00-689CITY OF ST. PAUL FIATAL ORDBR couricxL ad - q BY 3 t� FILE NO. 18906A VOTING AiARD 2 In the Matter of improving Fourth Street East from Wabasha to Minnesota and Cedar Street from Kelloqg to Fifth with concrete curbs, stamped concrete sidewalk, planting new trees, new drainage system, re-install existing globe lighting system, concrete, driveway aprons and concrete/brick streets. under Preliminary Order � � � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREA5, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all e�enses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COt7NCILPERSONS Yeas Nays �1�s�,., t� lakey ✓Sostrom � -COleman ✓fiarri s ✓�antry 1�bs<rt' -Reiter Adopted by Council: Date�aODZ� �J� d ' Certified Passed by Council Secretary �In Favor By��, a . � � - _ QAgainst 3 (�-�ser� Mayor - /��� Public Hearin Date Re uested: Jul 26, 2000 � � 6-u-oo � �` ��9 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Da�� Green Sheet Number: 102613 ntactPexsonandPLoneNo�ber. EYARTMENTDII2ECTOR CTTYCOUNQL C CHEHOURI (PB.WKS) 266-6226 .�. uan Ortiz (Real Fshate)266-8850 � eTTOxtver cLE[tx ostbeonCo�dAgenda : ���oo IIDGETDII2ECfOR FFiCEOFFiNANC7ALSVCS YOR(ORASSLS`PAN'P) i CODNCII. RFCVeRCg OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �cLSni.LtocnTTOxsFOxs�cvnzaxE� C1YON BEQUESI'ID: et Public Hearing date for pablic street improvements. mprove 4th St from Wabasha to Minnesota & Cedar from Kellogg to Fifth (Wabasha West Phase IIA). TMS Pro'ect 18906A COMINENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OH RF,JECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSVPER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the pe.tson/firm ever worked mder a contract for tltis deparhnent? YES NO PLACAINGCOMMISSION A STAFF Has this person/Hrm ever been a Cily employee? YES NO CNIL SERVIC& COMMiSSION . Does tlds perso�JHrm possess a s6i11 not normally possessed by any YFS NO cm contMiTTee current Citq empWyee? lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet aixl attach. UPPORTS WHICIi COUNCTL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) � DISTRICT PLANA'ING COUNCIL ��7 TIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPQR'C[JNITY (4Vhq FYhat, WLen, Where, Why?): he streets and sidewaiks on 4th and Cedar Streets are in fair to poor condition due to age, ey aze showing sign of deterioration from age and patchwork. VANTAGES IF APPROVCD: A better, more pedestrian freindly street with more trees and it will enhance the quality to downtown. ISADYANTAGES IF APPROVED: ormal problems associated with construction, such as noise, dust and general disruptions. zsADVANTAGES IF NOT APRROYED: The street will continue to deteriorate and downtown development standards would not be met OTALAMOUNTOFI'RANSACTION: $1�2.00�000.00 COST/RPVFNIJEBUDGETED(CIILCLEONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: SCC BQIOW ACTIVITY NOMBER: xarrc�r,m�o�vrnTiox: �ExrLnnv� COtt� Re���:�h Ce�t2C TIF $ 350,000.00 Water Deparhnent 150,000.00 MsA 300,000.0o JU{V � 8 2000 Assessments 400,000.00 oo-�- t1 Summary of Engineering Recommendations Wabasha West DTSVP City Project I�o. P-1210 Report Prepared - 6126100 Public Hearing - PROJECT: Construction of concrete curb, new concrete b]ock surfaced roadway, concrete block sidewalks, concrete driveway aprons, tree planting, irrigation system, water and sewer service connections and reconnections and reconstruction of globe li�hting system. Existine Conditions The existing streets in the downtown project area include concrete base at approximately six (6) inches and bituminous with a range from three (3) inches to twelve (12) inches. All streets have concrete curb. The bituminous street surfaces are in fair to poor condition. Streets constructed in 1932 were resurfaced in 1973 and are showing signs of deterioration due to a�e and utility patchwork. Sidewalks are being reconstructed sporadically due to new development (new Port Authori[y Parking Ramp at 4`� and Cedar). Pronosed Improvements Improvements