00-1096CITY OF ST. PAUL f�1l►/_�r[�T:7��1� ORIGINAL � 1 1 � • � � • i :/��� /�� . � �� l' _ ��� J � - � � FILE NO. 18929 � VOTING WARD 6 and 7 In the Matter of improving the following streets with bituminous roadway, construct concrete curb and a tter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement for the CASE/FIAZELWOOD STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT: FLANDRAU SIREET KENNARD STREET GERMAIN STREET BARCLAY STREET BIRMINGHAM STREET ETNA STREET BUSH AVENUE STILL WATER AVENi JE YORK AVENi1E CLAREIVCE STREET BARCLAYSTREET PROSPERITY AVENUE AMES AVENL3E HAZELWOOD STREET I3AZELWOOD STREET STILLWATER AVENCJE GERMAIN STREET BUSH AVENUE FLANDRAUSTREET ROSS AVENUE STILLWATER AVENCJE YORK AVENUE FELLOWS LANE 5UPORNICK LANE - NIINNEHAAA AVENLiE TO REANEY AVENITE - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENT?E -MINNEHAHAAVENUETO REANEY.4VENUE - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENiTE - MINNEIIAIiA AVENiJE TO REANEY AVENIJE - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO BiJSH AVENiJE - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO ETNA STREET - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENCE STREET - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENCE STREET - SEVENTH STREET TO CASE AVENLJE - YORK AVENUE TO CASE AVENUE - AMES AVENiJE TO CUL DE SAC - 70HNSON PARKWAY TO CUL DE SAC - MARYLAND AVENUE TO AMES AVENi3E - CASE AVENLTE TO ROSS AVENL7E - GERMAIN STREET TO CUL DE SAC - STILLWATER AVENCiE TO SEVENTH STREET - GERMAIN STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENiJE - BUSH AVENUE TO YORK AVENiJE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENTJE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE - IIAZEL WOOD SIREET TO SUPORNICK LANE - FELLOVJS LANE AND TF� CIRCLE under Preliminary Order � O— g 3\ approved ��-, \3 c"}�oc�. The Counci] of the City of Saint Paui has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WIIEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper Ciry officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Gouncil in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCII.PERSON Yeas Nays r.� Benanav � Blakey �/' Bostrom �/ Coleman p,y Harris _� Lantry � Reiter Adopted by the Council: Date: "�� _'���� Certified Passes by Council Secretary � In Favor By 0 Against � Absc,��' �� Public Hearin� : November 15, 2000 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Persoa aad Phone Number: Lisa Falk 266-6117 be on Coonci� Agenda by: �st be in Cnuncil Reseazch Offiee noon on Friday SIGNA'i'ORE PAGES ALL LOCATSONS FOR ATTORNSY 5 ,�' Green 5heet Number: 104741 d�•�� DIRBCfOR CODNCIL r fl ttEQUESren: Construcfion of new bituminous surfaced streets with wncrete curb and gutter, concrete drivewa� and outwalks, boulevard landscaped with sod and trees, a new lantem style lighting system, lead water service :ments, and sanitary sewer repairs, in the area called Case Hazelwood RSVP (Area � generally bounded by md Ave, Minnehaha Ave., Johnson Parkway, and White Bear Ave. (project 18929). �RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MiJST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: Has ffie personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES r0 Has this person/5rm ever been a City employee? A sr,ue CIVO. SERVICE COMI�LSSION Public HealU YES NO � . Does this persontfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO curcent City empluyee? cm connunrrEe va�o� amg. Eaplain aR YES answers on a separate sheet aud attach. �TTNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONITY (Who, What, When, Where, W6y?) Projected is being completed as part of the Residential Street Vitality Program (RSVP). This is one of several P projects selected for 2001 construction by Public Works, and approved by the Long Range Capital Improvemen !et Committee and Citv Council. \DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' General improvement of the right-of-way will enhance and add quality to the neighborhood. The newly rebuilt -oadways will improve drivability of the neighborhood, and continue the City's eFForts to improve the street system in 3aint Paul. Street oiling in this neighborhood will be eliminated. Lantern style lighting will also enhance neigLborhood �afetv and aesthetics. IF APPROVED: associated with IF NOT APPROVED: Date: 6/20/00 such as noise, dust, and will occur. pavement structure will continue to deteriorate, maintenance costs will rise, and the level of service ided by these streets will drop. oF TOTAL $3,641,748 CIB $2,688,616 ASSESSMENTS $ 953,132 souizce: CIB and ASSESSMENTS Oetober 18, OMO6er 5, 2000 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CII2CLE ONE) YES NO . ;. .� ;., ACS'IVITY NUMBER: INFORMATION: � � � s, � � w��o ROSc 0 I AVE s� f ��� [ �� � p�" �o oa t MINN6IAHA,.��.�- � � d Nen.w�a p a—�oq� I � —Y0ft1( � _ LLWATEft I � g�fjliH � I � � _� �� , o � " � � � � � � _ � � m Y 0.0 �i 0.