf,1G SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �5- ��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL FACSIIvIII,E TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET TO: ����,t ����eq FROM: ��,. ����� DATE: � Fax #: FaY # �a��� �d 612-266-8684 # pages (inc. this page) � NOTE TO FACSIMiLE OPERATOR piease deliver this facsimile transmission to the above addressee. If you did not receive all of the pages in good condition, please advise the Citizen Service Office at 266-8989 at your earliest convenience. DEPARTMEN7' OF PI.ANNAIG & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CITY OF SAII�]T PAUL Norm Coteman, Mayor December 21, 1994 Ms, Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Divicion of PZcaming 25 West Fourth Sfieet Saint Pau1, MN 551 P2 . ,_ � .�. �'"i�_, ,.., Telephone: 612-266-6565 Facsimile: 612-2283314 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday January i l, 1995 for the following zoning case: Applicant: SEMPER DEVELOPMENT LTD. File Number: 94-264 Purpose: Rezone property from R-3 and RM-2 (residential) to B-1 (local business) to allow development of a Walgreens drug store. Address: 1217 BIRNIINGHAM STREET, 1395, 1405, 1415 MARYLAND AVENiJE EAST, 1218 and 1224-1226 BTTIA SIREET Legal Description of Property: On file in the Planning Division Office. Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, vote: 18-0, 12J16194 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 5-0, 12/5/94 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the December 28, 1994 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6582 if you have any questions. Sincere � lY�--� Ka�adlez City Planner Zoning Section - � �NOTICE OR-PUSIdC HEARING - - The Saint Paul City �Council will conduct a public heazing on W� January 1 l, 1995, at 3:30 p.m. in the Caty Councii Chambers,l'hird Floon to consider therequest of Semperpevelopment Ltd. tarezonepropertyfi Cc: File #94-264 - 12M-2 fresiden'tisl] to B-1 (local tiusiness) to allow development of a Wal Mike Kia2ri10r store; 1217 Birminghan Sfreet: 1395, 1405, 1415 Marylaad Ave 1218 and 1224-1226 EMa Street. _ DOnria SanderS I7ated Decembei 21, 1994 � ' NAI3CY ANDERSON - -. . � . ..- _ � Assistant Citp CounCilHecsetarY � �.. . .a.° : , . . . . . � . _ , .� _ . . . . , '(December 23. 1994) ' dnig Easfi; DEPARTMENT OF PLANNAIG & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENI • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor December 30, 1994 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Counci] Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #94-264: Semper Development Ltd. City Council Heazing: January 11, 1995 r .a, .:�� _ 6.'�"J� � PURPOSE: To consider rezoning property at 1217 Birmingham Street, 1395, 1405, 1415 Maryland Avenue, 1218 and 1224-1226 Etna Street from R-3 & RM-2 to B-1 to al]ow a Walgreens drug store. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMNIENDATION APPROVAL • ZONING COMIvIITTEE RECOMMENDATION: APPIZOVAL STAFF RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL SUPPdRT: One person spoke and one letter was received. District Z supports the rezoning petition. OPPOSITION: No one spoke. Deaz Ms. Anderson: / Semper Development Ltd. suhmitted a petition to rezone proper[y at 1217 Birmingham Street, 1395, 14Q5, 1415 Maryland Avenue, 1218 and 1224-1226 Etna Street The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on December 5, 1994. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 5-0 to recommend approval to rezone to B-1. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation with a unanimous vote on December 16, 1994. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on January 11, 1995. Please notify me if any member of the Ciry Council wishes to have siides of the site presented at the pub]ic hearing. Sincerely, �� Ken Ford Planning Administrator KF:kd Attachments Division of Plvmxing 25 LVest Fourth SYreet Sain� Paul, MN SSIO2 cc: City Councilmembers �t s -to� Tekphone, 6I2266-6565 FncS"nnile: 612-228-3374 � F � ga,s�.,•.�^'.3 ";Y"�"':ne :.'.., �3§s�'a:,. �. w. city of saint pau! planning comrrussion resolution file number 94-71 �te December 16, 1994 WHEREAS, SEMPER DEVELOPMENT LTD., fiie 1194-264, has petitioned to rezone 1217 BIItMINGHAM STREET, 1395, 1405, 1415 MARYLANB AVENUE EAST, 1218 and 12241226 ETNA STREET, property situated on the north side of Maryland Avenue between Birminghazn and Etna Street, from R-3 and R�S-2 co B-1 to allow a Walgreens Drug Store; and WHEREAS, the Zonin� i.ommittee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on Decernber 5, 1994, at wluch all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the rec�uirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Couunission, based on the evidence preseated to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantiaily reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: • 1. Semper Development has contrcts to purchase atl of the properties and intends to construct a Walgreens drug store oa tite site. The existing Watgreens at Phalen Center will move its • operation to the new location. As proposed the Walgreens retail pharmacy store is 13,500 squaze feet and features a drive-thru window along the nottfiwest comer of the building for picldng up prescriptions. The eapected store hours aze from 7:00 s.m. to 9:00 p.m. seven days a week. The applicant states that typicalty there are four to six peopie in the store at any given tune and that there is not a peak hour for the store but that there is instead a steady sueam of peopie throughout the day. Sixty pazking spaces aze planned for the site with access to the pazking azea from Maryland, Birmingham, and Etna. More than 95 percent of the goods delivered to the store aze made once a week by a single truck which takes between one and il�ree hours to unload and then loar3-up with recyclables wluch are returned to the distribntion center. As eurtently proposed, deliveries will be made at the western side of the building. The pick-up window is oniy for pharmacy and prescription pick-up and cannot be used for standarQ sale items in the retail azea of ihe store. There are iwo lanes at the drive-thru since pharmacy regulations state that you mvst be able to consult with a pharmacist when you pick up a prescription. The second window limits the need for one customer to wait wfule another consults with the pharmacist moved by MO�on seconded by in favor �an�� � against a s - l�� � Zoning File #94-264 Page Two of Resolution The applicant states that a substantial aznount of landscaping buffer has been included in the site design between the pazking lot and the residential uses to the north. The existing trees on Maryland wiil be able to be saved during development of the site. The exterior lighting is designed to provide a safe environment but not to shine outside of the site. 2. The developer has stated tl�at the owners of the single family homes have the opportunity to do whatever they want with their house; if the homes aze not removed they will be demolished to make way for the drug store. The North East Neighborhood Development Corporation is awaze of the commercial development and is talking with pzoperty ownezs about the possibility of relocating the houses. 