Voting Wards 2 & 3
Green Sheet No. 31 ��� 3�i
In the Matter of constructing bicycle facilities along the following streets:
Jeffersan Avenue-
Duke Street-
Colborne Street-
Western Avenue-
Grace Street-
Colborne Street to Mississippi River Boulevard
Jefferson Avenue to James Avenue
Jefferson Avenue to Grace Street
Grace Street to St. Clair Avenue
Colborne Street to Western Avenue
Improvements include the installation of pavement mazkings, signage, street lighting in some azeas, bump-
outs, sidewalk and other elements as needed to complete said project.
under Preliminary Order approved
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due
notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, the Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said
proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described
improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the
improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall
calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with
Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
Yeas Na s Absent
Bostrom �/
Carter 3 /
Harris t /
Hel en �/
Lantry ,/
Stark ,i
Thune ✓
Adopted by Council: Date ��S /�j/�
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
BY� � vss�r�
Approved b y: Date �`! Zo �a
Green Sheet Green
Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
1d- 4�.�
DepartmenUOffice/Council: Date Initiafed:
FS —F�nancialServices 02APR2010 Green Sheet NO: 3105336
ConWCt Person & Phone: Deaartrnent Sent To Person Initi_aV7te
DavidKeubfer � o inanc;�iser.�;�s RealEstate �i
266-6217 1 ouncil Ci Council
Assign Z i Clerk C' Clerk
Must Be on Council Agenda by (DateJ: Number 3
Routing 4
E-Document Required: N �
Document Contad: �uan Ortiz
Contact Phone: 266-5858 `
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approve construction of bicycle facilities along 3effecson Avenue (and other streets) from Mississippi River Boulevazd to Shepazd
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contrect forthis departmenY?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civi! Serrice Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee?
Yes No �
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.
�nitiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
As part of a federal transportation bill, money was allocated for a non-motorized transportarion program to connect Minneapolis with
iu swrounding azeas.
A safe bikeway will be developed connecting Mpls with St Paul part of the Sam Morgan Trail.
Lighting assessments for a portion of the project. Minor traffic changes and construction disruptions.
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
The funding for such a bikeway might not be available.
Total Amount of �
Transaction• $1,OOQ,000.00 CosURevenue Budgeted:
Funding Source: TLC NTP Grant, CIB, Activity Number:
Financial Information:
April 7. 2010 9:56 AM . c��A �
Jefferson Avenue Bikeway
City �roject No. 49-P-1343
Report Prepared — 3t15/2010
Public Hearing — 5/5/2fl10
Improvements to impiement a bicycle faciiity on the fo,l(owing roadways:
• Jefferson Avenue — Colbome Street to Mississippi River Boulevard
• Duke Street — Jefferson Avenue to James Avenue
• Colbome Street — JefFerson Avenue to Grace Street
• Grace Street — Cofbome Street to Westem Avenue
• W estem Avenue — Grace Street to St. Cfair Avenue
fmprovements to include installation of pavement markings, signage, street lighting,
bumpouts, sidewaik, and other elements as described below. Ses a#tached map for
further detaits.
The purpose af this project is to provide an improved east/west pedestrian and
bicycEe facitity on Jefferson Avenue between Mississ'sppi River Boulevard and tHe
Sam Morgan Trail located on the east side of Shepard Road. The proposed project
wou}d afso use tocal streets east of West Seventh to provide a connection to the
West Side via Cliff Road and the Smith Avenue High Bridge. The project as proposed
in this document woufd irnprove the current pedestrian environment on parts of
Jefferson Avenue by adding sidewalks, street lighting and bump outs. The current
bicycle environment would be improved by the addition of bicycle related pavement
markings and bicycle related destination/directional signs. Additionally, there is a
strong neighbofiood desire east of Lexington Parlcway to provide traffic calming
elements that would transform Jefferson Avenue from a busy thoroughfare into a
street that is in Keeping wlth the City's Complete Streets resolution. Those traffic
calming elements inctude the bump auts mentioned abave as welf as narrowirig tane
widths by restriping the roadway to accorx�modate bike lanes.
As part of the federal SAFETEA-Ltf transportation bill, in 2007 Minneapolis and
adjoining communities were allocated $21.5 million for a Nonrnotorized
Transpartation Piiat {NTP) program that woufd be ad�ninistered by Transit for
Livable Communities (fLC}. The purpose of the NTP program was to provide an
inr.entive for shifting trips from vehicles to bikes, walking and.transit. The focus of
the b'sl! is Minneapolis. However, communities which are geographically
connected to Minneapolis are also eligible to appty for funds with the requirement
that any propased project woutd connect to Ntin�eapolis.
