99-119ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of z 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 the appointment, made by the Mayor, of the following individual to serve on the CAPITOL AREA ARCHITECTURAL PLANNING BOARD. Matthew J. Mejia shall serve a four-year term. This term shall expire on January 1, 2003. 14 15 16 17 18 Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: C C7- �eG 17 I�� Approved by Mayor: Date By: �C� �� Council File # l �' ��� Green sheet �` �0�� � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � By: ��u�t'�iP �. ��1�ye 7 - � Approved by Mayor for Council / / to Adopted by Council: Date � �_�qqq a9-1�� Mayor Coleman's Office NiACT PERSON & PFKKJE Alberto Quintela 266-8529 ST BE Ot3 WUNCIL AG�JDA BY (p4TEl 2-1-99 GREEN SHEET n,o 62722 InxlaODate M11�1BER fOR � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 U oE.�w�+rowECrw U arrr.a.a — ❑ GIIYATiOM4Y ❑ UIYCLFRK �_ ❑ NY4YJOLfFAYKFfOR ❑ fN�NCJ11LaErtv/ACCTC � wvartlw��aasrum ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the resolution appointing Michael J. Mejia to serve on the Capitol Area Architectural Plannng Board. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION C'y o.'2 .� S; 'v " x�' ' W � ���� .r ., . -e »�' 4 e .... e ��� � � ��� rwwsncrwN SOURCE Flas this persoNfirm ever worked untler a contract for Nis depaM�ent� YES NO Has t�is persoNfirm ever 6een a cdY emPbyee7 VES NO Doesthis persoMim possess a sldN rrot normallypossessetl by arry curteM ciry empbyee? YES NO is this persoNfirm a tarpeted vendoYl YES NO COST/REVENIIE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO II?�v�_m�l °L°� - ��q CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norn� Cote+wR, Maqor 15 West %eIIogg Boulevard Saint Pmrl Muen�ota SSZ02 TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Councilmember President Daniel Bostrom 390 QRy HaII Councilmember 7ay Benanav Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Michael Harris FROM: Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember 7ames Reiter Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor �` DATE: RE: February 1, 1999 Capitol Area Architectural Planning Board (CAAPB) Telephoxe: (612) 266-8510 FatsimiTe: (612) 266-8523 Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Matthew J. Mejia to serve on the Capitol Area Architectural Planning Boazd. Mr. Mejia sha11 serve a four-year term which will exp've on January 1, 2003. Attached is a copy ofthe appointing resolution, a copy ofMr. Mejia's application, and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Nancy Stark, Capitol Area Architectural Planning Board Staff .. � � �iq�>>� PERSONALT2EFERENCES Name: �fl'TELccK COON�� �➢� (Z_ �Aeudo�n,�n. i C,�9-(�� 1 r�1I cr�T�' �t��«•e Address: �' ��� MW T C Phone: Name: (Home) �'ork) 2 �11 - S6o �� (ZkSS �I/e/5oN �ve/soN, ���rZ s � %�° Address: S� 5. �1!�l t� 3 3U M��S , MN S`� �lD �- Phone: �FIome� �Vork) � t �- - 3 S� - 3 2 � � Name: � �. Q- L J �n. i Address: Phone: Reasons for your interest in this particulnr committee: Se e� a-��� Have you had previous contnct with the committee for which you 1re making applicltion? Tf so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the m�keup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This informntion is strictly voluntary. White (Caucasian) /� Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � � Male Female Date of Birth: ���� -� C Disabled: Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify: How did you hear about this opening? �� � � j �'�,� ��'"� Name: �'� l��l �IE S� V�I E3'r/� Home Address: Street Telephone Number: Ptanning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address: What is yaur occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: t i S �L G � �i F� ��f�y� �Vhat skilis, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? 52 �. pc �—�-o-_c��- : The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. °l9 -1�°� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 SI ,,, �r��. City ' (Workl 3' _ City Council `Vard: , �, � c��� �" �, � 6� � -��'�.