02-355CITY OF ST. PAUL FINAL ORDER y` ."''' "P" ei i .'^ =.� : Y . v � . �'u �' �..,_ Rr.cr•d�� Or�cr COIINCI FILE �O. 0 �� 3 � t� By File No. 18969 Voting Ward 2 In the Matter of the construction of traffic related improvements as required by the Environmental Assessment Worksheet for the US Bank office development to be located at the a�� corner of Robert Street and Fillmore Street. C�O'P'aC�wCS� under Prel iminary Order O a— a� C approved }� �� 3� � 2.oc1 � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it Fi3RTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPERSON Yeas Nays +� enanav vBlakey v�ostrom ,�oleman vI�I"arri s Aa-s:r�—Lantry vFFeiter Adopted by the Council: Date�� �-a��� � fied Passed by the Council Secretary _�In Favor d Against � FY4��r� Public Hearing 04/24/02 `7/Y� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL� DATE INTTIA.TED (/ PED -i, " Mazch 1�2002 GREEN SHEET No.:202177 � CONTACT PERSON & PAONE: � 71vITTA1JUATE INi7•IAL/DnTE LUC}' TYIOTTIpSOIL, ZE)E>-E)S�JH _DEPARTMEN'I' DIR. 2 CITY COUNCIL M[JST SE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) �IGN — CITY ATTORNEY _ CITY CLERK Xtli$� O3/27/O2 �� tv�p O R ORASST M�ER CECONINIIS ION FOR � ) _ ROUTING 1 COUNCII. RESEARCH ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[JRE PAGES `d, (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'1'URE) File No. 18969 ac'nox�QuES1�n: Set up date of public hearing for US Bank traffic related improvements. RECOMIvIENDATIONS Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CON112ACTS MUST ANSWER'1'fIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMA�IISSION 1. Has tlus person/ficm ever worked under a contrac[ for this deparhnent? CIB COMIvIITTEE Yes No CML SERVICE COMNIISSION 2. Hu this person/fim� ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/fi�m possess a skdl �ot normalty possessed by any cu�ent ciry empioyee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTi7PIITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why)� US Bank has agreed to be assessed up to $325,000 for public improvements required in the US Bank Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA�, dated December 2000. Work has begun on the improvements. ADVAN'I'AGES IF APPAOVED. Improvements related to traffic impacts of the new office development will be funded as per the HRA's development agreement with US Bank. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED � � ,(,s�' Tf'.,�1 �'�� None. US Bank has previously agreed to be assessed $325,000. ��� � � �� -, DISADVANTAGES IF' NOT APPROVED Public Works will not be paid for improvements already underway. TOTAL AMOiJN'I' OF TRANSACTION: $ 325,000 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: F[JNDINGSOURCE: Assessments ACTMTYNUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� K,\Shared�Petl\THOMPSLA�grnsh[ frm O�. 35.g" . ��G,.: ,. �:.;4=�.��; � REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT By and Among HOIISING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA GLi:J U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION And ATLANTIC FINANCIAL GROUP, LTD. DATED: June 8, 2001 THIS DOCUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Leonazd, Street and Deinazd, P.A. 380 St. Peter Street, Suite 500 Saint Paul, MN 55102 2028056v1 p� _3SS Article Four of the Indenture. This undertaking will include giving the required notices to the County Commissioners and the School District, and making all necessary statutory findings. (b) Make any "local contribution" for the TIF District that is required byMinn. Stat. Section 273.1399. (�) Complete, or cause the completion of the following traffic related improvements, by the following dates, in order to address the traffic irnpacts of the Bank project as described by the EAW: (i) The re-opening of the at-grade railroad crossing at Fillxnore Avenue between Wabasha Street and Robert Street, and the installation of a signal at Wabasha Street and Fillmore Avenue by the later of (x) the end of completion of Phase II of the Project or (y) end of the year 2003; (ii) The construction of Livingston Avenue from Fairfield Avenue to Plato Boulevazd by the later of (x) the end of completion of Phase II of the Project or (y) end of the year 2003; (iii) The split-phasing on the east and west approaches at the intersection of Robert Street and Fillmore Avenue, and the modification of the geometry of this intersection to accommodate a shared left turn/through lane and a shazed through/right turn lane on each approach by the completion of Phase I of the Project; (iv) The installation of an exclusive/permitted left tum phase on the south approach at the intersection ofRobert Street and Fillmore Avenue by the completion of Phase I of the Project; (v) The restriping of the north approach left turn lane at the intersection of Plato Boulevazd and Rabert Street to accommodate as much storage as possible (approximately 500 feet) by the later