09-903CITY OF $AINT PAUL FINAL ORDER COUNC`II� E NO. �� � ���------__ �� BY ,�'`�- '✓ /` FII.E NO, j AE2009-02 VOTING WARD 5 In the Matter uf acquiring property rigfits for right-of-way needed to construct a left-turn-lane signalization project along Maryland Avenue at the intersecrion of Rice Street, as indicated on the attached map and report. Properties riahts to be acquired include: see aftached list under Preliminary Order �f -�d/ approved y The Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improveznent, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Ckarter; and WfiEREAS, The Council has heazd ati persons, objecrions and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saim Paul does hereby order that the above-desctibed improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby d'uected and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FiTRTHER RESOLVED, That the Council hereby detertnines the real estate required for this improvement to be fee simple, absolute and easements as described above, and the City officers and City Attomey are hereby authorized and directed to take all actions necessazy to acquire said real estate by direct purchase or eminent domain, including quick take; and be it FINALLX RESOLVED, That #he Council hereby detetmines that the real properiy rights required for this improvement be as deseribed above, aud that the pmper City officers submit a report to the City Couacil for the purpose of the Council's making an award of damages for the interest acquired on said real property rights. COiJNC]LPERSONS Adopted by Council: Date ��l� ID y Yeas Navs ; l Sostrom ✓ Carter � I�acx'is Certified Passed by Council Secretary l��ien* Helgen ✓ Lantry �, InFavor By ltlf�lf� �/ Stark � ✓ Thune � Against p /���-e Mayor � i- i- � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � a`1 '�tP� �epartmenUOffiedCouncil: Date MkWted: FS —F'"anciaiServices ,�,��� Green Sheet NO: 3072609 Catffict Person & Phone: Bob Novak 266$863 Must Be on Doc. Type: OTHER (DOESNT FIT ANY CATEGORY} � Assi90 Number For Routing Order 0 7 2 EAocomelrt Required: N Documefrt Conhct ContaM Phone: Total : R of S Pa9es _(Clip All Lowtiuns for Signature) Action Requested: Apaove Final Order to acquire property rights needed to conshuct left hun lanes and install new signals on Maryland Ave. W, at Rice St. (see attached map) Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejed (R): Planning Commission CIB Commiriee - - - - . Civil ServiCe Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Quesfions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for ihis departrnerrt? Yes No 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personl5rm possess a skiN not rwrtnairy possessed by any curtent ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet snd attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, tssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, 4Vhere, Why): The City Counci] must approve a Final Order to authorize city staff to purchase the propetry ri�ts listed in the FQ resolution. Advanbges If Approvetl: The acquis6on work for the project may go forwazd �isadvaMages If Approvetl: lone sadvaMages H Not Approved: ie Final Ocder and acquistion work cannot be approved Total AmouM of $� �OO,OOO.00 Transactia�: Fundtng Source: Ramsey County Funds Financial lnformatiart: (E�cpfain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. ly 15, 2009 i:19 PM paye � p�( -�iD� SI7MMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS Maryland Avenue at Rice Street Left Turn Lanes Albemazle Street to Pazk Street Right of Way Acquisition Repor[ Prepared - 7-14-09 Public Heating to be scheduled — 8-19-09 PROJECT: Acquire right of way for the proposed widening of Maryland Avenue for installation of a left turn lane on Maryland Avenue at the Rice Street intersection. INITIATING ACTION: This project was initiated by both St. Paul and Ramsey County Public Works. Both Maryland and Rice Street are Ramsey County State Aid Highways. The Maryland/Rice intersection has a high number of left turn crashes. This intersection has had the second highest number of total crashes in St. Paul over the past five years. Ramsey County applied for and received Federal Safety related funds for installation of a left turn lane on Maryland and Rice Street which will reduce left riun type crashes and improve traffic operations and access at the intersection. PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS: It is proposed to acquire right of way on Maryland Avenue between Albemarle Street to Park Sireet to allow for the widening and installation of left hun ]ane on Maryland Avenue at tha Rice Street intersection, The construction project will be administered by Ramsey County Public Works. City Council approval for the construction project will be completed under a separate final order. Construction is planned to be completed in 2010. PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION: Ramsey County has requested that the City of St. Paul complete the right of way acquisition. The County will xeimburse the City for right of way acquisition costs as per Count�� Cost Participation Policy. The right of way proposed to be acquired is on Maryland Avenue between Albemazle Street to Park Street as shown on the attached map. The properiy at the S W corner of Maryland and Rice Street intersection has already been acquired in anticipation of this project. ADVERSE EFFECTS: The widening project wili require permanent and temporary right of way acquisition on properties on the south side of Maryland and temporary easements on the north side. The acquisition process being managed by City of St. Paul will provide relocation payments and services to owners of acquired properiy in accordance with the Uniform Relocation lof2 o�-�a� Assistance and Real Properties Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended and required under state law. �u1�.Y�,i��1fF1�D�l The property acquisition will be completed in Fa112009 and construcfion will be completed in 2010. COST ESTIMATES: Right of Way Acquisition ESTIMATED FINANCING: Ramsey CounYy $1,700,000 $1,?00,000 SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION; For additional information, contact Brian Vitek at 266-6256 SUMMARY E1ND RECOMMENDATION: The Deparhnent of Public Works believes this is a necessary and worthwhile project and the Engineering Recommendation is for appraval of the project and the acquisition. 2 of 2 � � �i � I � u I � 1 ' 4 �� lu � � � �� � � L� II ❑ ��� � �� � i n � JI �� � — J ��, ri �� � � � W �/ � N Z w > Q � Q z � ¢ � a � a r L � � I {t � � t ��� � , i � � � ; � �, N 1332115 3�1� D� �f 0� � ; �, � I 1 ? � � � I ? r r � r -� � W i II�� --� � Q � N �- � I a Z w � ,,, � � o Q \ a�i � w � � �' F- > N Z a a ° � � (� a —� 1 W � x o �N � � X N i X a a �_ �� � � � ❑ 0 i T ] U � � f�l a � � z W Q t� J t- �- a � Q � � �`� � � � � � �� ' � U� ❑ � � � �-; `� �I 1332i1S 3�aHW38d -�-�� Q � � � ❑ � _ ��� �� � � C� �� -�a� 1 7210 Aibermarle St. 2 159 Maryland Ave. W. 3 155 Maryland Ave. W. 4 1201 Rice St. 5 99-121 Maryland Ave. W. 6 1194 Aibermarle St. 7 91 Maryland Ave. W. 8 1200 Rice St. 9 i20 Maryland Ave. W. 10 116 Maryland Ave. W. 11 112 Maryland Ave. W. 12 104 Maryia�d Ave. W. 13 90 Marvland Ave. W. 242923440119 242923440178 2429234F0117 242923440116 192922330085, 87, 89,124 252923110011 192922330090 3D2922220�07 3029222200�6 30292222Q005 302922220004