� � S s�o�/ Zip X) Glz �E � ��NTI✓c�,�l �(�,vNe/L (O VER) Rev. 8-5-97 a9 -11q Matthew 7. Mejia `Vhat skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? I have worked in numerous fields over the years. My experience ranges from doorman at a downtown hotel to renovating the State Theater in Minneapolis to co-managing millions of investors dollazs to running pet food stores. My experience in the hospitality industry taught me the value of customer service. I leazned how to deal with people. I found that my better days were ones where my guests left feeling better than when they had come. At the same time, I couldn't serve everyone all the time. Priorities needed to be set and tasks juggied. In my years as an IBEW 292 electricians apprentice, I worked on lazge projects like the Mall of America. I had the opportunity to help install cameras and ramp meters along 35W. My favorite project was the renovation of State Theater in Minneapolis. The blueprints for the electrical system were long gone and we had to figure it out as we worked. All these projects required teamwork and cooperation to get the job done. I was not leader on any ofthese jobs, but I certainly leamed from them. I have always had an entrepreneurial drive to build a business. I had the opportunity to do just that when I joined Pet Central Station. I opened one new store and soon took over managing another. As a new business, we struggled with cash flow, operating expenses and budgets. I became a master in the art oFinanaging cash flow to make it ali work. I left with a keen understanding of how a retail business operates, the necessity of creating and following a budget and the importance leadership. I joined my mothers financial planning practice in 1995. The business is centered on advising family business owners and their families on issues such as business succession, legacy planning and investments. My job is split between marketing the business and analyzing data. I have learned how to filter, organize and analyze an enormous amount of data. I then use this boiled down data to make recommendations upon which an entire famity's future rests. I am an analyst with a sense of humor, that can convey things in layman's terms, build a consensus on actions to be taken and manage the process of implementing the recommendations. qq-1�9 Matthew J. Mejia Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: I bought my first house in St. Paul in 1997. I have lived in St. Paul on and off over the last 12 years. On a whim, my business partner and I dzcided to attend a St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce(SPACC)/Good Momin� St. Paul event in January of this yeaz. Mayor Coleman was the speaker. We were impressed with the energy in the air and all that St. Paul has going on. We looked at each other and decided St. Paul is the place to be. Our business will be moving to St. Paul on November 1, 1993. h1y business partner recently sotd her home and is actively lookin� for a home in St. Paul. I am a firm believer that if a person wants to improve quality of life he/she must be involved. My fiancee and I serve as block club captains. I am an active member of SPACC, serving as an Ambassador on the Small Business Szrvices committee. I live in the Summit-University nei�hborhood and our business �vill open at 420 Summit Avenue. One of our favorite activities is walking through the neighborhood looking at the beautiful homes and buildings in our area. St. Paul is known for its farge collection of Victorian homes. I would hate to see anything taken away from that by the careless use of our resources. It seems to me that planning committees are the framework upon w�hich the future of a city is built I would relish the challenge to pull to�ether so many varied interests in this ciry to build the vision of what St. Paul will be! � In conclusion, I have bet my family' s future, my business and my personal future on what I believe St. Paul is and �vili become. I do not intend to lose. I will become as invo(ved as possible to insure my dream for my family, business and my future. qq - l ly b75 Holry Avenue St Paul, MN 55�04 Matthew J. Mejia Work experience Work experience Work Experience Work Experience Phane 612-347-8657 Fax fi12347-8664 Email MaCSew@saanetcom 1995 - Present Financial Nehvork Investment Co Minneapolis, M Associate Advisor � Registered Representative Financial Network investment Corp • Advisa clients on Retirement & Estate Pianning, Business Successior�, _ Investment management and Pension consulting 1997 - Present Family Business Advisors Group, LLCMinneapoli Vice President • Advise clients on Retirement 8 Estate Planning, Business Succession, Investment management and Pension consulting • Manage or Co-Manage nearly S 30 Million in Assets • Responsible for al1 financial decisions relating to company _ 1994-1995 Pet Centrai Station Minneapolis, MN Generai Manager • Responsible for stocking, opening 8 managing new store • Managed inventory for two stores • Increased sa4es per customer, sales per day and net margins co�sistently throughout tenure • Designed and implemented inventory controls to maximize number of inventory tums without hurting sales. 