00-12ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # 0�9�� 2 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 Council File # �� ��1. Ordinance # ���:�������rM�� Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertainiug to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£ WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes {462357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, Esperanza Duarte duly peUtioned to rezone property at 550 Concord Street being legally described as (see file) from RM-2 (residential multi- family) to OS-1 (office service) to allow a mixed office residential use, the pefifion having been certified by the Planning Division on 9/28/99 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further hauing been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous properry within one year proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 10/28/99, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to { 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and 16 WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 11/5/99 and 17 recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, notice of public heazing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on 11/12/99 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on12/1/99, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petifion; now, therefore 28 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 29 30 Section 1. 31 32 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 38, as incorporated by reference in {60301 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: 34 35 36 37 38 39 That property with the address of 550 Concord Street being more particulazly described as: See file. be and is hereby rezoned from RM-2 to OS-1 6Ii�!(SNEB �E� 5 �809 Section 2. / 40 41 42 This ordinznce shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and afrer its passage, approval and publication. 0 b — �� ORIGINAL Adopted by Council: Date ��y��pp Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary By: Appr By: Requested by Department of: Plannin & E omic Develo ment Sy: � Form Approved by City Attorney gy; �I�. V� 1 Ap o� d by r f r Submi ' to C u cil By: �IIAI IC{7C�i � : :• �i:: v James Zdon 266-6559 iisioo �� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES City Council adoprion of a rezoning ordinance a999 GREEN SHEET 6 b—\'� No 102981 ���� �,� ���_ � �.,,.,�. IZ 21 � �� ❑ ,�,�, � ❑ �,�.a � wvoRryRwusr� i�'/ j" '= ��D IYt !'Y 9X (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) REGOMMtNVA�IOIV AppfWE (A) Of K¢Jett PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE �� CMLSERVICECAMMISSION li� tliie P��Mfin evxxarlad uMer a mrtraGfarthis tleparfnienl9 YES NO Hae mis ce�eaJfirm ever hem a dry anqoyee9 YES Mo ' Does this P�um Po�s a sWN no[ nanWyposeesaed by m�Y wrteM cAy empbyee? YES NQ Is tles pdsoNfimi e ta�ge[etl ventlo/! '. VES NO Rezoning ordinance that allows the conversion of a muiti-family residence into a mixed office residential use by rezoning the property from RM-2 to OS-1. �r�-r::.r��.� Conversion will proceed IF None Conversion will be terminated. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIOH S v -.- _ - _ � una � : t� .. � _� t .... r.'�,. �.. COST/REVENUEBUD6E7ED(CIRCLEON� AC7NITY NUMBER 0 CQ�rr:�l R�ssea.�� ��R#�s 1! , �.� NO DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OD - l � �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor November 8, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson CiTy Council Research Office Room 310 CiTy Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Telephone: 6I2-266-6565 F¢csimile: 612-228-3314 VU�.t�.L+u°� ' �ar{�� �`��� � � ���� I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the CiTy Council is scheduled for Wednesday December 1, 1999 for the pupose of rezoning properiy at 550 Concord Street from RM-2 to OS-1 to allow for mixed use residential and office services. Applicant: File Number: Purpose: Address: Esperanza Duarte #99-270 Rezoning of property at 550 Concord Street from RM-2 to OS-1 to allow mixed used residential and office services. 550 Concord Street Legal Description See file. of Property: Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, vote: Unanimous November 5, 1999 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approvai, vote: 6-0 October 28, 1999 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda for the December 1, 1999 City Council meeting and you will publish notice of the heazmg in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6559 if you have any questions. Sincerely, i / �� � ames Zdon � City Pl r cc: File #99-270 Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau Divuion of Planning 25 Wesi Fourth Sbeet Saint Paul, MN 55102 •t�rsrr�ur• xc�TtcE:os rvsrac �nxn�rc �- The 8aint Paul City Coundl wlli conduct a public heacing on Wednesday, December 1, 1999, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, ThirB Floor, City Hall- Courthouse, to consider the application of Esperanza Duarte "tn rezone property at 550 Concord StreekfroaCRNf 2 to OS-1 to allow mixed use residential and�office servtces. - � Dated: November 10, 1999 - - IJANCYANDERSON AsstaYant City Covncli Secretazy "_ - . � @T.ov.121 ' - , 81:PAOL�.I�X}�L�6SR . 6: ECOhOMIC DEVELOPMENT CITY OF SAINI' PAUL ��` �� Drvis+on of Plamm�g A'ormColeman.dla}�o� 25WestFou�lhS+�'eet Telephone.611-266-6i65 Satnt Paul, 61.\"55102 Facsimile- 6/1-218-33l0 November 1 S, 1999 Ms.I�'anc} Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #99-270 Esperanza Duarte City Council Hearing: December I, 1999, 530 p.m. to 630 p.m., City Council Chambers PURPOSE: Rezoning property at 550 concord Street from RM-2 to OS-I to allow mixed used residential and office services PLA?�'?�I':`G COMMISSION llh/f99 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: 16-0 (Duarte abstained) ZONI?�G CO;vIM1TTEE 10/28/99 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: 6-0. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL SUPPORT: 7he West Side Citizens Organization supported the rezoning. OPPOSITION: tr'one. Dear Ms. Anderson: This rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on December 1, 1999. Please notify me if any member of the City Council a ishes to have slides of the property presented at the public hearing. Sinceref}, --} �'7I"..�d- v,(�'�'t._ 4ames Zdo� � `� Cit} Pianner cc City Council members , city of saint paul �� planning commission resolution file number 99-73 date November 5, 1999 �a_�a WH�REAS, Esperanza Duarte (File 99-279I has applied to rezone property at 550 Concord Strezt, legally described as (see file), fron Rbi-2 {residential multiole-famiZy) to OS-1 (office service) to allow a mixed office residentizl use; and wF:EREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 10/28/99 held a public hearing at which all persons present were givzn an opportunity to be h=_ard pursuant to said aoplication in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of Che Saint Paul Legislative Code; and W.3EREA5, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidznce presented to its Zor.ing Committee at the public hearing as substzztially reflecte3 in the minutes, mad: the following findings of fact: 1. Tne a�plicant owns the property and is proposinc to convert two of the three residential units to accommodate administrative office functions for the La Prenza De htinnesota newspaper. Office hours would � be Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Five £ull-time ' employees would occuoy the office units. 