D00157WM2e — Ciey C�erk Pink — Finenca Dept. Cpnary — pept. • GITY OF SAI1�T I�AUL ()YY'[(iY: nF TFit MAY()R ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER I31'IXiET KI:l7tiI0\ No: +�tJl.' 1 �J � Date: � _� �� ���ZS�R.�Tn� �)�ER., CAnsisten[ with the authority granted to the Mayor m Section 10.07 4 pf the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of��{{°� 1±{, to amena the 19._�� budget of the �` ll1-SdTL? Hpa 1 t Y` � TICB E1lfOY'G8Y1121ltfund, t�e Direcior of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget J • t C �\! I U � � APProvetl b . MaYOr ��' �j' � Date ie^',�a G::?i:vgAC3 niinG&Cnfin}iT3 L - nauin�°": y;,5°Q,;O 4i,iu"v.v0 �iQ,9uG,Os"� au5-��ic3-0�:3 6czrd ci Apnee �. . ?��_�s��v-p��l 5oard oF Ap�ea?s - ..'sonr.ei xiE,c�u.G9 -1�--£u�-GO! -�--,4u0-0� S4G�IUU.UU �#U�UU yGZ�=��.Si' 1?�GnttSE,`�.r 'L�tl= YU7L'1� II�kUT". �BN1CI4 h�.A'Ll'.". UiiJJ.Pi!�Nl.� �hC�f6�'b1117i�1 1tvTiY�ilY CUfi6� �" 9Y;dAuC 1YC'�U5 �Y1S�r''�1NL RU11'tUl6_": ii: O�_t :J5 3 JV:LLLPIIEG [{AvN1'N''3�� P.�'� P"�614d�. :�1t'Stttl 15 �'t�tYU1NL L'IV �VBtiJ �'C 5t�N.A''uJ .Y L'1�1 :7fl1 '.:UUrJ 71➢ 1x�1i�:11516n;Y T.�' i.il'itS.. 1"L3 C�f»�Plutl. iftBrBr"ORc nn a5S"vi'd"nD, ?nci T`r.a 'riaFGn A�FBGVEi i'r.3 "v�Ah�n ;G T.En 159� BU➢i��i, `��i J"7 DEPARTMENLOFFICE/COUNCI� DATE INITIATED N. 18 5 3 6 Pub7ic Health 55�C2'�,�Y 5/2cJ94 GREEN SHEE CpNTACT PEqSON & PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAVDATE ODEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �CINCAUNCIL thy MOhPldild 292-7702 A���N ci ATfORNEY GTYCLERK NIIMBEfi FOR BE ON COUNCIL AGEN�A BY (DAT� g��µG UDGET DIRECTOR y FIN. & MGT. SERVICES Olq. OROER MAYOR (OR ASSIST � TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUE5TED: City signatures on Administrative Order transferring spending authority between various object codes in the Health Ord Enforcement Eund. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: __ PLANNING COMMISSION _ GVIL SERViCE COMMISSION 1. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a contract for Mis departmeM? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO — � AF � 2. Has this persontfirm ever been e ciry employee? — YES NO _ oiSTRiGT COUar _ 3. Does fhis persoNfirm possess a skill na normally possessed by any curteM city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain aii yes answers on separate sheet and aNach to green sheet INITIATING PflOBLEM, ISSUE.OPPOFiTUNITY(VJho, What, When, Where, Why): A duplicat5ng machine was purchased for the Health Ordinance Fund. The amount budgeted was less thatn the amount of the machine. There is spending authority in 0111 that can be transferred. ANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Payment forneeded duplicating machine would be made. R����'�g`�� ��'� � � ���4 B€JDGET OFF(CE DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED NONE RECEtVED JUN 2 D 1994 CITY CLERK OISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Account would not be able to pay for copy machine. TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACiION $ � nO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOUBCE cp�ial R�venue Fllil-C� ACTIVITYNUMBER ��2'�13 t FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (EXPLAIN) /`� � U