02-354ORIGINAL CITY OF ST FINAL ORDER �S PAUL COUNCIL E NO. O.'�, � 35 y BY � �"'^'-'-° FILE NO. 18964C VOTING WARD In the Matter of the construction of storm sewer service connections, if requested by the property owner, with the HIGHLAND PARKWAY AND PINEHURST AVENUE STORM SEWER CONNECTION PROJECT. under Preliminary . The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it Fi7RTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPERSON Adopted by the Date ����� Yea� NayS +/'Benanav ,/ ,/Bostrom vf:oleman ,iFl�arri s �hx..�! —Lantry ✓Reiter Certified Passes by Council Secretary � In �avdr By � Against � �-1DScr-\ Public Hearing D - A ri124, 2002 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date � S �pa.3S'� March 19, 2002 � Green Sheet Number: 111645 �ontactPersonandPhoneNumber: DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 2 CITY COUNCIL Glenn Picha 266-8851 CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK Kust be on Council Age�a by: March 27, 2002 °�'TD�CTO" o�cE oevw,wausvc 17ust be in Council Research O(tice March 22, 2002 rox �ox,.ss�sr.+,vn 1 ouxcu xrsraacx > iroon on Ftida COTAL # OF SIGNATORE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCAITONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) �CTION REQUESTED: FYnal order of construction of storm sewer service connections, if requested by the property owner, avith the HIGHLAND PARKWAY AND PINEHURST AVENUE STORM SEWER CONNECTION RSONAL SERVICE CON'IRACTS MUST ANS�VER THE FOLLO'�VING: Has the person/firm ever worked under a rnntract for this department? YES NO r�wccomnnss�orv A srnre Has this personJfirm ever been a City employee? CR'p, SERVICE COMMISSION Public Health YES NO Does this persoNfirm possess a s1ti11 not normally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? CBCOMMIITEE — Vacad'Biags Explain all YES answers on a separate sheet and attach. \TING PROBLEM� ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): xuate stub connections not provided to homeowners. NTAGESIF.4PPROVEDc will provide adequate stub connections to homeowners. iADVANTAGE5IF APPROVED: �rmal problems associated with construction, such as iADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Adeauate stub connections will not be urovided to homeowners. and W1I� OCCUT. .MOUNT OF TRANSACI'ION: TO bC (IQt0YIl71IICf1 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO :SOURCE: At COSt. ACTIVITYNUMBER: G+��.� ��,at'(`,h VQ{t�BI' AL INFORMATION: (F.XPLAIN) 8 nronertv owners will be noti�ed of the oublic hearin¢ and charees. ;��. �� �� ,a, P> � . , � a : � ,._ J* �_ ---;- ----. . - --- �----- J � , � �� � � _ �.� K/GF oa-asy �� °� f'l. 3q � h\ . s (u� (� (9) (S) �7> (6� (5> ��> (3� (Z� � (I)� 6�J- � - y .a-e IS IR 13 12 N. 10 � b 7 6 5 4 3 # 1 � 7 `� � , � � . � �iz ir , 2z @ �35) (3a'� . p N _■ a (iz.� �3� (i4� �s� (I�> (i� (a) (�q� �io� ��� �2z> (23� �2`'� ,� �3V� (3'> (� 16 i7 16 19 2Q 21 22 zb �1 25 26 27 28 2J 30 1 �. " � /3 /¢ / -noee _ I �� .ba a� %'� . ,. , . o '�a � .s9. �Fo '� �. — �- e +� — — P/NEHURST . — — — — — — .- — �— — — — — — z � U � \ /z.� ¢O. �� . �. ,. , . ��.� . g.o '4-394 � +�i. r� a - C�; /z � � j 30 � v / � 7 C � � t„ h � 6i) ; ��) � � �,�' /3 � 7 � ,� � ' � � // /0 9 8� 6 s�, 3 z i � i.s !i¢ i.� , q • %4- �8) (l�� (7G� �75� ��q� (73) �72� �7i� (70� �G9� ��� � � � w 3p xo�2 � • J ' ry � �.s � (az� i �85� (�9) (as> (s�� a�� i (sa� o � (�a� �� o L L � :,,�, � � �� I� `� � ��a �� i8 /9 zo z/ 22 23 2¢ z,s z6 z 28 � 7 , �` /6 i� /� ^^ /J i� � �n � I ��3� � 0�' i�3. i:1" . zo 40 • .;o. ¢.R.ai � , ¢O � � ' 40. ,_.-- •, - f33 � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � T o 0 1_— --_--__---_ ,_.—_ � _..,, ,- �ryc -- = - �6.di 'ss�a'- --� r — . � ,,8' tl, W � /yi9 6.?7. 1.s I I ,8ao.� 3 _ a � ' I / S6d. /3 . , ' - - � g I B' � n .. i --- � ��� � IN � �B�NK �: [ ke . _, � 090 �� I � � � 0 030 � °� `i � �� ^ p , � e Q ,_ px,. 35� :; RETURN CaMPLETED FORM TO: � PUBIC WORKS SEWER UTILI'fY 700 CITY HALL ANNEX. 