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By � "`.�`
File No._SO 092
Voting Ward_3
Ia the Matter of new sidewalk construction at the followiag location:
500092 - East side South Howell Street from Palace Avenue to James Avenue at 1876
Palace Avenue Only_
RESIDENTIAL RATES (One, two or three family structur s)
Reconstruction (replacement of old sidewalk) -$9.6 per front foot for a five (5)
foot wide walk and $11.58 per front foot for a si (6) foot wide
walk. All other widths will be prorated accordi gly, i3ew construction
(where no walk existed) - 1000 of the actual c t estimated to be
approximately $4.32 per square foot.
All corner residential properties will rec ve a credit up to the first 150
feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk alo and abutting the "long side" of
the property.
ML7LTI-RESIDENTIAL (More than three f�ly structures), NON RESIDENTIAL RATES
For new and reconstructed sidewalk; 0� of actual cost estimated to be
approximately $5.84 per square foot
under Preliminary order � O _
The Council of the City o Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the
above improvement, due notice hereof having been given as prescribed by the City
Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council as heard all persons, objections and recommendations
pertaining to said propo d improvement and has fully_considered the same; now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That th Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the
above-described impro ent be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed
and authorized to pr ceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOL D, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City
officers shall ca ulate all e�enses incurred therein and shall report the same to
the City Council n accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
�i4 t��E,€>
COUNCILPERSO �-by Council: Date�oc
Yeas Nays
Benanav ✓ Certified Passed by Council Secretary
i'-�. '
— {��OS�r�
� In Favor
6 Against
.�. A`os�,,.�
, `
Wazd 3
� � �,
7ames Ave. at 1876 Palace Ave. Only.
IIVITIATING AC'I'ION: This order was initiated by the D'uector of Public Works as public
necessiry on the basis of a petition with six (6) signers and an inspection of the walk.
EXISTING CONDITION5 This walk as first time construcuon.
Works - Sidewalk Division
New Sidewalk in Ward 3(See attached list)
�� � �f/Zl�f�a ���d.3
� NO. 102751
_ �j Council Research _
�y _CMLSEAVICECAMMISSION 7, Hasthisperso�rtneverworkeduntleraconVactforthisdepartment?
— 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee?
3. Does this personJfirtn possess a skilt not nomially possessetl by a�y cunent city employee?
oB,�ECrivE? Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sPeet
The prob4em "defective sidewalk" was caused by multiple problems, tree roots, poor subgrade materials, freefthaw cycles,
service lite limits, chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide basis and
must be addressed and corrected annually. Left uncossected, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a state where ii
would be unusable and subject to increased pedestrian injuries from falls and possibie litigations.
The community will benefit from this project because it will provide safe defect free sidewalks for its citizens. The sidewalk
contracts are done by private contractors generating public sector jobs as a result.
Historically, the sidewalk reconstruction has created negative feedback laecause of construction procedures and
assessments. Property owners question the assessments, despite the fact that up to one-half the assessment is City
subsidized. Having to assess for walk reconstruction remains a controversial issue.
This option would allow the infrastructure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate more personal injury
suits, resulting in the expe�diture of larger dollar amounts in repairs a�d replacement, as well as claim payouts.
f�B��CC�1 �:?�j
,.� �.��#
souece 00-M-0671 A, PIA 00 = 620,000 ACINI7YNUMBER C00-2T753-0784-00000
INFORMAT70N:(IXPlA1N) Q� aST - 3 •
c. c�a oa = so,oao
�l S43
PRELIMINARY ORDER By �`�� '�"�� � 1
File No._50�092 �
Voting Ward_ 3_
Ia the Matter of new sidewalk coastructioa ia the following loaatioa:
500092 - East side South Howell Street from Palace Avenue to James Avenue at 1876
Palace Avenue Only.
RESIDENTIAL RATES (One, two or three family structures)
Reconstxuction (replacement of old sidewalky -$9.65 per front £oot for a
five (5) foot wide walk and $11.58 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide
walk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. Nem coastruction
(where no walk existed) - 100� of the actual cost estimated to be
approximately $4.32 per square foot.
Al1 corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150
feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long side" of
the property.
MULTI-RESIDENTIAL(More than three family structures), NON-RESIDENTIAL RATES
For new and reconstructed sidewalk; 100� of actual cost estimated to be
approximately $5.84 per square foot.
The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon
the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:
1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, �
that the estimated cost thereof is *SEE ABOVE for estimated construction rates,
financed by assessments and 2000 Public Improvement Aid.
That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 24 dav of Mav. 2000
5:30 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Ha11 and Court House
Building in the City of Saint Paul.
That notice of said public hearing be given to the gersons and in the manner
provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of
the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
Yeas Nays
�� enanav
✓� ostrom
�In Favor
� Against
Adopted by Council: Date pa
Certified Passed by Council cretary
BY ��.�:�-�$^
�� s�.�
SIDEWALK ISSUE - 1876 Palace Avenue
Thursday, Apri127, 2000
Room 330 Courthouse
Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer
The meeting was called to order at 2:31 p.m.
STAFF PRESENT: Larry Lueth, Public Works; Gerald Tvedt, Public Works
Gerry Strathman stated this mee6ng is being held to get points of view and have discussion about
a sidewalk at 1876 Palace Avenue.
Gerald Tvedt reported the sidewallt is missing on Ha11 Street between Palace and the alley to the
south: Public Works was awaze this segment of walk was missing, but it was brought to their
attention that people in the area wanted the sidewalk. 1876 Palace has pine trees growing on the
boulevard; therefore, Public Works is proposing building a five foot sidewalk that is closer to the
curb and not take any pine trees. This is the long side of the properly so there is no assessment to
the homeowner. It is the onty piece of sidewalk not completed 'm a three block square area.
