99-1076ORIGINAL a q ���� _ ��1�-�1�� CITY OF ST. PAIIL I�!1t�T+�i ;.77�}�F�� COIIN FILE d�., � �O ,�e ( BY FILE O. 18904 C+Z�lll��� (e�^Y_�;�� In the Matter of improving the following streets with bituminous roadway, construct concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement for the WESTERN/LAWSON STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT : ARUNDEL STREET - Stinson Street to Lawson Avenue - range Avenue BURGESS STREET - Dale Street to Western Avenue COOK AVENUE - Cumberland Street to Western Avenue CiTNIBERLAND STREET - Lawson Avenue to Maryland Avenue DENSLOW STREET - Burgess Street north to alley bounded by Como Ave., Dale St., and Burgess St. FARRINGTON STREET - Larch Street to Front Avenue GALTIER STREET � - Atwater Street to Topping Street HATCH AVENUE - Dale Street to Kent Street HATCH AVENUE - Mackubin Street to Western Avenue JESSAMINE AVENUE - Kent Street to Mackubin Street LARCH STREET - Western Avenue to platted Matilda Street LAWSON AVENUE - Norton Street to Western Avenue MACKUBIN STREET - Topping Street to Maryland Avenue SIMCOE STREET - Atwater Street to Milford Street STINSON STREET - Kent Street to platted Norton Street SYCAMORE STREET - platted Farrington Street to Rice Street TOPPING STREET - Dale Street to Mackubin Street TOPPING STREET - Arundel Street to Galtier Street �I$f'�£d�� STno�m rT.._,._.� ,...a „ - e �F `� ., ,. t under Preliminary Order �lq-�o1� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WI3EREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully consiflered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FL3KTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion o£ said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COiJNCILPERSON Yea Nay �Blakey �Bostrom Lw.� �.� � �.�� Adopted by the Date � ay �d� . Certified Passes by Council Secretary / �o �' (O � By 6 Agains'� l RbS�,�� Public Hearine : November 3, 1999 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Persoa aad Phoae N�ber: Dan HaaK 266-6084 be on Comd Ag�da by: be in Council Research �ce on on F]iday September 29, September 24, Date: .�.w 9/3/99 Green Sheet Number: 100843 DZRECPOR 7 ITY COVNCIL L44Q.)Nb%�9 �T ;# OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �x x�uFS�n: Construction of new bituminous surfaced streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete �way aprons and outwallis, boulevard landscaped with sod and trees, a new lantern style lighting system, water service replacements, and sanitary sewer repairs, in the area called Western/Lawson RSVP a 33) generally bounded by Dale Street, Sycamore Ave., Rice Street, and Orange Avenue. (project 18904). BSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING: Has the person/firm ever worked mder a contract for [his departtnent? YES NO P49NNING COMMLSS[ON A STAFF Haz this personl6rm ever been a C5Ty employee? CivII. Pabtic Health . Does this petsou/Srm possess a skill not nonna�y possessed by aqy current CiTy employee? C@ COMMiTTEE Vusn�Bldgs Eaplain all YES auswers on a sepazate sheet and attach. �TING PROBLEM� ISSLJE� OPPORTONITY (Whq What, When, Where, Why?) �$ lv� YES NO Projected is being completed as part of the Residential Street Vitality Program (RSVP). This is one of �al RSVP projects selected for 2000 construction by Public Works, and approved by the Long Range Committee and �ACES iF nrrxovsn: General improvement of the right-of-way will enhance and add quality to the iorhood. The newly rebuilt roadways will improve drivability of the neighborhood, and continue the efforts to improve the street system in Saint Paul. Street oiling in this neighborhood will be eliminated. -n style lighting will also enhance neighborhood safety and aesthetics. nrrxovm: associated with APPROVID: occur. pavement structure will continue to deteriorate, maintenance costs will rise, and the level of service these streets wili aMOUav�r oF $3,231,360 TOTAL cosT�vE� svncE�v �cmcLE orrE> �s xo �CTION: $2,392,669 CIB �,�� �� ��,;�t�� $ 838,691 ASSESSMENTS resouxcE: CIBandASSESSMENTS AcTIV��N°�Ex: SE� �� I��� INFORMATION: (ERPLAIIN Gt9-1o7� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL TO: Peter White Real Estate Division 140 City Hall FROM: Dan Haak - �pr�t Public Works Construction 900 City Hall Am1ex SUBJECT: WESTERN-LAWSON RSVP City ProjecE No. 2000-P-8116 DATE: September 20,1999 Attached are a Summary of Engineering Recommendations ,and Green �heet for the above referenced project. Please proceed with the final order for this project. Please contact me at 266-6084 far enough in advance so that the Summary of Engineering Recommendations can be updated before the notices for the public hearing are mailed out. DAH:mf Attachment q�. �o?to SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS Western/Lawson Residential Street Vitality Project (Area 33) City Project No. 00-P-8116 Report Prepared -- 9-20-99 Public Hearing -- XXXXXX PROJECT This project is to improve the area referred to as the Western/Lawson Residential Street Vitality Program Project (Area 33), by constructing new bituminous surtaced streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwaiks, boulevards landscaped with sod and trees, and a new lantern style street lighting system. