97-731e CITY OF 5T. PAUL NO. 1 � �3 FINAI, ORDBR In the Matter of Improving the platted roadway in the Williams Hill Business Park £rom L3niversity Avenue to Mississippi Street by constructing a bituminous sur£ace; constructing concrete curb, gutter, driveway aprons, sidewalks, retaining walls and medians for traffic control at University Avenue and Mississippi Street; constructing a lantern style street lighting system; constructing a water mainlconnections, a sanitary sewer/connections and storm water drainage facilities/connections; seeding/sodding the boulevards; planting boulevard trees and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement. under Preliminary Order 5 l �,� approved Q� I� ���I� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all e�enses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas � Nays ✓B�akey ✓ostrom �rris 17�gard-1���+� �M rton �Co��� nS 'rhune — I�bse .�t !�' Adopted by Council : Date � v-� \} �°� °�� v Certified Passed by Council Secretary S In Favor By Y \� c3-. _ � Against �` � . _ �` _� Mayor YJ Public Hearin� Date - Sune 11, 1997 RE 4-7-47 � � T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION �te� 4-4-97 Green Sheet Nwnber: 38749 EPARIMENI' DIRECfOR Ct1Y COUNCII. tact Peisou and Phane N�ber: � ..�� AT1'ORNBY CLERg Peter Wlute 266-8850 UDGET DIRE(,TOR .& MGT. SVC. DIR YOR (OR ASSISfANT 1 UNCII. RESEARCH ustbe on Council Agenda bp :4-23-97 Must be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 4-11-97 OTAL S OF SIGNAT{IlLL+ PAGFS 1 (CIdP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATIIR� CfION REQUESfID: ettinq date of public hearinq for the Williams Hill Area Street Improvement roject. ile No. 18844 MI�gNDATIONS: APPROVE (� OH RFJECT Q� gggpNAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSf ANSWER THE FOLIAWING: . Hns the persadiirm ever worked wder a contred for Utis deparb�ent? YFS NO ri.nrmmc mmm�ss�oN A srnim . Has tltis persoNfirm ever beer a City employee? YES NO CIVa b'61eVICE CoANIISSION . Dces fhis person/firm possess a slrill �rot normallY P�sed bS any YFS NO current ctity emptoyee? cmrn�nree.e ' all YFS answers on a se te sheet and attach. PORTSK'fIICHCOUNCII.OBdF.CfIVE? Neighborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S� 2 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL O S NITIATING PROBI.EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIY'Y (Kfio, What, When, Whem, Why?): The Port Authority has purchased the Plilliams Sill site and wants to improve the site as part of a industrial park redevelopment proqram. DVANTAGESIF APPROVED: he street improvements will permit construction of new businesses. •s31� �!� r?�'�'.'t�3 �STlt�i' ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVF.D: one. i„��; � � 1997 ISADVANTAGFS IF NOT APPROVED: o not approve the resolution would leave the area as a�bsowa� ieT�`a�a. OTAL AMOiJNT OF TRANSACTION: $2 ,148,319 cosrixEVFNt� svnc�rEn tc�ci.E ot� �s xo uvc sotrncs: ASSESSMENTS $610,000 A�T�TY ���' nrrcinr. s�oxMnriox: �nrrLnuv> $881,319 CBDG LOAN $657,000 EDA GRANT (�.�,;u.ra) RFP,-�2-1997 19�41 TKDR 612 292 0�83 P.92��6 /1� • /J _� Summary of Engineering Reco3nmendations Williams I�ill Business Park Project No. Pending 5� Paul, Minnesota Report Prepared April 2, 1997 Neighborhood Informational Meering - Pending Public Hearing - Pending Proiect The proposed project includes redevelopment of an exisdng street and consuuction materials salvage and recycling business and will include construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer, watermain, water and sewer service connections, �treet improvements, sidewalk, tree plantin;, landscaping, signage and a street lighting system in the area generally bounded by University Avenue on the south, IvIississippi Suee[ on the west, Burlington Northem on [he north and John Street on tbe east. Initiatin¢ Actioa The project was initiated by the St. Paul Port Authority as part of rheir industrial park redeve]opment program. Existin� Conditions The existing site is approxunately 3I acres and eontains stockpiles of material from street reconstruction projects and concrete building rubble and foundations. The material is recycled by sieving, crushing, mixing and blending into an aggregate product generally used for new street consuvction. The siic is subject to pollurion problems including noise, dust and erosion of material into the storm sewer system. No sanitary sewer, watermain or private ufiliues exist for industrial redevelopment within the sitc area. T'he site is zoned Il-Light Industrial and lies within the City of St. Paul's Phalen Boulevard redevelopment corridor. RPP.