3. The rezoning is in conformance with the comprehensive plan for the Ciry and with the pending Phalen Village Small Area Plan which encourages a concentration of commercial uses along Maryland Avenue between Clarence and Prosperiry. One of the key ideas and recommendations of the p1an is to "create a compact, mixed-use, more neighborhood-, pedestrian-, and transit- oriented "Phalen Village" commercial area along Maryland at Clazence and Prosperity, eventually replacing the existing Phalen Center, and rezone property to reflect this ]ong range plan. In addition, relevant policies of the Economic Development Stzategy, 1990, include: 1} "the . City's land use plan shouId provide adequate land for industrial and commercial development and expansion in order to increase the proportion of commercial/indusuial tax base," 1/25, p.i7; 2) "the City should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend them as necessary to keep cunent with technologicai and economic changes affecting the nature of business activity �129," p.18; 3) "the City and Port Authority's neighborhood efforts shouid focus on reducing vacancies in existing commercial and industrial bualdings when economically feasibie; and should pursue redevelopment and new development when doing so better serves the objectives of jobs, tae base, and/or neighborhood compatibility," p.37. One of the policies of the Land Use Plan states that the City will continue to review its present commerciai aoning to ensure that 1) each zoning classification reflects uses appropriate to the intended application of that district and 2) each commercial azea is appropriately zoned for its intended use. 4.2-5 p.27 4. The rezoning to commercial is in keeping with the way the neighborhood would like to see the area developed. VJith proper site development, the proposed store will not have an adverse impact on ad,yacent property; the developer is pianning to provide a substantial landscaped buffer to sepazate the store from residential uses to the north. In addition, the developer will ensure that the site is well lit, but that the light does not spill over into adjacent residentiai properry. Hazel Pazk is planning to build a new medical clinic directly across the sueet from the Walgzeens drug store on the south side of Maryland Avenue. This suetch of Mazyland carries more than 18,000 vehicles per day. . 5. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the properry to be rewned consenting to the rezoning (15 parceis eligible, 10 needed, and II signed). �oning File #44-264 Page Three of Resolution NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Comttussion that the petition of SEMPER DEVELOPMENT LTD. to rezone property at 1217 BII2MINGF�AM STREET, 1395, 1405, 1415 MARYLAND AVENUE EAST, 1218 and 122A-1226 ETNA STREET, more particularly described in the file, from R-3 and RM-2 zoning classifications to a B-i zoning classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE IT FURTAER RESOLVED, that the Saint Pau1 Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that property located at 1217 BIRMINGHAM STREET, 1395, 1405, 1415 MARYLAND AVENUE EAST, 1218 and 12241226 ETNA STREET, be rezoned from R-3 and RM-2 to B-1 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with the Saint Paul Planning Bivision. � • CJ ' 1 U f+;� �^;'^� ^�,s� 'ay'de-,:: �"�.`. ,.,. :�: _.: s F h�r-i �x tr.g 'S;.-S;: Ci�- �.t:• � n Y.s .. � NS1 'w^-� r4' i.1v: iy.Y �:r.• . � i!c�,.i�f� N�� E ":?!f V ; Y:'�F �[� �" �' �= ' S C �^ - "5��j � i yt F�.% [ 3 ..Y i �i"' F,:;4; ` C-i � ��� �Y'.) �:�VG �Y Y F M1 �e'e! a.�i r ra" � '�S'.�i �I C.fI PLANNiNG COMNIISSION OF SAINT PAT3L � S_ t �� City Hall Conference Center IS West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, December 16, 1994, at 830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hail. Commissioners Mmes. Bader, Carter, LundJohnson, Maddoac, Morton, Treiche] and Wenc] Present: and Messrs. Field Jr., Gurney, Horak, Kajer, Kramer, McDonell, Riehle, Schwichtenberg, Tully, Vaught and Zobel. Commissianers Mmes. Fazicy, *Geisser, and *I3ash. Abseat: *Excused . Also Present: Jerry Segal, Assistant City Attorney; Ken Ford, Jean Birkho]z, Tom Beach, Kady Dadlez, Donna Drummond, Patricia 3ames, Allen Lovejoy, Roger Ryan and Larry Soderholm of the Planning Staff. I. Approval of Minutes of December 2, 1994 ' VI. The minutes of December 2 were not yet complete. Zoning Committee #94-264 Semner Development Ltd - Rezone to B-1 to allow a Walgreens Drug Store (14XX Maryland Avenue East; zoned R-3 & RM-2). MOTION: Ms. Morton moved approval of the requested rewning which cartied unanimously on a voice vote. #94-269 GeotQe L'Heurewz - Change in nonconforming use to allow general auto repair (880 Selby Avenue; zoned B-2). MOT'ION: Ms. Morton moved approval of the requested change in nonconforming use to allow general auto repair which carried unanimously on a voice vote. #94-270 Kraus-Anderson - Special condirion use permit to allow an accessory structure to be constructed below the regu]atory flood protection elevation (1000 Shop Road; zoned I-2 & RC-2). MOTION: Ms. Morton morved approval of the requested special condition use permit which carried unanimously on a voice vote. ar , `� J 1.r .Y.� - C�t. r � S � �� ��� ��° � �. y � `� �, x. � • • • i • Y • Y • • t Y PRESENT: Mmes. Faricy, Morton, and Treichel, Messrs. Gurttey and Vaught of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Segal, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dadlez and Sanders; and Mr. Ryan of the Planning Division. ABSENT: Bield, excused Rajer, excused Nash, excused Time: 3:32 - 3:50 p.m. SEMPER DEVELOPMENT LTtJ.. 14XX Marvland Avenue East. #94-264. Rezonina B-1. To allow a Walgreens Drug St�re, Kar3y Dadlez, Planning Division staf£, reviewed the staff report and presented slides. Staff recommeaded approval of the rezoning based on findings 1 thru 5 of the staff report. Tfie District 2 Community Council voted to support the rezoning. Commissioner Faricy questioned whether Semper ➢evelopment would pay £or the expenses for relocating the homes if homeowners choose to relocate their homes. - Craig Christianson, Semper Development, the applicant, spoke. Mr. Christianson said that Semper Development is making relocating the houses an • available option, however Semper Development will not pay for the physical moves. If houses are not relocate@ they wil7. be demolishe8. Mr. Criristianson introduced John Kohler, Project Architect, and Darcy Winter, Real Estate Broker, who is working closely with the property owners that Semper is