D00174CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER � BUDGET REVISION No.: .� � / / �f- Date: 7 — 7 — 4� �s #: 23592 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Consistent wi[h the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the Gity Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Public Works to arnend the 19 9h budget of the Sewer Service Fund fund, the Director of the DepartmeM of Flna�ce and Managament Seniices is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: 260 - 22211 - 0111 260 - 22211 - 0439 260 - 22211 - 0518 Full Time Permanent Fringe Benefits Mayor's Contingency Totals Current Budget $48,13$.00 $12,516.00 $25,000.00 $85,654.00 Change $18,500.00 $6,500.00 ($25,000.00) $0.00 Amended Budget $66,638.00 $19,016.00 $0.00 $85,654.00 Transfer spending authority from the Mayor's Contingency to Salaries and Fringe Benefits in the Rainleader Disconnect Activity (22211). ��'l repared by: Aqrvdy Manager �� ��� Requested b�: Dapait / M'Direciw d' Appro y:Mayor � � � ✓ J � ~� � Date ` ^ DEPA ' AEMDOAFICE/COUNCIL Eublic Works � CONI'ACTPEASONBPHONE ' MicLael Kas,san 26(r6219 MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (OA7E� � TAL # OF 51GNANF� PAGES 7 Transfer spa�ding authaity within the Sewer Savice Ent�prise Fund (2b0) based on projected totai 1994 spending needs Discoonect(22211). ���� W° � �� PEASONAL SEHVICE CON7qACTS MUST ANSWEp THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANMNGCAMMISSION^CMLSEHVICECOM0.USSiON t. Hasih'spB�5olVfumeVefNrofkedufMl9faCOiVlaGitofGvSdepalUnetrt? CIB cOMM171EE _ yES NO A STAFF 2. NaS�MSpBISOMUmeVefbeenadlyenpbyee? — ` YES NO _ DISTRIC7 COUNCIL � 3. Does thLS p8fsofNtrR1 possess a sk91 noi rofmaCy pOSSessed by 2`ry d1rteN aty ertyloYeeY SUPPOflTSNMICHCOUNCILOBJECTNE4 YES NO E�lain ali yea armwars on aeparate sheet and attach to graen ef�eet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR711NI7V (WNO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY): Since the 1994 budget was adopted, changes bave occwred for which a revision of spending authority is required. The Deparmient of Public Works and d�e Fire Depariment were directed [o combine Rainleader inspecdons by the Fire Depamnent. The Department of Public Works and the Fu+e Deputment have discussed this change and have deteru�ined that it is nM pcactical for 1994. This creates a need to move $25,000 in Mayor's Con6ngency to Salaries ($18,500) and Ftinge Benefits ($6,500) in acfivity 22211 (Rainleader Diswnnect). ADVANTAGES IF APPFIOVEP. , The 1994 work pmgam can be carcied out within the approved budgec DISADVANTAGES IF APPqOVEU. None. 7E IIN'MTED � w � �� 6na�a GREEN SHEET No. 23ss2 R1I ATE � IMTIAUDA7E—. �DEPARTMER7DIflECTOR �S� � CINCWNdL I NWe �� CTYATTORNEY Q CIT'CLERK AoUi1NU � BUDGETIXPECTOFt � FlN S MGT. SERV4CES DlR �. OqOBi � MAVOR(OR ASSIST���j . (CIIP ALL LOGAT0/14 PoB 91WA7URq ❑3 ASSOCIATE _ O DEPAR7MENT� . -y� / ��G���E� JU� 3 D �9�4 B�l�GeT OFFdCE RECEiVED �u� a c �ss� CITY CLERK OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEP. I'he Deparhnent of Public Works risks violating Ciry Charter 10.10. Please note the attached letter. �TAL AMOUM OF TRANSACTION $ Q.1 FUNOINGSOURCE Z60-22211-0518 FlNpNC1AL INFOflMAT10N: (IXPWN) CAST/REVENUE Bl1DGETED {CIRCLE ONEj ACTINTYNUMBER 22211 NO �