What is the City's policy with respect to sidewalks, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr. Tvedt responded
they are trying to complete the sidewalk system where it is practical and needed. There aze some
areas where there are no pedestrian or school traffiq but this is not the case here.
NIr. Strathman asked are there other sidewalks not completed in Saint Paul. Mr. Tvedt responded
there are all kinds of them.
David and Sue Keenan, 1876 Palace Avenue, appeared. Mr. Keenan stated they are opposed to
having the sidewalk there. They did not have anything to do with a petirion to ask for a sidewalk
and did not lrnow there was a petirion being circulated, but they did get a copy of it. They have
been at this property for 25 yeazs, and there has never been a problem on that corner. Howell is
not a long street: it ends there and T's off. They talked to a lot of neighbors and severai people
with children, people who have raised children in that azea, retired people who walk in that area;
all those people are on their petition in opposition to the sidewalk. Industry and apartment
buildings wall not come into the area to change the tr�c patterns. There are more cars than in
the past and there is a stop sign there. When they bought the properry, they were attracted to the
yazd because it is unique. It is pazk-like. Some people said they see the yard as a big asset to the
neighborhood. Little kids coming through the alley see the end of the sidewalk as a visual
reminder of their boundaries. There aze 27 names on their list representing about 23 different
properties all opposed to the sidewalk.
Mr. Strathxnan asked is the sidewalk to be constructed on the public right-of-way. Mr. Keenan
responded yes. Mrs. Keenan responded it will affect their property.
Mr. Strathman stated usually people oppose the sidewallc because they don't want to pay for it.
It is not clear what harm this sidewalk will do to this property. Mr. Keenan responded they were
attracted to the uniqueness of the property. They like it aesthetically. Even though they wiil not
be paying for it, Mrs. Keenan responded, it is still a waste of taxpayer money.
Mr. Strathman stated one of the proposals was to move it closer to the curb and asked haue they
considered mm�ing it along the curb. Mr. Tvedt responded they would move it out so the
e�sting trees would not be effected. For the safety of pedestrians, Public Works prefers to keep
the sidewalk back a bit. Mr. Lueth responded another reason to keep it back is for storing snow
in the boulevard.
The current proposal is curb, then 3%2 foot buffer of grass, and then a 5 foot wide sidewalk, asked
Mr. Strathman. Mr. Tvedt responded that is conect.
Frank McCann, 1879 James Avenue, appeared and stated he lives directly behind the Keenans on
James and Howell. He has never heard anyone say they want a sidewalk in there. He was
surprised when he was approached to sign a petition in favor of the sidewalk. He told the person
that the Keenans were friends of his and he would not sign a petition. The properry has an
attached garage to the house. If a sidewalk is installed, they will ha�e to back out of that garage,
and there may be a problem when kids are riding their bikes. Trees are very close and they will
be butted against the sidewalk. It is safer without a sidewalk. The property is more amactive the
way it is now.
Beth Hannon, 1874 Palace Avenue, appeazed and stated she and her husband live next door to
the Keenans. It is intriguing and nice that there is not a sidewalk there. It looks like a park. The
drawings she saw for the proposed sidewalk would require bumping out into the existing street in
order to preserve the trees. Howell is already a narrow street. For Dave Keenan to get his caz out
of the driveway would endanger his car and any cars pazked on the other side of the street
because of the difficulty backing out.
Mr. Srathman asked does she have occasion to watch children in the neighborhood. Ms, Harmon
responded yes. The family that has proposed putting in the sidewalk and started this petition
takes their children in a red wagon through the alley. If they are so concemed about sidewalk
safety, she wonders why they do not use the e�sting sidewalk in front of their home.
Mr. Strathman asked do kids cross the street because of the lack of a sidewalk. Ms. Harmon
responded some will and some won't. Numerous children walk on the grass or on the street next
to the grass, and some will cross to the other side. She does not see how the sidewalk would
improve the safety or make it a bigger problem because she does not see how it would effect it at
ail. This is a two block section of street that dead ends into a`T.' There are nice neighbors all
around them and people watch out for each other and offer help when its needed. This petition
was done behind the Keenans back. The people who posited the pe6don did not go to the
�d S4�
Keenans because they were confident the Keenans would be opposed to it. This has nothing to
do with safety of children as much as enl�ancing someone's ego.
Donald C. Aston, 1883 James Avenue, appeazed and stated he is opposed to the sidewalk for
many of the reasons already stated. There is no safety issue without a sidewalk, but there may be
safety concerns with it. It will narrow the street for half a block. There is pemut parking on the
street because of the College of St. Catherine. One side of the sidewallc would be no pazking
which would mean the Keenans could not park by their house. The driveway is so short, the end
of their caz hangs over the sidewalk. There could be a problem with turniug onto the street with
another caz waiting. As for the children, he is surprised that there are so many children in the
azea because he does not see them in the evening. If the children are not old enough to cross the
street or use the sidewalk on the other side, they are probably not old enough to be out of sight of
the house. A couple of months ago, Mr. Aston had a City engineer at his house to look at his
driveway. This engineer noticed a new sidewalk was going to be installed, and she went to talk
to the Keenans. That is how the Keenans found out about the sidewalk. If this engineer was not
out that day, the sidewalk would have gone in, and the Keenans wouidn't haue known anything
about it. Also, the person that started the proposal is in the middle of the block.