to following streets by constructing concrete curbs, stamped concrete sidewalk, planting new trees, new drainage system, reinstall existing globe iighting system, concrete driveway aprons and concrete/brick streets. Fourth Street - Wabasha Street to Minnesota Street Cedar Street - Kellogg Boulevazd to Fifth Street Alternates To do nothing would send the wrong message to new development that is in progress, and to future development. Positive Effects General improvement of the public rijht-of-way will enhance and add qualiry to the downtown businesses, making it more inviting to outside visitors. Wider sidewalks will make the street more pedestrian friendly and add room to outside cafes. flo-t.�'Y Adverse Bffects Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust and general disruption will be present. Effects on Trees Tn a hazsh downtown environment, the new irrigation system wi11 enhance the growth of the trees and help with their survival for a longer life. Time Schedule The project will begin August 5, 20QQ, and will be completed by late fall of 2000. There w111 be restrictions on the amaunt of time work is done on individual segments of the streets. Cost Estimate Construction Engineering Misceilaneous TOTAL Estimated Financin¢ MSA TLF Assessments W ater Department TOTAL $ 950,000 18�,QQQ 70 000 $1,200,000 $ 300,000 350,000 400,000 150.000 $1,200,000 Assessment rate for street paving, landscaping and lighting. (The follawing 2000 rates will be adjusted for inflation for use on 2001 projects): $150 per assessable foot for the street paving and landscaping -Z- � Source of Additional Information For additional information, contact Rafic Chehouri, Project Mana�er, at (6�1) 266-6226. Summary of Recommendations Oo -GP^�j The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project and the En�ineering Recommendation is for approval of the project and financino. -3- �\ I i } 'i/li/// \ ////����� \\ //�\ 5 %/ \�b,c,_ A\ y � � -�� ��\ � _ �� N � � !?A \ � ��U �� �U !i 1�}l l l l \ 1111 l �,1��'��l 1 l 1 l l�> y�f�� � lllll�� b a• l l l l 1 l l��P� �`�' lllllll� � lllllll 1lllll � llll CITY OF ST. PAUL PRELIMINARY ORDER COUNCI I N 00 - �. BY FILE NO 18906A VOTING WARD 2 � �0 L� Isi the Matter of improving Fourth Street East from Wabasha to Minnesota and C2dar Street from Kellogg to Fifth with concrete curbs, stamued concr2te sidewalk, planting new trees, new drainage system, r2-install eYisting globe lighting system, concrete, driveway aprons and concrete/brick streets. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 2 3. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2,800,000.00 financed by project funds and assessments. That a pulalic hearing be had on said improvement on the 26th dav of Ju1v, 2000,at 5:30 o�clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPER50N5 Yeas Nays ✓Benanav ✓3�lakey � strom {�.ips<v� — Coleman �arris ,xantry �iter � In Favor O Against „� ��oS�r�1 Adopted by Council: Date��_� oa U � � Certified Passed by Council Secretazy By � \,_ `� ��� �_._� Mayor ■ SPENCE, RICKE, SWEENEY & GERNES, P.A. Suite 600, Degree of Honor Building 325 Cedaz Street, St Paul, MinnesoTa 55701 (651)223-8000 Faac (651) 223-8003 GLENN OLANDER-QUAMME D'ued Dial: (651) 2923359 P���t���m (E-mail) July 25, 2000 Saint Paul City Council 310 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55101 Re: Proposed Improvements Kellogg to Fifth Council File No. 18906A THOMAS W.SPENCE A�aed'sMN.wl MECAN K RICKE AdmiCSdmMN.M PATRICK 7. SWEENEY A�itteam �4., Wl, Ch CO JULIUS W. GERNES Ad�nNmMN, Wf Qa+ev�.�� "f �if.