-�2-1??7 19�42 TV.DR 612 2?2 9�83 P.83��6 A ,�,'1�� ProDOSed Improvements A. Site Grading/Soils Remediarion 7'he St Paul Port Authority has purchased the site. Through ag�eement wich the previous owner, ali suuctures will be removed and the stockpiled materials wilI be sieved, cnished, mixed and blended into an acceptable material and [be site graded to facilitate new industrial development Any excess material will be used and/or disposed of off-site. Soils remediation of contaminated areas of the site will be peifosmed coincidentaliy with the site grading. $. Sanitary Sewer Sanitary sewer will be extended north along new right-of-way from UnSversity Avenue to serve lots 2-5. Lot 1 and the BN cotnmunicavons building will be served from sanitary sewer ex[ended west from the Trout Brook Inte�eptor along che BN railroad tracks on the north side of Lot 1. Ail exisdng unused sanitary sewer within the site will be abandoned. Sanitary sewer services will be extended fzom the sewer lateral to the pioperty ]ine for each ]ot. C. Water \TJatercnain will be extended north along the new right-of-way from the system in University Avenue and connect ro the system in Mississippi Street. In order to facilitate fire flows for the business pazk water system, upgrades will also be required along Universiry Avenue, Olive Stseet and John 5treet. All existing unused watermain within the site will be abandoned. Water services to facilitate domestic use and fire flow will be extended from the watermain to the property line for each lot. D. Storm Sewer Stonn sewet will be extended north along the new right-of-way from the sewer ezisting in Uni��ersity Avenue. Storm sewer services wi21 be extended from the sewer pSpe to the properry line for each lot. RFP.-�2-1997 10�42 TY:DR E. Street Improvements F, G. 612 292 �Q83 P.04-'06 a �.��� A new street is proposed between University A��enue and Mississippi Sueet to serve the new lots. Tf�e street improvements will consist of a 44 foot wide bituminous surface with concrete curb and guttet, aad sidewalk. Concrete medians for traffic wntroi are proposed at University Avenue and Mississippi StreeL Boule��azds will be resto�d with seeding/sodding as needed to conuol erosion. Landscaping and Signage Boule��ard trees will be planted in accordance with the City of St. Paul Reforestation Program. Landscaping including trees, shrubsiplantings, irrigation and signing aze proposed for each of the entrances to the business pazk at University Avenue and Mississippi Sereet Sueet Lighting A new energy e�cient sodium vapor light system will be installed. The sueet lights will be the City of St. Paui scandazd lantern style lighting. Aifemative To do nothing would not be consistent w•ith the City's overall plan to remediate "brownfield" azeas and improve neighborhoods. �T�ithout proposed improvements there would be no organized redevelopment of the project area. Properties would require long private sewer and water services to each lot. Positive Benefits Pcoposed improvements will result in redeveIopment of an existing unpleasant area. Extension of street and utilities n�ill permit construction of new businesses. Proposed amenities including street lighting, boulevazd trees and landscaping will significandy improve the aesthetics of the area. Upon completion of improvements to facilitate redevelopment, significant polluuon, i.e. noise, dust and erosion of material into the storm sewers u�ill be eliminated. RPP,-92-1?97 1��43 T1;DR 612 292 �993 P.