purchasing the properties from. Mr. Christianson said that they have attended three neighborhood meetings from which they have made a number of revisions to their site pIan to satisfy neighborhood concerns. Daray Winter, Commercial Real Estate Broker, representing Semper Development spoke briefly. She said that Northeast Neighborhood Development Organization has offered their services to the homeowners and the duplex owners relative te the potential of moving those homes and some are choosing to do that. Joha Rohler, Project Architect, Rosewood Portfolio Design, at 235 E. Roselawn spoke. Mr. &ohler displayed a colored rendering of the plan which showed a fair amount of landscaping to be added to the north side of the building, buffering it from the residences and enhancing the area and which will green up the parking 1ot. Mr. Kohler said that the traffic pattern was a major concera of the neighborhood. Ae said that the project is focused on Maryland Avenue and away from the residences. Al1 of the traffic coming out of the business will be directed onto Maryland or Prosperity. At the neighbors' request, Semper has aZso agreed to leave the lights on on the site aZl aight if loitering becomes a problem. Mr_ Christianson said that Semper Development has agreed to restrict store hours so that this will not be a 2a hour store, unless market conditions change, in which WaZgreens would go back to the neighborhood and seek approval _ for a change of hours of operation. Mr. Rohler indicated that semi-trailer tra££ic will travel on Etna for only ��-t�k • ' �.; about 40 feet, and will not go through the neighborh �, ^F - ��� +' S-/�''�t �.� .,�-�`�" . � e � . t r , s ' ,. '�.T, �/;s Ms. Kohler briefly reviewed the rendering of the design elevations'of�`th�' __. building. Fairly eacpensive modular brick will be used on the lower part of the building, up ten feet, with a stucco band that extends approximately another 10 Eeet and with a number of pitched roofs on the canopy to pick up a bit more o£ a residential look, with timberline shingles which give the appearance of a slate or a shake roof. Mr. %ohler said that the neigHborhood was Eairly supportive of the design. Tim Dorn£eld, Community Organizer, District 2 Community Council, spoke. Mr. Dornfeld briefly reviewed the same points that Mr. Christianson reviewed pertaining to the ef£orts by Semper Development to address concerns at the three neighborhood meetings. He added that initially parents and school of£icials of the elementary school one block nortri of the site were concerned about the impact of the development on the intersection and the children walking to and from school. Mr. Dornfeld said that following discussion and given the proposed upgrading of the intersection with the extensicn of Prosperity to Rose, a school official was satisfied that it will actually be safer trip for the children as they will no longer have to walk on Mas Mr. Dornfeld said that the district council is excited about this development and is appreciative of the work done to address the concerns of the immediate neighbors. Commissionez Faricy moved approval of the rezoning, Co�iasioner Gurney._ seconded the motion. The motion carried with a voiee vote of 5 to 0. " Submitted by: • ��`�,��.Z--- Kady Dadlez Approved by: Gladys Morton, Chairperson ' ZONING CO24MITT88 STAPF RSPORT . ==oaaa=mza=====___ FILB # 94-264 l. APPLICANT: SII�ER DEVELOPMENT L2D. DATS OF FIEARING: 12/OS/94 2. CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 1217 BIRMINGHAM 3TREET, 1395, 1405, 1415 MARYLFIND AVFNCTE, 1218 AND 1224-12126 BTNA STREfiT (properties on the north side of Maryland Avenue East between Birmingham & Etna Streets) g. p7.nTaraTU6 DISTRICT: 2 5. LBGAL DBSCRSPTION: see file 6. PR858N'.0 20NSNG: R-3 an@ RM-2 ZONING CODB REF8R8NCS: §64.400 7. STAFF INVESTZ6ATION AND RBPORT: DATB: 11/30/94 8Y: Kady Dadlez _____________________________ eaamxzxa=====______ '_�_ =====saexxzmmv=====______ eee>a'vo'oo'ccaveoavxx¢c¢vc'cavoaxa¢¢ma'e�covaaxxam¢neoco=v'ov�xv¢n=v=���caoa A. PIIRPOSS: Rezone property from R-3 and RM-2 to B-1 to allow a Walgreens Drug Store. B. PARCBL SIZ$: The development site has 260 feet of £rontage on Maryland 7avenue, 196 teet of frontage on Birmingham, aad 258 feet of frontage on Etna Street for a total lot area of about 64,410 square feet. C. SRiSTING LAND vSS: Five of the six properties to be rezoned are occupied • by one or two-family homes; the sixth property is occupied by an il unit apartment building. D. SIIRROFINDING LAN!) IISB: North: Single family homes in an R-3 zoning district. East: Phalen Bank in a B-1 zone and one and two-£amily homes in an R-3 zoning district. South: Primarily single fami.ly homes in an RM-2 zone and a market and several fast food restaurants in a B-3 zoning district. West: Retail strip malZ in a B-3 zone and a 20 unit townhouse development in an Rri-2 zone. E. ZONING CODB CITATION: Section 64.400Sa} of the zoning code states in part, "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine it, pursuant to state laws, such @istrict boundary Iines should be changed." Section 64,400(b} states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition o£ the owners of sixty-seven S67) percent of the area o£ the property to be rezoned." � F. SISTORY/DISCVSSION: There are four previous zoning cases concerning this property, aZ2 of whicll were approved: 1928 rezone from industrial to commercial; 1947 rezone from commercial to residence A; 1960 rezone from - residence A to residence e; 1961 permit for an 11 car parking lot for the 11 unit apartment building. qs_�o� . Zoning File #94-264 Page �*,ro DISTRICT COIINCIL RHCOLASBNDATION: The District 2 Community Council voted to support the rezoning petition to allow the Walgreens drug store. H. FINDSNGS• Semper Development has contracts to purchase aI1 of the properties and intends to construct a walgreens drug store on the site. The existing Walgreens at Phalen Center will move its operation to the new location. As proposed the Walgreens retail phax�macy store is 13,500 square feet and features a drive-thru window along the northwest corner of the building for picking up prescriptions. The expected store hours are £rom 7:00 s.m. to 9:00 p.m. seven days a week. The applicant states that typically there axe four to six people in the store at any given time and that there is not a peak hour for the store but that there is instead a steady stream o£ people throughout the day. Sixty parking spaces are planned for the site with access to the parking area from Maryland, Birmingham, and Etna. More than 95 percent of the goods delivered to the store are made once a week by a single truck which takes between one and three hours to unload and then load-up with recyclables which are returned to the distzibution center. As currently proposed, deliveries will be made at the western side of the building. The pick-up window is only