00-278QR�GI�AL CITY OF ST. PAUL h�f!!i� ►��3�J;i�5�1.� 39 BY .. FILE��NO. 18924 VOTING WARD 5 Ia the Matter of constructing the following streets with bituminous roadway, concrete curb and gutter, storm drainage facilities, sidewalks and boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system, sanitary sewer and service connections, watermain and water connections, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement for the GREAT NORTHERN BUSINESS CENTER PHASE I: TOPPING STREET -from Dale Street to approximately 590 feet east of Dale Street -then from Topping Street to approximately 300 feet south of Topping Street -then approximately 500 feet east to new platted cul-de-sac. under Preliminary Order �� — c�-�S approved �.a......,4�, � ���cc, The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WI-IEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorizecl to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all e�enses incurred therein and sha11 report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPERSON Yea Nays aY ��Benanav `� Blakey P b s- ,r��-- Bostrom `✓ Coleman ✓ Harris ✓ Lantry �' Reiter Adopted by the Date: ���� � � � � �� Certified Passes by Council Secretary s In �avo, By � Against � Pbs�n�" Public Hearin : March 22, 2000 T.M.S./REAL BSTATE DIVISION Date: 2/16/00 Greea Sheet Number: 104643 oRtact PeLSOa aad 8hoae N1�beL: PARTl16NT DIRECTOR 'Z CITY fODNCIL p0�3 ar Peter V�lhite 266-8850 �'° =TY ATT�� �=TY � � o�. e o. �u. �. ns[ be on Comcil Agenda by: 3/]l2000 nstbeinConncOReseaxchOtlice ?J23f2000 y voon on Friday oa �oc assrmaxn 1 ai a....��n AL $ OF SIQ�ITQRE PAGSS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIQATQRE) TION RBQIIBSTSD: �" �'� °$ �' gi� RSONAL 58RVIC8 CONTRACTS MfTST AN3WSR T8E FOLLO➢PING: Has the parsoa/firm eoer morked uadar a coatract Eor this �.+..,e..t7 Y8S NO nra.�mc co�ssxon A sxxre 8as this parsoa/firm ever baea a City emgloyee7 Y85 NO CML SEAV2C8 CO�SSIOM - Does this parsoa/firm posaess a skill aot aosmally possesaed by y YBS LR1 cxa coemxxaes curreat City amployee7 Bxglaia all YE3 aaswers oa a sePa=ate sheet aad attach. PORTS 9PHICFi COIINCIL OBJBCTIVB? CODNCZL S4ARD(S) 5 DI3TRICT PLANNING CODNCIL ( INITIATING PROSLBES. IS308. OPPORTVNITY (DPho. What. SPhea. Where. M�y?): a the Matter of coastructing the following streets with bituminous roadway, coacrete urb aad gutter, storm drainage facilities, sidewalks and boulevard sodding, tree laating, coastruction of a laatern style lightiag system, sanitary sewer aad servic onnections, watermain and water connections, axtd doiag all other work necassary to omplete said improvement for the GREAT NORTHERN BUSINESS CSNTEIt PHA3E I: OPPING STREET -from Dale Street to approximately 590 feet east of Dale Street -thea from Topping Street to approximately 300 feet south of Topping Street -then approximately 500 feet east to nem platted cul-de-sac. ANTAG83 IF APPROVBD: roposed improvement will result in redevelopment of the exiting blighted area. tensioa of the street and utilities will provide the necessary infrastructure to riag huadreds of ae*a jobs to the Great Northern Business Ceater site. Completion of he public improvements will facilitate new building constructioa and new investment in the neighborhood I3ADVANTAGES IF APPROV6D: ormal roblems associated with construction such as noise, dust, and eneral disru tion will occur. ISADVANTAGES ZF NOT APPROVSD: ecessary iafrastructure to bring hundrads of new jobs to the Great Northern Business enter site wi11 not occur. aL �om.rr og �xnxsac::oN: Assessments $340,800 COST/RSVSNOE BIIDGBTSD ccxacr.z or�s> sss xo TIF $115,000 � �����.t,.^1? C, ING SOUACE: ACTNITY NO[48ER: INANCIAL INFORMATION: (BXPLAIN) C�£) 3 � �(1S1�Y r' Y� a �au�s �_t._. 00-1�Y PORT AUTHORIN OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1400 LANDMARK TOWERS FAX (651) 223-5198 TOLL FREE (800) 328-8417 345 ST. PETER STREET • S7. PAUL, MN 55102-1667 • PHONE (651) 224-5686 Febmary 10, 2000 Mr. Peter H. White City of Saint Paul Real Estate Department 140 City Hall Saint Paul MN 55102 Deaz Mr. White; The Port Authoriry and its neighborhood partners are preparing to embazk on the redevelopment of the Great Northem Business Center Phase I, also known as Ma�cson Steel. As we discussed, approxunately a month ago, the Port Authoriry wishes to levy special assessmenu in the amount of $320,000 for public improvement conshvction at the site. These special assessments will be divided among property pwchasers based on the percentage of property pwchased. I understand the ciry's process is to certify to Ramsey County principal and interest amounts payable for each year's property taxes over a twenty-yeaz period. T also realize that the interest rate is now 6.5% and will be applied to unpaid balances, and that the total assessment can be paid at one rime. These facts will be conveyed and agreed to via purchase agreements signed by purchasers of land. You will recall the Port Authority assessed approximately $300,000 back to Williams Hill land purchasers with no objecrion or disagreement by land purchasers. Each purchaser saw the value of the public mmprovements being constructed and was willing to pay its fair share. The total cost of site nnprovements for the Great Northem Business Center Phase I is $1,195,000, the Port Authority proposes to assess back to property purchasers $320,000. The Great Northern Business will contain approximately 19 developable acres of land. I have included a budget for the use of the $32U,00� of special assessment funds and the entire $1,145,��0 site improvement budget. In addition, the engineering summary report you requested and a map of the Great Nor[hern Business Centez Phase I aze attached. Construction of the site improvements for the Crreat Northern Susiness Center Phase I will commence on approximately June 1, 2000, and will be complete on approxunately September I, 2001. Even though not all of our conshvction will be complete in 200Q we would still like to ratify the entire $320,000 amount in 2000. JWY: nd Enclosures: cc: Lorrie Louder Jay Sergman — LHB Dan Haak — Public Works G:�DATAV WY�MAXSON\LETTERS�PWHIT210.DOC 0 0 ��� Summary of Engineering Recommendarion Great Northern Business Center Phase I Saint Paul Minnesota Report Prepazed 3anuary 31, 2000 Neighborhood Informafional Meeting — Pending