Steven J. Mongin, 1857 James Avenue, appeazed and stated he would like to see a sidewalk
there. In accordance to the development in the neighborhood and addifion of bumpouts, the
streets are becoming less safe for pedestrians. He is asking for a change, but the environxnent
calls for it. In the time his three kids go through grade school, they will pass through thaz area
over 6,000 times just going and coming home from school. There are other children in the
neighborhood. Kids go to the alley and then across the street. For safety reasons,lvIr. Mongin
would prefer they take a sidewalk up Howell to a stop sign and then cross there. That corner is
normally a bus stop. One of the signers of the petifion has a son that waits there for a bus. If a
child ran after the bus, that child could slip under it. Mr. Mongin would like his kids to ride their
bikes around the block without going into the street. He has told them not to do that, but kids aze
not completely obedient. If a bump out is installed without a sidewalk, the kids would be going
out fiuther into tr�c than they do now. The proposed reconsriucfion with the new bumpouts
could endanger the kids even more. Older people should be able to walk around the block
without going into the street. One of the signers ofthe petition is a jogger.
Mr, Mongin went on to say if City residents are asked why they choose the City over suburbs,
the desire to have sidewalks is almost always mentioned. He talked to the Keenans before
putting together a petition. Mr. Mongin spoke with the City to see if it would be possible to add
a bumpout for the length of the properry line and install a sidewalk without harinnig the trees.
One tree looks like it would have to be removed. The net loss of soil and green space is minunal
because the buxnpout would bring new grass. As far aesthetics, a lantern would be placed there,
and all the trees get to stay. Mr. Mongin regrets any bad feelings that this petition has caused.
The City should be mare forthright and uniform in getting this done.
Timothy Ciccarelli, 1878 Palace Avenue, appeared and stated he is on the corner of Palace and
Howell and adjacent to the proposed sidewalk. It is reasonable for the people in the community
�� s�3
to ask for a sidewalk there. His sidewalk does get a lot of use. Although there might be an
inconvenience for lack of pazking, it is a small price to pay for uniformity of sidewalks in the
neighborhoods. With the street construction, it is reasonable to visit this proposal, The four
houses adjacent to Howell have driveways that cross the sidewalk. There is an alley that also
crosses it. A lazge nuxnber of children and people use the azea.
Mr. Strathman asked is there anythiug that should be clarified.
Mr. Lueth stated the sidewalk would not be snuck in. Adjacent property owners aze notified of
proposed sidewalk construcrion, and public hearings are held.
The corner is a school bus stop, stated Mr. Keenan. Saint Paul Public Schools Transportation
Deparhuent works out where the bus stops will be so it may not be a bus stop all the tnne. He
does not want to lose pazking spaces alongside the house.
Mrs. Keenan stated there is a sidewallc on the other side. Kids can go to the corner, cross over,
and walk up Howell to go to school. She has seen kids swing into the street against traffic on
theix bikes and zipping into the a11ey. If a kid is so young that he can fall under a school bus, an
adult should be taking him to the bus. Mrs. Keenan does not think a person should change a
neighborhood when moving in; rather, they should blend in and try to be supportive of their
Mr. McCann stated with a sidewalk there and with the bushes alongside the house, it may be
more of a hazard than a help.
Mr. Strathxnan stated this sidewalk is on a public right-of-way and the City has the right and the
authority to build a public improvement on public right-of-way if the City believes it is in the
public interest. It is not necessary that the adjacent property owners agree. In looking at the
legislative code, sidewalks are always referred to as public improvements. It seems the rationale
is that if the City is going to build a sidewallc at public expense, it is inherent that it constitutes an
improvement. Some people say it is not an improvement, but a detriment. Some people say it
does constitute an improvement.
Gerry Strathxnan recommends that this sidewalk not be constructed. He does not believe that the
conshuction of this sidewalk represents a significant improvement in the City. Given the cost
involved, he does not believe there is a reason to install this sidewalk. The City Council has the
final word on this matter and they will make their decision on May 24. Anyone that wishes to
appear before the City Council to testify in opposirion to his recommendation needs to give
notice to Public Works before May 17 so that staff will know they need to be present.
The meeting was adjoumed at 3:24 p.m.
� �,� o 0
� � 1 � �.�
R �
� ��
By � "`.�`
File No._SO 092
Voting Ward_3
Ia the Matter of new sidewalk construction at the followiag location:
500092 - East side South Howell Street from Palace Avenue to James Avenue at 1876
Palace Avenue Only_
RESIDENTIAL RATES (One, two or three family structur s)
Reconstruction (replacement of old sidewalk) -$9.6 per front foot for a five (5)
foot wide walk and $11.58 per front foot for a si (6) foot wide
walk. All other widths will be prorated accordi gly, i3ew construction
(where no walk existed) - 1000 of the actual c t estimated to be
approximately $4.32 per square foot.
All corner residential properties will rec ve a credit up to the first 150
feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk alo and abutting the "long side" of
the property.
ML7LTI-RESIDENTIAL (More than three f�ly structures), NON RESIDENTIAL RATES
For new and reconstructed sidewalk; 0� of actual cost estimated to be
approximately $5.84 per square foot
under Preliminary order � O _
The Council of the City o Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the
above improvement, due notice hereof having been given as prescribed by the City
Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council as heard all persons, objections and recommendations
pertaining to said propo d improvement and has fully_considered the same; now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That th Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the
above-described impro ent be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed
and authorized to pr ceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOL D, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City
officers shall ca ulate all e�enses incurred therein and shall report the same to
the City Council n accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
�i4 t��E,€>
COUNCILPERSO �-by Council: Date�oc
Yeas Nays
Benanav ✓ Certified Passed by Council Secretary
i'-�. '
— {��OS�r�
� In Favor
6 Against
.�. A`os�,,.�
, `
Wazd 3
� � �,
7ames Ave. at 1876 Palace Ave. Only.
IIVITIATING AC'I'ION: This order was initiated by the D'uector of Public Works as public
necessiry on the basis of a petition with six (6) signers and an inspection of the walk.
EXISTING CONDITION5 This walk as first time construcuon.