1990-1994 IBEW 292lVarious Companies Minneapolis, MN Apprentice Elecfrician • Leamed all facets of commercial electrician trade • Very familiar with National Electrical Code • Understand the process of construction 2nd development • Worked on Projects such as Ma{1 of America, Renovation of tfie State Theater and freeway camer2s & ramp meters Woric Experience 1986-1989 Omni Northstar Hotel Minneapolis, MN Doorman, Front Desk Supervisor 8 Night Audit — • Doorman during 1987 Worid Series • Youngest front desk clerk & front desk supervisor in the hotels history • Per�ormed NightAudit • Gained an understanding of the hospiiality industry's role as an ambassador for the city q�t - � � Education 1997-Present Coilege for Financial Pfanning • Enrolled in Cer'ufied Financial Planner Cer55cation Education Education Professional memberships & Organizations Community activities References Oenver. CO '1987 -1988 University of Minnesota Pninneapolis, MN • Studied Psychology 1956 - 1987 Winona State University Winona, MN • Studied Psychology International Association for Financial Planning St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce (Ambassador & Smal1 Business Services Committees) Mlnnesota Hispanic Republican Assembiy Block Captain Holiy Avenue Block Club Patrick Loonan Director of Development Capito4 City Partnership 2490 Minnesota World Trade Center 30 South 7"' Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 Russ Nelson Nelson, Tietr 8� Hoye 81 S 9th St # 330 Minneapolis, MN 55402 a9 � ��`1 02-01-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 1 CAMMZTTEE : CAAPB Capitol Planning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COtASENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- ------° -------- -------- --- --- --- 003492 Enzler, Sherry A. 4 13 09/21/98 W E' 1426 Laurel Avenue St. Paul� MN 55104 Home - (651) 917-0374 Attorney 9-21-98 HPC; Human Rights; Capitol Area Plann{ing Board & Planning Commission: Susan Gaertner Ramsey County Attorney 50 W. Kellogg Blvd., Ste. 315 St. Paul, MN 55102 w) 651-266-3222 Bill Schreiber, Director IGR Policy, MNDot 395 John Ireland Blvd. h) 651-424-8081 w) 651-296-0369 Rebecca Comstock, Esq. Dorsey & Whitney 220 S. Sixth St. Mpls., Mt3 55402 h) 651-471-9175 w) 612 340-2987 003499 Mejia, Matthew J. 675 Holly Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - (651) 229-0045 Financial Planner 1 8 9-21-98 Planning Commission & HPC: Patrick Loonan Capital City Partnership w) 291-5604 09/21/98 H M Russ nelson Nelson, Tietz & Hoye 81 S. 9th St.� #330 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 359-3202 �9-119 02-01-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 2 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : CAAPB Capitol Planning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) --------------------------------"_ ---- °------ -------- -------- --- --- --- A1 Rashid 1221 Nicollet mall, #400 Minneapolis, MN 55403 w) (612) 347-8601 ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of z 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 the appointment, made by the Mayor, of the following individual to serve on the CAPITOL AREA ARCHITECTURAL PLANNING BOARD. Matthew J. Mejia shall serve a four-year term. This term shall expire on January 1, 2003. 14 15 16 17 18 Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: C C7- �eG 17 I�� Approved by Mayor: Date By: �C� �� Council File # l �' ��� Green sheet �` �0�� � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � By: ��u�t'�iP �. ��1�ye 7 - � Approved by Mayor for Council / / to Adopted by Council: Date � �_�qqq a9-1�� Mayor Coleman's Office NiACT PERSON & PFKKJE Alberto Quintela 266-8529 ST BE Ot3 WUNCIL AG�JDA BY (p4TEl 2-1-99 GREEN SHEET n,o 62722 InxlaODate M11�1BER fOR � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 U oE.�w�+rowECrw U arrr.a.a — ❑ GIIYATiOM4Y ❑ UIYCLFRK �_ ❑ NY4YJOLfFAYKFfOR ❑ fN�NCJ11LaErtv/ACCTC � wvartlw��aasrum ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the resolution appointing Michael J. Mejia to serve on the Capitol Area Architectural Plannng Board. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION C'y o.'2 .� S; 'v " x�' ' W � ���� .r ., . -e »�' 4 e .... e ��� � � ��� rwwsncrwN SOURCE Flas this persoNfirm ever worked untler a contract for Nis depaM�ent� YES NO Has t�is persoNfirm ever 6een a cdY emPbyee7 VES NO Doesthis persoMim possess a sldN rrot normallypossessetl by arry curteM ciry empbyee? YES NO is this persoNfirm a tarpeted vendoYl YES NO COST/REVENIIE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO II?