Public Hearing — Pending Pro�ect The proposed project includes redevelopment of 21 acres of former steel foundry property. Prior to the Port Authority's demolirion and remediation efforts in 1997, the site was improved with almost 300,000 square feet of a combination of inetal and brick manufacturing buildings. The Port Authority demolished approximately 200,000 square feet of the brick buildings in the center portion of the site after receiving a 7.5-acre pazcei from Ramsey County's tax forfeiture process. The Port Authority will begin demolition and remedation on the remaining acreage in April of 2000 and begin construction of site improvements in June of 2000 in order to provide new building sites in October of 2000. The site is expected to generate 19 developable acres of land which will yield a minimum of 281 jobs using the Port Authority's minimum criteria and possibly 450 to 500 jobs using actually results at other Port Authority business centers. The site is bounded on the north by Topping Street, on the east by Como Avenue, on the south by the Burlington Northern main line and on the west by Dale Street. Initiatin�Action The project was initiated by the St. Paul Port Authority as part of its industrial business center redevelopment. Existin� Condifions The exisring site is approximately 21 acres in size. The site conta3ns approximately 150,000 square feet of inetal buildings that will be demolished to make way for new conshuction. The site is heavily contaminated and is in need of remediafion in accordance with an MPCA approved response action plan and the demands of the private mazketplace in order to buy and sale properly. Sanitary sewer, watermain and other utilities are not adequate as currently constructed to provide for industrial redevelopment. The site is zoned I2, but will most likely contain I l uses due to the restrictions imposed by the Port Authority's urban design covenants. G:\DATAUWY�MAXSON�PUB IMP.DOC Proposed Improvements A. Site Grading/Soils Remediation pb-a�'�� The Port Authority has purchased 3 /a of the 21-acre site. The remaining portion will be acquued through condemnation by June 1, 2000. The Port Authority will remove a11 improvements from the site and conduct soii remediation activities in the summer of 2000. Grading will take place upon completion of excavarion of contaminated material to provide a flat levei site far new buildang construction. Grading will be done in accordance with an overall �ading plan to manage stormwater runoff from the site. B. Sanitary Sewer Sanitary sewer wili be extended 600' west, along a 30' easement directly across from Atwater Street. Sanitary sewer services will be extended from the new sewer to service the proposed four lots. All exisring unused sanitary sewer within the site will be abandoned. C. Water A 10" watermain will be extended 1,000' west from Como Avenue, within a 30' easement, directly across from Atwater Street. A 30Q' — 6" watermain will loop the new 10" watermain with Topping Street. All existing unused watermains and services will be abandoned. Water services will be extended to the property line of each lot far domesric and fire protecrion. D. Storm Sewer The existing 48" storm sewer west of Atwater will be incorporated into our project. Lateral storm drains will be extended from the existing 48" storm sewer to capture runoff from lots and the roadway. E. Street Improvements Topping Street will be reconstructed with curb and gutter and a bituminous 40' wide surface from Dale Street to the new cul-de-sac and 30' wide from the new cul-de-sac to Como Avenue. A new sidewalk will be constructed on the south side of Topping Street, from Dale to Como. A new street with a cul-de-sac is proposed form Topping Street, approximately 300' south, then turning east for 500 feet. The street will consist of a 40' wide bituminous G:\DATAVWY�MAXSON�PUB IMP.DOC 00 -a ,� d ' surface, 120' diameter cul-de-saq curb and gutter, sidewalks and boulevards. Boulevards will be restored with sodding to control erosion. F. Landscaping and Signage Boulevard trees will be planted in accordance with the City of St. Paul Reforestation Program. Landscaping including trees, shrubs, irrigation and signing are proposed for the Dale/Topping Street entrance to the Business Pazk. G. Street Lighting Street lighting will be in accordance with the City of St. Paul's standard lantern style and lantem spacing. Alternative To do nothing would not be consistent with the city's overail plan to remediate "brownfield" areas and improve neighborhoods. In fact, the Frogtown and North End neighborhoods crafted a vision that calls for industrial redevelopment of the former Maxson Steel site in order to ereate new jobs for neighborhood residents. Posirive Benefits Proposed improvexnents will result in redevelopment of an existing blighted area. Extension of street and utilities will provide the necessary infrastructure to bring hundreds of new jobs to the Great Northern Business Center site. Proposed amenities including sireet lighring, boulevard trees and landscaping will significantly improve the aestherics of the azea. Complerion of the public improvements will facilitate new building conshuction and new private inveshnent in the neighbarhood. The Port Authority will work with its neigJiborhood partners, North End Area Revitalization, District 6, District 7 Planning Councils and Frogtown Action Alliance to recruit and train neighborhood residents for the new jobs. Adverse Affects Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust and general disruption will be present. G:\DATAUWY�MAXSON�PUB IMP.DOC oo-�`�' S�ecial Consideration Close coordination of constnxcfion with affected reviewing agencies, i.e. MnDOT, BN, MPCA and City of Saint Paul will be required. Construcrion acrivity will need to be coordinated to minunize impact on traffic in the azea. Time Schedule Demolirion and remediation work wili begin on April 1, 2000. The Port Authority expects to award a conuactor to the lowest responsible bidder at its March 28, 2000, board meeting. Saniitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer and other public improvements will be constructed in the summer of 2000 with completion on approximately November 15, 2000. It is expected that some final detail work will be necessary in the spring and summer of 