09-963i� CITY OF SAINT PAUL FINAL ORDER COUNCIL FILE NO. d�� �I�3 B REE� r_ �T O. 3066663 -� FILE NO. SNELL PED 09 VOTING WARB In the Matter of improving Snelling Avenue between St. Clair Avenue and Grand Avenue with pedestrian improvements, adding medians, redefining on-street parking and tum lanes. under Preliminary Order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heazd all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper city officials aze hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement with the following inclusions and enter into a Maintenance and Construction Funding Agreement with Macalester College: • An edge stripe two feet off the east curb face • Dedicated pedestrian crossings on the median at all intersections • Macalester agrees to work with the community and complete an event parking management plan to be approved by the Public Works Department and reviewed annually • Macalester agrees to provide additional funding necessary to provide brick planters consistently throughout the project azea provided that MnDOT approves their conshuction • One year after completion of the project if traffic volumes go up significantly (as determined by Public Works) in the alley between Lincoln and Goodrich - Macalester agrees to fund the installation of signs, two speed humps, reconfiguration of the alley at Goodrich or any combination thereof � • Macalester administration agrees to seek and support $25,000 from the High Winds fund toward a fa�ade improvement program directed by the City for businesses on both sides of Snelling between Suxnmit and Stanford. Funds to be available by June 1, 2010. Both Macalester and Council Member Harris' office will collaborate and agree on projects to be funded. Yeas Na s Absent Bostrom ✓ Carter ✓ Harris ,i Helgen ,i Lantry � Stark ,i Thune ✓ r� o Adopted by Council: Date C9,f,�0�J</ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� O� Approved by or: Date � � By: Pug��c t�E��RING- q12�o9 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet /s �1-9/_ � � ., . ..�— DepartmenHOffice/Council: Date Initiated: � � ±L. �� -,.# �.�{+�. FS--Finanaat,Services-_-- -- 04FE6�9 _ - -- L7�e��" �711c¢` �qV. ���� _ ____. Contact Person & Phone: Denartment SeM To Person InitiaUDate David Kuebler y o �nancia� serv;ce� Real Estate � 266-6217 1 omc0 c coanul � � � /issign 2 ' Clerk Ci Clerk Must Be on Council genda by (Date�: Num6er 3 �__� Z q Fo� Routing < �� Doa Type: PUBLIC HEARING Orde� 5 �� (RESOlUT10N) E-0ocument Required: Y Document ConWct BNCe EngelbreM � Contact Phone: 266-8854 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Appmve the construction of pedestdan unprovements along Snelling Avenue between St Clair and Grand Avenues Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contraets Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a cootracl for this departmert? CIB Commitlee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this per5onffirtn ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any cuvent city empbyee? Yes No E�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and atfach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Snelling Avenue in this area has a high vehiculaz volume witL speeds in excess of the posted 30 MPH speed limit. With Macalester College on one side and a mix of residential and comercial properhies on the other, pedestrian tra�c is essentially nonexistent due to the unfriendlyness of the corridor. The proposed ptoject, with the installation of inedians in Snelting Avenue and other improvements, will tnake the azea safer and more pedestrian &iendly. Advantages MApproved: Pedes[rian safety will be improved and 4affic calming impmvements will be introduced. Disadvantages NApproved: The normal issues associated with construction, such as but not linited to, noise, dust and general disruption to 4affic. DisadvanWges If Not Approved: Pedestrian safety will continue to be an issue. Total AmouM W $� 268,750.00 CostlRevenue Bud eted: Trensaction: 9 Funding Source: MnDOT Agfeement, MnDOT pctivity Number: Funds, Macalester College Financial Information: (Explain) August 5, 2009 5:27 PM Page 1 09-963 J � Q � � �� � �� � �� �-- � � � � m � � � z "�� � a � i � i��.