2. Section 60.512(7)(a) identifies th_ following condition for mixinc resic:ntial and office uses in aa OS-1 district. "Residential uses are limited to not more than fifty (50) percent o' the base^eat first.floor. Tne entire upp=r floors may be used for resid_atial use. At least fifty (50) p>rcznt of the bas=ment and first floor shall b= devotec to a pri^cipal us= p=rmitted in this district, except residential use.'� Tnis conditioa is mzt. Tne first floor will be occc�ied by a permitted o°fice use and two ga-age units. Tne secoad floor will have oae resic=atial unit and one office unit. 3. The rezoning is con5istent with [he comp-ehensive plan. The 1999 City Land Use Plan (5.2.11 states, '�In traditional neighborhoods, the City will sunport compatible mixed use within single buildings and in s_oarate buildings in clos= proximity." p. 27. jI1�Ve(� bV Gervais J seconded by in fa� "�T' 16 (Duaree abstained) a�ainsf i MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, October 28, 1999- 3:30 p.m. � City Council Chambers, 3' Floor ' City Hail and Court House 15 West Keflogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Faricy, Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton Engh Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, and James Zdon of PED �� -(2- The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. 99-270- Esperanza Duarte (99-270) Rezoning from RM-2 to OS-1 to allow for a mixed use, residentiai and office services (one residential and two office units). James Zdon showed slides and presented the staff report. Mr. Zdon stated the Planning Staff is recommending approval and the Westside Citizens Organization has no objectionsto the rezoning. At the suggestion of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Zdon stated he would change paragraph four of the staff report to read traffic in lieu of speeding traffic. Esperanza Duarte, the applicant, appeared and stated they are going to pubfish a Hispanic newspaper in this buiiding and the printing will not be done at this site. At the question of Commissioner Faricy, Ms. Duarte stated there are 5 parking spaces and a double garage to accommodate the 8 employees. The Public Hearing was ciosed. Commissioner Kramer moved approval of the rezoning application. Commissioner Gordon seconded it. Adopted Yeas - 6 Drafted by: � u����� Caroi Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Submitted by: i , �rn�:t ...r�;�, �James Zdon Zoning Section Approved by: Litton Field Chair ZONZNG COMMITTHE STAFF REPORT � � ��V � evoc=ce=aoeeeeeecvcvae=oeeeve \ FILB # 99-270 1. APPLICANT: Esperanza Duarte DATE QF HEARZNG: 10/28/99 2. CLASSIFZCATZON: ReZORiRg 3. LOCATION: 550 Concord Street 4. PLANNING DISTR2CT: 3 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTZON: Lot 11 Block 1 Paul Martin's 1 3dC�7.tiOR to the City of St. Paul Ex St. 6. PRESENT ZONING: RM-2 ZON2NG CODE REFERENCE: Section 64.400(a) & Section 60.512 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 1DJ21j99 BY: James Zdon 8. DATE RECEIVED: 09/28/99 DEADLZNE FOR ACTION: 11/27/99 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from RM-2 to OS-1 to allow a mixed office residential use. � B. PARCEL SIZE: This irregular shaped parcel has approximately 63 feet of frontage on Concord Street, a depth of approximately 85 feet and a rear lot line of 37 feet for a total lot area of approximately 4250 square feet. C. EXZSTING LAND IISE: Residential triplex. D. SIIRROIINDING LAND VSE: North: Vacant parcel in a R-4 district. East: Rail road tracks and right-of-way in a I-2 district. South: Residential duplex in a R-4 district. West: Residential duplex in a R-4 distriCt. E. ZONING CODE CZTATION: Section 64.400(a) states in part, "the council may from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed. Section 64.400(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning comm_ssion ar by petition of the owners of sixty-seven t67) percent of the area of the property to be re2oned. Section 60.512(7) identifies E� �.. �..� ,... '� e�� PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE Departmenl of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Sectiox 1100 Ciry Hall Annex 25 Wesr Fourth Street Saint Pau1, M1Y 55102 266-6589 <. �_ ss-s ... ... . _ ..:. . . ;L�Z? - l 2- hearing rSate : ::���: ��. APPLICANT P�operty Owner Esperanza Duarte Addre55 315 WiniPred St. E City St. Paul gt MN Zjp 55107 Dayt1�11B PhO�B b51-266-2037 Contact person (if different) PROPERTY AddresslLocation 550 Concord Street LOCATION Legal desCription Plat. 01273 Paul Martin's lst. Addition to the Citv of St. Paul. _ (attach adddionat sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paui Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, Esperanza nuarte , the owner of ali the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above dsscribed property from a �-z zoning district to a os-i zoning district, for the purpose of: Utilizing a current tri-plex building to develpe a mixed use, residential and offic services building. One unit shall remain as a residential unit. The remaining two units wi11 be remodeled to provide o£fice space. Employment will be provided for approximately eight individuals. • A��MA�I./�M�MM�PnMMMMMAMMn � �CYNTHIA M. CARLSON-HEfNS � �? ' '�j NO?ARY PUBI.IC • WNNESOTA �l < WASn{NGTON COUNTY (attach additiona/ sheet(s) if necessary) � rN�^m+�t"�^�P��n. Arachments: Required site plan ❑ Consehf`���ti�ibh'� i avi ' Subscribed and swom to before me this �7i'` day of.``��7 � 19 �'n 1 �-J'�i , �L L a'•� �v�1 �c> � t� 2, �' �\ �� V P �'� � \lZ�\�� o�I>'�<'if.�%G�(,� QG��-�`�`��Z !� l �� ,�� �� � ��° a-��� e , �- , �` `� � ��, �� �"/q Fee own r of property a •, � �FItC.I . �y� �� ,V`f��Llt� `r�tie: .�.! r /�. - -- �,�„ Notary Public ��°� DeBORAH MONETTE y� NOTARY PpBUC—iA1NNE50TA � �iTZ MY COMMISSION EXGIRES 7-31-20DG � �.- Page 1 of Y � J 2 0 v � � 1 '1 0 � D � i/ ' Y o� c�— �' T � d � � a � � � � `� � � d � UT T1 �' � d � � T ` o �� - fi � -� � � , � � --�� 0 �--- '00 ----y � -.� � / s 0 O � Oo -12- � u- �� � '� �� �� v � 3 > �� � � � G � _ "/ .y (- ' 6-- � � � � ., � � �� -�i� J � U � � � � � v o Q il � � � � J h �� J �,� a �' � \ \ � \ � � � I � � �O -ia 2 � � � � 2 � �., � � �s � - � � � � � , � � 1 � I 1� � �' � � I . ,� � . � .� � ' �� � � � � � � �� ' � .�� ; �� \ ��. � �\ �� � � �� � I � � � I� � � � � � �� � � �� � � 1 � � I � � ` °��.�'� � CITY OF SAII� PAUL AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING PETITIO� bd -1� , .