�_a3 0�{ Q 1 t InLES CASE/HAZELWOOD 2001 EX1S71NG OILED - 4.1 MILES STREETS TO SE EXISTING OLDER PAVED � 0.4 MfLES PAVED IN 2001 0.0 MILES LtGHTING ONLY i i 7/5/00 Project A�ea 07 01—P-8122 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Thomas J. Eggum. Director � � 1a9.lo CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co[eman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Peter White Reai Estate Division Lisa Falka-G�`' Public Works Street Engineering August 25, 2000 Case-Hazelwood RSVP 01-P-8122 Larry Lueth, Construction Engirteer 25 W. Fourth Street 900 Crty Ha[1 Artnex Te[ephone: 651-266-6080 Saint Pau/. MN55102-1660 Facsimile: 651-292-6375 Attached are a Summary of Engineering Recommendations and a Green Sheet for the above referenced project. It is my understanding that the Public Nearing for this project wili be November 15, 2000. If that is not the case, please let me know as soon as possible. Please contact me far enough in advance so that the Summary of Engineering Recommendations can be updated before the notices for the public hearing are mailed out. Attachments Responsive Services � Qtwtiry Fatiliiies • Emylrryee Pride � Oo-tC3 qS� DRAFT SUMMARY OF ENG4NEERING RECOMMENDATIONS Case-Hazelwood Residential Street Vitality Project (Area 07) City Project No. 01-P-8122 Report Prepared -- 8-25-00 Public Hearing -- 11-15-00 PROJECT This project is to improve the area referred to as the Case-Hazelwood Residential Street Vitality Project (Area 07), by constructing new bituminous surfaced streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwaiks, boulevards landscaped with sod and trees, and a new lantern style street lighting system. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the right of way will be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer reconnections will be made at the request of property owners. This project area is surrounded by Maryland Avenue on the north, White Bear Avenue on the east, Minnehaha Avenue on the south, and Johnson Parkway on the east (see attached map). EXISTING CONDITIONS Most of the residential streets in the project area are oiled. Feliows Lane and Supomick Lane are older paved streets. A few of the streets have concrete curb; the rest have no curb at all. The street widths vary some in this area, generaily between 29' and 35'. The street surfaces are generally in fair condition. About half of the area has old green lanterns as the existing street lighting system. The rest of the area, if it has any lights at all, has them mounted on NSP's wood poles. PROPQSEDlMPROVEMENTS It is proposed to improve the foliowing oiled streets with the construction of new bituminous surfaced streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, and boulevards landscaped with sod and trees. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the right of way wili be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer connections will be made at the request of property owners. FLANDRAU STREET - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE KENNARD STREET - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE GERMAIN STREET - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE BARCLAY STREET - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE ao-tog� BIRMiNGHAM STREET - MiNNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE ETNA STREET - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO BUSH AVENUE BUSH AVENUE - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO ETNA STREET STILLWATER AVENUE - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENCE STREET YORK AVENUE - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENGE STREET CLARENCE STFiEET - SEVENTH STREET TO CASE AVENUE BARCLAY STREET - YORK AVENUE TO CASE AVENUE PROSPERITY AVENUE - AMES AVENUE TO CUL DE SAC AMES AVENUE - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CUL DE SAC HAZELWOOD STREET - MARYLAND AVENUE TO AMES AVENUE HAZELWOOD STREET - CASE AVENUE TO ROSS AVENUE STILLWATER AVENUE - GERMAIN STREET TO CUL DE SAG GERMAIN STREET - STILLWATER AVENUE TO SEVENTH STREET BUSH AVENUE - GERMAIN STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE FLANDRAU STREET - BUSH AVENUE TO YORK AVENUE ROSS AVENUE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE STILLWATER AVENUE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE YORK AVENUE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE It is proposed to improve the foilowing older paved streets with the construction of new bituminous surfaced streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, and boulevards landscaped with sod and trees. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the right of way wiii be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer connections will be made at the request of property owners. FELLOWS LANE - HAZELWOOD STREET TO SUPORNICK LANE SUPORNICK LANE - FELLOWS LANE AND AROUND THE CIRCLE Decisions regarding the street widths will be made keep+ng in mind the right-of-way widths, existing street widths, any relevant neighborhood issues, and the impact on boulevard trees. New curb may be hand formed to avoid damaging boulevard trees or their roots. Tree trimming may be necessary to facilitate construction. Ali the streets to be paved (listed above} will also have a lantern style street lighting system installed as part of this project. ALTERNATES To do noth+ng would be inconsistent with the City's commitment to improve existing oiled streets. POSITIVE BENEFITS Generai improvement of the public right-of-way wiii enhance and add quaiity to the 2 aa _�oq�. neighborhood. The newly rebuilt roadways will improve drivability of the neighborhood, and continue the City's efforts to improve the street system in Saint Paul. Street oiling in this neighborhood will be eliminated. Lantern style lighting wifl enhance neighborhood safety and esthetics. ADVERSE EFFECTS Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust, reduced access to the neighborhood, and general disruption will be present. EFFECTS ON TREES Street widths will be selected to minimize the impact on trees. New trees will be planted as part of the boulevard restoration. TIME SCHEDULE The project will begin in the spring of 2001 and will be completed by late fall of 2001. There wiil be further restrictions on the amount of time work is done on individual segments of streets. 