25 W. 4 ST. ST. PAUL MN 55102 ATTN• MIKE SATTLER STORM SEWER SERVICE STUB CONNE ..� '4 �-- R/�/ Gff L' -f'Kw �.. J t�-�`���'�' � � CTION REQUEST _ A � ��� � Project• "� v— . � - `a . - - � � a _ � � . ' : —: Proposed storm sewer construction year: a �_ _ , � `+• ; ': !'-. , `.. , ;�; ' ,::,i ..'� .�'�i�i;t .. _��..`_:" I:`��-'_��R� i request that a"storm sewer service connection be stubbed out;to my :�,� ,!•: ;;;� ' � -- -, ; i._.._ ; ;. _, �i; , p�operty line. • r>; _ ._ .,. . : , �?� . i i� . �;. �'���: .•, ' ;.... � �' � • I am aware that I will be specialiy assessed .at actual co§t for the "storm �.;�- ' sewer service stub connection. _ • ' � ; , � ' � - • '- �. �.u.�. _ � S! — � �C� � �3 'l 'i� �o , _ Telephone Number. _ __,. _ :�_ � �"L (Please Print) _ l�C�- . : Signature:_ .?a'°-�,��—��'�� (Owner or Authorized Representative) . . _ , :,i- ' l , :._ ;; ;; i ' .�; i _. _! � -- -, _ _ ` _� `� ' � -' � i ' I. /+ � �G : .::. •'..�= • , Note: = ;.: : � .: � A storm sewer stub connection require� a looation. See the draw'sng on the reverse side of this page, and using a building;or other feature, inclicate where along your property tine you would like ihe storm sewer stub located.� �, . . ,. The stub will be 2 inches in diameter and approximately 4.5 to 5 feet deep. , �, t � _ �, . �. . -�; T�• OCT-01-2601 69:02 DM & S . _SR_�.,�a>_n; u3a3f3�• AET(3�1� ColdlP�'fBD fQRM"f0: .? � ; > . f i : ( i x 612 973 6363 F.61i62 oa-�y� � -. PllBt� WORKS SEV�� �►T��� 704 Cf7Y HAL.� ANNEx 2b 1N. 4 SC. � g{. pAUL Mt�l 551D2= . ' - . AlTtd: td�kE SA'S"TLER sTaR�n s�v+�a s�Rwc6 s��s cc��:rt�c.��3 � ; . � 6 � J� • a,... Aci�it�s3:.__./�'""'S—�1��'�"'_'�+—�-- `.. r. � I r�qa���.+ t2�s�! � storm sewer s�nnce eonge ^ u:r,;,2rtylin��. �_:,,,t , � P��-f' �°�» �eb ��0. ►„�;� , w��ia thnt 1 wili f?e spec+aity_assessed at actual cost for Yne stor�m_ -� •:'� .. : � �, i y��c � Z, l �2�f��. ` •.1 1° -.� � ' �k h O� g��'.� ' �( � .:_�: \, l-I l ��, r � .: .. �JOz-� or. �zY�$� � +� 1 �. Yic>��G� . ..� l o c��, �j���.sma�n �. : ,, �� i fOpO. ..rGh " ' �� � 6 � �t, . Y �` .. ,:i.;l: � `Qfo�.��.` . . : �;,:,; ; .: -_ . ' ction ESe Stubt3ed out 2�mY �o ; �j .: n seWer c onSE'ruc'tion � n t�.-4 � s�lN:?r:'.t:�ft� ^ st��b connection. . :. � f� ri!�. _} Z� Z,n ; � e Hl �^ °� �..� r /� - /— 2CY�1 > ' >_ � o��;�: � �3 z�� 6 y666�X . 5 - 31- �b � 1�,>�c��iat3 : �umtter• __�- - ? r�arnc:_ ���irl.cs ---� � (Pfease�Print) • j Sh;nRiura:.,_! ,�Ol� ' -. . .. �� �--- ? (Clwner or Authorized R�presenlalive) ' 1'�t:lc: �A.., . . . . r k s!nrnz ��wer swb conn@ctia^ «quires a locAtion. S�e e drswing o� t6e . revrrs� side of �hts'page, and using a buiMing or o�ner Seat�te, it+dicate ivhere �Eo+�g Y>ur properiy Ilne you wou i d ti k c t h e s t o c n z s e:a: c•r ����.� Ic.::�:��. 1 ha sluD wi� he 2 inche5 in di3meter and app��ximately kS to b Seat deeP• Y � i { e � ` . RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO: PUBIC WORKS SEWER UTILITY 700 CITY HALL ANNEX. 25 W. 4 ST. ST. PAUL MN 55102 � ATTN. MIKE SATTLER OZ-�Sy STORM SEWER SERVICE STUB CONNECTION REQUEST . � - t �� �.� •- �3 -�� �- � O '33 � Address: � � $ � ����nol �av'kwa_u -- - --- ----- � . , � _ Proposed storm sewer construction year: �� (�� 20 o i I request that a storm sewer service.connection be stubbed out to my •:.•': ;` property line.. r� C�p-�"� .�?;t�.'.rcat�s2- 5ic� . ;:. 2. 1.._ � : .:. I am aware tliat 1 wili be specialiy assessed at actual cost for the storm - sewer service stub cohnection. � . Date: ' �� �� Telephone Number: �S � ' 6�g - � ( �°� ChoMe, e.�.wvti�� - [� st - z.z`f -.zFi�o � work- �ti. , � u � ..v. � - (Please Print) Signature: ;;f � . --, . (pw r or Authorized Representative) . . , ,: _. _. Note: A storm sewer stub connection requires a location. See the drawing on the reverse side of this page, and using a building or other feature; indicate where along your property tine you would like the storm sewer stub located. The stub wili be 2 inches in diameter and approximately 4.5 to 5 feet deep. a ,�= ` RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO: PUBIC WORKS SEWER UT1LlTY 700 CITY HALL ANNEX. 