02-234City of St. Paul FINAL ORDER COiJNCIL FILE NO. ��' -a?3'� BY �i2��'/�/1f7h�►"' File No. 18962 & 18962A Voting Ward 2,5,6 32 In the matter of constructing public improvements for the Phalen Boulevard Phase I project. Public improvements to include construction of a sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main, concrete curb and gutter, new bituminous surfaced roadways, Westminster Junction Bridge #62598 over Union Pacific and BNSF railroad, retaining walls, sidewalks, pedestrian/bicycle trail, landscaping, street lighting, traffic signal, storm water sedimentation pond, water and sewer service connections. Also, improving Westminster Street from York Avenue to Case Avenue with new bituminous roadway, concrete curbs and gutters, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvements as part of the Phalen Boulevard Phase I project. under Preliminary 2_ The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPERSON Yeas Nays Abzcr.i' —Benanav ✓Blakey ✓BOStrom ✓Eoleman ✓�-Iarris �antry ��� _.Reiter S In Favor ��_'�Against `�' Abs��r.. Adopted by the Council: Date��,.,_�n a6�� ooa Certified Passed by the Council Secretary Public Hearing 03/ DEPARTMENT/OFFlCHCOUNCIL Public Works �� ' CqtJrACT PERSON 8 PHONE Paul St. Martin 266-6118 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA"!� � 02J13j02 da-.�.3� , � GREEN SHEET No. 110474 DEPARTMFM �IREGTOR ASSIGN CRY ATTOPNEY NUbiBER FOR ROUT4iG ❑ FlNANCIAISEiMCESDIR OADER ❑ MAYOR(ORASSISTANi) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES CRV CAUNCIL � CITY CLERK ❑ FlNANCIAI SERWACCTG ❑ GOUNCILFESEARCH ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACiION flE0UESIED Construct public improvements for the Phalen Boulevazd Phase I project. Public improvemenu to include consiruction of sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main, concrete curb and gutter, new bituminous surfaced roadways, Wesuninster Junction Bridge #62598 over IInion Pacific and BNSF railroad, retainina walls, sidewalks, pedesuian/bicycle trail, landscaping, street lighting, traffic signal, storm water sedimentation pond, and water and sewer service connections. File Nos. 18962 & 18962A . RECOMMENDATIONS:Apprave (A) or Reject (R) � PLANNING COMMISSION qE CAMMITTEE _ CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION p STAfF INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, Has �h�s persoNhrtn evet woMCetl unUe� 3 can�rdci fo�thi5 tlepaNnentT YES NO Has ihis persoNhim ever been a city emplqree? YES NO Does ihis persw✓hrm possess a skili ewt normally possessetl Dy any c�nent city ¢mployee7 YES NO Is thk parsoNhrm a targetetl verboR YES NO �lain ail yes answers on separate sheet and atteeh to green sheM WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHI�: � Phalen Boulevazd is a new roadway proposed by the City of Saint Paul to be constructed on the city's East Side between I-35E on the west a 'i Johnson Parkway on [he east. This new roadway would support an initiative by [he City and azea business and residents to encoutage ! redevelopment of vacant and underutilized land in the corridor. The project will also significanfly enhance access to the neaz East Side by � providing a better connection to the regional roadway system at I-35E and by providing a direct route from the Phalen Village area to I-35E ; north of Saint Paul's downtown. Phase I includes I-35E to Payne Avenue section of Phalen Boulevazd. i ._....---- ------ Construction of roadway, bridge and utilities provide access for development of Westminster Junction Business Pazk. Roadway will provide the first leg of important uansportation link on the East Side. Bicycie path will eventually link Gateway and Vento trails. �e°(SiMI� �s'�PC� � DISADVAf�7pGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANrpGES IF NOT APPROVED: Projec[ will not proceed. b`s'F� �'�� `� ��Vl+ ei,:`.. i ti .; t N70UNT OF TRANSACTION COSLREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) ES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIALINFOFMATON (EXPWN) D.7 -a3� SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING IiECOMMENDATIONS Phalen Boulevard Phase I Report Prepared -12-14-01 Public Hearing - To be scheduled PROJECT: Construct public improvements for the Phalen Boulevard Phase I project. Public improvements to include construction of sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main, concrete curb and gutter, new bituminous surfaced roadways, Westminster Junction Bridge # 62598 over Union Pacific and BNSF railroad, retaining walis, sidewalks, pedestrian/bicycle trail, landscaping, street lighting, tr�c signal, storm water sedimentation pond, and water and sewer service