� STATE OF iv��'ESOTA) :SS COLRvTY OF RAb1SEY ) EsFe_ranZa Duarte � be'mg first duly sworn, deposes and states thzt hz/she is the person who circulzted the wlthin petition and consent, consisting of 4 pa;es; that a�iant is informed and belie�•zs that the parties described are the o�vners respectively of the lots placed i�unzdiately before ea�h nz:-ne, that afnant is informed and believes that ezch of th� parties described 2bove is the ow�nzr of the property which is within 100 fzet from any property o�:ned or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitioner �vithin one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to thz prope�ty described in the petition; th:t except for N/A none of the parties described 2bove has purchaszd or is purch�sing properiy from the pztitioner contiguous to tne abo�•e described property �«thin onz (1) year of the date of the petition; th2t this consent w25 sigr,ed by e2ch of said owr.ers in the presences of this 2ffiant, and that the signztures 2re thz true 2nd correct signztures of each and all of the puties so described. • AAA � �,��Ca! CYNTHIA M CARLSON-HEINS � � NOiARY PUBt1C • WNNESOTA WASHINGTON COUNTY I,y Cammiubn Ex�ires Jati 31, 2000 .w ` Subs ribed and s�vy�n to before me �.n, this�TY dayof�`'f'�. , 19 � / / _� � / �T` ` � !/ ) j "~��lvL /� C4- � /L/� ��" / /� :.. ' , / �?,�-�.,�, ���t r a�T . 3�s � k'��u,��� Sf t�, n�a's���7 ADDRESS T Ls'l- � 10- c��7� TELEPHO, IE NU�ffiER .�I,6-s�����c�=-r�,�i�.l�E�l� ���"l � r��� �� �z�� �� -� . /�'�//'.�/.L ' Z� i' /L l ' ��� pEBORAH MONETTE ; NpTPRY 4U911C-+A�NNESOTA � � MY COMMISS�ON E%P�ES 1-31-20K � i 2rOTARY PUBLIC CITY OF SAINT PAUL t CO\'SENT OF ADJOI�II\TG PROPER�IZ' O�V�'ERS FOR A �� —« REZ011'll�'G \l e, the undersi�n:d, o�cners of the propzrry• within 100 f zt of the total con:iguou> d;s:rip[ion of real est2tz o���ned, purchased, or sold by TEIE PETITIO\tER t�•ithin on: y�ezr p�zczding tie di;z of this pztitior. acfino«�led�: that «e hace been presentzd «�ith the follo�vina: 1. A copy o` [hz petition of Esperanza Duarte (name of petitionzr) to r:zone thz pr opzrty locatzd a! 55o Concord street from a R''� zoning district to a os-1 Zonin� district. 2. A cep} of s:ction; 60.511 throu�h 60.513 , inclusi��e of thz Sain! Pzul Zonine Code; and ackno«9zd [I1dt \e2 2i2 2«'3K OEdII Of Th2 U525 P2CR'11R2d ifl 3 os zoniae district and we 2rz a��•are that any of thzs= wes can be estaSlished upon City Council appro�'al of th: rezonin�. R'e here5}' cor,sznt to the rezonina of the propzrty in the petition of; Esperanza Duarte to a OS-1 2oning diitriCt. (\ame of petitionzr) �Ve consent to the appro��al of this rezonina as it ���as explained to w b}• the npplicant or his/her representati�•e. Concord Street Concord Street 09-28-22-32-0023 Concord Street Arthur H Baumeister Jr Jack Schletty y���,p� o t� / S <' �%5 � a 1L �'s'/ � Q 1L � �S l�' 9 �5 �C O� 9 �/s' o� .�� O� %7-/G_ �i� V� 562 Concord St. Jack Schletty ` Arthur H. Baumeister Jr Eric M Kustrit2 � 09-28-22-32-0041 I Eric M. Kustritz Sidney Street E. 481 Sidney St. E Bruce J. Moenck Kelly L. Moenck 552 Concord St. Mariano A Rodas � � 09-28-22-32-0030 IRobert Lee Fern 558 Concord St. 491 Sidney St. E 495 Sidney St. E Inocente Martinez Albina Martinez IT:4ASSIGNED - St.Paul �� o� i5-fy �OI'E: This petition shall not be considertd as officially filz3 i:ntil tne lapse of secen (7) wo*ki^� d�}•s afte, it is r:ezi��ed by the Planning Division. Any signator o: znis petition r..a}� �� itn�:aw hislhe. namz th:rzfrom b}• ��Tittzn request ��•ithin that timz. !` � _ � r.�zo��G �a-�a scuP FIRST SUB?vIITTED DATE PETITION SUB�IITTED: - 1��� 1 I D.ATEOFFICIALLYRECEIVED��Z� � (� i PARCELS ELIGIRLL•: � PARCELS REQUIRED: �_ PARCELS SIGNED: � r�cr.rn r•ESUB�zxrED DATE PETITIOV RESUB�fITTED: ' DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: � PAP.CELS EL1GiBLE: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIG�iED: CHP.CKEDBY: • ` � , DATE: '1'Zd�/ / -- zoN��� ��L� � �-z-�� ; ,\ 1 � \��\ f (/ � � P / �: � a� .' i •� ` � � � \ . \2�� . �i` a o - t a— , � � 2 � � �, �°-,o �� - � ( � \ � � • € �, � .0 ; �O � � " @ ' �' - . , . ��_ �, � ��� o-Q. ' y • i it�� ,° Q�f�' �' ��� Qh .� � � � - _ = - - � � C � �S 9 ��.'� _ �' \ �.\� � `. �i � _.. - . � ♦ � � � � �} i'� 9.46 �. , � ' .sa: �`. \° _ �.. ; � � 4 � . , L � �.$) �, 4 ° 1� ° �, !° • _ li • � - � o .:_ �� `�:`�. !! ` � " .� .. k . e I�s �¢� sb=� ✓,�`'� b-►.,,.`:, s�.pF 3 � ' �(ysl (Zkl (i�la @�,'` (� . 'SI •.� \� _ ��, � 4. 4 u /s � E' � v^ `,.,` t . -=•\�� ���` k 4' ../2� � � � , �s �, . ` ' / -� `9 0` �� \\�, v �o �, -"� M L.�'� ), � > � � � a� 23 6� �' 7 �ti (zsl ry �� �`� �, s \ � �, v ,. - (?lo� � 2°6 (2y) 4� �� `� � \ � �' �S . � �,� � � �- � p . / �,, ,. y � ' 4 0 ' 9 . 3 r/ 105 ` � o � 9 ' •, \ � \ �2� � - , � - � - : ...: � f !+ ' � � � `'°-- �I ^ c�9; � �� .. .. � , � / w . r tqp� 0 31) � . :., s; : . _:. :I J b� y� � N �-. . � f,{ � � T ° o a 9 - .'..,.- \ .2, � q e . � h o `k �kil '' (32) \ N j� .- 0 � � .(k2) ' (3'�) 6 \` � - \ _, zj' I 2 �'' '�'m � (43) �' �3k') � s `! � < � . �_\ `• rs 1y ' �. • � =. - �.� , 6 q . � .� , . - ; \� `§4 (35) . �,,� �, G : . • �' ° .r� 30 3 � � o . S�� ��1 ���1 �,�� �b �- � �. A -� � - , 1 ' � 9 >0 /� �� Q \y �'U�) ° �y -(�) r° � '� 3 � �:, � � � 1 ° � (31) � �. 3. y; �9 � � ' � �3 0 ° -a� � E3 � °� � �e �� �t ,, _ +�- - 'S:N ' -- , - N J- r--�/'9,97 ciTy. 6S. �. �'L'�TlrE �.:.� ST., .e�. l � .. � .. ., .. , f � , '/o % ns� ¢0 po ° 5 3 i i (I, (2l ( � 1 � .. '� y �. / 1 � „ � 7 � D M {� f I � 1� ~ r r �� � I.. ��/� � � .'1 � , I 3 I 2 i � 1\ ln �a-12- � .� � WEST SLDE � DISTRICT 3 NO �,-� ,� ' ZONING FILE � ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # 0�9�� 2 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 Council File # �� ��1. Ordinance # ���:�������rM�� Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertainiug to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£ WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes {462357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, Esperanza Duarte duly peUtioned to rezone property at 550 Concord Street being legally described as (see file) from RM-2 (residential multi- family) to OS-1 (office service) to allow a mixed office residential use, the pefifion having been certified by the Planning Division on 9/28/99 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further hauing been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous properry within one year proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 10/28/99, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to { 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and 16 WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 11/5/99 and 17 recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, notice of public heazing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on 11/12/99 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on12/1/99, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petifion; now, therefore 28 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 29 30 Section 1. 31 32 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 38, as incorporated by reference in {60301 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: 34 35 36 37 38 39 That property with the address of 550 Concord Street being more particulazly described as: See file. be and is hereby rezoned from RM-2 to OS-1 6Ii�!(SNEB �E� 5 �809 Section 2. / 40 41 42 This ordinznce shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and afrer its passage, approval and publication. 