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07-1152CITY OF SAINT PAUL FINAL ORDER NO. '���? _ 33 -'1 AE2007-14 2 In the Matter of acquiring the property located at 350 Water Street West, Saint Paul, for the public purpose of removing blight, protecting bluff land adjacent to Harriet Island Regional Park, providing space for a Lilydale Regional Pazk gateway feature and for possible future use to support operations at Harriet Island Regional Park. (See attached map.) under Preliminary Order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heazd all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council hereby determines the estate required for this improvement to be fee simple, absolute as described above, and the City officers and City Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all acrions necessary to acquire said real estate by direct purchase or eminent domain, including quick take; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Council hereby determines that the real property rights requued for this improvement be as described above, and that the proper City officers submit a report to the City Council for the purpose of the Council`s making an awazd of damages for the interest acquired on said real property rights. COIJNCILPERSONS Adopted by Council: Date � Q�' �' Yeas Navs �/ Benanav �/ Bostrom �� Harris � Helgen _� Lantry ✓ Montgomery A� Thune � In Favor _� Against � ��Y� Certified Passed by Council Secretary By _.�j ` � . � h�t���"'"� Mayor G:uteal EstateWcquisihons�Pazks and RecreationWE2007 14 — 7he Bait Shop\SampleFO.doc � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 67-N�2 p�ly �-Pu6Gc works Contact p¢rson & Phone: Bruce Engelbrekt 266-8854 Must Be on Council Agen OS-DEC-07 � �, Doc. Type; 07HER (DOESNT FIT ANY C E-Document Required: Y DocumeM Contact: Bruce Engelb2kt Contact Phone: 266-8854 31-OCT-07 � Assign Number For Routing OMer Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip AII Locatimis for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3045837 0 ubGc Works BruceEn eibrekt - 7 omctl I Ci CounN 2 'tv Clerk Citv Clerk Approve Preliminary and Final Ordets authorizing acquisition of 350 W. Water Streetfor pazk purposes wauons: npprove (,v) or h Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this personffirtn ever worked under a contract Tor this deparUnent? Yes No 2. Has this personffirm ever been a aty employee? Yes No 3. Does this persontfirm possess a skill nol nottnally possessed by any current city empioyee? Yes No Explain ali yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (YYho, What, When, Where, Why): � . The City of Saint paul proposes to acquire for pazk putposes a 3/4acre pazcel of commercial proeprty at 350 W. Water Str�eet. The property has been identified by Pazks & Rec within the Pazks Master�Plan as an important component of the pazk system along the river. The parcel sits at the foot of historic river bluffs and between the Harriet Island Regional Pazk and Lilydale Regictual Pazk. It is cuzrently vacant and for sale. Advantages IfApproved: . 1. Parks would be acquiring a parcel consistent with master plan; 2. Pazks could have a needed pazcel to facilitate maintenance; 3. The property is vacant and for sale. No'relocation costs; 4. The pmperiy would be sewred and maintained, no longer a dumping ground; 5. Regional monies will be leveraged for the acquisition. Disadvantages !f Approved: � None, other than the expenditure of City funds for the 60% shaze of the cost. Disadvantages If NM Approved: The City will be unable to take advantage of purchasing property that is available for a lesser cost than if the property were occupied. 7ransaetion: $200,000.00 Fund�ny source: project Funds CosURevenue Budgeted: Y Activity Number: Financial lnformation: Funding detail: ( �P� a � ^ � $120,000 — Pazkland Replacemeut Fmmd (720) - 60% $8Q000 — Me4o Pazks Land Acquisifion Opportunity Fund - 40% �;,,y -_ � . ., 1��.