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the right of way will be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer reconnections will be made at the request of property owners. This project area is generally bounded by Dale Street on the west, Orange Avenue on the north, Rice Street on the east, and Sycamore Avenue on the south (see attached map). EXISTING CONDITIONS . Some of the residential streets in the project area are oiled. Most of the streets have concrete curb, and the remainder of the streets have no curb at all. The defined street widths are between 24' and 40', several streets without curbs have widened through use over the years. The street surfaces are generally in fair condition. Most of the existing street lighting within the project area is on NSP wood poles. PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS It is proposed to improve the following oiled streets with the construction of new bituminous surfaced streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, and boulevards landscaped with sod and trees. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs wili be made, lead water services in the right of way will be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer connections will be made at the request of property owners. (The preliminary proposed street widths, in feet, are shown in parenthesis.) ARUNDEL STREET - STINSON STREET TO LAWSON AVENUE (32') ARUNDEL STREET - MARYLAND AVENUE TO ORANGE AVENUE (32') BURGESS STREET - DALE STREET TO WESTERN AVENUE (32') COOK AVENUE - CUMBERLAND STREET TO WESTERN AVENUE (32') CUMSERLAND STREET - LAWSON AVENUE TO MAfiYLAND AVENUE (32') DENSLOW STREET - TOPPING STREET TO COMO AVENUE (32') FARRINGTON STREET - LARCH STREET TO STINSON STREET (32') GALTIER STREET - ATWATER STREET TO TOPPING STREET (32') HATCH AVENUE - DALE STREET TO WESTERN AVENUE (32') qq - � o�� JESSAMINE AVENUE - KENT STREET TO MACKUBIN STREET (32') JESSAMINE COURT - COOK AVENUE TO JESSAMINE AVENUE (28') LARCH STREET - WESTERN AVENUE TO MATILDA STREET (32') LAWSON AVENUE - NORTON STREET TO WESTERN AVENUE (32') MACKUBIN STREET - TOPPING STREET TO MARYLAND AVENUE (32') SIMCOE STREET - ATWATER STREET TO MILFORD STREET (18') STINSON STREET - KENT STREET TO NORTON STREET (32') SYCAMORE - FARRINGTON STREET TO RICE STREET (36') TOPP(NG STREET - DALE STREET TO MACKUBIN STREET (32') TOPPING STREET - ARUNDEL STREET TO GALTIER STREET (32') Decisions regarding the final street widths will be made keeping in mind the right-of-way widths, existing street widths, any relevant neighborhood issues, and the impact on boulevard trees. New curb may be hand formed to avoid damaging boulevard trees or their roots. Tree trimming may be necessary to facilitate construction. ALTERNATES To do nothing would be inconsistent with the City's commitment to improve existing oiled streets. POSITIVE BENEFITS General improvement of the public right-of-way will enhance and add quality to the neighborhood. The newly rebuilt roadways will improve drivabi{ity of the neighborhood, and continue the City's efforts to improve the street system in Saint Paul. Street oiling in this neighborhood will be e(iminated. Larrtern style lighting will enhance neighborhood safety and esthetics. ADVERSE EFFECTS Normai probiems associated with constructian such as noise, dust, reduced access to the neighborhood, and general disruption will be present. EFFECTS ON TREES Street widths will be selected to minimize the impact on trees. New trees will be pianted as part of the boulevard restoration. TIME SCHEDULE The project will begin in the spring of 2000 and will be completed by late fali of 2000. There will be further restrictions on the amount of time work is done on individual segments of streets. F� q °l -1 �o'l f. CO5T ESTIMATE Residential Streets Construcuon Engineering Miscellaneous PROJECT TOTAL ESTIMAT`ED FINANCING Residential Streets C I B (2000) Assessments PROJECT TOTAL The 2000 assessment rates for residential street paving and lighting are: $25.50 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for street paving (U5E 2000 ASSESSMENT RATE) $ 2,495,259 $ 486,575 $ 249.526 $ 3,231,360 $ 2,392,669 $ 838 691 $ 3,231,360 $4.50 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for lantern style sueet lighting on residential streets (USE 2000 ASSESSMENT 12ATE) SOURCE OF ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION For additional information, contact the Project Engineer, Dan Haak at 266-6084. SUMMARY Al�iD RECOMMENDATION The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the project and financing. Respectfully submitted, Thomas Eggum Director of Public W orks dah 3 qq-to�� _, u w_ I u� � �- � �� !