of (x) the end of completion of Phase II of the Project or (y) the end of the year 2003; (vi) The restriping of the north approach at the intersection of Plato Bou�evard and the Trunk Hi,,rhway 52 West Ramp to accommodate an exclusive left tum lane, a shared through/right tum lane, and an exclusive right tum lane by end the later of (x) the end of completion of Phase II of the Proj ect or (y) the end of the year 2003; (vii) The modification of the si�al timing along Kellogg Boulevard to accommodate the expected increase in traffic 20280S6v1 29 oZ-3s� volumes by the later of (x) the end of completion of Phase II of the Project or (y) the end of the year 2003; and (viii) The construction of a right hun lane on the east approach of the intersection of Robert Street and Plato Boulevard, if levels of service at Yhat intersection are determined to be at a level of service E or below, within a reasonable time after such determination is made. (d) Upon receipt of proceeds of the TIF Financing in an amount sufficient to pay the Severance Payment, apply those funds as required in connection with the removal of the Bank Project Area from the Riverfront Redevelopment Tax Increment District. Except for the contributions, obligations or responsibilities described in this Agreement or the Environmental Indemnity, the parties hereto expressly agree that the HRA shall have no responsibility to undertake the activities that are the Developer's responsibility under this Agreement including, without limitation, the activities described in Section 4.1(3). zozaos6vi 30 Os.-3SS clause (f}, above, the Developer shall be responsible for paying for only one-haif of the costs of such Boundary Streets including additional costs that might be incuned in the construction of the Boundary Streets as a result of the Environmental Remediation Work up to the maacimum set forth in Section 3.3, and only that portion of the cost paid 6y the Developer shall be considered part of Developer Project Costs. The remaining costs of constructing the Boundary Streets to a trade custom standard and in compliance with applicable governmental requirements, shall be paid by the H12A, by depositin� the funds needed for such payment with the Disbursing Agent within 30 days after (a) the architect engaged by the Developer certifies to the HRA that such streets have been substantially completed aad (b) the HRA receives satisfactory evidence as to the costs thereo£ The HRA hereby agrees that it shall not fund its portion of the costs of the Boundary Streets from TIF or special assessments against the Bank Project Area. With regard to the payment of special assessments, and except as provided in the following sentence, it is currently anticipated that each portion of the TIF District will be responsible for its own infrastructure; that the costs of such infrastructure (including special assessments) will be paid from the tax increment collected from the respective azea, or otherwise bome by such azea; and that infrastructure improvements made outside of the Bank Project Area will not be assessed against the Bank Project Area. Notwithstanding the foregoing, assessments in an amount up to $325,000 for the cost of traffic related improvements as set forth in Section 3.11(1)(c) may be assessed against the Bank Project Area. (4) The HI2A shall be responsible for the following costs ("Municipal Project Costs"), which shall, together with an"y other costs incurred by the HRA in connection with the Bank Project, be eligible for reimbursement from Available Tax Increment and Environmental Grants to the full extent permitted by law as provided in Section 33: (a) Reasonabie professional, staff and other transactional costs, including out-of-pocket expenses, incurred by the Municipal Parties, related to the preparation of this Agreement and the Ground Lease; the creation of the TIF District and the HSS; the structuring and documentation of the Tax Increment Financing; review of materials related to the all Environmental Remediation Work and the preparation ofthe Environmental Indemnity; and the application for Environmental Grants. (b) Reasonable professional, staff and other transactional costs, including out-of-pocket expenses, incurred by the Municipal Parties since September 1, 1999, related to the acquisition of any of the Bank Project Area land (excluding the actual purchase or condemnation price paid for any land within the Bank Project Area), but specifically inciuding any such cost that would have been a reimbursable item under the Reimbursement Ageement, and any costs incurred to ciear title to any portion of the Bank Project Area owned by the HRA for putposes of the Bank Project. (c) The actual time and expenses of the Municipal Parties relating to the development of the Bank Project zozaos6Wt 33 as.