D00180� W�ro — CitY CNrk Pink — FiMMe ppt. GM�Y— bVt. • GITY OF SAI1�T Z�AUL </FYIGB OP THY. MAYOR ADMINISIRATIVE ORDER Krcx;s►' x��s�o� Curtent Amended Budget Change Budget • �J PrepBreC by: Attiviry Manapx Aeaueama er: �v.ronerrc ehecwr $339,481 :1D�IL�'ISTR.�TI\'E ORDER, consiscenc wim ene autnoriey yrented to me Mayw in sectan 7o.m.a or me City cnarter a�d basetl on the req t of the Director ot Me Department oi Executive Administrat ion to amend the 59 � buOget ot the �=Pner �� F•�T d tuntl. the Director ot the Department of Finance antl ManagemeM Senices is authorized to amen0 saitl butlget in the following ma�ner. GEI3ERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Training & Oxganizational Development GL-001 00157-0111 Full Time Employee GL-001 00155-0219 Fees, other professional services. $ 5,050 No: 1./�a / � � Date: ��_� t _or, � -JS �ay J ($1,�00) $1,500 $337,981 s$ 6,550 wetl Dy. Mayw � � _� _ { ^ �• ( J (� T aa . � - ' DEPARTMENT/OFFICECOUNCIL �ATE WRIATED � ��� � �/ �/ O • ' xu�n Resources 6-21-94 GREEN SHEE CONTACf PERSON 8 PHONE t R�y�� INITIAUDATE INITIAVDATE � mOEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �CITYCOUNGL ee `l�rchin 266-6470 � ASSIGN O ATfORNEY CRYCLERK NUMBERFOR ST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BV (DAT@) ROIRING - BUDGEf DIRECTO � FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICE$ DIfl. OROER MAYOR(ORASSISTA � ��n�� C� !!_C/` l. ti W � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 2 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION FE�UE5TED: . Move salary dollars saved in vacant OD specialist position to pxofessianal fees. This is an addendum to D00140 - asking for$1500 to be transferred. AECOMMEN�ATIONS npprove (A) or Reject (R) pEBSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE POLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANWNG COMMfSS10N _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �- ��'� Pe�°'���m ever worked under a coMract for this depardnent? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/Firtn ever been a ciry employee? — STA�� — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 CoUFiT — 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WH�CH COUNGL OBJECTIVE? VES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet a�d attach to green sheet � INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPEJFiTUNITY (Who, What, Wheq Whare, Why�: h��.:..���E� JUN 2 9 i394 �::_:��i OFFICE � VANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: RECEIVED JUL �- 1994 CITY CLERK ' DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTALAMOUNTOP7RANSAC710N $ 1.SOO.00 COS7/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIHCLEONE) VES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBER - FINANCIAL MFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � � .�um��.rr� �2<� WPiU —CitY CNrk���� - "I��`� I • IiOk — fiMM1 �pt. G�+.�r — O.ni. C � J GITY OF SAI�T I�AUL ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 13l'IX;EI' F2F�1ti10\ OYYIGY. OP 'tHY. MAYOR Curtent Amended Budqet Chanpe Budget • • 339,481 �.D���ISTR.�m� �)I�EIZ, Consistent wiM tF�e authoriry granted to the Mayor in Section 70.07.4 0l the City Cnarter and based on the request of tne Director oi Me Department of.P�x � i v Adm� ni stration to amerW the 79�.4_ bu0get ol the �P� P r= 7 F,�*+�i fund. the D�rector ot t1�e Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend seid budget in tne following manner: General Fund Human Resources Training & Organizational Development GL-001 00157-0111 Full Time Employee GL-001 00155-0219 Fees, other professional sexvices. Preperetl ey Activity M�rupsr 5,050 �����a� ::. ,�. No: �{ �f � ����i ^ Bate: � I v _ � � -- � (2,200} 2,200 337,281 7,250 �. �. �� � �:/ � � ( �