2001 in order to complete public improvements. Cost Estimates _Estimated Financing Cost Estimates Demolition Grading Utilities (storm, sanitary sewer, watermain) Street Miscellaneous (sidewalk, street lights, landscape, traffic signal, sod, etc.) Engineering Contingency Total Sources of Funding Special Assessments Tax Increment Finance Total Spcl. Assess U6lities $140,000 Street $18 000 32 000 a TIF $115,000 115 000 $55,000 $70,000 $140,000 $295,000 $325,000 $177,000 133 000 $1,195.000 $320,000 $875,000 $1 195,000 Totai $140,000 $295 000 435 000 �:�Arnvw��ixsoiv�rUa mrn.DOc oa-a�Y Source of Addirional Informarion For addirional informarion contact: John Young 651(224-5686 St. Paul Port Authority 3ay Bergman 218/279-2454 LHB Architects and Engineers Suinmarti and Recommendations The St. Paul Port Authority feels that this is a necessary and wofthwhile project and the Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. G:\DATAUWY�MAXSON�PUB IMP.DOC Oo-a �'I ���.% : � .,:/'; !. c. . � . ,� , . j.. ..•` ` f, . ... . . 5 : ; .: : : s � ..._. .........._.....__ � ` t ` i � ' i [ 4•` '_�._'___..: , .,,: ;.......... .: : l,: :,-� � ,: �'�": � . : : , : : ...........:: .. : . ,_: ;; ..� .:. ..:. ..::..,; . 4 ...... . .... ., , , - . �,; :�, ,; ^ •.` � �. .� , �� j :1 � ` �,' ,::� h � �• "• � i .'J\:� r ' �' i .. �.�� - ,:;. :................, . :� -----:_..� c . i5 i : �........ i: ;; Y . . . . .. .. ....� I.. . _.... .. _......... .... '� , ....i:� -....'____"'_ _ �� i g ;� . � :� � � k' r_.saa� � � i � �,� 1 %Q �--� � I . a Q A � ytl / ` I ,` V r 1 tt O I � b% i � � . . ] ''r ! " � . f: :• � , . � :.:.....:.:::::.::.:�....... _. ... . . .....:..: .... _._ ::., . ,.. .. .. .. : � �• .__.:�..:.. . , .. . ._......� ..... .,. - .._.. . .. . . .. .. .. . �. r ..... r .._.._. ,........__._ ..... .......:..�... .. ..... ............... ._.... i . T� . � ; �;; � { i: ..G: it' tz � ) $i � , l rl �vl i ;;; ! ��7 ;as i zas ! i'�z � �P�t � ��> � ,� ;�i :�.: : F; :_. ��F j �t� ;k 4' n � trnJ :J Z j G1 � O � � � �� �:���='��'•f��' fiH'I 9Si'8 LZl HTZ� 8i':eT 06/10/i ORiG1NAL CITY OF ST. PAUL PRSLIMINARY ORDLR ,;� co �z F NO. �O -,ns l BY EI NO. 18924 VOTING WARD 5 In the Matter of constructing the following streets with bituminous roadway, concrete curb and gutter, storm drainage facilities, sidewalks and boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system, sanitary sewer and service connections, watermain and water connections, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement for the GREAT NORTHERN BUSINESS CENTER PHASE I: TOPPING STREET -from Dale Street to approximately 590 feet east of Dale Street -then from Topping Street to approximately 300 feet south of Topping Street -then approximately 500 feet east to new platted cul-de-sac. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $455,800 financed bv assessments of $340,800 and Tax Increment Finance of $115,000. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on Wednesday, the 22th dav of March, 2000, at 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSON Adopted by the Date: � J �� ��� � , Ye�a Nay �/ Benanav � Blakey �Bostrom �Coleman i,/xarris �Lantry �h�,tiReiter Certified Passes by Council Secretary � I11 �a.v.Y-- $ Y 'N� � . \��.��, _ ...__�� � � Against 1_ `(��b 5=�r�1 Mayor oo--a�1 Y NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on March 22, 2000 at 530 p.m. in the Saint Paul City Council Chambers, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to Final Order constructing the following streets with bitumiuous roadway, concrete curb and gutter, storm drainage facilities, sidewalks and boulevazd sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern sYyle lighting system, sanitary sewer and service connections, watermain and water connections, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement for the Great Northern Business Center Phase I: Topping Street - from Dale St. to appro�mately 590 feet east of Dale St. - then from Topping Street to appro�mately 300 feet south of Topping St. - then appro�mately 500 feet east to new piatted cul-de-sac Dated February 22, 2000 Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk (February 26, March 4, Z000) ��� �:� ���Pk�v� �v��er � 1(I QR�GI�AL CITY OF ST. PAUL h�f!!i� ►��3�J;i�5�1.� 39 BY .. FILE��NO. 18924 VOTING WARD 5 Ia the Matter of constructing the following streets with bituminous roadway, concrete curb and gutter, storm drainage facilities, sidewalks and boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system, sanitary sewer and service connections, watermain and water connections, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement for the GREAT NORTHERN BUSINESS CENTER PHASE I: TOPPING STREET -from Dale Street to approximately 590 feet east of Dale Street -then from Topping Street to approximately 300 feet south of Topping Street -then approximately 500 feet east to new platted cul-de-sac. under Preliminary Order �� — c�-�S approved �.a......,4�, �. ���cc, The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WI-IEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorizecl to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all e�enses incurred therein and sha11 report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPERSON Yea Nays aY ��Benanav `� Blakey P b s- ,r��-- Bostrom `✓ Coleman ✓ Harris ✓ Lantry �' Reiter Adopted by the Date: ���� � � � � �� Certified Passes by Council Secretary s In �avo, By � Against � Pbs�n�" Public Hearin : March 22, 2000 T.M.S./REAL BSTATE DIVISION Date: 2/16/00 Greea Sheet Number: 104643 oRtact PeLSOa aad 8hoae N1�beL: PARTl16NT DIRECTOR 'Z CITY fODNCIL p0�3 ar Peter V�lhite 266-8850 �'° =TY ATT�� �=TY � � o�. e o. �u. �. ns[ be on Comcil Agenda by: 3/]l2000 nstbeinConncOReseaxchOtlice ?J23f2000 y voon on Friday oa �oc assrmaxn 1 ai a....��n AL $ OF SIQ�ITQRE PAGSS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIQATQRE) TION RBQIIBSTSD: �" �'� °$ �' gi� RSONAL 58RVIC8 CONTRACTS MfTST AN3WSR T8E FOLLO➢PING: Has the parsoa/firm eoer morked uadar a coatract Eor this �.+..,e..t7 Y8S NO nra.