06-670��. CITY OF SAINT PAiTL �'1 ���� VOTING WARD under Preliminary Order The Council of the Ciry of Saint ul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescri by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard rsons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed imptovement and has fully considered the ame; now, therefore, be it In the Matter of a c land being located at said improvement (see land for public pazking in connection with construction of a new fire station, such Seventh Sh�eet West in Saint Paul, and doing all other work necessary to complete hed map). approved June 28, 2006 RESOLVED, That the CouncIl of the City � improvement be made, and the proper City officers improvement; and be it Paul dces hereby order that the above-described �by directed and authorized to proceed with the FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council hereby dete ines the estaze required for this improvement to be fee simple, absolute as described above, and the City officers d City Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all actions necessary to acquire said real estate by di ct purchase or eminent domain, including quick take; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Council hereby determines tY this improvement be as described above, and that the proper Ciry officers the purpose of the Council's maldng an awazd of damages for ffie interest COUNCII.PERSONS Yeas Navs Benanav $ostrom Hazris Helgen I.antry — Montgomery Thune real propefty rights required for 1 a: eport to the City Council for ed on said real property rights. Adopted by Council: Date /' " �COUNCIL FILE NO. Q -�p �� w- BY RII,E NO. E2006-04 Certified Passed by Council ! In Favor By Against G:U2ca1 E.ttatc4lcquisitioaslFirc and Safcty Scrviccs�AE20(a'i-(M -- F$ 7@I0, Fi�c Admin�FS IdIOPO.REVISED.Juc � e �^��� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Depar6nentloffitelcouncil: Date Initlated: • P1J1/ - PublicWo:ks ,���6 Green Sheet NO: 3031013 ContadPerson�hone: Da�e Nelson 266-8860 � Must Be on Councl Agenda b �'-�1- `1-fY-�� Contract Type: OT-OlHER (DOESNT FYf ANY CATEGORY) ' ueoarvnen[ aen[ w rerson - 0 blicWorks Dace\eisun Assgn 1 unal C'tv Counal Number 2 � CIer6 C5 Clerk For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Ciip NI LocaGons for Signature) Approval of Preliminary Order and Final Order for site acqvisition and construc[ion of new Statioos Nos. 1 and 10 �^a °�'^�:^:°'-°•:•.� .nff:ro� for the Department of Fire & Safery Services Recommendations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Citil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Mswerthe Following Questions: 1. Has this persoNfirm e�er waked under a coritract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm eeer been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirzn possess a skill not nwmally fiossessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes ansWers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Inkiating Problem, Issues, OpportunHy (Whq What, When, Where, Why): The Fixe Department proposes to acquire a 1.4-acre pazcel of land at 1026 W. 7th St. (7th and Randolph) to cons[ruct a new fire static to house the current Stauons 1 and 10, as well as the departrnent's administrafive staff. The current stafions are old, outdated and cramped. The administraflon is in need of new space as it will need to vacate the P�blic Safery BuIlding as a new residenfl development will be constmcted on that site. Advantages flApproved: The new combined staUon will enhance the Fire Deputment's ability to provide quality fire and safery services to residents in the western and central azeas of the City . It will also provide adequate office space for Fire Administration and Prevenuon. DisadvanW5les HAparoved: None. DisadvanWges IfNotApproved: The Fire Department will con6nue to operate in sub-standazd stations. The Fire Administrauon will not have a pennanent location once they aze required to vacate the Public Safety Building, and will be forced to lease space or buy/build. TotalAmountof � $2�100,000� Trensaction: Punai„g source: Intemal City Loan 1 FinanciallnfamwHon: City/HRA Lease � Reeenue Bonds CostlRevenueBudgeted: j.J Activity Number: The City will provide an interim loan unul proceeds are received from the sale of the Public Safery Building. Future monies for construcfion will come from City/HRA L.ease Revenue Bonds. Council Researah .lUtd 13 June 94, 2006 2OS AM Page 1 Judy Hanson • GS3031013-Ma . df Page 1; d� �6 �AY �G�m�'Fa r Site uf Proposed�IVew Fire Station ioz6 w. 7cn sc. � i .b , � � � .