00-438CITY OF ST. PAIIL FINAL ORDER COIINCIL FILE NO. �O - �-13�' 33 BY — FILE NO. 1$928 VOTING WARD 7 Ia the Matter of installation of a sanitary sewer and service connections in Ogden Avenue from Point Douglas Road to Winthrop Street, Winthrop Street £rom Ogden Avenue to Snowshoe Lane, and Snowshoe Lane from Winthrop Street to 160 feet west of the west line of Mcknight Road. under Preliminary Order � o- 3`iy approved �6� r����� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard a11 persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COIINCII,PERSON Yea R �cr� Benanav �Blakey �Bostrom A� � Harris � Lantry �ps<,.�� --� Reiter Adopted by the Date a� d � Nay Certified Passes by Council Secretary (� In Fi�vu�By � Agains'� �� %�// A2 y Mayor 3 - ��ISer�t ` �lBQ Public Hearing : May 10, 2000 T.MS./REAL ESTAT'E DIVISION atact Persoa aad Phoae N�bar: Pater vahite 266-8850 an Comd Agenda by: be ID Co�7 Researc6 OHice 4/12I2000 4!7/2000 Date: 1 OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �QuES�n: Setting date of public hearing for final order for the llation of a sanitary sewer and sexvice connections in Ogden Avenue from Douglas Road to Winthrop Street, LPinthrop Streat from Ogden Avenue to hoe Lane, and Snowshoe Lane from winthrop Street to 160 feet west of the line of Mcknight Road. PLAMVING COMMISSION Public Health CIB COMMITTE& A STAFF VacantBN�. � S Does Utis perso�Srm possess a skiD notnormally possessed by aoy current City employee? YES NO YES NO Fxplaia all YES ancwers on a sepazate sheet and attacli. PROBLEM, ISSiJE, OPPORTUNI'f Y(Who, What, When, Where, 4Vhy?) � property owners for sanitarv sewer in Snowshoe Lane. 3ES IF APPROVID: sanitary sewer to properties currently served by septic systems. �TAGESIFAPPROVED: problems associated with construction such as noise, such as noise, dust, reduced access to property and CAGES IF NOT APPROVID: owners with failin¢ sentic svstems will oFtransaction $391,228 cosT�vEw�suncETEn�crxci.EO�> �s xo SOURCE: $176,052 PFA $215,176 Assessments ASSESSMENTS AND PIA. AcTI°ITY NUMBER: IRSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: Has the person/£u�m ever worked mder a contract for tLis deparlment? yES NO Has this perso�Srm everbeeu a Clly employee? 4/3f00 GreenSheetNumber: 104661 oa -vs 2FtTMElFP DIAECCOR ^� CZTY COLIpRIL xx ammoxx�r xa^r ac�uc �� ���r�h G�nP� s INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� •opertv owners will be notified of the 00 - �{'S �' INTERDEPART`MENTAL MEMORANDUM City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works To: Peter White From:JoeMueller y�/�� Subject: Ogden/Winthrop Sanitary Sewer (City Project 00-S-1894) Date: Mazch 22, 2000 Attached please find Engineering Recommendations and a draft "Green SheeP' for the above mentioned project. This project is a proposed projecY in the Highwood area. In the past similar projects have met with opposition. In this case, however, I think there is some support. Therefore, please schedule a public hearing at your earliest convenience ( I think we talked about May 3). The project will be funded initially with a Public Financing Authority (PFA) loan. As property owners connect, they will then be assessed for the sewer. It is anticipated the assessment will not cover the entire cost of the project. Please determine the amount recoverable by assessment. There is also the question of what the assessment rate should be. If you have any questions please contact me at 66149. Responsive Services • QuaLity Services . Employee Pride oo-�t��' SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS OGDEN / WINTHROP SANITARY SEWER CITY PROJECT NO. 00-S-1894 NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING MARCH 28, 2000 PUBLIC HEARING MAY 3, 2000 - PENDING PROJECT: Construct a sanitary sewer in unimproved Ogden from Point Douglas to Winthrop, in Winthrop from Ogden io Snowshoe and in Snowshoe from Winthrop to McKnighi. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The project area is presently served by individual septic systems. We have received a petition for sanitary sewer improvements. Problems with individual septic systems have been reported. Ogden is an unimproved right-of-way. Winthrop and Snowshoe are narrow oiled roads. PROPOSEDtMPROVEMENTS: Construct a sanitary sewer in Ogden from Point Douglas to Winthrop and in Winthrop from Ogden to Snowshoe. Construct a sanitary sewer and service connections in Snowshoe from Winthrop to McKnight. Restoration witl be in kind with no improvement to the roadway surface. ALTERNATIVE : To do nothing would require the property owners with fai{ing septic systems to repair or replace their existing septic systems. POSITIVE BENEFITS: Public sanitary sewer will be available to properties abutting the sewer construction. ADVERSE EFFECTS: Normai probiems associated with eonstruction such as noise, dust, reduced access to property and general disruption wiil be present. EFFECT ON TREES: {n the Ogden right-of-way, trees wiil be trimmed and approximately 100 trees removed. Sewer alignment will be adjusted to minimize tree removal. In Winthrop and Snowshoe, trees will be trimmed with minimal tree removal expected. COST ESTIMATES: Sewer Construction $310,000 Engineering & Inspection $ 57,350 Rea1 Estate Service Fee 23 878 Total $391,228 Oo -K 3Y ESTIMATED FINAHCING: Public Financing Authority loan (PFA) $391,228 A portion of the PFA loan will be repaid by property assessments as properties connect to the sanitary sewer. SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For additionaf information, contact the Project Engineer .1oe Mueller, at 266-6149. RECOMMENDATION: The Department ofi Public Works makes no recommendation in this matter. The project was initiated from a petition by area residents. Respectful4y submitted, Thomas J. Eggum Director of Public Works �-438' CITY OF ST. PAIIL PRELIMINARY ORDER COIINCIL FILE NO. �a"'3�� �Y � _ FILE NO. 18928 VOTII3G WARD In the Matter of installation of a sanitary sewer and Service connections in Ogden Avenue from Point Douglas 12oad to Winthrop Street, Winthrop 5treet from Ogden Avenue to Snowshoe Lane, and Snowshoe Lane from Winthrop Street to 160 feet west of the west line of Mcknight Road. The Council of the'City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $391,228 financed by assessments o£ $215,176 and Public Financing Authority of $176,052. 2.That a public hearing be had on said improvement on Wednesday, third of May, 2000, at 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hal1 and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSON Adopted by the Date: f,\ ' v� ` I� �.ar�� Yea Nay ;/ Benanav � Blakey fBOStrom � Coleman �Harris ��Lantry ��Reiter rj In � Agains Certified Passes by Council Secretary B �' 1 \_ e�- _ 1- �-.,.�e_ �_ i �, o Mayor 00 —�43 Y s�. \ ,\ 9� � �� �� � \ HIGNWOOD AVE, r u z Y U � dGDEN AVE. � � D�UGLYNN v Q � _ r- z 3 � � Z� d 0 r � 1 d ❑GDEN CT. �` �' _ ' ,� l h, � SN�WSHOE LN. �— 7XWO�D AVE. � v� �� oa re �� G �EONARE CT MARI� CARVER AVE. 1\ 1 � PR�JECT AREA MAP ❑GDEN / WINTHRt7P SANITARY SEWER 00-S-1894 � N�iTH � PROP�SED SANITARY SEWER CITY OF ST. PAIIL FINAL ORDER COIINCIL FILE NO. �O - �-13�' 33 BY — FILE NO. 1$928 VOTING WARD 7 Ia the Matter of installation of a sanitary sewer and service connections in Ogden Avenue from Point Douglas Road to Winthrop Street, Winthrop Street £rom Ogden Avenue to Snowshoe Lane, and Snowshoe Lane from Winthrop Street to 160 feet west of the west line of Mcknight Road. under Preliminary Order � o- 3`iy approved �6� r����� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard a11 persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COIINCII,PERSON Yea R �cr� Benanav �Blakey �Bostrom A� � Harris � Lantry �ps<,.�� --� Reiter Adopted by the Date a� d � Nay Certified Passes by Council Secretary (� In Fi�vu�By � Agains'� �� %�// A2 y Mayor 3 - ��ISer�t ` �lBQ Public Hearing : May 10, 2000 T.MS./REAL ESTAT'E DIVISION atact Persoa aad Phoae N�bar: Pater vahite 266-8850 an Comd Agenda by: be ID Co�7 Researc6 OHice 4/12I2000 4!7/2000 Date: 1 OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �QuES�n: Setting date of public hearing for final order for the llation of a sanitary sewer and sexvice connections in Ogden Avenue from Douglas Road to Winthrop Street, LPinthrop Streat from Ogden Avenue to hoe Lane, and Snowshoe Lane from winthrop Street to 160 feet west of the line of Mcknight Road. PLAMVING COMMISSION Public Health CIB COMMITTE& A STAFF VacantBN�. � S Does Utis perso�Srm possess a skiD