Works - Sidewalk Division
New Sidewalk in Ward 3(See attached list)
�� � �f/Zl�f�a ���d.3
� NO. 102751
_ �j Council Research _
�y _CMLSEAVICECAMMISSION 7, Hasthisperso�rtneverworkeduntleraconVactforthisdepartment?
— 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee?
3. Does this personJfirtn possess a skilt not nomially possessetl by a�y cunent city employee?
oB,�ECrivE? Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sPeet
The prob4em "defective sidewalk" was caused by multiple problems, tree roots, poor subgrade materials, freefthaw cycles,
service lite limits, chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide basis and
must be addressed and corrected annually. Left uncossected, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a state where ii
would be unusable and subject to increased pedestrian injuries from falls and possibie litigations.
The community will benefit from this project because it will provide safe defect free sidewalks for its citizens. The sidewalk
contracts are done by private contractors generating public sector jobs as a result.
Historically, the sidewalk reconstruction has created negative feedback laecause of construction procedures and
assessments. Property owners question the assessments, despite the fact that up to one-half the assessment is City
subsidized. Having to assess for walk reconstruction remains a controversial issue.
This option would allow the infrastructure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate more personal injury
suits, resulting in the expe�diture of larger dollar amounts in repairs a�d replacement, as well as claim payouts.
f�B��CC�1 �:?�j
,.� �.��#
souece 00-M-0671 A, PIA 00 = 620,000 ACINI7YNUMBER C00-2T753-0784-00000
INFORMAT70N:(IXPlA1N) Q� aST - 3 •
c. c�a oa = so,oao
�l S43
PRELIMINARY ORDER By �`�� '�"�� � 1
File No._50�092 �
Voting Ward_ 3_
Ia the Matter of new sidewalk coastructioa ia the following loaatioa:
500092 - East side South Howell Street from Palace Avenue to James Avenue at 1876
Palace Avenue Only.
RESIDENTIAL RATES (One, two or three family structures)
Reconstxuction (replacement of old sidewalky -$9.65 per front £oot for a
five (5) foot wide walk and $11.58 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide
walk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. Nem coastruction
(where no walk existed) - 100� of the actual cost estimated to be
approximately $4.32 per square foot.
Al1 corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150
feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long side" of
the property.
MULTI-RESIDENTIAL(More than three family structures), NON-RESIDENTIAL RATES
For new and reconstructed sidewalk; 100� of actual cost estimated to be
approximately $5.84 per square foot.
The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon
the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:
1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, �
that the estimated cost thereof is *SEE ABOVE for estimated construction rates,
financed by assessments and 2000 Public Improvement Aid.
That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 24 dav of Mav. 2000
5:30 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Ha11 and Court House
Building in the City of Saint Paul.
That notice of said public hearing be given to the gersons and in the manner
provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of
the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
Yeas Nays
�� enanav
✓� ostrom
�In Favor
� Against
Adopted by Council: Date pa
Certified Passed by Council cretary
BY ��.�:�-�$^
�� s�.�
SIDEWALK ISSUE - 1876 Palace Avenue
Thursday, Apri127, 2000
Room 330 Courthouse
Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer
The meeting was called to order at 2:31 p.m.
STAFF PRESENT: Larry Lueth, Public Works; Gerald Tvedt, Public Works
Gerry Strathman stated this mee6ng is being held to get points of view and have discussion about
a sidewalk at 1876 Palace Avenue.
Gerald Tvedt reported the sidewallt is missing on Ha11 Street between Palace and the alley to the
south: Public Works was awaze this segment of walk was missing, but it was brought to their
attention that people in the area wanted the sidewalk. 1876 Palace has pine trees growing on the
boulevard; therefore, Public Works is proposing building a five foot sidewalk that is closer to the
curb and not take any pine trees. This is the long side of the properly so there is no assessment to
the homeowner. It is the onty piece of sidewalk not completed 'm a three block square area.
What is the City's policy with respect to sidewalks, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr. Tvedt responded
they are trying to complete the sidewalk system where it is practical and needed. There aze some
areas where there are no pedestrian or school traffiq but this is not the case here.
NIr. Strathman asked are there other sidewalks not completed in Saint Paul. Mr. Tvedt responded
there are all kinds of them.
David and Sue Keenan, 1876 Palace Avenue, appeared. Mr. Keenan stated they are opposed to
having the sidewalk there. They did not have anything to do with a petirion to ask for a sidewalk
and did not lrnow there was a petirion being circulated, but they did get a copy of it. They have
been at this property for 25 yeazs, and there has never been a problem on that corner. Howell is
not a long street: it ends there and T's off. They talked to a lot of neighbors and severai people
with children, people who have raised children in that azea, retired people who walk in that area;
all those people are on their petition in opposition to the sidewalk. Industry and apartment
buildings wall not come into the area to change the tr�c patterns. There are more cars than in
the past and there is a stop sign there. When they bought the properry, they were attracted to the
yazd because it is unique. It is pazk-like. Some people said they see the yard as a big asset to the
neighborhood. Little kids coming through the alley see the end of the sidewalk as a visual
reminder of their boundaries. There aze 27 names on their list representing about 23 different
properties all opposed to the sidewalk.
Mr. Strathxnan asked is the sidewalk to be constructed on the public right-of-way. Mr. Keenan
responded yes. Mrs. Keenan responded it will affect their property.
Mr. Strathman stated usually people oppose the sidewallc because they don't want to pay for it.
It is not clear what harm this sidewalk will do to this property. Mr. Keenan responded they were
attracted to the uniqueness of the property. They like it aesthetically. Even though they wiil not
be paying for it, Mrs. Keenan responded, it is still a waste of taxpayer money.