connections. INITIATING ACTION: Phalen Boulevard is a new roadway to be constructed on the city's East Side between I-35E on the west and Johnson Parkway on the east. This new roadway would support an initiative by the City and azea businesses and residents to encourage redevelopment of vacant and underutilized land in the corridor. The project will also significantly enhance access to the near East Side by providing a better connection to the regional roadway system at I-35E and by providing a direct route from the Phalen Village area to I-35E north of Saint Paul's downtown. The proposed construction of Phalen Boulevazd is considered a Federal Class I Action because of the potential for significant on the natural and physical environment. An Environmental Impact Study (EIS) was completed for Phalen Boulevard. After consideration and review of the analysis presented in the Draft EIS and the comments received from agencies, organizations, and citizens during the 45-day Draft EIS public comment period, the Saint Paul City Council, in a resolution dated February 24, 1999, selected segments W-2D, C-4, and E-1 from the Draft EIS as the Preferred Alternative for the Phalen Boulevazd project. The Record of Decision was approved by the Federal Highway Administration on r3ovember 19, 1999. The project will be constructed in phases. Phase I of the Phalen Boulevard Project is the section between I-35E and Payne Avenue. EXISTING CONDITIONS: At the I-35E project terminus, is the Williams Hill Industrial Park. Directly east of Williams Hill are mainline tracks of the BNSF and Union Pacific Railroads, in an azea known as Westminster Junction. East of Westminster Junction to Payne Avenue, the project area is dominated by industrially-zoned land that is home to a vaziety of industrial uses including a waste hauling and tzansfer facility, and a former railyazd and roundhouse area, an auto saivage business, and a St. Paul Public Works storage facility. The Union Pacific Railroad tracks run east-west along the south edge of the corridor. The project will affect some adjoining streets in the azea. Westminster Street between 1100' south of Whitall and York Street is paved (paved in 1987) with curb and gutter and has existing bent straw street lighting. Westminster between York and Case is an oiled street with wood pole 4.�-.a.3� street lighting. Whitall Street between Westrninster and Case is paved (paved in 1987) with curb and gutter and has existing bent straw street lighting. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: The Phalen Blvd. Phase 1 project will include construction and or reconstruction of the following streets: Phalen Boulevard - Mississippi Street to Payne Avenue (New Construction) (Includes Phalen Blvd. Westminster 3unction Bridge) Cayuga Street - Phalen Boulevard to Westminster Street (New Construction) Arkwright Street - Cayuga Street to Whitall Street (New Construction) Westminster Street - Cayuga Street to Case Avenue (Reconstruction) Payne Avenue @ Intersection with Phalen Blvd. (Reconstruction) See attached map for details Phalen Boulevazd will be a four-lane divided roadway connecting to Pennsylvania Avenue/I-35E interchange on the west end and to a new at grade intersection at Payne Avenue on the east end. On the west end, Phalen Boulevard will connect to existing Pennsylvania Avenue east of the existing Mississippi Street intersection and will match into the limits of the proposed MnDOT I- 35E conshuction. Phalen Boulevard wi11 generally follow the alignment of existing Pennsylvania from Mississippi Street to the Olive Street intersection. The roadway will continue east of Olive Street and bridge over the BNSF and Union Pacific railroad tracks, with the bridge ending near Westminster Street. The bridge is over the area known as the Westminster Railroad Junction, therefore the proposed bridge has been named the Phalen Boulevard Westminster Junction bridge. The bridge crosses over four BNSF railroad tracks and over one Union Pacific Railroad track. The bridge will be approximately 770' long. The bridge construction will be let under a separate contract (S.P. 164- 288-03). There will be a pablic interpretive display constructed on the bridge for viewing the Westrninster Junction Historic District. This dispiay is the mitigation of the adverse effects on the Westminster Junction Historic District as determined in the EIS. The roadway continues east of Westminster Street, and will be located north of and pazalleling the Union Pacific Railroad Tracks. At Burr Street, the existing Burr Street bridge passes over proposed Phalen Boulevard. The bridge is closed to traffic due to structural deficiency. The location of the