� I r I lANS: � � l � ST��=�� TO = ?A�'=� i\ 2000 6/4/99 ����UI �� ��- ��� � � � � � ����0� C ❑c�� ❑ ❑ U ❑� �a��uu❑ � I �❑I�`�_L.�_U❑� �N_ G.�.�a�� ❑� I �u�'J❑u 1 ` �' ❑ � . �I�❑L.J��❑ 1 0.0 O.t 0.2 0� 0.• 0.5 I 1 utlES 1 ' WESTERN/L^WS�N 2000 EXiSTiNG OILED - 3.! �wiLES cXiS�ING OLD�R =.=.'!=� � 0.0 i�iILES UGHTING 0\LY "- � 0.0 MILcS ?ro; c: A-ea 33 OC-?-8116 r� ( 9' � �RlGiNAL CITY OF ST. PAIIL PRELIMINARY ORDER 4q- ��� � COIIN IL FIL � 1� O. qq'QG` ! 8Y FILE NO. 18904 VOTING WARD Zn the Matter of improving the following streets with bituminous roadway, construct concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting System, and doing all other work necessazy to complete said improvement for the WESTERN/LAWSON STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT : ARUNDEL STREET - Stinson Street to Lawson Avenue ARUNDEL 5TREET - Maryland Avenue to platted Orange Avenue BURGESS STREET - Dale Street to Western Avenue COOK AVENUE - Cumberland Street to Western Avenue CtJN�ERLAND STREET - Lawson Avenue to Maryland Avenue DENSLOW STREET - Burgess Street north to alley bounded by Como Ave., Dale St., and Burgess St. FARRINGTON STREET - Larch Street to Front Avenue GALTIER STREET � - Atwater Street to Topping Street HATCA AVENUE - Dale Street to Kent Street HATCH AVENUE - Mackubin Street to Western Avenue JESSAMINE AVENUE - Kent Street to Mackubin Street JESSAMINE COURT - Jessamine Avenue south to end LARCH STREET - Western Avenue to platted Matilda Street LAWSON AVENUE - Norton Street to Western Avenue MACKUBIN STREET - Topping Street to Maryland Avenue SIMCOE STREET - Atwater Street to Milford Street STINSON STREET - Kent Street to platted Norton Street SYCAMORE STREET - platted Farrington Street to Rice Street TOPPING STREET - Dale 5treet to Mackubin Street TOPPING STREET - Arundel Street to Galtier Street VIRGINIA STREET - Maryland Avenue to platted Orange Avenue � In q9•q�1 The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $3,231,360 financed by assessments of $838,691 and CIB of $2,392,669 for 2000. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on Wednesday, 3rd of November, 1999, at 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Aall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COIINCILPERSON Adopted by the Date ��� 19 Yea Nay r / Blakey � Bostrom ^ � Guerin � Harris � Megard �/ Rettman �G Thune � Agains aq- �o�t� Certified Passes by Council Secretary 1 � �, - Mayor ORIGINAL a q ���� _ ��1�-�1�� CITY OF ST. PAIIL I�!1t�T+�i ;.77�}�F�� COIIN FILE d�., � �O ,�e ( BY FILE O. 18904 C+Z�lll��� (e�^Y_�;�� In the Matter of improving the following streets with bituminous roadway, construct concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement for the WESTERN/LAWSON STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT : ARUNDEL STREET - Stinson Street to Lawson Avenue - range Avenue BURGESS STREET - Dale Street to Western Avenue COOK AVENUE - Cumberland Street to Western Avenue CiTNIBERLAND STREET - Lawson Avenue to Maryland Avenue DENSLOW STREET - Burgess Street north to alley bounded by Como Ave., Dale St., and Burgess St. FARRINGTON STREET - Larch Street to Front Avenue GALTIER STREET � - Atwater Street to Topping Street HATCH AVENUE - Dale Street to Kent Street HATCH AVENUE - Mackubin Street to Western Avenue JESSAMINE AVENUE - Kent Street to Mackubin Street LARCH STREET - Western Avenue to platted Matilda Street LAWSON AVENUE - Norton Street to Western Avenue MACKUBIN STREET - Topping Street to Maryland Avenue SIMCOE STREET - Atwater Street to Milford Street STINSON STREET - Kent Street to platted Norton Street SYCAMORE STREET - platted Farrington Street to Rice Street TOPPING STREET - Dale Street to Mackubin Street TOPPING STREET - Arundel Street to Galtier Street �I$f'�£d�� STno�m rT.._,._.