� � � a � � se�vr ma Munc�pa6C¢ 1 I iA l �, a � f ' Id]d](6.IaG�Pf(fpmCl] � � �., �� � X �,��. � ; �� ,- ����,�� x s I i'. ` .� � � „ a /�\ �,` . �m, ,� M � i i'�'.s`t �� ❑ cxm � � j � " � I: � i s�wn.�ea: .ss «. I � 3 { I { ff � d � � � � � `�� � � µ, � �° P �. Y � 3� � \ l g � � a ? 's �@ �s� g l § �§� �./ / � ` I x 18I"a�:18 � ? °x / � R e 6 � Y � � � �/ � I : f I I.I�I?�slal�� % Th� as one. 0��� �d SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Department of Eire & Safety Services: New Station for Fire Station Nos. 1& 10 and Related Public Parking Property Acquisition and Construcrion Report Prepared June 13, 2006 Public Hearing Proposed July 19, 2006 PROJECT The City of Saint Paul proposes to acquire a 1.4-acre pazcel of land az 1026 Seventh Street West and construct a new facility to house Fire Stations 1 and 10 and related public parldng for the Department of Fire & Safety Services. INITIATING ACTION This project is initiated by the Departrnent of Fire & Safety Services with the assistance of City Real Fstate and the Design Grroup. Real Estate will acquire the property for the City and the Design Group will assist in all phases of project planning, desi�, construction and management. EXISTING CONDITIONS The current fire stations at 296 Seventh Street West (#1) and 754 Randolph Avenue (#10) are outdated, cramped and in poor condition. A lazger, more functional facility to house the present fue companies in each of these stations is gready needed. The proposed location also allows for quick access to a lazge geographic azea. PROPO5EDIMPROVEMENTS A new fire station of approximately 20,000 squaze feet, consisting of the following spaces: A new Fire Stafion, combining cunent stations 1& 10. Total 20,000 sq ft for an appazatus bay and living quarters. • Related public pazldng spaces. ALTERNATIVES Real Estate staff has worked closely with the Fire Department, Mayor's Office and City Council to identify and evaluate site options in the area The 1026 W. 7`" site was selected because of size, central locafion and access to major streets and freeways. -1- d�-� �� POSITIVE BENEFITS The new station will enhance the Fire Department's ability to provide efficient fire and safety response seroices to residents and property owners located in the city's current fire dishicts 1 and 10. Its location is ideal for qaick access to major arterial streets in all directions and entrance to the city's freeway system. Velucle access in and out of the site for fire vehicles will be considerably improved over the current location, allowing for easier velucle movement and less disruption to normal street traffic ADVERSE EFFECTS Fire Chief Doug Holton has indicated there will be no adverse effects on fire services or response times if Fire Stations 1 and 10 aze relocated and combined at the proposed site az 1026 W. 7`� St. The site is located at the intersection of two major thomughfares, and is approximately mid-way between the current starions and within blocks of each. This project, however, will require significant ciry funding, as detailed below. TIME SCHEDULE Property acquisiaon will begin in 7uly, 2006, and should be completed by year end or eazly 2007. Project planning and preliminary design will begin in the summer of 2006. Detailed design and project bidding will occur in 2007. Conshvction will begin in eazly 2008, with final completed expected by the end of that year. COSTS AND FUNDING The City's cost to acquire the site is approxunately $2,100,000, to be financed with an intemal city loan. Repayment of the loan is expected from the land sale proceeds of the Public Safety Building. Additional funding for design, construction, equipment and furnishings for the £ire station and administrative offices will come from City/HRA Lease Revenue Bonds beginning in 20Q8. The total project cost is estimated at $10 million. CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Dave Nelson, Real Estate (266-8860) Bruce Engelbrekt, Real Estate (266-8854) GiRCaI Enga�ACy�isniw�r� and Safcty Sm�c WE2lH)6tN�FS 1&70.F0 rcp�tt.doc _ 'L _