06-333CITY OF ST. PAIIL / CO ILE .��' ��� a�p
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AMENDED File 18976
votiag ward 2
In the Matter of improving the area referred to as the CHATSWORTH/GOODRICH
RSVP (Residential Street Vitality Project). This project area is bounded
generally by Summit Avenue on the north, Lexington Parkway on the west,
Lombard Avenue on the south, and Victoria Street on the east.
It is proposed to improve the following streets with the construction of a
new bituminous surfaced street at the listed width, with standard concrete
curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, and boulevards
landscaped with sod and trees. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer
repairs will be made, lead water services in the right of way wi11 be
replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer connections will be made at
the request of property owners.
LINCOLN AVENUE, 32' - West end by Ayd Mill Road to Lexington Parkway
CIN�I CTOCCT oc� c.......•� n,.,.,,.,,, �,. r_.....,�
OTIS AVENUE, 38' - Marshall Avenue to approximately 200 feet north, and from 600 feet north of
Marshall to Pelham
OTIS AVENUE, 30' - from approximately 200 feet north of Marshall to 600 feet north of Marshall
MILTON STREET, 30' - Benhiil Road to St. Gfair Avenue
It is proposed to improve the following streets with the construction of
new bituminous surfaced streets at the listed width, with concrete curb and
gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, and boulevards landscaped
with sod and trees. The curb will have a 6" wide gutter, and wi11 be
colored to look like the original sandstone curb. In addition, appropriate
sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the right of
way will be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer connections will
be made at the request of property owners.
LINCOLN AVENUE, 30' - Lexington Parkway to Victoria Street
GOODRICH AVENUE, 32' - Lexington Parkway to Chatsworth Street
GOODRICH AVENUE, 30' -Chatsworth Streetto Victoria Street
FAIRMOUNT AVENUE, 32' - Oxford Street to Chatsworth Street
FAIRMOUNT AVENUE, 30' - Chatsworth Street to Victoria Street
OSGEOLA AVENUE, 32' - Lexington Parkway to Milton Street
I.INWOOD AVENUE, 28' - Lexington Parkway to Victoria Street
OXFQRD STREET, 30' - St. Glair Avenue to Summit Avenue
CHATSW ORTH STREET, 30' - St. Clair Avenue to Summit Avenue
MILTON STREET, 30' - St. Clair Avenue to Summit Avenue
It is proposed to improve the following street with the construction of a
new bituminous surfaced street at the listed width, with concrete curb and
gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, and boulevards landscaped
with sod and trees. The curb will have a 6" wide gutter but will not have
coloring added. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be
made, lead water sesvices in the right of way will be replaced, and storm
sewer and sanitary sewer connections will be made at the request of
property owners_
LOMBARD AVENUE, 22' - Lexington Parkway to Milton Street
It is osed to
pavers. impr
outwalks, and
granite curb will
curb will be repl
sanitary sewer re
way will be r a
improve the following st with existing sandstone
vements will also ' ude concrete driveway aprons and
evards landsc with sod and trees. The existing
be et, d the small section of existing sandstone
ced ockpiled granite. In addition, appropriate
be made a e reques
will be e, lead water services in the right of
and storm sewe d sanitary sewer connections will
t of property owners.
All the streets in the project area that have an existing lantern lighting
system will have that system refurbished and reinstalled. In locations
where there are not existing lanterns, a new lantern style street lighting
system will be installed.
under Preliminary Order approved
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing
upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as
prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and
recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully
considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City o£ Saint Paul does hereby order
that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers
are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the
proper City officers shall calculate all e�;penses incurred therein and shall
report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City
Adopted by the Council: Date:��������pB�
Certified Passed by the Council Secretary
By ` .
.. ���333
� Greeq Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
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ContactPerson S Phone• oeoaranent SentTO Person
LisaFalk �' 0 bticw al
2 � » � Assgn i �I
MustBeonCouncil/\qendaby(Date): Number_ 2
�2-FEe-0s O(g-IS? For
Routing ���///��� O
Drder � �� C
ContractType: r � •
Total#of5ignaWrePages_(ClipAllLocationsforSignature) .