25 W. 4 ST. ST. PAUL MN 55102 qTTN. MIKE SATTLER STORM SEWER SERVICE STUB CONNECTION REQUEST o �..�s� ic�-a��a3p.z�v� ��` � ! request that a storm sewer service connection be stubbed out to my property line. l am aware that I will be specially assessed at actual.cost for the storm sewer service stub connection. - Date: � 6 � Tele rhone Number: � �b� 8`��"'`-�?o Ni f(6S7 6 9�-�36 � Print) Signature: c.� a^'�� . (Owner or Auth ized Representative) Note: on the A storm sewer stu e using iding or t other featurea ndica e where reverse side of this pag , along your property line you Would like the storm sewer stub locate . The stub wili be 2 inches in diameter and approximately 4.5 to 5 feet deep. Proposed storm sewer construction year: ��v� RETURN COMPI.ETED FORM TO: PUBIC WORKS SEWER UTILITY 700 CITY HALL ANNEX. 25 W. 4 ST. ST. PAUL MN 55102 , � ATfN. MIKE SATTLER _" 4 _ ___. _ _ . . . STORM SEWER SERVICE STUB CONNECTION REQUEST �' � l/ �iv��f /�C � S / oa.- �`I ( ( - 23 � 2-3.: ��,2. -� �3 � Project: .S� G.� — � c�' �v' `� _ - _. --:'9 � ��9' ._ : Proposed storm sewer construction year: ; .. ' _' _..__ ` . � i'_ _ .. ' 4: , ,_.. , , ^ , � ^ �==-� � . . ` bbed out to my - : ' � I re uest that a ;storm.sewer se ' , , . . , ; , �« : . ' . :_. .._- ;_.._._... ... --.- .. _.._ property line. . - � _.:. � - - , : . ,: . � � :: : .; � - : t ; � -; --.._...x •.:.;; ; � a are that I wili be specially assessed I at actual cost for'the storm : sewer service stub connection. , :; S�� �• - � -�-l�o / ; Date:� v Telephone Number: t�_--������ Name: � , -- - _ � (Please Print) �" � �.� s��.� �'���---�--- Signature: . (Owner or Authorized epresentative) . -- ;,; Note: �- ` A storm sewer stub connection requires a location. See the drawing on the reverse side of this page, and using a building or other feature, indicate where along your property line you would like the storm sewer stub located. The stub will be 2 inches in diameter and approximately 4.5 to 5 feet deep. RETURN COMPL�TED FORM TO: ' � �_� PUBIC WORKS SEWER UTILITY 700 C1TY HALL ANNEX. Z w. � ST. ST. PAUL MN 55'102 a ' ' ATTN. MIKE SATTLER . . . . . _ . STORM SEWER SERV�IC��STUB C�Z EC����� REQUEST �� �-� , n c> > `T�! n i T'" �-�-/ 1 h:C�f �U( , J J i _�"'.�"�-� = S� 2�/ �cu/ �2 ��v .� -.... _ �����.... ..- - -_ -�dd� --. Proposed storm sewer construction year: - _ ;- , __.:. ;,. l^ - . k: . 3 ,,� `1 :.:� _. _'.�;.., . �� �:. j t� I request that a storm sewer service conriection be stubbed ;out to my �; j:,' •_: erty line: - ' � :1-' � .:.:_. . ;°:, �, .'-. � ; .;_: ;: � - p rop ,... . " . . ;>... .�::_ : -._..._-..� • .'_--: .:.._ : . �''�': .? ; , ., .�.:.:_,� �.�.:�3; ..� -,- ��t•=;�,. 1 am aware that 1 will be speciaily assessed. at actuaf � ost for the storm i:;��; �. ' sewer service stub connection. � -f 1 ; : ; � ' ' . ; �; ; �S� ./ � - ;,;��� � _� Date: � ��--°=L—��-- __i ;; `': Telephone Number: � � l ' � G�/I ✓'I_ �7�7�D � n � . , h , �-� � /. � vame: - � , � � _ _ . (Please Print) r= .:... _ _ . : � ;: / / l�li/LL�� � �') � � � : : :. � � , Signature: ' " ' � � ' , (Owner or Authonzed Representative) �. ' � � ; " � --i `" -_ `r ._ , , . �._a • . ' . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ � _ 1 ._. S. _ . � . ti t � � ��� � F . '� , sYf ;� ?e' j � � .. ' s , i.� �" f , Note: ` A storm sewer stub connection requires a location. See the drawi'n.g on the � , r �. r reverse side of this page, and using a building or other feature, indicate where `` along yoar property line you would like the storm sewer stub located. ..- �• The stub wiil be 2 inches in diameter and approximately 4.5 to 5 feet deep.' ��,, . .l�or��.�+� .�^-�° .�`r�-�'?---' �.%: Gr��'� .�m�� ���"�� U - � � ���'� � -�R� ��-z°`� � � =� �� 1�F°� : .. . RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO: PUBIC WORKS SEWER UTILITY 700 CITY HAI.L ANNEX, 25 W. 4 ST. ST. PAUL MN 55102 � � � ATTN. MIKE SA'i"i'LER oz- i request that a storm sewer service,connection be stubbed out to my ;;•. � �� � -��- - � .