�Si�6 ,�,�.131 Adcerse Affects Normal problems associated with conshvctioa such as noise, dust and generat disruption willbe presenL SAecial Considerations Close coordination of construcdon with affected reviewing agencies, i.e. MnpOT, BN, MPCA will be required. Construction activiry will need to be coordinated to minimize im�pact on craffic in the area. Time Schedule Site grading and soils remediation wil] begin in 1997 and be completed by fall 1998. Sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer improvements will be constructed in 1997 with street, sidewalk, street lighting, landscaping and signage constructed in 1998. (Insert Cost Estimates, Estimated Financin2l Source of Additional InformaYion Foz additional information contact: John Yaung 224-5686 5t. Paul Port Authority Dick Sobiech 292-4557 TKDA, Inc. Summarv snd Recommendations The St.Paul Por[ Authocity feejs that dvs is a necessazy and worihwhile project and the Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. q �.'lsl 21iY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,,,,,, ,. „.,,..,ARK TOWERS • 345 ST. PETER STREET • ST. PAUL MN 55102-1661 WILLIAMS HiLL PUBUC 1MPROVEMENTS Cost Estimates Demolition Grading Utilities (storm, sanitary sewer, watermain) Street Miscellaneous (sidewalk, street lights, retaining wail, signal, sod, etc.) Engineering Contingency Sources of Fundina Special Assessment CDBG Loan (repaid through TIF) EDA Grant wmbudget $ 25,750 344,767 427,224 244,325 569,173 322,248 214.832 $2,148,319 $ 610,00� 881, 319 657.000 $2,148,319 FAX (612) 223-5998 TOLL Fl2EE (800) 328-8417 • PHONE (612) 224-5686 � RFP.-02-1997 1� � 43 7✓.PR 612 292 9983 P.06�'G5 s � @ Z S � 3 Z � Z N C � Z � � C 0 N � N � ' I 1� � w C N � � Q Z H � '� x ., a w O � � � " -,�-� � � O U � ,.�� 0 . .a p � ,d� W L'� � oc OH _>� <-- �ug � � � � __ J . J ."�... , 133xss Nmf.yn - ��__ ��_' "" , , .. ..�"'.}+� ""' . � 1 ....�-t'� �.....__ -.�_..�_.�_..� _ ��: - _ �� ... .l . ��.. . �-� ' � ' -..._.. ' . ....... ...-.'"�� I'.'.. ........-��_.•_•..,_ __ ., � �_ �: • � � ._.� � � _ _' -�. ` ' .. .� ` ¢ —� _______�_�_����_ _�__ __ �_.. 7 � _' _ _ _ _._ "-..-..... -.: . , . " = ' - _"'_"...- ]SC 9n �u . � ... � _ '. •. .• A�/M JIYLSYL ... ' "' s / / . _ i/ �...� ' . '.... "� �_....... �, /� .._ .��_..-'" _ .�... _'_ — " . . ! .' _'.'...� ~ � � ! q � .�3 .�.+.w�...�..«���ur-�.... � T07AL P.C�5 CITY OF ST. PAIIL PRELIMINARY ORDER ��3� In the Matter of Improving the platted roadway in the Williams Hill Business Park from University Avenue to Mississippi Street by constructing a bituminous surface; constructing concrete curb, gutter, driveway aprons, sidewalks, retaining walls and medians for traffic control at University Avenue and Mississippi Street; constructing a lantern style street. lighting system; constructing a water main/connections, a sanitary sewer/connections and storm water drainage facilities/connections; seeding/sodding the boulevards; planting boulevard trees and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement. The Council of the City of Saint Pau1 having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2,148,319 financed by Special Assessments $610,000 Community Development Block Grant $881,319 and Economic Development Association $657,000. � [i] That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the llth day of June, 1997, at 4:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays ��Blakey i/�ostrom ✓r arr i s ✓regard �rton Rettman- Vl4ca.Nr Thune _ f��psnr.'r Adopted by Council : Date� �`Lq � Certified Passed by Council Secretary 5 In Favor By �� � � �--- O Against � I��JS2`(��' Mayor 1 e CITY OF 5T. PAUL NO. 1 � �3 FINAI, ORDBR In the Matter of Improving the platted roadway in the Williams Hill Business Park £rom L3niversity Avenue to Mississippi Street by constructing a bituminous sur£ace; constructing concrete curb, gutter, driveway aprons, sidewalks, retaining walls and medians for traffic control at University Avenue and Mississippi Street; constructing a lantern style street lighting system; constructing a water mainlconnections, a sanitary sewer/connections and storm water drainage facilities/connections; seeding/sodding the boulevards; planting boulevard trees and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement. under Preliminary Order 5 l �,� approved Q� I� ���I� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all e�enses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas � Nays ✓B�akey ✓ostrom �rris 17�gard-1���+� �M rton �Co��� nS 'rhune — I�bse .�t !