�mc co�ssxon A sxxre 8as this parsoa/firm ever baea a City emgloyee7 Y85 NO CML SEAV2C8 CO�SSIOM - Does this parsoa/firm posaess a skill aot aosmally possesaed by y YBS LR1 cxa coemxxaes curreat City amployee7 Bxglaia all YE3 aaswers oa a sePa=ate sheet aad attach. PORTS 9PHICFi COIINCIL OBJBCTIVB? CODNCZL S4ARD(S) 5 DI3TRICT PLANNING CODNCIL ( INITIATING PROSLBES. IS308. OPPORTVNITY (DPho. What. SPhea. Where. M�y?): a the Matter of coastructing the following streets with bituminous roadway, coacrete urb aad gutter, storm drainage facilities, sidewalks and boulevard sodding, tree laating, coastruction of a laatern style lightiag system, sanitary sewer aad servic onnections, watermain and water connections, axtd doiag all other work necassary to omplete said improvement for the GREAT NORTHERN BUSINESS CSNTEIt PHA3E I: OPPING STREET -from Dale Street to approximately 590 feet east of Dale Street -thea from Topping Street to approximately 300 feet south of Topping Street -then approximately 500 feet east to nem platted cul-de-sac. ANTAG83 IF APPROVBD: roposed improvement will result in redevelopment of the exiting blighted area. tensioa of the street and utilities will provide the necessary infrastructure to riag huadreds of ae*a jobs to the Great Northern Business Ceater site. Completion of he public improvements will facilitate new building constructioa and new investment in the neighborhood I3ADVANTAGES IF APPROV6D: ormal roblems associated with construction such as noise, dust, and eneral disru tion will occur. ISADVANTAGES ZF NOT APPROVSD: ecessary iafrastructure to bring hundrads of new jobs to the Great Northern Business enter site wi11 not occur. aL �om.rr og �xnxsac::oN: Assessments $340,800 COST/RSVSNOE BIIDGBTSD ccxacr.z or�s> sss xo TIF $115,000 � �����.t,.^1? C, ING SOUACE: ACTNITY NO[48ER: INANCIAL INFORMATION: (BXPLAIN) C�£) 3 � �(1S1�Y r' Y� a �au�s �_t._. 00-1�Y PORT AUTHORIN OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1400 LANDMARK TOWERS FAX (651) 223-5198 TOLL FREE (800) 328-8417 345 ST. PETER STREET • S7. PAUL, MN 55102-1667 • PHONE (651) 224-5686 Febmary 10, 2000 Mr. Peter H. White City of Saint Paul Real Estate Department 140 City Hall Saint Paul MN 55102 Deaz Mr. White; The Port Authoriry and its neighborhood partners are preparing to embazk on the redevelopment of the Great Northem Business Center Phase I, also known as Ma�cson Steel. As we discussed, approxunately a month ago, the Port Authoriry wishes to levy special assessmenu in the amount of $320,000 for public improvement conshvction at the site. These special assessments will be divided among property pwchasers based on the percentage of property pwchased. I understand the ciry's process is to certify to Ramsey County principal and interest amounts payable for each year's property taxes over a twenty-yeaz period. T also realize that the interest rate is now 6.5% and will be applied to unpaid balances, and that the total assessment can be paid at one rime. These facts will be conveyed and agreed to via purchase agreements signed by purchasers of land. You will recall the Port Authority assessed approximately $300,000 back to Williams Hill land purchasers with no objecrion or disagreement by land purchasers. Each purchaser saw the value of the public mmprovements being constructed and was willing to pay its fair share. The total cost of site nnprovements for the Great Northem Business Center Phase I is $1,195,000, the Port Authority proposes to assess back to property purchasers $320,000. The Great Northern Business will contain approximately 19 developable acres of land. I have included a budget for the use of the $32U,00� of special assessment funds and the entire $1,145,��0 site improvement budget. In addition, the engineering summary report you requested and a map of the Great Nor[hern Business Centez Phase I aze attached. Construction of the site improvements for the Crreat Northern Susiness Center Phase I will commence on approximately June 1, 2000, and will be complete on approxunately September I, 2001. Even though not all of our conshvction will be complete in 200Q we would still like to ratify the entire $320,000 amount in 2000. JWY: nd Enclosures: cc: Lorrie Louder Jay Sergman — LHB Dan Haak — Public Works G:�DATAV WY�MAXSON\LETTERS�PWHIT210.DOC 0 0 ��� Summary of Engineering Recommendarion Great Northern Business Center Phase I Saint Paul Minnesota Report Prepazed 3anuary 31, 2000 Neighborhood Informafional Meeting — Pending Public Hearing — Pending Pro�ect The proposed project includes redevelopment of 21 acres of former steel foundry property. Prior to the Port Authority's demolirion and remediation efforts in 1997, the site was improved with almost 300,000 square feet of a combination of inetal and brick manufacturing buildings. The Port Authority demolished approximately 200,000 square feet of the brick buildings in the center portion of the site after receiving a 7.5-acre pazcei from Ramsey County's tax forfeiture process. The Port Authority will begin demolition and remedation on the remaining acreage in April of 2000 and begin construction of site improvements in June of 2000 in order to provide new building sites in October of 2000. The site is expected to generate 19 developable acres of land which will yield a minimum of 281 jobs using the Port Authority's minimum criteria and possibly 450 to 500 jobs using actually results at other Port Authority business centers. The site is bounded on the north by Topping Street, on the east by Como Avenue, on the south by the Burlington Northern main line and on the west by Dale Street. Initiatin�Action The project was initiated by the St. Paul Port Authority as part of its industrial business center redevelopment. Existin� Condifions The exisring site is approximately 21 acres in size. The site conta3ns approximately 150,000 square feet of inetal buildings that will be demolished to make way for new conshuction. The site is heavily contaminated and is in need of remediafion in accordance with an MPCA approved response action plan and the demands of the private mazketplace in order to buy and sale properly. Sanitary sewer, watermain and other utilities are not adequate as currently constructed to provide for industrial redevelopment. The site is zoned I2, but will most likely contain I l uses due to the restrictions imposed by the Port Authority's urban design covenants. G:\DATAUWY�MAXSON�PUB IMP.DOC Proposed Improvements A. Site Grading/Soils Remediation pb-a�'�� The Port Authority has purchased 3 /a of the 21-acre site. The remaining portion will be acquued