�OD 1' � w � s � 3 � 00 _��y GLENN OI,ANDER-QUAMME AdmRtedafk¢t.VJI TA.fOTfIY K MASTERSON Ad0OM1RMN. WI RODNEY A HONKANEh Admined'm MIT. Wf SCOTT H. RAUSER A�medm FIIJ TERRIE l. WILLIAMS SAARI A WIl,LIAMS gELEN A ROHN SHARON L TAYLOR Pa�alegnLs Fourth Street-Wabasha to Miunesota & Cedar Street — Public Hearing Date: July 26, 2000 at 5:30 p.m. To the St. Paul City Council: Our firm rents space in the Degree of Honor Building, 325 Cedar Street, Saint Paul. It is our understanding that the City is contemplating the installation of brick pavers and other improvements to the streets in the azea of the Degree of Honor Building. We also understand that the City intends to assess the entire cost of the improvements to the adjacent properties, with an estimated $42,000 to be assessed to the Degree of Honor Building. The City's authority to Ievy and collect special assessments derives from Article X, Section 1, of the Minnesota Constitution, which provides that the legislature "may authorize municipal corporations to levy and collect assessments for local improvements upon property benefited thereby without regard to cash valuation." The legislative authorization for special assessments is set forth in Section 429.051 of the Minnesota Statutes. Under Section 429.051, City "cannot levy a special assessment that exceeds the special benefit which the property derives from the improvement." Nei�hborhood Preservation Association v Citv of Detroit Lakes, 354 N.W.2d 74, 76 (Minn. App. 1984). Based on the information currently available to our firm regarding the proposed improvements, we question whether the Degree of Aonor Building is specially benefited by the improvements to the extent of $42,000. It seems to us that the project is for the general benefit of the City and that CITY OF ST. PAUL FIATAL ORDBR couricxL ad - q BY 3 t� FILE NO. 18906A VOTING AiARD 2 In the Matter of improving Fourth Street East from Wabasha to Minnesota and Cedar Street from Kelloqg to Fifth with concrete curbs, stamped concrete sidewalk, planting new trees, new drainage system, re-install existing globe lighting system, concrete, driveway aprons and concrete/brick streets. under Preliminary Order � � � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREA5, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all e�enses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COt7NCILPERSONS Yeas Nays �1�s�,., t� lakey ✓Sostrom � -COleman ✓fiarri s ✓�antry 1�bs<rt' -Reiter Adopted by Council: Date�aODZ� �J� d ' Certified Passed by Council Secretary �In Favor By��, a . � � - _ QAgainst 3 (�-�ser� Mayor - /��� Public Hearin Date Re uested: Jul 26, 2000 � � 6-u-oo � �` ��9 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Da�� Green Sheet Number: 102613 ntactPexsonandPLoneNo�ber. EYARTMENTDII2ECTOR CTTYCOUNQL C CHEHOURI (PB.WKS) 266-6226 .�. uan Ortiz (Real Fshate)266-8850 � eTTOxtver cLE[tx ostbeonCo�dAgenda : ���oo IIDGETDII2ECfOR FFiCEOFFiNANC7ALSVCS YOR(ORASSLS`PAN'P) i CODNCII. RFCVeRCg OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �cLSni.LtocnTTOxsFOxs�cvnzaxE� C1YON BEQUESI'ID: et Public Hearing date for pablic street improvements. mprove 4th St from Wabasha to Minnesota & Cedar from Kellogg to Fifth (Wabasha West Phase IIA). TMS Pro'ect 18906A COMINENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OH RF,JECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSVPER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the pe.tson/firm ever worked mder a contract for tltis deparhnent? YES NO PLACAINGCOMMISSION A STAFF Has this person/Hrm ever been a Cily employee? YES NO CNIL SERVIC& COMMiSSION . Does tlds perso�JHrm possess a s6i11 not normally possessed by any YFS NO cm contMiTTee current Citq empWyee? lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet aixl attach. UPPORTS WHICIi COUNCTL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) � DISTRICT PLANA'ING COUNCIL ��7 TIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPQR'C[JNITY (4Vhq FYhat, WLen, Where, Why?): he streets and sidewaiks on 4th and Cedar Streets are in fair to poor condition due to age, ey aze showing sign of deterioration from age and patchwork. VANTAGES IF APPROVCD: A better, more pedestrian freindly street with more trees and it will enhance the quality to downtown. ISADYANTAGES IF APPROVED: ormal problems associated with construction, such as noise, dust and general disruptions. zsADVANTAGES IF NOT APRROYED: The street will