03-1120CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNC FILE NO. D � I I�� FINAI, ORDER BY ��'���y' �/6�- FILE NO_ 19001 VOTING WARD 6 & 7 S�{ In the Matter of constructing Phalen Boulevard from Avenue to Arcade Street. under Preliminary The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted'a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays ✓ Benanav ✓ Blakey � Bostrom ,i Coleman �/ Harris ✓ Helgen ✓ Lantry LIn Favor �Against Adopted by Council: Date iisr_. /?�Dp3 Certified Passed by Council Secretary � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet o3-ilao DepartmenVoffice/eounei�: Date initiated: TE '���ologyandManagementServ t4NOV-03 Green Sheet NO: 3007834 Contact Person & Phone: Lisa Falk 266-6117 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): � Assign Number For Routing Ortler Deoartment SentTo Person 0 echvolo and Mana ement S 1 ouncil Council Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Cosuuct Public Improvements for the Phalen Boulevard Phase II Project - Payne to Arcade Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the t. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this pBrson/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity(Who, What, When, Where, Why): This project is the second phase of the planned construction of Phalen Boulevazd between I-35E and Johnson Parkway. �� `� Advantapes If Approved: Construction of this phase of the project will connect Phalen Boulevazd [o [he Arcade Stree[ connercial coaidor, It will provide access for the development of the Whidpool Building 17 Site, access for planned recreational developmen[ and a connection fron the Phalen Boulevard Trail to the Bmce Vento Regional Trail. DisadvantaqeslfApproved: None Disadvantages If Not Approved: Project will not proceed as planned. Total Amount of 8100000 Transaction: Funtlinp Source: Financial Information: TEA 21 (Explain) MSA CosURevenue Butlgeted: y ActiviN Number: GGb.#':�; os'zaoe��!'��3 �@ �f . i�� 11 [Nf7 o3-�la� SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS Phalen Boulevard Phase II -- Construction Payne Avenue to Arcade Street Report Prepared —10-2-03 Public Aearing - To be scheduled PROJECT Construct public improvements for the Phalen Boulevard Phase II proj ect from Payne Avenue to Arcade Street. Public improvements to include consfruction of sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main, concrete curb and gutter, new bituminous surfaced roadways, Phalen Boulevard and Arcade Street Access Road Bridges over Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority right of way, retaining walls, sidewalks, pedestrian/bicycle trail, landscaping, street lighting, storm water sedimentation pond, and water and sewer service connections. See attached map for preliminazy layout. INITIATING ACTION Phalen Boulevard is a new roadway to be conshucted on the city's East Side between I-35E on the west and Johnson Parkway on the east. This new roadway would support an initiative by the City and area businesses and residents to encourage redevelopment of vacant and underutilized land in the corridor. The project will also significantly enhance access to the near East Side by providing a better connection to the regional roadway system at I-35E and by providing a direct route from the Phalen Village area to I-35E north of Saint Paul's downtown. The proposed construction of Phalen Boulevard is considered a Federal Class I Action because of the potential for significant impact on the natural and physical environment. An Environmental Impact Study (EIS) was completed far Phalen Boulevard. After consideration and review of the analysis presented in the Draft EIS and the comments received from agencies, organizations, and citizens during the 45-day Draft EIS public comment period, the Saint Paul City Council, in a resolution dated February 24, 1999, selected segments W-2D, C-4, and E-1 from the Draft EIS as the Prefened Alternative for the Phalen Boulevard project. The Record of Decision was approved by the Federal Highway Administration on November 19, 1999. The project will be constructed in phases. Phase I of the Phalen Boulevard Project is the section beriveen I-35E and Payne Avenue, which will be constnxcted in 2003. Phase II is the section between Payne Avenue and Arcade Street. Phase III is the section from Arcade Street to Johnson Parkway, which will be constructed once there is adequate funding available. EXISTING CONDITIONS The proposed alignment of Phalen Boulevard runs mostly parallel and to the north of the Union Pacific Railroad. It is aligned through a portion of the former. Stroh's Brewery site and then onto Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority property near the Arcade Street bridge. The existing Stroh's site consists of cnxshed concrete material from the demolition of the Stroh's grain elevators. The existing asphalt Bruce Vento Regionai Bicycle/Pedestrian Trail is located on the Rail Authority property. 0�3- �lao A new road, which at this rime is named the "Arcade Street Access Road", will be constructed as part of the project to connect Phalen Boulevazd to Arcade Street as shown on the attached map. The Arcade Street Access Road will be built across the former Whirlpool Building 17 site and former KFC property. The existing Whirlpool Buildingl7 site consists of a paved parking lot and lazge retaining wall that will be removed. The KFC site was acquired by the City in 2002 and the building on the site has been demolished. PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS The Phalen Blvd. Phase II project will include construction of the following streets. Phalen Boulevard - Payne Avenue to Arcade Street Access Road Arcade Street Access Road - Phalen Boulevard to Arcade Street Phalen Boulevard will be a four-lane divided roadway between Payne Avenue and the intersection with the Arcade Street Access Road. The roadway will be two lanes east of the Arcade Street Access Road intersection. On the