bridge piers conflict with Phalen Boulevazd. The bridge will be removed as part of the Phalen Boulevard project. The ends of Burr Street at the limits of the bridge removal will be reconstructed with sidewalk and railing. Funding for a replacement bridge is not programmed at the present time. The City is applying for Federal Bridge Improvement Replacement Funding for construction of a new bridge. The bridge will be replaced as a separate project in the future if funded and approved by the City Couicil. Phaten Boulevard continues east of Burr Street as a four lane, divided roadway paralleling the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. The roadway passes under the existing Edgerton Street bridge. East of Edgerton Street, the roadway turns northeast to connect to Payne Avenue. A new Da-a.� � signalized at grade intersection will be constructed at Payne Avenue. A portion of Payne Avenue north and south of the Sntersection will be reconstructed to accommodate the new intersection. A new 12 foot wide pedestrianlbicycle trail will be constructed along the north side of Phalen Boulevard between Mississippi Street and Payne Avenue. This trail will eventually be extended to the west under MnDOT's I-35E construction project and will connect to the Gateway Trail. The trail will extended to the east under future phases of the Phalen Boulevazd project and will connect to the Bruce Vento Regional Trail. The section of Cayuga Street between Westminster Street and Phalen Boulevard will be constructed as part of the first phase of the Phalen Boulevard construction. The section of Cayuga beriveen I-35E and Westminster will be constructed in the future as part of the I-35E project. Cayuga will be a four lane roadway. A new 12 ft. wide pedestrian/bicycie trail will be constructed along the south side of Cayuga Street between I-35E and Phalen Boulevazd. The Saint Paul Port Authority has plans to redevelop the area generally bounded by Westminster Street, Whitall Street, Payne Avenue, and Phalen Boulevard into a light industrial business pazk. In conjunction with this wark, existing Westminster Street south of Cayuga Street and Whitall Street between Westminster Street and Arkwright Street will be removed. Arkwright Street will be extended south from Whitall Street and intersect with Cayuga Street. Sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main and private utilities will be installed in the roadways to serve the adjacent development. A storm water sedimentation pond will be constructed on the south side of the Union Pacific railroad near the intersection of Bun and Desoto. The storm sewer system which drains the section of Phalen Boulevazd between the Westminster Junction bridge and Payne Avenue will outlet into this pond. A 30" water main will be constructed on Phalen Boulevard between Mississippi Street and Cayuga 5treet, on Cayuga Street between Phalen Boulevard and Westminster, on Westminster between Cayuga and Case and on Case from Westminster to 200' west. This water main will replace a existing 30" water main which is located within I-35E right of way which conflicts with the future I-35B reconstruction. MnDOT will fund the costs of the water main replacement. Existing Westminster Street between new Cayuga Street and York will be removed and reconstructed to match into the elevation of the Westminster/Cayuga intersection. It is proposed to reconstruct Westminster between York and Case in conjunction with the 30" water main construction. This work will be funded under the Residential Street Paving program and the abutting property owners will be assessed for a portion of the cost of the work. New lantern style street lighting and landscaping will be instailed on Phalen Boulevard, Cayuga Street and the connecting streets to be constructed. It is planned to construct the I-35E to Payne Avenue Phase of Phalen Boulevazd under at least two contracts. The first major contract will be for the Westminster Junction Bridge over the d� -�.��r BNSF and Union Pacific Railroads. The second major contract wi11 include grading, paving, storm sewer, utilities, street lighting, etc. on Phalen Boulevard between I-35E and Payne Avenue and on Cayuga Street between Westminster Street and Phalen Boulevazd. There may also be some other minor contracts for landscaping or remediation. RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION: The majority of the right of way needed for the roadway and bridge will need to be acquired. The St. Paul Port Authority will be acquiring the majority of the right of way needed of the roadway in conjunction with the Westminster Junction Business Pazk Development. The City will be acquiring the remainder of the right of way. The City Council has approved tl�is acquisition under sepazate Council actions. TIME SCHEDULE: The project will begin in the spring/summer of 2002 and be substantially complete and open to traffic in fa112003. COSTS AND FUNAING: COST ESTIMATES ESTIMATED FINANCING * CIB and STAR funding have been requested, but not funded. Other sources of funding are being pursued. **The benefiting properties on Westminster between York and Case will be assessed $27.71 per assessable foot for paving and $4.89 per assessable foot for lantern street lighting. O.