notnormally possessed by aoy current City employee? YES NO YES NO Fxplaia all YES ancwers on a sepazate sheet and attacli. PROBLEM, ISSiJE, OPPORTUNI'f Y(Who, What, When, Where, 4Vhy?) � property owners for sanitarv sewer in Snowshoe Lane. 3ES IF APPROVID: sanitary sewer to properties currently served by septic systems. �TAGESIFAPPROVED: problems associated with construction such as noise, such as noise, dust, reduced access to property and CAGES IF NOT APPROVID: owners with failin¢ sentic svstems will oFtransaction $391,228 cosT�vEw�suncETEn�crxci.EO�> �s xo SOURCE: $176,052 PFA $215,176 Assessments ASSESSMENTS AND PIA. AcTI°ITY NUMBER: IRSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: Has the person/£u�m ever worked mder a contract for tLis deparlment? yES NO Has this perso�Srm everbeeu a Clly employee? 4/3f00 GreenSheetNumber: 104661 oa -vs 2FtTMElFP DIAECCOR ^� CZTY COLIpRIL xx ammoxx�r xa^r ac�uc �� ���r�h G�nP� s INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� •opertv owners will be notified of the 00 - �{'S �' INTERDEPART`MENTAL MEMORANDUM City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works To: Peter White From:JoeMueller y�/�� Subject: Ogden/Winthrop Sanitary Sewer (City Project 00-S-1894) Date: Mazch 22, 2000 Attached please find Engineering Recommendations and a draft "Green SheeP' for the above mentioned project. This project is a proposed projecY in the Highwood area. In the past similar projects have met with opposition. In this case, however, I think there is some support. Therefore, please schedule a public hearing at your earliest convenience ( I think we talked about May 3). The project will be funded initially with a Public Financing Authority (PFA) loan. As property owners connect, they will then be assessed for the sewer. It is anticipated the assessment will not cover the entire cost of the project. Please determine the amount recoverable by assessment. There is also the question of what the assessment rate should be. If you have any questions please contact me at 66149. Responsive Services • QuaLity Services . Employee Pride oo-�t��' SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS OGDEN / WINTHROP SANITARY SEWER CITY PROJECT NO. 00-S-1894 NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING MARCH 28, 2000 PUBLIC HEARING MAY 3, 2000 - PENDING PROJECT: Construct a sanitary sewer in unimproved Ogden from Point Douglas to Winthrop, in Winthrop from Ogden io Snowshoe and in Snowshoe from Winthrop to McKnighi. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The project area is presently served by individual septic systems. We have received a petition for sanitary sewer improvements. Problems with individual septic systems have been reported. Ogden is an unimproved right-of-way. Winthrop and Snowshoe are narrow oiled roads. PROPOSEDtMPROVEMENTS: Construct a sanitary sewer in Ogden from Point Douglas to Winthrop and in Winthrop from Ogden to Snowshoe. Construct a sanitary sewer and service connections in Snowshoe from Winthrop to McKnight. Restoration witl be in kind with no improvement to the roadway surface. ALTERNATIVE : To do nothing would require the property owners with fai{ing septic systems to repair or replace their existing septic systems. POSITIVE BENEFITS: Public sanitary sewer will be available to properties abutting the sewer construction. ADVERSE EFFECTS: Normai probiems associated with eonstruction such as noise, dust, reduced access to property and general disruption wiil be present. EFFECT ON TREES: {n the Ogden right-of-way, trees wiil be trimmed and approximately 100 trees removed. Sewer alignment will be adjusted to minimize tree removal. In Winthrop and Snowshoe, trees will be trimmed with minimal tree removal expected. COST ESTIMATES: Sewer Construction $310,000 Engineering & Inspection $ 57,350 Rea1 Estate Service Fee 23 878 Total $391,228 Oo -K 3Y ESTIMATED FINAHCING: Public Financing Authority loan (PFA) $391,228 A portion of the PFA loan will be repaid by property assessments as properties connect to the sanitary sewer. SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For additionaf information, contact the Project Engineer .1oe Mueller, at 266-6149. RECOMMENDATION: The Department ofi Public Works makes no recommendation