through condemnation by June 1, 2000. The Port Authority will remove a11 improvements from the site and conduct soii remediation activities in the summer of 2000. Grading will take place upon completion of excavarion of contaminated material to provide a flat levei site far new buildang construction. Grading will be done in accordance with an overall �ading plan to manage stormwater runoff from the site. B. Sanitary Sewer Sanitary sewer wili be extended 600' west, along a 30' easement directly across from Atwater Street. Sanitary sewer services will be extended from the new sewer to service the proposed four lots. All exisring unused sanitary sewer within the site will be abandoned. C. Water A 10" watermain will be extended 1,000' west from Como Avenue, within a 30' easement, directly across from Atwater Street. A 30Q' — 6" watermain will loop the new 10" watermain with Topping Street. All existing unused watermains and services will be abandoned. Water services will be extended to the property line of each lot far domesric and fire protecrion. D. Storm Sewer The existing 48" storm sewer west of Atwater will be incorporated into our project. Lateral storm drains will be extended from the existing 48" storm sewer to capture runoff from lots and the roadway. E. Street Improvements Topping Street will be reconstructed with curb and gutter and a bituminous 40' wide surface from Dale Street to the new cul-de-sac and 30' wide from the new cul-de-sac to Como Avenue. A new sidewalk will be constructed on the south side of Topping Street, from Dale to Como. A new street with a cul-de-sac is proposed form Topping Street, approximately 300' south, then turning east for 500 feet. The street will consist of a 40' wide bituminous G:\DATAVWY�MAXSON�PUB IMP.DOC 00 -a ,� d ' surface, 120' diameter cul-de-saq curb and gutter, sidewalks and boulevards. Boulevards will be restored with sodding to control erosion. F. Landscaping and Signage Boulevard trees will be planted in accordance with the City of St. Paul Reforestation Program. Landscaping including trees, shrubs, irrigation and signing are proposed for the Dale/Topping Street entrance to the Business Pazk. G. Street Lighting Street lighting will be in accordance with the City of St. Paul's standard lantern style and lantem spacing. Alternative To do nothing would not be consistent with the city's overail plan to remediate "brownfield" areas and improve neighborhoods. In fact, the Frogtown and North End neighborhoods crafted a vision that calls for industrial redevelopment of the former Maxson Steel site in order to ereate new jobs for neighborhood residents. Posirive Benefits Proposed improvexnents will result in redevelopment of an existing blighted area. Extension of street and utilities will provide the necessary infrastructure to bring hundreds of new jobs to the Great Northern Business Center site. Proposed amenities including sireet lighring, boulevard trees and landscaping will significantly improve the aestherics of the azea. Complerion of the public improvements will facilitate new building conshuction and new private inveshnent in the neighbarhood. The Port Authority will work with its neigJiborhood partners, North End Area Revitalization, District 6, District 7 Planning Councils and Frogtown Action Alliance to recruit and train neighborhood residents for the new jobs. Adverse Affects Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust and general disruption will be present. G:\DATAUWY�MAXSON�PUB IMP.DOC oo-�`�' S�ecial Consideration Close coordination of constnxcfion with affected reviewing agencies, i.e. MnDOT, BN, MPCA and City of Saint Paul will be required. Construcrion acrivity will need to be coordinated to minunize impact on traffic in the azea. Time Schedule Demolirion and remediation work wili begin on April 1, 2000. The Port Authority expects to award a conuactor to the lowest responsible bidder at its March 28, 2000, board meeting. Saniitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer and other public improvements will be constructed in the summer of 2000 with completion on approximately November 15, 2000. It is expected that some final detail work will be necessary in the spring and summer of 2001 in order to complete public improvements. Cost Estimates _Estimated Financing Cost Estimates Demolition Grading Utilities (storm, sanitary sewer, watermain) Street Miscellaneous (sidewalk, street lights, landscape, traffic signal, sod, etc.) Engineering Contingency Total Sources of Funding Special Assessments Tax Increment Finance Total Spcl. Assess U6lities $140,000 Street $18 000 32 000 a TIF $115,000 115 000 $55,000 $70,000 $140,000 $295,000 $325,000 $177,000 133 000 $1,195.000 $320,000 $875,000 $1 195,000 Totai $140,000 $295 000 435 000 �:�Arnvw��ixsoiv�rUa mrn.DOc oa-a�Y Source of Addirional Informarion For addirional informarion contact: John Young 651(224-5686 St. Paul Port Authority 3ay Bergman 218/279-2454 LHB Architects and Engineers Suinmarti and Recommendations The St. Paul Port Authority feels that this is a necessary and wofthwhile project and the Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. G:\DATAUWY�MAXSON�PUB IMP.DOC Oo-a �'I ���.% : � .,:/'; !. c. . � . ,� , . j.. ..•` ` f, . ... . . 5 : ; .: : : s � ..._. .........._.....__ � ` t ` i � ' i [ 4•` '_�._'___..: , .,,: ;.......... .: : l,: :,-� � ,: �'�": � . : : , : : ...........:: .. : . ,_: ;; ..� .:. ..:. ..::..,; . 4 ...... . .... ., , , - . �,; :�, ,; ^ •.` � �. .� , �� j :1 � ` �,' ,::� h � �• "• � i .'J\:� r ' �' i .. �.�� - ,:;. :................, . :� -----:_..� c . i5 i : �........ i: ;; Y . . . . .. .. ....� I.. . _.... .. _......... .... '� , ....i:� -....'____"'_ _ �� i g ;� . � :� � � k' r_.saa� � � i � �,� 1 %Q �--� � I . a Q A � ytl / ` I ,` V r 1 tt O I � b% i � � . . ] ''r ! " � . f: :• � , . � :.:.....:.:::::.::.:�....... _. ... . . .....:..: .... _._ ::., . ,.. .. .. .. : � �• .__.:�..:.. . , .. . ._......� ..... .,. - .._.. . .. . . .. .. .. . �. r ..... r .._.._. ,........__._ ..... .......:..