Mr. Strathman stated one of the proposals was to move it closer to the curb and asked haue they
considered mm�ing it along the curb. Mr. Tvedt responded they would move it out so the
e�sting trees would not be effected. For the safety of pedestrians, Public Works prefers to keep
the sidewalk back a bit. Mr. Lueth responded another reason to keep it back is for storing snow
in the boulevard.
The current proposal is curb, then 3%2 foot buffer of grass, and then a 5 foot wide sidewalk, asked
Mr. Strathman. Mr. Tvedt responded that is conect.
Frank McCann, 1879 James Avenue, appeared and stated he lives directly behind the Keenans on
James and Howell. He has never heard anyone say they want a sidewalk in there. He was
surprised when he was approached to sign a petition in favor of the sidewalk. He told the person
that the Keenans were friends of his and he would not sign a petition. The properry has an
attached garage to the house. If a sidewalk is installed, they will ha�e to back out of that garage,
and there may be a problem when kids are riding their bikes. Trees are very close and they will
be butted against the sidewalk. It is safer without a sidewalk. The property is more amactive the
way it is now.
Beth Hannon, 1874 Palace Avenue, appeazed and stated she and her husband live next door to
the Keenans. It is intriguing and nice that there is not a sidewalk there. It looks like a park. The
drawings she saw for the proposed sidewalk would require bumping out into the existing street in
order to preserve the trees. Howell is already a narrow street. For Dave Keenan to get his caz out
of the driveway would endanger his car and any cars pazked on the other side of the street
because of the difficulty backing out.
Mr. Srathman asked does she have occasion to watch children in the neighborhood. Ms, Harmon
responded yes. The family that has proposed putting in the sidewalk and started this petition
takes their children in a red wagon through the alley. If they are so concemed about sidewalk
safety, she wonders why they do not use the e�sting sidewalk in front of their home.
Mr. Strathman asked do kids cross the street because of the lack of a sidewalk. Ms. Harmon
responded some will and some won't. Numerous children walk on the grass or on the street next
to the grass, and some will cross to the other side. She does not see how the sidewalk would
improve the safety or make it a bigger problem because she does not see how it would effect it at
ail. This is a two block section of street that dead ends into a`T.' There are nice neighbors all
around them and people watch out for each other and offer help when its needed. This petition
was done behind the Keenans back. The people who posited the pe6don did not go to the
�d S4�
Keenans because they were confident the Keenans would be opposed to it. This has nothing to
do with safety of children as much as enl�ancing someone's ego.
Donald C. Aston, 1883 James Avenue, appeazed and stated he is opposed to the sidewalk for
many of the reasons already stated. There is no safety issue without a sidewalk, but there may be
safety concerns with it. It will narrow the street for half a block. There is pemut parking on the
street because of the College of St. Catherine. One side of the sidewallc would be no pazking
which would mean the Keenans could not park by their house. The driveway is so short, the end
of their caz hangs over the sidewalk. There could be a problem with turniug onto the street with
another caz waiting. As for the children, he is surprised that there are so many children in the
azea because he does not see them in the evening. If the children are not old enough to cross the
street or use the sidewalk on the other side, they are probably not old enough to be out of sight of
the house. A couple of months ago, Mr. Aston had a City engineer at his house to look at his
driveway. This engineer noticed a new sidewalk was going to be installed, and she went to talk
to the Keenans. That is how the Keenans found out about the sidewalk. If this engineer was not
out that day, the sidewalk would have gone in, and the Keenans wouidn't haue known anything
about it. Also, the person that started the proposal is in the middle of the block.
Steven J. Mongin, 1857 James Avenue, appeazed and stated he would like to see a sidewalk
there. In accordance to the development in the neighborhood and addifion of bumpouts, the
streets are becoming less safe for pedestrians. He is asking for a change, but the environxnent
calls for it. In the time his three kids go through grade school, they will pass through thaz area
over 6,000 times just going and coming home from school. There are other children in the
neighborhood. Kids go to the alley and then across the street. For safety reasons,lvIr. Mongin
would prefer they take a sidewalk up Howell to a stop sign and then cross there. That corner is
normally a bus stop. One of the signers of the petifion has a son that waits there for a bus. If a
child ran after the bus, that child could slip under it. Mr. Mongin would like his kids to ride their
bikes around the block without going into the street. He has told them not to do that, but kids aze
not completely obedient. If a bump out is installed without a sidewalk, the kids would be going
out fiuther into tr�c than they do now. The proposed reconsriucfion with the new bumpouts
could endanger the kids even more. Older people should be able to walk around the block
without going into the street. One of the signers ofthe petition is a jogger.
Mr, Mongin went on to say if City residents are asked why they choose the City over suburbs,
the desire to have sidewalks is almost always mentioned. He talked to the Keenans before
putting together a petition. Mr. Mongin spoke with the City to see if it would be possible to add
a bumpout for the length of the properry line and install a sidewalk without harinnig the trees.
One tree looks like it would have to be removed. The net loss of soil and green space is minunal
because the buxnpout would bring new grass. As far aesthetics, a lantern would be placed there,
and all the trees get to stay. Mr. Mongin regrets any bad feelings that this petition has caused.
The City should be mare forthright and uniform in getting this done.
Timothy Ciccarelli, 1878 Palace Avenue, appeared and stated he is on the corner of Palace and
Howell and adjacent to the proposed sidewalk. It is reasonable for the people in the community
�� s�3
to ask for a sidewalk there. His sidewalk does get a lot of use. Although there might be an
inconvenience for lack of pazking, it is a small price to pay for uniformity of sidewalks in the
neighborhoods. With the street construction, it is reasonable to visit this proposal, The four
houses adjacent to Howell have driveways that cross the sidewalk. There is an alley that also
crosses it. A lazge nuxnber of children and people use the azea.