in this matter. The project was initiated from a petition by area residents. Respectful4y submitted, Thomas J. Eggum Director of Public Works �-438' CITY OF ST. PAIIL PRELIMINARY ORDER COIINCIL FILE NO. �a"'3�� �Y � _ FILE NO. 18928 VOTII3G WARD In the Matter of installation of a sanitary sewer and Service connections in Ogden Avenue from Point Douglas 12oad to Winthrop Street, Winthrop 5treet from Ogden Avenue to Snowshoe Lane, and Snowshoe Lane from Winthrop Street to 160 feet west of the west line of Mcknight Road. The Council of the'City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $391,228 financed by assessments o£ $215,176 and Public Financing Authority of $176,052. 2.That a public hearing be had on said improvement on Wednesday, third of May, 2000, at 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hal1 and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSON Adopted by the Date: f,\ ' v� ` I� �.ar�� Yea Nay ;/ Benanav � Blakey fBOStrom � Coleman �Harris ��Lantry ��Reiter rj In � Agains Certified Passes by Council Secretary B �' 1 \_ e�- _ 1- �-.,.�e_ �_ i �, o Mayor 00 —�43 Y s�. \ ,\ 9� � �� �� � \ HIGNWOOD AVE, r u z Y U � dGDEN AVE. � � D�UGLYNN v Q � _ r- z 3 � � Z� d 0 r � 1 d ❑GDEN CT. �` �' _ ' ,� l h, � SN�WSHOE LN. �— 7XWO�D AVE. � v� �� oa re �� G �EONARE CT MARI� CARVER AVE. 1\ 1 � PR�JECT AREA MAP ❑GDEN / WINTHRt7P SANITARY SEWER 00-S-1894 � N�iTH � PROP�SED SANITARY SEWER CITY OF ST. PAIIL FINAL ORDER COIINCIL FILE NO. �O - �-13�' 33 BY — FILE NO. 1$928 VOTING WARD 7 Ia the Matter of installation of a sanitary sewer and service connections in Ogden Avenue from Point Douglas Road to Winthrop Street, Winthrop Street £rom Ogden Avenue to Snowshoe Lane, and Snowshoe Lane from Winthrop Street to 160 feet west of the west line of Mcknight Road. under Preliminary Order � o- 3`iy approved �6� r����� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard a11 persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COIINCII,PERSON Yea R �cr� Benanav �Blakey �Bostrom A� � Harris � Lantry �ps<,.�� --� Reiter Adopted by the Date a� d � Nay Certified Passes by Council Secretary (� In Fi�vu�By � Agains'� �� %�// A2 y Mayor 3 - ��ISer�t ` �lBQ Public Hearing : May 10, 2000 T.MS./REAL ESTAT'E DIVISION atact Persoa aad Phoae N�bar: Pater vahite 266-8850 an Comd Agenda by: be ID Co�7 Researc6 OHice 4/12I2000 4!7/2000 Date: 1 OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �QuES�n: Setting date of public hearing for final order for the llation of a sanitary sewer and sexvice connections in Ogden Avenue from Douglas Road to Winthrop Street, LPinthrop Streat from Ogden Avenue to hoe Lane, and Snowshoe Lane from winthrop Street to 160 feet west of the line of Mcknight Road. PLAMVING COMMISSION Public Health CIB COMMITTE& A STAFF VacantBN�. � S Does Utis perso�Srm possess a skiD notnormally possessed by aoy current City employee? YES NO YES NO Fxplaia all YES ancwers on a sepazate sheet and attacli. PROBLEM, ISSiJE, OPPORTUNI'f Y(Who, What, When, Where, 4Vhy?) � property owners for sanitarv sewer in Snowshoe Lane. 3ES IF APPROVID: sanitary sewer to properties currently served by septic systems. �TAGESIFAPPROVED: problems associated with construction such as noise, such as noise, dust, reduced access to property and CAGES IF NOT APPROVID: owners with failin¢ sentic svstems will oFtransaction $391,228 cosT�vEw�suncETEn�crxci.EO�> �s xo SOURCE: $176,052 PFA $215,176 Assessments ASSESSMENTS AND PIA. AcTI°ITY NUMBER: IRSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: Has the person/£u�m ever worked mder a contract for tLis deparlment? yES NO Has this perso�Srm everbeeu a Clly employee? 