� ,...a „ - e �F `� ., ,. t under Preliminary Order �lq-�o1� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WI3EREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully consiflered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FL3KTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion o£ said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COiJNCILPERSON Yea Nay �Blakey �Bostrom Lw.� �.� � �.�� Adopted by the Date � ay �d� . Certified Passes by Council Secretary / �o �' (O � By 6 Agains'� l RbS�,�� Public Hearine : November 3, 1999 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Persoa aad Phoae N�ber: Dan HaaK 266-6084 be on Comd Ag�da by: be in Council Research �ce on on F]iday September 29, September 24, Date: .�.w 9/3/99 Green Sheet Number: 100843 DZRECPOR 7 ITY COVNCIL L44Q.)Nb%�9 �T ;# OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �x x�uFS�n: Construction of new bituminous surfaced streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete �way aprons and outwallis, boulevard landscaped with sod and trees, a new lantern style lighting system, water service replacements, and sanitary sewer repairs, in the area called Western/Lawson RSVP a 33) generally bounded by Dale Street, Sycamore Ave., Rice Street, and Orange Avenue. (project 18904). BSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING: Has the person/firm ever worked mder a contract for [his departtnent? YES NO P49NNING COMMLSS[ON A STAFF Haz this personl6rm ever been a C5Ty employee? CivII. Pabtic Health . Does this petsou/Srm possess a skill not nonna�y possessed by aqy current CiTy employee? C@ COMMiTTEE Vusn�Bldgs Eaplain all YES auswers on a sepazate sheet and attach. �TING PROBLEM� ISSLJE� OPPORTONITY (Whq What, When, Where, Why?) �$ lv� YES NO Projected is being completed as part of the Residential Street Vitality Program (RSVP). This is one of �al RSVP projects selected for 2000 construction by Public Works, and approved by the Long Range Committee and �ACES iF nrrxovsn: General improvement of the right-of-way will enhance and add quality to the iorhood. The newly rebuilt roadways will improve drivability of the neighborhood, and continue the efforts to improve the street system in Saint Paul. Street oiling in this neighborhood will be eliminated. -n style lighting will also enhance neighborhood safety and aesthetics. nrrxovm: associated with APPROVID: occur. pavement structure will continue to deteriorate, maintenance costs will rise, and the level of service these streets wili aMOUav�r oF $3,231,360 TOTAL cosT�vE� svncE�v �cmcLE orrE> �s xo �CTION: $2,392,669 CIB �,�� �� ��,;�t�� $ 838,691 ASSESSMENTS resouxcE: CIBandASSESSMENTS AcTIV��N°�Ex: SE� �� I��� INFORMATION: (ERPLAIIN Gt9-1o7� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL TO: Peter White Real Estate Division 140 City Hall FROM: Dan Haak - �pr�t Public Works Construction 900 City Hall Am1ex SUBJECT: WESTERN-LAWSON RSVP City ProjecE No. 2000-P-8116 DATE: September 20,1999 Attached are a Summary of Engineering Recommendations ,and Green �heet for the above referenced project. Please proceed with the final order for this project. Please contact me at 266-6084 far enough in advance so that the Summary of Engineering Recommendations can be updated before the notices for the public hearing are mailed out. DAH:mf Attachment q�. �o?to SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS Western/Lawson Residential Street Vitality Project (Area 33) City Project No. 00-P-8116 Report Prepared -- 9-20-99 Public Hearing -- XXXXXX PROJECT This project is to improve the area referred to as the Western/Lawson Residential Street Vitality Program Project (Area 33), by constructing new bituminous surtaced streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwaiks, boulevards landscaped with sod and trees, and a new lantern style street lighting system. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the right of way will be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer reconnections will be made at the request of property owners. This project area is generally bounded by Dale Street on the west, Orange Avenue on the north, Rice Street on the east, and Sycamore Avenue on the south (see attached map). EXISTING CONDITIONS . Some of the residential streets in the project area are oiled. Most of the streets have concrete curb, and the remainder of the streets have no curb at all. The defined street widths are between 24' and 40', several streets without curbs have widened through use over the years. The street surfaces are generally in fair condition. Most of the existing street lighting within the project area is on NSP wood poles. PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS It is proposed to improve the following oiled streets with the construction of new bituminous surfaced streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, and boulevards landscaped with sod and trees. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs wili be made, lead water services in the right of way will be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer connections will be made at the request of property owners. (The preliminary proposed street widths, in feet, are shown in parenthesis.) ARUNDEL STREET - STINSON STREET TO LAWSON AVENUE (32') ARUNDEL STREET - MARYLAND AVENUE TO ORANGE AVENUE (32') BURGESS STREET - DALE STREET TO WESTERN AVENUE (32') COOK AVENUE - CUMBERLAND STREET TO WESTERN AVENUE (32') CUMSERLAND STREET - LAWSON AVENUE TO MAfiYLAND AVENUE (32') DENSLOW STREET - TOPPING STREET TO COMO AVENUE (32') FARRINGTON STREET - LARCH STREET TO STINSON STREET (32') GALTIER STREET - ATWATER STREET TO TOPPING STREET (32') HATCH AVENUE - DALE STREET TO WESTERN AVENUE (32') qq - � o�� JESSAMINE AVENUE - KENT STREET TO MACKUBIN STREET (32') JESSAMINE COURT - COOK AVENUE TO JESSAMINE AVENUE (28') LARCH STREET - WESTERN AVENUE TO MATILDA STREET (32') LAWSON AVENUE - NORTON STREET TO WESTERN AVENUE (32') MACKUBIN STREET - TOPPING STREET TO MARYLAND AVENUE (32') SIMCOE STREET - ATWATER STREET TO MILFORD STREET (18') STINSON STREET - KENT STREET TO NORTON STREET (32') SYCAMORE - FARRINGTON STREET TO RICE STREET (36') TOPP(NG STREET - DALE STREET TO MACKUBIN STREET (32') TOPPING STREET - ARUNDEL STREET TO GALTIER STREET (32') Decisions regarding the final street widths will be made keeping in mind the right-of-way widths, existing street widths, any relevant neighborhood issues, and the impact on boulevard trees. New curb may be hand formed to avoid damaging boulevard trees or their roots. Tree trimming may be necessary to facilitate construction. ALTERNATES To do nothing would be inconsistent with the City's commitment to improve existing oiled streets. POSITIVE BENEFITS General improvement of the public right-of-way will enhance and add quality to the neighborhood. The newly rebuilt roadways will improve drivabi{ity of the neighborhood, and continue the City's efforts to improve the street system in Saint Paul. Street oiling in this neighborhood will be e(iminated. Larrtern style lighting will enhance neighborhood safety and esthetics. ADVERSE EFFECTS Normai probiems associated with constructian such as noise, dust, reduced access to the neighborhood, and general disruption will be present. EFFECTS ON TREES Street widths will be selected to minimize the impact on trees. New trees will be pianted as part of the boulevard restoration. TIME SCHEDULE The project will begin in the spring of 2000 and will be completed by late fali of 2000. There will be further restrictions on the amount of time work is done on individual segments of streets. F� q °l -1 �o'l f. CO5T ESTIMATE Residential Streets Construcuon Engineering Miscellaneous PROJECT TOTAL ESTIMAT`ED FINANCING Residential Streets C I B (2000) Assessments PROJECT TOTAL The 2000 assessment rates for residential street paving and lighting are: $25.50 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for street paving (U5E 2000 ASSESSMENT RATE) $ 2,495,259 $ 486,575 $ 249.526 $ 3,231,360 $ 2,392,669 $ 838 691 $ 3,231,360 $4.50 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for lantern style sueet lighting on residential streets (USE 2000 ASSESSMENT 12ATE) SOURCE OF ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION For additional information, contact the Project Engineer, Dan Haak at 266-6084. SUMMARY Al�iD RECOMMENDATION The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the project and financing. Respectfully submitted, Thomas Eggum Director of Public W orks dah 3 qq-to�� _, u w_ I u� � �- � �� !� I r I lANS: � � l � ST��=�� TO = ?A�'=� i\ 2000 6/4/99 ����UI �� ��- ��� � � � � � ����0� C ❑c�� ❑ ❑ U ❑� �a��uu❑ � I �❑I�`�_L.�_U❑� �N_ G.�.�a�� ❑� I �u�'J❑u 1 ` �' ❑ � . �I�❑L.J��❑ 1 0.0 O.t 0.2 0� 0.• 0.5 I 1 utlES 1 ' WESTERN/L^WS�N 2000 EXiSTiNG OILED - 3.! �wiLES cXiS�ING OLD�R =.=.'!=� � 0.0 i�iILES UGHTING 0\LY "- � 0.0 MILcS ?ro; c: A-ea 33 OC-?-8116 r� ( 9' � �RlGiNAL CITY OF ST. PAIIL PRELIMINARY ORDER 4q- ��� � COIIN IL FIL � 1� O. qq'QG` ! 