Mr. Strathman asked is there anythiug that should be clarified.
Mr. Lueth stated the sidewalk would not be snuck in. Adjacent property owners aze notified of
proposed sidewalk construcrion, and public hearings are held.
The corner is a school bus stop, stated Mr. Keenan. Saint Paul Public Schools Transportation
Deparhuent works out where the bus stops will be so it may not be a bus stop all the tnne. He
does not want to lose pazking spaces alongside the house.
Mrs. Keenan stated there is a sidewallc on the other side. Kids can go to the corner, cross over,
and walk up Howell to go to school. She has seen kids swing into the street against traffic on
theix bikes and zipping into the a11ey. If a kid is so young that he can fall under a school bus, an
adult should be taking him to the bus. Mrs. Keenan does not think a person should change a
neighborhood when moving in; rather, they should blend in and try to be supportive of their
Mr. McCann stated with a sidewalk there and with the bushes alongside the house, it may be
more of a hazard than a help.
Mr. Strathxnan stated this sidewalk is on a public right-of-way and the City has the right and the
authority to build a public improvement on public right-of-way if the City believes it is in the
public interest. It is not necessary that the adjacent property owners agree. In looking at the
legislative code, sidewalks are always referred to as public improvements. It seems the rationale
is that if the City is going to build a sidewallc at public expense, it is inherent that it constitutes an
improvement. Some people say it is not an improvement, but a detriment. Some people say it
does constitute an improvement.
Gerry Strathxnan recommends that this sidewalk not be constructed. He does not believe that the
conshuction of this sidewalk represents a significant improvement in the City. Given the cost
involved, he does not believe there is a reason to install this sidewalk. The City Council has the
final word on this matter and they will make their decision on May 24. Anyone that wishes to
appear before the City Council to testify in opposirion to his recommendation needs to give
notice to Public Works before May 17 so that staff will know they need to be present.
The meeting was adjoumed at 3:24 p.m.
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By � "`.�`
File No._SO 092
Voting Ward_3
Ia the Matter of new sidewalk construction at the followiag location:
500092 - East side South Howell Street from Palace Avenue to James Avenue at 1876
Palace Avenue Only_
RESIDENTIAL RATES (One, two or three family structur s)
Reconstruction (replacement of old sidewalk) -$9.6 per front foot for a five (5)
foot wide walk and $11.58 per front foot for a si (6) foot wide
walk. All other widths will be prorated accordi gly, i3ew construction
(where no walk existed) - 1000 of the actual c t estimated to be
approximately $4.32 per square foot.
All corner residential properties will rec ve a credit up to the first 150
feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk alo and abutting the "long side" of
the property.
ML7LTI-RESIDENTIAL (More than three f�ly structures), NON RESIDENTIAL RATES
For new and reconstructed sidewalk; 0� of actual cost estimated to be
approximately $5.84 per square foot
under Preliminary order � O _
The Council of the City o Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the
above improvement, due notice hereof having been given as prescribed by the City
Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council as heard all persons, objections and recommendations
pertaining to said propo d improvement and has fully_considered the same; now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That th Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the
above-described impro ent be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed
and authorized to pr ceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOL D, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City
officers shall ca ulate all e�enses incurred therein and shall report the same to
the City Council n accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
�i4 t��E,€>
COUNCILPERSO �-by Council: Date�oc
Yeas Nays
Benanav ✓ Certified Passed by Council Secretary
i'-�. '
— {��OS�r�
� In Favor
6 Against
.�. A`os�,,.�
, `
Wazd 3
� � �,
7ames Ave. at 1876 Palace Ave. Only.
IIVITIATING AC'I'ION: This order was initiated by the D'uector of Public Works as public
necessiry on the basis of a petition with six (6) signers and an inspection of the walk.
EXISTING CONDITION5 This walk as first time construcuon.
Works - Sidewalk Division
New Sidewalk in Ward 3(See attached list)
�� � �f/Zl�f�a ���d.3
� NO. 102751
_ �j Council Research _
�y _CMLSEAVICECAMMISSION 7, Hasthisperso�rtneverworkeduntleraconVactforthisdepartment?
— 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee?
3. Does this personJfirtn possess a skilt not nomially possessetl by a�y cunent city employee?
oB,�ECrivE? Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sPeet
The prob4em "defective sidewalk" was caused by multiple problems, tree roots, poor subgrade materials, freefthaw cycles,
service lite limits, chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide basis and
must be addressed and corrected annually. Left uncossected, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a state where ii
would be unusable and subject to increased pedestrian injuries from falls and possibie litigations.
The community will benefit from this project because it will provide safe defect free sidewalks for its citizens. The sidewalk
contracts are done by private contractors generating public sector jobs as a result.
Historically, the sidewalk reconstruction has created negative feedback laecause of construction procedures and
assessments. Property owners question the assessments, despite the fact that up to one-half the assessment is City
subsidized. Having to assess for walk reconstruction remains a controversial issue.
This option would allow the infrastructure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate more personal injury
suits, resulting in the expe�diture of larger dollar amounts in repairs a�d replacement, as well as claim payouts.
f�B��CC�1 �:?�j
,.� �.��#
souece 00-M-0671 A, PIA 00 = 620,000 ACINI7YNUMBER C00-2T753-0784-00000
INFORMAT70N:(IXPlA1N) Q� aST - 3 •
c. c�a oa = so,oao
�l S43
PRELIMINARY ORDER By �`�� '�"�� � 1
File No._50�092 �
Voting Ward_ 3_
Ia the Matter of new sidewalk coastructioa ia the following loaatioa:
500092 - East side South Howell Street from Palace Avenue to James Avenue at 1876
Palace Avenue Only.