4/3f00 GreenSheetNumber: 104661 oa -vs 2FtTMElFP DIAECCOR ^� CZTY COLIpRIL xx ammoxx�r xa^r ac�uc �� ���r�h G�nP� s INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� •opertv owners will be notified of the 00 - �{'S �' INTERDEPART`MENTAL MEMORANDUM City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works To: Peter White From:JoeMueller y�/�� Subject: Ogden/Winthrop Sanitary Sewer (City Project 00-S-1894) Date: Mazch 22, 2000 Attached please find Engineering Recommendations and a draft "Green SheeP' for the above mentioned project. This project is a proposed projecY in the Highwood area. In the past similar projects have met with opposition. In this case, however, I think there is some support. Therefore, please schedule a public hearing at your earliest convenience ( I think we talked about May 3). The project will be funded initially with a Public Financing Authority (PFA) loan. As property owners connect, they will then be assessed for the sewer. It is anticipated the assessment will not cover the entire cost of the project. Please determine the amount recoverable by assessment. There is also the question of what the assessment rate should be. If you have any questions please contact me at 66149. Responsive Services • QuaLity Services . Employee Pride oo-�t��' SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS OGDEN / WINTHROP SANITARY SEWER CITY PROJECT NO. 00-S-1894 NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING MARCH 28, 2000 PUBLIC HEARING MAY 3, 2000 - PENDING PROJECT: Construct a sanitary sewer in unimproved Ogden from Point Douglas to Winthrop, in Winthrop from Ogden io Snowshoe and in Snowshoe from Winthrop to McKnighi. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The project area is presently served by individual septic systems. We have received a petition for sanitary sewer improvements. Problems with individual septic systems have been reported. Ogden is an unimproved right-of-way. Winthrop and Snowshoe are narrow oiled roads. PROPOSEDtMPROVEMENTS: Construct a sanitary sewer in Ogden from Point Douglas to Winthrop and in Winthrop from Ogden to Snowshoe. Construct a sanitary sewer and service connections in Snowshoe from Winthrop to McKnight. Restoration witl be in kind with no improvement to the roadway surface. ALTERNATIVE : To do nothing would require the property owners with fai{ing septic systems to repair or replace their existing septic systems. POSITIVE BENEFITS: Public sanitary sewer will be available to properties abutting the sewer construction. ADVERSE EFFECTS: Normai probiems associated with eonstruction such as noise, dust, reduced access to property and general disruption wiil be present. EFFECT ON TREES: {n the Ogden right-of-way, trees wiil be trimmed and approximately 100 trees removed. Sewer alignment will be adjusted to minimize tree removal. In Winthrop and Snowshoe, trees will be trimmed with minimal tree removal expected. COST ESTIMATES: Sewer Construction $310,000 Engineering & Inspection $ 57,350 Rea1 Estate Service Fee 23 878 Total $391,228 Oo -K 3Y ESTIMATED FINAHCING: Public Financing Authority loan (PFA) $391,228 A portion of the PFA loan will be repaid by property assessments as properties connect to the sanitary sewer. SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For additionaf information, contact the Project Engineer .1oe Mueller, at 266-6149. RECOMMENDATION: The Department ofi Public Works makes no recommendation in this matter. The project was initiated from a petition by area residents. Respectful4y submitted, Thomas J. Eggum Director of Public Works �-438' CITY OF ST. PAIIL PRELIMINARY ORDER COIINCIL FILE NO. �a"'3�� �Y � _ FILE NO. 18928 VOTII3G WARD In the Matter of installation of a sanitary sewer and Service connections in Ogden Avenue from Point Douglas 12oad to Winthrop Street, Winthrop 5treet from Ogden Avenue to Snowshoe Lane, and Snowshoe Lane from Winthrop Street to 160 feet west of the west line of Mcknight Road. The Council of the'City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $391,228 financed by assessments o£ $215,176 and Public Financing Authority of $176,052. 2.That a public hearing be had on said improvement on Wednesday, third of May, 2000, at 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hal1 and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSON Adopted by the Date: f,\ ' v� ` I� �.ar�� Yea Nay ;/ Benanav � Blakey fBOStrom � Coleman �Harris ��Lantry ��Reiter rj In � Agains Certified Passes by Council Secretary B �' 1 \_ e�- _ 1- �-.,.�e_ �_ i �, o Mayor 00 —�43 Y s�. \ ,\ 9� � �� �� � \ HIGNWOOD AVE, r u z Y U � dGDEN AVE. � � D�UGLYNN v Q � _ r- z 3 � � Z� d 0 r � 1 d ❑GDEN CT. �` �' _ ' ,� l h, � SN�WSHOE LN. �— 7XWO�D AVE. � v� �� oa re �� G �EONARE CT MARI� CARVER AVE. 1\ 1 � PR�JECT AREA MAP ❑GDEN / WINTHRt7P SANITARY SEWER 00-S-1894 � N�iTH � PROP�SED SANITARY SEWER