� � � ST. CLAIR AVENUE � ��� a Z h n a � � N w N �[] O � � d ��� Y � � W � z s w N � r Q Q 4 W m � � w Z c� Z a � € � e o � �� � w p a m Z a `"7 S � � W W � 0 �a � O = � Z U � — � � � " Q O i � � � Z � 0 O Z 0] Q ` H Q g �a J W 0 � � &>k � a w � U �e�< � l� � �3€ z � � �'<b € � J � ��3 � Q n�€ p] Y � � €., � Q � � ��� 7 J �� c� m � � �� ¢�o Q �'s °�� u> �� e ��W w g � o �Z Z � J ( n�p� �' �S � Z w Z � �F-xa� _ ���d'J 4 � X Q H W p p awov�r w a a N M d' 09-963 _ _ SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION — For additional information please contact Barb Mundahl at 266-6112. Barb is the Project EngineedManager. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION The Department of Public Works believes the project submitted herein to be necessary and feasible. The Department's Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the project. RespectFully submitted, David Kuebler, P.E. Public Works Traffic Engineering 09-963 and southbound to eastbound movements will be allowed. Lincofn Avenue wi!{ be = changed from a westbound one-way to a fwo-way from Snelling to the ailey between Sneliing and Saratoga. The two-way will provide service to the commercial business on the north side of Lincoln and the church on the south side of Lincoln. The proposed medians along the corridor will be landscaped and pedestrian leve4 lighting will be installed. ALTERNATES Earfy in the pro}ect scoping process, different concepts were provided to the neighborhood for their input as to which alternative was the preferred alternative. Based on input from that process and sound engineering analysis, the alternative referenced in this form was determined to be the preferred alternative. POSITIVE BENEFITS Pedestrian safety wifl be improved, trafiFic caiming wifl be introduced, the aesthetics of the corridor will be improved and a version of the Complete Streets concept will be implemented on a Trunk Highway corridor. ADVERSE EFFECTS Normal issues relative to implementing infrastructure improvement projects will be present. Those issues include, but may not necessarily be limited to, noise, dust and general disruption to vehicle traffic. EFFECTS ON TREES It is anticipated that there will be no adverse impacts to trees. On the contrary, new trees wilf be planted. TIME SCHEDULE It is anticipated that project construction will begin in the fall of 2009 and will be completed in the spring of 2010. COST ESTIMATE Construction Engineering* PROJECT TOTAL ESTIMATED FINANCING MnDOT Cooperative Agreement MnDOT Macalester College Federal PROJECT TOTAL * The City will be fulfy reimbursed by Macalester Colfege. $1,015,000.00 $ 253,750.00 $1,268,750.00 $ 197,000.00 $ 250,000.00 $ 346,750.�0 $ 475.000.00 $1,268,750.00 2 �9-963 — SUMMARY O� Et�fGiNEERING ftECOMMENDATIONS Snelling Avenue Medians City Project No. 08-P-1337 Report Prepared – 8l4f09 Public Hearing – 9!2/09 PROJECT The purpose of this project is to provide an improved pedestrian facility on Snelling Avenue between Grand Avenue and St. Clair Avenue. The projeci as proposed in this document will improve ihe current pedestrian environment on Snelling between Grand and St. Clair such that crossing west to east, or east to west, can be accompiished more easily at more locations and with improved safety. Additionafly, there is a strong desire by the neighborhood to provide traffic calming elements that would transform Sne{ling from a busy thoroughfare into a"Complete StreeY'. EXISTING CONDITIONS Snelling Avenue between Grand Avenue and St. Clair Avenue is a 60 foot wide Trunk Highway with four travel lanes (2 in each direction) and two parking lanes (one for each side of the roadway). The existing traffic volume is in excess of 26,000 vehicles per day with a posted speed limit of 30 MPH. Note that speeds in excess of 35 MPH are frequently observed along the corridor. Macalester College is on the west side of Snelling and a mix of commercial and residential land uses exist on the east side of the corridor. The commercial areas are limited to the first block south of Grand and the first biock north of St. Clair. Pedestrian movement across Snelling at intersections other than the signalized intersections of Grand and St. Clair is essentiafly nonexistant due to the "unfriendliness" of the corridor. Lighting meets city minimums but is insufficient to provide a safer feeling environment for pedestrians. Bus stops currsntfy exist on Snelling at Goodrich and Osceola. With the exception of Lincoln Avenue, all adjacent streets are two directional. Lincoln is currentiy a one-way westbound. PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS This project wiil instali medians on Snelling between Grand and St. Clair such that pedestrian refuges are provided at all intersections along the corridor. Parking lanes will be eliminated between Lincoln and Sargent whereas existing parking between Lincoln and Grand and Sargent and St. Clair will remain. There will be two northbound lanes of traffic (one 12' and one 13') and two southbound lanes of traffic (one 12' and one 13') with turn bays at Goodrich and Osceola for the southbound to eastbound moverrient. 