for pharmacy and prescription pick-up and cannot be used for standard sale items in the retail area of the store. There are two lanes at the drive-thru since pharmacy • regulations state that you must be able to consult with a pharmacist when you pick up a prescription. The second window limits the need £or one customer to wait while another consults with the pharmacist The applicant states that a substantial amount of landscaping buffer has been included in the site design between the parking lot and the residential uses to the north. The existing trees on Maryland will be able to be saved during development of the site. The exterior lighting is designed to provide a safe environment but not to shine outside of the site. The developex has stated that the owners of the single family homes have the opportvnity to do whatever they want with their house; if the homes are not removed they will be demolished to make way for the drug store. The North East Neighborhood Development Corporation is aware of the commercial development and is talking with property owners about the possibility of relocating the houses. The rezoning is in conformance with the comprehensive plan for the City and with the pending Phalen Village Small Area Plan which encourages a concentration of commercial uses along Maryland Avenue between Clarence and Prosperity. One of the key ideas and recommendations of the plan is to "create a compact, mixed-use, more neighborhood-, pedestrian-, and transit-oriented "Phalen Village" commercial area along Maryland at Clarence and Prosperity, eventually replacing the existing Phalen Center, and rezone property to reflect this long range plan. In addition, relevant policies o£ the Economic Development Strategy, 7.990, include: 1) "the City's land use plan should provide adequate land for industrial and commercial development and expansion in order • to increase the proportion of commercial/industrial tax base," #25, p.17; 2) "the City should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend them as necessary to keep current with technological and Zoning File #94-264 Page Three economic changes affecting the aature of business activity #29," p.18; 3) "the City and Port Authority's neighborhooc3 efforts should focus on reducing vacancies in eacisting commercial and industrial buildings when economically feasible; and should pursue redevelopment and new development when doing so better serves the objectives of jobs, tax base, and/or neighborhood compatibility,^ p,37. One of the policies of the Land Use Plan states that the City will continue to review its present commercial zoning to eneure that i) each zoning classification reflects uses appropriate to the intended application of that district and 2y each commercial area is appropriately zoned for its intended use. 4.2-5 p.27 The rezoning to commercial is in keeping with the way the neighborhood would like to see the area developed. With proper site deve2opment, the proposed store wi1Z not have an adverse impact on adjacent property; the developer is planning to provide a substantial landscaped buffer to separate the store from residential uses to the north. In addition, the developer will ensure that the site is well lit, but that the light does not spill over into adjacent residential property. Health East is planning to build a new medical clinic directly across the street from the Walgreens drug store on the south side of Maryland Avenue. This stretch of Maryland carries more than 18,000 vehicles per day. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners witkin one hundred (2001 feet of the property to be rezoned consenting to the rezoning (15 parcels eligib2e, 10 needed, and 11 sigrxed) . STAFF R8CO2RI8NDATION: Based on £indings 1 through 5 staff recommends approval of the rezoning petition. � L J � qs-�o� � � , YETITION '!0 AT�23D THE 20NING C�D� CZT1f OF SAINT PAIIL ZONING OFFICE IISE ONLY File # � �� `� � Application Fee $ � � Tentative Hearing DatetZ ' 20 TIiE HONORABLE TfAYOR AND CITY COIINCZL DATE C)C'7�U�.� Z�a 19� c/o Zoning Of£ice, 1100 City Hall Annex 25 1T. 4th a"treet, Saint Paul, MN. 55102 Pursuant to Section 64,400 of the SainC Paul Zoning Ordinance Section 462.357(5) o£ Minnesota Statutes, Semper DeveloDment. Ltd. , the owner and accompanying Sellers of all the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: 1217 Birmingham St., 1345, 1405 and 1415 Maryland, Street Address: 1218 and 1224-1226 Etna St.. St. Paul Legal Description: Bauerschmidt's Addition - see each uarcel's leaal descriAtion on following PPtitiona deta;lincr Pa�� gr��cr+T and it's owner(s) request(s) to Amend the Zonina Code from a RM-2 and R-3 District t0 8�_7 T,nra1 RiICITIPRR 7)icY.rirt Zoning DiStZ1Ct for the purpose of d�velopment of a Walgreens druq store Subscribed and svom to before �e this '� day of /�(_'�{. 19 � 4/ , . �.����e � �: Nota�y public B �Gr�G���� Tit1e: � �NV��Y�.WN.M��YV�nM,+rJ.' .':v+/vyy�s�,a � '`" DEBaIE A. Qx�c3 � �`A N0 � :,,cL�;, RAFJ,SEY COUVT� NYCorr.m;sicnE.p::cs�5r?5 �C^ 2 �M�M�WVJfrW�M.+IY�^f.nr. Fv�A�A4'. r.h �n /i Page 1 of �� 12/93 PETZTION 20 AMEND THE 20NZNG CODE CITY OF SAINT PAI3L ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY File # Application Fee $ Tentative Hearing Date TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL DATE l0 — Z� 19 � l c/o Zoning Office, 1100 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street, Saint Yaul, MN. 55102 Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance Section 462.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes, Albro ProAerties , the owner of all the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: Legal Description: from 8 RM-� and R-3 Zoning District to a B-1 Local Business District Zoning District for the purpose of deve2opment of a Waigreens drug store Subscribed and svorrs�to be£oze me his Z� day of �cf7J� 14� By: Title: ��y�� �� ��� Page 1 Of Notary Public 12/93 'WHq.\r........�..- ....v�,........w• � 'l � � '� MARK P. ACBRECHT ���(�� �(« qq•�,�p f� MOTIRY N9!lC�MINNESJiA F f '��`�' MY CO/fMi5510N El(?IRES 1ANUARY 37, 2000 +...��M� - �ni. � z + - Street Address: 1395 Marylanc3 Avenue, St. Paul, MN � s y ou� r� U PETITION 20 AMEND THE ZONING CODE CITY OF SAINT PAIIL TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR APID CITY COIINCIL eJo Zoning Of£ice, 1100 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street, Saint Paul, MN. 55102 ZONING OFFICE L3SE ONLY File # Apglication Fee $ Tentative Hearing Date DATE / p - l 3 19� Pursuant to Section 64.400 he Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance Section �/ /,3 _ e 462,357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, /Z4ssc« /3• :�Y/aff.�� , the owner Russell B. Moffat (fee owner) Bruce K. Moffat (COntract of all the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Body toPUrChdsex rezone the following described property: Street Address: /�/7 l3ioem�tiQi��+.