RESIDENTIAL RATES (One, two or three family structures)
Reconstxuction (replacement of old sidewalky -$9.65 per front £oot for a
five (5) foot wide walk and $11.58 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide
walk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. Nem coastruction
(where no walk existed) - 100� of the actual cost estimated to be
approximately $4.32 per square foot.
Al1 corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150
feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long side" of
the property.
MULTI-RESIDENTIAL(More than three family structures), NON-RESIDENTIAL RATES
For new and reconstructed sidewalk; 100� of actual cost estimated to be
approximately $5.84 per square foot.
The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon
the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:
1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, �
that the estimated cost thereof is *SEE ABOVE for estimated construction rates,
financed by assessments and 2000 Public Improvement Aid.
That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 24 dav of Mav. 2000
5:30 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Ha11 and Court House
Building in the City of Saint Paul.
That notice of said public hearing be given to the gersons and in the manner
provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of
the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
Yeas Nays
�� enanav
✓� ostrom
�In Favor
� Against
Adopted by Council: Date pa
Certified Passed by Council cretary
BY ��.�:�-�$^
�� s�.�
SIDEWALK ISSUE - 1876 Palace Avenue
Thursday, Apri127, 2000
Room 330 Courthouse
Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer
The meeting was called to order at 2:31 p.m.
STAFF PRESENT: Larry Lueth, Public Works; Gerald Tvedt, Public Works
Gerry Strathman stated this mee6ng is being held to get points of view and have discussion about
a sidewalk at 1876 Palace Avenue.
Gerald Tvedt reported the sidewallt is missing on Ha11 Street between Palace and the alley to the
south: Public Works was awaze this segment of walk was missing, but it was brought to their
attention that people in the area wanted the sidewalk. 1876 Palace has pine trees growing on the
boulevard; therefore, Public Works is proposing building a five foot sidewalk that is closer to the
curb and not take any pine trees. This is the long side of the properly so there is no assessment to
the homeowner. It is the onty piece of sidewalk not completed 'm a three block square area.
What is the City's policy with respect to sidewalks, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr. Tvedt responded
they are trying to complete the sidewalk system where it is practical and needed. There aze some
areas where there are no pedestrian or school traffiq but this is not the case here.
NIr. Strathman asked are there other sidewalks not completed in Saint Paul. Mr. Tvedt responded
there are all kinds of them.
David and Sue Keenan, 1876 Palace Avenue, appeared. Mr. Keenan stated they are opposed to
having the sidewalk there. They did not have anything to do with a petirion to ask for a sidewalk
and did not lrnow there was a petirion being circulated, but they did get a copy of it. They have
been at this property for 25 yeazs, and there has never been a problem on that corner. Howell is
not a long street: it ends there and T's off. They talked to a lot of neighbors and severai people
with children, people who have raised children in that azea, retired people who walk in that area;
all those people are on their petition in opposition to the sidewalk. Industry and apartment
buildings wall not come into the area to change the tr�c patterns. There are more cars than in
the past and there is a stop sign there. When they bought the properry, they were attracted to the
yazd because it is unique. It is pazk-like. Some people said they see the yard as a big asset to the
neighborhood. Little kids coming through the alley see the end of the sidewalk as a visual
reminder of their boundaries. There aze 27 names on their list representing about 23 different
properties all opposed to the sidewalk.
Mr. Strathxnan asked is the sidewalk to be constructed on the public right-of-way. Mr. Keenan
responded yes. Mrs. Keenan responded it will affect their property.
Mr. Strathman stated usually people oppose the sidewallc because they don't want to pay for it.
It is not clear what harm this sidewalk will do to this property. Mr. Keenan responded they were
attracted to the uniqueness of the property. They like it aesthetically. Even though they wiil not
be paying for it, Mrs. Keenan responded, it is still a waste of taxpayer money.
Mr. Strathman stated one of the proposals was to move it closer to the curb and asked haue they
considered mm�ing it along the curb. Mr. Tvedt responded they would move it out so the
e�sting trees would not be effected. For the safety of pedestrians, Public Works prefers to keep
the sidewalk back a bit. Mr. Lueth responded another reason to keep it back is for storing snow
in the boulevard.
The current proposal is curb, then 3%2 foot buffer of grass, and then a 5 foot wide sidewalk, asked
Mr. Strathman. Mr. Tvedt responded that is conect.
Frank McCann, 1879 James Avenue, appeared and stated he lives directly behind the Keenans on
James and Howell. He has never heard anyone say they want a sidewalk in there. He was
surprised when he was approached to sign a petition in favor of the sidewalk. He told the person
that the Keenans were friends of his and he would not sign a petition. The properry has an
attached garage to the house. If a sidewalk is installed, they will ha�e to back out of that garage,
and there may be a problem when kids are riding their bikes. Trees are very close and they will
be butted against the sidewalk. It is safer without a sidewalk. The property is more amactive the
way it is now.
Beth Hannon, 1874 Palace Avenue, appeazed and stated she and her husband live next door to
the Keenans. It is intriguing and nice that there is not a sidewalk there. It looks like a park. The
drawings she saw for the proposed sidewalk would require bumping out into the existing street in
order to preserve the trees. Howell is already a narrow street. For Dave Keenan to get his caz out
of the driveway would endanger his car and any cars pazked on the other side of the street
because of the difficulty backing out.
Mr. Srathman asked does she have occasion to watch children in the neighborhood. Ms, Harmon
responded yes. The family that has proposed putting in the sidewalk and started this petition
takes their children in a red wagon through the alley. If they are so concemed about sidewalk
safety, she wonders why they do not use the e�sting sidewalk in front of their home.