3 Oo_toqS� COST ESTIMATE Construction Engineering Miscellaneous PROJECT TOTAL ESTIMATED FINANCING CIB (2001) Assessments PROJECT TOTAL $ 2,812,160 $ 548,379 $ 281.209 $ 3,641,748 $ 2,688,616 $ 953.132 $ 3,641,748 The proposed 2001 assessment rates for residential street paving and lighting are: $26.57 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for street paving $4.69 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for lantern style street lighting on residentiai streets SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For additional information, contact the Project Engineer, Lisa Falk, at 266-6117. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION The Department of Public Works feeis that this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the project and financing. Respectfully submitted, Tom Eggum Director of Public Works If , 0 bo-1�9� CITY OF ST. PAIIL COIINCIL FILE N0. �� �_ PRELIMII3ARY ORDER BY " ,i 0R1GlNAL F=LS N0. 18929 ��_ VOTI23G WARD 6 and 7 _ In iLe Matter of improving the following streets with bituminous roadway, construct concrete curb and guuer, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevazd sodding, tree planting, canstruction of a lantem style lighting system, and doing all otherwork necessary to complete said improvement for the CASF./HAZELWOOD STREET PAVING AND LIGHTTNG PROJECT : FLANDRAUSTREET KENNARD STREET GERMAIl3 STREET BARCLAYSTREET BIRMINGHAM STREET E1NA STREET BUSH AVENUE STILLWATER AVENLTE YORK AVENUE CLARENCE STREET BAACLAY STREET PROSPERITY AVENUE AMES AVENUE HA7FLWOOD STREET HA7FLWOOD STREET STILLWATER AVENUE GERMAIN STREET BUSA AVENUE FLANDRAU STREET ROSS AVENUE STILLWA TER AVENUE YORK AVENUE FELLOWS LANE SUPORNICK LANE - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEYAVENUE - MIIII�EHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE - MINNEHAAA AVENC3E T0 REANEY AVENUE - MINNEHAAA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE - MINNEHAHA AVENL3E TO BUSH AVENUE - JOI-INSON PARKWAY TO ETNA STREET - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENCE STREET - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLAR.ENCE STREET - SEVENTH STREET TO CASE AVENUE - YORK AVENUE TO CASE AVENiJE - AMES AVENUE TO CUL DE SAC - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CUL DE SAC - MARYLAND AVENUE TO AMES AVENUE - CASE AVENUE TO ROSS AVENllE - GERMAIN STREET TO CUL DE SAC - STII,LWATER AVENUE TO SEVENTH STREET - GERMAIN STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENL7E - BUSH AVENUE TO YORK AVENUE - KENNARD STREET TO VJfiITE BEAR AVENUE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENLJE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE - HAZELWOOD STREET TO SUPOItNICK LANE - FELLOWS LANE AND THE CIRCLE under Preliminary Order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 3 641 748 financed by assessments of $953.132 and CIB of $2.688,616 for 2001. 2. That a puhlic hearing be had on said improvement on Wednesday, 15th of November. 2000. at 530 o'clock P.M.. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the Ciry of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public heazing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COITNCII.PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date: � Yeas ✓ Benanav ,/ Blakey ,/ Bostrom ,/ Coleman ,/ Hazris ✓ �hY ,/ Reiter Nays � In Favor _� Against .��rr.�ati.�sai r�� Certified Passes by Council Secretary �y � 3 Q ��_ Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL f�1l►/_�r[�T:7��1� ORIGINAL � 1 1 � • � � • i :/��� /�� . � �� l' _ ��� J � - � � FILE NO. 18929 � VOTING WARD 6 and 7 In the Matter of improving the following streets with bituminous roadway, construct concrete curb and a tter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement for the CASE/FIAZELWOOD STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT: FLANDRAU SIREET KENNARD STREET GERMAIN STREET BARCLAY STREET BIRMINGHAM STREET ETNA STREET BUSH AVENUE STILL WATER AVENi JE YORK AVENi1E CLAREIVCE STREET BARCLAYSTREET PROSPERITY AVENUE AMES AVENL3E HAZELWOOD STREET I3AZELWOOD STREET STILLWATER AVENCJE GERMAIN STREET BUSH AVENUE FLANDRAUSTREET ROSS AVENUE STILLWATER AVENCJE YORK AVENUE FELLOWS LANE 5UPORNICK LANE - NIINNEHAAA AVENLiE TO REANEY AVENITE - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENT?E -MINNEHAHAAVENUETO REANEY.4VENUE - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENiTE - MINNEIIAIiA AVENiJE TO REANEY AVENIJE - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO BiJSH AVENiJE - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO ETNA STREET - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENCE STREET - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENCE STREET - SEVENTH STREET TO CASE AVENLJE - YORK AVENUE TO CASE AVENUE - AMES AVENiJE TO CUL DE SAC - 70HNSON PARKWAY TO CUL DE SAC - MARYLAND AVENUE TO AMES AVENi3E - CASE AVENLTE TO ROSS AVENL7E - GERMAIN STREET TO CUL DE SAC - STILLWATER AVENCiE TO SEVENTH STREET - GERMAIN STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENiJE - BUSH AVENUE TO YORK AVENiJE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENTJE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE - IIAZEL WOOD SIREET TO SUPORNICK LANE - FELLOVJS LANE AND TF� CIRCLE under Preliminary Order � O— g 3\ approved ��-, \3 c"}�oc�. The Counci] of the City of Saint Paui has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WIIEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper Ciry officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Gouncil in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCII.PERSON Yeas Nays r.