8Y FILE NO. 18904 VOTING WARD Zn the Matter of improving the following streets with bituminous roadway, construct concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting System, and doing all other work necessazy to complete said improvement for the WESTERN/LAWSON STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT : ARUNDEL STREET - Stinson Street to Lawson Avenue ARUNDEL 5TREET - Maryland Avenue to platted Orange Avenue BURGESS STREET - Dale Street to Western Avenue COOK AVENUE - Cumberland Street to Western Avenue CtJN�ERLAND STREET - Lawson Avenue to Maryland Avenue DENSLOW STREET - Burgess Street north to alley bounded by Como Ave., Dale St., and Burgess St. FARRINGTON STREET - Larch Street to Front Avenue GALTIER STREET � - Atwater Street to Topping Street HATCA AVENUE - Dale Street to Kent Street HATCH AVENUE - Mackubin Street to Western Avenue JESSAMINE AVENUE - Kent Street to Mackubin Street JESSAMINE COURT - Jessamine Avenue south to end LARCH STREET - Western Avenue to platted Matilda Street LAWSON AVENUE - Norton Street to Western Avenue MACKUBIN STREET - Topping Street to Maryland Avenue SIMCOE STREET - Atwater Street to Milford Street STINSON STREET - Kent Street to platted Norton Street SYCAMORE STREET - platted Farrington Street to Rice Street TOPPING STREET - Dale 5treet to Mackubin Street TOPPING STREET - Arundel Street to Galtier Street VIRGINIA STREET - Maryland Avenue to platted Orange Avenue � In q9•q�1 The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $3,231,360 financed by assessments of $838,691 and CIB of $2,392,669 for 2000. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on Wednesday, 3rd of November, 1999, at 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Aall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COIINCILPERSON Adopted by the Date ��� 19 Yea Nay r / Blakey � Bostrom ^ � Guerin � Harris � Megard �/ Rettman �G Thune � Agains aq- �o�t� Certified Passes by Council Secretary 1 � �, - Mayor ORIGINAL a q ���� _ ��1�-�1�� CITY OF ST. PAIIL I�!1t�T+�i ;.77�}�F�� COIIN FILE d�., � �O ,�e ( BY FILE O. 18904 C+Z�lll��� (e�^Y_�;�� In the Matter of improving the following streets with bituminous roadway, construct concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement for the WESTERN/LAWSON STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT : ARUNDEL STREET - Stinson Street to Lawson Avenue - range Avenue BURGESS STREET - Dale Street to Western Avenue COOK AVENUE - Cumberland Street to Western Avenue CiTNIBERLAND STREET - Lawson Avenue to Maryland Avenue DENSLOW STREET - Burgess Street north to alley bounded by Como Ave., Dale St., and Burgess St. FARRINGTON STREET - Larch Street to Front Avenue GALTIER STREET � - Atwater Street to Topping Street HATCH AVENUE - Dale Street to Kent Street HATCH AVENUE - Mackubin Street to Western Avenue JESSAMINE AVENUE - Kent Street to Mackubin Street LARCH STREET - Western Avenue to platted Matilda Street LAWSON AVENUE - Norton Street to Western Avenue MACKUBIN STREET - Topping Street to Maryland Avenue SIMCOE STREET - Atwater Street to Milford Street STINSON STREET - Kent Street to platted Norton Street SYCAMORE STREET - platted Farrington Street to Rice Street TOPPING STREET - Dale Street to Mackubin Street TOPPING STREET - Arundel Street to Galtier Street �I$f'�£d�� STno�m rT.._,._.� ,...a „ - e �F `� ., ,. t under Preliminary Order �lq-�o1� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WI3EREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully consiflered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FL3KTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion o£ said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COiJNCILPERSON Yea Nay �Blakey �Bostrom Lw.� �.� � �.�� Adopted by the Date � ay �d� . Certified Passes by Council Secretary / �o �' (O � By 6 Agains'� l RbS�,�� Public Hearine : November 3, 1999 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Persoa aad Phoae N�ber: Dan HaaK 266-6084 be on Comd Ag�da by: be in Council Research �ce on on F]iday September 29, September 24, Date: .�.w 9/3/99 Green Sheet Number: 100843 DZRECPOR 7 ITY COVNCIL L44Q.)Nb%�9 �T ;# OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �x x�uFS�n: Construction of new bituminous surfaced streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete �way aprons and outwallis, boulevard landscaped with sod and trees, a new lantern style lighting system, water service replacements, and sanitary sewer repairs, in the area called Western/Lawson RSVP a 33) generally bounded by Dale Street, Sycamore Ave., Rice Street, and Orange Avenue. (project 18904). BSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING: Has the person/firm ever worked mder a contract for [his departtnent? YES NO P49NNING COMMLSS[ON A STAFF Haz this personl6rm ever been a C5Ty employee? CivII. Pabtic Health . Does this petsou/Srm possess a skill not nonna�y possessed by aqy current CiTy employee? C@ COMMiTTEE Vusn�Bldgs Eaplain all YES auswers on a sepazate sheet and attach. �TING PROBLEM� ISSLJE� OPPORTONITY (Whq What, When, Where, Why?) �$ lv� YES NO Projected is being completed as part of the Residential Street Vitality Program (RSVP). This is one of �al RSVP projects selected for 2000 construction by Public Works, and approved by the Long Range Committee and �ACES iF nrrxovsn: General improvement of the right-of-way will enhance and add quality to the iorhood. The newly rebuilt roadways will improve drivability of the neighborhood, and continue the efforts to improve the street system in Saint Paul. Street oiling in this neighborhood will be eliminated. -n style lighting will also enhance neighborhood safety and aesthetics. nrrxovm: associated with APPROVID: occur. pavement structure will continue to deteriorate, maintenance costs will rise, and the level of service these streets wili aMOUav�r oF $3,231,360 TOTAL cosT�vE� svncE�v �cmcLE orrE> �s xo �CTION: $2,392,669 CIB �,�� �� ��,;�t�� $ 838,691 ASSESSMENTS resouxcE: CIBandASSESSMENTS AcTIV��N°�Ex: SE� �� I��� INFORMATION: (ERPLAIIN Gt9-1o7� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL TO: Peter White Real Estate Division 140 City Hall FROM: Dan Haak - �pr�t Public Works Construction 900 City Hall Am1ex SUBJECT: WESTERN-LAWSON RSVP City ProjecE No. 2000-P-8116 DATE: September 20,1999 Attached are a Summary of Engineering Recommendations ,and Green �heet for the above referenced project. Please proceed with the final order for this project. Please contact me at 266-6084 far enough in advance so that the Summary of Engineering Recommendations can be updated before the notices for the public hearing are mailed out. DAH:mf Attachment q�. �o?to SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS Western/Lawson Residential Street Vitality Project (Area 33) City Project No. 00-P-8116 Report Prepared -- 9-20-99 Public Hearing -- XXXXXX PROJECT This project is to improve the area referred to as the Western/Lawson Residential Street Vitality Program Project (Area 33), by constructing new bituminous surtaced streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwaiks, boulevards landscaped with sod and trees, and a new lantern style street lighting system. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in the right of way will be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer reconnections will be made at the request of property owners. This project area is generally bounded by Dale Street on the west, Orange Avenue on the north, Rice Street on the east, and Sycamore Avenue on the south (see attached map). EXISTING CONDITIONS . Some of the residential streets in the project area are oiled. Most of the streets have concrete curb, and the remainder of the streets have no curb at all. The defined street widths are between 24' and 40', several streets without curbs have widened through use over the years. The street surfaces are generally in fair condition. Most of the existing street lighting within the project area is on NSP wood poles. PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS It is proposed to improve the following oiled streets with the construction of new bituminous surfaced streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, and boulevards landscaped with sod and trees. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs wili be made, lead water services in the right of way will be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer connections will be made at the request of property owners. (The preliminary proposed street widths, in feet, are shown in parenthesis.) ARUNDEL STREET - STINSON STREET TO LAWSON AVENUE (32') ARUNDEL STREET - MARYLAND AVENUE TO ORANGE AVENUE (32') BURGESS STREET - DALE STREET TO WESTERN AVENUE (32') COOK AVENUE - CUMBERLAND STREET TO WESTERN AVENUE (32') CUMSERLAND STREET - LAWSON AVENUE TO MAfiYLAND AVENUE (32') DENSLOW STREET - TOPPING STREET TO COMO AVENUE (32') FARRINGTON STREET - LARCH STREET TO STINSON STREET (32') GALTIER STREET - ATWATER STREET TO TOPPING STREET (32') HATCH AVENUE - DALE STREET TO WESTERN AVENUE (32') qq - � o�� JESSAMINE AVENUE - KENT STREET TO MACKUBIN STREET (32') JESSAMINE COURT - COOK AVENUE TO JESSAMINE AVENUE (28') LARCH STREET - WESTERN AVENUE TO MATILDA STREET (32') LAWSON AVENUE - NORTON STREET TO WESTERN AVENUE (32') MACKUBIN STREET - TOPPING STREET TO MARYLAND AVENUE (32') SIMCOE STREET - ATWATER STREET TO MILFORD STREET (18') STINSON STREET - KENT STREET TO NORTON STREET (32') SYCAMORE - FARRINGTON STREET TO RICE STREET (36') TOPP(NG STREET - DALE STREET TO MACKUBIN STREET (32') TOPPING STREET - ARUNDEL STREET TO GALTIER STREET (32') Decisions regarding the final street widths will be made keeping in mind the