7he intersections of Sneiling/Fairmount and Snelling/Sargent wili be right- in/right-out intersections only, meaning that oniy right turns can be made to or from �airmount and Sargent to Snelling. The intersections of Snelling/Goodrich and Snelling/Osceofa will be full access intersections with turn bays provided as mentioned previous4y. The intersection of Snel{ing/Lincofn wil{ be a three quarter access intersection. This means that only westbound to northbound, northbound to eastbound 1 �� �� May 20, 2009 To: CM Pat Harris From: Ross M. Fefercom / Lincoln Commons VIEl�TO Re: Accident reports/St. Paul Police Department (SPPD) The following suminary of accidents compares two well-known St. Paul intersections and contiguous blocks to the subject intersection of Snelling Avenue and Grand Avenue and the "strip" of Snelling Ave. from Grand Ave. to Lincoln Ave. The accident reports were provided by Brett Aurit of the Saint Paul Police Department. The reports iabeled as "Address/Intexsection Report" represent accidents that occurred at mtersections. Reports labeled "Address Strip Report" are for all accidents reported from the intersection along the "strip" of street to the named cross sh The difference between the two reports is the estimate of mid- block accidents. The dafa used is only where a police report of an "accident with property damage" was noted. The police department designations include; Report Received (RR) — report written and approved, or Morgan Plan (MP) — same as RR but for high accident days. The reports provided by SPPD and are for a four-year period from 1/O1/2003 to 12/31/2007. SDMMARY Total Accidents 1Voted �RR� Y"r/Av¢ PersonalIniurv Yr/Av� "Strip" of Snelling Ave (between Crrand Ave. & Lincoln Ave.) 113 28.25 10 2.50 "Intersection" of Snelling Ave. & Grand Ave. 102 25.50 7 1.75 Est. mid-block 11 2.75 3 75 "Strip" of Grand Ave. (between Lexington Pkwy. & Oxfard St. S.) 106 26.50 "Intersection" of Grand Ave. & Lexington Pkwy. 102 25.50 Est_ mid-block 4 1.00 "Strip" of Snelling Ave. (between Selby Ave. & Hague) "Intersection" of Snelling Ave. & Selby Ave. Est. mid-block 22 17x 6 68 17.00 4 60 15.00 1 8 2.00 3 5.50 4.25 1.50 1.00 25 75 °1 Fatal d� r� Susan Mielenhausen 1515 Osceola Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55105 September 1, 2009 Deaz Councilman Harris and All Members of the Saint Paul City Council, My husband and I have lived in our home for over 20 years. We have raised our sons here, and all of us have strong feelings of affection for our Macalester-Groveland neighborhood. I attended a meeting concerning the proposed Snelling Avenue median project approximately 18 months ago and communicated my opposition to Councilman Harris' office shortly afterward. We continue to have substantial concerns about the safety and efficacy of the proposed median project and we urge you to vote against accepting funds for construction of that median. It is beyond question that Snelling Avenue is a heavily travelled stretch of road, sometimes made dangerous by speeding vehicles. The stated goal of enhancing pedestrian safety is an admirable one. In our opinion, however, the proposed median would not advance that goal for the following. reasons: ** The landscaped median proposed by Macalester College would reduce visibility for drivers on Snelling Avenue, particulazly for drivers of southbound vehicles turning left onto Goodrich and Osceola Avenues. (Please see the attached photographs mailed last week by Macalester to households in the neighborhood.) ** Likewise, the landscaped median would obscure the sight lines for vehicles attempting to turn left, or southbound, onto Snelling from Goodrich or Osceola and those vehicles would likely be required to stop at the median before proceeding into the southbound lane of Snelling, thereby blocking one northbound lane of traffic. ** The landscaped median would potentially make it more difficult for drivers to see pedestrians waiting on the median to finish