� . . Legal Description:_The South 15_feet of Lot 4 and all of Lot 5, • - ��� . •.. .� fzom a Rt�_� Zoning District to a B-1 Local Susiness District 2oning District for the gurpose of development of a walgreens drug store Subscribed and svorn to befo me this 'L� da of � i • 19� � / �.�. � � bK1h..: � otaz Public see signature above wh was that notarized ay: Tit1e: Page �„ of F' �r: r.� `�s.. ���` ,`y� a rA m�;or��utarr "��.w 12/93 � I � �i PETITION 40 AMEND THE ZONING CODE CZTY OF SAZNT PAi1L TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COIINCIL c/o Zoning Office, 1100 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street, Saint Paul, MN. 55102 ZONING OFFICH IISE ONLY File # Application Fee $ Tentative Hearing Date DATE l t� ! 1� 19 q t{ � Pursaant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Pa� Zoning Ordinance Section E3c�.c� }F 6no a"� 462.357(5) o£ MinnesoEa Statutes,{�,�„re �'�' �s4.�.erT1. , the owner Russell B. Moffat (f owner:3 Bruce K. Moffat of all the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Body to (ContraCt Purchaser; rezone the following described property: Stzeet Address: Legal Description:_ The South I5 feet of Lot 4 and all of Lot 5, . - . �� . :.. .. from 8 RM-� Zoning District to a B-i Local Business District Zoning District for the purpose of aeve2opment of a Walgreens drug store Subsczibed and sworn to beFo me this 2`� da of t � 19� � \ � � \ v�.: Hotary Public see signature above which was that notarized By: Title: Page �� of `,°, 12/93 • � L_ t�tG F��.E .��.�.�-�- �s�i°� • YETTTION TO A2�ND THE 20NING CODE CZTY OF SAINT PAIIL TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AIID CITY COIINCIL c/o Zoning Office, 1100 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street, Saint Paul, MN. 55102 20NING OFFICE IISE ONLY File # Application Fee $ Tentative Hearing Date DATE 19 Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance Section • • 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, Albro Properties , the owner of all the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: Street Address: 1395 Maryland Avenue, St. Pau1, MN Legal Description: S' 22• T. 29, R. 22, subject to street and avenue and except East 21 f t South 1 F East 1/2 0 £ Southeast 1/4 oP Southwest 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 of S. 22, T. 29, R. 22. from a RM_� and R-3 Zoning District to a B-1 Local Business District Zoning District for the purpose of development of a Walgreens drug store Subscribed and sworn to befoze me this day of 19 s Title See attached Purchase Agreement (lines #144 and 145) which detail the rezoning and Seller's (owner's) agreement and approval of said rezoning. General Partners out Page� of �- of town until 11/i/94, we Notarq Pubiic will submit their signatures 12/93 on this form by 11{4/94. � Z����1G FiLE 9-:�- � PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE CITY OF SAI2fT PAIIL TO THE HONORABLE MAYO& AND CITY COIINCZL c/o Zoning Office, 1100 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street, Saint Paul, MN. 55102 ZONING OFFICE IISE ONLY File # Application Fee $ Tentative Hearing Date DATE /�' `� � 19� Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint��jul A Zoning rdi.a ct'on ��i�'7/LdC��.L�it�L•`l[L4�� �r���� - -. 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, orraine M` and S ott F. Gru�� owner of all the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: Street Address: 1405 Maryland Avenue, St. Paul, MN Legal Description: Subject to the avenue, the west 45 feet of . . - .0 . ... .� from a RM-� and R-3 2oning District to a B-1 Local Business District Zoning District foz the purpose of development of a Walgreens drug store Subscribed and sworq to By; befo m his � of C 19�/ Title: �- -��� Nota{�r Public � . �J �' '�� Y � Page T of �� �� . .� �� .�cF:r : .. __.� ^::f; s;;M, •- �� Fti: '� CT.:� H y � Ws�emc ovc:s.�ta, H: ^u: ; 12/93 ����� : � + Zt�I�ii�G FiLE ��--- � `�S -��� i PETITION 20 Ai�ND THE ZONING CODE CZTY OF SAINT PAIIL TO THE HONOAABLE MAYOR AND CITY COIINCIL c/o Zoning Office, 110Q City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street, Saint Paul, MN. 55102 ZONING OFFICE iJSE ONLY File # Application Fee $ Tentative Hearing Date l�7;Mi� 19 Pursuant to Section 64.4Q0 of e Sa'nt Pa ning Qrdinance Section �(, , 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, Thomas Montanari , the owner of all the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: Street Address: 1415 Maryland Avenue, St. Paul, MN � Legal Description:_Lots 6 and '7, Block 1, Bauerschmidt's Addition. from 8 RM-� and R-3 Zoning District to a B-i Local Business District Zoning District for the purpose of develogment of a Walgreens drug store see signature above was that notarized Subscribed and sworn�to before me this �_ day of 19� / � � Notarp Public ,w....,+..w.o.-..t�w..+s.wa..a. «.,.... , y� '�., IRE?�;F M. MOl�iAN;:F.i � ��i1 hO�ACY iCiL — N��� � 6 z ��f� �y' k4:A>E;' CCI:il�i'i ± [ Ab✓ -ap::as' ^ ;b; ��vrrw'_s.+..r.. �-: ..... a...T,. By: Title: 12/93 Page 1 of P` {Z4��i�G F�LE g�- � PETITZON TO At�+ND THE 20NSNG CODE CZTY OF SAZNT PAIIL R TO THE EONOI2ABLE 1SATQR APID CITY COIINCZL c/o Zoning Office, 1Z00 City HaZ2 Annex 25 W. 4t6 Street, Saint Paul, MN, 55102 ZONING OFFICE IISE ONLY Fi2e # Appl3cation Fee $ Tentatfve Hearing Date DATE �� /.� 19 y.� Pursuant to Sectian 64.40Q of tha Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance Section 462.357{5) of Minnesota Statutes, �°� , the owner Lly d B. Katusky and Sh la A. Katusky of all the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your H norable Body to rezone the following described property: � Stieet Address: ��� f� � _ The North 21 £eet of the South 164'feet, except � Szgal Description: �he East 210.56 feet thereof, and the North 47 feet o£ the South 216 feet, excep e as T er�all in the South 3/5 of the East 1/2 oP the Southeast 1/4 of the Sout hwest — 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 22, Township 29, Range 22. from a RM_� 2oning District to a S-1 Local Business Distri�t Zoning District for.the purpose of deveZopment of a Walqreens drug store � see signatures above which Subscribed and sworn. to $ were those notarized befor me this 2� day � of - 19� Title: \ a �� `_ _ / ota Public •••` '.`N'N✓Ww.N�hNJYYAe Page`Z of �, , _.�il ��T. /�r,6.1� QW�y� �� � n �.ut:�.� r�,;.,,,� 12/93 .:.�ra,: . ;:,vtox i5(: � E�344 'f („icud �•; . "'w�„"'v.^.wvv.v�vrnnv.m -. . � ZOl��I�G �tLE °� � - �S-1o� � YSTITION SO AT�ND THE ZONIN6 CODE CITY OF SAINT pAIIL ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY File #t Application Fee $ Tentative Hearing Date TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COIINCIL DATE 19 c/o Zoning Office, 1100 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street, Saint Paul, MN. 55102 Pursuant to Section 64.400 of,,,the SainC aul�Zoning Ordinance Section ��.