� (�:�:=;�r;-. property line. i �, - :_. '� - - ., . i.,,�� �- �:.. .. .�: ; � �' -!. .: �{< ..:4 � �i ; I am aware that i wili be specially assessed at actual cos# for the.storm ;;;�- .,. - � - _ , � : :,. sewer service stub connection. ; ;r, - . - � J � � � ;; ' ;' . 's. -, ''• �� ' _ -.. .f -. . ; y � f � } , r I 1 � , I - Date• ��� / " ��� / _ ' . I � . - - �--dd � , . Proposed storm sewer construction year: -`��'�✓��--� ; __ . ,_ _ � _.... ..� � _ i .� � , _ , - - , . __ .._.., _,. . � 9 � � � � � . �- .,• . . ; : - . Telephone Number: _ _ _ ; � Name: /-�__� h`- �✓C �S � � I�` Ll �R� _ , . ; (Please Print) (Owner or Authorized Representative) , _- � , , � , �. -; - - -, ; _— , ; .� �.. _ __. _'.,.. ._ I i.:__. 1 Note: ' A storm sewer stub connection requi�es a location. See the drawing on the reverse side of this page, and using a building or other feature, indicate where along your property line you would like the storm sewer stub located._ 7he stub will be 2 inches in diameter and approximately 4.5 to 5 feet deep• STORM SEWER SERVICE STUB CONNECTION REQUEST r � - 2� a3 -.az-a� �� - - _ . ' - a RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO: ' ' � ATi'N. MIKE SATTLER _ . _ , _ - -•--_ - - -- ---�:_-. S'TOfiM SEWER SERVICE STUB CONNECTION REQUEST c � -�.� - a3 `� a�- o�� �l-�; lq�J /�''»ehu/'S�' ��ehke � :��.�a� � ; - 01-35� a s ' f -s C ` ` � L � i - i � . � �� ! , . , � . � �.,�,..,.. :; , -- �00 I Sep� . � ,;,Proposed storm sewer construction year: ;.t� T ' .� - . -- . ; ; . _ . . . � . '__ � . �; ��; i �equest that a storm sewer service connection be stubbed out to riiy -= ;;�" � ^ ; , � :;{ �i. ;':, : : .� � . . .. �s � , � prope'rty line. ' � �;: �:>.�..__;._.._ _, ..._ . i '� .,- ; � ;. -" ,: ,- , q•\ ; . ..... �.t t �.:.��__ _""._ '"�.' '�' ' . � . � . �:, ^�' . y . 4:; . J F y .. . :' : i (�u; �„ � � � �� � % .ti: i . 'll b s eciall � assessed at actual `cost for'the storm �' ;;, ;;;�� . '�; ,�:•I am aware that I wi e, p Y !. --- , ._..._.._.. � _���..� :i ! '; sewer senrice stub connection. _ } � � , �-"-•-+; -,; ���- - - : ;; � , ,., � ; � � _, •` _� ~` q;_�o O� i�i�_ �`�',�.-_��--- i - Date: 1 / l _ � � �d11P� Telephone Number: -�6� a" `s $� � �s 1 � � - � P. � � - -.... .� -.� N Signatu � i '�' A s orm reverse side of this page, and using a building or other feature, indicate where > '' �� ou wo id like the siorm sewer stub located. . along your}iroperty '_ Y .. p 1" � p �, � - �s in iameter and a proximate 4.5 t 5 f dee � PUBIC WORKS SEWER UTILITY 700 CITY 4iALl. AIINEX 25 W. 4 ST. ST. PAUL MN 55102 :- -- �C..�/�"j .. . � � • {�.._ �y - - -' _ (Owner or Authorized Representative), ; �^' __ ` i� ; , i. " -,.. _ . 0 �� 'Y Z Q \� S � ..� Note: -��':'� . t� sewer stub connection requires a location. See the drawing on the , ;�}� � , . ��� � t > ;� rE:�`�,�'r' f, 4���,��,� ka•�ev �L.�"G, ' r1.:7k ° . r�i-�. �^.fi�i1�:� _-�. �;.�. �t';'4 _�+ `'J.� r ' i • ♦ � I I •I ► - � � � .. . • i -, z -• s �. � ,� � _ ;� Et- t" ! �...� 1 i �R ; 's L. CITY OF ST. PAIIL PRELIMINARY ORDER 0�.-35y COUNCIL LE NO. Oe�"1-P'� BY �� t(_ W FILS NO. 18964C VOTING WARD 3 In the Matter of the construction of storm sewer service connections, if requested by the property owner, with the HIGHLAND PARKWAY AND PINEHURST AVENUE STORM SEWER CONNECTION PROJECT. �, The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is assessed at the rate in effect at the time of installation. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on Wednesday, 24th af April, 2002, at 5:3(3 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said the manner provided hearing, the nature as estimated. COUNCILPERSON Yea Nay (/'Benanav Ab akey `� Bostrom s � Coleman � Harris � Adopted by the Date .1 � .� ���� � Certified Passes by Council Secretary In Fa�c�- BY Against public hearing be given to the persons and in by the Charter, stating the time and place of of the improvement and the total cost thereof ����-Lantry Mayor �Reiter a. 6�bSe�� ORIGINAL CITY OF ST FINAL ORDER �S PAUL COUNCIL E NO. O.'