0 b — �� ORIGINAL Adopted by Council: Date ��y��pp Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary By: Appr By: Requested by Department of: Plannin & E omic Develo ment Sy: � Form Approved by City Attorney gy; �I�. V� 1 Ap o� d by r f r Submi ' to C u cil By: �IIAI IC{7C�i � : :• �i:: v James Zdon 266-6559 iisioo �� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES City Council adoprion of a rezoning ordinance a999 GREEN SHEET 6 b—\'� No 102981 ���� �,� ���_ � �.,,.,�. IZ 21 � �� ❑ ,�,�, � ❑ �,�.a � wvoRryRwusr� i�'/ j" '= ��D IYt !'Y 9X (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) REGOMMtNVA�IOIV AppfWE (A) Of K¢Jett PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE �� CMLSERVICECAMMISSION li� tliie P��Mfin evxxarlad uMer a mrtraGfarthis tleparfnienl9 YES NO Hae mis ce�eaJfirm ever hem a dry anqoyee9 YES Mo ' Does this P�um Po�s a sWN no[ nanWyposeesaed by m�Y wrteM cAy empbyee? YES NQ Is tles pdsoNfimi e ta�ge[etl ventlo/! '. VES NO Rezoning ordinance that allows the conversion of a muiti-family residence into a mixed office residential use by rezoning the property from RM-2 to OS-1. �r�-r::.r��.� Conversion will proceed IF None Conversion will be terminated. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIOH S v -.- _ - _ � una � : t� .. � _� t .... r.'�,. �.. COST/REVENUEBUD6E7ED(CIRCLEON� AC7NITY NUMBER 0 CQ�rr:�l R�ssea.�� ��R#�s 1! , �.� NO DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OD - l � �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor November 8, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson CiTy Council Research Office Room 310 CiTy Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Telephone: 6I2-266-6565 F¢csimile: 612-228-3314 VU�.t�.L+u°� ' �ar{�� �`��� � � ���� I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the CiTy Council is scheduled for Wednesday December 1, 1999 for the pupose of rezoning properiy at 550 Concord Street from RM-2 to OS-1 to allow for mixed use residential and office services. Applicant: File Number: Purpose: Address: Esperanza Duarte #99-270 Rezoning of property at 550 Concord Street from RM-2 to OS-1 to allow mixed used residential and office services. 550 Concord Street Legal Description See file. of Property: Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, vote: Unanimous November 5, 1999 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approvai, vote: 6-0 October 28, 1999 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda for the December 1, 1999 City Council meeting and you will publish notice of the heazmg in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6559 if you have any questions. Sincerely, i / �� � ames Zdon � City Pl r cc: File #99-270 Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau Divuion of Planning 25 Wesi Fourth Sbeet Saint Paul, MN 55102 •t�rsrr�ur• xc�TtcE:os rvsrac �nxn�rc �- The 8aint Paul City Coundl wlli conduct a public heacing on Wednesday, December 1, 1999, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, ThirB Floor, City Hall- Courthouse, to consider the application of Esperanza Duarte "tn rezone property at 550 Concord StreekfroaCRNf 2 to OS-1 to allow mixed use residential and�office servtces. - � Dated: November 10, 1999 - - IJANCYANDERSON AsstaYant City Covncli Secretazy "_ - . � @T.ov.121 ' - , 81:PAOL�.I�X}�L�6SR . 6: ECOhOMIC DEVELOPMENT CITY OF SAINI' PAUL ��` �� Drvis+on of Plamm�g A'ormColeman.dla}�o� 25WestFou�lhS+�'eet Telephone.611-266-6i65 Satnt Paul, 61.\"55102 Facsimile- 6/1-218-33l0 November 1 S, 1999 Ms.I�'anc} Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #99-270 Esperanza Duarte City Council Hearing: December I, 1999, 530 p.m. to 630 p.m., City Council Chambers PURPOSE: Rezoning property at 550 concord Street from RM-2 to OS-I to allow mixed used residential and office services PLA?�'?�I':`G COMMISSION llh/f99 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: 16-0 (Duarte abstained) ZONI?�G CO;vIM1TTEE 10/28/99 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: 6-0. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL SUPPORT: 7he West Side Citizens Organization supported the rezoning. OPPOSITION: tr'one. Dear Ms. Anderson: This rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on December 1, 1999. Please notify me if any member of the City Council a ishes to have slides of the property presented at the public hearing. Sinceref}, --} �'7I"..�d- v,(�'�'t._ 4ames Zdo� � `� Cit} Pianner cc City Council members , city of saint paul �� planning commission resolution file number 99-73 date November 5, 1999 �a_�a WH�REAS, Esperanza Duarte (File 99-279I has applied to rezone property at 550 Concord Strezt, legally described as (see file), fron Rbi-2 {residential multiole-famiZy) to OS-1 (office service) to allow a mixed office residentizl use; and wF:EREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 10/28/99 held a public hearing at which all persons present were givzn an opportunity to be h=_ard pursuant to said aoplication in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of Che Saint Paul Legislative Code; and W.3EREA5, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidznce presented to its Zor.ing Committee at the public hearing as substzztially reflecte3 in the minutes, mad: the following findings of fact: 1. Tne a�plicant owns the property and is proposinc to convert two of the three residential units to accommodate administrative office functions for the La Prenza De htinnesota newspaper. Office hours would � be Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Five £ull-time ' employees would occuoy the office units. 2. Section 60.512(7)(a) identifies th_ following condition for mixinc resic:ntial and office uses in aa OS-1 district. "Residential uses are limited to not more than fifty (50) percent o' the base^eat first.floor. Tne entire upp=r floors may be used for resid_atial use. At least fifty (50) p>rcznt of the bas=ment and first floor shall b= devotec to a pri^cipal us= p=rmitted in this district, except residential use.'� Tnis conditioa is mzt. Tne first floor will be occc�ied by a permitted o°fice use and two ga-age units. Tne secoad floor will have oae resic=atial unit and one office unit. 3. The rezoning is con5istent with [he comp-ehensive plan. The 1999 City Land Use Plan (5.2.11 states, '�In traditional neighborhoods, the City will sunport compatible mixed use within single buildings and in s_oarate buildings in clos= proximity." p. 27. jI1�Ve(� bV Gervais J seconded by in fa� "�T' 16 (Duaree abstained) a�ainsf i MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, October 28, 1999- 3:30 p.m. � City Council Chambers, 3' Floor ' City Hail and Court House 15 West Keflogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Faricy, Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton Engh Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, and James Zdon of PED �� -(2- The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. 