�... .. ..... ............... ._.... i . T� . � ; �;; � { i: ..G: it' tz � ) $i � , l rl �vl i ;;; ! ��7 ;as i zas ! i'�z � �P�t � ��> � ,� ;�i :�.: : F; :_. ��F j �t� ;k 4' n � trnJ :J Z j G1 � O � � � �� �:���='��'•f��' fiH'I 9Si'8 LZl HTZ� 8i':eT 06/10/i ORiG1NAL CITY OF ST. PAUL PRSLIMINARY ORDLR ,;� co �z F NO. �O -,ns l BY EI NO. 18924 VOTING WARD 5 In the Matter of constructing the following streets with bituminous roadway, concrete curb and gutter, storm drainage facilities, sidewalks and boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system, sanitary sewer and service connections, watermain and water connections, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement for the GREAT NORTHERN BUSINESS CENTER PHASE I: TOPPING STREET -from Dale Street to approximately 590 feet east of Dale Street -then from Topping Street to approximately 300 feet south of Topping Street -then approximately 500 feet east to new platted cul-de-sac. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $455,800 financed bv assessments of $340,800 and Tax Increment Finance of $115,000. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on Wednesday, the 22th dav of March, 2000, at 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSON Adopted by the Date: � J �� ��� � , Ye�a Nay �/ Benanav � Blakey �Bostrom �Coleman i,/xarris �Lantry �h�,tiReiter Certified Passes by Council Secretary � I11 �a.v.Y-- $ Y 'N� � . \��.��, _ ...__�� � � Against 1_ `(��b 5=�r�1 Mayor oo--a�1 Y NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on March 22, 2000 at 530 p.m. in the Saint Paul City Council Chambers, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to Final Order constructing the following streets with bitumiuous roadway, concrete curb and gutter, storm drainage facilities, sidewalks and boulevazd sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern sYyle lighting system, sanitary sewer and service connections, watermain and water connections, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement for the Great Northern Business Center Phase I: Topping Street - from Dale St. to appro�mately 590 feet east of Dale St. - then from Topping Street to appro�mately 300 feet south of Topping St. - then appro�mately 500 feet east to new piatted cul-de-sac Dated February 22, 2000 Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk (February 26, March 4, Z000) ��� �:� ���Pk�v� �v��er � 1(I QR�GI�AL CITY OF ST. PAUL h�f!!i� ►��3�J;i�5�1.� 39 BY .. FILE��NO. 18924 VOTING WARD 5 Ia the Matter of constructing the following streets with bituminous roadway, concrete curb and gutter, storm drainage facilities, sidewalks and boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system, sanitary sewer and service connections, watermain and water connections, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement for the GREAT NORTHERN BUSINESS CENTER PHASE I: TOPPING STREET -from Dale Street to approximately 590 feet east of Dale Street -then from Topping Street to approximately 300 feet south of Topping Street -then approximately 500 feet east to new platted cul-de-sac. under Preliminary Order �� — c�-�S approved �.a......,4�, �. ���cc, The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WI-IEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorizecl to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all e�enses incurred therein and sha11 report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPERSON Yea Nays aY ��Benanav `� Blakey P b s- ,r��-- Bostrom `✓ Coleman ✓ Harris ✓ Lantry �' Reiter Adopted by the Date: ���� � � � � �� Certified Passes by Council Secretary s In �avo, By � Against � Pbs�n�" Public Hearin : March 22, 2000 T.M.S./REAL BSTATE DIVISION Date: 2/16/00 Greea Sheet Number: 104643 oRtact PeLSOa aad 8hoae N1�beL: PARTl16NT DIRECTOR 'Z CITY fODNCIL p0�3 ar Peter V�lhite 266-8850 �'° =TY ATT�� �=TY � � o�. e o. �u. �. ns[ be on Comcil Agenda by: 3/]l2000 nstbeinConncOReseaxchOtlice ?J23f2000 y voon on Friday oa �oc assrmaxn 1 ai a....��n AL $ OF SIQ�ITQRE PAGSS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIQATQRE) TION RBQIIBSTSD: �" �'� °$ �' gi� RSONAL 58RVIC8 CONTRACTS MfTST AN3WSR T8E FOLLO➢PING: Has the parsoa/firm eoer morked uadar a coatract Eor this �.+..,e..t7 Y8S NO nra.�mc co�ssxon A sxxre 8as this parsoa/firm ever baea a City emgloyee7 Y85 NO CML SEAV2C8 CO�SSIOM - Does this parsoa/firm posaess a skill aot aosmally possesaed by y YBS LR1 cxa coemxxaes curreat City amployee7 Bxglaia all YE3 aaswers oa a sePa=ate sheet aad attach. PORTS 9PHICFi COIINCIL OBJBCTIVB? CODNCZL S4ARD(S) 5 DI3TRICT PLANNING CODNCIL ( INITIATING PROSLBES. IS308. OPPORTVNITY (DPho. What. SPhea. Where. M�y?): a the Matter of coastructing the following streets with bituminous roadway, coacrete urb aad gutter, storm drainage facilities, sidewalks and boulevard sodding, tree laating, coastruction of a laatern style lightiag system, sanitary sewer aad servic onnections, watermain and water connections, axtd doiag all other work necassary to omplete said improvement for the GREAT NORTHERN BUSINESS CSNTEIt PHA3E I: OPPING STREET -from Dale Street to approximately 590 feet east of Dale Street -thea from Topping Street to approximately 300 feet south of Topping Street -then approximately 500 feet east to nem platted cul-de-sac. ANTAG83 IF APPROVBD: roposed improvement will result in redevelopment of the exiting blighted area. tensioa of the street and utilities will provide the necessary infrastructure to riag huadreds of ae*a jobs to the Great Northern Business Ceater site. Completion of he public improvements will facilitate new building constructioa and new investment in the neighborhood I3ADVANTAGES IF APPROV6D: ormal roblems associated with construction such as noise, dust, and eneral disru tion will occur. ISADVANTAGES ZF NOT APPROVSD: ecessary iafrastructure to bring hundrads of new jobs to the Great Northern Business enter site wi11 not occur. aL �om.rr og �xnxsac::oN: Assessments $340,800 COST/RSVSNOE BIIDGBTSD ccxacr.z or�s> sss xo TIF $115,000 � �����.t,.^1? C, ING SOUACE: ACTNITY NO[48ER: INANCIAL INFORMATION: (BXPLAIN) C�£) 3 � �(1S1�Y r' Y� a �au�s �_t._. 