04-833, r CITY OF ST. PAUL ' - 833 FILB O. FI23AI, ORDEit By �\ �� t Fi le No. B-3183 voting Ward 2 In the Matter of the removal anci replacement of an 86 year old concrete retaining wail along the sandrock/limestone bluff between Plato Boulevard and Concord Street. The project includes new sidewalks and the addition of ornamental lighting and ornamental steel safety railings. under Preliminary The Council of the City of Saint Pau1 has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaininq to said proposed improvement and has fully considered t11e same; now, therefore, be it RE50L4EA, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceect with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 0£ the City Char�er. COUNCILFERSONS Yeas Nays Benanav /,l�P�� �Bostrom Harsis _ /����� .iHeigen ✓ Lantry �In Favor ✓ Montgomery ✓Thune � Against � �I�SC�If Adopted by the Council: Date�i�����O�J�/ Certi�ied Passed by the Council Secretary Ma �� 7-� � Green Sheet Green Shee# Green Sheet Creen Sheet Green Shee 6reert Sheet � OR�f2s�n�/ O ( —��� pw — A,br,c w«te CorriaG Person 8 Phone: Kevin Nelson 26Sfi'182 Must Be nn Couneil Agenda by (DaYe}: .B�AUG-04 1� Date initiated: 2I.fUL-04 � lassign Number For Routing Order Green Sheet Nfl: 3020657 Deoartment SeM Ta Person Inifia 0 iW I 'N � I blicw rks BobSana uisi �� G� 2 unci3 � Marv Erickton � � 3 itv Cferk � Shari Moore ToWI # of Signature Pages r L (Clip Nl LocaNOns for Signa4ure) Action Raquested: Set date of pubfic hearing for the final order to remove anfl replace a retaining wall in Wahasha Stxeet along the bluff between Plato and Concord. To include now sidewalks, lighting and safety raiFings. Projea No. B-1183 RecommendaEons: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIS CammiHee Civil Sewice Commission (R): t. Has this persoNfirm evervroilced under a contract fior this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/finn ever beert a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this pers,oMfirm possess a skilt not norcnally possessed by any wrtent ciiy employee? Yes No Explain a!1 yes answers oo separate sheet and attach to green sheef InitiaTing Ptoblem, Issues, Oppartunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Wall is in poor stxuctural condi[ion and tfie uea behind the wa13 is filled up with sand and rack. AdvanWpes If Approved: A new walE, lights and railings would make it safer foi pedestrians. Disadvan W pes tf aprxoved: None. Disadvantapes If Not Approved: Would prolong problems with falling rock and debris. - otal AmouM of 500000 Trensaction: Fundinp Source: b]SA 2063 CostlRevenue Butlgeted: Y Adivity Number. 1Wvwkai r �y..... . Fi na nci al lnformation: (Expiain) b �- 833 SUMNIARI' OF ENGINEERING RECO�NDA'ITONS SOUTH WABASHA WALL from Plato Blvcl. To Coacord Street City of Saint Paul Project B-1183 Wall No W0006 Report Prepazed 7/8/20d4 Public Hearing - To Be Scheduled PROJECT: This proj ect requires removal and replacement of an 80 year old concrete retau�uig wall along the sandrock/limestone bluff between Plato Blvd. and Concord Streek The proj ect inciudes new sidewalks and addition of ornamental lighting and ornamental steel safety railings. Artist, Seitu Jones, was hired by REDA to aid Public Works in the final design and detailing. EXISTING CONDITION: The existing wail is in poor structural condition. The wall's primary purpose is to catch falling rock and debris above Wabasha Street. The area behind the wall has filIed up witti sand and rock. PROPOSED INIPROVEMENTS: Remove the existiug concrete wall and sidewalk. Build a new concrete wall with relief pattems designed by the artist. Install new lantem and ornamental lighting. Install new omainental steel safety raiIings. Constnxct new sidewalk. ALTERNATNES: Replace the wall as originally design with no safety railings or added lighting. This would compromise safety for pedestrians especialFy in the evening hours. The "do nothing altemafive" would prolong problems with falling rock and debris. The wall would continue to be an unsighfly structure in the streetscape. POSTt'VE BENEFTTS: The pmposed design combines functional and aesthetic treahnents in one project which is economioal and functional. ADVERSE EFFECTS: Traffic will be restricted during the construction season in 2004. There aze no long term adverse effects. We do not anticipate that there will be significant increases in maintenance costs to the City or the State. TIlVIF, SCHEDULE: It is intended to award a contract in September of 2004 and complete the work by May of 2005. cosT �a r cos�r Es�m�a�c��y ro�on construction $300,000 Right of Way Misa _F.n��ineerin� iII Total $0 �100,000 S25%)$100.000 $500,000 FINANCING-Citv Portion CIB $0 MSA 500 000 Total $500,000 ADDITIONAi, INFORMATION For additional infoimation, contact Kevin Nelson, Ciiy Bridge Engineer, 266-6182 SLTNIMARY and RECOMMI:NDATION: The Department of Public Works recommends approval of this project. �. . � �� � � az �. p Q� W ,� � :• � c7 � � G'. .,- � L: EQ- p � E-� R" � a^ rn r.z-� a W E �"' E-� a o ¢ e� Q ° O�a � o U�� a¢ C� (1 + G� � Al � E-� z O� F � a o Z E` � � _' ] � W U s, o zx � c0 u� 2 U � � F O Q �U C'J m � O W � t � o� z I F d U m C-a -+ o p y aa � � E U < �� wLL �r � C Q rn N O 00 .�mMOO_� �; o� m ^co N N � o� � o� ��� 0 J Z N ~ � � v p� �ZZ y��� 1/� G U y� p ¢ w w �on U U Z O � U Q Q Z w � � \' 4 5 . ` • L x � s : . o°� Q YU V ir �'�� ?`o` ��O >aa ue SE� � � a s � : i �gn �S n Y < Q �v <� � y _ €�ig � o.} ¢3¢�+� W � 8pV�8 0\, _oaa� `-�' � `o ��; x�z� �� uaoN � s �� � �` I� II ��^ u�. ��i 5 � � � z O�f & � 0 0 0 0 z � � � � V � � N i � CITY OF ST. PAUL PREI,IMINARY QRDEFt � $33 �o��� Na. a�- 7�y File o B-1I83 Voting ward 2 �� In the Matter of the remoyal and replacement of an 8Q year oId concrete retaining wall along the sandrock/limestone bluff between Piato Boulevard and Concord Street. The project includes new sidewalks and the addition of ornamental Iighting and ornamental steel safety railings. The Council af the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1_ That the said report and the same is hereby approve with no aiternatives, and that the estimated aost fihereof is $500.000.00, financed by MSA 2003. 2_ That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 25th clav of Aucrust 2004 at 5•30 o'clock_p m, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Bui2ding in the City of Saint Faul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCII,FERSONS Yeas Nays ✓ Benanav Bostrom y ����f- i / Harris y� Helgen ,/ Lantry d In Favor Montgomery_ 6/�jP�rt ✓ Thune �_Against � ���� Adonted by the Council : Date //, �ov.� Certi�ied Passed by the Council Secretary BY _�/sq�i /il.%N o.� , Mayor