99-270- Esperanza Duarte (99-270) Rezoning from RM-2 to OS-1 to allow for a mixed use, residentiai and office services (one residential and two office units). James Zdon showed slides and presented the staff report. Mr. Zdon stated the Planning Staff is recommending approval and the Westside Citizens Organization has no objectionsto the rezoning. At the suggestion of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Zdon stated he would change paragraph four of the staff report to read traffic in lieu of speeding traffic. Esperanza Duarte, the applicant, appeared and stated they are going to pubfish a Hispanic newspaper in this buiiding and the printing will not be done at this site. At the question of Commissioner Faricy, Ms. Duarte stated there are 5 parking spaces and a double garage to accommodate the 8 employees. The Public Hearing was ciosed. Commissioner Kramer moved approval of the rezoning application. Commissioner Gordon seconded it. Adopted Yeas - 6 Drafted by: � u����� Caroi Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Submitted by: i , �rn�:t ...r�;�, �James Zdon Zoning Section Approved by: Litton Field Chair ZONZNG COMMITTHE STAFF REPORT � � ��V � evoc=ce=aoeeeeeecvcvae=oeeeve \ FILB # 99-270 1. APPLICANT: Esperanza Duarte DATE QF HEARZNG: 10/28/99 2. CLASSIFZCATZON: ReZORiRg 3. LOCATION: 550 Concord Street 4. PLANNING DISTR2CT: 3 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTZON: Lot 11 Block 1 Paul Martin's 1 3dC�7.tiOR to the City of St. Paul Ex St. 6. PRESENT ZONING: RM-2 ZON2NG CODE REFERENCE: Section 64.400(a) & Section 60.512 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 1DJ21j99 BY: James Zdon 8. DATE RECEIVED: 09/28/99 DEADLZNE FOR ACTION: 11/27/99 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from RM-2 to OS-1 to allow a mixed office residential use. � B. PARCEL SIZE: This irregular shaped parcel has approximately 63 feet of frontage on Concord Street, a depth of approximately 85 feet and a rear lot line of 37 feet for a total lot area of approximately 4250 square feet. C. EXZSTING LAND IISE: Residential triplex. D. SIIRROIINDING LAND VSE: North: Vacant parcel in a R-4 district. East: Rail road tracks and right-of-way in a I-2 district. South: Residential duplex in a R-4 district. West: Residential duplex in a R-4 distriCt. E. ZONING CODE CZTATION: Section 64.400(a) states in part, "the council may from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed. Section 64.400(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning comm_ssion ar by petition of the owners of sixty-seven t67) percent of the area of the property to be re2oned. Section 60.512(7) identifies E� �.. �..� ,... '� e�� PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE Departmenl of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Sectiox 1100 Ciry Hall Annex 25 Wesr Fourth Street Saint Pau1, M1Y 55102 266-6589 <. �_ ss-s ... ... . _ ..:. . . ;L�Z? - l 2- hearing rSate : ::���: ��. APPLICANT P�operty Owner Esperanza Duarte Addre55 315 WiniPred St. E City St. Paul gt MN Zjp 55107 Dayt1�11B PhO�B b51-266-2037 Contact person (if different) PROPERTY AddresslLocation 550 Concord Street LOCATION Legal desCription Plat. 01273 Paul Martin's lst. Addition to the Citv of St. Paul. _ (attach adddionat sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paui Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, Esperanza nuarte , the owner of ali the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above dsscribed property from a �-z zoning district to a os-i zoning district, for the purpose of: Utilizing a current tri-plex building to develpe a mixed use, residential and offic services building. One unit shall remain as a residential unit. The remaining two units wi11 be remodeled to provide o£fice space. Employment will be provided for approximately eight individuals. • A��MA�I./�M�MM�PnMMMMMAMMn � �CYNTHIA M. CARLSON-HEfNS � �? ' '�j NO?ARY PUBI.IC • WNNESOTA �l < WASn{NGTON COUNTY (attach additiona/ sheet(s) if necessary) � rN�^m+�t"�^�P��n. Arachments: Required site plan ❑ Consehf`���ti�ibh'� i avi ' Subscribed and swom to before me this �7i'` day of.``��7 � 19 �'n 1 �-J'�i , �L L a'•� �v�1 �c> � t� 2, �' �\ �� V P �'� � \lZ�\�� o�I>'�<'if.�%G�(,� QG��-�`�`��Z !� l �� ,�� �� � ��° a-��� e , �- , �` `� � ��, �� �"/q Fee own r of property a •, � �FItC.I . �y� �� ,V`f��Llt� `r�tie: .�.! r /�. - -- �,�„ Notary Public ��°� DeBORAH MONETTE y� NOTARY PpBUC—iA1NNE50TA � �iTZ MY COMMISSION EXGIRES 7-31-20DG � �.- Page 1 of Y � J 2 0 v � � 1 '1 0 � D � i/ ' Y o� c�— �' T � d � � a � � � � `� � � d � UT T1 �' � d � � T ` o �� - fi � -� � � , � � --�� 0 �--- '00 ----y � -.� � / s 0 O � Oo -12- � u- �� � '� �� �� v � 3 > �� � � � G � _ "/ .y (- ' 6-- � � � � ., � � �� -�i� J � U � � � � � v o Q il � � � � J h �� J �,� a �' � \ \ � \ � � � I � � �O -ia 2 � � � � 2 � �., � � �s � - � � � � � , � � 1 � I 1� � �' � � I . ,� � . � .� � ' �� � � � � � � �� ' � .�� ; �� \ ��. � �\ �� � � �� � I � � � I� � � � � � �� � � �� � � 1 � � I � � ` °��.�'� � CITY OF SAII� PAUL AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING PETITIO� bd -1� , .� STATE OF iv��'ESOTA) :SS COLRvTY OF RAb1SEY ) EsFe_ranZa Duarte � be'mg first duly sworn, deposes and states thzt hz/she is the person who circulzted the wlthin petition and consent, consisting of 4 pa;es; that a�iant is informed and belie�•zs that the parties described are the o�vners respectively of the lots placed i�unzdiately before ea�h nz:-ne, that afnant is informed and believes that ezch of th� parties described 2bove is the ow�nzr of the property which is within 100 fzet from any property o�:ned or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitioner �vithin one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to thz prope�ty described in the petition; th:t except for N/A none of the parties described 2bove has purchaszd or is purch�sing properiy from the pztitioner contiguous to tne abo�•e described property �«thin onz (1) year of the date of the petition; th2t this consent w25 sigr,ed by e2ch of said owr.ers in the presences of this 2ffiant, and that the signztures 2re thz true 2nd correct signztures of each and all of the puties so described. • AAA � �,��Ca! CYNTHIA M CARLSON-HEINS � � NOiARY PUBt1C • WNNESOTA WASHINGTON COUNTY I,y Cammiubn Ex�ires Jati 31, 2000 .w ` Subs ribed and s�vy�n to before me �.n, this�TY dayof�`'f'�. , 19 � / / _� � / �T` ` � !/ ) j "~��lvL /� C4- � /L/� ��" / /� :.. ' , / �?,�-�.,�, ���t r a�T . 3�s � k'��u,��� Sf t�, n�a's���7 ADDRESS T Ls'l- � 10- c��7� TELEPHO, IE NU�ffiER .�I,6-s�����c�=-r�,�i�.l�E�l� ���"l � r��� �� �z�� �� -� . /�'�//'.�/.L ' Z� i' /L l ' ��� pEBORAH MONETTE ; NpTPRY 4U911C-+A�NNESOTA � � MY COMMISS�ON E%P�ES 1-31-20K � i 2rOTARY PUBLIC CITY OF SAINT PAUL t CO\'SENT OF ADJOI�II\TG PROPER�IZ' O�V�'ERS FOR A �� —« REZ011'll�'G \l e, the undersi�n:d, o�cners of the propzrry• within 100 f zt of the total con:iguou> d;s:rip[ion of real est2tz o���ned, purchased, or sold by TEIE PETITIO\tER t�•ithin on: y�ezr p�zczding tie di;z of this pztitior. acfino«�led�: that «e hace been presentzd «�ith the follo�vina: 1. A copy o` [hz petition of Esperanza Duarte (name of petitionzr) to r:zone thz pr opzrty locatzd a! 55o Concord street from a R''� zoning district to a os-1 Zonin� district. 