right-of-way widths, existing street widths, any relevant neighborhood issues, and the impact on boulevard trees. New curb may be hand formed to avoid damaging boulevard trees or their roots. Tree trimming may be necessary to facilitate construction. ALTERNATES To do nothing would be inconsistent with the City's commitment to improve existing oiled streets. POSITIVE BENEFITS General improvement of the public right-of-way will enhance and add quality to the neighborhood. The newly rebuilt roadways will improve drivabi{ity of the neighborhood, and continue the City's efforts to improve the street system in Saint Paul. Street oiling in this neighborhood will be e(iminated. Larrtern style lighting will enhance neighborhood safety and esthetics. ADVERSE EFFECTS Normai probiems associated with constructian such as noise, dust, reduced access to the neighborhood, and general disruption will be present. EFFECTS ON TREES Street widths will be selected to minimize the impact on trees. New trees will be pianted as part of the boulevard restoration. TIME SCHEDULE The project will begin in the spring of 2000 and will be completed by late fali of 2000. There will be further restrictions on the amount of time work is done on individual segments of streets. F� q °l -1 �o'l f. CO5T ESTIMATE Residential Streets Construcuon Engineering Miscellaneous PROJECT TOTAL ESTIMAT`ED FINANCING Residential Streets C I B (2000) Assessments PROJECT TOTAL The 2000 assessment rates for residential street paving and lighting are: $25.50 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for street paving (U5E 2000 ASSESSMENT RATE) $ 2,495,259 $ 486,575 $ 249.526 $ 3,231,360 $ 2,392,669 $ 838 691 $ 3,231,360 $4.50 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for lantern style sueet lighting on residential streets (USE 2000 ASSESSMENT 12ATE) SOURCE OF ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION For additional information, contact the Project Engineer, Dan Haak at 266-6084. SUMMARY Al�iD RECOMMENDATION The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the project and financing. Respectfully submitted, Thomas Eggum Director of Public W orks dah 3 qq-to�� _, u w_ I u� � �- � �� !� I r I lANS: � � l � ST��=�� TO = ?A�'=� i\ 2000 6/4/99 ����UI �� ��- ��� � � � � � ����0� C ❑c�� ❑ ❑ U ❑� �a��uu❑ � I �❑I�`�_L.�_U❑� �N_ G.�.�a�� ❑� I �u�'J❑u 1 ` �' ❑ � . �I�❑L.J��❑ 1 0.0 O.t 0.2 0� 0.• 0.5 I 1 utlES 1 ' WESTERN/L^WS�N 2000 EXiSTiNG OILED - 3.! �wiLES cXiS�ING OLD�R =.=.'!=� � 0.0 i�iILES UGHTING 0\LY "- � 0.0 MILcS ?ro; c: A-ea 33 OC-?-8116 r� ( 9' � �RlGiNAL CITY OF ST. PAIIL PRELIMINARY ORDER 4q- ��� � COIIN IL FIL � 1� O. qq'QG` ! 8Y FILE NO. 18904 VOTING WARD Zn the Matter of improving the following streets with bituminous roadway, construct concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting System, and doing all other work necessazy to complete said improvement for the WESTERN/LAWSON STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT : ARUNDEL STREET - Stinson Street to Lawson Avenue ARUNDEL 5TREET - Maryland Avenue to platted Orange Avenue BURGESS STREET - Dale Street to Western Avenue COOK AVENUE - Cumberland Street to Western Avenue CtJN�ERLAND STREET - Lawson Avenue to Maryland Avenue DENSLOW STREET - Burgess Street north to alley bounded by Como Ave., Dale St., and Burgess St. FARRINGTON STREET - Larch Street to Front Avenue GALTIER STREET � - Atwater Street to Topping Street HATCA AVENUE - Dale Street to Kent Street HATCH AVENUE - Mackubin Street to Western Avenue JESSAMINE AVENUE - Kent Street to Mackubin Street JESSAMINE COURT - Jessamine Avenue south to end LARCH STREET - Western Avenue to platted Matilda Street LAWSON AVENUE - Norton Street to Western Avenue MACKUBIN STREET - Topping Street to Maryland Avenue SIMCOE STREET - Atwater Street to Milford Street STINSON STREET - Kent Street to platted Norton Street SYCAMORE STREET - platted Farrington Street to Rice Street TOPPING STREET - Dale 5treet to Mackubin Street TOPPING STREET - Arundel Street to Galtier Street VIRGINIA STREET - Maryland Avenue to platted Orange Avenue � In q9•q�1 The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $3,231,360 financed by assessments of $838,691 and CIB of $2,392,669 for 2000. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on Wednesday, 3rd of November, 1999, at 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Aall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COIINCILPERSON Adopted by the Date ��� 19 Yea Nay r / Blakey � Bostrom ^ � Guerin � Harris � Megard �/ Rettman �G Thune � Agains aq- �o�t� Certified Passes by Council Secretary 1 � �, - Mayor