�-a3 � SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For additional information, contact the Project Engineer Paul St_ Martin, at 266-6118. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the project and financing. r � � �� � �� � F �', [�a� x � �� � � � � � —.,.% n°°q tV � �am�nr � � �� m � � 4 P' &� �� •� � � �� ` � � m � � Oa-z3sr CITY OF ST. PAIIL PRELIMINAR.Y ORDER -. covs�cx__� No. �a. - GS BY !ir/i^-� File No. 18962 & 1S962A Voting Ward 2.5,6 Ia the matter of constructing public improvements for the Phalen Boulevard Phase I project. Public improvements to include construction of a sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main, concrete curb and gutter, new bituminous surfaced roadways, Westminster Junction Bridge #62598 over Union Pacific and BNSF railroad, retaining walls, sidewalks, pedestrian/bicycle trail, landscaping, street lighting, traffic signal, storm water sedimentation pond, water and sewer service connections. Also, improving Westminster Street from York Avenue to Case Avenue with new bituminous roadway, concrete curbs and gutters, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvements as part of the Phalen Boulevard Phase I project. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approve with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $18,800,000.00, financed by assessments and miscellaneous aid. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 20"' dav of March. 2002, at 5:30 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Ha11 and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSOI3S Yeas Nays ✓�3enanav ✓�3lakey ✓Sostrom v�oleman „kYarris v�antry �iter �._In Favor �_Against Adopted by the Council : Date 4� a 3, a Do � v Certified Passed by the Council BY�� � c� r--� � ,� Mayor City of St. Paul FINAL ORDER COiJNCIL FILE NO. ��' -a?3'� BY �i2��'/�/1f7h�►"' File No. 18962 & 18962A Voting Ward 2,5,6 32 In the matter of constructing public improvements for the Phalen Boulevard Phase I project. Public improvements to include construction of a sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main, concrete curb and gutter, new bituminous surfaced roadways, Westminster Junction Bridge #62598 over Union Pacific and BNSF railroad, retaining walls, sidewalks, pedestrian/bicycle trail, landscaping, street lighting, traffic signal, storm water sedimentation pond, water and sewer service connections. Also, improving Westminster Street from York Avenue to Case Avenue with new bituminous roadway, concrete curbs and gutters, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvements as part of the Phalen Boulevard Phase I project. under Preliminary 2_ The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPERSON Yeas Nays Abzcr.i' —Benanav ✓Blakey ✓BOStrom ✓Eoleman ✓�-Iarris �antry ��� _.Reiter S In Favor ��_'�Against `�' Abs��r.. Adopted by the Council: Date��,.,_�n a6�� ooa Certified Passed by the Council Secretary Public Hearing 03/ DEPARTMENT/OFFlCHCOUNCIL Public Works �� ' CqtJrACT PERSON 8 PHONE Paul St. Martin 266-6118 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA"!� � 02J13j02 da-.�.3� , � GREEN SHEET No. 110474 DEPARTMFM �IREGTOR ASSIGN CRY ATTOPNEY NUbiBER FOR ROUT4iG ❑ FlNANCIAISEiMCESDIR OADER ❑ MAYOR(ORASSISTANi) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES CRV CAUNCIL � CITY CLERK ❑ FlNANCIAI SERWACCTG ❑ GOUNCILFESEARCH ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACiION flE0UESIED Construct public improvements for the Phalen Boulevazd Phase I project. Public improvemenu to include consiruction of sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main, concrete curb and gutter, new bituminous surfaced roadways, Wesuninster Junction Bridge #62598 over IInion Pacific and BNSF railroad, retainina walls, sidewalks, pedesuian/bicycle trail, landscaping, street lighting, traffic signal, storm water sedimentation pond, and water and sewer service connections. File Nos. 18962 & 18962A . RECOMMENDATIONS:Apprave (A) or Reject (R) � PLANNING COMMISSION qE CAMMITTEE _ CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION p STAfF INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, Has �h�s persoNhrtn evet woMCetl unUe� 3 can�rdci fo�thi5 tlepaNnentT YES NO Has ihis persoNhim ever been a city emplqree? YES NO Does ihis persw✓hrm possess a skili ewt normally possessetl Dy any c�nent city ¢mployee7 YES NO Is thk parsoNhrm a targetetl verboR YES NO �lain ail yes answers on separate sheet and atteeh to green sheM WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHI�: � Phalen Boulevazd is a new roadway proposed by the City of Saint Paul to be constructed on the city's East Side between I-35E on the west a 'i Johnson Parkway on [he east. This new roadway would support an initiative by [he City and azea business and residents to encoutage ! redevelopment of vacant and underutilized land in the corridor. The project will also significanfly enhance access to the neaz East Side by � providing a better connection to the regional roadway system at I-35E and by providing a direct route from the Phalen Village area to I-35E ; north of Saint Paul's downtown. Phase I includes I-35E to Payne Avenue section of Phalen Boulevazd. i ._....---- ------ Construction of roadway, bridge and utilities provide access for development of Westminster Junction Business Pazk. Roadway will provide the first leg of important uansportation link on the East Side. Bicycie path will eventually link Gateway and Vento trails. �e°(SiMI� �s'�PC� � DISADVAf�7pGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANrpGES IF NOT APPROVED: Projec[ will not proceed. b`s'F� �'�� `� ��Vl+ ei,:`.. i ti .; t N70UNT OF TRANSACTION COSLREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) ES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIALINFOFMATON (EXPWN) D.7 -a3� SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING IiECOMMENDATIONS Phalen Boulevard Phase I Report Prepared -12-14-01 Public Hearing - To be scheduled PROJECT: Construct public improvements for the Phalen Boulevard Phase I project. Public improvements to include construction of sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main, concrete curb and gutter, new bituminous surfaced roadways, Westminster Junction Bridge # 62598 over Union Pacific and BNSF railroad, retaining walis, sidewalks, pedestrian/bicycle trail, landscaping, street lighting, tr�c signal, storm water sedimentation pond, and water and sewer service connections. INITIATING ACTION: Phalen Boulevard is a new roadway to be constructed on the city's East Side between I-35E on the west and Johnson Parkway on the east. This new roadway would support an initiative by the City and azea businesses and residents to encourage redevelopment of vacant and underutilized land in the corridor. The project will also significantly enhance access to the near East Side by providing a better connection to the regional roadway system at I-35E and by providing a direct route from the Phalen Village area to I-35E north of Saint Paul's downtown. The proposed construction of Phalen Boulevazd is considered a Federal Class I Action because of the potential for significant on the natural and physical environment. An Environmental Impact Study (EIS) was completed for Phalen Boulevard. After consideration and review of the analysis presented in the Draft EIS and the comments received from agencies, organizations, and citizens during the 45-day Draft EIS public comment period, the Saint Paul City Council, in a resolution dated February 24, 1999, selected segments W-2D, C-4, and E-1 from the Draft EIS as the Preferred Alternative for the Phalen Boulevazd project. The Record of Decision was approved by the Federal Highway Administration on r3ovember 19, 1999. The project will be constructed in phases. Phase I of the Phalen Boulevard Project is the section between I-35E and Payne Avenue. EXISTING CONDITIONS: At the I-35E project terminus, is the Williams Hill Industrial Park. Directly east of Williams Hill are mainline tracks of the BNSF and Union Pacific Railroads, in an azea known as Westminster Junction. East of Westminster Junction to Payne Avenue, the project area is dominated by industrially-zoned land that is home to a vaziety of industrial uses including a waste hauling and tzansfer facility, and a former railyazd and roundhouse area, an auto saivage business, and a St. Paul Public Works storage facility. The Union Pacific Railroad tracks run east-west along the south edge of the corridor. The project will affect some adjoining streets in the azea. Westminster Street between 1100' south of Whitall and York Street is paved (paved in 1987) with curb and gutter and has existing bent straw street lighting. Westminster between York and Case is an oiled street with wood pole 4.