Mr. Strathman asked do kids cross the street because of the lack of a sidewalk. Ms. Harmon
responded some will and some won't. Numerous children walk on the grass or on the street next
to the grass, and some will cross to the other side. She does not see how the sidewalk would
improve the safety or make it a bigger problem because she does not see how it would effect it at
ail. This is a two block section of street that dead ends into a`T.' There are nice neighbors all
around them and people watch out for each other and offer help when its needed. This petition
was done behind the Keenans back. The people who posited the pe6don did not go to the
�d S4�
Keenans because they were confident the Keenans would be opposed to it. This has nothing to
do with safety of children as much as enl�ancing someone's ego.
Donald C. Aston, 1883 James Avenue, appeazed and stated he is opposed to the sidewalk for
many of the reasons already stated. There is no safety issue without a sidewalk, but there may be
safety concerns with it. It will narrow the street for half a block. There is pemut parking on the
street because of the College of St. Catherine. One side of the sidewallc would be no pazking
which would mean the Keenans could not park by their house. The driveway is so short, the end
of their caz hangs over the sidewalk. There could be a problem with turniug onto the street with
another caz waiting. As for the children, he is surprised that there are so many children in the
azea because he does not see them in the evening. If the children are not old enough to cross the
street or use the sidewalk on the other side, they are probably not old enough to be out of sight of
the house. A couple of months ago, Mr. Aston had a City engineer at his house to look at his
driveway. This engineer noticed a new sidewalk was going to be installed, and she went to talk
to the Keenans. That is how the Keenans found out about the sidewalk. If this engineer was not
out that day, the sidewalk would have gone in, and the Keenans wouidn't haue known anything
about it. Also, the person that started the proposal is in the middle of the block.
Steven J. Mongin, 1857 James Avenue, appeazed and stated he would like to see a sidewalk
there. In accordance to the development in the neighborhood and addifion of bumpouts, the
streets are becoming less safe for pedestrians. He is asking for a change, but the environxnent
calls for it. In the time his three kids go through grade school, they will pass through thaz area
over 6,000 times just going and coming home from school. There are other children in the
neighborhood. Kids go to the alley and then across the street. For safety reasons,lvIr. Mongin
would prefer they take a sidewalk up Howell to a stop sign and then cross there. That corner is
normally a bus stop. One of the signers of the petifion has a son that waits there for a bus. If a
child ran after the bus, that child could slip under it. Mr. Mongin would like his kids to ride their
bikes around the block without going into the street. He has told them not to do that, but kids aze
not completely obedient. If a bump out is installed without a sidewalk, the kids would be going
out fiuther into tr�c than they do now. The proposed reconsriucfion with the new bumpouts
could endanger the kids even more. Older people should be able to walk around the block
without going into the street. One of the signers ofthe petition is a jogger.
Mr, Mongin went on to say if City residents are asked why they choose the City over suburbs,
the desire to have sidewalks is almost always mentioned. He talked to the Keenans before
putting together a petition. Mr. Mongin spoke with the City to see if it would be possible to add
a bumpout for the length of the properry line and install a sidewalk without harinnig the trees.
One tree looks like it would have to be removed. The net loss of soil and green space is minunal
because the buxnpout would bring new grass. As far aesthetics, a lantern would be placed there,
and all the trees get to stay. Mr. Mongin regrets any bad feelings that this petition has caused.
The City should be mare forthright and uniform in getting this done.
Timothy Ciccarelli, 1878 Palace Avenue, appeared and stated he is on the corner of Palace and
Howell and adjacent to the proposed sidewalk. It is reasonable for the people in the community
�� s�3
to ask for a sidewalk there. His sidewalk does get a lot of use. Although there might be an
inconvenience for lack of pazking, it is a small price to pay for uniformity of sidewalks in the
neighborhoods. With the street construction, it is reasonable to visit this proposal, The four
houses adjacent to Howell have driveways that cross the sidewalk. There is an alley that also
crosses it. A lazge nuxnber of children and people use the azea.
Mr. Strathman asked is there anythiug that should be clarified.
Mr. Lueth stated the sidewalk would not be snuck in. Adjacent property owners aze notified of
proposed sidewalk construcrion, and public hearings are held.
The corner is a school bus stop, stated Mr. Keenan. Saint Paul Public Schools Transportation
Deparhuent works out where the bus stops will be so it may not be a bus stop all the tnne. He
does not want to lose pazking spaces alongside the house.
Mrs. Keenan stated there is a sidewallc on the other side. Kids can go to the corner, cross over,
and walk up Howell to go to school. She has seen kids swing into the street against traffic on
theix bikes and zipping into the a11ey. If a kid is so young that he can fall under a school bus, an
adult should be taking him to the bus. Mrs. Keenan does not think a person should change a
neighborhood when moving in; rather, they should blend in and try to be supportive of their
Mr. McCann stated with a sidewalk there and with the bushes alongside the house, it may be
more of a hazard than a help.
Mr. Strathxnan stated this sidewalk is on a public right-of-way and the City has the right and the
authority to build a public improvement on public right-of-way if the City believes it is in the
public interest. It is not necessary that the adjacent property owners agree. In looking at the
legislative code, sidewalks are always referred to as public improvements. It seems the rationale
is that if the City is going to build a sidewallc at public expense, it is inherent that it constitutes an
improvement. Some people say it is not an improvement, but a detriment. Some people say it
does constitute an improvement.
Gerry Strathxnan recommends that this sidewalk not be constructed. He does not believe that the
conshuction of this sidewalk represents a significant improvement in the City. Given the cost
involved, he does not believe there is a reason to install this sidewalk. The City Council has the
final word on this matter and they will make their decision on May 24. Anyone that wishes to
appear before the City Council to testify in opposirion to his recommendation needs to give
notice to Public Works before May 17 so that staff will know they need to be present.
The meeting was adjoumed at 3:24 p.m.