�v�_m�l °L°� - ��q CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norn� Cote+wR, Maqor 15 West %eIIogg Boulevard Saint Pmrl Muen�ota SSZ02 TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Councilmember President Daniel Bostrom 390 QRy HaII Councilmember 7ay Benanav Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Michael Harris FROM: Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember 7ames Reiter Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor �` DATE: RE: February 1, 1999 Capitol Area Architectural Planning Board (CAAPB) Telephoxe: (612) 266-8510 FatsimiTe: (612) 266-8523 Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Matthew J. Mejia to serve on the Capitol Area Architectural Planning Boazd. Mr. Mejia sha11 serve a four-year term which will exp've on January 1, 2003. Attached is a copy ofthe appointing resolution, a copy ofMr. Mejia's application, and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Nancy Stark, Capitol Area Architectural Planning Board Staff .. � � �iq�>>� PERSONALT2EFERENCES Name: �fl'TELccK COON�� �➢� (Z_ �Aeudo�n,�n. i C,�9-(�� 1 r�1I cr�T�' �t��«•e Address: �' ��� MW T C Phone: Name: (Home) �'ork) 2 �11 - S6o �� (ZkSS �I/e/5oN �ve/soN, ���rZ s � %�° Address: S� 5. �1!�l t� 3 3U M��S , MN S`� �lD �- Phone: �FIome� �Vork) � t �- - 3 S� - 3 2 � � Name: � �. Q- L J �n. i Address: Phone: Reasons for your interest in this particulnr committee: Se e� a-��� Have you had previous contnct with the committee for which you 1re making applicltion? Tf so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the m�keup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This informntion is strictly voluntary. White (Caucasian) /� Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � � Male Female Date of Birth: ���� -� C Disabled: Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify: How did you hear about this opening? �� � � j �'�,� ��'"� Name: �'� l��l �IE S� V�I E3'r/� Home Address: Street Telephone Number: Ptanning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address: What is yaur occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: t i S �L G � �i F� ��f�y� �Vhat skilis, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? 52 �. pc �—�-o-_c��- : The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. °l9 -1�°� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 SI ,,, �r��. City ' (Workl 3' _ City Council `Vard: , �, � c��� �" �, � 6� � -��'�.� � S s�o�/ Zip X) Glz �E � ��NTI✓c�,�l �(�,vNe/L (O VER) Rev. 8-5-97 a9 -11q Matthew 7. Mejia `Vhat skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? I have worked in numerous fields over the years. My experience ranges from doorman at a downtown hotel to renovating the State Theater in Minneapolis to co-managing millions of investors dollazs to running pet food stores. My experience in the hospitality industry taught me the value of customer service. I leazned how to deal with people. I found that my better days were ones where my guests left feeling better than when they had come. At the same time, I couldn't serve everyone all the time. Priorities needed to be set and tasks juggied. In my years as an IBEW 292 electricians apprentice, I worked on lazge projects like the Mall of America. I had the opportunity to help install cameras and ramp meters along 35W. My favorite project was the renovation of State Theater in Minneapolis. The blueprints for the electrical system were long gone and we had to figure it out as we worked. All these projects required teamwork and cooperation to get the job done. I was not leader on any ofthese jobs, but I certainly leamed from them. I have always had an entrepreneurial drive to build a business. I had the opportunity to do just that when I joined Pet Central Station. I opened one new store and soon took over managing another. As a new business, we struggled with cash flow, operating expenses and budgets. I became a master in the art oFinanaging cash flow to make it ali work. I left with a keen understanding of how a retail business operates, the necessity of creating and following a budget and the importance leadership. I joined my mothers financial planning practice in 1995. The business is centered on advising family business owners and their families on issues such as business succession, legacy planning and investments. My job is split between marketing the business and analyzing data. I have learned how to filter, organize and analyze an enormous amount of data. I