2. A cep} of s:ction; 60.511 throu�h 60.513 , inclusi��e of thz Sain! Pzul Zonine Code; and ackno«9zd [I1dt \e2 2i2 2«'3K OEdII Of Th2 U525 P2CR'11R2d ifl 3 os zoniae district and we 2rz a��•are that any of thzs= wes can be estaSlished upon City Council appro�'al of th: rezonin�. R'e here5}' cor,sznt to the rezonina of the propzrty in the petition of; Esperanza Duarte to a OS-1 2oning diitriCt. (\ame of petitionzr) �Ve consent to the appro��al of this rezonina as it ���as explained to w b}• the npplicant or his/her representati�•e. Concord Street Concord Street 09-28-22-32-0023 Concord Street Arthur H Baumeister Jr Jack Schletty y���,p� o t� / S <' �%5 � a 1L �'s'/ � Q 1L � �S l�' 9 �5 �C O� 9 �/s' o� .�� O� %7-/G_ �i� V� 562 Concord St. Jack Schletty ` Arthur H. Baumeister Jr Eric M Kustrit2 � 09-28-22-32-0041 I Eric M. Kustritz Sidney Street E. 481 Sidney St. E Bruce J. Moenck Kelly L. Moenck 552 Concord St. Mariano A Rodas � � 09-28-22-32-0030 IRobert Lee Fern 558 Concord St. 491 Sidney St. E 495 Sidney St. E Inocente Martinez Albina Martinez IT:4ASSIGNED - St.Paul �� o� i5-fy �OI'E: This petition shall not be considertd as officially filz3 i:ntil tne lapse of secen (7) wo*ki^� d�}•s afte, it is r:ezi��ed by the Planning Division. Any signator o: znis petition r..a}� �� itn�:aw hislhe. namz th:rzfrom b}• ��Tittzn request ��•ithin that timz. !` � _ � r.�zo��G �a-�a scuP FIRST SUB?vIITTED DATE PETITION SUB�IITTED: - 1��� 1 I D.ATEOFFICIALLYRECEIVED��Z� � (� i PARCELS ELIGIRLL•: � PARCELS REQUIRED: �_ PARCELS SIGNED: � r�cr.rn r•ESUB�zxrED DATE PETITIOV RESUB�fITTED: ' DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: � PAP.CELS EL1GiBLE: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIG�iED: CHP.CKEDBY: • ` � , DATE: '1'Zd�/ / -- zoN��� ��L� � �-z-�� ; ,\ 1 � \��\ f (/ � � P / �: � a� .' i •� ` � � � \ . \2�� . �i` a o - t a— , � � 2 � � �, �°-,o �� - � ( � \ � � • € �, � .0 ; �O � � " @ ' �' - . , . ��_ �, � ��� o-Q. ' y • i it�� ,° Q�f�' �' ��� Qh .� � � � - _ = - - � � C � �S 9 ��.'� _ �' \ �.\� � `. �i � _.. - . � ♦ � � � � �} i'� 9.46 �. , � ' .sa: �`. \° _ �.. ; � � 4 � . , L � �.$) �, 4 ° 1� ° �, !° • _ li • � - � o .:_ �� `�:`�. !! ` � " .� .. k . e I�s �¢� sb=� ✓,�`'� b-►.,,.`:, s�.pF 3 � ' �(ysl (Zkl (i�la @�,'` (� . 'SI •.� \� _ ��, � 4. 4 u /s � E' � v^ `,.,` t . -=•\�� ���` k 4' ../2� � � � , �s �, . ` ' / -� `9 0` �� \\�, v �o �, -"� M L.�'� ), � > � � � a� 23 6� �' 7 �ti (zsl ry �� �`� �, s \ � �, v ,. - (?lo� � 2°6 (2y) 4� �� `� � \ � �' �S . � �,� � � �- � p . / �,, ,. y � ' 4 0 ' 9 . 3 r/ 105 ` � o � 9 ' •, \ � \ �2� � - , � - � - : ...: � f !+ ' � � � `'°-- �I ^ c�9; � �� .. .. � , � / w . r tqp� 0 31) � . :., s; : . _:. :I J b� y� � N �-. . � f,{ � � T ° o a 9 - .'..,.- \ .2, � q e . � h o `k �kil '' (32) \ N j� .- 0 � � .(k2) ' (3'�) 6 \` � - \ _, zj' I 2 �'' '�'m � (43) �' �3k') � s `! � < � . �_\ `• rs 1y ' �. • � =. - �.� , 6 q . � .� , . - ; \� `§4 (35) . �,,� �, G : . • �' ° .r� 30 3 � � o . S�� ��1 ���1 �,�� �b �- � �. A -� � - , 1 ' � 9 >0 /� �� Q \y �'U�) ° �y -(�) r° � '� 3 � �:, � � � 1 ° � (31) � �. 3. y; �9 � � ' � �3 0 ° -a� � E3 � °� � �e �� �t ,, _ +�- - 'S:N ' -- , - N J- r--�/'9,97 ciTy. 6S. �. �'L'�TlrE �.:.� ST., .e�. l � .. � .. ., .. , f � , '/o % ns� ¢0 po ° 5 3 i i (I, (2l ( � 1 � .. '� y �. / 1 � „ � 7 � D M {� f I � 1� ~ r r �� � I.. ��/� � � .'1 � , I 3 I 2 i � 1\ ln �a-12- � .� � WEST SLDE � DISTRICT 3 NO �,-� ,� ' ZONING FILE � ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # 0�9�� 2 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 Council File # �� ��1. Ordinance # ���:�������rM�� Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertainiug to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£ WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes {462357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, Esperanza Duarte duly peUtioned to rezone property at 550 Concord Street being legally described as (see file) from RM-2 (residential multi- family) to OS-1 (office service) to allow a mixed office residential use, the pefifion having been certified by the Planning Division on 9/28/99 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further hauing been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous properry within one year proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 10/28/99, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to { 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and 16 WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 11/5/99 and 17 recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, notice of public heazing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on 11/12/99 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on12/1/99, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petifion; now, therefore 28 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 29 30 Section 1. 31 32 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 38, as incorporated by reference in {60301 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: 34 35 36 37 38 39 That property with the address of 550 Concord Street being more particulazly described as: See file. be and is hereby rezoned from RM-2 to OS-1 6Ii�!(SNEB �E� 5 �809 Section 2. / 40 41 42 This ordinznce shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and afrer its passage, approval and publication. 0 b — �� ORIGINAL Adopted by Council: Date ��y��pp Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary By: Appr By: Requested by Department of: Plannin & E omic Develo ment Sy: � Form Approved by City Attorney gy; �I�. V� 1 Ap o� d by r f r Submi ' to C u cil By: �IIAI IC{7C�i � : :• �i:: v James Zdon 266-6559 iisioo �� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES City Council adoprion of a rezoning ordinance a999 GREEN SHEET 6 b—\'� No 102981 ���� �,� ���_ � �.,,.,�. IZ 21 � �� ❑ ,�,�, � ❑ �,�.a � wvoRryRwusr� i�'/ j" '= ��D IYt !'Y 9X (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) REGOMMtNVA�IOIV AppfWE (A) Of K¢Jett PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE �� CMLSERVICECAMMISSION li� tliie P��Mfin evxxarlad uMer a mrtraGfarthis tleparfnienl9 YES NO Hae mis ce�eaJfirm ever hem a dry anqoyee9 YES Mo ' Does this P�um Po�s a sWN no[ nanWyposeesaed by m�Y wrteM cAy empbyee? YES NQ Is tles pdsoNfimi e ta�ge[etl ventlo/! '. VES NO Rezoning ordinance that allows the conversion of a muiti-family residence into a mixed office residential use by rezoning the property from RM-2 to OS-1. �r�-r::.r��.� Conversion will proceed IF None Conversion will be terminated. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIOH S v -.- _ - _ � una � : t� .. � _� t .... r.'�,. �.. COST/REVENUEBUD6E7ED(CIRCLEON� AC7NITY NUMBER 0 CQ�rr:�l R�ssea.�� ��R#�s 1! , �.� NO DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OD - l � �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor November 8, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson CiTy Council Research Office Room 310 CiTy Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Telephone: 6I2-266-6565 F¢csimile: 612-228-3314 VU�.t�.L+u°� ' �ar{�� �`��� � � ���� I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the CiTy Council is scheduled for Wednesday December 1, 1999 for the pupose of rezoning properiy at 550 Concord Street from RM-2 to OS-1 to allow for mixed use residential and office services. Applicant: File Number: Purpose: Address: Esperanza Duarte #99-270 Rezoning of property at 550 Concord Street from RM-2 to OS-1 to allow mixed used residential and office services. 