�-.a.3� street lighting. Whitall Street between Westrninster and Case is paved (paved in 1987) with curb and gutter and has existing bent straw street lighting. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: The Phalen Blvd. Phase 1 project will include construction and or reconstruction of the following streets: Phalen Boulevard - Mississippi Street to Payne Avenue (New Construction) (Includes Phalen Blvd. Westminster 3unction Bridge) Cayuga Street - Phalen Boulevard to Westminster Street (New Construction) Arkwright Street - Cayuga Street to Whitall Street (New Construction) Westminster Street - Cayuga Street to Case Avenue (Reconstruction) Payne Avenue @ Intersection with Phalen Blvd. (Reconstruction) See attached map for details Phalen Boulevazd will be a four-lane divided roadway connecting to Pennsylvania Avenue/I-35E interchange on the west end and to a new at grade intersection at Payne Avenue on the east end. On the west end, Phalen Boulevard will connect to existing Pennsylvania Avenue east of the existing Mississippi Street intersection and will match into the limits of the proposed MnDOT I- 35E conshuction. Phalen Boulevard wi11 generally follow the alignment of existing Pennsylvania from Mississippi Street to the Olive Street intersection. The roadway will continue east of Olive Street and bridge over the BNSF and Union Pacific railroad tracks, with the bridge ending near Westminster Street. The bridge is over the area known as the Westminster Railroad Junction, therefore the proposed bridge has been named the Phalen Boulevard Westminster Junction bridge. The bridge crosses over four BNSF railroad tracks and over one Union Pacific Railroad track. The bridge will be approximately 770' long. The bridge construction will be let under a separate contract (S.P. 164- 288-03). There will be a pablic interpretive display constructed on the bridge for viewing the Westrninster Junction Historic District. This dispiay is the mitigation of the adverse effects on the Westminster Junction Historic District as determined in the EIS. The roadway continues east of Westminster Street, and will be located north of and pazalleling the Union Pacific Railroad Tracks. At Burr Street, the existing Burr Street bridge passes over proposed Phalen Boulevard. The bridge is closed to traffic due to structural deficiency. The location of the bridge piers conflict with Phalen Boulevazd. The bridge will be removed as part of the Phalen Boulevard project. The ends of Burr Street at the limits of the bridge removal will be reconstructed with sidewalk and railing. Funding for a replacement bridge is not programmed at the present time. The City is applying for Federal Bridge Improvement Replacement Funding for construction of a new bridge. The bridge will be replaced as a separate project in the future if funded and approved by the City Couicil. Phaten Boulevard continues east of Burr Street as a four lane, divided roadway paralleling the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. The roadway passes under the existing Edgerton Street bridge. East of Edgerton Street, the roadway turns northeast to connect to Payne Avenue. A new Da-a.� � signalized at grade intersection will be constructed at Payne Avenue. A portion of Payne Avenue north and south of the Sntersection will be reconstructed to accommodate the new intersection. A new 12 foot wide pedestrianlbicycle trail will be constructed along the north side of Phalen Boulevard between Mississippi Street and Payne Avenue. This trail will eventually be extended to the west under MnDOT's I-35E construction project and will connect to the Gateway Trail. The trail will extended to the east under future phases of the Phalen Boulevazd project and will connect to the Bruce Vento Regional Trail. The section of Cayuga Street between Westminster Street and Phalen Boulevard will be constructed as part of the first phase of the Phalen Boulevard construction. The section of Cayuga beriveen I-35E and Westminster will be constructed in the future as part of the I-35E project. Cayuga will be a four lane roadway. A new 12 ft. wide pedestrian/bicycie trail will be constructed along the south side of Cayuga Street between I-35E and Phalen Boulevazd. The Saint Paul Port Authority has plans to redevelop the area generally bounded by Westminster Street, Whitall Street, Payne Avenue, and Phalen Boulevard into a light industrial business pazk. In conjunction with this wark, existing Westminster Street south of Cayuga Street and Whitall Street between Westminster Street and Arkwright Street will be removed. Arkwright Street will be extended south from Whitall Street and intersect with Cayuga Street. Sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main