continue to deteriorate and downtown development standards would not be met OTALAMOUNTOFI'RANSACTION: $1�2.00�000.00 COST/RPVFNIJEBUDGETED(CIILCLEONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: SCC BQIOW ACTIVITY NOMBER: xarrc�r,m�o�vrnTiox: �ExrLnnv� COtt� Re���:�h Ce�t2C TIF $ 350,000.00 Water Deparhnent 150,000.00 MsA 300,000.0o JU{V � 8 2000 Assessments 400,000.00 oo-�- t1 Summary of Engineering Recommendations Wabasha West DTSVP City Project I�o. P-1210 Report Prepared - 6126100 Public Hearing - PROJECT: Construction of concrete curb, new concrete b]ock surfaced roadway, concrete block sidewalks, concrete driveway aprons, tree planting, irrigation system, water and sewer service connections and reconnections and reconstruction of globe li�hting system. Existine Conditions The existing streets in the downtown project area include concrete base at approximately six (6) inches and bituminous with a range from three (3) inches to twelve (12) inches. All streets have concrete curb. The bituminous street surfaces are in fair to poor condition. Streets constructed in 1932 were resurfaced in 1973 and are showing signs of deterioration due to a�e and utility patchwork. Sidewalks are being reconstructed sporadically due to new development (new Port Authori[y Parking Ramp at 4`� and Cedar). Pronosed Improvements Improvements to following streets by constructing concrete curbs, stamped concrete sidewalk, planting new trees, new drainage system, reinstall existing globe iighting system, concrete driveway aprons and concrete/brick streets. Fourth Street - Wabasha Street to Minnesota Street Cedar Street - Kellogg Boulevazd to Fifth Street Alternates To do nothing would send the wrong message to new development that is in progress, and to future development. Positive Effects General improvement of the public rijht-of-way will enhance and add qualiry to the downtown businesses, making it more inviting to outside visitors. Wider sidewalks will make the street more pedestrian friendly and add room to outside cafes. flo-t.�'Y Adverse Bffects Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust and general disruption will be present. Effects on Trees Tn a hazsh downtown environment, the new irrigation system wi11 enhance the growth of the trees and help with their survival for a longer life. Time Schedule The project will begin August 5, 20QQ, and will be completed by late fall of 2000. There w111 be restrictions on the amaunt of time work is done on individual segments of the streets. Cost Estimate Construction Engineering Misceilaneous TOTAL Estimated Financin¢ MSA TLF Assessments W ater Department TOTAL $ 950,000 18�,QQQ 70 000 $1,200,000 $ 300,000 350,000 400,000 150.000 $1,200,000 Assessment rate for street paving, landscaping and lighting. (The follawing 2000 rates will be adjusted for inflation for use on 2001 projects): $150 per assessable foot for the street paving and landscaping -Z- � Source of Additional Information For additional information, contact Rafic Chehouri, Project Mana�er, at (6�1) 266-6226. Summary of Recommendations Oo -GP^�j The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project and the En�ineering Recommendation is for approval of the project and financino. -3- �\ I i } 'i/li/// \ ////����� \\ //�\ 5 %/ \�b,c,_ A\ y � � -�� ��\ � _ �� N � � !?A \ � ��U �� �U !i 1�}l l l l \ 1111 l �,1��'��l 1 l 1 l l�> y�f�� � lllll�� b a• l l l l 1 l l��P� �`�' lllllll� � lllllll 1lllll � llll CITY OF ST. PAUL PRELIMINARY ORDER COUNCI I N 00 - �. BY FILE NO 18906A VOTING WARD 2 � �0 L� Isi the Matter of improving Fourth Street East from Wabasha to Minnesota and C2dar Street from Kellogg to Fifth with concrete curbs, stamued concr2te sidewalk, planting new trees, new drainage system, r2-install eYisting globe lighting system, concrete, driveway aprons and concrete/brick streets. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 2 3. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2,800,000.00 financed by project funds and assessments. That a pulalic hearing be had on said improvement on the 26th dav of Ju1v, 2000,at 5:30 o�clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPER50N5 Yeas Nays ✓Benanav ✓3�lakey � strom {�.ips<v� — Coleman �arris ,xantry �iter � In Favor O Against „� ��oS�r�1 Adopted by Council: Date��_� oa U � � Certified Passed by Council Secretazy By � \,_ `� ��� �_._� Mayor ■ SPENCE, RICKE, SWEENEY & GERNES, P.A. Suite 600, Degree of Honor Building 325 Cedaz Street, St Paul, MinnesoTa 55701 (651)223-8000 Faac (651) 223-8003 GLENN OLANDER-QUAMME D'ued Dial: (651) 2923359 P���t���m (E-mail) July 25, 2000 Saint Paul City Council 310 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55101 Re: Proposed Improvements Kellogg to Fifth Council File No. 18906A THOMAS W.SPENCE A�aed'sMN.wl MECAN K RICKE AdmiCSdmMN.M PATRICK 7. SWEENEY A�itteam �4., Wl, Ch CO JULIUS W. GERNES Ad�nNmMN, Wf Qa+ev�.�� "f �if.�OD 1' � w � s � 3 � 00 _��y GLENN OI,ANDER-QUAMME AdmRtedafk¢t.VJI TA.fOTfIY K MASTERSON Ad0OM1RMN. WI RODNEY A HONKANEh Admined'm MIT. Wf SCOTT H. RAUSER A�medm FIIJ TERRIE l. WILLIAMS SAARI A WIl,LIAMS gELEN A ROHN SHARON L TAYLOR Pa�alegnLs Fourth Street-Wabasha to Miunesota & Cedar Street — Public Hearing Date: July 26, 2000 at 5:30 p.m. To the St. Paul City Council: Our firm rents space in the Degree of Honor Building, 325 Cedar Street, Saint Paul. It is our understanding that the City is contemplating the installation of brick pavers and other improvements to the streets in the azea of the Degree of Honor Building. We also understand that the City intends to assess the entire cost of the improvements to the adjacent properties, with an estimated $42,000 to be assessed to the Degree of Honor Building. The City's authority to Ievy and collect special assessments derives from Article X, Section 1, of the Minnesota Constitution, which provides that the legislature "may authorize municipal corporations to levy and collect assessments for local improvements upon property benefited thereby without regard to cash valuation." The legislative authorization for special assessments is set forth in Section 429.051 of the Minnesota Statutes. Under Section 429.051, City "cannot levy a special assessment that exceeds the special benefit which the property derives from the improvement." Nei�hborhood Preservation Association v Citv of Detroit Lakes, 354 N.W.2d 74, 76 (Minn. App. 1984). Based on the information currently available to our firm regarding the proposed improvements, we question whether the Degree of Aonor Building is specially benefited by the improvements to the extent of $42,000. It seems to us that the project is for the general benefit of the City and that CITY OF ST. PAUL FIATAL ORDBR couricxL ad - q BY 3 t� FILE NO. 18906A VOTING AiARD 2 In the Matter of improving Fourth Street East from Wabasha to Minnesota and Cedar Street from Kelloqg to Fifth with concrete curbs, stamped concrete sidewalk, planting new trees, new drainage system, re-install existing globe lighting system, concrete, driveway aprons and concrete/brick streets. under Preliminary Order � � � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREA5, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all e�enses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COt7NCILPERSONS Yeas Nays �1�s�,., t� lakey ✓Sostrom � -COleman ✓fiarri s ✓�antry 1�bs<rt' -Reiter Adopted by Council: Date�aODZ� �J� d ' Certified Passed by Council Secretary �In Favor By��, a . � � - _ QAgainst 3 (�-�ser� Mayor - /��� Public Hearin Date Re uested: Jul 26, 2000 � � 6-u-oo � �` ��9 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Da�� Green Sheet Number: 102613 ntactPexsonandPLoneNo�ber. EYARTMENTDII2ECTOR CTTYCOUNQL C CHEHOURI (PB.WKS) 266-6226 .