�, � 35 y BY � �"'^'-'-° FILE NO. 18964C VOTING WARD In the Matter of the construction of storm sewer service connections, if requested by the property owner, with the HIGHLAND PARKWAY AND PINEHURST AVENUE STORM SEWER CONNECTION PROJECT. under Preliminary . The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it Fi7RTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPERSON Adopted by the Date ����� Yea� NayS +/'Benanav ,/ ,/Bostrom vf:oleman ,iFl�arri s �hx..�! —Lantry ✓Reiter Certified Passes by Council Secretary � In �avdr By � Against � �-1DScr-\ Public Hearing D - A ri124, 2002 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date � S �pa.3S'� March 19, 2002 � Green Sheet Number: 111645 �ontactPersonandPhoneNumber: DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 2 CITY COUNCIL Glenn Picha 266-8851 CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK Kust be on Council Age�a by: March 27, 2002 °�'TD�CTO" o�cE oevw,wausvc 17ust be in Council Research O(tice March 22, 2002 rox �ox,.ss�sr.+,vn 1 ouxcu xrsraacx > iroon on Ftida COTAL # OF SIGNATORE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCAITONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) �CTION REQUESTED: FYnal order of construction of storm sewer service connections, if requested by the property owner, avith the HIGHLAND PARKWAY AND PINEHURST AVENUE STORM SEWER CONNECTION RSONAL SERVICE CON'IRACTS MUST ANS�VER THE FOLLO'�VING: Has the person/firm ever worked under a rnntract for this department? YES NO r�wccomnnss�orv A srnre Has this personJfirm ever been a City employee? CR'p, SERVICE COMMISSION Public Health YES NO Does this persoNfirm possess a s1ti11 not normally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? CBCOMMIITEE — Vacad'Biags Explain all YES answers on a separate sheet and attach. \TING PROBLEM� ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): xuate stub connections not provided to homeowners. NTAGESIF.4PPROVEDc will provide adequate stub connections to homeowners. iADVANTAGE5IF APPROVED: �rmal problems associated with construction, such as iADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Adeauate stub connections will not be urovided to homeowners. and W1I� OCCUT. .MOUNT OF TRANSACI'ION: TO bC (IQt0YIl71IICf1 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO :SOURCE: At COSt. ACTIVITYNUMBER: G+��.� ��,at'(`,h VQ{t�BI' AL INFORMATION: (F.XPLAIN) 8 nronertv owners will be noti�ed of the oublic hearin¢ and charees. ;��. �� �� ,a, P> � . , � a : � ,._ J* �_ ---;- ----. . - --- �----- J � , � �� � � _ �.� K/GF oa-asy �� °� f'l. 3q � h\ . s (u� (� (9) (S) �7> (6� (5> ��> (3� (Z� � (I)� 6�J- � - y .a-e IS IR 13 12 N. 10 � b 7 6 5 4 3 # 1 � 7 `� � , � � . � �iz ir , 2z @ �35) (3a'� . p N _■ a (iz.� �3� (i4� �s� (I�> (i� (a) (�q� �io� ��� �2z> (23� �2`'� ,� �3V� (3'> (� 16 i7 16 19 2Q 21 22 zb �1 25 26 27 28 2J 30 1 �. " � /3 /¢ / -noee _ I �� .ba a� %'� . ,. , . o '�a � .s9. �Fo '� �. — �- e +� — — P/NEHURST . — — — — — — .- — �— — — — — — z � U � \ /z.� ¢O. �� . �. ,. , . ��.� . g.o '4-394 � +�i. r� a - C�; /z � � j 30 � v / � 7 C � � t„ h � 6i) ; ��) � � �,�' /3 � 7 � ,� � ' � � // /0 9 8� 6 s�, 3 z i � i.s !i¢ i.� , q • %4- �8) (l�� (7G� �75� ��q� (73) �72� �7i� (70� �G9� ��� � � � w 3p xo�2 � • J ' ry � �.s � (az� i �85� (�9) (as> (s�� a�� i (sa� o � (�a� �� o L L � :,,�, � � �� I� `� � ��a �� i8 /9 zo z/ 22 23 2¢ z,s z6 z 28 � 7 , �` /6 i� /� ^^ /J i� � �n � I ��3� � 0�' i�3. i:1" . zo 40 • .;o. ¢.R.ai � , ¢O � � ' 40. ,_.-- •, - f33 � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � T o 0 1_— --_--__---_ ,_.—_ � _..,, ,- �ryc -- = - �6.di 'ss�a'- --� r — . � ,,8' tl, W � /yi9 6.?7. 1.s I I ,8ao.� 3 _ a � ' I / S6d. /3 . , ' - - � g I B' � n .. i --- � ��� � IN � �B�NK �: [ ke . _, � 090 �� I � � � 0 030 � °� `i � �� ^ p , � e Q ,_ px,. 35� :; RETURN CaMPLETED FORM TO: � PUBIC WORKS SEWER UTILI'fY 700 CITY HALL ANNEX. 