crossing Snelling. ** The elimination of the parking/bus lanes along Snelling would lead to congestion at intersections when a bus stops, resulting in cars pulling into the left lane thereby putting pedestrians and other drivers at risk. This is particularly likely to be the case during rush hours when buses run more frequently and tr�c is heavier. Finally, we are extremely concerned about the aspect of the median project that would funnel left turns from southbound Snelling onto just two streets. This plan would greatly increase the amount of traffic on those two streets — both of which are entirely /f�-��.3 residential. Any purported safety gains to the pedestrians on Snelling Avenue - a staTe highway - would be at the expense of the families living on Goodrich and Osceola. This is unacceptable. We believe pedestrian safety can be enhanced on Snelling Avenue without construction of a median. Specifically, we believe the public would be better served by undertaking such measures as painting and maintaining visible crosswalks at every intersection along Snelling between Saint Clair and Grand Avenues, and by installing at two of those intersections a flashing light configuration that could be activated by a pedesh at either side of Snelling, seeking to cross the street. This was a very effective solution at the intersection of Cleveland and Montreal Avenues in Saint Paul, which had been a very dangerous intersection for pedestrians, particularly during Little League season. In its recent letter to neighbars, Macalester College states: "Our fundamental goal has been to transform a freeway-like setting into a pazkway-like setting." This would seem to be in conflict with Macalester's prior statements that pedestrian safety has been its fundamental goal. We believe the landscaped median proposed by Macalester would create more safety hazards than it would cure. We therefore urge the City Council to reject funds for construction of the Snelling Avenue median. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully Submitted, Susan McGrath Mielenhausen /smm attachments `YI,aCAI,i�.$`I'Ii.R i �I,! e:;: i♦ s�s Dear Neiehbozs, � tlk FifGri Ull'�DS �C�n :50o G ar �: � n <� �: �_ ��i�T P:,t...''.t:��.�_.on - s , os ;,�,�:: It is tune for a finai decision on the Snelling Avenue Median Project! 1 r- ��.� i ;... _ �:�::-�'j? �-a��� �_ �. aR�.•srr:a::.rci.o<:u ���;.,�, _.s I am wrivng to let you know that a resolution to accept funds for constracting a landscaped median on Snelling Avenue between St. Clair and Grand Avenues has been inTroduced to the Saint Paul City Council. A public hearing on the median project is scheduled for Wednesday, September 2nd at 5:30 pm at City Hall in the City Council Chambers, IS West Ke11oDg Blvd. Four yeazs of hard work have gone into this proj ect. More than $1.2 million in project fixnding has been secured without the use of any local tax dollars. Community partners on this project include the �Ylaca7ester-Groveland Community Council, their Transportatiorz Committee, Transit for LivabLe Communities, Smart Trips Saint Paul and counfless dedicated individual neighbors. Our fundamental goal has been to transform a freeway-like setting to a pazkway-like setting. The result will be increased pedestrian saPety, inereased aesthetics and, in the ]ong run, increased property values. Can you attend the public hearing on Septeraber 2nd? It is crucial to have strong public support for this project in order to get a majarity vote from the City Council. If you cannot attend, can you send a note or call your CiLy Council Member? Here is their contact informarion: Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Wazd 4 Ward 5 Wazd 6 Ward � Melvin Carter Dave Thune Pat Harris Russ Stark Lee Helgen Dan Bostrom Kathy Lantry (651)266-8b10 (651)266-8620 (651)266-8630 (651)266-8640 (651)266-8650 (651)266-&660 (651)266-8670 wazdl (cr�ci.stpaul.mn.us dave. thuner� ci. stpau I. m n. us ward3 cistvaul.mn.us ward4na ci.stpaul.mn.us ward 5 n.ci. stpaul.nm. us wazd6nc i. stnaul.mn. us ward 7nci. stpaui. mn. u; If you need more information, please feel free to contact me: welnan,macalester.edu or (651) 696-6552. Wazm Re�rds, i � ����_- /� Tom Welna Director The High Winds Pund �: `� �,_ - � --`.;�� _ �� � �°�. l�= ' _� �x �-.,� _ -a , � _�� , � � ,�` � LL- �� r ;;_.,�,.�--- �:�---�==-. _�. __-.�:=-v-- � - .: _°�.".4k . - .'x �-n��. - . ,. _ ,,,� � � ` � �,�,� � �� ' :.;: ":`.`- '� ' ... ,=-'_ �. _