�. uan Ortiz (Real Fshate)266-8850 � eTTOxtver cLE[tx ostbeonCo�dAgenda : ���oo IIDGETDII2ECfOR FFiCEOFFiNANC7ALSVCS YOR(ORASSLS`PAN'P) i CODNCII. RFCVeRCg OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �cLSni.LtocnTTOxsFOxs�cvnzaxE� C1YON BEQUESI'ID: et Public Hearing date for pablic street improvements. mprove 4th St from Wabasha to Minnesota & Cedar from Kellogg to Fifth (Wabasha West Phase IIA). TMS Pro'ect 18906A COMINENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OH RF,JECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSVPER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the pe.tson/firm ever worked mder a contract for tltis deparhnent? YES NO PLACAINGCOMMISSION A STAFF Has this person/Hrm ever been a Cily employee? YES NO CNIL SERVIC& COMMiSSION . Does tlds perso�JHrm possess a s6i11 not normally possessed by any YFS NO cm contMiTTee current Citq empWyee? lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet aixl attach. UPPORTS WHICIi COUNCTL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) � DISTRICT PLANA'ING COUNCIL ��7 TIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPQR'C[JNITY (4Vhq FYhat, WLen, Where, Why?): he streets and sidewaiks on 4th and Cedar Streets are in fair to poor condition due to age, ey aze showing sign of deterioration from age and patchwork. VANTAGES IF APPROVCD: A better, more pedestrian freindly street with more trees and it will enhance the quality to downtown. ISADYANTAGES IF APPROVED: ormal problems associated with construction, such as noise, dust and general disruptions. zsADVANTAGES IF NOT APRROYED: The street will continue to deteriorate and downtown development standards would not be met OTALAMOUNTOFI'RANSACTION: $1�2.00�000.00 COST/RPVFNIJEBUDGETED(CIILCLEONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: SCC BQIOW ACTIVITY NOMBER: xarrc�r,m�o�vrnTiox: �ExrLnnv� COtt� Re���:�h Ce�t2C TIF $ 350,000.00 Water Deparhnent 150,000.00 MsA 300,000.0o JU{V � 8 2000 Assessments 400,000.00 oo-�- t1 Summary of Engineering Recommendations Wabasha West DTSVP City Project I�o. P-1210 Report Prepared - 6126100 Public Hearing - PROJECT: Construction of concrete curb, new concrete b]ock surfaced roadway, concrete block sidewalks, concrete driveway aprons, tree planting, irrigation system, water and sewer service connections and reconnections and reconstruction of globe li�hting system. Existine Conditions The existing streets in the downtown project area include concrete base at approximately six (6) inches and bituminous with a range from three (3) inches to twelve (12) inches. All streets have concrete curb. The bituminous street surfaces are in fair to poor condition. Streets constructed in 1932 were resurfaced in 1973 and are showing signs of deterioration due to a�e and utility patchwork. Sidewalks are being reconstructed sporadically due to new development (new Port Authori[y Parking Ramp at 4`� and Cedar). Pronosed Improvements Improvements to following streets by constructing concrete curbs, stamped concrete sidewalk, planting new trees, new drainage system, reinstall existing globe iighting system, concrete driveway aprons and concrete/brick streets. Fourth Street - Wabasha Street to Minnesota Street Cedar Street - Kellogg Boulevazd to Fifth Street Alternates To do nothing would send the wrong message to new development that is in progress, and to future development. Positive Effects General improvement of the public rijht-of-way will enhance and add qualiry to the downtown businesses, making it more inviting to outside visitors. Wider sidewalks will make the street more pedestrian friendly and add room to outside cafes. flo-t.�'Y Adverse Bffects Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust and general disruption will be present. Effects on Trees Tn a hazsh downtown environment, the new irrigation system wi11 enhance the growth of the trees and help with their survival for a longer life. Time Schedule The project will begin August 5, 20QQ, and will be completed by late fall of 2000. There w111 be restrictions on the amaunt of time work is done on individual segments of the streets. Cost Estimate Construction Engineering Misceilaneous TOTAL Estimated Financin¢ MSA TLF Assessments W ater Department TOTAL $ 950,000 18�,QQQ 70 000 $1,200,000 $ 300,000 