Approve Chatsworth-Goodrich RSVP (Area 87) bounded by Summit, Lexington, Lombazd, & Victoria. Color concrete curb 8ad
resemble existing sandstone curb. Osceola, Milton to Victoria, reset existing g�znite curb & sandstone pavers. Improve Fitu� Si
to Grand; Bc Otis, Marshall to Pell�am. Refurbish existing lantem lights & install new lantems where no lights exist. �
File No. 18976
Recommentlations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): " Personal Service Contracts MustMswerthe Pollowing Questions: ,
Plamirg Commission
CIB Committee
Crvil Service Commission
Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (VYho, What, When, Where, Why):
This prujecf is being completed as part of the Residential Street Vifality Program (RSVP). This is one of several RS VP projects
selected for 2006 construc5on by Public Works and appzoved by the Long RangeCapital Improvement Budget Committee and the
City Council. �
Advantages If Approved:
General improvement of the right-of-way will enhance and add quality to the neighborhood. The newly rebuilt roadways will impro�
driveability of the neighborhood and continue the City's efforts to improve the street system in Saint Paul. Street oiling in this
neighborhood wilt be eliminated. Refurbished lantem sheet lighting will also enhance neighborhood safety and aesthetics.
Disadvanta5les IfApproved:
Normal problems associated with construcrion such as noise, dus[, and general disiuption will occur.
Disadvantages If NotApproved:
The pavement shuciure wilI continue to deferiorate, maintenance costs will rise, and the Ievel of service provided by these streets will
drop. "
Date Inftiated:
o�-�E� Green Sheet NO: 3029637
1. Has this persoNfirm e�er v�rorked urder a eontract for this departmert?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firm e�er been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill rrot rormaily possessed by any
curterd city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers ori sepa2te sheet and attach to green sheet
Funding Source:
CIB, Assessments
CosflRevenue Budgeted: Y
Activity Number.
Financial Infortnation:
Febmary 7, 2006 >2:54 PM Page 1
Chatsworth - Goodrich Residential Street Vitality Project (Area 87)
City Project No. 06-P-8136
Report Prepared 2-7-06
Public Hearing — to be scheduled ASAP
This project is to improve the area referred to as the Chatsworth-Goodrich
Residential Street Vitality Project (Area 87), by constructing new bituminous surFaced
streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, and
boulevards landscaped with sod and trees. The existing lantern lighting system will be
refurbished and reinstalled as part of the project. In locations where there are not
existing lanterns, a new lantern style street lighting system will be installed.
In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the
right of way will be replaced, and storm and sanitary sewer reconnections will be made
at the request of property owners. This project area is bounded generally by Summit
Avenue on the north, Lexington Parkway on the west, Lombard Avenue on the south,
and Victoria Street on the east. (See the attached project area map.)
Finn Street
In addition to the original project area, Finn Street between Summit Avenue and Grand
Avenue will be reconstructed as part of this project. This block is being pulled forward
from a future RSVP project to coordinate with adjacent improvements on the University
of St. Thomas campus.
Work to be done in this block includes constructing a new bituminous surfaced street
with concrete curb and gutter, concrete alley aprons and outwalks, boulevards
landscaped with sod and trees, and a new lantern style street iighting system. In
addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the
right of way will be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer reconnections will be
made at the request of property owners.
Otis Avenue
Also being added to this project is the reconstruction of Otis Avenue from Marshall
Avenue to Pelham Boulevard. Work to be done on Otis includes widening the street in
the area of the Town and Country Golf Club to allow for addition of a center island. This
island will slow vehicular traffic, and make it easier for pedestrians to cross the street.
in the section of the street adjacent to the residences, the street will be reconstructed at
the existing width. 7he work wiil be to construct a new bituminous surfaced street with
concrete curb and gutter, concrete alley aprons and outwalks, boulevards landscaped
with sod and trees, and a new lantern style street lighting system. In addition,
appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, Iead water services in the right of way
will be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer reconnections will be made at the
request of property owners.
Ail of the residential streets in the original project area are oiled or older paved streets.
The only exception is a portion of the block of Osceola from Milton to Victoria, which has
an existing sandstone paver surface. The street surtaces are generally in fair condition.
About half of the project area has existing concrete curb, with most of the rest of the
area having existing sandstone curb. There are a couple of blocks with no curb at all,
and Osceola, from Milton to Victoria, has existing granite curb.
Street widths in the area vary, but are generally between 30' and 32'. Lombard Avenue
is currently 22' wide.
Part of the project area has existing old lantern style lighting. The balance of the area
has lighting mounted on wood poles.
Finn Street
Finn Street is an oiled surface street. As part of development by the University of St.
Thomas, the west side of the street south of the alley had new curb and gutter installed
in the last few years. One quarter of the block has no existing curb, and there is old
curb the rest of the block. The new curb will remain in place, and the new construction
will match into it. The street is now 32' to 36' wide, and there is an existing light on a
wood pole at the alley. The street surface is generally in fair condition.
Otis Avenue
Otis Avenue is an older paved street with concrete curb along most of the length. The
street is 30' wide from Marshall to Pelham, and has street lights mounted on wood
poles. The street surface is generally in fair to good condition.
