99-788CITY OF ST. PAUL FINAL ORDER ORIGINAL COUN IL� `1c1-1.g� BY T �`� � � FILE I30. 18886A VOTING WARD 4 Ia the Matter of improving Hewitt Avenue between Snelling and Pascal with an above standard, twin lantern lighting system, and; improve Hewitt Avenue from Pascal to Holton with a standard single lantern lighting system, and; improve Englewood Avenue from Snelling to Pascal by increasing the wattage of the final ordered standard single lantern lighting system from 70 watts to 100 watts, and; improve Aldine Street from Englewood to Hubbard with a single lantern lighting system. under Preliminary Order `� —�`� approved � The Council of the City o£ 5aint Paul has conducted a pub ic hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvements be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COi3NCILPERSONS Yeas Nays �� nanav ✓�lakey Bostrom— f��s�v�,� v�o 1 eman :�arris ,xantry �R'eiter Adopted by Council: Date \\ ��� Certified Passed by Council Secretary �o In Favor By � � . �_Aga ins t `� p / Mayor 1 t�l�3 ev�� (1 //f�� �ve Public Hearin Date Re uested: Au ust 11,1999 RE7-6-99 ° lq-'1�'�' T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Green Sheet Number• 09431 ntact Person and P6one Number: EPARThII?N'P DIRECTOR CITX COUNCII, EGGi3M (Pi3B.VSKS.) 266-6143 ATTORNEY CLERK i7DGETDII2ECCOR FFICEOFFINANCIALSVCS. � n� oo co,�� co�oc n n '7-28-99 YOR (OR ASSISTANI) t COUNCII. RRCFARL7/ � OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS (CLIP ALL I.00AITONS FOR SIGNATURE) CiTON REQUESTED: et Date of Public Hearing to approve street and lighting improvements. ppmve additional paving and lighting improvements as part of the Hewitt/Aldine RSP Ptoject 18886A OMMENDATIONS: APPROYE (A) OR REJECL (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the petson/firm ever worked mder a contract for this depar�ent? YES NO PLANNWGCOMMLSSION A STAFF . Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO l'NII. SEA�'10E COMMLSSION . Dces this persoo(firm possess a skiR not normally possessed by any YES NO cm cotem�rrre2 cnrrent City employee? lain all YES aaswers on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCII, OBJECTIVE? COUNCII, WARD(S) a DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII. TTATING PROBLEM, LSSOE, OPPOR7'OHITY (Who, W6at, �Vhen, Where, W6p?): dditional improvements have been requested by neighborhood residents and Hamline University. VANTAGES IF APPROVF.D: Improveraents will benefit affected properties. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ormal problems associated with construction, such as noise, dust and general disruptions. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED; Hamline University will not have the needed lighting on public streets. OTA,L AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $12S�SOO.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: SCC BQIOW ACTIVITY NUMBER: ANCIAI, IlVFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Assessments: $116,600.00 _ PIA 8,900.00 C� Research CP�tar Jl�(. 1 6 �999 . .. :. .n�i �= :��;:= �I1N � ��::=t � :� ���. ---�,'---_��•�� � �� 4-�.-1_ ��'h___" "'_'� ' '_' _i -E- _� :_�? _' �-; --- r - rrrr-i _L_�_�._I ,� � , „ , h i i � I � � � � � � � , „ �-.-�-�-�_�-�_ - ---r � _j-�� _�F-4. '� � �i � ��� � � � IIII �� � �� �!+_ � 'h---i ;F---i TiT '� ---i � �F---� �f _�.11 � F_ "_ i .�i_"'' �""� � � i ���1 � ���� .�' � _�- �"'__" � � �_l ; I r_ �� _ F '_'_'___'__ F � C a 2 � � --- ----� � � � � �. � �11_ ����' � � �� �� �� � �� � 1 i �'_"� ' � , � t --- � � � � , . � � - -----� --- � -- -�- , � _ll!.il _ ____.( r - rri T i �"_' � , ' . ;"__ _"'_' � _____' '_"' f__'� < � ' "_" � �� ______ i_"_t_.a_'___ i � i , ___ � ?� —^!� � � Z ; Q � � 3 � � � � � , y � Q ��, � � � ���;� � ,�,� Q � Q � �1 �- � � , � ; � �9 � � � � � � ; ---- � - � I; � � � � a l �- q9 -'18'�' ti W � C a � z i � � i r _ �t� -�te' SiTMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECONIl��NDATIONS April 19, 1999 Project Installation of an above standard, twin lantern street lighting system on Hewitt Ave. between Snelling Ave. and Pascal Ave. Standazd lantern lighting on Hewitt Ave., between Pascal and Holton Sts., and above standard, higher wattage single, lantems on Englewood Ave. between Snelling Ave, and Pascal5t. Also, replace bent straw type street lighting on Aldine St. between Englewood and Hubbard Aves. with single lanterns. Initiating Action The azea is within the boundaries of the HewitUAldine Residential Paving Program scheduled for construction in the summer of 1999. Hamline University has requesied the additions to Hewitt and Englewood, to be made at the University's expense. The change of lighting fixtures on Aldine St. are the result of a petition from the abutting property owners agreeing to pay full costs per front foot. Existing Conditions Hewitt Ave. between Snelling and Holton is presently not serviced by a street lighting system. There are occasional wood pole mounted lights. Englewood Ave, is presently lit by an oJd-style lantern system that is presently scheduled to be replaced with standard newer lanterns. Aldine St. is currently lit with a bent straw type street light. Proposed Improvements Installation of approximately 23 twin lanterns fixtures on Hewitt Ave., between Snelling Ave. and Pascal St.. Installation of three standard lanterns on Hewitt Ave. between Pascal and Holton Sts. Increased wattage on currently proposed lanterns on Englewood Ave. from 70 watts to 100 watts. Installation of three standard single lanterns on Aldine St. between Englewood and Hubbard Aves. Long Side Aid is proposed for properties not fronting on Aldine St. Positive Benefits These lighting improvements will either provide an amount of light that is well above standazd, with all extra cost assumed by Hamline University, or in the case of Hewitt Ave. between Pascal and Holton Sts. will allow standard lighting to be placed sooner than would otherwise be possible due to the University assuming the total cost. On Aldine St., the abutting property owners will receive a type of lighting fixture that they find more aesthetically pleasing. Adverse Effects As with all new lighting systems, there will be some increased maintenance and operating costs to the City. However, the greatest amount, in this case, will be bome by Hamline University through an above standard assessment district. q q -��'Y Tune Schedule This system will be constructed with ffie Hewitt Aldine Residential Paving Proyect in 1999. Cost Fstimate Construction Engineezing and Inspection total Financing Assessments PIA total Source of Additional Information Mike Eggum at 266-6143. Hatnline University $111,000.00 0.00 $111,000.00 Aldine Street $12,500.00 2.000.00 $14,500.00 Aldine Street $5,600.00 $8.960.00 $14,500.00 Recommendation This proposal is consistent with the City of St. Paul's Lighting Policy. The Department recommends approval of this project. Respectfully submitted, . Thomas J. Eggum Director Hamline University $94,000.00 17.000.00 $111,000.00 a�t-�� Also, please take the necessary steps to create an above standard maintenance disfricf for this azea to assess Hamline University a yearly lump sum of $4257 (which is based on $2.12 per foot for twin lantems on Hewitt from Snelling to Pascal and $0.06 per foot for higher wattage on Englewood from Snelling to Pascal.) We are not requesting an above standazd azea for Aldine St., since the new lights conform to current standazds for residential lighting. If you have any questions, please call me at 66143. HAMLINE UNIVERSITY March 24, 1999 Mike E�gum City of St. Paul Department of Public Works 700 City Hall Annex St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mike: . _ . qq-�P'� Ni,4R % 6 1999 - Bnclosed please find a si�ned copy of the STATEMENT OF APPROVAL OF PROPOSEA IMPROVEMEN'T PROJECT AND �Z'AIVER OF RIGHT OF APPEAL COSTS AS ESTIMATED document from Hamline University. Please substitute this copy for the one I sent February 5, 1999. This document is diffezent because it includes an additional block of Hewitt Avenue (Pascal to Holton.) Additional language has also been added as Para�raph 6 which affirmatively recognizes that the enhanced ener;y requirements of this new lightin� �vi11 resutt in higher annual energy costs than before the improvements. Please let me know if I can be of any additional assistance as �ve prepare for the pavin� and lightin� construction project scheduled for this summer. Sincerely, �//'��`/'�� Rand Park �rSana�er, Financial Administration Hamline University 6� 1.523.2350 Ii36He��itta�enne,SaintPxul,�i�iilOa�LS-� - G1t->�;-tsoo lt(im�esotn'S C'rtirersit} — d7rrulitiortOfYiorteeriit�Siucel8�-i iU o m]ded p.iper I�J o pin�.miuunicr ��i:e , ,:� ;� I� i - ' .'!Q! - --�° �t9 ,, , ... STATEME�T OF APPROVAL OF PROPOSED I�VIPROVEMENT PROJECT AND WAIVER OF RIGHT OF APPEA.L COSTS AS ESTIMATED AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF IMPROVEMENTS AND '�VAIVER OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT APPEAL REGARAInG THE INSTALLATIOl� OF STREET LIGHTING ON HEWITT AVENLJE (Snelling Avenue to Holton Street), ENGLE�VOOD AVENUE (Snelling Avenue to Pascal Street), AND PASCAL STREET (Taylor Avenue to Minnehaha Avenue) The undersigned is the legal representative of the Tntstees of the Hamline University of Minnesota (hereinafter refened to as "O�vner") of property legally dzscribed as: see Attachment (hereinafter referred to as the "Sub,}ect Property"). Owner enters into this agreement and waiver on behalf of itself, its successors and assi�ns. _ 3. The estimated assessment amounts for the construction of this improvement are �250 000.00 to be fuliy repaid over 20 years at the prevailin� interest rate (simple interest), and that such payments would be collected as an assessmznt against the Subject Property via property taxes. If the assessment amount achially levied a�ainst the Subject Property is equal to or less than the estimated assessment amount, Otivner hereby �vaives any ri�ht it may have to contest the validity of or appeal from the special assessments plus interest includin� any procedural or substantive rights pursuant to Chapter 13 and 14 of the St. Pau1 City Charter, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429, or any other statutes, constihitions, la�vs, or judicial decisions of the State of Minnesota or the United States. 