550 Concord Street Legal Description See file. of Property: Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, vote: Unanimous November 5, 1999 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approvai, vote: 6-0 October 28, 1999 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda for the December 1, 1999 City Council meeting and you will publish notice of the heazmg in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6559 if you have any questions. Sincerely, i / �� � ames Zdon � City Pl r cc: File #99-270 Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau Divuion of Planning 25 Wesi Fourth Sbeet Saint Paul, MN 55102 •t�rsrr�ur• xc�TtcE:os rvsrac �nxn�rc �- The 8aint Paul City Coundl wlli conduct a public heacing on Wednesday, December 1, 1999, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, ThirB Floor, City Hall- Courthouse, to consider the application of Esperanza Duarte "tn rezone property at 550 Concord StreekfroaCRNf 2 to OS-1 to allow mixed use residential and�office servtces. - � Dated: November 10, 1999 - - IJANCYANDERSON AsstaYant City Covncli Secretazy "_ - . � @T.ov.121 ' - , 81:PAOL�.I�X}�L�6SR . 6: ECOhOMIC DEVELOPMENT CITY OF SAINI' PAUL ��` �� Drvis+on of Plamm�g A'ormColeman.dla}�o� 25WestFou�lhS+�'eet Telephone.611-266-6i65 Satnt Paul, 61.\"55102 Facsimile- 6/1-218-33l0 November 1 S, 1999 Ms.I�'anc} Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #99-270 Esperanza Duarte City Council Hearing: December I, 1999, 530 p.m. to 630 p.m., City Council Chambers PURPOSE: Rezoning property at 550 concord Street from RM-2 to OS-I to allow mixed used residential and office services PLA?�'?�I':`G COMMISSION llh/f99 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: 16-0 (Duarte abstained) ZONI?�G CO;vIM1TTEE 10/28/99 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: 6-0. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL SUPPORT: 7he West Side Citizens Organization supported the rezoning. OPPOSITION: tr'one. Dear Ms. Anderson: This rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on December 1, 1999. Please notify me if any member of the City Council a ishes to have slides of the property presented at the public hearing. Sinceref}, --} �'7I"..�d- v,(�'�'t._ 4ames Zdo� � `� Cit} Pianner cc City Council members , city of saint paul �� planning commission resolution file number 99-73 date November 5, 1999 �a_�a WH�REAS, Esperanza Duarte (File 99-279I has applied to rezone property at 550 Concord Strezt, legally described as (see file), fron Rbi-2 {residential multiole-famiZy) to OS-1 (office service) to allow a mixed office residentizl use; and wF:EREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 10/28/99 held a public hearing at which all persons present were givzn an opportunity to be h=_ard pursuant to said aoplication in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of Che Saint Paul Legislative Code; and W.3EREA5, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidznce presented to its Zor.ing Committee at the public hearing as substzztially reflecte3 in the minutes, mad: the following findings of fact: 1. Tne a�plicant owns the property and is proposinc to convert two of the three residential units to accommodate administrative office functions for the La Prenza De htinnesota newspaper. Office hours would � be Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Five £ull-time ' employees would occuoy the office units. 2. Section 60.512(7)(a) identifies th_ following condition for mixinc resic:ntial and office uses in aa OS-1 district. "Residential uses are limited to not more than fifty (50) percent o' the base^eat first.floor. Tne entire upp=r floors may be used for resid_atial use. At least fifty (50) p>rcznt of the bas=ment and first floor shall b= devotec to a pri^cipal us= p=rmitted in this district, except residential use.'� Tnis conditioa is mzt. Tne first floor will be occc�ied by a permitted o°fice use and two ga-age units. Tne secoad floor will have oae resic=atial unit and one office unit. 3. The rezoning is con5istent with [he comp-ehensive plan. The 1999 City Land Use Plan (5.2.11 states, '�In traditional neighborhoods, the City will sunport compatible mixed use within single buildings and in s_oarate buildings in clos= proximity." p. 27. jI1�Ve(� bV Gervais J seconded by in fa� "�T' 16 (Duaree abstained) a�ainsf i MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, October 28, 1999- 3:30 p.m. � City Council Chambers, 3' Floor ' City Hail and Court House 15 West Keflogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Faricy, Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton Engh Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, and James Zdon of PED �� -(2- The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. 99-270- Esperanza Duarte (99-270) Rezoning from RM-2 to OS-1 to allow for a mixed use, residentiai and office services (one residential and two office units). James Zdon showed slides and presented the staff report. Mr. Zdon stated the Planning Staff is recommending approval and the Westside Citizens Organization has no objectionsto the rezoning. At the suggestion of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Zdon stated he would change paragraph four of the staff report to read traffic in lieu of speeding traffic. Esperanza Duarte, the applicant, appeared and stated they are going to pubfish a Hispanic newspaper in this buiiding and the printing will not be done at this site. At the question of Commissioner Faricy, Ms. Duarte stated there are 5 parking spaces and a double garage to accommodate the 8 employees. The Public Hearing was ciosed. Commissioner Kramer moved approval of the rezoning application. Commissioner Gordon seconded it. Adopted Yeas - 6 Drafted by: � u����� Caroi Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Submitted by: i , �rn�:t ...r�;�, �James Zdon Zoning Section Approved by: Litton Field Chair ZONZNG COMMITTHE STAFF REPORT � � ��V � evoc=ce=aoeeeeeecvcvae=oeeeve \ FILB # 99-270 1. APPLICANT: Esperanza Duarte DATE QF HEARZNG: 10/28/99 2. CLASSIFZCATZON: ReZORiRg 3. LOCATION: 550 Concord Street 4. PLANNING DISTR2CT: 3 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTZON: Lot 11 Block 1 Paul Martin's 1 3dC�7.tiOR to the City of St. Paul Ex St. 6. PRESENT ZONING: RM-2 ZON2NG CODE REFERENCE: Section 64.400(a) & Section 60.512 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 1DJ21j99 BY: James Zdon 8. DATE RECEIVED: 09/28/99 DEADLZNE FOR ACTION: 11/27/99 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from RM-2 to OS-1 to allow a mixed office residential use. � B. PARCEL SIZE: This irregular shaped parcel has approximately 63 feet of frontage on Concord Street, a depth of approximately 85 feet and a rear lot line of 37 feet for a total lot area of approximately 4250 square feet. C. EXZSTING LAND IISE: Residential triplex. D. SIIRROIINDING LAND VSE: North: Vacant parcel in a R-4 district. East: Rail road tracks and right-of-way in a I-2 district. South: Residential duplex in a R-4 district. West: Residential duplex in a R-4 distriCt. E. ZONING CODE CZTATION: Section 64.400(a) states in part, "the council may from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed. Section 64.400(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning comm_ssion ar by petition of the owners of sixty-seven t67) percent of the area of the property to be re2oned. Section 60.512(7) identifies E� �.. �..