then use this boiled down data to make recommendations upon which an entire famity's future rests. I am an analyst with a sense of humor, that can convey things in layman's terms, build a consensus on actions to be taken and manage the process of implementing the recommendations. qq-1�9 Matthew J. Mejia Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: I bought my first house in St. Paul in 1997. I have lived in St. Paul on and off over the last 12 years. On a whim, my business partner and I dzcided to attend a St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce(SPACC)/Good Momin� St. Paul event in January of this yeaz. Mayor Coleman was the speaker. We were impressed with the energy in the air and all that St. Paul has going on. We looked at each other and decided St. Paul is the place to be. Our business will be moving to St. Paul on November 1, 1993. h1y business partner recently sotd her home and is actively lookin� for a home in St. Paul. I am a firm believer that if a person wants to improve quality of life he/she must be involved. My fiancee and I serve as block club captains. I am an active member of SPACC, serving as an Ambassador on the Small Business Szrvices committee. I live in the Summit-University nei�hborhood and our business �vill open at 420 Summit Avenue. One of our favorite activities is walking through the neighborhood looking at the beautiful homes and buildings in our area. St. Paul is known for its farge collection of Victorian homes. I would hate to see anything taken away from that by the careless use of our resources. It seems to me that planning committees are the framework upon w�hich the future of a city is built I would relish the challenge to pull to�ether so many varied interests in this ciry to build the vision of what St. Paul will be! � In conclusion, I have bet my family' s future, my business and my personal future on what I believe St. Paul is and �vili become. I do not intend to lose. I will become as invo(ved as possible to insure my dream for my family, business and my future. qq - l ly b75 Holry Avenue St Paul, MN 55�04 Matthew J. Mejia Work experience Work experience Work Experience Work Experience Phane 612-347-8657 Fax fi12347-8664 Email MaCSew@saanetcom 1995 - Present Financial Nehvork Investment Co Minneapolis, M Associate Advisor � Registered Representative Financial Network investment Corp • Advisa clients on Retirement & Estate Pianning, Business Successior�, _ Investment management and Pension consulting 1997 - Present Family Business Advisors Group, LLCMinneapoli Vice President • Advise clients on Retirement 8 Estate Planning, Business Succession, Investment management and Pension consulting • Manage or Co-Manage nearly S 30 Million in Assets • Responsible for al1 financial decisions relating to company _ 1994-1995 Pet Centrai Station Minneapolis, MN Generai Manager • Responsible for stocking, opening 8 managing new store • Managed inventory for two stores • Increased sa4es per customer, sales per day and net margins co�sistently throughout tenure • Designed and implemented inventory controls to maximize number of inventory tums without hurting sales. 1990-1994 IBEW 292lVarious Companies Minneapolis, MN Apprentice Elecfrician • Leamed all facets of commercial electrician trade • Very familiar with National Electrical Code • Understand the process of construction 2nd development • Worked on Projects such as Ma{1 of America, Renovation of tfie State Theater and freeway camer2s & ramp meters Woric Experience 1986-1989 Omni Northstar Hotel Minneapolis, MN Doorman, Front Desk Supervisor 8 Night Audit — • Doorman during 1987 Worid Series • Youngest front desk clerk & front desk supervisor in the hotels history • Per�ormed NightAudit • Gained an understanding of the hospiiality industry's role as an ambassador for the city q�t - � � Education 1997-Present Coilege for Financial Pfanning • Enrolled in Cer'ufied Financial Planner Cer55cation Education Education Professional memberships & Organizations Community activities References Oenver. CO '1987 -1988 University of Minnesota Pninneapolis, MN • Studied Psychology 1956 - 1987 Winona State University Winona, MN • Studied Psychology International Association for Financial Planning St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce (Ambassador & Smal1 Business Services Committees) Mlnnesota Hispanic Republican Assembiy Block Captain Holiy Avenue Block Club Patrick Loonan Director of Development Capito4 City Partnership 2490 Minnesota World Trade Center 30 South 7"' Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 