25 W. 4 ST. ST. PAUL MN 55102 ATTN• MIKE SATTLER STORM SEWER SERVICE STUB CONNE ..� '4 �-- R/�/ Gff L' -f'Kw �.. J t�-�`���'�' � � CTION REQUEST _ A � ��� � Project• "� v— . � - `a . - - � � a _ � � . ' : —: Proposed storm sewer construction year: a �_ _ , � `+• ; ': !'-. , `.. , ;�; ' ,::,i ..'� .�'�i�i;t .. _��..`_:" I:`��-'_��R� i request that a"storm sewer service connection be stubbed out;to my :�,� ,!•: ;;;� ' � -- -, ; i._.._ ; ;. _, �i; , p�operty line. • r>; _ ._ .,. . : , �?� . i i� . �;. �'���: .•, ' ;.... � �' � • I am aware that I will be specialiy assessed .at actual co§t for the "storm �.;�- ' sewer service stub connection. _ • ' � ; , � ' � - • '- �. �.u.�. _ � S! — � �C� � �3 'l 'i� �o , _ Telephone Number. _ __,. _ :�_ � �"L (Please Print) _ l�C�- . : Signature:_ .?a'°-�,��—��'�� (Owner or Authorized Representative) . . _ , :,i- ' l , :._ ;; ;; i ' .�; i _. _! � -- -, _ _ ` _� `� ' � -' � i ' I. /+ � �G : .::. •'..�= • , Note: = ;.: : � .: � A storm sewer stub connection require� a looation. See the draw'sng on the reverse side of this page, and using a building;or other feature, inclicate where along your property tine you would like ihe storm sewer stub located.� �, . . ,. The stub will be 2 inches in diameter and approximately 4.5 to 5 feet deep. , �, t � _ �, . �. . -�; T�• OCT-01-2601 69:02 DM & S . _SR_�.,�a>_n; u3a3f3�• AET(3�1� ColdlP�'fBD fQRM"f0: .? � ; > . f i : ( i x 612 973 6363 F.61i62 oa-�y� � -. PllBt� WORKS SEV�� �►T��� 704 Cf7Y HAL.� ANNEx 2b 1N. 4 SC. � g{. pAUL Mt�l 551D2= . ' - . AlTtd: td�kE SA'S"TLER sTaR�n s�v+�a s�Rwc6 s��s cc��:rt�c.��3 � ; . � 6 � J� • a,... Aci�it�s3:.__./�'""'S—�1��'�"'_'�+—�-- `.. r. � I r�qa���.+ t2�s�! � storm sewer s�nnce eonge ^ u:r,;,2rtylin��. �_:,,,t , � P��-f' �°�» �eb ��0. ►„�;� , w��ia thnt 1 wili f?e spec+aity_assessed at actual cost for Yne stor�m_ -� •:'� .. : � �, i y��c � Z, l �2�f��. ` •.1 1° -.� � ' �k h O� g��'.� ' �( � .:_�: \, l-I l ��, r � .: .. �JOz-� or. �zY�$� � +� 1 �. Yic>��G� . ..� l o c��, �j���.sma�n �. : ,, �� i fOpO. ..rGh " ' �� � 6 � �t, . Y �` .. ,:i.;l: � `Qfo�.��.` . . : �;,:,; ; .: -_ . ' ction ESe Stubt3ed out 2�mY �o ; �j .: n seWer c onSE'ruc'tion � n t�.-4 � s�lN:?r:'.t:�ft� ^ st��b connection. . :. � f� ri!�. _} Z� Z,n ; � e Hl �^ °� �..� r /� - /— 2CY�1 > ' >_ � o��;�: � �3 z�� 6 y666�X . 5 - 31- �b � 1�,>�c��iat3 : �umtter• __�- - ? r�arnc:_ ���irl.cs ---� � (Pfease�Print) • j Sh;nRiura:.,_! ,�Ol� ' -. . .. �� �--- ? (Clwner or Authorized R�presenlalive) ' 1'�t:lc: �A.., . . . . r k s!nrnz ��wer swb conn@ctia^ «quires a locAtion. S�e e drswing o� t6e . revrrs� side of �hts'page, and using a buiMing or o�ner Seat�te, it+dicate ivhere �Eo+�g Y>ur properiy Ilne you wou i d ti k c t h e s t o c n z s e:a: c•r ����.� Ic.::�:��. 1 ha sluD wi� he 2 inche5 in di3meter and app��ximately kS to b Seat deeP• Y � i { e � ` . RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO: PUBIC WORKS SEWER UTILITY 700 CITY HALL ANNEX. 25 W. 4 ST. ST. PAUL MN 55102 � ATTN. MIKE SATTLER OZ-�Sy STORM SEWER SERVICE STUB CONNECTION REQUEST . � - t �� �.� •- �3 -�� �- � O '33 � Address: � � $ � ����nol �av'kwa_u -- - --- ----- � . , � _ Proposed storm sewer construction year: �� (�� 20 o i I request that a storm sewer service.connection be stubbed out to my •:.•': ;` property line.. r� C�p-�"� .�?;t�.'.rcat�s2- 5ic� . ;:. 2. 1.._ � : .:. I am aware tliat 1 wili be specialiy assessed at actual cost for the storm - sewer service stub cohnection. � . Date: ' �� �� Telephone Number: �S � ' 6�g - � ( �°� ChoMe, e.�.wvti�� - [� st - z.z`f -.zFi�o � work- �ti. , � u � ..v. � - (Please Print) Signature: ;;f � . --, . (pw r or Authorized Representative) . . , ,: _. _. Note: A storm sewer stub connection requires a location. See the drawing on the reverse side of this page, and using a building or other feature; indicate where along your property tine you would like the storm sewer stub located. The stub wili be 2 inches in diameter and approximately 4.5 to 5 feet deep. a ,�= ` RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO: PUBIC WORKS SEWER UT1LlTY 700 CITY HALL ANNEX. 