D00150C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ��� �a�es co: ADMINISTRATNE ORDER - City Cierk (Originap - Fnance Dept's Accounting D'rvision � I5U - Requesting Dept, f1 No: � Date: ( _a L-�+-{ ��t WFIF.RFAS� the Saint Paul Police Department's Professional Development Institute is sponsoring a course entitled "Enhancing Eyewitness Memory- Cognitive Interview Techniques" and, W[3F.RF.AR� this course is scheduled for July 6-8, 1994 and will be held at the Radisson Hotel Saint Paul, BE IT SO ORDERED that pursuant to the 1994 City Budget, the proper city officials are hereby authorized to remit an amount, not to exceed $2000.00 to the Radisson Hotel Saint Paul, located at 11 East Kellogg Blvd, in Saint Paul, Minnesota, zip code 55101. This is to cover expenses incurred for providing classroom space to accommodate this training course. • A copy of said order is to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. Funding Source: Account code 436-34117-0289-40017 red by. Activity Manager Qaie �����os�P� 6 /c — �i Requested by. Department Director Date c �- G /G - 9s Apprwed by. Ci Attomey Date ADProved by. Finance Duecior Date . ✓ c ' I�o�oi -5n � �,���R�A,� _ G�REEN SHEET � N°- 2486.4�.-. � DEPAitTMENT/OPFICE/COUNpL D Police ��� �C • � � �r1 ��-6-94 � CONTACT PEfiSON 8 PHONE INITiAVDATE INRIAVDATE Q DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CITV COUNCII Chief W.K. Finne 292-3588 A�GN CITVATfOflNEY QCRYCLERK NUYBERFOR BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� ' pOUTING Q BUDGETDIFECTO � FIN.B MGT. SERVICES DIR. ONDEN O MqYOR (Ofl ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACiION RE�UESTED: Routing of attached Administrative Order RECOMMENOATIONS: npprove (A1 or Reject (R) pEFiSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION — CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this persoMirm ever worked untler a contract for this tlepartment? YES NO _ CIB COMMITTEE _ 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ci[y employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DIS7RIC7 COURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cunent city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 YES NO , Explain all yas answers on separate sheet antl attach to green shee[ INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whaq When, Where, Whyp � The Saint Pau1 Police Department will_conduct training on "Enhancing Eye-Witness Memory- The Cognitive Interview Method". That this training will take place at the Radisson Hotel ' Saint Pau1 on July 6-8, 1994. The attached Administrative Order authorizes payment for the classroom space for this seminar. VANTAGES IFAPPflOVED: Payment of vendor. DISAOVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None. RECEIVED � JUN 171gg4 CITY CLERK � �ISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVE� Non-payment of vendor. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ ZOOO.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) YES NO 4��34b��-0289-40017 FUNDIidGSOURCE Chief's Trainin� Fund AC7IVITYNUMBER - FINANCIAL MFORMATION: (EXPIAIN) . . , � ; � � � � ( VU