Russ Nelson Nelson, Tietr 8� Hoye 81 S 9th St # 330 Minneapolis, MN 55402 a9 � ��`1 02-01-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 1 CAMMZTTEE : CAAPB Capitol Planning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COtASENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- ------° -------- -------- --- --- --- 003492 Enzler, Sherry A. 4 13 09/21/98 W E' 1426 Laurel Avenue St. Paul� MN 55104 Home - (651) 917-0374 Attorney 9-21-98 HPC; Human Rights; Capitol Area Plann{ing Board & Planning Commission: Susan Gaertner Ramsey County Attorney 50 W. Kellogg Blvd., Ste. 315 St. Paul, MN 55102 w) 651-266-3222 Bill Schreiber, Director IGR Policy, MNDot 395 John Ireland Blvd. h) 651-424-8081 w) 651-296-0369 Rebecca Comstock, Esq. Dorsey & Whitney 220 S. Sixth St. Mpls., Mt3 55402 h) 651-471-9175 w) 612 340-2987 003499 Mejia, Matthew J. 675 Holly Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - (651) 229-0045 Financial Planner 1 8 9-21-98 Planning Commission & HPC: Patrick Loonan Capital City Partnership w) 291-5604 09/21/98 H M Russ nelson Nelson, Tietz & Hoye 81 S. 9th St.� #330 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 359-3202 �9-119 02-01-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 2 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : CAAPB Capitol Planning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) --------------------------------"_ ---- °------ -------- -------- --- --- --- A1 Rashid 1221 Nicollet mall, #400 Minneapolis, MN 55403 w) (612) 347-8601 ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of z 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 the appointment, made by the Mayor, of the following individual to serve on the CAPITOL AREA ARCHITECTURAL PLANNING BOARD. Matthew J. Mejia shall serve a four-year term. This term shall expire on January 1, 2003. 14 15 16 17 18 Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: C C7- �eG 17 I�� Approved by Mayor: Date By: �C� �� Council File # l �' ��� Green sheet �` �0�� � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � By: ��u�t'�iP �. ��1�ye 7 - � Approved by Mayor for Council / / to Adopted by Council: Date � �_�qqq a9-1�� Mayor Coleman's Office NiACT PERSON & PFKKJE Alberto Quintela 266-8529 ST BE Ot3 WUNCIL AG�JDA BY (p4TEl 2-1-99 GREEN SHEET n,o 62722 InxlaODate M11�1BER fOR � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 U oE.�w�+rowECrw U arrr.a.a — ❑ GIIYATiOM4Y ❑ UIYCLFRK �_ ❑ NY4YJOLfFAYKFfOR ❑ fN�NCJ11LaErtv/ACCTC � wvartlw��aasrum ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the resolution appointing Michael J. Mejia to serve on the Capitol Area Architectural Plannng Board. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION C'y o.'2 .� S; 'v " x�' ' W � ���� .r ., . -e »�' 4 e .... e ��� � � ��� rwwsncrwN SOURCE Flas this persoNfirm ever worked untler a contract for Nis depaM�ent� YES NO Has t�is persoNfirm ever 6een a cdY emPbyee7 VES NO Doesthis persoMim possess a sldN rrot normallypossessetl by arry curteM ciry empbyee? YES NO is this persoNfirm a tarpeted vendoYl YES NO COST/REVENIIE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO II?�v�_m�l °L°� - ��q CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norn� Cote+wR, Maqor 15 West %eIIogg Boulevard Saint Pmrl Muen�ota SSZ02 TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Councilmember President Daniel Bostrom 390 QRy HaII Councilmember 7ay Benanav Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Michael Harris FROM: Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember 7ames Reiter Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor �` DATE: RE: February 1, 1999 Capitol Area Architectural Planning Board (CAAPB) Telephoxe: (612) 266-8510 FatsimiTe: (612) 266-8523 Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Matthew J. Mejia to serve on the Capitol Area Architectural Planning Boazd. Mr. Mejia sha11 serve a four-year term which will exp've on January 1, 2003. Attached is a copy ofthe appointing resolution, a copy ofMr. Mejia's application, and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Nancy Stark, Capitol Area Architectural Planning Board Staff .. � � �iq�>>� PERSONALT2EFERENCES Name: �fl'TELccK COON�� �➢� (Z_ �Aeudo�n,�n. i C,�9-(�� 1 r�1I cr�T�' �t��«•e Address: �' ��� MW T C Phone: Name: (Home) �'ork) 2 �11 - S6o �� (ZkSS �I/e/5oN �ve/soN, ���rZ s � %�° Address: S� 5. �1!