D002451y � � Approced Copies to: CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR : � u u� f.`II I1:7��1; ►• ,p0��s1 - Cin Clerk (Original) 1 - Financc Dept 's Accounting Division No: - Requesting Dept. Date: J �- C' . 1 WIIEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department Training Unit is conducting a management training 2 meeting, WHEREAS, this training is scheduled for November 22n 2004. This training will be held at the Holiday 5 Inn-Saint Paul East, 2201 Burns Avenue, Saint Paul, MiV 55119. 6 7 WHEREAS, this training is specifically designed to train Saint Paul Police Department management team 8 personnel, unit heads, and invited others in Principle Based Leadership - The Importance of Ethics. 9 10 WHEREAS, the public purpose of this professional training is to develop management skills, enhance 11 knowledge and abilities, and exchange information necessary to effectively manage police personnel and 12 operations in a challenging environment. i3 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department will enter into an agreement with Holiday Inn-Saint Paul . 5 r ast, 2201 Burns Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55119, to provide the meeting site, set-up, AV equipment, moming ? 6 coffee and juice on November 22n 2004. 17 18 19 ?� 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 ?g 29 30 31 BE IT ORDERED that pursuant to the 2004 City Budget, the proper City Officials are hereby authorized to retnit an amount not to exceed $825 00 to Holiday Inn- Saint Paul East, 2201 Burns Avenue, Saint Paul Minnesota SS l 19 This is to cover expenses for meeting room, set-up, AV equipment, morning coffee and jtiice from account code 001-04303-0299-40060. A copy of said order is to be kept on file and of record in the Office ofFinancial Services. Funding source: Accountcode# 001-04303-0299-40060