�' Adopted by Council : Date � v-� \} �°� °�� v Certified Passed by Council Secretary S In Favor By Y \� c3-. _ � Against �` � . _ �` _� Mayor YJ Public Hearin� Date - Sune 11, 1997 RE 4-7-47 � � T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION �te� 4-4-97 Green Sheet Nwnber: 38749 EPARIMENI' DIRECfOR Ct1Y COUNCII. tact Peisou and Phane N�ber: � ..�� AT1'ORNBY CLERg Peter Wlute 266-8850 UDGET DIRE(,TOR .& MGT. SVC. DIR YOR (OR ASSISfANT 1 UNCII. RESEARCH ustbe on Council Agenda bp :4-23-97 Must be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 4-11-97 OTAL S OF SIGNAT{IlLL+ PAGFS 1 (CIdP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATIIR� CfION REQUESfID: ettinq date of public hearinq for the Williams Hill Area Street Improvement roject. ile No. 18844 MI�gNDATIONS: APPROVE (� OH RFJECT Q� gggpNAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSf ANSWER THE FOLIAWING: . Hns the persadiirm ever worked wder a contred for Utis deparb�ent? YFS NO ri.nrmmc mmm�ss�oN A srnim . Has tltis persoNfirm ever beer a City employee? YES NO CIVa b'61eVICE CoANIISSION . Dces fhis person/firm possess a slrill �rot normallY P�sed bS any YFS NO current ctity emptoyee? cmrn�nree.e ' all YFS answers on a se te sheet and attach. PORTSK'fIICHCOUNCII.OBdF.CfIVE? Neighborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S� 2 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL O S NITIATING PROBI.EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIY'Y (Kfio, What, When, Whem, Why?): The Port Authority has purchased the Plilliams Sill site and wants to improve the site as part of a industrial park redevelopment proqram. DVANTAGESIF APPROVED: he street improvements will permit construction of new businesses. •s31� �!� r?�'�'.'t�3 �STlt�i' ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVF.D: one. i„��; � � 1997 ISADVANTAGFS IF NOT APPROVED: o not approve the resolution would leave the area as a�bsowa� ieT�`a�a. OTAL AMOiJNT OF TRANSACTION: $2 ,148,319 cosrixEVFNt� svnc�rEn tc�ci.E ot� �s xo uvc sotrncs: ASSESSMENTS $610,000 A�T�TY ���' nrrcinr. s�oxMnriox: �nrrLnuv> $881,319 CBDG LOAN $657,000 EDA GRANT (�.�,;u.ra) RFP,-�2-1997 19�41 TKDR 612 292 0�83 P.92��6 /1� • /J _� Summary of Engineering Reco3nmendations Williams I�ill Business Park Project No. Pending 5� Paul, Minnesota Report Prepared April 2, 1997 Neighborhood Informational Meering - Pending Public Hearing - Pending Proiect The proposed project includes redevelopment of an exisdng street and consuuction materials salvage and recycling business and will include construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer, watermain, water and sewer service connections, �treet improvements, sidewalk, tree plantin;, landscaping, signage and a street lighting system in the area generally bounded by University Avenue on the south, IvIississippi Suee[ on the west, Burlington Northem on [he north and John Street on tbe east. Initiatin¢ Actioa The project was initiated by the St. Paul Port Authority as part of rheir industrial park redeve]opment program. Existin� Conditions The existing site is approxunately 3I acres and eontains stockpiles of material from street reconstruction projects and concrete building rubble and foundations. The material is recycled by sieving, crushing, mixing and blending into an aggregate product generally used for new street consuvction. The siic is subject to pollurion problems including noise, dust and erosion of material into the storm sewer system. No sanitary sewer, watermain or private ufiliues exist for industrial redevelopment within the sitc area. T'he site is zoned Il-Light Industrial and lies within the City of St. Paul's Phalen Boulevard redevelopment corridor. RPP.