D00202CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � Approved Copies to: — City Clerk (Original) — Fnance DepYs Accounting Division — Requesting Dept ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION No: �002pZ Date: Qj ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent wiih 1he aulhoriry grafNed to the Maya irt SecSOn 10.07.4 of N�e City Charfer and baserl or� the request of tlte Director of the Office of 6ce culive Administraton to amend the 1994 budget of the License & Permk Special tund, tlie Director o Fnance and Management Services Department is authorized to amend said budget in tlie following manner. DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: LEDGER, FUND, ACTIVIN, O&lECT, PROJECT Office License, Inspection & Environmentai Protection License & Permit Special Revenue Fund Business Process Redesign GL-167 31350-0256 Registration Fees - Local GL-167 31350-0439 Fringe Benefit All Other Activity Spending • ��l� Prepared by: Activity Manager �� PI/,�3��� Requested by: Departrnent Director � � r`� roved by: Bu et Director �-�,c�,� CURRENT BUDGEf 7,500 0 i 77,50Q 185,000 �� Date Dat e �� Date APPROVED CHANGES (2,200) 2,200 AMENDED BUDGEf 5,300 2,200 0 177,500 0 185,000 �oZ42 1EPARTMENT/OFPICE/COUNCIL �ATE WITIA7ED N� 2 9 4 81 L�IEP - Business Process Redesign 7-Z1-94 GREEN SHEE ;pNTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVOATE INITIAV�ATE � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CRYCOUNCIL anet Odalen, 266-9111 ���N �CRVATfORNEY �CINCLERK ST BE ON COUNC7L ACaENDA BV (DATE) p p� N �F�R UDGEf OIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERNGES DIR. N � A OHDEP ❑ MqYOR (OR ASSISTANn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUHE) Approval of 1994 Special Fund spending budget transfer. __ PLAIJNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE _ CIB CAMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTCOURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PEfiSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: t. Has this personttirm ever worked untler a contract for this tleparVnent? YES NO 2. Has ihis personlflrm ever been a city empfoyee? YES NO 3. Does ihis person/firm po55ess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? VES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What. Whan. Where, Why): 7h,ere is a shortage in the 199?4 LIEP Special Fund budget (0439 Fringe Benefits). There are sufficient excess dollars (�256 Registration Fees-Local) to cover the shortage. This Administrative Order will balance the 1994 LIEF Special Fund budget. IFAPPROVED: The 1994 budget �.ill be in ualance. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None RE�EBVED J U L 2 2 i994 BUDGET OFFICE RECEIVED AUG 0 3 1994 CiTY CLERK OISADVANTAGES If NOTAPPROVED. The 1994 budget will not be in balance. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION FUNDIfdG SOURCE FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIf� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) NUMBER � YES NO �YV