D00161� • City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayor ADMIlVISTRAT'IVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No:�01 I� Date:June 24, 1994 ADMIIVISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Farecurive Administrauon to amend the 1994 budget of the General Fund, the D'uector of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: Executive Administration FUND/ACI'IVITY Eeecutive Administration Office of Families and Children 001-0p102-0518 (Mayor's Contingency) 001-00102-0219 (Fees, Other Professional Services) CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET $75,000 -$75,000 -0- $ 500 +$75,000 $75,500 (Transfer funds from Mayor's Contingency Fund for purpose of making City's contribution of $75,000 to the Saint Paul/ Ramsey Children's Lnitiative--Wilder Foundation acting as fiscal agent.) • Prepare¢ b�Activit}%Manager IIate � �' � d , f ted by Department Director Date by: Mayor/Budget Director Date . � �ooc�� DEPARTMENTfOFFlCE/COUNGL DATE RIAT D ' ( V T 7 4 5 2 � 3 q� GREEN SHEET COM SON PH NE INITAVDATE INfr1AL/DATE � / �� pC ODEPARTMENTDIRE OCfiYCAUNCIL � �f�••wY�' d�CfG!/J�� 1AIU�YBERWR �CiTYATTOPNEY CRYCIERK BE O UNpL ACaENDA 8Y (DATE) ROUTING BUDGEf DIqECTOR � PIN. & MGT. SEAVICES DIR. OPOEP MAYOR(ORASSISTAM) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION FiEQUESTED: �"� ` ��� QcL�/rii.�. D/'�P�Y f.BGtt��c.r _ �Tim's f S D ���r'6 �j�t�/%1�C-t1 � u ��C? r,z f-��7i�u.v�i�s 4i,ti.�° �:%�'-f'-ei7 fLG5 — lSo2�r'/. U RECAMMENDA710N5: App�ave (A) ar Rejea (R) pEHSONAL SERVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWER THE POLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNINCa C0IAMISSION _ CIVIL SEftVIGE GOMMlSS10N �� Has this personRirtn ever worketl under a cootract for this department? _CIBCOMMfiTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/fircn ever been a City employee? _ S7AFF _. YES NO ` UiSiRICi COUar _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally pos5essetl by any current ciry employce? SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explaln aIl yes answers on separate sheet and att9ch to green sheet INITIATINp PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNIN (Who, What, When, Where, Why�: _ �C/s w�r�t � ta.c..t� �,i. C�it.�n�� y{�'v" �ys C��c-�r'� 1�� 5C, ��o�rcr�� �Ztr�ia`fl�e. �J•/�l� ��d�a�,a-,1 cv� l�.c t� .�'sca.P c� �-u.�. �75, ooD u�i/� dz �� � u�i /�ev- VANTAGES IFAPPROVED: c ,� � � A . _ . '� �� W! // a�� �:�m 7 fS �o�rf-� n-r �� �, �e cvLe�lc, S � t,f1 ct,� (t/.c . DISADVANTFGES IF APPROVE�: I_� V� � � �.��� � � G�� DIS `��� ,� '-_ ^ '..� /+LQ � tUtll6vlTr1�-'C.l�J !�S e6Y1'1 /t2t�o.�.c TOTAL AMOUNT OF TpANSACTION $ � S DDD COS7/REVENUE BUDGETEp (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO FUNDItdGSOURCE �J���� T'-"'�`°` ACTIVITYNUMBER ��''OD� �O�D� FINANCIAL INFOflMAiION: (EXPLAIN) _f j� } u uu