25 W. 4 ST. ST. PAUL MN 55102 qTTN. MIKE SATTLER STORM SEWER SERVICE STUB CONNECTION REQUEST o �..�s� ic�-a��a3p.z�v� ��` � ! request that a storm sewer service connection be stubbed out to my property line. l am aware that I will be specially assessed at actual.cost for the storm sewer service stub connection. - Date: � 6 � Tele rhone Number: � �b� 8`��"'`-�?o Ni f(6S7 6 9�-�36 � Print) Signature: c.� a^'�� . (Owner or Auth ized Representative) Note: on the A storm sewer stu e using iding or t other featurea ndica e where reverse side of this pag , along your property line you Would like the storm sewer stub locate . The stub wili be 2 inches in diameter and approximately 4.5 to 5 feet deep. Proposed storm sewer construction year: ��v� RETURN COMPI.ETED FORM TO: PUBIC WORKS SEWER UTILITY 700 CITY HALL ANNEX. 25 W. 4 ST. ST. PAUL MN 55102 , � ATfN. MIKE SATTLER _" 4 _ ___. _ _ . . . STORM SEWER SERVICE STUB CONNECTION REQUEST �' � l/ �iv��f /�C � S / oa.- �`I ( ( - 23 � 2-3.: ��,2. -� �3 � Project: .S� G.� — � c�' �v' `� _ - _. --:'9 � ��9' ._ : Proposed storm sewer construction year: ; .. ' _' _..__ ` . � i'_ _ .. ' 4: , ,_.. , , ^ , � ^ �==-� � . . ` bbed out to my - : ' � I re uest that a ;storm.sewer se ' , , . . , ; , �« : . ' . :_. .._- ;_.._._... ... --.- .. _.._ property line. . - � _.:. � - - , : . ,: . � � :: : .; � - : t ; � -; --.._...x •.:.;; ; � a are that I wili be specially assessed I at actual cost for'the storm : sewer service stub connection. , :; S�� �• - � -�-l�o / ; Date:� v Telephone Number: t�_--������ Name: � , -- - _ � (Please Print) �" � �.� s��.� �'���---�--- Signature: . (Owner or Authorized epresentative) . -- ;,; Note: �- ` A storm sewer stub connection requires a location. See the drawing on the reverse side of this page, and using a building or other feature, indicate where along your property line you would like the storm sewer stub located. The stub will be 2 inches in diameter and approximately 4.5 to 5 feet deep. RETURN COMPL�TED FORM TO: ' � �_� PUBIC WORKS SEWER UTILITY 700 C1TY HALL ANNEX. Z w. � ST. ST. PAUL MN 55'102 a ' ' ATTN. MIKE SATTLER . . . . . _ . STORM SEWER SERV�IC��STUB C�Z EC����� REQUEST �� �-� , n c> > `T�! n i T'" �-�-/ 1 h:C�f �U( , J J i _�"'.�"�-� = S� 2�/ �cu/ �2 ��v .� -.... _ �����.... ..- - -_ -�dd� --. Proposed storm sewer construction year: - _ ;- , __.:. ;,. l^ - . k: . 3 ,,� `1 :.:� _. _'.�;.., . �� �:. j t� I request that a storm sewer service conriection be stubbed ;out to my �; j:,' •_: erty line: - ' � :1-' � .:.:_. . ;°:, �, .'-. � ; .;_: ;: � - p rop ,... . " . . ;>... .�::_ : -._..._-..� • .'_--: .:.._ : . �''�': .? ; , ., .�.:.:_,� �.�.:�3; ..� -,- ��t•=;�,. 1 am aware that 1 will be speciaily assessed. at actuaf � ost for the storm i:;��; �. ' sewer service stub connection. � -f 1 ; : ; � ' ' . ; �; ; �S� ./ � - ;,;��� � _� Date: � ��--°=L—��-- __i ;; `': Telephone Number: � � l ' � G�/I ✓'I_ �7�7�D � n � . , h , �-� � /. � vame: - � , � � _ _ . (Please Print) r= .:... _ _ . : � ;: / / l�li/LL�� � �') � � � : : :. � � , Signature: ' " ' � � ' , (Owner or Authonzed Representative) �. ' � � ; " � --i `" -_ `r ._ , , . �._a • . ' . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ � _ 1 ._. S. _ . � . ti t � � ��� � F . '� , sYf ;� ?e' j � � .. ' s , i.� �" f , Note: ` A storm sewer stub connection requires a location. See the drawi'n.g on the � , r �. r reverse side of this page, and using a building or other feature, indicate where `` along yoar property line you would like the storm sewer stub located. ..- �• The stub wiil be 2 inches in diameter and approximately 4.5 to 5 feet deep.' ��,, . .l�or��.�+� .�^-�° .�`r�-�'?---' �.%: Gr��'� .�m�� ���"�� U - � � ���'� � -�R� ��-z°`� � � =� �� 1�F°� : .. . RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO: PUBIC WORKS SEWER UTILITY 700 CITY HAI.L ANNEX, 25 W. 4 ST. ST. PAUL MN 55102 � � � ATTN. MIKE SA'i"i'LER oz- i request that a storm sewer service,connection be stubbed out to my ;;•. � �� � -��- - � .