�l t� 3 3U M��S , MN S`� �lD �- Phone: �FIome� �Vork) � t �- - 3 S� - 3 2 � � Name: � �. Q- L J �n. i Address: Phone: Reasons for your interest in this particulnr committee: Se e� a-��� Have you had previous contnct with the committee for which you 1re making applicltion? Tf so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the m�keup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This informntion is strictly voluntary. White (Caucasian) /� Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � � Male Female Date of Birth: ���� -� C Disabled: Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify: How did you hear about this opening? �� � � j �'�,� ��'"� Name: �'� l��l �IE S� V�I E3'r/� Home Address: Street Telephone Number: Ptanning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address: What is yaur occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: t i S �L G � �i F� ��f�y� �Vhat skilis, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? 52 �. pc �—�-o-_c��- : The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. °l9 -1�°� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 SI ,,, �r��. City ' (Workl 3' _ City Council `Vard: , �, � c��� �" �, � 6� � -��'�.� � S s�o�/ Zip X) Glz �E � ��NTI✓c�,�l �(�,vNe/L (O VER) Rev. 8-5-97 a9 -11q Matthew 7. Mejia `Vhat skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? I have worked in numerous fields over the years. My experience ranges from doorman at a downtown hotel to renovating the State Theater in Minneapolis to co-managing millions of investors dollazs to running pet food stores. My experience in the hospitality industry taught me the value of customer service. I leazned how to deal with people. I found that my better days were ones where my guests left feeling better than when they had come. At the same time, I couldn't serve everyone all the time. Priorities needed to be set and tasks juggied. In my years as an IBEW 292 electricians apprentice, I worked on lazge projects like the Mall of America. I had the opportunity to help install cameras and ramp meters along 35W. My favorite project was the renovation of State Theater in Minneapolis. The blueprints for the electrical system were long gone and we had to figure it out as we worked. All these projects required teamwork and cooperation to get the job done. I was not leader on any ofthese jobs, but I certainly leamed from them. I have always had an entrepreneurial drive to build a business. I had the opportunity to do just that when I joined Pet Central Station. I opened one new store and soon took over managing another. As a new business, we struggled with cash flow, operating expenses and budgets. I became a master in the art oFinanaging cash flow to make it ali work. I left with a keen understanding of how a retail business operates, the necessity of creating and following a budget and the importance leadership. I joined my mothers financial planning practice in 1995. The business is centered on advising family business owners and their families on issues such as business succession, legacy planning and investments. My job is split between marketing the business and analyzing data. I have learned how to filter, organize and analyze an enormous amount of data. I then use this boiled down data to make recommendations upon which an entire famity's future rests. I am an analyst with a sense of humor, that can convey things in layman's terms, build a consensus on actions to be taken and manage the process of implementing the recommendations. qq-1�9 Matthew J. Mejia Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: I bought my first house in St. Paul in 1997. I have lived in St. Paul on and off over the last 12 years. On a whim, my business partner and I dzcided to attend a St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce(SPACC)/Good Momin� St. Paul event in January of this yeaz. Mayor Coleman was the speaker. We were impressed with the energy in the air and all that St. Paul has going on. We looked at each other and decided St. Paul is the place to be. Our business will be moving to St. Paul on November 1, 1993. h1y business partner recently sotd her home and is actively lookin� for a home in St. Paul. I am a firm believer that if a person wants to improve quality of life he/she must be involved. My fiancee and I serve as block club captains. I am an active member of SPACC, serving as an Ambassador on the Small Business Szrvices committee. I live in the Summit-University nei�hborhood and our business �vill open at 420 Summit Avenue. One of our favorite activities is walking through the neighborhood looking at the beautiful homes and buildings in our area. St. Paul is known for its farge collection of Victorian homes. I would hate to see anything taken away from