�y� �-z�J.,C�C✓Gc7 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, Evel�n rosiewicz, j , the owner of all the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: Street Address: 1224 and 1226 Etna Street, St. Paul, MN � The South 80 feet of the following described Legal Description: raai Pc+ato }�...;t� �'1P . „t.t, 4�S+hc �f tt,e East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest i/4 of Section 22. TownshiD 29, Ranae 22, exceDt tne East 165.56 feet thereof, and except the South "L16 feet thereof. from a RM_? and R-3 Zoning District to a B-1 Local Business District Zoning District for the purpose o£ development of a Walgreens drug store see signature above was that notarized By: Title: IJ r� Page � of �! , .-wv:;w.+.w��`:s*'as+^"nM.,H,n... 9 "1 J, 4YERB 12 93 -�7 N���r r .�euam�w+�evr� � / ^ e 4d�;5�A COUNTY - MP c�afam 6mu�s Nov ?I, ti9a; .::ti�.n.a * �M�vnr+.'rwvwv� y � �o��O�V D i�� � S Subscribed and swo to befor m,,q this � dap of C`�-0 • 19� u SUFFI GHECK SHEET ONING GUP NCUP TIONS FIRST SUB;fSTTED RESUBN.ITIED DATE PETITI0:1 SUB�IZTTED: ��' 2���� DATE SUSHITTED: DATc OFFICI:�LLY RECEZVED; � I' �' F� DATE RECETVED: PARC£LS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS NEEDED: PAACEL SIG:IED: � �O �� YARCELS ELSGIBLE: PPkCELS NEEDED: PdRCELS SIG�ED: CHECKED BY: /����—�� DATE: �r- ¢-�¢ . Z4N�NG �iLE �---� � • ! �ts-��� • STATE OF Y.I�+1`�'ESOTA) 55 • COUNTY OF R��fSEY ) . `� ��r��{�' , being first duly srorn, danoses anc states tha he�she is the peYSOn who circulated the within petition ar.c. consent, consisting of � pages; that affiant is infot'�ed and believes tnzt the parties described are tne owners respectively of the lots plzced immediately before each name; that a££iant is inforiaed and believes th�t escn of the pa:ties described above is zhe ow-aez of prope=ty �:nich is �:ithir. 100 £est fro�a �ay property o:.�zd or purchased by petitioner o: sold by petiticazr within or.e (1) year pracedin� the date o� this petition vhich is contiguo_s to the prope:ty described in the petition; that e:ccept for none of thz pazties described above has purchased or is p�zchssin� pro�zrt;• fro� petitio�er contiguous to tn2 above described prooerty �:ithin one (1) } o£ the cate of the petition; tnat this consent wzs signed by ezch of saic ow in the presence o£ tnis afiiant, and tnat the sigaatures are t:^.e t=u= and corrzct signatures of each and a1Z of tne pzrties so described. � 4Q� � n � � Nz�e rcy E. winter ?ddress 6351 Barrie Road Minneapolis, MN 55435 qrR a�n� Telephone N�oer . . �!�-?� Rf� J, 1�R� : ,�$�F(Y N �Ci:• ,.l�C^�SV'(Y�A �. y' Mv t`�rr.•a E: s_ ka� B1 143; s _,cV=v�NNn'.n•.vnvN::.�.+�• Au p • Approved as to form - Jan. 1, 1991 Ylanning Deoartment . � ��e�3f�� �fL� �'Zto a8 _ o — . `� 1 Subscribed and swo to be�ore me, this ,Z�–� day of o^L , 19 �`f II . CDNS� �� A�plt'IZNG PROPF�TY GW"NF.RS :fl R�2��%��NG Wo, tha undaxsignncl, awnas� of tiha pr.opexty w�cisin 10Q aonCibuaua dsacripCian �f zesl ¢atRta ot�mstf•, Fux.hased, ot �����,r prie yaas EraGeding the dace of thie +�eti.�ion, eckno besn �v'�s�s�?�d wi.th Che PCLLOWLl 1. A nepy o� the rntitian o£ B�},p�.i.�n''���, ponwn�� 2. A o°1+Y o£ Seceions ba.51..,,_4�__ Chrangh f>0,5,�,_.._ &atnt 8xu1 Zoning Codm; and 'o ��� Ca � acknowlndgo �hat ae xsa uwaxa a� �+11 of Che weea f nirLYiat aas+�n8 Clmtlni�°��At�Pt1 as+d wa eY' �s+�Aro r'hac as�y � istab'Lished upon G3ty Ca e�ti 1 de4c i.b d�� �t�he ezos�ingi a'�d tha xeZOning o� ths p�op Y t:o a �:, pe�ibion nf (nam� oi petieianmz) ^_•--- �218 C�a�'�nce Bt. '�tna Wooda ..w nn._�9_99..006'1, _ xiDBY,�lfl�1_'1� • � � i - a• 01' ■tlYse �7) da � a£Cer a pstiitioet is raceivad by tba Plan'ning U: vifLori. Any �L�ra� �etitin� rrali rot bo caneadsred ar ofEia�aily f'iie�d unci� itt n r�q��et w'Lthin wo�king Y � b'�draw h4a/her nasi�r tha'�afzom by pd6erQ af any patY.tion �aY � •• thab tima. ; 1 �.OI�$lyC�j F��.E ' ��' � o£ tha �atal by pntit'Lnnax xhat wa k�6vn l.noln►ive af the i3ez a $-.L,_...-- thsee u�ee oazs b� hsr�'6q aen�anb ho piseri�t ----- , �S-��� CONSENT OF ADJOINZNG PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZDNING a Ae, the undersigned, owners of the pzoperty within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petit3on, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the �o2lowing: . 1. A copy o£ the Petition of �'�P�rtD��' �f.Ut�f J!i'1�� VLf / ^ (name of p titionc�r) 2. A copy of Sections �9�_5!V through (aQ,�,�Z , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a�_ District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon Gity Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consen� to the rezoning of the property described in the Yetition of s f�jb� (J�J�, to a �'� District name of pet tioner C� Petition shall not be considered as officially £iled until the lapse of seven (7) working days a£ter a petition is received by the Ylanning Division. Any signator , of any petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. page _ of � Z��1lNG FfLE �� � � �� !� 4`F CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING � We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we hav� been £urnished with the £ollowing: . 1. A copy of the Petition of Semper Development. Ltd. ___ (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections 60.510 through60.532 , inclusive of the Saint Pau1 Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of a1I of the uses permitted under a B-1 District zoning classification and we are aware that any of Lhese uses can be estabZisked upon City CounciZ approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition of SemAer DeveloAment, Ltd. *Q � B-I District (name of petitioner) � C� Petition shall not be considered as officia2ly filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after a petition is received by the PZanning Divis£on. Any signator - of any getition may"withdraw his/he� name therefrom by written request within that time. page _ of _ � L � C `I , `� � I � � � -J-L._..��.�-J-- � . ! � �s-��� . CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: . 1. A copy of the Petition of Sem�er Develogmen . TY.d. (nama o£ petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections 60.510 thraugh 60.5_ ��__, inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a�l District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition of Sempet Development, Ltd. to a B-1 District (name of petitioner) C J Petition shall not be considered as of£icially £iled until the lapse of seven (7) , working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of any petition may withdraw hisjher nazae therefrom by written request within that time . _ p age _ of � 1 LV1�fii�1� ��1� �(`�_ � t �� CONSENT OF ADJQINTNG PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of ihe property within 100 feet of the total • contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the folloving: . 