-�ss PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construction of public improvements to manage traffio-related impacts of US Bank office development on West Side Flats, as identified in the US Bank Environmental Assessment Worksheet, dafed December 2000. DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO BE FUNDED BY ASSESSMENTS Split-phasing on the east and west approaches at the RobertlFillmore intersection, and modification of the geometry to accommodate a shazed left-t�um/through lane and a shared right-turn/through lane on each approach. 2. � Installation of an exclusive/permitted left-turn phase on the south approach at the Robert/Fillmore intersection. Re-opening of the at-grade railroad crossing at Fillmore Street between Wabasha Street and Robert Street, and installation of a traffic signal at Wabasha/Fillmore. $ 90,000 $ 25,000 $210,000 (partial funding) TOTAL ASSESSMENT COST $325,000 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � =N � Y � ao � . � �g Nm � � � � .� a w ° B W � r' � � � aa � 1 1 � Na I ' _ r i � "___' � � � ¢ � �� ^ � � � � \ � �� �� ,�� � � � � � \ ^ � � � �� 1 � ❑ ❑ � � ❑ oo ❑' � � U j � a�� R L ' ' � i u.,o� a m � u a n � - � � ,.„„, � i �.��,. , � i ��,,.,� 1 �' uuu� ` � � . .� �� �� � `r ._._. —.�-' �i' l � .� I.� ,�_n�.s,�_ ; � � _ _i ' �-�'� �� � ►��IS �►eM 1 ��� T'_t-- I ' L�� N � / _'�— _ _ i _ ' � j ` i � �Y �' � 1� � � � � --- -- y' \ I I n �'i ! \ r�.l''i.._ � I � •� � i � .� —. � .n �i �.`.�..�.�i ������� I � ��� i � � O a_ _ /� � Q z � a a � � � � w 0� �� .{ s � � Y s e� H W � F � W a 3 O ra F Wd AWv�i � W A W � ��� � w�d o ow� z W � � � 0 a z w ��a'`: £� 8� J � � m CITY OF ST. PAUL PRELIMINARY ORDER �����i��� ba. -3SS COi7NCI FILE NO. 0�� 5.�.5 �� By File No. 18969 Voting ward 2 Ia the Matter of the construction of traffic related improvements as required by the Environmental Assessment Worksheet for the US Bank office development to be located at the southwest corner of Robert Street and Fillmore Street. � The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approve with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $325,000.00, financed by assessments. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 24th day of April. 2002. at 5:30 o'clock b m, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated_ COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays ✓�3enanav v�lakey ✓�ostrom �,�,s=.�'t' —Coleman ��1 —Harris ✓f�antry �„�- —Reiter Adopted by the Council : Date�..� �-'1 � a� o�— Certified Passed by the Council Secretary BY�� C a- � �"� In Favor � Against 3 �-lose r`�' Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL FINAL ORDER y` ."''' "P" ei i .'^ =.� : Y . v � . �'u �' �..,_ Rr.cr•d�� Or�cr COIINCI FILE �O. 0 �� 3 � t� By File No. 18969 Voting Ward 2 In the Matter of the construction of traffic related improvements as required by the Environmental Assessment Worksheet for the US Bank office development to be located at the a�� corner of Robert Street and Fillmore Street. C�O'P'aC�wCS� under Prel iminary Order O a— a� C approved }� �� 3� � 2.oc1 � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it Fi3RTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPERSON Yeas Nays +� enanav vBlakey v�ostrom ,�oleman vI�I"arri s Aa-s:r�—Lantry vFFeiter Adopted by the Council: Date�� �-a��� � fied Passed by the Council Secretary _�In Favor d Against � FY4��r� Public Hearing 04/24/02 `7/Y� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL� DATE INTTIA.TED (/ PED -i, " Mazch 1�2002 GREEN SHEET No.:202177 � CONTACT PERSON & PAONE: � 71vITTA1JUATE INi7•IAL/DnTE LUC}' TYIOTTIpSOIL, ZE)E>-E)S�JH _DEPARTMEN'I' DIR. 2 CITY COUNCIL M[JST SE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) �IGN — CITY ATTORNEY _ CITY CLERK Xtli$� O3/27/O2 �� tv�p O R ORASST M�ER CECONINIIS ION FOR � ) _ ROUTING 1 COUNCII. RESEARCH ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[JRE PAGES `d, (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'1'URE) File No. 18969 ac'nox�QuES1�n: Set up date of public hearing for US Bank traffic related improvements. RECOMIvIENDATIONS Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CON112ACTS MUST ANSWER'1'fIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMA�IISSION 1. Has tlus person/ficm ever worked under a contrac[ for this deparhnent? CIB COMIvIITTEE Yes No CML SERVICE COMNIISSION 2. Hu this person/fim� ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/fi�m possess a skdl �ot normalty possessed by any cu�ent ciry empioyee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTi7PIITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why)� US Bank has agreed to be assessed up to $325,000 for public improvements required in the US Bank Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA�, dated December 2000. Work has begun on the improvements. ADVAN'I'AGES IF APPAOVED. Improvements related to traffic impacts of the new office development will be funded as per the HRA's development agreement with US Bank. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED � � ,(,s�' Tf'.,�1 �'�� None. US Bank has previously agreed to be assessed $325,000. ��� � � �� -, DISADVANTAGES IF' NOT APPROVED Public Works will not be paid for improvements already underway. TOTAL AMOiJN'I' OF TRANSACTION: $ 325,000 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: F[JNDINGSOURCE: Assessments ACTMTYNUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� K,\Shared�Petl\THOMPSLA�grnsh[ frm O�. 35.g" . ��G,.: ,. �:.;4=�.��; � REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT By and Among HOIISING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA GLi:J U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION And ATLANTIC FINANCIAL GROUP, LTD. DATED: June 8, 2001 THIS DOCUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Leonazd, Street and Deinazd, P.A. 380 St. Peter Street, Suite 500 Saint Paul, MN 55102 2028056v1 p� _3SS Article Four of the Indenture. This undertaking will include giving the required notices to the County Commissioners and the School District, and making all necessary statutory findings. (b) Make any "local contribution" for the TIF District that is required byMinn. Stat. Section 273.1399. (�) Complete, or cause the completion of the following traffic related improvements, by the following dates, in order to address the traffic irnpacts of the Bank project as described by the EAW: (i) The re-opening of the at-grade railroad crossing at Fillxnore Avenue between Wabasha Street and Robert Street, and the installation of a signal at Wabasha Street and Fillmore Avenue by the later of (x) the end of completion of Phase II of the Project or (y) end of the year 2003; (ii) The construction of Livingston Avenue from Fairfield Avenue to Plato Boulevazd by the later of (x) the end of completion of Phase II of the Project or (y) end of the year 2003; (iii) The split-phasing on the east and west approaches at the intersection of Robert Street and Fillmore Avenue, and the modification of the geometry of this intersection to accommodate a shared left turn/through lane and a shazed through/right turn lane on each approach by the completion of Phase I of the Project; (iv) The installation of an exclusive/permitted left tum phase on the south approach at the intersection ofRobert Street and Fillmore Avenue by the completion of Phase I of the Project; (v) The restriping of the north approach left turn lane at the intersection of Plato Boulevazd and Rabert Street to accommodate as much storage as possible (approximately 500 feet) by the later of (x) the end of completion of Phase II of the Project or (y) the end of the year 2003; (vi) The restriping of the north approach at the intersection of Plato Bou�evard and the Trunk Hi,,rhway 52 West Ramp to accommodate an exclusive left tum lane, a shared through/right tum lane, and an exclusive right tum lane by end the later of (x) the end of completion of Phase II of the Proj ect or (y) the end of the year 2003; (vii) The modification of the si�al timing along Kellogg Boulevard to accommodate the expected increase in traffic 20280S6v1 29 oZ-3s� volumes by the later of (x) the end of completion of Phase II of the Project or (y) the end of the year 2003; and (viii) The construction of a right hun lane on the east approach of the intersection of Robert Street and Plato Boulevard, if levels of service at Yhat intersection are determined to be at a level of service E or below, within a reasonable time after such determination is made. (d) Upon receipt of proceeds of the TIF Financing in an amount sufficient to pay the Severance Payment, apply those funds as required in connection with the removal of the Bank Project Area from the Riverfront Redevelopment Tax Increment District. Except for the contributions, obligations or responsibilities described in this Agreement or the Environmental Indemnity, the parties hereto expressly agree that the HRA shall have no responsibility to undertake the activities that are the Developer's responsibility under this Agreement including, without limitation, the activities described in Section 4.1(3). zozaos6vi 30 Os.-3SS clause (f}, above, the Developer shall be responsible for paying for only one-haif of the costs of such Boundary Streets including additional costs that might be incuned in the construction of the Boundary Streets as a result of the Environmental Remediation Work up to the maacimum set forth in Section 3.3, and only that portion of the cost paid 6y the Developer shall be considered part of Developer Project Costs. The remaining costs of constructing the Boundary Streets to a trade custom standard and in compliance with applicable governmental requirements, shall be paid by the H12A, by depositin� the funds needed for such payment with the Disbursing Agent within 30 days after (a) the architect engaged by the Developer certifies to the HRA that such streets have been substantially completed aad (b) the HRA receives satisfactory evidence as to the costs thereo£ The HRA hereby