D00197White — City Clerk Pink — Finance Dapt. CaOary — D¢Pt. GITY OF SAINT PAIIL OFFIGF, OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Current Budgei • Changes WHEREAS, the Depar'i.ment of Planning and Economic Development has salary savings from the 1994 adop�ed operating budget because there were ten vacancies not filled becausz of anticipated budget shortfalls; WHEREAS, those budget shortfalls have been confirmed and will result in the layoff of up io 25 employees; WHEREAS, outplacement services are needed to assist these employees in finding new employment; NOW, THEREFORE, the Department of Planning and Economic Development is hereby authorized to hire an outside firm with a portion of those salary savings for an amount not to exceed $30,000 to assist these employees in their employment endeavors. A budget amendment follows which establishes the budget authority for this expenditure. SPENDING PLAN i26 PED Operations Fund 126-36�30-0111 Salaries 1,558,515 126-36045-0111 Salaries 1,636,243 126-36010-0219 Professional 85,500 Services Net Change to Spending Plan APPROVED AS TO FORM ��'�� -- ,�� sis[ant Ci ACtorney � 7� a� �� (15,O�J0) (15,000) 30,000 0 No: ileD �g�1 Date: �� 2-� Amended Budget 1,543,515 1,621,243 115,500 � �dm� ative�to Mayoc _ A � 1 V '-� Joo �q7 DEGAR�MENT/OFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITfATED ' I V 2 7 3 8 9 PED 7/Zp/g4 GREEN SHEET � INITIAVDAT INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE �EPAqTMENT DIRECTOfl � dTY COUNQL ASSIGN CITYATfORN CITYCLERK Larr BUe ler �—� �� NHNBERFOR � ' SM1 � ST BE ON CAUNCII AGENDA BY (DATE) pOUTING � BUDGET DIflECTOR a FIN. & MGT. SEFVIGES DIFi. 8 3 94 OR9ER ��YOP IOR ASS15TAIJ n [Zj `7"a m�`1 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� AGTION REQUESTED: . Signature on Administrative Order RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PEFSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEfl TNE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISS�ON _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �- Ha5 Mis per5onlfirm eVer wOrketl untler a corrtract for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMIiTEE _ YES NO _ SinFF 2- Has this personttirm ever been a city employee? — VES NO _ DIS7qlCT COURT _ 3. �oes this pereonttirm possess a skill not oormally possessed by aoy current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE4 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaclr to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, What. When, Where. Why). Reductions in revenues require layoff of 20-25 PED employees. Management feels it is important to offer outplacement assistance to those affected employees. ��i���v�� JUL 22 1994 VANTAGES IFAPPROVED. Staff who are laid off will be assisted in finding new employment. ���� �����N�� R�C�I�°�93 DISADVANTAGESIPAPPROVE�' !�{! � �ry�� �AVL e� None BUD6E7 Of�ICE DISADVANTAGES IF N�T APPROVED: Staff"rwho are�.laid off will�.not-r�ce4v��outplacement assistance�.. ��.�✓ TOTAL AMOUNT OF iRANSACTION $ . � v� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) YE NO �ab P�b Op��v+'o 1 idlo-3603G-o'��/ ��1 PUNDIIdG SOUHCE ACTIVITY NUMBER � ab - 3�o - Q4! FINANCIALINFORMATION.(EXPLAIN) '� � 3 Y.a.O �� �OaLJ