5. ?f st:ch improvements are approved and constructed; Owner agrees on behalf of itself, its successors or assigns that such public improvements would be of spzcial benefit to the Subject PropeRy in at least the amount of the estimated assessment plus interest charges set forth in Paragraph 3. Owner also reco�nizes that the installation of strezt lightin� as outlined above will result an lighting which may require hi�her anmial energy costs than beforz the improvements. Date: � � " Si�nature: �� - c,� y � � Title: if'� T r�-�-� a9 •�� aT�racxm�NT Hamline University Campus Consolidated Land Description: Lot 2. W. S. MOi�IROE'S SUBDIVISIOh' OF LOT 3, BLOCK 2, COLLEGE PLACE EAST DNISION. That part of Lot 21yin� South of Piecce Butler Route (a.k.a. Northem Route) and Lots 3 throu�h 10. BRO�Vi`I'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 1 AND 4, BLOCIi 3, COLL£GE PLACE EAST DIVISIOV. Lots 1 throu�h 5. WATERHOUSE'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 3, COLLEGE PLACE EAST DTVISION. That part of Lot 2, Block 3, lyin� South of Pierce Butler (a.k.a. Northem Route}, that part of Lot 1, Block 4 lyin� South of said Pierce Butler Route. Lots 2 throu�h 14 of said Btock 4, Lots 1 throu�h 4 and Lots 8 throu�h 14, Block 5. Lots 1 through 7 and that part of Lots 8 through 14. Block 7 lying East of Snellin� Avenue. Lots 4 thcou�h 14. Block 8, the West 55.8 feet of Lots 1 and 2 and Lots 3 through 14. B1ock 9, ihe East 55 feet of the �Vest 110 feet of the north 125 feet of Lot 1 and the South 40 feet of Lot 2. Block 10 COLLEGE PLACE EAST DIVISION. Lots 1 through 5. KERAN'S REARRANGEMENT. Lots 1 through4. COUCH'S REARRANGEMENT. Lots 1 throu�h 12. Block 1. Lots I through 4 and Lots 7 through 12. Block 3, that part of Lots I 1 and 12. Block 6, lyin� West of the East 50 feet thereof, the North 130 feet of Lots 1 and 2. Block 7, HAMLINE PLAT, together with that pad of said HAMLINE PLAT bounded on the South by Englewood Avenue, on the West by Snelling Avenue, on the I�TOrth by Hewitt Avenue and on the East by Simpson Street. Lots 1, 2 and 3. IOH�SON AI�'D BIGGLESTONE'S REARRANGEMENT. Lots 1 through 5, and Lots 10, 11, 12 and 13 except the Easterly 50 feet of said Lot 12. Block 1 and Lot 3, Block 2. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISIO, I NO. 47. Lots b and 7. E.C. LONG'S REARRANGENIENT OF FART OF BLOCK 6. COLLEGE PLACE, TAYLOR'S DIVISION. Lots 1 and 2, Block I. COLLEGE PLACE WEST DIVISIOV. The East 50 feet of Lots 11 and 12, Block 6, HANtLINE PLAT, a duly recorded plat in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Lot 6, Biock 1. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. A7, a duly recorded plat in Ramsey County, Viinnesota. Lot Z Block I. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISIO\' h0. 47, together with the South 10 feet of Lot 10, Block 6, HA\SLIPiE PLAT, according to the du[y recordzd plats thereof in Ramsey County, Minnesota. The East 50 feet of Lot 12, Block 1. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 47, a duly recordzd plat in Ramsey County, nlinnesota. Lot I�l, Block i. AiTDITOR'S SiTBAI�'ISIO�i \O. 47, a duly recorded plat in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Togzthzr �vitU all �'acated strezts, a� enue and allzys acrn�ine to said lands and subject to all zasements and encumbranczs of record. Ail of said land being according to thz plats therzof on filz azid of recozd in the ofFices of ehe Coimty Recordzr and'or Rzgistrar of Titles in and foc R2msey County, Mine�esota. Y i-6i2 �.��L t:rLSi 5:. rr:u� E"i� . . . - -- --- _ � - --�--. "' �=a r:�i FEB 1E 'S5 ie: �_ aq-��'�' Ser.ia 3. �ass2lmyes iv� Aldine 5t. 5� Ya:�i, rd�"� 553C4-'14D5 tb�l j.'�'.-il :J3� (h� {c�'Ij5$� a35SlY�) f)a'.a: fiab;uarylc i�-S TU: Den 3 C'li�! D� SI. F:]:_ XATL'if 5d4:H' FAX!�59;J 'J:573 Sub;ef:i: Hawi�;.;�(r3:�a Pav[r K�r,_.> r t--" . ., , i u , /n�l l ' G `'1 L-- 9 : ^ti � �� � ( s• �•Grf.+'�•Z Pieas� find attached tne oric�f:;�� t1�:�.�c ni tn� natitinnc Y.�.a' 1 Cir�::l�io�l :n r;vy �i:j OLYI1vB �tl AIC�IYIc� Sf. 9?i� tn ntyrZrc rr; rnrn=-r �r�.��� l �� ::'hof° l��..j1^.. �., ��� S��E: SfC?e��- i» addicion to kn�ck lRC� OSl �Onr$. f:;r_a ,e,Etc n4 fl�nm urgre �j:g:(j,h�L:g� :p wiL ii^viioo (��?£,.�r�S]Flj a ���i nm�ii'iinn cc�:°!«: ::'�j'°iS fCt �C i.') �S�iuiiu. Gi�i' u�fc �iit�G�: , �._......�., r�Cy� � �1dS S710YdC15l,R?l jptaract �� �,_rC�':BSY.Ty : :3�:�f�-: j;2 �:y;"�i5. �c Snci�. bc Gt�i 41111 chnSy y�� � �yhlCh .^.afa_....^ ! ;° ^�::.,..., .,, ^ pr, ^Afiy .,... �..-,o Gr G � blacs: fha is f2Qlloatjnn� thA Gah:S �-1t3H ���D _____-�� - y� 1 s`�E��P� �t�l� 1 �-�� i'� ° � � g�u�r. �as �,=�. ,�,�• l:4aa�= �tz•,� T' � t'I2Pn�i ��£kl ,•]�3FY ..i �'_' � �� ° _'J r � �� � � •v ��t � U ✓' _�, 1--:`-',"' �r'n,:, ::r, s.::v.j �' �� � � ��`:�? �V L � TYii}4as i2AP� "iaSr ::.r` .f-���.»+�:t-•cz. ev�6Nri v - V - 7 R.t YLr f � �—�� � 1 � t � �` NTa t�:<± � e wit-ttdu5 1�< '::.M n:,:.e.a� _.� __'�'.,� . ; \!.; YIE9S° $UDi71it L715 iEC�li�.S1 i0 17'S:<i i�*liBi i7-�'.`ilc ���Tli> �il t71°_ t7'OC}'i .�,' }1-+•na Sr?�t �ygr�joan ��14icV:COii 2�v f{liit�'.ci = rci�35 lilV�:l�l(ly ty? F=?}tIQ:S� �O �i]B .�r..i Paui Ci;y Council for a pubiic hearing arw �_ bsequ.=_'�t vot� The reside �ts o( fn� clock are lorrirg forwva� to enj�,yir.g the�r r.�r• st: ecl fiohis iri Eme for tne 1999 hn;;��y s�ascr< i ha�; ;s ;er ai� your help. - � ' ri � � �.l� ' ¢._ .l i' . /� x��,,l���'�i' �� !�� .�%�v-; j % , ' . L�--E3ani�a 6. Tas�ekx{/:,r s���y �i2as2 have ivtiXe �ga_1r�1 CGnY2Gi �le �.rhen he P3as an initiai {zyouQ or#he iighiing ready. I v�outd lil;e tc rzvie„ i; w�,h htm and discuss pos;�cla oations� �__�_._.�__--- - - _ ................ .... -- ......_..... 1—E'12—S�i-2102 G°LS.' ST. P;IU� E:4= � Uzczctb�r3, 199"0 , To t�.z City Cocacil oESi Pa�l, hii^s.esati 1'vz, 'uc :m�je:si�� e u''�fp�:.(LTf Gri�?!� her �ztitiai y�ocr H ��nJn�1e bed.: fa cac;e t};e fc�1o•�i � r.�ange ra b: made. ke�'�:e 8�= =si=tia� Ltiek sha;: I , � titlitk` O:1 n1iLC Si. RJR� OY T�:I iaaz�ai�1 A;e. a�d :c�.F of Pi;,:ce Eifler F�cu.t .vi� L';. C:�; �aa�'.. la,-.tans-shj:_ li�tir.g. �: c uad�rs'.e_d trs estima_d a3se>sniznt for t,5:s censtru�rinn 1;ill �a S'_-DO �: L�.a: iw: icr aw FiOrt�tit;. }l�TP F�C��:� �1 r'Pt�.:JCL o�q .�!'8� P y� ;o . ' - �-� P:7� F�3 SE '� 1�.== . -� ____.._--._... -:....,._. - --- --..�_.. ....... .. ...... . 1-612-:'�:-2102 f�SFLSi ST. Pi+U� E'!= � 2?J F�]3 FEB lE 'SS 12==_. q9 -��'� I?ccer.tlx: ?, lySo To ih ; CiYy Co�ac10.` 5*. Paw. t+rnn;snt�: . ltiz, �•. uN.la �iy :d prc�:l;• acVVri>� hszSy F?eit!n� y'O�ir F1:7seru'?le 6C>r!.: C� C.�.Se u 5,tie ai.� c�,.cge La �C Ci2!�E: • ' Y,eo!��� �z e:a�>zi�. ta1, bect ti:_ IighGi.. oc E Id�ne 5�. r.�rth o[ F.tine�v�Sa Ace. �^,d san�4 of Pi;:rc� BllYI'[ IZJ�« k'1IL' t SI�CK[Lf� Cicy stcnd,3-d lan._m ,ry:a kig�:"�?. Fte ic;�„-rs;a.^.d L3:rz v.ill cc ae zsesszr.cnt to oar c. rnarptrt;tia� fnr 4Si's nrtovevcu! L ?= =L`:: V!L PSL a��eadq Ysiad n.-;cssed £o* y:r. ncw sY ::c[c LSsz vr:]! �e irsc:lt�'d in Enr.i. i fama r'�d'!rea i 21zp:toee r � t,�.l� �� -� r'�Y� <��::!:,:<-rJ /�: �� ��zG;� � n $ � _ �Y%.G G�/.' _ r.i 7'] f+l A/ s�.P. !{ ) 1 " ! 4' �D > Ir/. id`'l� }7�3 //_� •7 .�,°E� . G `l � '" XY �C G %� 2zz3 -��d rr � � � 4 q� �� � CITY OF ST. PAUL PRELIMINARY ORDER 4RIGlNAL covrrc F LE rro. �T`Z -`l 13 a3 BY � /G'�✓ FILE NO. _18886A VOTII3G WARD 4 In the Matter of improving Hewitt Avenue between Snelling and Pascal with an above standard, twin lantern lighting system, and; improve Hewitt Avenue from Pascal to Holton with a standard single lantern lighting system, and; improve Englewood Avenue from Snelling to Pascal by increasing the wattage oP the final ordered standard single lantern lighting system £rom 70 watts to 100 watts, and; improve Aldine Street from Englewood to Hubbard with a single lantern lighting system. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 2 3 That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 125,500.00 financed by assessments and project funds. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 11th dav of Auvust 1999,at 5:30 � P M in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. TYiat notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays �enanav �l akey �ostrom �01 eman Harris � �bs�r� �ntry vPreiter Adopted by Council: Date����a��{ i � Certified Passed by Council Secretary �_In Favor By `� c� _ t^a�.�X� .. _- _ O Against l 1��0 scv� V� Mayor i:i�r�:�,r.���p�L BRILL YES * � � L � r i ^ � �13 � t � ' � � � � � � � �� f , — I � �� � � � i 3 t� I ; � �� i I I, ^_� � I K I 785 i � � ; � � TASSE�MYER ' � ���� 55 FEET YES � � 9 —� � � (� ' E FLE �� � _ --� '� 33 FEET YES � � Q �. 7�n C HI�GENII�RF CRENTAL) E � + � i , i �l _ � i^� � ` '� HILGENDORF N0� . I TRAPP YES`• � ; � , w � � , i n i �. , I �, . � � � ~ � � � ; � E � � 4 i � � i � ` i � ��� � 784 � , BOEHM � � 46 FEET YES @ � � � � 774 � � � �� � WILLIAMS 8� FEET YES . � � ' � ( _ � ~ � --3 � I � � �� I � € � � � ,� C � �DAHLAGER/MELNICK � YES � �___ _ E _.