� ,... '� e�� PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE Departmenl of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Sectiox 1100 Ciry Hall Annex 25 Wesr Fourth Street Saint Pau1, M1Y 55102 266-6589 <. �_ ss-s ... ... . _ ..:. . . ;L�Z? - l 2- hearing rSate : ::���: ��. APPLICANT P�operty Owner Esperanza Duarte Addre55 315 WiniPred St. E City St. Paul gt MN Zjp 55107 Dayt1�11B PhO�B b51-266-2037 Contact person (if different) PROPERTY AddresslLocation 550 Concord Street LOCATION Legal desCription Plat. 01273 Paul Martin's lst. Addition to the Citv of St. Paul. _ (attach adddionat sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paui Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, Esperanza nuarte , the owner of ali the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above dsscribed property from a �-z zoning district to a os-i zoning district, for the purpose of: Utilizing a current tri-plex building to develpe a mixed use, residential and offic services building. One unit shall remain as a residential unit. The remaining two units wi11 be remodeled to provide o£fice space. Employment will be provided for approximately eight individuals. • A��MA�I./�M�MM�PnMMMMMAMMn � �CYNTHIA M. CARLSON-HEfNS � �? ' '�j NO?ARY PUBI.IC • WNNESOTA �l < WASn{NGTON COUNTY (attach additiona/ sheet(s) if necessary) � rN�^m+�t"�^�P��n. Arachments: Required site plan ❑ Consehf`���ti�ibh'� i avi ' Subscribed and swom to before me this �7i'` day of.``��7 � 19 �'n 1 �-J'�i , �L L a'•� �v�1 �c> � t� 2, �' �\ �� V P �'� � \lZ�\�� o�I>'�<'if.�%G�(,� QG��-�`�`��Z !� l �� ,�� �� � ��° a-��� e , �- , �` `� � ��, �� �"/q Fee own r of property a •, � �FItC.I . �y� �� ,V`f��Llt� `r�tie: .�.! r /�. - -- �,�„ Notary Public ��°� DeBORAH MONETTE y� NOTARY PpBUC—iA1NNE50TA � �iTZ MY COMMISSION EXGIRES 7-31-20DG � �.- Page 1 of Y � J 2 0 v � � 1 '1 0 � D � i/ ' Y o� c�— �' T � d � � a � � � � `� � � d � UT T1 �' � d � � T ` o �� - fi � -� � � , � � --�� 0 �--- '00 ----y � -.� � / s 0 O � Oo -12- � u- �� � '� �� �� v � 3 > �� � � � G � _ "/ .y (- ' 6-- � � � � ., � � �� -�i� J � U � � � � � v o Q il � � � � J h �� J �,� a �' � \ \ � \ � � � I � � �O -ia 2 � � � � 2 � �., � � �s � - � � � � � , � � 1 � I 1� � �' � � I . ,� � . � .� � ' �� � � � � � � �� ' � .�� ; �� \ ��. � �\ �� � � �� � I � � � I� � � � � � �� � � �� � � 1 � � I � � ` °��.�'� � CITY OF SAII� PAUL AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING PETITIO� bd -1� , .� STATE OF iv��'ESOTA) :SS COLRvTY OF RAb1SEY ) EsFe_ranZa Duarte � be'mg first duly sworn, deposes and states thzt hz/she is the person who circulzted the wlthin petition and consent, consisting of 4 pa;es; that a�iant is informed and belie�•zs that the parties described are the o�vners respectively of the lots placed i�unzdiately before ea�h nz:-ne, that afnant is informed and believes that ezch of th� parties described 2bove is the ow�nzr of the property which is within 100 fzet from any property o�:ned or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitioner �vithin one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to thz prope�ty described in the petition; th:t except for N/A none of the parties described 2bove has purchaszd or is purch�sing properiy from the pztitioner contiguous to tne abo�•e described property �«thin onz (1) year of the date of the petition; th2t this consent w25 sigr,ed by e2ch of said owr.ers in the presences of this 2ffiant, and that the signztures 2re thz true 2nd correct signztures of each and all of the puties so described. • AAA � �,��Ca! CYNTHIA M CARLSON-HEINS � � NOiARY PUBt1C • WNNESOTA WASHINGTON COUNTY I,y Cammiubn Ex�ires Jati 31, 2000 .w ` Subs ribed and s�vy�n to before me �.n, this�TY dayof�`'f'�. , 19 � / / _� � / �T` ` � !/ ) j "~��lvL /� C4- � /L/� ��" / /� :.. ' , / �?,�-�.,�, ���t r a�T . 3�s � k'��u,��� Sf t�, n�a's���7 ADDRESS T Ls'l- � 10- c��7� TELEPHO, IE NU�ffiER .�I,6-s�����c�=-r�,�i�.l�E�l� ���"l � r��� �� �z�� �� -� . /�'�//'.�/.L ' Z� i' /L l ' ��� pEBORAH MONETTE ; NpTPRY 4U911C-+A�NNESOTA � � MY COMMISS�ON E%P�ES 1-31-20K � i 2rOTARY PUBLIC CITY OF SAINT PAUL t CO\'SENT OF ADJOI�II\TG PROPER�IZ' O�V�'ERS FOR A �� —« REZ011'll�'G \l e, the undersi�n:d, o�cners of the propzrry• within 100 f zt of the total con:iguou> d;s:rip[ion of real est2tz o���ned, purchased, or sold by TEIE PETITIO\tER t�•ithin on: y�ezr p�zczding tie di;z of this pztitior. acfino«�led�: that «e hace been presentzd «�ith the follo�vina: 1. A copy o` [hz petition of Esperanza Duarte (name of petitionzr) to r:zone thz pr opzrty locatzd a! 55o Concord street from a R''� zoning district to a os-1 Zonin� district. 2. A cep} of s:ction; 60.511 throu�h 60.513 , inclusi��e of thz Sain! Pzul Zonine Code; and ackno«9zd [I1dt \e2 2i2 2«'3K OEdII Of Th2 U525 P2CR'11R2d ifl 3 os zoniae district and we 2rz a��•are that any of thzs= wes can be estaSlished upon City Council appro�'al of th: rezonin�. R'e here5}' cor,sznt to the rezonina of the propzrty in the petition of; Esperanza Duarte to a OS-1 2oning diitriCt. (\ame of petitionzr) �Ve consent to the appro��al of this rezonina as it ���as explained to w b}• the npplicant or his/her representati�•e. Concord Street Concord Street 09-28-22-32-0023 Concord Street Arthur H Baumeister Jr Jack Schletty y���,p� o t� / S <' �%5 � a 1L �'s'/ � Q 1L � �S l�' 9 �5 �C O� 9 �/s' o� .�� O� %7-/G_ �i� V� 562 Concord St. Jack Schletty ` Arthur H. Baumeister Jr Eric M Kustrit2 � 09-28-22-32-0041 I Eric M. Kustritz Sidney Street E. 481 Sidney St. E Bruce J. Moenck Kelly L. Moenck 552 Concord St. Mariano A Rodas � � 09-28-22-32-0030 IRobert Lee Fern 558 Concord St. 491 Sidney St. E 495 Sidney St. E Inocente Martinez Albina Martinez IT:4ASSIGNED - St.Paul �� o� i5-fy �OI'E: This petition shall not be considertd as officially filz3 i:ntil tne lapse of secen (7) wo*ki^� d�}•s afte, it is r:ezi��ed by the Planning Division. Any signator o: znis petition r..a}� �� itn�:aw hislhe. namz th:rzfrom b}• ��Tittzn request ��•ithin that timz. !` � _ � r.�zo��G �a-�a scuP FIRST SUB?vIITTED DATE PETITION SUB�IITTED: - 1��� 1 I D.ATEOFFICIALLYRECEIVED��Z� � (� i PARCELS ELIGIRLL•: � PARCELS REQUIRED: �_ PARCELS SIGNED: � r�cr.rn r•ESUB�zxrED DATE PETITIOV RESUB�fITTED: ' DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: � PAP.CELS EL1GiBLE: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIG�iED: CHP.CKEDBY: • ` � , DATE: '1'Zd�/ / -- zoN��� ��L� � �-z-�� ; ,\ 1 � \��\ f (/ � � P / �: � a� .' i •� ` � � � \ . \2�� . �i` a o - t a— , � � 2 � � �, �°-,o �� - � ( � \ � � • € �, � .0 ; �O � � " @ ' �' - . , . ��_ �, � ��� o-Q. ' y • i it�� ,° Q�f�' �' ��� Qh .� � � � - _ = - - � � C � �S 9 ��.'� _ �' \ �.\� � `. �i � _.. - . � ♦ � � � � �} i'� 9.46 �. , � ' .sa: �`. \° _ �.. ; � � 4 � . , L � �.$) �, 4 ° 1� ° �, !° • _ li • � - � o .:_ �� `�:`�. !! ` � " .� .. k . e I�s �¢� sb=� ✓,�`'� b-►.,,.`:, s�.pF 3 � ' �(ysl (Zkl (i�la @�,'` (� . 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