that by the careless use of our resources. It seems to me that planning committees are the framework upon w�hich the future of a city is built I would relish the challenge to pull to�ether so many varied interests in this ciry to build the vision of what St. Paul will be! � In conclusion, I have bet my family' s future, my business and my personal future on what I believe St. Paul is and �vili become. I do not intend to lose. I will become as invo(ved as possible to insure my dream for my family, business and my future. qq - l ly b75 Holry Avenue St Paul, MN 55�04 Matthew J. Mejia Work experience Work experience Work Experience Work Experience Phane 612-347-8657 Fax fi12347-8664 Email MaCSew@saanetcom 1995 - Present Financial Nehvork Investment Co Minneapolis, M Associate Advisor � Registered Representative Financial Network investment Corp • Advisa clients on Retirement & Estate Pianning, Business Successior�, _ Investment management and Pension consulting 1997 - Present Family Business Advisors Group, LLCMinneapoli Vice President • Advise clients on Retirement 8 Estate Planning, Business Succession, Investment management and Pension consulting • Manage or Co-Manage nearly S 30 Million in Assets • Responsible for al1 financial decisions relating to company _ 1994-1995 Pet Centrai Station Minneapolis, MN Generai Manager • Responsible for stocking, opening 8 managing new store • Managed inventory for two stores • Increased sa4es per customer, sales per day and net margins co�sistently throughout tenure • Designed and implemented inventory controls to maximize number of inventory tums without hurting sales. 1990-1994 IBEW 292lVarious Companies Minneapolis, MN Apprentice Elecfrician • Leamed all facets of commercial electrician trade • Very familiar with National Electrical Code • Understand the process of construction 2nd development • Worked on Projects such as Ma{1 of America, Renovation of tfie State Theater and freeway camer2s & ramp meters Woric Experience 1986-1989 Omni Northstar Hotel Minneapolis, MN Doorman, Front Desk Supervisor 8 Night Audit — • Doorman during 1987 Worid Series • Youngest front desk clerk & front desk supervisor in the hotels history • Per�ormed NightAudit • Gained an understanding of the hospiiality industry's role as an ambassador for the city q�t - � � Education 1997-Present Coilege for Financial Pfanning • Enrolled in Cer'ufied Financial Planner Cer55cation Education Education Professional memberships & Organizations Community activities References Oenver. CO '1987 -1988 University of Minnesota Pninneapolis, MN • Studied Psychology 1956 - 1987 Winona State University Winona, MN • Studied Psychology International Association for Financial Planning St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce (Ambassador & Smal1 Business Services Committees) Mlnnesota Hispanic Republican Assembiy Block Captain Holiy Avenue Block Club Patrick Loonan Director of Development Capito4 City Partnership 2490 Minnesota World Trade Center 30 South 7"' Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 Russ Nelson Nelson, Tietr 8� Hoye 81 S 9th St # 330 Minneapolis, MN 55402 a9 � ��`1 02-01-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 1 CAMMZTTEE : CAAPB Capitol Planning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COtASENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- ------° -------- -------- --- --- --- 003492 Enzler, Sherry A. 4 13 09/21/98 W E' 1426 Laurel Avenue St. Paul� MN 55104 Home - (651) 917-0374 Attorney 9-21-98 HPC; Human Rights; Capitol Area Plann{ing Board & Planning Commission: Susan Gaertner Ramsey County Attorney 50 W. Kellogg Blvd., Ste. 315 St. Paul, MN 55102 w) 651-266-3222 Bill Schreiber, Director IGR Policy, MNDot 395 John Ireland Blvd. h) 651-424-8081 w) 651-296-0369 Rebecca Comstock, Esq. Dorsey & Whitney 220 S. Sixth St. Mpls., Mt3 55402 h) 651-471-9175 w) 612 340-2987 003499 Mejia, Matthew J. 675 Holly Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - (651) 229-0045 Financial Planner 1 8 9-21-98 Planning Commission & HPC: Patrick Loonan Capital City Partnership w) 291-5604 09/21/98 H M Russ nelson Nelson, Tietz & Hoye 81 S. 9th St.� #330 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 359-3202 �9-119 02-01-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 2 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : CAAPB Capitol Planning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) --------------------------------"_ ---- °------ -------- -------- --- --- --- A1 Rashid 1221 Nicollet mall, #400 Minneapolis, MN 55403 w) (612) 347-8601