__ _ _ _ _ _.. � � � � g -'l �� ENGLEW��iD AVE qq -`��Y Benita B. Tasseimyer 785 Aldine Street St Pau{, MN 55104-1105 (651)641-1U37 Dear Neighbor. Recently the City of St. Paul sent you an assessment notice for street paving and lighting. This notice was sent to you in error because Aldine Street was paved in 1983 and doesn't need to be paved again. To correct the error, last week the City sent out a revised assessment notice for $0. Aldine Street will not be paved next year when all the rsst af the streeYs are paved. Aldine Street is also not scheduted to get the street lights reptaced with standard lantem-style fixtures. We have the option to purchase lantern-style fights for our street for $22 per foot of frontage. This means that each property owner on Aldine Street wouid pay an assessment for these lights that is based on the actuai installation cost. Property owners who live on a cross street but Aldine is their side sireet wiil not be charged for this project because they are aiready paying for paving and lighting on their own street. The City of St. Pauf uses a program ca4led "long side subsidy" to pay the portion oF project costs that woutd othernrise be charged to owners of corner properties. In order to get the lights replaced with the Iantems that wifl grace the rest of the neighborhood, we need to submit a petition signed by at least 80 percent of the property owners on Aidine St. requesting the lights. We aiso need to submit a petition from the owners of comer properties stating that they are in favor of this project and that they are aware that they will not be charged an assessment. I afready have around a dozen signatures from property owners requesting these iights as we{I as approva4 from severa4 corner property owners. Wifi you please join in this effort? Cal4 me at 641-1037 and leave me a voice mail message with your address and telephone numher, and stating when is the best time for me to reach you by telephone. i will call you back and make an appointment to bring the petition to your home to get your signature. I will also keep you updated conceming the process and am willing to answer any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you. I hope that we will be enjoying our new street lights by the time the next holiday season roiis around. Meanwhile, i wish you a wonderful hofiday season this year. Your ne+ghbor, � � � �/ 9 ;' �/�� �--_ y� �nita Ta�selmyer .. � , I recently asked you to sign a petition to get the St. Paui City Councii to add Aldine Street fo the HewittlAidine Residential Street Paving Project so that lantem-style Iighting could be instailed on Aldine Street for $4.39 per foot of frontage. This letter is an update on the process. I presented our petition before the St. Paul City Council at the public hearing on December 9. Jay Benanav, who represents us here in Ward 4, requested further information from staff members of the St_ Paul DepaRment of Public Works. Public Works staff member Mike Eggum reported to the Council that the cost to install lantem-style lighting on streets that are not being paved is higher than on stree2s that are being reconstructed. He calcufates that the cost to instali the lantems on Aldine Street is $22 per foot of frontage. A representative from the Real Estate Division of the Department of Finance and Management Services, City of St. Paul, then explained that he had sent out assessment notices to property owners on Aldine Street by mistake. The cost of lighting was iisted on those notices at $4.39 per foot. It was this individual who said that the City Council couid vote to provide the lighting at $4.39 per foot rather than the $22 per foot quoted by Mike Eggum. Councii member Senanav wanted to know where the difference wouid come from if the Councii voted to assess residents of Aldine St. $4.39 per foot rather than $22 per foot. The answer was from #he Residential Street Paving budget. Council member Benanav then stated that just that morning, the City Council had added $3.3 miliion earmarked for the Residential Street Paving Program in 1999. The purpose of adding these funds was to get the program back on schedufe. He said that while he wanted to see lantem-style lights installed on all streets, he felt that funding the fights at $4.39 per foot on A�dine Street was not a wise use of city funds in light of the fact that many streets are stili waiting to be paved. He said that it is the intention of the City Council to pave as many streets as possible and they don't want to divert any funds elsewhere unnecessarify. Mike Eggum from Public Works assured me that the residents of Aldine Street can get the lantem-style lights if we want them, but only if we are wiiling to be assessed �22 per foot: Considering that it takes a lot more work to instafi these lights on a street that has been already paved, that price is a bargain. If we invest in this lighting now, we can add significantly to our property vaiues by the enhanced curb appeal. Property values rise after these lights are installed. Face it - lantern-style lights look high class. Bent straw lights suggest "urban renewal." You don't see bent straws in wealthy neighborhoods. For those of you who have not yet signed the petition to get lantem-style lights for $22 per foot, please call me at 641-1037 so i can bring the petition around to you at a time that is mutuatiy convenient. I will also continue to contact the rest of the property owners on Aidine Street to get their signatures. I hope to have this wrapped up and sent back to the City Council for approval sometime during the first week in January. Thank you for your suppoR of this etfort. / ` ZG G��'��til� ' � rta T ssef er � 785 Aidine St. ` Don't hesitate to cafl me if you have questions. ��-��' December3,1998 To the City Council of St. Paul, Minnesota: We, the undenigned property ownen, hereby petition your Honorable body to cause the foIIowin� chmm�e to be made: Replace the e�stin� bent straw li�htin� on Aldine St nor[h of Minnehaha Ave. and south of Pierce BuUer Route with the City standard lantem-style li�hting. We understand the estunated assessment for this conshucrion will be �22.00 per front foot for ois properties. �' _ !� `i � Z „`/ : . r /,� -� _t' �i' J �.� (1 — v�L (,/ ,, , �Ua ��� � b � /' i�; i �'�"%'r`-' � v 1 r �t �. �- `- ''71 li ,� Name Addtess Teleohone � � � � � �� a�_ December 3, 1998 To the City Council of SL Paul, Minnesota: We, the undersigned properry owners, hereby petition your fIonoreble body to cause the following change to he made: Rep(ace the existaig, tall, bent straw li�hting on Aldine St north of Mmnehaha Ave. and south of Pierce Butler Rouxe with the shortez, City srandard lantern-style li�htin�. We understand there will be no assessment to our comer properties for this improvement because we are already bein� assessed for the new system that wiSl be installed in front Nazne Address Telephone ��L(Yr!� �ail.�c% ( ��y C�=.L�:.�'iJ �vG' ���X ��.2.�.�, �YY'�, __ �75 A-I �� we �� 7-7���� � � � -:�..�' S ,' �. / ?c � .-/��l�l? I�' t �— �l��i� t6y�HJ�? I' ., �ir�c+,1.a 1�`{�'1'+1x.r '7�3 `ru�1'Cr . . , i :, _ -,., _ ��`�, . ,. �...:...� ."_ ' �i � �:.� -• c- Y� - sr� ��- c y� z z z 3 ,' � �� G - :•� , ..j CITY OF ST. PAUL FINAL ORDER ORIGINAL COUN IL� `1c1-1.g� BY T �`� � � FILE I30. 18886A VOTING WARD 4 Ia the Matter of improving Hewitt Avenue between Snelling and Pascal with an above standard, twin lantern lighting system, and; improve Hewitt Avenue from Pascal to Holton with a standard single lantern lighting system, and; improve Englewood Avenue from Snelling to Pascal by increasing the wattage of the final ordered standard single lantern lighting system from 70 watts to 100 watts, and; improve Aldine Street from Englewood to Hubbard with a single lantern lighting system. under Preliminary Order `� —�`� approved � The Council of the City o£ 5aint Paul has conducted a pub ic hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvements be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COi3NCILPERSONS Yeas Nays �� nanav ✓�lakey Bostrom— f��s�v�,� v�o 1 eman :�arris ,xantry �R'eiter Adopted by Council: Date \\ ��� Certified Passed by Council Secretary �o In Favor By � � . �_Aga ins t `� p / Mayor 1 t�l�3 ev�� (1 //f�� �ve Public Hearin Date Re uested: Au ust 11,1999 RE7-6-99 ° lq-'1�'�' T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Green Sheet Number• 09431 ntact Person and P6one Number: EPARThII?N'P DIRECTOR CITX COUNCII, EGGi3M (Pi3B.VSKS.) 266-6143 ATTORNEY CLERK i7DGETDII2ECCOR FFICEOFFINANCIALSVCS. � n� oo co,�� co�oc n n '7-28-99 YOR (OR ASSISTANI) t COUNCII. RRCFARL7/ � OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS (CLIP ALL I.00AITONS FOR SIGNATURE) CiTON REQUESTED: et Date of Public Hearing to approve street and lighting improvements. ppmve additional paving and lighting improvements as part of the Hewitt/Aldine RSP Ptoject 18886A OMMENDATIONS: APPROYE (A) OR REJECL (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the petson/firm ever worked mder a contract for this depar�ent? YES NO PLANNWGCOMMLSSION A STAFF . Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO l'NII. SEA�'10E COMMLSSION . Dces this persoo(firm possess a skiR not normally possessed by any YES NO cm cotem�rrre2 cnrrent City employee? lain all YES aaswers on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCII, OBJECTIVE? COUNCII, WARD(S) a DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII. TTATING PROBLEM, LSSOE, OPPOR7'OHITY (Who, W6at, �Vhen, Where, W6p?): dditional improvements have been requested by neighborhood residents and Hamline University. VANTAGES IF APPROVF.D: Improveraents will benefit affected properties. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ormal problems associated with construction, such as noise, dust and general disruptions. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED; Hamline University will not have the needed lighting on public streets. OTA,L AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $12S�SOO.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: SCC BQIOW ACTIVITY NUMBER: ANCIAI, IlVFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Assessments: $116,600.00 _ PIA 8,900.00 C� Research CP�tar Jl�(. 