� t:`:� ��� c ? , '� , �'t �ytt" October 31, 2007 4:i2 PM Page 1 a�-��� SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Division of Parks & Recreation Lilydale/Hamet Island Property Acquisition Report Prepared November 6, 2007 Public Hearing Proposed December 5, 2007 PROJECT The City of Saint Paul proposes to acquire for park purposes a'/4-acre pazcel of commercial property at 350 W. Water Street, adjacent to Harriet Island Regional Park, the Saint Paul Yacht Club marina and the site of a proposed gateway into Lilydale Regional Pazk. This property was proposed for acquisition in the Lilydale/Harriet Island Regional Pazk Master Plan adopted by the Saint Paul City Council August 15, 1991 (CF91-522). INITI�TING ACTION This project is initiated by the Division of Pazks & Recreation with the assistance of Public Works Real Estate. The property is located within the Mississippi National River RecreaUon Area (MNRRA), and Saint Paul Pazks & Recreation has identified the acquisition of this properry to be consistent with the goals and objectives of the National Great River Pazk initiative as an important component of the pazk system along the Mississippi River. The pazcel sits at the foot of historic river bluffs and includes two small caves within the bluf£ It also is located within the river floodplain and is unsuitable for most commercial uses. Finally, it is adjacent to Saint Paul's second most highly attended park facility — Harriet Island/Lilydale Regional Pazk — and the current land use is unattracrive and inappropriate as a supporting land use adjacent to a regional park facility within the Mississippi River valley and as such, within the National Great River Park boundary. EXISTING CONDITIONS Tbe parcel includes a sma11 cinder biock building, a parking lot and storage area in two small caves within the bluff. The property is currently vacant and for sale. PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS Parks & Recreation has no immediate funding to improve the property. Possible future uses would be: a) to raze the building and provide an area to create a gateway feature, signage, and/or trail head into Lilydale Regional Park; b) for a small yard area to facilitate maintenavice of nearby regional parks; and/ar c) raze the building and leave the property as vacant, undeveloped open space, given its location within a floodplain, near the two regional parks and adjacent to the river bluff: ALTERNATIVES There are other properties listed in the Master Plan that are located in the immediate vicinity that the City could acquire for similaz purposes, but this site is currently listed for sale by the owner and offers the best opporhmity for the intended gateway feature. 6�~11� POSITIVE BENEFITS There aze several benefits to acquiruig this property: 1. Parks and Recreation would be acquiring ixnportant pazk land consistent with the Lilydale /Harriet Island Master Plan and the Pazks chapter of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. 2. Land will be provided for a future gateway feature to be located in an existing narrow stretch of land between Harriet Island and Lilydale. 3. Pazks and Recreation may some day use part of the properry to facilitate maintenance of the adjacent regional parks if the adjouung parcel of land to the east is ever acquired. 4. The property is currently vacant and for sale, so there would be no relocation of an existing, viable business. 5. Pazks & Recreation will secure and maintain the properry, which currently is an eyesore and dumping ground for appliances and household rubbish. 6. Monies from the Pazkland Replacement Fund will the used to acquire additional city park land, which is the intended purpose of those resources 7. In addition to the use of city resources, Metropolitan Council Acquisition Opporhu�ity Grant monies (40%) will be leveraged to help acquire the properiy ADVERSE EFFECTS There will be no adverse effects of acquiring this property. TIME SCHEDULE The properry would be acquired as soon as an appraisal is completed, an offer made and negotiations concluded. The City could potentially close on the purchase as soon as December, 2007, but more likely in eaziy 2008. COSTS The cost to acquire the properry is estimated at $200,000. This amount includes the current list price, plus appraisal fees and closing costs. The City's actual cost will be based on the appraised value of the property and subsequent negotiations with the owner. FINANCING $120,000 City of Saint Paul Pazkland Replacement Fund (60%) $80,000 Metro Parks Land Acquisition Opportunity Fund (40%) $200,000 TOTAL CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Jody Martinez, Parks & Recreation (266-6424) Bob Novak, Public Warks — City Real Estate (266-8863) Bruce Engelbrekt, Public Works — City Rea1 Estate (266-8854) G:�Real Estate�Acquisifions�Parks and Recreation�AE200714 -- The Bait Shop�F'Oreport.doc -Z-