� (�:�:=;�r;-. property line. i �, - :_. '� - - ., . i.,,�� �- �:.. .. .�: ; � �' -!. .: �{< ..:4 � �i ; I am aware that i wili be specially assessed at actual cos# for the.storm ;;;�- .,. - � - _ , � : :,. sewer service stub connection. ; ;r, - . - � J � � � ;; ' ;' . 's. -, ''• �� ' _ -.. .f -. . ; y � f � } , r I 1 � , I - Date• ��� / " ��� / _ ' . I � . - - �--dd � , . Proposed storm sewer construction year: -`��'�✓��--� ; __ . ,_ _ � _.... ..� � _ i .� � , _ , - - , . __ .._.., _,. . � 9 � � � � � . �- .,• . . ; : - . Telephone Number: _ _ _ ; � Name: /-�__� h`- �✓C �S � � I�` Ll �R� _ , . ; (Please Print) (Owner or Authorized Representative) , _- � , , � , �. -; - - -, ; _— , ; .� �.. _ __. _'.,.. ._ I i.:__. 1 Note: ' A storm sewer stub connection requi�es a location. See the drawing on the reverse side of this page, and using a building or other feature, indicate where along your property line you would like the storm sewer stub located._ 7he stub will be 2 inches in diameter and approximately 4.5 to 5 feet deep• STORM SEWER SERVICE STUB CONNECTION REQUEST r � - 2� a3 -.az-a� �� - - _ . ' - a RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO: ' ' � ATi'N. MIKE SATTLER _ . _ , _ - -•--_ - - -- ---�:_-. S'TOfiM SEWER SERVICE STUB CONNECTION REQUEST c � -�.� - a3 `� a�- o�� �l-�; lq�J /�''»ehu/'S�' ��ehke � :��.�a� � ; - 01-35� a s ' f -s C ` ` � L � i - i � . � �� ! , . , � . � �.,�,..,.. :; , -- �00 I Sep� . � ,;,Proposed storm sewer construction year: ;.t� T ' .� - . -- . ; ; . _ . . . � . '__ � . �; ��; i �equest that a storm sewer service connection be stubbed out to riiy -= ;;�" � ^ ; , � :;{ �i. ;':, : : .� � . . .. �s � , � prope'rty line. ' � �;: �:>.�..__;._.._ _, ..._ . i '� .,- ; � ;. -" ,: ,- , q•\ ; . ..... �.t t �.:.��__ _""._ '"�.' '�' ' . � . � . �:, ^�' . y . 4:; . J F y .. . :' : i (�u; �„ � � � �� � % .ti: i . 'll b s eciall � assessed at actual `cost for'the storm �' ;;, ;;;�� . '�; ,�:•I am aware that I wi e, p Y !. --- , ._..._.._.. � _���..� :i ! '; sewer senrice stub connection. _ } � � , �-"-•-+; -,; ���- - - : ;; � , ,., � ; � � _, •` _� ~` q;_�o O� i�i�_ �`�',�.-_��--- i - Date: 1 / l _ � � �d11P� Telephone Number: -�6� a" `s $� � �s 1 � � - � P. � � - -.... .� -.� N Signatu � i '�' A s orm reverse side of this page, and using a building or other feature, indicate where > '' �� ou wo id like the siorm sewer stub located. . along your}iroperty '_ Y .. p 1" � p �, � - �s in iameter and a proximate 4.5 t 5 f dee � PUBIC WORKS SEWER UTILITY 700 CITY 4iALl. AIINEX 25 W. 4 ST. ST. PAUL MN 55102 :- -- �C..�/�"j .. . � � • {�.._ �y - - -' _ (Owner or Authorized Representative), ; �^' __ ` i� ; , i. " -,.. _ . 0 �� 'Y Z Q \� S � ..� Note: -��':'� . t� sewer stub connection requires a location. See the drawing on the , ;�}� � , . ��� � t > ;� rE:�`�,�'r' f, 4���,��,� ka•�ev �L.�"G, ' r1.:7k ° . r�i-�. �^.fi�i1�:� _-�. �;.�. �t';'4 _�+ `'J.� r ' i • ♦ � I I •I ► - � � � .. . • i -, z -• s �. � ,� � _ ;� Et- t" ! �...� 1 i �R ; 's L. CITY OF ST. PAIIL PRELIMINARY ORDER 0�.-35y COUNCIL LE NO. Oe�"1-P'� BY �� t(_ W FILS NO. 18964C VOTING WARD 3 In the Matter of the construction of storm sewer service connections, if requested by the property owner, with the HIGHLAND PARKWAY AND PINEHURST AVENUE STORM SEWER CONNECTION PROJECT. �, The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is assessed at the rate in effect at the time of installation. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on Wednesday, 24th af April, 2002, at 5:3(3 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said the manner provided hearing, the nature as estimated. COUNCILPERSON Yea Nay (/'Benanav Ab akey `� Bostrom s � Coleman � Harris � Adopted by the Date .1 � .� ���� � Certified Passes by Council Secretary In Fa�c�- BY Against public hearing be given to the persons and in by the Charter, stating the time and place of of the improvement and the total cost thereof ����-Lantry Mayor �Reiter a. 6�bSe��