1 6 �999 . .. :. .n�i �= :��;:= �I1N � ��::=t � :� ���. ---�,'---_��•�� � �� 4-�.-1_ ��'h___" "'_'� ' '_' _i -E- _� :_�? _' �-; --- r - rrrr-i _L_�_�._I ,� � , „ , h i i � I � � � � � � � , „ �-.-�-�-�_�-�_ - ---r � _j-�� _�F-4. '� � �i � ��� � � � IIII �� � �� �!+_ � 'h---i ;F---i TiT '� ---i � �F---� �f _�.11 � F_ "_ i .�i_"'' �""� � � i ���1 � ���� .�' � _�- �"'__" � � �_l ; I r_ �� _ F '_'_'___'__ F � C a 2 � � --- ----� � � � � �. � �11_ ����' � � �� �� �� � �� � 1 i �'_"� ' � , � t --- � � � � , . � � - -----� --- � -- -�- , � _ll!.il _ ____.( r - rri T i �"_' � , ' . ;"__ _"'_' � _____' '_"' f__'� < � ' "_" � �� ______ i_"_t_.a_'___ i � i , ___ � ?� —^!� � � Z ; Q � � 3 � � � � � , y � Q ��, � � � ���;� � ,�,� Q � Q � �1 �- � � , � ; � �9 � � � � � � ; ---- � - � I; � � � � a l �- q9 -'18'�' ti W � C a � z i � � i r _ �t� -�te' SiTMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECONIl��NDATIONS April 19, 1999 Project Installation of an above standard, twin lantern street lighting system on Hewitt Ave. between Snelling Ave. and Pascal Ave. Standazd lantern lighting on Hewitt Ave., between Pascal and Holton Sts., and above standard, higher wattage single, lantems on Englewood Ave. between Snelling Ave, and Pascal5t. Also, replace bent straw type street lighting on Aldine St. between Englewood and Hubbard Aves. with single lanterns. Initiating Action The azea is within the boundaries of the HewitUAldine Residential Paving Program scheduled for construction in the summer of 1999. Hamline University has requesied the additions to Hewitt and Englewood, to be made at the University's expense. The change of lighting fixtures on Aldine St. are the result of a petition from the abutting property owners agreeing to pay full costs per front foot. Existing Conditions Hewitt Ave. between Snelling and Holton is presently not serviced by a street lighting system. There are occasional wood pole mounted lights. Englewood Ave, is presently lit by an oJd-style lantern system that is presently scheduled to be replaced with standard newer lanterns. Aldine St. is currently lit with a bent straw type street light. Proposed Improvements Installation of approximately 23 twin lanterns fixtures on Hewitt Ave., between Snelling Ave. and Pascal St.. Installation of three standard lanterns on Hewitt Ave. between Pascal and Holton Sts. Increased wattage on currently proposed lanterns on Englewood Ave. from 70 watts to 100 watts. Installation of three standard single lanterns on Aldine St. between Englewood and Hubbard Aves. Long Side Aid is proposed for properties not fronting on Aldine St. Positive Benefits These lighting improvements will either provide an amount of light that is well above standazd, with all extra cost assumed by Hamline University, or in the case of Hewitt Ave. between Pascal and Holton Sts. will allow standard lighting to be placed sooner than would otherwise be possible due to the University assuming the total cost. On Aldine St., the abutting property owners will receive a type of lighting fixture that they find more aesthetically pleasing. Adverse Effects As with all new lighting systems, there will be some increased maintenance and operating costs to the City. However, the greatest amount, in this case, will be bome by Hamline University through an above standard assessment district. q q -��'Y Tune Schedule This system will be constructed with ffie Hewitt Aldine Residential Paving Proyect in 1999. Cost Fstimate Construction Engineezing and Inspection total Financing Assessments PIA total Source of Additional Information Mike Eggum at 266-6143. Hatnline University $111,000.00 0.00 $111,000.00 Aldine Street $12,500.00 2.000.00 $14,500.00 Aldine Street $5,600.00 $8.960.00 $14,500.00 Recommendation This proposal is consistent with the City of St. Paul's Lighting Policy. The Department recommends approval of this project. Respectfully submitted, . Thomas J. Eggum Director Hamline University $94,000.00 17.000.00 $111,000.00 a�t-�� Also, please take the necessary steps to create an above standard maintenance disfricf for this azea to assess Hamline University a yearly lump sum of $4257 (which is based on $2.12 per foot for twin lantems on Hewitt from Snelling to Pascal and $0.06 per foot for higher wattage on Englewood from Snelling to Pascal.) We are not requesting an above standazd azea for Aldine St., since the new lights conform to current standazds for residential lighting. If you have any questions, please call me at 66143. HAMLINE UNIVERSITY March 24, 1999 Mike E�gum City of St. Paul Department of Public Works 700 City Hall Annex St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mike: . _ . qq-�P'� Ni,4R % 6 1999 - Bnclosed please find a si�ned copy of the STATEMENT OF APPROVAL OF PROPOSEA IMPROVEMEN'T PROJECT AND �Z'AIVER OF RIGHT OF APPEAL COSTS AS ESTIMATED document from Hamline University. Please substitute this copy for the one I sent February 5, 1999. This document is diffezent because it includes an additional block of Hewitt Avenue (Pascal to Holton.) Additional language has also been added as Para�raph 6 which affirmatively recognizes that the enhanced ener;y requirements of this new lightin� �vi11 resutt in higher annual energy costs than before the improvements. Please let me know if I can be of any additional assistance as �ve prepare for the pavin� and lightin� construction project scheduled for this summer. Sincerely, �//'��`/'�� Rand Park �rSana�er, Financial Administration Hamline University 6� 1.523.2350 Ii36He��itta�enne,SaintPxul,�i�iilOa�LS-� - G1t->�;-tsoo lt(im�esotn'S C'rtirersit} — d7rrulitiortOfYiorteeriit�Siucel8�-i iU o m]ded p.iper I�J o pin�.miuunicr ��i:e , ,:� ;� I� i - ' .'!Q! - --�° �t9 ,, , ... STATEME�T OF APPROVAL OF PROPOSED I�VIPROVEMENT PROJECT AND WAIVER OF RIGHT OF APPEA.L COSTS AS ESTIMATED AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF IMPROVEMENTS AND '�VAIVER OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT APPEAL REGARAInG THE INSTALLATIOl� OF STREET LIGHTING ON HEWITT AVENLJE (Snelling Avenue to Holton Street), ENGLE�VOOD AVENUE (Snelling Avenue to Pascal Street), AND PASCAL STREET (Taylor Avenue to Minnehaha Avenue) The undersigned is the legal representative of the Tntstees of the Hamline University of Minnesota (hereinafter refened to as "O�vner") of property legally dzscribed as: see Attachment (hereinafter referred to as the "Sub,}ect Property"). Owner enters into this agreement and waiver on behalf of itself, its successors and assi�ns. _ 3. The estimated assessment amounts for the construction of this improvement are �250 000.00 to be fuliy repaid over 20 years at the prevailin� interest rate (simple interest), and that such payments would be collected as an assessmznt against the Subject Property via property taxes. If the assessment amount achially levied a�ainst the Subject Property is equal to or less than the estimated assessment amount, Otivner hereby �vaives any ri�ht it may have to contest the validity of or appeal from the special assessments plus interest includin� any procedural or substantive rights pursuant to Chapter 13 and 14 of the St. Pau1 City Charter, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429, or any other statutes, constihitions, la�vs, or judicial decisions of the State of Minnesota or the United States. 5. ?f st:ch improvements are approved and constructed; Owner agrees on behalf of itself, its successors or assigns that such public improvements would be of spzcial benefit to the Subject PropeRy in at least the amount of the estimated assessment plus interest charges set forth in Paragraph 3. Owner also reco�nizes that the installation of strezt lightin� as outlined above will result an lighting which may require hi�her anmial energy costs than beforz the improvements. Date: � � " Si�nature: �� - c,� y � � Title: if'� T r�-�-� a9 •�� aT�racxm�NT Hamline University Campus Consolidated Land Description: Lot 2. W. S. MOi�IROE'S SUBDIVISIOh' OF LOT 3, BLOCK 2, COLLEGE PLACE EAST DNISION. That part of Lot 21yin� South of Piecce Butler Route (a.k.a. Northem Route) and Lots 3 throu�h 10. BRO�Vi`I'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 1 AND 4, BLOCIi 3, COLL£GE PLACE EAST DIVISIOV. Lots 1 throu�h 5. WATERHOUSE'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 3, COLLEGE PLACE EAST DTVISION. That part of Lot 2, Block 3, lyin� South of Pierce Butler (a.k.a. Northem Route}, that part of Lot 1, Block 4 lyin� South of said Pierce Butler Route. Lots 2 throu�h 14 of said Btock 4, Lots 1 throu�h 4 and Lots 8 throu�h 14, Block 5. Lots 1 through 7 and that part of Lots 8 through 14. Block 7 lying East of Snellin� Avenue. Lots 4 thcou�h 14. Block 8, the West 55.8 feet of Lots 1 and 2 and Lots 3 through 14. B1ock 9, ihe East 55 feet of the �Vest 110 feet of the north 125 feet of Lot 1 and the South 40 feet of Lot 2. Block 10 COLLEGE PLACE EAST DIVISION. Lots 1 through 5. KERAN'S REARRANGEMENT. Lots 1 through4. COUCH'S REARRANGEMENT. Lots 1 throu�h 12. Block 1. Lots I through 4 and Lots 7 through 12. Block 3, that part of Lots I 1 and 12. Block 6, lyin� West of the East 50 feet thereof, the North 130 feet of Lots 1 and 2. Block 7, HAMLINE PLAT, together with that pad of said HAMLINE PLAT bounded on the South by Englewood Avenue, on the West by Snelling Avenue, on the I�TOrth by Hewitt Avenue and on the East by Simpson Street. Lots 1, 2 and 3. IOH�SON AI�'D BIGGLESTONE'S REARRANGEMENT. Lots 1 through 5, and Lots 10, 11, 12 and 13 except the Easterly 50 feet of said Lot 12. Block 1 and Lot 3, Block 2. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISIO, I NO. 47. Lots b and 7. E.C. LONG'S REARRANGENIENT OF FART OF BLOCK 6. COLLEGE PLACE, TAYLOR'S DIVISION. Lots 1 and 2, Block I. COLLEGE PLACE WEST DIVISIOV. The East 50 feet of Lots 11 and 12, Block 6, HANtLINE PLAT, a duly recorded plat in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Lot 6, Biock 1. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. A7, a duly recorded plat in Ramsey County, Viinnesota. Lot Z Block I. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISIO\' h0. 47, together with the South 10 feet of Lot 10, Block 6, HA\SLIPiE PLAT, according to the du[y recordzd plats thereof in Ramsey County, Minnesota. The East 50 feet of Lot 12, Block 1. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 47, a duly recordzd plat in Ramsey County, nlinnesota. Lot I�l, Block i. AiTDITOR'S SiTBAI�'ISIO�i \O. 47, a duly recorded plat in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Togzthzr �vitU all �'acated strezts, a� enue and allzys acrn�ine to said lands and subject to all zasements and encumbranczs of record. Ail of said land being according to thz plats therzof on filz azid of recozd in the ofFices of ehe Coimty Recordzr and'or Rzgistrar of Titles in and foc R2msey County, Mine�esota. Y i-6i2 �.��L t:rLSi 5:. rr:u� E"i� . . . - -- --- _ � - --�--. "' �=a r:�i FEB 1E 'S5 ie: �_ aq-��'�' Ser.ia 3. �ass2lmyes iv� Aldine 5t. 5� Ya:�i, rd�"� 553C4-'14D5 tb�l j.'�'.-il :J3� (h� {c�'Ij5$� a35SlY�) f)a'.a: fiab;uarylc i�-S TU: Den 3 C'li�! D� SI. F:]:_ XATL'if 5d4:H' FAX!�59;J 'J:573 Sub;ef:i: Hawi�;.;�(r3:�a Pav[r K�r,_.> r t--" . ., , i u , /n�l l ' G `'1 L-- 9 : ^ti � �� � ( s• �•Grf.+'�•Z Pieas� find attached tne oric�f:;�� t1�:�.�c ni tn� natitinnc Y.�.a' 1 Cir�::l�io�l :n r;vy �i:j OLYI1vB �tl AIC�IYIc� Sf. 9?i� tn ntyrZrc rr; rnrn=-r �r�.��� l �� ::'hof° l��..j1^.. �., ��� S��E: SfC?e��- i» addicion to kn�ck lRC� OSl �Onr$. f:;r_a ,e,Etc n4 fl�nm urgre �j:g:(j,h�L:g� :p wiL ii^viioo (��?£,.�r�S]Flj a ���i nm�ii'iinn cc�:°!«: ::'�j'°iS fCt �C i.') �S�iuiiu. 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F=?}tIQ:S� �O �i]B .�r..i Paui Ci;y Council for a pubiic hearing arw �_ bsequ.=_'�t vot� The reside �ts o( fn� clock are lorrirg forwva� to enj�,yir.g the�r r.�r• st: ecl fiohis iri Eme for tne 1999 hn;;��y s�ascr< i ha�; ;s ;er ai� your help. - � ' ri � � �.l� ' ¢._ .l i' . /� x��,,l���'�i' �� !�� .�%�v-; j % , ' . L�--E3ani�a 6. Tas�ekx{/:,r s���y �i2as2 have ivtiXe �ga_1r�1 CGnY2Gi �le �.rhen he P3as an initiai {zyouQ or#he iighiing ready. I v�outd lil;e tc rzvie„ i; w�,h htm and discuss pos;�cla oations� �__�_._.�__--- - - _ ................ .... -- ......_..... 1—E'12—S�i-2102 G°LS.' ST. P;IU� E:4= � Uzczctb�r3, 199"0 , To t�.z City Cocacil oESi Pa�l, hii^s.esati 1'vz, 'uc :m�je:si�� e u''�fp�:.(LTf Gri�?!� her �ztitiai y�ocr H ��nJn�1e bed.: fa cac;e t};e fc�1o•�i � r.�ange ra b: made. ke�'�:e 8�= =si=tia� Ltiek sha;: I , � titlitk` O:1 n1iLC Si. RJR� OY T�:I iaaz�ai�1 A;e. a�d :c�.F of Pi;,:ce Eifler F�cu.t .vi� L';. C:�; �aa�'.. la,-.tans-shj:_ li�tir.g. �: c uad�rs'.e_d trs estima_d a3se>sniznt for t,5:s censtru�rinn 1;ill �a S'_-DO �: L�.a: iw: icr aw FiOrt�tit;. }l�TP F�C��:� �1 r'Pt�.:JCL o�q .�!'8� P y� ;o . ' - �-� P:7� F�3 SE '� 1�.== . -� ____.._--._... -:....,._. - --- --..�_.. ....... .. ...... . 1-612-:'�:-2102 f�SFLSi ST. Pi+U� E'!= � 2?J F�]3 FEB lE 'SS 12==_. q9 -��'� I?ccer.tlx: ?, lySo To ih ; CiYy Co�ac10.` 5*. Paw. t+rnn;snt�: . ltiz, �•. uN.la �iy :d prc�:l;• acVVri>� hszSy F?eit!n� y'O�ir F1:7seru'?le 6C>r!.: C� C.�.Se u 5,tie ai.� c�,.cge La �C Ci2!�E: • ' Y,eo!��� �z e:a�>zi�. ta1, bect ti:_ IighGi.. oc E Id�ne 5�. r.�rth o[ F.tine�v�Sa Ace. �^,d san�4 of Pi;:rc� BllYI'[ IZJ�« k'1IL' t SI�CK[Lf� Cicy stcnd,3-d lan._m ,ry:a kig�:"�?. Fte ic;�„-rs;a.^.d L3:rz v.ill cc ae zsesszr.cnt to oar c. rnarptrt;tia� fnr 4Si's nrtovevcu! L ?= =L`:: V!L PSL a��eadq Ysiad n.-;cssed £o* y:r. ncw sY ::c[c LSsz vr:]! �e irsc:lt�'d in Enr.i. i fama r'�d'!rea i 21zp:toee r � t,�.l� �� -� r'�Y� <��::!:,:<-rJ /�: �� ��zG;� � n $ � _ �Y%.G G�/.' _ r.i 7'] f+l A/ s�.P. !{ ) 1 " ! 4' �D > Ir/. id`'l� }7�3 //_� •7 .�,°E� . G `l � '" XY �C G %� 2zz3 -��d rr � � � 4 q� �� � CITY OF ST. PAUL PRELIMINARY ORDER 4RIGlNAL covrrc F LE rro. �T`Z -`l 13 a3 BY � /G'�✓ FILE NO. _18886A VOTII3G WARD 4 In the Matter of improving Hewitt Avenue between Snelling and Pascal with an above standard, twin lantern lighting system, and; improve Hewitt Avenue from Pascal to Holton with a standard single lantern lighting system, and; improve Englewood Avenue from Snelling to Pascal by increasing the wattage oP the final ordered standard single lantern lighting system £rom 70 watts to 100 watts, and; improve Aldine Street from Englewood to Hubbard with a single lantern lighting system. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 2 3 That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 125,500.00 financed by assessments and project funds. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 11th dav of Auvust 1999,at 5:30 � P M in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. TYiat notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays �enanav �l akey �ostrom �01 eman Harris � �bs�r� �ntry vPreiter Adopted by Council: Date����a��{ i � Certified Passed by Council Secretary �_In Favor By `� c� _ t^a�.�X� .. _- _ O Against l 1��0 scv� V� Mayor i:i�r�:�,r.���p�L BRILL YES * � � L � r i ^ � �13 � t � ' � � � � � � � �� f , — I � �� � � � i 3 t� I ; � �� i I I, ^_� � I K I 785 i � � ; � � TASSE�MYER ' � ���� 55 FEET YES � � 9 —� � � (� ' E FLE �� � _ --� '� 33 FEET YES � � Q �. 7�n C HI�GENII�RF CRENTAL) E � + � i , i �l _ � i^� � ` '� HILGENDORF N0� . I TRAPP YES`• � ; � , w � � , i n i �. , I �, . � � � ~ � � � ; � E � � 4 i � � i � ` i � ��� � 784 � , BOEHM � � 46 FEET YES @ � � � � 774 � � � �� � WILLIAMS 8� FEET YES . � � ' � ( _ � ~ � --3 � I � � �� I � € � � � ,� C � �DAHLAGER/MELNICK � YES � �___ _ E _.__ _ _ _ _ _.. � � � � g -'l �� ENGLEW��iD AVE qq -`��Y Benita B. Tasseimyer 785 Aldine Street St Pau{, MN 55104-1105 (651)641-1U37 Dear Neighbor. Recently the City of St. Paul sent you an assessment notice for street paving and lighting. This notice was sent to you in error because Aldine Street was paved in 1983 and doesn't need to be paved again. To correct the error, last week the City sent out a revised assessment notice for $0. Aldine Street will not be paved next year when all the rsst af the streeYs are paved. Aldine Street is also not scheduted to get the street lights reptaced with standard lantem-style fixtures. We have the option to purchase lantern-style fights for our street for $22 per foot of frontage. This means that each property owner on Aldine Street wouid pay an assessment for these lights that is based on the actuai installation cost. Property owners who live on a cross street but Aldine is their side sireet wiil not be charged for this project because they are aiready paying for paving and lighting on their own street. The City of St. Pauf uses a program ca4led "long side subsidy" to pay the portion oF project costs that woutd othernrise be charged to owners of corner properties. In order to get the lights replaced with the Iantems that wifl grace the rest of the neighborhood, we need to submit a petition signed by at least 80 percent of the property owners on Aidine St. requesting the lights. We aiso need to submit a petition from the owners of comer properties stating that they are in favor of this project and that they are aware that they will not be charged an assessment. I afready have around a dozen signatures from property owners requesting these iights as we{I as approva4 from severa4 corner property owners. Wifi you please join in this effort? Cal4 me at 641-1037 and leave me a voice mail message with your address and telephone numher, and stating when is the best time for me to reach you by telephone. i will call you back and make an appointment to bring the petition to your home to get your signature. I will also keep you updated conceming the process and am willing to answer any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you. I hope that we will be enjoying our new street lights by the time the next holiday season roiis around. Meanwhile, i wish you a wonderful hofiday season this year. Your ne+ghbor, � � � �/ 9 ;' �/�� �--_ y� �nita Ta�selmyer .. � , I recently asked you to sign a petition to get the St. Paui City Councii to add Aldine Street fo the HewittlAidine Residential Street Paving Project so that lantem-style Iighting could be instailed on Aldine Street for $4.39 per foot of frontage. This letter is an update on the process. I presented our petition before the St. Paul City Council at the public hearing on December 9. Jay Benanav, who represents us here in Ward 4, requested further information from staff members of the St_ Paul DepaRment of Public Works. Public Works staff member Mike Eggum reported to the Council that the cost to install lantem-style lighting on streets that are not being paved is higher than on stree2s that are being reconstructed. He calcufates that the cost to instali the lantems on Aldine Street is $22 per foot of frontage. A representative from the Real Estate Division of the Department of Finance and Management Services, City of St. Paul, then explained that he had sent out assessment notices to property owners on Aldine Street by mistake. The cost of lighting was iisted on those notices at $4.39 per foot. It was this individual who said that the City Council couid vote to provide the lighting at $4.39 per foot rather than the $22 per foot quoted by Mike Eggum. Councii member Senanav wanted to know where the difference wouid come from if the Councii voted to assess residents of Aldine St. $4.39 per foot rather than $22 per foot. The answer was from #he Residential Street Paving budget. Council member Benanav then stated that just that morning, the City Council had added $3.3 miliion earmarked for the Residential Street Paving Program in 1999. The purpose of adding these funds was to get the program back on schedufe. He said that while he wanted to see