00-1�Y PORT AUTHORIN OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1400 LANDMARK TOWERS FAX (651) 223-5198 TOLL FREE (800) 328-8417 345 ST. PETER STREET • S7. PAUL, MN 55102-1667 • PHONE (651) 224-5686 Febmary 10, 2000 Mr. Peter H. White City of Saint Paul Real Estate Department 140 City Hall Saint Paul MN 55102 Deaz Mr. White; The Port Authoriry and its neighborhood partners are preparing to embazk on the redevelopment of the Great Northem Business Center Phase I, also known as Ma�cson Steel. As we discussed, approxunately a month ago, the Port Authoriry wishes to levy special assessmenu in the amount of $320,000 for public improvement conshvction at the site. These special assessments will be divided among property pwchasers based on the percentage of property pwchased. I understand the ciry's process is to certify to Ramsey County principal and interest amounts payable for each year's property taxes over a twenty-yeaz period. T also realize that the interest rate is now 6.5% and will be applied to unpaid balances, and that the total assessment can be paid at one rime. These facts will be conveyed and agreed to via purchase agreements signed by purchasers of land. You will recall the Port Authority assessed approximately $300,000 back to Williams Hill land purchasers with no objecrion or disagreement by land purchasers. Each purchaser saw the value of the public mmprovements being constructed and was willing to pay its fair share. The total cost of site nnprovements for the Great Northem Business Center Phase I is $1,195,000, the Port Authority proposes to assess back to property purchasers $320,000. The Great Northern Business will contain approximately 19 developable acres of land. I have included a budget for the use of the $32U,00� of special assessment funds and the entire $1,145,��0 site improvement budget. In addition, the engineering summary report you requested and a map of the Great Nor[hern Business Centez Phase I aze attached. Construction of the site improvements for the Crreat Northern Susiness Center Phase I will commence on approximately June 1, 2000, and will be complete on approxunately September I, 2001. Even though not all of our conshvction will be complete in 200Q we would still like to ratify the entire $320,000 amount in 2000. JWY: nd Enclosures: cc: Lorrie Louder Jay Sergman — LHB Dan Haak — Public Works G:�DATAV WY�MAXSON\LETTERS�PWHIT210.DOC 0 0 ��� Summary of Engineering Recommendarion Great Northern Business Center Phase I Saint Paul Minnesota Report Prepazed 3anuary 31, 2000 Neighborhood Informafional Meeting — Pending Public Hearing — Pending Pro�ect The proposed project includes redevelopment of 21 acres of former steel foundry property. Prior to the Port Authority's demolirion and remediation efforts in 1997, the site was improved with almost 300,000 square feet of a combination of inetal and brick manufacturing buildings. The Port Authority demolished approximately 200,000 square feet of the brick buildings in the center portion of the site after receiving a 7.5-acre pazcei from Ramsey County's tax forfeiture process. The Port Authority will begin demolition and remedation on the remaining acreage in April of 2000 and begin construction of site improvements in June of 2000 in order to provide new building sites in October of 2000. The site is expected to generate 19 developable acres of land which will yield a minimum of 281 jobs using the Port Authority's minimum criteria and possibly 450 to 500 jobs using actually results at other Port Authority business centers. The site is bounded on the north by Topping Street, on the east by Como Avenue, on the south by the Burlington Northern main line and on the west by Dale Street. Initiatin�Action The project was initiated by the St. Paul Port Authority as part of its industrial business center redevelopment. Existin� Condifions The exisring site is approximately 21 acres in size. The site conta3ns approximately 150,000 square feet of inetal buildings that will be demolished to make way for new conshuction. The site is heavily contaminated and is in need of remediafion in accordance with an MPCA approved response action plan and the demands of the private mazketplace in order to buy and sale properly. Sanitary sewer, watermain and other utilities are not adequate as currently constructed to provide for industrial redevelopment. The site is zoned I2, but will most likely contain I l uses due to the restrictions imposed by the Port Authority's urban design covenants. G:\DATAUWY�MAXSON�PUB IMP.DOC Proposed Improvements A. Site Grading/Soils Remediation pb-a�'�� The Port Authority has purchased 3 /a of the 21-acre site. The remaining portion will be acquued through condemnation by June 1, 2000. The Port Authority will remove a11 improvements from the site and conduct soii remediation activities in the summer of 2000. Grading will take place upon completion of excavarion of contaminated material to provide a flat levei site far new buildang construction. Grading will be done in accordance with an overall �ading plan to manage stormwater runoff from the site. B. Sanitary Sewer Sanitary sewer wili be extended 600' west, along a 30' easement directly across from Atwater Street. Sanitary sewer services will be extended from the new sewer to service the proposed four lots. All exisring unused sanitary sewer within the site will be abandoned. C. Water A 10" watermain will be extended 1,000' west from Como Avenue, within a 30' easement, directly across from Atwater Street. A 30Q' — 6" watermain will loop the new 10" watermain with Topping Street. All existing unused watermains and services will be abandoned. Water services will be extended to the property line of each lot far domesric and fire protecrion. D. Storm Sewer The existing 48" storm sewer west of Atwater will be incorporated into our project. Lateral storm drains will be extended from the existing 48" storm sewer to capture runoff from lots and the roadway. E. Street Improvements Topping Street will be reconstructed with curb and gutter and a bituminous 40' wide surface from Dale Street to the new cul-de-sac and 30' wide from the new cul-de-sac to Como Avenue. A new sidewalk will be constructed on the south side of Topping Street, from Dale to Como. A new street with a cul-de-sac is proposed form Topping Street, approximately 300' south, then turning east for 500 feet. The street will consist of a 40' wide bituminous G:\DATAVWY�MAXSON�PUB IMP.DOC 00 -a ,� d ' surface, 120' diameter cul-de-saq curb and gutter, sidewalks and boulevards. Boulevards will be restored with sodding to control erosion. F. Landscaping and Signage Boulevard trees will be planted in accordance with the City of St. Paul Reforestation Program. Landscaping including trees, shrubs, irrigation and signing are proposed for