02-784t.i;\��ip Presented By Green sheet # 202158 RESOLUTiON aa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Referred To Council File # �.h. — �v 4 Resolution # Committee: Date RESOLUTION ACCEPTING GRANTS FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND ECONOMiC DEVELOPMENT AND THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL FOR THE REMEDIATION OF THE WEST SIDE FLATS NORTH OF FILLMORE STREET WHEREAS, the City Council on November 1, 2001, by Resolution Number 01-1175 authorized the Director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development to agply to the Metropolitan Council and the Departrnent of Trade and Econoxnic Development for grants to remediate the West 5ide Fiats Project site north of FSllmore Street; and WHEREAS, the Department of Trade and Economic Development awarded on January 9, 20Q2 a$1,275,OQ0 grant from its Contamination Cleanup Grant Program, and the Metropolitan Council awarded on January 9, 2002 a$221,000 a ant from the Tax Base Revitalization account of its Livable Communities Progtam; and WHEREAS, the West Side Flats Project north of Fillmore Street, which involves developing a new urban village on a highly contaminated, will not go forward without remediating the contamination; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does hereby certify that $1,496,000 in funds aze available for appropriation in excess of those estimated in the 2002 budget and recommends the following changes to the 2002 budget: Current Budget Chanees Amended Bud�et 101 State C,rant Program Fund FINANCING Pd,AN DTED Crrant 101-36303-3490-61657 Met Council Grant 101-36303-3802-61657 Total: SPENDING PLAN Remediation of West Side Flats 1Q1-36303-0547-61657 Total: $0 $0 $0 � $0 $1,275,000 $1,275,000 22] 000 $ 221,000 $1,496,000 $1,496,000 $1,496.000 $1,496.000 $1,496,000 $1,496,000 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of Saint Paul approves the above changes to the 20Q2 6udget. ����1►,°;�'.�,� D�:.-���{ Adoption Certified Council By: Approved by Mayo�l:j �Date ; By: Requested by Department of: � � �� Bv: Approved by Hy: �ancip3"3 . /' { ✓ � � / �7 u'I! .f'!i/ n . � Form Approve / $Y: roved by � BY' Adopted by Council: Date 4�—\,.�_ a(C, ,>-OQ� �� DEPARTMENTlOFFICElCOUNCIL: DATE INTTIATED GREEN SHE�T No.: 202158 PED August 8, 2002 O a, «� CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE: INiTI�s°'DATE �vlTi^LtuATE � Allen Carlson, 266-6616 � 3 D�rnx�'�NT• nuz. � __ ciTY ctsiuc MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) ��� -4 CITY ATTORNEY McCall 6 COUNCIL RESEARCH N/A FOR ROUTING 5 FAiANCIAL SERV DIIt 2 FINANCIAL SERVfACCTG ORDER 4 �YOR (OR ASST.) 1 TEAM LEADER TOTAL # OF SIGNAT`URE PAGES _1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATi3RE) ACTTON REQUESTED:Sign attached resoluuon amending the 2002 budget to recognize $1,275,000 AT'ED Contanunation Cleanup Grant and $122,000 Metropolitan Council TaY Base Revitalization Grant, which grants are to be used to clean up contaznination on the West Side Flats north of Filimore Street to allow construction of housing. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONT'RAGTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION I. Has this person/fimt ever worked under a conRact for this depaz[ment? CIB COMNIITTEE Yes No CIViL SERVICE CObIMISSION 2. Has this personlfi�m evec been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nonnally possessed by any cu�rent c�ty employee� Yes No Explai� aIl yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green shee[ INTPIATING YROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTTY (Who, What, When, W here, W hy): City was applied and was awazded grant funds from DTED and Met Council to be used to clean up contaminated soils in the azea noxth of Filimore Street belween the US Bank development and Wabasha Street. This area is being proposed for new housing development. anvanrrnces iF nrrxav�n: Cleaning the site up will ailow the development of appro�mately 375 owner and rental occupied housing along the river. The development will amount to approximately $100,000,000 of new development. � °' ���}�s DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. None : -� ��; '�' DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: WOTI't UC 3U10 t0 CI08ri llP tI1C Stte SO CICVOIOPIDOIIi W11I riOt OCCUI'. TOTAL AMO[7NT OF TRANSACTION: $1,496,000 WSTiREVEI3[7E BODGETED: ` FL7NDING SOURCE: $1,275,000 - DTED, $221,000 - Met Cooncil ACITVTTY NUMBER: 30136303-3490-61657, 101-363033802-61657 RL�iANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIIV) x:vsn,�r�cnnr.sonr�saxwossc�«� sn� cc eo�a wyd / , r r� � �� � �� � '� � � ,-� �- � � � � � �J� �` _l/1� " �� =� �� n k fD �p N '�p �7 � A G .� ti c 0 � � �. � N � � 000�y�,�,x�x��=ax � , o � a, a .. o ,;� z ° h. _ e = �'. = : c, a � : e� �i H .. � T Q=� y�j � T� 2 y O y n�. .,, a ao � ��o���� ��•_� = `� c�= � - o � �^ T' � O� o � ^: � � ^' ' `a _, y �-� 9 y � i � �, � � y � 101 � T � � � 'o � � 7 � �--, _ � w�_�,o � � y X°5 0?;' �? 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