It is proposed to improve the following street with the construction of a new bituminous
surfaced street at the listed width, with standard concrete curb and gutter, concrete
driveway aprons and outwalks, and boulevards landscaped with sod and t�ees. In
addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the
right of way will be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer connections will be
made at the request of property owners.
LINCOLN AVENUE, 32' - West end by Ayd Mill Road to Lexington Parkway
FINN STREET, 36' - Summit Avenue to Grand
OTIS AVENUE, 38' - Marshall Avenue to approximately 200 feet north,
and from 600 feet north of Marshall to Pelham
OTIS AVENUE, 30' - from approximately 200 feet north of Marshall to 600 feet north of
MILTON STREET, 30' - Benhill Road to St. Clair Avenue
It is proposed to improve the following streets with the construction of new bituminous
surFaced streets at the listed width, with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway
aprons and outwalks, and boulevards landscaped with sod and trees. The curb will
have a 6" wide gutter, and will be colored to look like the origina( sandstone curb. In
addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the
right of way will be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer connections will be
made at the request of property owners.
LINCOLN AVENUE, 30' - Lexington Parkway to Victoria Street
GOODRICH AVENUE, 32' - Lexington Parkway to Chatsworth Street
GOODRICH AVENUE, 30' - Chatsworth Street to Victoria Street
FAIRMOUNT AVENUE, 32' - Oxford Street to Chatsworth Street
FAIRMOUNT AVENUE, 30' - Chatsworth Street to Victoria Street
OSCEOLA AVENUE, 32' - Lexington Parkway to Milton Street
LINWOOD AVENUE, 28' - Lexington Parkway tb Victoria Street
OXFORD STREET, 30' - St. Clair Avenue to Summit Avenue
CHATSWORTH STREET, 30' - St. Clair Avenue to Summit Avenue
MILTON STREET, 30' - St. Clair Avenue to Summit Avenue
It is proposed to improve the following street with the construction of a new bituminous
surfaced street at the listed width, with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway
aprons and outwalks, and boulevards landscaped with sod and trees. The curb will
have a 6" wide gutter but will not have coloring added. In addition, appropriate sanitary
sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the right of way will be replaced, and
storm sewer and sanitary sewer connections will be made at the request of property
owners. (Due to the width of the street, the assessment for owners on Lombard will be
discounted by 10%.)
LOMBARD AVENUE, 22' - Lexington Parkway to Milton Street
It is proposed to improve the following street with the construction of a new sandstone
paver surFaced street at the listed width, Existing sandstone pavers cover only
approximately 2/3 of the length of the block. Public Works has some sandsfone pavers
that have been salvaged from earlier projects. The Department will use those to try to
complete the block on Osceola with sandstone pavers. The improvements will also
include concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, and boulevards landscaped with sod
and trees. The existing granite curb will be reset, and the small section of existing
sandstone curb will be replaced with stockpiled granite, if there is a sufficient quantity.
In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the
right of way will be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer connections will be
made at the request of property owners.
OSCEOLA AVENUE, 32' - Milton Street to Victoria Street
The listed street widths reflect preliminary decisions made following the Summit Hill
Association's (SHA's) request that the streets be maintained at their existing widths. As
the detailed design process proceeds, if there is any need to change the street widths,
Public Works will work with the SHA and the neighborhood. New curb may be hand
1��" 3��
formed to avoid damaging boulevard trees or their roots. Tree trimming may be
necessary to facilitate construction.
All the streets in the project area that have an existing lantern lighting system will have
that system refurbished and reinstalled. In locations where there are not existing
lanterns, a new lantern style street lighting system will be installed. On Finn Street and
Otis Avenue, new lantern style street lighting systems will be installed.
To do nothing would be inconsistent with the City's commitment to improve existing
oiled and older paved streets.
General improvement of the public right-of-way will enhance and add quality to the
neighborhood. The newly rebuilt roadways will improve drivability of the neighborhood,
and continue the City's efforts to improve the street system in Saint Paul. Lantern style
lighting will enhance neighborhood safety and esthetics.
Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust, reduced access to
the neighborhood, and genera! disruption will be present.
Street widths wili match the existing widths, partly to help minimize the impact on trees.
New trees will be planted as part of the boulevard restoration.
The project will begin in the spring of 2006 and will be completed by the fall of 2006.
There will be further restrictions on the amount of time work is done on individual
segments of streets.
$ 4,397,000
$ 854,000
$ 217.000
CIB (2006)
$ 5,468,000
$ 4,211,500
$ 100,000
$ 1.156.500
$ 5,468,000
The 2006 assessment rates for City-wide residential street paving and lighting projects
are as follows.