� Benanav � Blakey �/' Bostrom �/ Coleman p,y Harris _� Lantry � Reiter Adopted by the Council: Date: "�� _'���� Certified Passes by Council Secretary � In Favor By 0 Against � Absc,��' �� Public Hearin� : November 15, 2000 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Persoa aad Phone Number: Lisa Falk 266-6117 be on Coonci� Agenda by: �st be in Cnuncil Reseazch Offiee noon on Friday SIGNA'i'ORE PAGES ALL LOCATSONS FOR ATTORNSY 5 ,�' Green 5heet Number: 104741 d�•�� DIRBCfOR CODNCIL r fl ttEQUESren: Construcfion of new bituminous surfaced streets with wncrete curb and gutter, concrete drivewa� and outwalks, boulevard landscaped with sod and trees, a new lantem style lighting system, lead water service :ments, and sanitary sewer repairs, in the area called Case Hazelwood RSVP (Area � generally bounded by md Ave, Minnehaha Ave., Johnson Parkway, and White Bear Ave. (project 18929). �RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MiJST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: Has ffie personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES r0 Has this person/5rm ever been a City employee? A sr,ue CIVO. SERVICE COMI�LSSION Public HealU YES NO � . Does this persontfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO curcent City empluyee? cm connunrrEe va�o� amg. Eaplain aR YES answers on a separate sheet aud attach. �TTNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONITY (Who, What, When, Where, W6y?) Projected is being completed as part of the Residential Street Vitality Program (RSVP). This is one of several P projects selected for 2001 construction by Public Works, and approved by the Long Range Capital Improvemen !et Committee and Citv Council. \DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' General improvement of the right-of-way will enhance and add quality to the neighborhood. The newly rebuilt -oadways will improve drivability of the neighborhood, and continue the City's eFForts to improve the street system in 3aint Paul. Street oiling in this neighborhood will be eliminated. Lantern style lighting will also enhance neigLborhood �afetv and aesthetics. IF APPROVED: associated with IF NOT APPROVED: Date: 6/20/00 such as noise, dust, and will occur. pavement structure will continue to deteriorate, maintenance costs will rise, and the level of service ided by these streets will drop. oF TOTAL $3,641,748 CIB $2,688,616 ASSESSMENTS $ 953,132 souizce: CIB and ASSESSMENTS Oetober 18, OMO6er 5, 2000 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CII2CLE ONE) YES NO . ;. .� ;., ACS'IVITY NUMBER: INFORMATION: � � � s, � � w��o ROSc 0 I AVE s� f ��� [ �� � p�" �o oa t MINN6IAHA,.��.�- � � d Nen.w�a p a—�oq� I � —Y0ft1( � _ LLWATEft I � g�fjliH � I � � _� �� , o � " � � � � � � _ � � m Y 0.0 �i 0.�_a3 0�{ Q 1 t InLES CASE/HAZELWOOD 2001 EX1S71NG OILED - 4.1 MILES STREETS TO SE EXISTING OLDER PAVED � 0.4 MfLES PAVED IN 2001 0.0 MILES LtGHTING ONLY i i 7/5/00 Project A�ea 07 01—P-8122 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Thomas J. Eggum. Director � � 1a9.lo CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co[eman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Peter White Reai Estate Division Lisa Falka-G�`' Public Works Street Engineering August 25, 2000 Case-Hazelwood RSVP 01-P-8122 Larry Lueth, Construction Engirteer 25 W. Fourth Street 900 Crty Ha[1 Artnex Te[ephone: 651-266-6080 Saint Pau/. MN55102-1660 Facsimile: 651-292-6375 Attached are a Summary of Engineering Recommendations and a Green Sheet for the above referenced project. It is my understanding that the Public Nearing for this project wili be November 15, 2000. If that is not the case, please let me know as soon as possible. Please contact me far enough in advance so that the Summary of Engineering Recommendations can be updated before the notices for the public hearing are mailed out. Attachments Responsive Services � Qtwtiry Fatiliiies • Emylrryee Pride � Oo-tC3 qS� DRAFT SUMMARY OF ENG4NEERING RECOMMENDATIONS Case-Hazelwood Residential Street Vitality Project (Area 07) City Project No. 01-P-8122 Report Prepared -- 8-25-00 Public Hearing -- 11-15-00 PROJECT This project is to improve the area referred to as the Case-Hazelwood Residential Street Vitality Project (Area 07), by constructing new bituminous surfaced streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwaiks, boulevards landscaped with sod and trees, and a new lantern style street lighting system. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the right of way will be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer reconnections will be made at the request of property owners. This project area is surrounded by Maryland Avenue on the north, White Bear Avenue on the east, Minnehaha Avenue on the south, and Johnson Parkway on the east (see attached map). EXISTING CONDITIONS Most of the residential streets in the project area are oiled. Feliows Lane and Supomick Lane are older paved streets. A few of the streets have concrete curb; the rest have no curb at all. The street widths vary some in this area, generaily between 29' and 35'. The street surfaces are generally in fair condition. About half of the area has old green lanterns as the existing street lighting system. The rest of the area, if it has any lights at all, has them mounted on NSP's wood poles. PROPQSEDlMPROVEMENTS It is proposed to improve the foliowing oiled streets with the construction of new bituminous surfaced streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, and boulevards landscaped with sod and trees. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the right of way wili be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer connections will be made at the request of property owners. FLANDRAU STREET - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE KENNARD STREET - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE GERMAIN STREET - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE BARCLAY STREET - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE ao-tog� BIRMiNGHAM STREET - MiNNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE ETNA STREET - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO BUSH AVENUE BUSH AVENUE - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO ETNA STREET STILLWATER AVENUE - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENCE STREET YORK AVENUE - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENGE STREET CLARENCE STFiEET - SEVENTH STREET TO CASE AVENUE BARCLAY STREET - YORK AVENUE TO CASE AVENUE PROSPERITY AVENUE - AMES AVENUE TO CUL DE SAC AMES AVENUE - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CUL DE SAC HAZELWOOD STREET - MARYLAND AVENUE TO AMES AVENUE HAZELWOOD STREET - CASE AVENUE TO ROSS AVENUE STILLWATER AVENUE - GERMAIN STREET TO CUL DE SAG GERMAIN STREET - STILLWATER AVENUE TO SEVENTH STREET BUSH AVENUE - GERMAIN STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE FLANDRAU STREET - BUSH AVENUE TO YORK AVENUE ROSS AVENUE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE STILLWATER AVENUE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE YORK AVENUE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE It is proposed to improve the foilowing older paved streets with the construction of new bituminous surfaced streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, and boulevards landscaped with sod and trees. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the right of way wiii be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer connections will be made at the request of property owners. FELLOWS LANE - HAZELWOOD STREET TO SUPORNICK LANE SUPORNICK LANE - FELLOWS LANE AND AROUND THE CIRCLE Decisions regarding the street widths will be made keep+ng in mind the right-of-way widths, existing street widths, any relevant neighborhood issues, and the impact on boulevard trees. New curb may be hand formed to avoid damaging boulevard trees or their roots. Tree trimming may be necessary to facilitate construction. Ali the streets to be paved (listed above} will also have a lantern style street lighting system installed as part of this project. ALTERNATES To do noth+ng would be inconsistent with the City's commitment to improve existing oiled streets. POSITIVE BENEFITS Generai improvement of the public right-of-way wiii enhance and add quaiity to the 2 aa _�oq�. neighborhood. The newly rebuilt roadways will improve drivability of the neighborhood, and continue the City's efforts to improve the street system in Saint Paul. Street oiling in this neighborhood will be eliminated. Lantern style lighting wifl enhance neighborhood safety and esthetics. ADVERSE EFFECTS Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust, reduced access to the neighborhood, and general disruption will be present. EFFECTS ON TREES Street widths will be selected to minimize the impact on trees. New trees will be planted as part of the boulevard restoration. TIME SCHEDULE The project will begin in the spring of 2001 and will be completed by late fall of 2001. There wiil be further restrictions on the amount of time work is done on individual segments of streets. 3 Oo_toqS� COST ESTIMATE Construction Engineering Miscellaneous PROJECT TOTAL ESTIMATED FINANCING CIB (2001) Assessments PROJECT TOTAL $ 2,812,160 $ 548,379 $ 281.209 $ 3,641,748 $ 2,688,616 $ 953.132 $ 3,641,748 The proposed 2001 assessment rates for residential street paving and lighting are: $26.57 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for street paving $4.69 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for lantern style street lighting on residentiai streets SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For additional information, contact the Project Engineer, Lisa Falk, at 266-6117. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION The Department of Public Works feeis that this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the project and financing. Respectfully submitted, Tom Eggum Director of Public Works If , 0 bo-1�9� CITY OF ST. PAIIL COIINCIL FILE N0. �� �_ PRELIMII3ARY ORDER BY " ,i 0R1GlNAL F=LS N0. 