1. A copy of the Petition of Semper Development, Ltd. (name of petitioner) 2. A copy o£ Sections 60.510 through 60. S32 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a B-2 Distzict zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be estabiished upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consen� to the rezoning o£ the property described in the Petition of Semper Development, Ltd. to a B-1 District (name of petitioner) �� Petition shali not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator - af any pezition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. oa$e o£ - � ZOlVl�G FIIE �_ � �[ s-to� � CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet o£ the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: • 1. A copy of the Petition of Semper Development� Ltd. (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections 60.510 through 60.532 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a B-1 District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition o£ Semper DeveloAment, Ltd. to a B-1 District {name of petitioner} J � � • ' � ZC)Ni1VG Fl�.E 9��. � Petition sha11 not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. page , of ` CONSENT OF ADJOINZNG PROPERTY OWNERS TD REZONZNG We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 10Q feet of the total • contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: . 1. A copy of the Yetition of ��Pr nc�va7�mP�} r+.� (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections 60.510 through 60.532 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we aze aware of a21 of the uses permitted under a B-1 District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition of Semper Develogment Ltd to a B-1 Districc (name of petitioner) ! r� L J Petition shall not be considered as of£icially filed until the Iapse of seven (7) working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator - of any petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. pa¢e of � ZC�N1t�G ��LE �-�: � PORTFOLIO DESIGN SERVICES INC. � C� . 235 E. ROSELAWN, SUI'fE #10 • ST. PAUL, MN 55117 (612) A88-6162 FAX (612) 488-6292 October 26, 1994 Kady Dadiez City of Saint Paul Planning Depamnent 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Kady: � s-I�� This letter is regazding the additional infoimation you requested on the proposed Walgreens project located 'm the northwest comer ofPtosperity and Maryland, in the Phalen area of St. Paui. The project site is approximately 1.6 acres and is located west of Prosperity, north of Mary3and and east of Edna. The project proposed for this site is a 13, SQO square foot Walgreens retail pharaiacy store. The bu�ding itself consists of approximately 2,500 square foot pharmacy, 6,500 ofretai� sales space and 4,500 square feet of storage, office and mechanical spaces. This site will haue 60 parking spaces with access to these spaces located offthe intersection of Birmin.gham and Prosperity and off Maryland approximately at the center of the site. The size of each pazkmg space will be 9 feet wide, 20 feet deep and the drive isles will all be 25 feet wide. This is a little larger than the standard city requirements, however; Walgreens has found that most oftheir clientele is elderty and they feei more comfortabie parldng m a slightly oversized parking stall. A rather unique feature to the Walgteens projeet is the drive through pharmacy pick up azea, located in the northwest comer ofthe build'mg. This pick-up window is oniy for pharmacy and prescription pick-up and can not be used for pick-up of standard sale items in the retail uea of the store. The reason there are two lanes at this location is that by pharmacy tegulations you must be able to consuh with a pharmacist when you pick up prescription. If someone shouid be itt the closest lane next to the wmdow, consultiug with the pharmacist, a second lane is provided for someone to come through, pick up their prescription and leave without having to wait. The typical prescription pick-up window is used by about 10% ofthe pharmacy clients per day. Mosk ofthe clientele using the v window are parents with children that are il1, that they do not wish to take them out of the caz and bring them into the store; and also the elderly and handicapped clients that wouid rather stay in their car and not get out. ZONlNG FILE �� � Traffic to a Walgreens store generally has no peak hours and is pretty much a constant � trickle ail day long. Typically there are 4 to 6 people in the store at any given time. The hours of operation of a typical Walgre�s store aze from 7 or 8 am unt� 8 or 9 p.m Service and deliveries for the bwld'mg take place on the west side of the bwlding. The service truck from Walgreens comes once a week and is there for appro�mately 3 to 1 hours. T9iis truck, after offioading ati of the sappfies for ihe store, then takes on all of the recyclables, mclud'mg all cardboard and other items to be returned to the dislnbution oe�nter. Tbis one dmck takes care of 95%a ofthe deliveries to the store. As you can see on the site plan, the entry to the bwlding is adjacent to the Maryland Av�ue sidewalk. This was designed specificatty to provide excellent pedestriau access to tiris project. This wll also focus most of the primary activity on the sate away from the resid�tial area wlrich is directly north of our projec� In adddion to shifting the buitding to the Maryland side of the srte, we have also iacluded a rather substantial landscapmg buffer betweea our garlcing area and the residences to the no�h The minimum width of this Iandscaping area is 16 feet wide. This landscaping azea to tfie north will aLso inctude a detention azea for any stormwater nm off&om our site and any ofthe adjacent residentiat azeas that drain mto this same azea. Landscaping along this bvffer w�l consist primary of Black I�T11 Spmce and 3uaipers. Additional ]andscaping on ths sate wHl consist of Marshall Ash, Red Maple and Spring Snow Crab. This can be seen on the landscaping plan, Li, There are a number of existing trees along the Maryland . Avenue side of the site. These uees consist of four hackberry, one locust and two maples. It would appear at tLis time tiiat these trees wHl be able to be saved for the project. The entae srte will have an automatic irrigation system for watering. Site figi►ting w�ll be taken care ofwith poles in the parking Iot and box type fnctures with ait downcast light. There w�ll be some wall pack lighting ut7ized on the building, this too w�71 be downcast and direct lightmg will noi be allowed to shine outside of the site. The bwlding construction itself w�i have a fairiy high standard of Snishes. T9ie bottom 10 feet ofthe bu�ding wilt consist of a Carolina Ceramics chestnut wae cut modular brick Above this w�71 be a stucco sgn band, that w�l have a lighter ione in the base or body of the �nband and a slightty darker tone azound the perimeter forming an accent. The canopy of the front of the building consists of some pitched roof which were ut�7ized to pick up the residentiai feel of the neighborhood. This is atso utr�ized at the drive through pick up azea and the roof over that. Shingles on this azea consist of a timberline rough shmgle which looks somewhat like a cedar shake. The canopy at the front of the bw7ding atong Maryland w�I provide about a su� foot covered walkway along the entire front of the buiiding. � Za►IV11VG F1LE ��.. � r � 5-L�� � 7f you would like any additional information or if you have any questions abouth tUis project, please don't hesiYate to ca1L Siacerely, '�_ � � . Jolm Kohler, AIA • �� ZOtV1NG F#LE g�� zuo-wr Ia�eA�: a��-ew U�v) °�` e �.,�L-�,.y �---_-.