and private utilities will be installed in the roadways to serve the adjacent development. A storm water sedimentation pond will be constructed on the south side of the Union Pacific railroad near the intersection of Bun and Desoto. The storm sewer system which drains the section of Phalen Boulevazd between the Westminster Junction bridge and Payne Avenue will outlet into this pond. A 30" water main will be constructed on Phalen Boulevard between Mississippi Street and Cayuga 5treet, on Cayuga Street between Phalen Boulevard and Westminster, on Westminster between Cayuga and Case and on Case from Westminster to 200' west. This water main will replace a existing 30" water main which is located within I-35E right of way which conflicts with the future I-35B reconstruction. MnDOT will fund the costs of the water main replacement. Existing Westminster Street between new Cayuga Street and York will be removed and reconstructed to match into the elevation of the Westminster/Cayuga intersection. It is proposed to reconstruct Westminster between York and Case in conjunction with the 30" water main construction. This work will be funded under the Residential Street Paving program and the abutting property owners will be assessed for a portion of the cost of the work. New lantern style street lighting and landscaping will be instailed on Phalen Boulevard, Cayuga Street and the connecting streets to be constructed. It is planned to construct the I-35E to Payne Avenue Phase of Phalen Boulevazd under at least two contracts. The first major contract will be for the Westminster Junction Bridge over the d� -�.��r BNSF and Union Pacific Railroads. The second major contract wi11 include grading, paving, storm sewer, utilities, street lighting, etc. on Phalen Boulevard between I-35E and Payne Avenue and on Cayuga Street between Westminster Street and Phalen Boulevazd. There may also be some other minor contracts for landscaping or remediation. RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION: The majority of the right of way needed for the roadway and bridge will need to be acquired. The St. Paul Port Authority will be acquiring the majority of the right of way needed of the roadway in conjunction with the Westminster Junction Business Pazk Development. The City will be acquiring the remainder of the right of way. The City Council has approved tl�is acquisition under sepazate Council actions. TIME SCHEDULE: The project will begin in the spring/summer of 2002 and be substantially complete and open to traffic in fa112003. COSTS AND FUNAING: COST ESTIMATES ESTIMATED FINANCING * CIB and STAR funding have been requested, but not funded. Other sources of funding are being pursued. **The benefiting properties on Westminster between York and Case will be assessed $27.71 per assessable foot for paving and $4.89 per assessable foot for lantern street lighting. O.�-a3 � SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For additional information, contact the Project Engineer Paul St_ Martin, at 266-6118. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the project and financing. r � � �� � �� � F �', [�a� x � �� � � � � � —.,.% n°°q tV � �am�nr � � �� m � � 4 P' &� �� •� � � �� ` � � m � � Oa-z3sr CITY OF ST. PAIIL PRELIMINAR.Y ORDER -. covs�cx__� No. �a. - GS BY !ir/i^-� File No. 18962 & 1S962A Voting Ward 2.5,6 Ia the matter of constructing public improvements for the Phalen Boulevard Phase I project. Public improvements to include construction of a sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main, concrete curb and gutter, new bituminous surfaced roadways, Westminster Junction Bridge #62598 over Union Pacific and BNSF railroad, retaining walls, sidewalks, pedestrian/bicycle trail, landscaping, street lighting, traffic signal, storm water sedimentation pond, water and sewer service connections. Also, improving Westminster Street from York Avenue to Case Avenue with new bituminous roadway, concrete curbs and gutters, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvements as part of the Phalen Boulevard Phase I project. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approve with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $18,800,000.00, financed by assessments and miscellaneous aid. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 20"' dav of March. 2002, at 5:30 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Ha11 and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSOI3S Yeas Nays ✓�3enanav ✓�3lakey ✓Sostrom v�oleman „kYarris v�antry �iter �._In Favor �_Against Adopted by the Council : Date 4� a 3, a Do � v Certified Passed by the Council BY�� � c� r--� � ,� Mayor