With respect to the Ciiy af St. Paul, in 2008 the City applisd for funds for twa
projects: a bicycle baulevard praposed on Nightand ParicwaytEdgcumbe Road
fram Niississippi River 8oulevard to Lexington Parkway and propased bike lanes
on Jefferson Avenue from Lexington Paricway to the Sam Morgan Trail and the
Smith Avenue High Bridge. The intent of the fixo projects was to provide a
continuous eastlwest bicycle facility that wautd cannect Minneapolis to points
east. Of the finro projects the proposed Highfand l�arkway Bicycie Soulevard was
awarded funding. The Jefferson Bike Lanes project was acknowledged by TLC
as being a project that had high potentiai for fiuture funding. The bicycle
boutevard proposed for Highland Parkway was not implemented and the funds
were retumed to TLC.
in 2009 the City worked with TLC to develop the proposed Jefferson Bikeway
project as contained herein. The intent of the project is to provide an improved
east/west pedestrian and bicycle facility on JefFerson Avenue from Mississippi
River Boulevard to the Sarrf Morgan Trail and the West Side via the Smfth
Avenue High Bridge. The project has been awarded $75Q000 from TLC and city
funds in the amount of $250,Od0 have been aAocated as part of the 2010/2011
CIB budget.
Jefferson Avenue — Mississippi River Blvd (MRB) to Snetling Avenue
This section of Jefferson Avenue is classified as a residential street. Years ago,
the community successfuily had the classification af this street changed from a
collector street to a resident[ai street. Elements proposed for implementation
along this segment are:
• Instaltatian af directiona! and destina#ion signage.
The arig'tnal proposa( for Jefferson Avenue befween MRB and Snelling Avenue
developed by Pubiic Works incfuded installation of traffic calming efemenfs such
as traffic circles and revisians to stop sign traffic control at same intersections.
Based on community input, aI! traffic catming elements and stop sign revisions
have been eliminated from the proposal. No traffic calming etements wili be
installed or stap sign intersection controis modified without satisfactian of the
Cit�s petition process wiiich requires the signatures af 75% af affected residents
as determined by the City.
Jefferson Avenus — SneiEing Avenue to Lexington Parkway
This section of Jefferson is classified a"s a calfectar roadway and is afso a
Munic'spal State Aid raadway. The ADT an the on this section ranges from 2,500
to 3,OOd vehicles per day between SneEling and Edgcumbe and 4,Od0 between
Edgcumbe and Lexington. This roadway has besn reconstructed fo MSA
standards within last 10 years. Efements proposed for impEementation are:
� f s-.;;7 �.
t�"9't l
Impiementation of "Sharrow° Pavement Markings. A sharrow is a pavement
marking which indicates where bicyclists should ride, informs the driverfo
expect bicyctes on the roadway and indicates that bicyclists witl share traffic
tane with rnotor vehicles.
Installation of directional and destination signage.
Installation of Dynamic Speed Display Signs '
Jefferson Avenue — Lexington Parkway to West Seventh Strset
This section of Jefferson is classified as a co(tector roadway and is a(so a
Municipal State Aid roadway. The ADT on �he roadway ranges from 3,000 to
6,Odd vehides per day. There is excess sfreet width available for implementation
of a multiuser fiacility. Elements proposed for impiernentation are:
• Restripe roadway to add bike lanes.
. Construction of sidewalk on soufh side of Jefferson from Le�s�gton Parkway
to Victoria Street,
• Construction of bump-outs to help calm traffic and improve pedestrian
• Lowering speed limit from 40 mph to 30 mph in vicinity of l-35E bridge
• )nstallation of Lantem Sryle Street Lighting. {30°!0 of cost to be assessed —
$7.25 per assessable foot)
• fnstallation of directional and destination signage,
. A few isolated locations where parking would be banned.
JefFerson Avenue east of West Seventh Street
Elements proposed for impiemer�tation are:
• Destination/Directionai Signs on:
o JefFerson Avenue: West Seventh Street to Colbome Street
o Duke Street: Jefferson Avenue to James Avenue tconnects to Shepard
Road/Randofph Avenue pedestrian crossing to Sam Margan Trail)
o Co[borne Street: Jefferson Avenue to Grace Street
o Grace Street: Colbome Street to Western Avenue
o Westem Avenu�: Grace Sfreet to St. Clair Avenue (connects to St. Clair
Avenue/Cliff Street/High Bridge)
Ford Parkway, St. ClairAvenue, Randolph Avenue and Highland Parkwaywere
examined as afternates. High{and Parkway was eliminated in 20fl8 due to
opposition by the Nightand District Council. The ather three were nat considered
viable cand'[dates since a� they did not provide a complete east�west connection
from Mississippi River Baulevard to the Sam Niorgan Trail or the Smith Adenue
High Sridge, b) had much higher traffic volumes than Jeffersan and c) without
banning parking, were too narrow to accommodate bike lanes as required by the
MnDOT Bikeway Facility Design fNanual for streets with higher fraffic volumes.
For additiona[ information please contact pavid KuebEer at 266-6297.
The Department of Pubtic Worfcs believes the pro�ect subm'stted herein to be
necessary and feasib[e. The Department's Engineering FZecommendation is for
approval of the project. �