- � 4 4 � OI`IO�J.2IOd� 5�3a'r"' Q . ♦ i �� � � I Z r� 4 � N � _,� � '."�' V� VN13 0 z a .J Y � < � r � � w � � O � d F- Q � Z Q J � � d � 0 � z w w � c� J Q � � C� C�l � � � Z � � ^� 1-+-� � � am-m mem� as�o-w. rz�m °x � , 7 � ,� ��^.�,?�TM,� Q a�+nxavn ar iUx3esona s3 f OI'IO Z2I�Od� SN3321J1dM �,M ry � ��"� p � ¢�' !€ �_�mm � 0 s � _ Y B / ❑ / � 9 0 � �� I� 6 a � ! �€; s, ;� % � e o � � �. �. ..e.. . .. � m..m.. ..e..� — — � , � VN13 0 Z g r � Q E � F-- d' W � � O � � F 4 � Z Q J � � a � � Z W W � C� J a � i 1 ' � � - � .. w., �,. ��4 9 � OI'IO�Z2IOd� N3ltlHd SN3321J1VM � �: i � � � ) , � � � ` �-�l_1 ; v � ... 1 .L. � � ..,. � � N � � � ��,�°�°��°�° � ���.��� ���� �f s-f°� 2164 Stillwater Avenue, Suite 201 Saint Paul, MN 55119-3508 • November 21 ,1994 Kady Dadlez 1 Ith F7oor, City E3all Annex 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Kady, RECEiVED NOV 2 21994 ZQN�N� Phone:(612)731-6842 Fax: (612) 731-0194 I am writing to you on behalf of the District 2 Communiry Council to communicate a council motion on Zoning File 94-264, regarding a proposed Walgreens at 14�c Maryland Ave. E. First, let me give you the motion passed and then some background on the process that led to that motion. The motion passed by the Board of Directors was: MOTION: To approve the rezoning of property from R-3 and RM-2 to B- 1, including the vacation of an alley and street, to allow a Walgreens Drug Store at 14�ec Maryland Avenue. � Prior to this motion being passed at the IVovember 16, 1994 Board of Directors meeting, several public meetings were held on the issue. The fitst was at our October Board meeting, which was attended by about 45 neighborhood residents. After that presentation, the matter was referred to the Physical and Neighborhood Issues Committee, which held a public meeting on November 4. As a result of these two meetings and the neighborhood input that was received, the Physical and Neighborhood Issues Committee cited a number of specific issues that needed to be resolved before we would approve the plan. They revolved around traffic, building security, hours of operation and the easternmost part of the site plan. These issues were addressed by Walgreens before the Nov. 16 Board meeting and the motion of approvai was passed. Some changes were made in the overall plan that we wish to bring to your attemion. They include: -"IVo Right Turn" signs will be posted at the Etna eacits. -A "Right Tum Only" sign will be posted at the BirminghamlProsperity e�t. � -Walgreens will leave the parking lot lights on all night if needed for security and to minimize loitering. -The developer will work with the city to estend the water sprinkling onto the strip of ]and along Maryland Ave. and in the selection of the trees for the site. ��l� � 6`�G FI �.E ��.�. EQUAL OPPORTUN171' EMPIAYER! CONTRACIOR - Walgreens will put in writing that the store hours will not be earGer than . 7:00 a.m. or later than 11:00 p.m. (with the right to come back to the community councii to seek longer hours if that became necessary}. The inclusion of these items (and clarification of some other issues) satisfied the concems that had been raised at the previous meetings. I have included this history in order to show that the process involved included substantial input &om the neighborhood, input which resulted in changes that wili minimize the unpact of this store upon the surrounding neighborhood. We in District 2 are excited about the changes that are scheduied for the Maryland/Prosperity area and expect those changes to enhance the area dramatically. I expect to attend the Zoning Committee meeting on December Sth to answer any qaestions that may arise. Please feel free ta contaat me with any questions you may haue. Sincerely, C L � V Tim Dornfeld Communiry Or ni7 u ZONlNG F!L'� q`�?� � / � . .. 1� 1 u� �xuoi ,+� a� a� Fc�'' a. ` a a. ♦il.�A ia� a.a.i �� •"�.,��./J� l� t, � t la w 1 la la a a.. jr�:t?E.L� y� y a ..� la t� .y� t� 1• � � i� i iJ:Y 1� y, a ..5; La 1� lizila ta 11 �.r.. +��4` :�1� l� } ; , �i:g�i i: i+ S ; `.1�NFI.i� li } +y:Y�;a+ a � �a .'/aj'S�; 1• y+ %. � � ; ; • 1 l� � a 1 • . la l, � it ^,� �.... 1 } �ti, 1 1+ 1+ 1 1 l� L� l� 1+ � a�i�l l l� 1+ l� l+ 1� 1+1 � 1+ 1+ ta yj � L� ya y / li l� 1 y l� l+, � L+ a�t' .e44� c�s_�o� l+ AETN� o a o �C CCOYAUNTY 0 5 000 M � o0000 e(COY4UMiY� L a ya la NECqEATpI. 1+ 1 aoe�ooYOaYOO� a � i� l� l� i• 5Q PRY 11 a ; i; a ta la 1 t: � 1+ 1� 1+ t 1+ t+, j1 t+ l+ � � �� ly �� 1+ la 1 1 a 1> 1� 1+ 1+ 1� L+ � 1+ la 1� L li 1� 1� 1� 1 1� l+lt l� l+l+l+l+lt l�l+ � l+ L+ ,+ i1uE5 Wtg� 1� 1� 1 1 l u Phaten Viilage Small Area Pian Map 4 Proposed Land Use �ec�mmex�d�.d (.�; V� �� 1+ l+ ouauo � a� la y a 1+ 1+ 1+ 1 � l+ 1+ L+ i. i+ i. i �aia+ia t+ t+ 1+ t � l+ la la ' 1 la l+ 1 1+ L+ 1+ y+ • 1 L+1+J L� 1� 1� 1� � a l+ la y ++ i+ a+ a� `1 a+a� 1 • 1• 1 1 :�' 3 ��s9 a a '<'3<' 1 1 � �:a�:�Y: � l� �.iHS�2Y:: � [a 1� la y> i L+1+1� 3 • l+l� l+a+ 1+ 1+ l+ 1� 1 � 11 la ll yt 1+ 1+1�1+1 • 1+ 1� l+ 1� 1+ 1+ l+ 1+ A � 1+ l� L� 1+ l� ya l� l� 1 1+ 1+ l+ 1± L� l+ L� �a \ \ � � � � wo � � � ag �/\ �M 1� �� STUDYAREABOUNDARY � COMMERCIAL � 1-2 FAMtLY RESIDENSIAL INDUSTRIAL � BTOWNHOUSESE�'AL oopoo �NSTITUTIONAL,PUBLIC & SEMI PUBLIC ��,. y?:�e,. 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' ♦ . � I � I � a _ --. o . a_ o _ ❑ a: :❑ � �o 7 r�; :��QGG�: t a Phaten Vitiage Smati Area Plan Conceptual Stage One Plan ������ ���� �� � � 5- �°� F�ADEN-PROSPERITY • 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1�. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. DAYTON'S BLUFF PAYNE-PHALEN NQRTFi END THOMAS-DALE StJMMTT-U1IIVERSTTY WEST SEVENTIi COMO HAMLINE-MIDWAY ST. ANTH0I3Y PARK MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING HAMLINE MACALESTER GROVELAND HIGFiLAND SUMMTT HILL DOWNfOWN � ZONING FILE L`� CITIZEN PARTTG`BATiON PLANNING DISTRI�I'S � � ������� ���� q� �- �, 6REATER EAST SIDf DIS7RIC7 2 ON '°°�-- 20Q9 -'°°° `°°° � g� �� r�� v � > < � C9 2 C c� a > < a � W --� -_ — � ti] � `- - - � - O > `z < — '� �, . �-- � _ � � ' � � �-- • --� – � z > u n z Q � a > -J � u � � _�_� _; o 0 � ; i � � O22 OZ RYLANU i �� ; �:� � O �: � . � N � P A j SE Q , �. 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