west end, Phalen Boulevard will connect into the Payne Avenue/Phalen Boulevard intersection, which is being constructed under Phase I. Further to the east, the roadway will turn south until it ties into an alignment located north of and parallel to the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. Phalen Boulevard will continue east and generally follow the alignment of the Union Pacific Railroad tracks to Arcade Street, where Phalen Boulevard will eventually pass under the Arcade Street Bridge. Under Preferred Alternative C-4 in the EIS, Phalen Boulevazd follows the north edge of the former Stroh's Brewery site. The City of Saint Paul City Council Resolution detailing the Preferred Altemative selection notes that Alternative C-4 should be designed in conjunction with plans for the future use of the Stroh's site north of the Union Pacific railroad tracks, and as straight and as far south as possible without preventing a safe and attractive at-grade crossing at Payne Avenue. Since the time the Final EIS was approved, the Saint Paul Port Authority has purchased the entire Stroh's site north of the Union Pacific railroad tracks. The alignment of the Phalen Boulevard roadway has been modified to meet the intent of the resolution. The location of Phalen Boulevard and the Arcade Street Access Road have also been developed in conjunction with the Phalen Boulevard Middle Section Task Force, which was formed by the Planning Commission. The roadway alignments were developed to facilitate future recreational uses and planned development adjacent to the roadways. Phalen Boulevard will bridge over the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority Right of Way and the Bruce Vento Regional Trail. The bridge will be designed to accommodate light rail transit which may be constructed in the future. The bridge will be approximately 140' long. The Arcade Street Access Road will be constructed as part of the project to connect Phalen Boulevard to Arcade Street as shown on the attached map. The Access road will be a two lane, 37' wide roadway. The Arcade Street Access Road will bridge over the Ramsey County 03 - I la0 Regional Railroad Authority Right of Way and the Bruce Vento Regional Trail. The bridge will be designed to accommodate light rail transit which may be constructed in the future. The bridge will be approximately 140' long. The Access Road will intersect with Arcade Street at the locarion of the signalized Arcade Street/Seegaz Square driveway intersecfion. There will be a large retaining wall constructed on the north side of the Access Road west of Arcade Street. A new 12 foot wide pedestrian/bicycle path will be constructed along the north side of Phalen Boulevard beriveen Payne Avenue and the Arcade Access Road intersection. Trail connections between the Phalen Boulevard Path, the Bruce Vento Trail, and Arcade Street will be constructed as shown on attached map. Sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main and private utilities will be installed in the roadways to serve the adjacent development. A storm water sedimentation pond will be constructed on the north east corner of the Phalen Boulevard/Arcade Street Access Road intersection. Storm Sewer, sanitary sewer, water main and private utilities will be installed in the roadways to serve the adj acent development. New lantern style street lighting and landscaping will be installed on Phalen Boulevard and the Arcade Street Access Road. POSITIVE BENEFITS The construction of Phalen Boulevard is a project that has a number of interlocking economic, social, and transportation goals. The overall purpose is to support and enhance the Lower East Side neighborhood through which the roadway will pass. This support and enhancement will be achieved in several ways which are considered to be the goals of the project. These include the following. Provide access to otherwise undevelopable industrial sites Generate economic growth in the community Develop vacant brownfield sites Enhance local and regional accessibility for residents, businesses, and visitors Improve regional access to the Phalen Corridor Provide local and regionai recreational and bicycle/pedestrian facilities ADVERSE EFFECTS Construction of Phalen Boulevard as proposed will require the City to purchase additional right- of-way. There is a possibility of soil contamination in right of way, likely then requiring remediation. There will also be the normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust, temporary xeduced access to the neighborhood, and general disruption. TIME SCHEDULE The project is planned to begin in the spring of 2004 and be substantially complete and open to traffic in fa112004. 03 - //� COSTS AND FUNDING COST ESTIMATES Construction $6,000,000 Engineering and Inspecrion $1,500,000 Contingency $600,000 PROJECT TOTAL $8,100,000 ESTIMATED FINANCING Federal TEA 21 Funds $6,080,000 Munici al State Aid $1,620,000 2004 CIB $400,000 PROJEGT TOTAL $8,100,000 SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For additional information, contact the Project Engineer Lisa Falk, at 266-6117. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of Yhe proj ect and financing. o3-ioso D3 "l/� CITY OF ST. PAUL PRELIMINARY ORDER COUNCIL FILE NO. BY ���� ��'� � � FILE NO. _19001 VOTING WARD _6 & 7 In tha Matter of constructing Phalen Boulevard from Payne Avenue to Arcade Street. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 2. � That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $8,100,000 financed by Federal TEA 21 Funds ($6,080,000), Municipal State Aid ($1,620,000)and 2004 CIB ($400,000). That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 17th dav of December. 2003 at 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays �/ Benanav ,/ Blakey ✓ Bostrom � Coleman i / Harris ,/ xelgen � Lantry_ y,�s�/dy �In Favor �Against � A�Cse.� Adopted by Council: Date_1Y�'�� Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �/C�!/!�✓ �41��s/ Mayor