06-216CITY OF ST. PAUL FINAL ORDER COUNCIL FILE NO. IJ�Y �� � By .�/� — File No. 9024 `� Voting In the Ma.tter of improving Victoria Street from University Avenue to Thomas Avenue by constructing a new bituminous surfaced street with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons, boulevards landscaped with sod and trees, installation of a lantern style street lighting system, construction of a new storm sewer system and doing all other necessary work to complete said project. Also, the construction of and/or repair of sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water service connections will be made at the request of the property owners. under Preliminary Order �� --l/ 7 approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all e�penses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. Adopted by the Council: Date: Certified Passed by the Council Secretary By �`, o' � �zr ��-„` Mayor � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PW — Public Woiks Contact Pe�son & Phone: Barb Mwdahi 266�6172 Mus[ Be on Counc� Agenda b�, 01-FEB-06 ContractType: OT-0iHER (OOESNT FCC ANY CAiEGORI� Pks!{�5�:: � , Assign Number For Routing Order �' Zllo Green Sheet NO: 3029272 1 oancfl MP.R ERICKSON 2 Cle SAARI MOORE Total # of SignaWre Pages _(Clip All Locations for SignaWre) Victaria Street Paving Project Conshuction of a new bitmuinous surfaced street with concrete curb and gutter, co�rete driveway aprons, boulevards landscaped with sod and trees, a new lantem-sryle shzet ligbring system, revised storm sewer system and sanitary sewer repairs on Victoria Street from Univeisity Avenue to Thomas Avenue. File No. 19024 itlatiors: Appro�e (A) or R Planniro3 Commission CIB Committee Crvil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Mswerthe Following Questions: 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked under a cont2d for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persontfirm e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this persoNfirm possess a skiN not nonnalyr possessed by a�ry current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attacn to green sh�t �nitiatingProblem, Issues, Opportunity pM1lho, What, When, Where, Why): Minneliaha Avenue is an oIled MSA mute thaY is in fair condition with wood pole lighting. Ativantages BApproved: General improvement of the public rightof-way will enhance and add quality to the neighborhood. The newly rebuik madway wil improve drivability of the neighborhood, and co�inue the City's efforLS to improve the street lighting system in Saint Paul. Lantem- sryte lighting will enhance neighborhood safery and aestheflcs. Disadvantages BApproved: Noamal pmblems associated with construction such as noise, dust, and general disruption will occw. Disadvantapes BNotApproved: . To do iwthing would be inconsistem with the City's commitment to impmve existing oiled and older paved shreets. �N�N4111V1 � ^Q,000 Transaction: a � Fundinq Source: MSA Financial Infortnation: (Expiain) Cost/Revenue Budgeted: y AcBvi[y Number: �('A��� .,� ; #° C.t :r'S$�� ,' I : �� /_ �..�.�. � n�nc �A.�n n�• f'���._ A oc�•z�� SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATlONS Victoria Street Paving Project City Project No. 06-P-1289 Report Prepared — 1-5-06 Public Hearing — 3-1-06 PROJECT This project is to improve Victoria Street from University Avenue to Thomas Avenue by constructing a new bituminous surfaced street with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevards landscaped with sod and trees, and a new lantern style street lighting system. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the right of way will be replaced and storm and sanitary sewer reconnections will be made at the request of property owners. EXISTING CONDITIONS Victoria Street is an oiled street that is in fair condition. The existing street width is 32' and has wood pole lighting. PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS It is proposed to improve Victoria Street with the construction of a new bituminous surfaced street with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, and boulevards landscaped with sod and trees. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the right of way will be replaced and storm and sanitary sewer reconnections will be made at the request of property owners. The proposed street width is 32'. New curb may be hand formed to avoid damaging boulevard trees or their roots. Victoria Street will have a lantern style street lighting system installed as part of this project. ALTERNATES To do nothing would be inconsistent with the City's commitment to improve existing oiled and older paved streets. (�-2�� POSITIVE BENEFITS General improvement of the pubiic right-of-way will enhance and add quality to the neighborhood. The newly rebuilt roadway will improve dr9vability of the neighborhood, and continue the City�s efforts to improve the street system in Saint Paul. Lantern style lighting will enhance neighborhood safety and esthetics. ADVERSE EFFECTS Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust, reduced access to the neighborhood, and general disruption will be present. EFFECTS ON TREES New trees will be planted as part of the boulevard restoration. TIME SGHEDULE The project will begin in the spring of 2006 and will be completed by the fall of 2006. COST ESTIMATE Constructi6n Engineering Miscellaneous PROJECT TOTAL ESTIMATED FINANCING MSA Assessments PROJECT TOTAL $ 300,000 $ 75,000 $ 23.Q0� 398,000 $ 373,000 $ 25.000 $ 398,000 The estimated 20Q6 assessment rates for residential street paving and lighting are: $30.41 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for street paving $5.37 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for lantern style street lighting on residential streets o��z�� SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For additional information, contact the Project Engineer, Barb Mundahl, at 266-6112. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and the Engineering f2ecommendation is for approva{ of the project and financing. RespectFufly submitted, Barbara Mundahl Public Works Ot9 M{M24lYq � VPN $JREN � 1MIMPS � EOMUNO �^ CXA4LES � � � i PURORP � � GULLER � pNATER L �� 9L � � °�o C ��� RVE y �� � VPN &IREN O � � � AVE I � � 9LPIR � � � � hVE � � ������ AVE � ����� PVE -,�,�ry�� r T L ������ AVE. � ����� -� AVE � _= o0 00� a A�E � 000 � �� pVE. oo� !A p O � �� SELSY/MINNEHAHA/ViC`0 R�� 2006 MUNICIPAL STATE AID TO BE PAVED � 0.8 MILES