08-224CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL, FILE NO. D$ � �'�`1" Fnv�, oRV�x wi�Rawlv s�osiz�a 9, ,7� �g �.�, � , FILE NO. AE2008-02 VOTING WARD 5 In e Matter of acquiring the property rights needed for the Arlington-Arkwright Pond at 390 Arlington Ave. E., fo the public purpose of expansion of said pond (see attached map). under Prelimin Order approved The Council o e City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having be given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Co�cil has heazd all persons, ob}ections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fl�]ly considered the same; now, therefare, be it RESOLVED, That the Counc'1 of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper eity officers aze hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it `� FURTHER RESOLVED, That the C`sunci] improvement to be fee simple, absolute �tc�� Attorney are hereby authorized and dizected to take`a purchase or eminent domai[t, including quick take; and hereby deternunes the real estate required for this s as described above, and the City officers and City actions necessary to acquire said real estate by direct FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Council hereby c� termines that the real property rights required for this improvement be as described above, and that the proper C� officers submit a report to the City Council for the purpose of the Council's making an award of damages for theinterest acquired on said real property rights. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Navs Bostrom Carter Hazris Helgen Lantry Stark Thune In Favor Against Adopted by Certified Passed by � Date Secretary Mayor G:�teal EstatelAcqwsifions�PubGc Works�AE200S-02.390 Arlingon Ave E�AE2008.02.FO.doc ` � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � b�� �-�-c� PW — Pubticworks Bob Novak & Phone: Doc. Type: (i�HER (DOESNT FIT ANY C � , E-Uocument Required: Y Document Conta� Contact Phone: Total # of Signature Approve Final Order to stormwater quaGty and : Green Sheet NO: 3049394 0 ublic Works 1 ubGC Works 2 ouoc8 Cl' Couucil 3 " Clerk Ci Clerk Arlington Ave. E.. (map atiached) for fiirture expansion of the Arlington Arkwright Pond for tenance activities. Planning Commission �� t. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contred forthis deparlment? CIB Committee �= Yes No � Civil Senrice Commission \ �a \. 2. Has this personlfirtn ever been a cily empioyee? t Yes No �3 Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any �`current city empioyee? Yes No Expfaih,all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet ��.. s Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, WhaR �en, Where, Why):'.� The Ciry Council must approve a Fina( Order to authorize city staff to�purchase the pazcel. The pazcel would be used to increase the area of the ponding site for furture expansion, that would improve water quality. The building is on the vacant housing list and now is a good time to purchase tlils blighted proper[y , AdvaMages If Approved: The acquisition can proceed. DisadvanW ges If Approved: None Disadvantages If Not Approved: The acquisition cannot proceed. Transaction: $375,000.00 Fundtny source: Public Works Sewer Utility, Financial lnformation: Bidg. Improvefltent FUnd (Explain) ActivityNumber: Zg0-22201-0898 „� , ;'A ` January 30, 2008 4:54 PM 4 30-JAN-08 � Assign Numher For Routing Order (Clip AII Locations for Signature) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Page 1 � \ b$'2��'�' �u�� : � _�, .n � _ � . Division of Public Works Property Acquisition of 390 Arlington Report Prepared January 29, 2008 Public Hearing Proposed February 20, 2008 PROJECT ��t�, The City of Saii`t pazcel of residenti adjacent to City's proposes to acquire for sewer maintenance and water quality purposes a 0.22-acre �perty and single story home at 390 Arlington Avenue E.. This parcel is located t¢ton/Arkwrieht Flood Control Pond. INITIATING ACTION This project is initiated by The properiy is surrounded by tlie�� the City's ability to maintain and a] Pond. In addition, the existence of problems for the City such as the fc Works Sewer Urility with the assistance of Public Works Real Estate. ington/Arkwright Flood Control Pond. The current land use hinders w for future expansion of the Arlington/Arkwright Flood Control E�,properry near a flood control pond poses ongoing maintenance � The existence of this parcel limits`t�te capacity of the flood control pond. ■ During severe rain events, the level o�vater in the flood control pond rises and may encroach on this pazceL �`�� • In the past, owners of this property have planted food crops and attempted to garden the land � adjacent to the pond. ``�,� ■ This location has also been a dumping ground fox�appliances and rubbish. �� EXISTING CONDITIONS �� The parcel includes a single story residential home, garage and drii��way. The home is currently registered as a vacant building with the Department of Safety and Inspections. ��,, PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS `� The Sewer Utility would like raze the building and leave the property as vacai�t, undeveloped open space, given its location near a flood control pond. Possible future improvement proje�ts may include the following: Expansion of the pond. The construction of a naturalized vegetated buffer around the pond to increase water quality. ALTERNATIVES The parcel at 390 Arlington Avenue E. is the sole remaining property in close proximity to the Arlington/Arkwright Flood Control Pond. This property is currently vacant and offers the best opportunity for the continued pond maintenance, lmpravements, and possible future expansion. POSITIVE BENEFITS There are several benefits to acquiring this property: 1. Public Works would be acquiring important parcel for future expansion of an existing flood control b$-�� � facility. 2. The acquired land will provide opportunities to increase surface water quality improvements. 3, The property is currently vacant and condemned, so there would be no relocation of an existing, �'��iable residential homestead. 4. Pu�lic Works Sewer Utility will secure and maintain the properly, which currently is an eyesore. ADVERSE E�FECTS There will be no�dverse effects of acqui2ing this property. TIME SCHEDULE � The property would be a uired as soon as an appraisal is completed, an offer made and negotiations concluded. COSTS The cost to acquire the properry is � timated at $375,000. This amount includes the current list price, plus appraisal fees, closing costs, and dem�ylition. The City's actual cost will be based on the appraised value of the property and subsequent negotiation�with the owner. FINANCING \ The fixnding source will be the Public Warks CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATII Bruce Elder, Sewer Utility (266-6248) Bob Novak, Public Works — City Real Estate (266- Bruce Engelbrekt, Public Works — City Real Estate Utility, Building improvements Fund, 260-22201-0898 -2- \ , i \' � (3/5/2008) Mary Erickson - GS3049394 - Withdraw'- Item�#48 on council agenda Page 1, From: Jeff Bots To: Erickson, Mary Date: 3/5/2008 12:16 PM Subject: GS3049394 - Withdraw - Item #48 on councIl agenda CC: Beese, Bmce; Elder, Bmce; Engelbrekt, Bmce; Crillquist, Rhonda; No... Hi Mary, Per request of Bmce Beese, we would like to withdraw Item #48, Final Order 08-224, Greensheet 3049394 on today's Council Meeting Agenda due to a change that needs to be made. This item pertains to the Arlington- Aikwright Pond property acquisition. Tt�ank you. Jeff Bots City of Saint Paul Public Works Accounting 1500 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Voice: 651-266-6135 Fax:651-266-6222