06-431CITY OF SAINT PAUL FINAL ORDER COUNCIL FILE NO. �1 -T/ �Y , 30 FILE NO. AE20 6-Q2 VOTING WARD 1 In the Matter of acquiring and constructing a new Westem District Office for the Saint Paul Police Department, to be located at 389 Hamline Avenue North in Saint Paul, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement (see attached map). under Preliminary Order d� -�a� approved �y -S -���� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heazd all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council hereby determines the estate required for this improvement to be fee simple, absolute as described above, and the City officers and City Attomey are hereby authorized and directed to take all acuons necessary to acquire said real estate by direct purchase or eminent domain, including quick take; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Council hereby determines that the real property rights required for this improvement be as described above, and that the proper City officers submit a report to the City Council for the purpose of the Council's making an award of damages for the interest acquired on said real property rights. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Navs ,i Benanav ,i Bostrom ✓ Harris ✓ Helgen � ,i Lantry _ ✓ Montgomery _ ✓ Thune � Adopted by Councii: Date � , ,�pv� Certified Passed by Council Secretary In Favor By /r/���,�,��__ � Against � Mayor a G:�Rea] EstateWcquvcivons�Police\Wutera Distoct Station\Westem Dsstnct StarionFO.doc /�� � �u�u: ; � ; � �i�� �,. �. Saint Paul Police Department: New Westem District Office Property Acquisition and Construction Report Prepared March 24, 2006 Public Hearing Proposed May 3, 2006 PROJECT The City of Saint Paul proposes to acguire a 2.4-acre parcel of land at 389 Hamline Avenue North and construct a new Western District Office for the Saint Paui Police Department. INITIATING ACTION This project is initiated by the Department of Police Department with the assistance PW Real Estate 3ection and Design Group. Real Estate will acquire the property for the City and assist the Police Department in all phases of project planning, design, construction and management. EXISTING CONDITIONS The current district facility at the northeast corner of University Avenue and Dale Street is outdated, cramped and in very poor condition. A larger, more functional facility is greafly needed. The University/ Dale site is planned for private housing development in the near future. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS A new office building of approximately 19,000 squaze feet, consisting of the following spaces: Police District Offices: (17,716 s�: Entrance lobby; information desk/watch office; public restrooms; access to community meeting rooms; roll calUbriefing room; mail center; private offices for commanders; rooms for volunteers special program staff and city attorneys; open office workstauon area for investigators; open office workstation area for patrol sergeants; interview rooms; holding rooms; men's and women's locker/shower rooms for police staff; staff restrooms; break/coffee room; fitness center; secure/gated storage area in garage space; secure storage for weapons, equipment and evidence; and storage areas for records, handouts and office supplies. Community snace: (1,200 sfl: Two smaller meeUng rooms for groups ranging from 10-40 attendees; public restrooms to support meeung rooms; and a food wuming/serving azea shared by all meeting rooms. A minimum of 129 pazking spaces for squad cars (secured parking) and for employee and visitors will be required. ALT'ERNATIVES Real Estate staff has worked closely with the Police Department, Mayor's Office and City Council to D� -'�� / identify and evaluate site options in the area. The 389 Hamiine site was selected because of its central location and access to major streets and freeway access. POSITIVE BENEFITS The new office will enhance the Police DepartmenYs ability to provide efficient policing services to residents and property owners in the ciry's Westem District. Its locauon is ideai for entrance to the city's freeway system, as well as quick access to major arterial streets in all direcuons. Access in and out of the site for police vehicles wili be considerably improved over the current locauon, allowing for easier shift changes and less disruption to normal street traffic. The new faciliry will also provide a great location for neighborhood and business groups to meet. ADVERSE EFFECTS There will be no adverse effects on police services if the Westem District is relocated to the proposed site at 389 Hamline. However, this project will require significant city funding, as noted below. TIME SCHEDULE Property acquisition will begin in May, 2006, and should be compieted in approximately 12 months. Project planning, design and construction will begin in the summer of 2006. Bidding and construction will begin spring of 2007, with final completion expected in eazly 2008. COSTS AND FUNDING Total estimated project cost is $6.2 million. The City has budgeted $1 S million of Capital Improvement Bond (CIB) funds far acquisition. Additional CIB monies are tentatively budgeted in 2007 and 2008 for design, construction, equipment and furnishings. CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Dave Nelson, Rea1 Estate (266-8860) Bruce Engelbrekt, Real Estate (266-8854) R:�Real EstateWcqwsitions�Police\Wutern Distric[ Siation\Wes[ern Distnct FOrepoitdoc 2 -