-�2-1??7 19�42 TV.DR 612 2?2 9�83 P.83��6 A ,�,'1�� ProDOSed Improvements A. Site Grading/Soils Remediarion 7'he St Paul Port Authority has purchased the site. Through ag�eement wich the previous owner, ali suuctures will be removed and the stockpiled materials wilI be sieved, cnished, mixed and blended into an acceptable material and [be site graded to facilitate new industrial development Any excess material will be used and/or disposed of off-site. Soils remediation of contaminated areas of the site will be peifosmed coincidentaliy with the site grading. $. Sanitary Sewer Sanitary sewer will be extended north along new right-of-way from UnSversity Avenue to serve lots 2-5. Lot 1 and the BN cotnmunicavons building will be served from sanitary sewer ex[ended west from the Trout Brook Inte�eptor along che BN railroad tracks on the north side of Lot 1. Ail exisdng unused sanitary sewer within the site will be abandoned. Sanitary sewer services will be extended fzom the sewer lateral to the pioperty ]ine for each ]ot. C. Water \TJatercnain will be extended north along the new right-of-way from the system in University Avenue and connect ro the system in Mississippi Street. In order to facilitate fire flows for the business pazk water system, upgrades will also be required along Universiry Avenue, Olive Stseet and John 5treet. All existing unused watermain within the site will be abandoned. Water services to facilitate domestic use and fire flow will be extended from the watermain to the property line for each lot. D. Storm Sewer Stonn sewet will be extended north along the new right-of-way from the sewer ezisting in Uni��ersity Avenue. Storm sewer services wi21 be extended from the sewer pSpe to the properry line for each lot. RFP.-�2-1997 10�42 TY:DR E. Street Improvements F, G. 612 292 �Q83 P.04-'06 a �.��� A new street is proposed between University A��enue and Mississippi Sueet to serve the new lots. Tf�e street improvements will consist of a 44 foot wide bituminous surface with concrete curb and guttet, aad sidewalk. Concrete medians for traffic wntroi are proposed at University Avenue and Mississippi StreeL Boule��azds will be resto�d with seeding/sodding as needed to conuol erosion. Landscaping and Signage Boule��ard trees will be planted in accordance with the City of St. Paul Reforestation Program. Landscaping including trees, shrubsiplantings, irrigation and signing aze proposed for each of the entrances to the business pazk at University Avenue and Mississippi Sereet Sueet Lighting A new energy e�cient sodium vapor light system will be installed. The sueet lights will be the City of St. Paui scandazd lantern style lighting. Aifemative To do nothing would not be consistent w•ith the City's overall plan to remediate "brownfield" azeas and improve neighborhoods. �T�ithout proposed improvements there would be no organized redevelopment of the project area. Properties would require long private sewer and water services to each lot. Positive Benefits Pcoposed improvements will result in redeveIopment of an existing unpleasant area. Extension of street and utilities n�ill permit construction of new businesses. Proposed amenities including street lighting, boulevazd trees and landscaping will significandy improve the aesthetics of the area. Upon completion of improvements to facilitate redevelopment, significant polluuon, i.e. noise, dust and erosion of material into the storm sewers u�ill be eliminated. RPP,-92-1?97 1��43 T1;DR 612 292 �993 P.�Si�6 ,�,�.131 Adcerse Affects Normal problems associated with conshvctioa such as noise, dust and generat disruption willbe presenL SAecial Considerations Close coordination of construcdon with affected reviewing agencies, i.e. MnpOT, BN, MPCA will be required. Construction activiry will need to be coordinated to minimize im�pact on craffic in the area. Time Schedule Site grading and soils remediation wil] begin in 1997 and be completed by fall 1998. Sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer improvements will be constructed in 1997 with street, sidewalk, street lighting, landscaping and signage constructed in 1998. (Insert Cost Estimates, Estimated Financin2l Source of Additional InformaYion Foz additional information contact: John Yaung 224-5686 5t. Paul Port Authority Dick Sobiech 292-4557 TKDA, Inc. Summarv snd Recommendations The St.Paul Por[ Authocity feejs that dvs is a necessazy and worihwhile project and the Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. q �.'lsl 21iY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,,,,,, ,. „.,,..,ARK TOWERS • 345 ST. PETER STREET • ST. PAUL MN 55102-1661 WILLIAMS HiLL PUBUC 1MPROVEMENTS Cost Estimates Demolition Grading Utilities (storm, sanitary sewer, watermain) Street Miscellaneous (sidewalk, street lights, retaining wail, signal, sod, etc.) Engineering Contingency Sources of Fundina Special Assessment CDBG Loan (repaid through TIF) EDA Grant wmbudget $ 25,750 344,767 427,224 244,325 569,173 322,248 214.832 $2,148,319 $ 610,00� 881, 319 657.000 $2,148,319 FAX (612) 223-5998 TOLL Fl2EE (800) 328-8417 • PHONE (612) 224-5686 � RFP.