lantem-style lights installed on all streets, he felt that funding the fights at $4.39 per foot on A�dine Street was not a wise use of city funds in light of the fact that many streets are stili waiting to be paved. He said that it is the intention of the City Council to pave as many streets as possible and they don't want to divert any funds elsewhere unnecessarify. Mike Eggum from Public Works assured me that the residents of Aldine Street can get the lantem-style lights if we want them, but only if we are wiiling to be assessed �22 per foot: Considering that it takes a lot more work to instafi these lights on a street that has been already paved, that price is a bargain. If we invest in this lighting now, we can add significantly to our property vaiues by the enhanced curb appeal. Property values rise after these lights are installed. Face it - lantern-style lights look high class. Bent straw lights suggest "urban renewal." You don't see bent straws in wealthy neighborhoods. For those of you who have not yet signed the petition to get lantem-style lights for $22 per foot, please call me at 641-1037 so i can bring the petition around to you at a time that is mutuatiy convenient. I will also continue to contact the rest of the property owners on Aidine Street to get their signatures. I hope to have this wrapped up and sent back to the City Council for approval sometime during the first week in January. Thank you for your suppoR of this etfort. / ` ZG G��'��til� ' � rta T ssef er � 785 Aidine St. ` Don't hesitate to cafl me if you have questions. ��-��' December3,1998 To the City Council of St. Paul, Minnesota: We, the undenigned property ownen, hereby petition your Honorable body to cause the foIIowin� chmm�e to be made: Replace the e�stin� bent straw li�htin� on Aldine St nor[h of Minnehaha Ave. and south of Pierce BuUer Route with the City standard lantem-style li�hting. We understand the estunated assessment for this conshucrion will be �22.00 per front foot for ois properties. �' _ !� `i � Z „`/ : . r /,� -� _t' �i' J �.� (1 — v�L (,/ ,, , �Ua ��� � b � /' i�; i �'�"%'r`-' � v 1 r �t �. �- `- ''71 li ,� Name Addtess Teleohone � � � � � �� a�_ December 3, 1998 To the City Council of SL Paul, Minnesota: We, the undersigned properry owners, hereby petition your fIonoreble body to cause the following change to he made: Rep(ace the existaig, tall, bent straw li�hting on Aldine St north of Mmnehaha Ave. and south of Pierce Butler Rouxe with the shortez, City srandard lantern-style li�htin�. We understand there will be no assessment to our comer properties for this improvement because we are already bein� assessed for the new system that wiSl be installed in front Nazne Address Telephone ��L(Yr!� �ail.�c% ( ��y C�=.L�:.�'iJ �vG' ���X ��.2.�.�, �YY'�, __ �75 A-I �� we �� 7-7���� � � � -:�..�' S ,' �. / ?c � .-/��l�l? I�' t �— �l��i� t6y�HJ�? I' ., �ir�c+,1.a 1�`{�'1'+1x.r '7�3 `ru�1'Cr . . , i :, _ -,., _ ��`�, . ,. �...:...� ."_ ' �i � �:.� -• c- Y� - sr� ��- c y� z z z 3 ,' � �� G - :•� , ..j CITY OF ST. PAUL FINAL ORDER ORIGINAL COUN IL� `1c1-1.g� BY T �`� � � FILE I30. 18886A VOTING WARD 4 Ia the Matter of improving Hewitt Avenue between Snelling and Pascal with an above standard, twin lantern lighting system, and; improve Hewitt Avenue from Pascal to Holton with a standard single lantern lighting system, and; improve Englewood Avenue from Snelling to Pascal by increasing the wattage of the final ordered standard single lantern lighting system from 70 watts to 100 watts, and; improve Aldine Street from Englewood to Hubbard with a single lantern lighting system. under Preliminary Order `� —�`� approved � The Council of the City o£ 5aint Paul has conducted a pub ic hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvements be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COi3NCILPERSONS Yeas Nays �� nanav ✓�lakey Bostrom— f��s�v�,� v�o 1 eman :�arris ,xantry �R'eiter Adopted by Council: Date \\ ��� Certified Passed by Council Secretary �o In Favor By � � . �_Aga ins t `� p / Mayor 1 t�l�3 ev�� (1 //f�� �ve Public Hearin Date Re uested: Au ust 11,1999 RE7-6-99 ° lq-'1�'�' T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Green Sheet Number• 09431 ntact Person and P6one Number: EPARThII?N'P DIRECTOR CITX COUNCII, EGGi3M (Pi3B.VSKS.) 266-6143 ATTORNEY CLERK i7DGETDII2ECCOR FFICEOFFINANCIALSVCS. � n� oo co,�� co�oc n n '7-28-99 YOR (OR ASSISTANI) t COUNCII. RRCFARL7/ � OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS (CLIP ALL I.00AITONS FOR SIGNATURE) CiTON REQUESTED: et Date of Public Hearing to approve street and lighting improvements. ppmve additional paving and lighting improvements as part of the Hewitt/Aldine RSP Ptoject 18886A OMMENDATIONS: APPROYE (A) OR REJECL (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the petson/firm ever worked mder a contract for this depar�ent? YES NO PLANNWGCOMMLSSION A STAFF . Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO l'NII. SEA�'10E COMMLSSION . Dces this persoo(firm possess a skiR not normally possessed by any YES NO cm cotem�rrre2 cnrrent City employee? lain all YES aaswers on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCII, OBJECTIVE? COUNCII, WARD(S) a DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII. TTATING PROBLEM, LSSOE, OPPOR7'OHITY (Who, W6at, �Vhen, Where, W6p?): dditional improvements have been requested by neighborhood residents and Hamline University. VANTAGES IF APPROVF.D: Improveraents will benefit affected properties. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ormal problems associated with construction, such as noise, dust and general disruptions. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED; Hamline University will not have the needed lighting on public streets. OTA,L AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $12S�SOO.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: SCC BQIOW ACTIVITY NUMBER: ANCIAI, IlVFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Assessments: $116,600.00 _ PIA 8,900.00 C� Research CP�tar Jl�(. 1 6 �999 . .. :. .n�i �= :��;:= �I1N � ��::=t � :� ���. ---�,'---_��•�� � �� 4-�.-1_ ��'h___" "'_'� ' '_' _i -E- _� :_�? _' �-; --- r - rrrr-i _L_�_�._I ,� � , „ , h i i � I � � � � � � � , „ �-.-�-�-�_�-�_ - ---r � _j-�� _�F-4. '� � �i � ��� � � � IIII �� � �� �!+_ � 'h---i ;F---i TiT '� ---i � �F---� �f _�.11 � F_ "_ i .�i_"'' �""� � � i ���1 � ���� .�' � _�- �"'__" � � �_l ; I r_ �� _ F '_'_'___'__ F � C a 2 � � --- ----� � � � � �. � �11_ ����' � � �� �� �� � �� � 1 i �'_"� ' � , � t --- � � � � , . � � - -----� --- � -- -�- , � _ll!.il _ ____.( r - rri T i �"_' � , ' . ;"__ _"'_' � _____' '_"' f__'� < � ' "_" � �� ______ i_"_t_.a_'___ i � i , ___ � ?� —^!� � � Z ; Q � � 3 � � � � � , y � Q ��, � � � ���;� � ,�,� Q � Q � �1 �- � � , � ; � �9 � � � � � � ; ---- � - � I; � � � � a l �- q9 -'18'�' ti W � C a � z i � � i r _ �t� -�te' SiTMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECONIl��NDATIONS April 19, 1999 Project Installation of an above standard, twin lantern street lighting system on Hewitt Ave. between Snelling Ave. and Pascal Ave. Standazd lantern lighting on Hewitt Ave., between Pascal and Holton Sts., and above standard, higher wattage single, lantems on Englewood Ave. between Snelling Ave, and Pascal5t. Also, replace bent straw type street lighting on Aldine St. between Englewood and Hubbard Aves. with single lanterns. Initiating Action The azea is within the boundaries of the HewitUAldine Residential Paving Program scheduled for construction in the summer of 1999. Hamline University has requesied the additions to Hewitt and Englewood, to be made at the University's expense. The change of lighting fixtures on Aldine St. are the result of a petition from the abutting property owners agreeing to pay full costs per front foot. Existing Conditions Hewitt Ave. between Snelling and Holton is presently not serviced by a street lighting system. There are occasional wood pole mounted lights. Englewood Ave, is presently lit by an oJd-style lantern system that is presently scheduled to be replaced with standard newer lanterns. Aldine St. is currently lit with a bent straw type street light. Proposed Improvements Installation of approximately 23 twin lanterns fixtures on Hewitt Ave., between Snelling Ave. and Pascal St.. Installation of three standard lanterns on Hewitt Ave. between Pascal and Holton Sts. Increased wattage on currently proposed lanterns on Englewood Ave. from 70 watts to 100 watts. Installation of three standard single lanterns on Aldine St. between Englewood and Hubbard Aves. Long Side Aid is proposed for properties not fronting on Aldine St. Positive Benefits These lighting improvements will either provide an amount of light that is well above standazd, with all extra cost assumed by Hamline University, or in the case of Hewitt Ave. between Pascal and Holton Sts. will allow standard lighting to be placed sooner than would otherwise be possible due to the University assuming the total cost. On Aldine St., the abutting property owners will receive a type of lighting fixture that they find more aesthetically pleasing. Adverse Effects As with all new lighting systems, there will be some increased maintenance and operating costs to the City. However, the greatest amount, in this case, will be bome by Hamline University through an above standard assessment district. q q -��'Y Tune Schedule This system will be constructed with ffie Hewitt Aldine Residential Paving Proyect in 1999. Cost Fstimate Construction Engineezing and Inspection total Financing Assessments PIA total Source of Additional Information Mike Eggum at 266-6143. Hatnline University $111,000.00 0.00 $111,000.00 Aldine Street $12,500.00 2.000.00 $14,500.00 Aldine Street $5,600.00 $8.960.00 $14,500.00 Recommendation This proposal is consistent with the City of St. Paul's