02-679CITY OF ST. pAUL � R i G i N A L COUNCIL FILE NO. �a `� G�� �� FINAL ORDER By �� File No_S02 47,50208 ,509 2093-502099 Voting Ward_ 2,4,5,6,7 In the Matter of sidewalk reconstruction at the followiag locations: 502047 - Noth sidas Euclid Streat fr� Forest Street to Cypress Street. 502086 - West side Wall Street from East Fifth Street to East 5ixth Street at282 East Sixth Street. 502093 - North side 8endon Avenue fro¢n Grantham Street to Chelmsford Street at 1490 Graatham Straet Only. 502094 - Both sides East Rose Avenue from Westxninstar Street to z+rkwright Street. 502095 - West side Wastminster Street from East Geranium Avenue to East Maryland Avenue. 502096 - East side xuth Straet from East Eiyacinth Avenue to East Ivy Avenue. 502097 - Both sidas East Ivy Avenue from Prosperity Avenue to Hazelwood Avenue. 502098 - East side Hazel Straet from Sherwood Avenue to East Arlington Avenue. 502099 - Both sides Clear Avenue from White Bear Avenue to xazel Street. ORIGII�AL *ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION RATES b�--��9 RESIDFNTIAL RATES (One, two or three family structures) Reconstruction (replacement of old sidewalk) -$10.49 per front foot for a five (5) foot wide walk and $12.59 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide walk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. New construction (where no walk existed) - 100o of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.69 per square foot. All corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long side" of the property. MULTI-RESIDENTIAL (MOre than three family structures), NON RESIDENTIAL RATES For new and reconstructed sidewalk; 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $6.35 per square foot. under Preliminary The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a pub�3'ic hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WF3EREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 0£ the City Charter. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays ✓Benanav ✓F3lakey ✓BOStrom �C'o l eman �Iiarris ✓Lantry Q� -Reiter bIn Favor �Against .� Pbs�..� Adopted by Council: Date��:����, Certified Passed by Coun Zl Se retary _ —i Mayor r I V��l- ,� �� Works - Sidewalk Division ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� ��le �I�{'s � � 2�,Z�11D2 by-� NO. 110449 wmnwa� ❑ CIT' COUNCIL � ❑ CfTY CLERK ❑ FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. �j Council Research GREEN I� DEPAHTMENT DIRECIOR� I�CENAT(OFNEY I� BUDGEf DIREClOR I� MAYOR (OR ASSISTAf�Ii) SIGNANR� Reconstruct Sidewalk & Eliminate 2 DrivewayAprons in Ward 7 1Fl.gQ Q�Lpy,Jy'Tp c���j� I� �Pe o�c �� t ��ru/ ,C A .. � .� t . � _ _ ' _ ' _ � _ _ COMMISSION O&IECIIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a contraM for fhis department? YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does ihis perso�rtn possess a skill not nortnaly possessed by arry current ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes answere on separate sheet and attach to green sheet WHAT, WHEN, WHEflE, WH�: The problem "defective sidewalk" was caused by multiple problems, tree roots, poor subgrade materials, freeRhaw cycles, service life limits, chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide basis and must be addressed and corrected annually. Left uncorrected, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a state where it would be unusable and subject to increased pedestrian injuries from falls and possible litigations. The community will benefit from this project because it will provide safe defect free sidewalks for its citizens. The sidewalk contracts are done by private contractors generating public sector jobs as a result. IF APPRO`�ED: Historically, the sidewalk reconstruction has created negative feedback because of construction procedures and assessments. Property owners question the assessments, despite the fact that up to one-haif the assessment is City subsidized. Having to assess for walk reconstruction remains a controversial issue. ��.�� �2�#2i ;� ' ' 1.1 APPROVED: This option would allow the infrastructure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate more personal injury suits, resulting in the expenditure of larger dollar amounts in repairs and replacement, as�well as claim payouts. fO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ b,l l U.`JZ COST/FiEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE 02-M-0673 A. PIA = 610,000 B. AST = 380,000 qCrtvm NUMBER CO2-2T7SS-O7H4-OOOOO ba- C.'l� SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMNIENDATION Ward 7 PRO.IECT: RECONSTRDCT SIDEWALK & ELIMIN.ATE TWO (21 DRIVEWAYAPRONS B.S. EUCLID ST. from Forest St. to Cypress St. �� INITIATINGACTION: This order was iniUated by the Director of Public W orks as public necessity on the basis of one (1) complaint and an inspection of the walk. This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, water pockets, settled, uneven, and cracked panels. CITY OF ST. PAIIL PRELIMINARY ORDER QRIGI�{�`,� F,a._a`�`( COUNCI FILE NO. � a� G� 3 By � 1 File No. S 2047, SO 086, 502093-S02099 Voting Ward 2,4,5,6,7 Ia the Matter of sidewalk reconstructioa and/or eliminatioa of driveovay aprons at folloming locations: 502047 - Both sides Euclid Street from Forest Street to Cypress Street. 502086 - West side Wall Street £rom East Fifth Street to East Sixth Street at 282 East Sixth Street Only. 502093 - North side Hendon Avenue from Grantham Street to Chelmsford Street at 1490 Grantham Street Only. 502094 - Both sides East Rose Avenue from Westminster Street to Arkwright Street. 502095 - West side Westminster Street from East Geranium Avenue to East Maryland Avenue. 502096 - East side Ruth Street from East Hyacinth Avenue to East Ivy Avenue. 502097 - Both sides East Ivy Avenue from Prosperity Avenue to Hazelwood Avenue. 502098 - East side Hazel Street from Sherwood Avenue to East Arlington Avenue.. 502099 - Both sides Clear Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Hazel Street. o �,,. G1y l,lPfl *ESTIMATED CONSTRVCTION RATES ��..-G13 RESIDENTIAL RATES (One, two or three family structures) Recoastructioa (replacement of old sidewalk) -$10.49 per front foot for a five (5) foot wide walk aad $12.59 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide ovalk. All other wi.dths will be prorated accordiagly. New coastruction (mhere no walk existed) - 100% of the actual cost estimated to be approx�.mately $4.69 per square foot. All corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long side" of the property. ` MULTI-RESSDENTIAL(More than three family stru¢tures), NON-RESSDENTIAL RATES For aew and reconstructed sidewalk; 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $6.35 per sguare foot. The Couacil of the City of Saiat Paul haviag received the report of the Mayor upoa the above improvement, and haviag considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report aad the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, axad that the estimated cost thereof is *SEE ABOVE for estimated construction rates, financed by assessments and-20f12. Public Improvement Aid. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 24"' dav of Julv 2002 5:30 o'clock P.M, in the Council Chambers of the City Sall aad Court 8ouse Building in the City of Saiat Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the aature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COIINCILPERSONS Yeas P3ays (�b��.��,�. senaaav vBlakey �BOStrom �Coleman ,�arris �.aatry �Reiter �In Favor O Agaiast � ����� Aaoptea by couacil: aate_���20 0� -� Certified Passed by Counci]L S retary ' _ Mayor