350,000 400,000 150.000 $1,200,000 Assessment rate for street paving, landscaping and lighting. (The follawing 2000 rates will be adjusted for inflation for use on 2001 projects): $150 per assessable foot for the street paving and landscaping -Z- � Source of Additional Information For additional information, contact Rafic Chehouri, Project Mana�er, at (6�1) 266-6226. Summary of Recommendations Oo -GP^�j The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project and the En�ineering Recommendation is for approval of the project and financino. -3- �\ I i } 'i/li/// \ ////����� \\ //�\ 5 %/ \�b,c,_ A\ y � � -�� ��\ � _ �� N � � !?A \ � ��U �� �U !i 1�}l l l l \ 1111 l �,1��'��l 1 l 1 l l�> y�f�� � lllll�� b a• l l l l 1 l l��P� �`�' lllllll� � lllllll 1lllll � llll CITY OF ST. PAUL PRELIMINARY ORDER COUNCI I N 00 - �. BY FILE NO 18906A VOTING WARD 2 � �0 L� Isi the Matter of improving Fourth Street East from Wabasha to Minnesota and C2dar Street from Kellogg to Fifth with concrete curbs, stamued concr2te sidewalk, planting new trees, new drainage system, r2-install eYisting globe lighting system, concrete, driveway aprons and concrete/brick streets. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 2 3. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2,800,000.00 financed by project funds and assessments. That a pulalic hearing be had on said improvement on the 26th dav of Ju1v, 2000,at 5:30 o�clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPER50N5 Yeas Nays ✓Benanav ✓3�lakey � strom {�.ips<v� — Coleman �arris ,xantry �iter � In Favor O Against „� ��oS�r�1 Adopted by Council: Date��_� oa U � � Certified Passed by Council Secretazy By � \,_ `� ��� �_._� Mayor ■ SPENCE, RICKE, SWEENEY & GERNES, P.A. Suite 600, Degree of Honor Building 325 Cedaz Street, St Paul, MinnesoTa 55701 (651)223-8000 Faac (651) 223-8003 GLENN OLANDER-QUAMME D'ued Dial: (651) 2923359 P���t���m (E-mail) July 25, 2000 Saint Paul City Council 310 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55101 Re: Proposed Improvements Kellogg to Fifth Council File No. 18906A THOMAS W.SPENCE A�aed'sMN.wl MECAN K RICKE AdmiCSdmMN.M PATRICK 7. SWEENEY A�itteam �4., Wl, Ch CO JULIUS W. GERNES Ad�nNmMN, Wf Qa+ev�.�� "f �if.�OD 1' � w � s � 3 � 00 _��y GLENN OI,ANDER-QUAMME AdmRtedafk¢t.VJI TA.fOTfIY K MASTERSON Ad0OM1RMN. WI RODNEY A HONKANEh Admined'm MIT. Wf SCOTT H. RAUSER A�medm FIIJ TERRIE l. WILLIAMS SAARI A WIl,LIAMS gELEN A ROHN SHARON L TAYLOR Pa�alegnLs Fourth Street-Wabasha to Miunesota & Cedar Street — Public Hearing Date: July 26, 2000 at 5:30 p.m. To the St. Paul City Council: Our firm rents space in the Degree of Honor Building, 325 Cedar Street, Saint Paul. It is our understanding that the City is contemplating the installation of brick pavers and other improvements to the streets in the azea of the Degree of Honor Building. We also understand that the City intends to assess the entire cost of the improvements to the adjacent properties, with an estimated $42,000 to be assessed to the Degree of Honor Building. The City's authority to Ievy and collect special assessments derives from Article X, Section 1, of the Minnesota Constitution, which provides that the legislature "may authorize municipal corporations to levy and collect assessments for local improvements upon property benefited thereby without regard to cash valuation." The legislative authorization for special assessments is set forth in Section 429.051 of the Minnesota Statutes. Under Section 429.051, City "cannot levy a special assessment that exceeds the special benefit which the property derives from the improvement." Nei�hborhood Preservation Association v Citv of Detroit Lakes, 354 N.W.2d 74, 76 (Minn. App. 1984). Based on the information currently available to our firm regarding the proposed improvements, we question whether the Degree of Aonor Building is specially benefited by the improvements to the extent of $42,000. It seems to us that the project is for the general benefit of the City and that