Lighting Policy. The Department recommends approval of this project. Respectfully submitted, . Thomas J. Eggum Director Hamline University $94,000.00 17.000.00 $111,000.00 a�t-�� Also, please take the necessary steps to create an above standard maintenance disfricf for this azea to assess Hamline University a yearly lump sum of $4257 (which is based on $2.12 per foot for twin lantems on Hewitt from Snelling to Pascal and $0.06 per foot for higher wattage on Englewood from Snelling to Pascal.) We are not requesting an above standazd azea for Aldine St., since the new lights conform to current standazds for residential lighting. If you have any questions, please call me at 66143. HAMLINE UNIVERSITY March 24, 1999 Mike E�gum City of St. Paul Department of Public Works 700 City Hall Annex St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mike: . _ . qq-�P'� Ni,4R % 6 1999 - Bnclosed please find a si�ned copy of the STATEMENT OF APPROVAL OF PROPOSEA IMPROVEMEN'T PROJECT AND �Z'AIVER OF RIGHT OF APPEAL COSTS AS ESTIMATED document from Hamline University. Please substitute this copy for the one I sent February 5, 1999. This document is diffezent because it includes an additional block of Hewitt Avenue (Pascal to Holton.) Additional language has also been added as Para�raph 6 which affirmatively recognizes that the enhanced ener;y requirements of this new lightin� �vi11 resutt in higher annual energy costs than before the improvements. Please let me know if I can be of any additional assistance as �ve prepare for the pavin� and lightin� construction project scheduled for this summer. Sincerely, �//'��`/'�� Rand Park �rSana�er, Financial Administration Hamline University 6� 1.523.2350 Ii36He��itta�enne,SaintPxul,�i�iilOa�LS-� - G1t->�;-tsoo lt(im�esotn'S C'rtirersit} — d7rrulitiortOfYiorteeriit�Siucel8�-i iU o m]ded p.iper I�J o pin�.miuunicr ��i:e , ,:� ;� I� i - ' .'!Q! - --�° �t9 ,, , ... STATEME�T OF APPROVAL OF PROPOSED I�VIPROVEMENT PROJECT AND WAIVER OF RIGHT OF APPEA.L COSTS AS ESTIMATED AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF IMPROVEMENTS AND '�VAIVER OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT APPEAL REGARAInG THE INSTALLATIOl� OF STREET LIGHTING ON HEWITT AVENLJE (Snelling Avenue to Holton Street), ENGLE�VOOD AVENUE (Snelling Avenue to Pascal Street), AND PASCAL STREET (Taylor Avenue to Minnehaha Avenue) The undersigned is the legal representative of the Tntstees of the Hamline University of Minnesota (hereinafter refened to as "O�vner") of property legally dzscribed as: see Attachment (hereinafter referred to as the "Sub,}ect Property"). Owner enters into this agreement and waiver on behalf of itself, its successors and assi�ns. _ 3. The estimated assessment amounts for the construction of this improvement are �250 000.00 to be fuliy repaid over 20 years at the prevailin� interest rate (simple interest), and that such payments would be collected as an assessmznt against the Subject Property via property taxes. If the assessment amount achially levied a�ainst the Subject Property is equal to or less than the estimated assessment amount, Otivner hereby �vaives any ri�ht it may have to contest the validity of or appeal from the special assessments plus interest includin� any procedural or substantive rights pursuant to Chapter 13 and 14 of the St. Pau1 City Charter, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429, or any other statutes, constihitions, la�vs, or judicial decisions of the State of Minnesota or the United States. 5. ?f st:ch improvements are approved and constructed; Owner agrees on behalf of itself, its successors or assigns that such public improvements would be of spzcial benefit to the Subject PropeRy in at least the amount of the estimated assessment plus interest charges set forth in Paragraph 3. Owner also reco�nizes that the installation of strezt lightin� as outlined above will result an lighting which may require hi�her anmial energy costs than beforz the improvements. Date: � � " Si�nature: �� - c,� y � � Title: if'� T r�-�-� a9 •�� aT�racxm�NT Hamline University Campus Consolidated Land Description: Lot 2. W. S. MOi�IROE'S SUBDIVISIOh' OF LOT 3, BLOCK 2, COLLEGE PLACE EAST DNISION. That part of Lot 21yin� South of Piecce Butler Route (a.k.a. Northem Route) and Lots 3 throu�h 10. BRO�Vi`I'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 1 AND 4, BLOCIi 3, COLL£GE PLACE EAST DIVISIOV. Lots 1 throu�h 5. WATERHOUSE'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 3, COLLEGE PLACE EAST DTVISION. That part of Lot 2, Block 3, lyin� South of Pierce Butler (a.k.a. Northem Route}, that part of Lot 1, Block 4 lyin� South of said Pierce Butler Route. Lots 2 throu�h 14 of said Btock 4, Lots 1 throu�h 4 and Lots 8 throu�h 14, Block 5. Lots 1 through 7 and that part of Lots 8 through 14. Block 7 lying East of Snellin� Avenue. Lots 4 thcou�h 14. Block 8, the West 55.8 feet of Lots 1 and 2 and Lots 3 through 14. B1ock 9, ihe East 55 feet of the �Vest 110 feet of the north 125 feet of Lot 1 and the South 40 feet of Lot 2. Block 10 COLLEGE PLACE EAST DIVISION. Lots 1 through 5. KERAN'S REARRANGEMENT. Lots 1 through4. COUCH'S REARRANGEMENT. Lots 1 throu�h 12. Block 1. Lots I through 4 and Lots 7 through 12. Block 3, that part of Lots I 1 and 12. Block 6, lyin� West of the East 50 feet thereof, the North 130 feet of Lots 1 and 2. Block 7, HAMLINE PLAT, together with that pad of said HAMLINE PLAT bounded on the South by Englewood Avenue, on the West by Snelling Avenue, on the I�TOrth by Hewitt Avenue and on the East by Simpson Street. Lots 1, 2 and 3. IOH�SON AI�'D BIGGLESTONE'S REARRANGEMENT. Lots 1 through 5, and Lots 10, 11, 12 and 13 except the Easterly 50 feet of said Lot 12. Block 1 and Lot 3, Block 2. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISIO, I NO. 47. Lots b and 7. E.C. LONG'S REARRANGENIENT OF FART OF BLOCK 6. COLLEGE PLACE, TAYLOR'S DIVISION. Lots 1 and 2, Block I. COLLEGE PLACE WEST DIVISIOV. The East 50 feet of Lots 11 and 12, Block 6, HANtLINE PLAT, a duly recorded plat in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Lot 6, Biock 1. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. A7, a duly recorded plat in Ramsey County, Viinnesota. Lot Z Block I. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISIO\' h0. 47, together with the South 10 feet of Lot 10, Block 6, HA\SLIPiE PLAT, according to the du[y recordzd plats thereof in Ramsey County, Minnesota. The East 50 feet of Lot 12, Block 1. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 47, a duly recordzd plat in Ramsey County, nlinnesota. Lot I�l, Block i. AiTDITOR'S SiTBAI�'ISIO�i \O. 47, a duly recorded plat in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Togzthzr �vitU all �'acated strezts, a� enue and allzys acrn�ine to said lands and subject to all zasements and encumbranczs of record. Ail of said land being according to thz plats therzof on filz azid of recozd in the ofFices of ehe Coimty Recordzr and'or Rzgistrar of Titles in and foc R2msey County, Mine�esota. Y i-6i2 �.��L t:rLSi 5:. rr:u� E"i� . . . - -- --- _ � - --�--. "' �=a r:�i FEB 1E 'S5 ie: �_ aq-��'�' Ser.ia 3. �ass2lmyes iv� Aldine 5t. 5� Ya:�i, rd�"� 553C4-'14D5 tb�l j.'�'.-il :J3� (h� {c�'Ij5$� a35SlY�) f)a'.a: fiab;uarylc i�-S TU: Den 3 C'li�! D� SI. F:]:_ XATL'if 5d4:H' FAX!�59;J 'J:573 Sub;ef:i: Hawi�;.;�(r3:�a Pav[r K�r,_.> r t--" . ., , i u , /n�l l ' G `'1 L-- 9 : ^ti � �� � ( s• �•Grf.+'�•Z Pieas� find attached tne oric�f:;�� t1�:�.�c ni tn� natitinnc Y.�.a' 1 Cir�::l�io�l :n r;vy �i:j OLYI1vB �tl AIC�IYIc� Sf. 9?i� tn ntyrZrc rr; rnrn=-r �r�.��� l �� ::'hof° l��..j1^.. �., ��� S��E: SfC?e��- i» addicion to kn�ck lRC� OSl �Onr$. f:;r_a ,e,Etc n4 fl�nm urgre �j:g:(j,h�L:g� :p wiL ii^viioo (��?£,.�r�S]Flj a ���i nm�ii'iinn cc�:°!«: ::'�j'°iS fCt �C i.') �S�iuiiu. Gi�i' u�fc �iit�G�: , �._......�., r�Cy� � �1dS S710YdC15l,R?l jptaract �� �,_rC�':BSY.Ty : :3�:�f�-: j;2 �:y;"�i5. �c Snci�. bc Gt�i 41111 chnSy y�� � �yhlCh .^.afa_....^ ! ;° ^�::.,..., .,, ^ pr, ^Afiy .,... �..-,o Gr G � blacs: fha is f2Qlloatjnn� thA Gah:S �-1t3H ���D _____-�� - y� 1 s`�E��P� �t�l� 1 �-�� i'� ° � � g�u�r. �as �,=�. ,�,�• l:4aa�= �tz•,� T' � t'I2Pn�i ��£kl ,•]�3FY ..i �'_' � �� ° _'J r � �� � � •v ��t � U ✓' _�, 1--:`-',"' �r'n,:, ::r, s.::v.j �' �� � � ��`:�? �V L � TYii}4as i2AP� "iaSr ::.r` .f-���.»+�:t-•cz. ev�6Nri v - V - 7 R.t YLr f � �—�� � 1 � t � �` NTa t�:<± � e wit-ttdu5 1�< '::.M n:,:.e.a� _.� __'�'.,� . ; \!.; YIE9S° $UDi71it L715 iEC�li�.S1 i0 17'S:<i i�*liBi i7-�'.`ilc ���Tli> �il t71°_ t7'OC}'i .�,' }1-+•na Sr?�t �ygr�joan ��14icV:COii 2�v f{liit�'.ci = rci�35 lilV�:l�l(ly ty? F=?}tIQ:S� �O �i]B .�r..i Paui Ci;y Council for a pubiic hearing arw �_ bsequ.=_'�t vot� The reside �ts o( fn� clock are lorrirg forwva� to enj�,yir.g the�r r.�r• st: ecl fiohis iri Eme for tne 1999 hn;;��y s�ascr< i ha�; ;s ;er ai� your help. - � ' ri � � �.l� ' ¢._ .l i' . /� x��,,l���'�i' �� !�� .�%�v-; j % , ' . L�--E3ani�a 6. Tas�ekx{/:,r s���y �i2as2 have ivtiXe �ga_1r�1 CGnY2Gi �le �.rhen he P3as an initiai {zyouQ or#he iighiing ready. I v�outd lil;e tc rzvie„ i; w�,h htm and discuss pos;�cla oations� �__�_._.�__--- - - _ ................ .... -- ......_..... 1—E'12—S�i-2102 G°LS.' ST. P;IU� E:4= � Uzczctb�r3, 199"0 , To t�.z City Cocacil oESi Pa�l, hii^s.esati 1'vz, 'uc :m�je:si�� e u''�fp�:.(LTf Gri�?!� her �ztitiai y�ocr H ��nJn�1e bed.: fa cac;e t};e fc�1o•�i � r.�ange ra b: made. ke�'�:e 8�= =si=tia� Ltiek sha;: I , � titlitk` O:1 n1iLC Si. RJR� OY T�:I iaaz�ai�1 A;e. a�d :c�.F of Pi;,:ce Eifler F�cu.t .vi� L';. C:�; �aa�'.. la,-.tans-shj:_ li�tir.g. �: c uad�rs'.e_d trs estima_d a3se>sniznt for t,5:s censtru�rinn 1;ill �a S'_-DO �: L�.a: iw: icr aw FiOrt�tit;. }l�TP F�C��:� �1 r'Pt�.:JCL o�q .�!'8� P y� ;o . ' - �-� P:7� F�3 SE '� 1�.== . -� ____.._--._... -:....,._. - --- --..�_.. ....... .. ...... . 