the Dale/Topping Street entrance to the Business Pazk. G. Street Lighting Street lighting will be in accordance with the City of St. Paul's standard lantern style and lantem spacing. Alternative To do nothing would not be consistent with the city's overail plan to remediate "brownfield" areas and improve neighborhoods. In fact, the Frogtown and North End neighborhoods crafted a vision that calls for industrial redevelopment of the former Maxson Steel site in order to ereate new jobs for neighborhood residents. Posirive Benefits Proposed improvexnents will result in redevelopment of an existing blighted area. Extension of street and utilities will provide the necessary infrastructure to bring hundreds of new jobs to the Great Northern Business Center site. Proposed amenities including sireet lighring, boulevard trees and landscaping will significantly improve the aestherics of the azea. Complerion of the public improvements will facilitate new building conshuction and new private inveshnent in the neighbarhood. The Port Authority will work with its neigJiborhood partners, North End Area Revitalization, District 6, District 7 Planning Councils and Frogtown Action Alliance to recruit and train neighborhood residents for the new jobs. Adverse Affects Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust and general disruption will be present. G:\DATAUWY�MAXSON�PUB IMP.DOC oo-�`�' S�ecial Consideration Close coordination of constnxcfion with affected reviewing agencies, i.e. MnDOT, BN, MPCA and City of Saint Paul will be required. Construcrion acrivity will need to be coordinated to minunize impact on traffic in the azea. Time Schedule Demolirion and remediation work wili begin on April 1, 2000. The Port Authority expects to award a conuactor to the lowest responsible bidder at its March 28, 2000, board meeting. Saniitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer and other public improvements will be constructed in the summer of 2000 with completion on approximately November 15, 2000. It is expected that some final detail work will be necessary in the spring and summer of 2001 in order to complete public improvements. Cost Estimates _Estimated Financing Cost Estimates Demolition Grading Utilities (storm, sanitary sewer, watermain) Street Miscellaneous (sidewalk, street lights, landscape, traffic signal, sod, etc.) Engineering Contingency Total Sources of Funding Special Assessments Tax Increment Finance Total Spcl. Assess U6lities $140,000 Street $18 000 32 000 a TIF $115,000 115 000 $55,000 $70,000 $140,000 $295,000 $325,000 $177,000 133 000 $1,195.000 $320,000 $875,000 $1 195,000 Totai $140,000 $295 000 435 000 �:�Arnvw��ixsoiv�rUa mrn.DOc oa-a�Y Source of Addirional Informarion For addirional informarion contact: John Young 651(224-5686 St. Paul Port Authority 3ay Bergman 218/279-2454 LHB Architects and Engineers Suinmarti and Recommendations The St. Paul Port Authority feels that this is a necessary and wofthwhile project and the Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. G:\DATAUWY�MAXSON�PUB IMP.DOC Oo-a �'I ���.% : � .,:/'; !. c. . � . ,� , . j.. ..•` ` f, . ... . . 5 : ; .: : : s � ..._. .........._.....__ � ` t ` i � ' i [ 4•` '_�._'___..: , .,,: ;.......... .: : l,: :,-� � ,: �'�": � . : : , : : ...........:: .. : . ,_: ;; ..� .:. ..:. ..::..,; . 4 ...... . .... ., , , - . �,; :�, ,; ^ •.` � �. .� , �� j :1 � ` �,' ,::� h � �• "• � i .'J\:� r ' �' i .. �.�� - ,:;. :................, . :� -----:_..� c . i5 i : �........ i: ;; Y . . . . .. .. ....� I.. . _.... .. _......... .... '� , ....i:� -....'____"'_ _ �� i g ;� . � :� � � k' r_.saa� � � i � �,� 1 %Q �--� � I . a Q A � ytl / ` I ,` V r 1 tt O I � b% i � � . . ] ''r ! " � . f: :• � , . � :.:.....:.:::::.::.:�....... _. ... . . .....:..: .... _._ ::., . ,.. .. .. .. : � �• .__.:�..:.. . , .. . ._......� ..... .,. - .._.. . .. . . .. .. .. . �. r ..... r .._.._. ,........__._ ..... .......:..�... .. ..... ............... ._.... i . T� . � ; �;; � { i: ..G: it' tz � ) $i � , l rl �vl i ;;; ! ��7 ;as i zas ! i'�z � �P�t � ��> � ,� ;�i :�.: : F; :_. ��F j �t� ;k 4' n � trnJ :J Z j G1 � O � � � �� �:���='��'•f��' fiH'I 9Si'8 LZl HTZ� 8i':eT 06/10/i ORiG1NAL CITY OF ST. PAUL PRSLIMINARY ORDLR ,;� co �z F NO. �O -,ns l BY EI NO. 18924 VOTING WARD 5 In the Matter of constructing the following streets with bituminous roadway, concrete curb and gutter, storm drainage facilities, sidewalks and boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system, sanitary sewer and service connections, watermain and water connections, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement for the GREAT NORTHERN BUSINESS CENTER PHASE I: TOPPING STREET -from Dale Street to approximately 590 feet east of Dale Street -then from Topping Street to approximately 300 feet south of Topping Street -then approximately 500 feet east to new platted cul-de-sac. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $455,800 financed bv assessments of $340,800 and Tax Increment Finance of $115,000. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on Wednesday, the 22th dav of March, 2000, at 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSON Adopted by the Date: � J �� ��� � , Ye�a Nay �/ Benanav � Blakey �Bostrom �Coleman i,/xarris �Lantry �h�,tiReiter Certified Passes by Council Secretary � I11 �a.v.Y-- $ Y 'N� � . \��.��, _ ...__�� � � Against 1_ `(��b 5=�r�1 Mayor oo--a�1 Y NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on March 22, 2000 at 530 p.m. in the Saint Paul City Council Chambers, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to Final Order constructing the following streets with bitumiuous roadway, concrete curb and gutter, storm drainage facilities, sidewalks and boulevazd sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern sYyle lighting system, sanitary sewer and service connections, watermain and water connections, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement for the Great Northern Business Center Phase I: Topping Street - from Dale St. to appro�mately 590 feet east of Dale St. - then from Topping Street to appro�mately 300 feet south of Topping St. - then appro�mately 500 feet east to new piatted cul-de-sac Dated February 22, 2000 Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk (February 26, March 4, Z000) ��� �:� ���Pk�v� �v��er � 1(I