18929 ��_ VOTI23G WARD 6 and 7 _ In iLe Matter of improving the following streets with bituminous roadway, construct concrete curb and guuer, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevazd sodding, tree planting, canstruction of a lantem style lighting system, and doing all otherwork necessary to complete said improvement for the CASF./HAZELWOOD STREET PAVING AND LIGHTTNG PROJECT : FLANDRAUSTREET KENNARD STREET GERMAIl3 STREET BARCLAYSTREET BIRMINGHAM STREET E1NA STREET BUSH AVENUE STILLWATER AVENLTE YORK AVENUE CLARENCE STREET BAACLAY STREET PROSPERITY AVENUE AMES AVENUE HA7FLWOOD STREET HA7FLWOOD STREET STILLWATER AVENUE GERMAIN STREET BUSA AVENUE FLANDRAU STREET ROSS AVENUE STILLWA TER AVENUE YORK AVENUE FELLOWS LANE SUPORNICK LANE - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEYAVENUE - MIIII�EHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE - MINNEHAAA AVENC3E T0 REANEY AVENUE - MINNEHAAA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE - MINNEHAHA AVENL3E TO BUSH AVENUE - JOI-INSON PARKWAY TO ETNA STREET - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENCE STREET - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLAR.ENCE STREET - SEVENTH STREET TO CASE AVENUE - YORK AVENUE TO CASE AVENiJE - AMES AVENUE TO CUL DE SAC - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CUL DE SAC - MARYLAND AVENUE TO AMES AVENUE - CASE AVENUE TO ROSS AVENllE - GERMAIN STREET TO CUL DE SAC - STII,LWATER AVENUE TO SEVENTH STREET - GERMAIN STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENL7E - BUSH AVENUE TO YORK AVENUE - KENNARD STREET TO VJfiITE BEAR AVENUE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENLJE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE - HAZELWOOD STREET TO SUPOItNICK LANE - FELLOWS LANE AND THE CIRCLE under Preliminary Order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 3 641 748 financed by assessments of $953.132 and CIB of $2.688,616 for 2001. 2. That a puhlic hearing be had on said improvement on Wednesday, 15th of November. 2000. at 530 o'clock P.M.. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the Ciry of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public heazing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COITNCII.PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date: � Yeas ✓ Benanav ,/ Blakey ,/ Bostrom ,/ Coleman ,/ Hazris ✓ �hY ,/ Reiter Nays � In Favor _� Against .��rr.�ati.�sai r�� Certified Passes by Council Secretary �y � 3 Q ��_ Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL f�1l►/_�r[�T:7��1� ORIGINAL � 1 1 � • � � • i :/��� /�� . � �� l' _ ��� J � - � � FILE NO. 18929 � VOTING WARD 6 and 7 In the Matter of improving the following streets with bituminous roadway, construct concrete curb and a tter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement for the CASE/FIAZELWOOD STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT: FLANDRAU SIREET KENNARD STREET GERMAIN STREET BARCLAY STREET BIRMINGHAM STREET ETNA STREET BUSH AVENUE STILL WATER AVENi JE YORK AVENi1E CLAREIVCE STREET BARCLAYSTREET PROSPERITY AVENUE AMES AVENL3E HAZELWOOD STREET I3AZELWOOD STREET STILLWATER AVENCJE GERMAIN STREET BUSH AVENUE FLANDRAUSTREET ROSS AVENUE STILLWATER AVENCJE YORK AVENUE FELLOWS LANE 5UPORNICK LANE - NIINNEHAAA AVENLiE TO REANEY AVENITE - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENT?E -MINNEHAHAAVENUETO REANEY.4VENUE - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENiTE - MINNEIIAIiA AVENiJE TO REANEY AVENIJE - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO BiJSH AVENiJE - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO ETNA STREET - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENCE STREET - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENCE STREET - SEVENTH STREET TO CASE AVENLJE - YORK AVENUE TO CASE AVENUE - AMES AVENiJE TO CUL DE SAC - 70HNSON PARKWAY TO CUL DE SAC - MARYLAND AVENUE TO AMES AVENi3E - CASE AVENLTE TO ROSS AVENL7E - GERMAIN STREET TO CUL DE SAC - STILLWATER AVENCiE TO SEVENTH STREET - GERMAIN STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENiJE - BUSH AVENUE TO YORK AVENiJE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENTJE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE - IIAZEL WOOD SIREET TO SUPORNICK LANE - FELLOVJS LANE AND TF� CIRCLE under Preliminary Order � O— g 3\ approved ��-, \3 c"}�oc�. The Counci] of the City of Saint Paui has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WIIEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper Ciry officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Gouncil in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCII.PERSON Yeas Nays r.� Benanav � Blakey �/' Bostrom �/ Coleman p,y Harris _� Lantry � Reiter Adopted by the Council: Date: "�� _'���� Certified Passes by Council Secretary � In Favor By 0 Against � Absc,��' �� Public Hearin� : November 15, 2000 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Persoa aad Phone Number: Lisa Falk 266-6117 be on Coonci� Agenda by: �st be in Cnuncil Reseazch Offiee noon on Friday SIGNA'i'ORE PAGES ALL LOCATSONS FOR ATTORNSY 5 ,�' Green 5heet Number: 104741 d�•�� DIRBCfOR CODNCIL r fl ttEQUESren: Construcfion of new bituminous surfaced streets with wncrete curb and gutter, concrete drivewa� and outwalks, boulevard landscaped with sod and trees, a new lantem style lighting system, lead water service :ments, and sanitary sewer repairs, in the area called Case Hazelwood RSVP (Area � generally bounded by md Ave, Minnehaha Ave., Johnson Parkway, and White Bear Ave. (project 18929). �RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MiJST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: Has ffie personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES r0 Has this person/5rm ever been a City employee? A sr,ue CIVO. SERVICE COMI�LSSION Public HealU YES NO � . Does this persontfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO curcent City empluyee? cm connunrrEe va�o� amg. Eaplain aR YES answers on a separate sheet aud attach. �TTNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONITY (Who, What, When, Where, W6y?) Projected is being completed as part of the Residential Street Vitality Program (RSVP). This is one of several P projects selected for 2001 construction by Public Works, and approved by the Long Range Capital Improvemen !et Committee and Citv Council. \DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' General improvement of the right-of-way will enhance and add quality to the neighborhood. The newly rebuilt -oadways will improve drivability of the neighborhood, and continue the City's eFForts to improve the street system in 3aint Paul. Street oiling in this neighborhood will be eliminated. Lantern style lighting will also enhance neigLborhood �afetv and aesthetics. IF APPROVED: associated with IF NOT APPROVED: Date: 6/20/00 such as noise, dust, and will occur. pavement structure will continue to deteriorate, maintenance costs will rise, and the level of service ided by these streets will drop. oF TOTAL $3,641,748 CIB $2,688,616 ASSESSMENTS $ 953,132 souizce: CIB and ASSESSMENTS Oetober 18, OMO6er 5, 2000 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CII2CLE ONE) YES NO . ;. .� ;., ACS'IVITY NUMBER: INFORMATION: � � � s, � � w��o ROSc 0 I AVE s� f ��� [ �� � p�" �o oa t MINN6IAHA,.��.�- � � d Nen.w�a p a—�oq� I � —Y0ft1( � _ LLWATEft I � g�fjliH � I � � _� �� , o � " � � � � � � _ � � m Y 0.0 �i 0.�_a3 0�{ Q 1 t InLES CASE/HAZELWOOD 2001 EX1S71NG OILED - 4.1 MILES STREETS TO SE EXISTING OLDER PAVED � 0.4 MfLES PAVED IN 2001 0.0 MILES LtGHTING ONLY i i 7/5/00 Project A�ea 07 01—P-8122 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Thomas J. Eggum. Director � � 1a9.lo CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co[eman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Peter White Reai Estate Division Lisa Falka-G�`' Public Works Street Engineering August 25, 2000 Case-Hazelwood RSVP 01-P-8122 Larry Lueth, Construction Engirteer 25 W. Fourth Street 900 Crty Ha[1 Artnex Te[ephone: 651-266-6080 Saint Pau/. MN55102-1660 Facsimile: 651-292-6375 Attached are a Summary of Engineering Recommendations and a Green Sheet for the above referenced project. It is my understanding that the Public Nearing for this project wili be November 15, 2000. If that is not the case, please let me know as soon as possible. Please contact me far enough in advance so that the Summary of Engineering Recommendations can be updated before the notices for the public hearing are mailed out. Attachments Responsive Services � Qtwtiry Fatiliiies • Emylrryee Pride � Oo-tC3 qS� DRAFT SUMMARY OF ENG4NEERING RECOMMENDATIONS Case-Hazelwood Residential Street Vitality Project (Area 07) City Project No. 01-P-8122 Report Prepared -- 8-25-00 Public Hearing -- 11-15-00 PROJECT This project is to improve the area referred to as the Case-Hazelwood Residential Street Vitality Project (Area 07), by constructing new bituminous surfaced streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwaiks, boulevards landscaped with sod and trees, and a new lantern style street lighting system. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the right of way will be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer reconnections will be made at the request of property owners. This project area is surrounded by Maryland Avenue on the north, White Bear Avenue on the east, Minnehaha Avenue on the south, and Johnson Parkway on the east (see attached map). EXISTING CONDITIONS Most of the residential streets in the project area are oiled. Feliows Lane and Supomick Lane are older paved streets. A few of the streets have concrete curb; the rest have no curb at all. The street widths vary some in this area, generaily between 29' and 35'. The street surfaces are generally in fair condition. About half of the area has old green lanterns as the existing street lighting system. The rest of the area, if it has any lights at all, has them mounted on NSP's wood poles. PROPQSEDlMPROVEMENTS It is proposed to improve the foliowing oiled streets with the construction of new bituminous surfaced streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, and boulevards landscaped with sod and trees. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the right of way wili be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer connections will be made at the request of property owners. FLANDRAU STREET - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE KENNARD STREET - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE GERMAIN STREET - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE BARCLAY STREET - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE ao-tog� BIRMiNGHAM STREET - MiNNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE ETNA STREET - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO BUSH AVENUE BUSH AVENUE - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO ETNA STREET STILLWATER AVENUE - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENCE STREET YORK AVENUE - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENGE STREET CLARENCE STFiEET - SEVENTH STREET TO CASE AVENUE BARCLAY STREET - YORK AVENUE TO CASE AVENUE PROSPERITY AVENUE - AMES AVENUE TO CUL DE SAC AMES AVENUE - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CUL DE SAC HAZELWOOD STREET - MARYLAND AVENUE TO AMES AVENUE HAZELWOOD STREET - CASE AVENUE TO ROSS AVENUE STILLWATER AVENUE - GERMAIN STREET TO CUL DE SAG GERMAIN STREET - STILLWATER AVENUE TO SEVENTH STREET BUSH AVENUE - GERMAIN STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE FLANDRAU STREET - BUSH AVENUE TO YORK AVENUE ROSS AVENUE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE STILLWATER AVENUE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE YORK AVENUE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE It is proposed to improve the foilowing older paved streets with the construction of new bituminous surfaced streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, and boulevards landscaped with sod and trees. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the right of way wiii be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer connections will be made at the request of property owners. FELLOWS LANE - HAZELWOOD STREET TO SUPORNICK LANE SUPORNICK LANE - FELLOWS LANE AND AROUND THE CIRCLE Decisions regarding the street widths will be made keep+ng in mind the right-of-way widths, existing street widths, any relevant neighborhood issues, and the impact on boulevard trees. New curb may be hand formed to avoid damaging boulevard trees or their roots. Tree trimming may be necessary to facilitate construction. Ali the streets to be paved (listed above} will also have a lantern style street lighting system installed as part of this project. ALTERNATES To do noth+ng would be inconsistent with the City's commitment to improve existing oiled streets. POSITIVE BENEFITS Generai improvement of the public right-of-way wiii enhance and add quaiity to the 2 aa _�oq�. neighborhood. The newly rebuilt roadways will improve drivability of the neighborhood, and continue the City's efforts to improve the street system in Saint Paul. Street oiling in this neighborhood will be eliminated. Lantern style lighting wifl enhance neighborhood safety and esthetics. ADVERSE EFFECTS Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust, reduced access to the neighborhood, and general disruption will be present. EFFECTS ON TREES Street widths will be selected to minimize the impact on trees. New trees will be planted as part of the boulevard restoration. TIME SCHEDULE The project will begin in the spring of 2001 and will be completed by late fall of 2001. There wiil be further restrictions on the amount of time work is done on individual segments of streets. 3 Oo_toqS� COST ESTIMATE Construction Engineering Miscellaneous PROJECT TOTAL ESTIMATED FINANCING CIB (2001) Assessments PROJECT TOTAL $ 2,812,160 $ 548,379 $ 281.209 $ 3,641,748 $ 2,688,616 $ 953.132 $ 3,641,748 The proposed 2001 assessment rates for residential street paving and lighting are: $26.57 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for street paving $4.69 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for lantern style street lighting on residentiai streets SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For additional information, contact the Project Engineer, Lisa Falk, at 266-6117. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION The Department of Public Works feeis that this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the project and financing. Respectfully submitted, Tom Eggum Director of Public Works If , 0 bo-1�9� CITY OF ST. PAIIL COIINCIL FILE N0. �� �_ PRELIMII3ARY ORDER BY " ,i 0R1GlNAL F=LS N0. 18929 ��_ VOTI23G WARD 6 and 7 _ In iLe Matter of improving the following streets with bituminous roadway, construct concrete curb and guuer, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevazd sodding, tree planting, canstruction of a lantem style lighting system, and doing all otherwork necessary to complete said improvement for the CASF./HAZELWOOD STREET PAVING AND LIGHTTNG PROJECT : FLANDRAUSTREET KENNARD STREET GERMAIl3 STREET BARCLAYSTREET BIRMINGHAM STREET E1NA STREET BUSH AVENUE STILLWATER AVENLTE YORK AVENUE CLARENCE STREET BAACLAY STREET PROSPERITY AVENUE AMES AVENUE HA7FLWOOD STREET HA7FLWOOD STREET STILLWATER AVENUE GERMAIN STREET BUSA AVENUE FLANDRAU STREET ROSS AVENUE STILLWA TER AVENUE YORK AVENUE FELLOWS LANE SUPORNICK LANE - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEYAVENUE - MIIII�EHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE - MINNEHAAA AVENC3E T0 REANEY AVENUE - MINNEHAAA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE - MINNEHAHA AVENUE TO REANEY AVENUE - MINNEHAHA AVENL3E TO BUSH AVENUE - JOI-INSON PARKWAY TO ETNA STREET - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENCE STREET - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLAR.ENCE STREET - SEVENTH STREET TO CASE AVENUE - YORK AVENUE TO CASE AVENiJE - AMES AVENUE TO CUL DE SAC - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CUL DE SAC - MARYLAND AVENUE TO AMES AVENUE - CASE AVENUE TO ROSS AVENllE - GERMAIN STREET TO CUL DE SAC - STII,LWATER AVENUE TO SEVENTH STREET - GERMAIN STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENL7E - BUSH AVENUE TO YORK AVENUE - KENNARD STREET TO VJfiITE BEAR AVENUE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENLJE - KENNARD STREET TO WHITE BEAR AVENUE - HAZELWOOD STREET TO SUPOItNICK LANE - FELLOWS LANE AND THE CIRCLE under Preliminary Order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 3 641 748 financed by assessments of $953.132 and CIB of $2.688,616 for 2001. 2. That a puhlic hearing be had on said improvement on Wednesday, 15th of November. 2000. at 530 o'clock P.M.. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the Ciry of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public heazing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COITNCII.PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date: � Yeas ✓ Benanav ,/ Blakey ,/ Bostrom ,/ Coleman ,/ Hazris ✓ �hY ,/ Reiter Nays � In Favor _� Against .��rr.�ati.�sai r�� Certified Passes by Council Secretary �y � 3 Q ��_ Mayor