agrees that it shall not fund its portion of the costs of the Boundary Streets from TIF or special assessments against the Bank Project Area. With regard to the payment of special assessments, and except as provided in the following sentence, it is currently anticipated that each portion of the TIF District will be responsible for its own infrastructure; that the costs of such infrastructure (including special assessments) will be paid from the tax increment collected from the respective azea, or otherwise bome by such azea; and that infrastructure improvements made outside of the Bank Project Area will not be assessed against the Bank Project Area. Notwithstanding the foregoing, assessments in an amount up to $325,000 for the cost of traffic related improvements as set forth in Section 3.11(1)(c) may be assessed against the Bank Project Area. (4) The HI2A shall be responsible for the following costs ("Municipal Project Costs"), which shall, together with an"y other costs incurred by the HRA in connection with the Bank Project, be eligible for reimbursement from Available Tax Increment and Environmental Grants to the full extent permitted by law as provided in Section 33: (a) Reasonabie professional, staff and other transactional costs, including out-of-pocket expenses, incurred by the Municipal Parties, related to the preparation of this Agreement and the Ground Lease; the creation of the TIF District and the HSS; the structuring and documentation of the Tax Increment Financing; review of materials related to the all Environmental Remediation Work and the preparation ofthe Environmental Indemnity; and the application for Environmental Grants. (b) Reasonable professional, staff and other transactional costs, including out-of-pocket expenses, incurred by the Municipal Parties since September 1, 1999, related to the acquisition of any of the Bank Project Area land (excluding the actual purchase or condemnation price paid for any land within the Bank Project Area), but specifically inciuding any such cost that would have been a reimbursable item under the Reimbursement Ageement, and any costs incurred to ciear title to any portion of the Bank Project Area owned by the HRA for putposes of the Bank Project. (c) The actual time and expenses of the Municipal Parties relating to the development of the Bank Project zozaos6Wt 33 as.-�ss PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construction of public improvements to manage traffio-related impacts of US Bank office development on West Side Flats, as identified in the US Bank Environmental Assessment Worksheet, dafed December 2000. DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO BE FUNDED BY ASSESSMENTS Split-phasing on the east and west approaches at the RobertlFillmore intersection, and modification of the geometry to accommodate a shazed left-t�um/through lane and a shared right-turn/through lane on each approach. 2. � Installation of an exclusive/permitted left-turn phase on the south approach at the Robert/Fillmore intersection. Re-opening of the at-grade railroad crossing at Fillmore Street between Wabasha Street and Robert Street, and installation of a traffic signal at Wabasha/Fillmore. $ 90,000 $ 25,000 $210,000 (partial funding) TOTAL ASSESSMENT COST $325,000 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � =N � Y � ao � . � �g Nm � � � � .� a w ° B W � r' � � � aa � 1 1 � Na I ' _ r i � "___' � � � ¢ � �� ^ � � � � \ � �� �� ,�� � � � � � \ ^ � � � �� 1 � ❑ ❑ � � ❑ oo ❑' � � U j � a�� R L ' ' � i u.,o� a m � u a n � - � � ,.„„, � i �.��,. , � i ��,,.,� 1 �' uuu� ` � � . .� �� �� � `r ._._. —.�-' �i' l � .� I.� ,�_n�.s,�_ ; � � _ _i ' �-�'� �� � ►��IS �►eM 1 ��� T'_t-- I ' L�� N � / _'�— _ _ i _ ' � j ` i � �Y �' � 1� � � � � --- -- y' \ I I n �'i ! \ r�.l''i.._ � I � •� � i � .� —. � .n �i �.`.�..�.�i ������� I � ��� i � � O a_ _ /� � Q z � a a � � � � w 0� �� .{ s � � Y s e� H W � F � W a 3 O ra F Wd AWv�i � W A W � ��� � w�d o ow� z W � � � 0 a z w ��a'`: £� 8� J � � m CITY OF ST. PAUL PRELIMINARY ORDER �����i��� ba. -3SS COi7NCI FILE NO. 0�� 5.�.5 �� By File No. 18969 Voting ward 2 Ia the Matter of the construction of traffic related improvements as required by the Environmental Assessment Worksheet for the US Bank office development to be located at the southwest corner of Robert Street and Fillmore Street. � The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approve with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $325,000.00, financed by assessments. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 24th day of April. 2002. at 5:30 o'clock b m, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated_ COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays ✓�3enanav v�lakey ✓�ostrom �,�,s=.�'t' —Coleman ��1 —Harris ✓f�antry �„�- —Reiter Adopted by the Council : Date�..� �-'1 � a� o�— Certified Passed by the Council Secretary BY�� C a- � �"� In Favor � Against 3 �-lose r`�' Mayor