$30.41 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for asphalt street paving
$27.37 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for asphalt street paving on Lombard Avenue
$5.37 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for a new or refurbished lantern style street
lighting system on residential streets
Estimated assessment for street where we are replacing existing sandstone curb and
plain concrete curb with sandstone colored concrete curb, including most of the project
area, is as follows. The blocks that do not have existing curb at all would also have this
higher assessment.
$31.00 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for asphalt street and sandstone colored
concrete curb
$5.37 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for a new or refurbished lantern style street
lighting system on residential streets
Estimated assessments for Osceola Avenue between Milton and Victoria, including
resetting granite curb and sandstone pavers, are as follows.
$90.00 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for a sandstone paver street and resetting
existing granite curb
$5.37 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for a new or refurbished lantern styfe street
lighting system on residential streets
Assessment rates will be finalized after award of contract.
For additional information, contact the Project Engineer, Lisa Falk, at 266-6117.
The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project,
and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the project and financing.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Falk
Public Works
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Voting Ward 2
In the Mat r of improving the area referred to as the CHATSFTORTH/GOODRICA
RSVP (Reside ial Street Vitality Project). This project area is bounded
generally by S it Avenue on the north, Lexington Parkway on the west,
Lombard Avenue o the south, and Victoria Street on the east.
It is proposed to im ove the following streets with the construction of a
new bituminous surface street at the listed width, with standard concrete
curb and gutter, concret driveway aprons and outwalks, and boulevards
landscaped with sod and t es. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer
repairs will be made, lead ter services in the right of way will be
replaced, and storm sewer an sanitary sewer connections will be made at
the request of property owners.
LINCOLN AVENUE, 32' - West end by Ay ill Road to Lexington Parkway
FINN STREET, 36' - Summit Avenue to Gra
OTIS AVENUE, 38' - Marshall Avenue to appro 'mately 200 feet north, and from 600 feet north of
Marshall to Pelham
OTIS AVENUE, 30' - from approximately 200 feet n h of Marshall to 600 feet north of Marshall
MILTON STREET, 30' - Benhill Road to St. Clair Ave e
It is proposed to improve the following streets with the construction of
new bituminous surfaced streets at the listed wi h, with concrete curb and
gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, and boulevards landscaped
with sod and trees. The ciirb will have a 6" wide g ter, and will be
colored to look like the original sandstone curb. In addition, appropriate
sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water servic in the right of
way will be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewe connections will
be made at the request of property owners.
LINCOLN AVENUE, 30' - Lexington Parkway to Victoria Street
GOODRICH AVENUE, 32' - Lexington Parkway to Chatsworth Street
GOODRICH AVENUE, 30' - Chatsworth Street to Victoria Street
FAIRMOUNT AVENUE, 32' - Oxford Street to Chatsworth Street
FAIRMOUNT AVENUE, 30' - Chatsworth Street to Victoria Street
OSCEOLA AVENUE, 32' - Lexington Parkway to Milton Street
LINWOOD AVENUE, 28' - Lexington Parkway to Victoria Street
OXFORD STREET, 30' - St. Clair Avenue to Summit Avenue
CHATSWORTH STREET, 30' - St. Clair Avenue to Summit Avenue
MILTON STREET, 30' - St. Ciair Avenue to Summit Avenue
It is proposed to improve the following street with the construction of a
new bituminous surfaced street at the listed width, with concrete curb and
gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, and boulevards landscaped
�ith sod and trees. The curb will have a 6" wide gutter but will not have
coloring added. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be
mad� lead water services in the right of way will be replaced, and storm
sewe \and sanitary sewer connections will be made at the request of
propes�ty owners.
AVENUE, 22' - Lexington Parkway to Milton Street
It is propose to improve the following street with existing sandstone
pavers. The im ovements will also include concrete driveway aprons and
outwalks, and bou evards landscaped with sod and trees. The existing
granite curb wi11 b reset, and the sma11 section of existing sandstone
curb will be replace with stockpiled granite. In addition, appropriate
sanitary sewer repairs ill be made, lead water services in the right of
way wi11 be replaced, an storm sewer and sanitary sewer connections will
be made at the request of roperty owners.
OSCEOLA AVENUE, 32' - Milton treet to Victoria Street
All the streets in the project �ea that have an existing lantern lighting
system will have that system refu�i� ished and reinstalled. In locations
where there are not existing lante�is, a new lantern style street lighting
system will be installed. �
under Preliminary
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a
upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having
prescribed by the City Charter; and
ic hearing
given as
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and
recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has £u11y
considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order
that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers
are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the
prop City officers shall calculate all e�enses incurred therein and shall
report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City
Yeas I Navs IAb�ent
Adopted by the Council: Date:
Certified Passed by the Council Secretary