1-612-:'�:-2102 f�SFLSi ST. Pi+U� E'!= � 2?J F�]3 FEB lE 'SS 12==_. q9 -��'� I?ccer.tlx: ?, lySo To ih ; CiYy Co�ac10.` 5*. Paw. t+rnn;snt�: . ltiz, �•. uN.la �iy :d prc�:l;• acVVri>� hszSy F?eit!n� y'O�ir F1:7seru'?le 6C>r!.: C� C.�.Se u 5,tie ai.� c�,.cge La �C Ci2!�E: • ' Y,eo!��� �z e:a�>zi�. ta1, bect ti:_ IighGi.. oc E Id�ne 5�. r.�rth o[ F.tine�v�Sa Ace. �^,d san�4 of Pi;:rc� BllYI'[ IZJ�« k'1IL' t SI�CK[Lf� Cicy stcnd,3-d lan._m ,ry:a kig�:"�?. Fte ic;�„-rs;a.^.d L3:rz v.ill cc ae zsesszr.cnt to oar c. rnarptrt;tia� fnr 4Si's nrtovevcu! L ?= =L`:: V!L PSL a��eadq Ysiad n.-;cssed £o* y:r. ncw sY ::c[c LSsz vr:]! �e irsc:lt�'d in Enr.i. i fama r'�d'!rea i 21zp:toee r � t,�.l� �� -� r'�Y� <��::!:,:<-rJ /�: �� ��zG;� � n $ � _ �Y%.G G�/.' _ r.i 7'] f+l A/ s�.P. !{ ) 1 " ! 4' �D > Ir/. id`'l� }7�3 //_� •7 .�,°E� . G `l � '" XY �C G %� 2zz3 -��d rr � � � 4 q� �� � CITY OF ST. PAUL PRELIMINARY ORDER 4RIGlNAL covrrc F LE rro. �T`Z -`l 13 a3 BY � /G'�✓ FILE NO. _18886A VOTII3G WARD 4 In the Matter of improving Hewitt Avenue between Snelling and Pascal with an above standard, twin lantern lighting system, and; improve Hewitt Avenue from Pascal to Holton with a standard single lantern lighting system, and; improve Englewood Avenue from Snelling to Pascal by increasing the wattage oP the final ordered standard single lantern lighting system £rom 70 watts to 100 watts, and; improve Aldine Street from Englewood to Hubbard with a single lantern lighting system. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 2 3 That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 125,500.00 financed by assessments and project funds. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 11th dav of Auvust 1999,at 5:30 � P M in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. TYiat notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays �enanav �l akey �ostrom �01 eman Harris � �bs�r� �ntry vPreiter Adopted by Council: Date����a��{ i � Certified Passed by Council Secretary �_In Favor By `� c� _ t^a�.�X� .. _- _ O Against l 1��0 scv� V� Mayor i:i�r�:�,r.���p�L BRILL YES * � � L � r i ^ � �13 � t � ' � � � � � � � �� f , — I � �� � � � i 3 t� I ; � �� i I I, ^_� � I K I 785 i � � ; � � TASSE�MYER ' � ���� 55 FEET YES � � 9 —� � � (� ' E FLE �� � _ --� '� 33 FEET YES � � Q �. 7�n C HI�GENII�RF CRENTAL) E � + � i , i �l _ � i^� � ` '� HILGENDORF N0� . I TRAPP YES`• � ; � , w � � , i n i �. , I �, . � � � ~ � � � ; � E � � 4 i � � i � ` i � ��� � 784 � , BOEHM � � 46 FEET YES @ � � � � 774 � � � �� � WILLIAMS 8� FEET YES . � � ' � ( _ � ~ � --3 � I � � �� I � € � � � ,� C � �DAHLAGER/MELNICK � YES � �___ _ E _.__ _ _ _ _ _.. � � � � g -'l �� ENGLEW��iD AVE qq -`��Y Benita B. Tasseimyer 785 Aldine Street St Pau{, MN 55104-1105 (651)641-1U37 Dear Neighbor. Recently the City of St. Paul sent you an assessment notice for street paving and lighting. This notice was sent to you in error because Aldine Street was paved in 1983 and doesn't need to be paved again. To correct the error, last week the City sent out a revised assessment notice for $0. Aldine Street will not be paved next year when all the rsst af the streeYs are paved. Aldine Street is also not scheduted to get the street lights reptaced with standard lantem-style fixtures. We have the option to purchase lantern-style fights for our street for $22 per foot of frontage. This means that each property owner on Aldine Street wouid pay an assessment for these lights that is based on the actuai installation cost. Property owners who live on a cross street but Aldine is their side sireet wiil not be charged for this project because they are aiready paying for paving and lighting on their own street. The City of St. Pauf uses a program ca4led "long side subsidy" to pay the portion oF project costs that woutd othernrise be charged to owners of corner properties. In order to get the lights replaced with the Iantems that wifl grace the rest of the neighborhood, we need to submit a petition signed by at least 80 percent of the property owners on Aidine St. requesting the lights. We aiso need to submit a petition from the owners of comer properties stating that they are in favor of this project and that they are aware that they will not be charged an assessment. I afready have around a dozen signatures from property owners requesting these iights as we{I as approva4 from severa4 corner property owners. Wifi you please join in this effort? Cal4 me at 641-1037 and leave me a voice mail message with your address and telephone numher, and stating when is the best time for me to reach you by telephone. i will call you back and make an appointment to bring the petition to your home to get your signature. I will also keep you updated conceming the process and am willing to answer any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you. I hope that we will be enjoying our new street lights by the time the next holiday season roiis around. Meanwhile, i wish you a wonderful hofiday season this year. Your ne+ghbor, � � � �/ 9 ;' �/�� �--_ y� �nita Ta�selmyer .. � , I recently asked you to sign a petition to get the St. Paui City Councii to add Aldine Street fo the HewittlAidine Residential Street Paving Project so that lantem-style Iighting could be instailed on Aldine Street for $4.39 per foot of frontage. This letter is an update on the process. I presented our petition before the St. Paul City Council at the public hearing on December 9. Jay Benanav, who represents us here in Ward 4, requested further information from staff members of the St_ Paul DepaRment of Public Works. Public Works staff member Mike Eggum reported to the Council that the cost to install lantem-style lighting on streets that are not being paved is higher than on stree2s that are being reconstructed. He calcufates that the cost to instali the lantems on Aldine Street is $22 per foot of frontage. A representative from the Real Estate Division of the Department of Finance and Management Services, City of St. Paul, then explained that he had sent out assessment notices to property owners on Aldine Street by mistake. The cost of lighting was iisted on those notices at $4.39 per foot. It was this individual who said that the City Council couid vote to provide the lighting at $4.39 per foot rather than the $22 per foot quoted by Mike Eggum. Councii member Senanav wanted to know where the difference wouid come from if the Councii voted to assess residents of Aldine St. $4.39 per foot rather than $22 per foot. The answer was from #he Residential Street Paving budget. Council member Benanav then stated that just that morning, the City Council had added $3.3 miliion earmarked for the Residential Street Paving Program in 1999. The purpose of adding these funds was to get the program back on schedufe. He said that while he wanted to see lantem-style lights installed on all streets, he felt that funding the fights at $4.39 per foot on A�dine Street was not a wise use of city funds in light of the fact that many streets are stili waiting to be paved. He said that it is the intention of the City Council to pave as many streets as possible and they don't want to divert any funds elsewhere unnecessarify. Mike Eggum from Public Works assured me that the residents of Aldine Street can get the lantem-style lights if we want them, but only if we are wiiling to be assessed �22 per foot: Considering that it takes a lot more work to instafi these lights on a street that has been already paved, that price is a bargain. If we invest in this lighting now, we can add significantly to our property vaiues by the enhanced curb appeal. Property values rise after these lights are installed. Face it - lantern-style lights look high class. Bent straw lights suggest "urban renewal." You don't see bent straws in wealthy neighborhoods. For those of you who have not yet signed the petition to get lantem-style lights for $22 per foot, please call me at 641-1037 so i can bring the petition around to you at a time that is mutuatiy convenient. I will also continue to contact the rest of the property owners on Aidine Street to get their signatures. I hope to have this wrapped up and sent back to the City Council for approval sometime during the first week in January. Thank you for your suppoR of this etfort. / ` ZG G��'��til� ' � rta T ssef er � 785 Aidine St. ` Don't hesitate to cafl me if you have questions. ��-��' December3,1998 To the City Council of St. Paul, Minnesota: We, the undenigned property ownen, hereby petition your Honorable body to cause the foIIowin� chmm�e to be made: Replace the e�stin� bent straw li�htin� on Aldine St nor[h of Minnehaha Ave. and south of Pierce BuUer Route with the City standard lantem-style li�hting. We understand the estunated assessment for this conshucrion will be �22.00 per front foot for ois properties. �' _ !� `i � Z „`/ : . r /,� -� _t' �i' J �.� (1 — v�L (,/ ,, , �Ua ��� � b � /' i�; i �'�"%'r`-' � v 1 r �t �. �- `- ''71 li ,� Name Addtess Teleohone � � � � � �� a�_ December 3, 1998 To the City Council of SL Paul, Minnesota: We, the undersigned properry owners, hereby petition your fIonoreble body to cause the following change to he made: Rep(ace the existaig, tall, bent straw li�hting on Aldine St north of Mmnehaha Ave. and south of Pierce Butler Rouxe with the shortez, City srandard lantern-style li�htin�. We understand there will be no assessment to our comer properties for this improvement because we are already bein� assessed for the new system that wiSl be installed in front Nazne Address Telephone ��L(Yr!� �ail.�c% ( ��y C�=.L�:.�'iJ �vG' ���X ��.2.�.�, �YY'�, __ �75 A-I �� we �� 7-7���� � � � -:�..�' S ,' �. / ?c � .-/��l�l? I�' t �— �l��i� t6y�HJ�? I' ., �ir�c+,1.a 1�`{�'1'+1x.r '7�3 `ru�1'Cr . . , i :, _ -,., _ ��`�, . ,. �...:...� ."_ ' �i � �:.� -• c- Y� - sr� ��- c y� z z z 3 ,' � �� G - :•� , ..j