-02-1997 1� � 43 7✓.PR 612 292 9983 P.06�'G5 s � @ Z S � 3 Z � Z N C � Z � � C 0 N � N � ' I 1� � w C N � � Q Z H � '� x ., a w O � � � " -,�-� � � O U � ,.�� 0 . .a p � ,d� W L'� � oc OH _>� <-- �ug � � � � __ J . J ."�... , 133xss Nmf.yn - ��__ ��_' "" , , .. ..�"'.}+� ""' . � 1 ....�-t'� �.....__ -.�_..�_.�_..� _ ��: - _ �� ... .l . ��.. . �-� ' � ' -..._.. ' . ....... ...-.'"�� I'.'.. ........-��_.•_•..,_ __ ., � �_ �: • � � ._.� � � _ _' -�. ` ' .. .� ` ¢ —� _______�_�_����_ _�__ __ �_.. 7 � _' _ _ _ _._ "-..-..... -.: . , . " = ' - _"'_"...- ]SC 9n �u . � ... � _ '. •. .• A�/M JIYLSYL ... ' "' s / / . _ i/ �...� ' . '.... "� �_....... �, /� .._ .��_..-'" _ .�... _'_ — " . . ! .' _'.'...� ~ � � ! q � .�3 .�.+.w�...�..«���ur-�.... � T07AL P.C�5 CITY OF ST. PAIIL PRELIMINARY ORDER ��3� In the Matter of Improving the platted roadway in the Williams Hill Business Park from University Avenue to Mississippi Street by constructing a bituminous surface; constructing concrete curb, gutter, driveway aprons, sidewalks, retaining walls and medians for traffic control at University Avenue and Mississippi Street; constructing a lantern style street. lighting system; constructing a water main/connections, a sanitary sewer/connections and storm water drainage facilities/connections; seeding/sodding the boulevards; planting boulevard trees and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement. The Council of the City of Saint Pau1 having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2,148,319 financed by Special Assessments $610,000 Community Development Block Grant $881,319 and Economic Development Association $657,000. � [i] That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the llth day of June, 1997, at 4:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays ��Blakey i/�ostrom ✓r arr i s ✓regard �rton Rettman- Vl4ca.Nr Thune _ f��psnr.'r Adopted by Council : Date� �`Lq � Certified Passed by Council Secretary 5 In Favor By �� � � �--- O Against � I��JS2`(��' Mayor 1 e CITY OF 5T. PAUL NO. 1 � �3 FINAI, ORDBR In the Matter of Improving the platted roadway in the Williams Hill Business Park £rom L3niversity Avenue to Mississippi Street by constructing a bituminous sur£ace; constructing concrete curb, gutter, driveway aprons, sidewalks, retaining walls and medians for traffic control at University Avenue and Mississippi Street; constructing a lantern style street lighting system; constructing a water mainlconnections, a sanitary sewer/connections and storm water drainage facilities/connections; seeding/sodding the boulevards; planting boulevard trees and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement. under Preliminary Order 5 l �,� approved Q� I� ���I� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all e�enses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas � Nays ✓B�akey ✓ostrom �rris 17�gard-1���+� �M rton �Co��� nS 'rhune — I�bse .�t !�' Adopted by Council : Date � v-� \} �°� °�� v Certified Passed by Council Secretary S In Favor By Y \� c3-. _ � Against �` � . _ �` _� Mayor YJ Public Hearin� Date - Sune 11, 1997 RE 4-7-47 � � T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION �te� 4-4-97 Green Sheet Nwnber: 38749 EPARIMENI' DIRECfOR Ct1Y COUNCII. tact Peisou and Phane N�ber: � ..�� AT1'ORNBY CLERg Peter Wlute 266-8850 UDGET DIRE(,TOR .& MGT. SVC. DIR YOR (OR ASSISfANT 1 UNCII. RESEARCH ustbe on Council Agenda bp :4-23-97 Must be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 4-11-97 OTAL S OF SIGNAT{IlLL+ PAGFS 1 (CIdP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATIIR� CfION REQUESfID: ettinq date of public hearinq for the Williams Hill Area Street Improvement roject. ile No. 18844 MI�gNDATIONS: APPROVE (� OH RFJECT Q� gggpNAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSf ANSWER THE FOLIAWING: . Hns the persadiirm ever worked wder a contred for Utis deparb�ent? YFS NO ri.nrmmc mmm�ss�oN A srnim . Has tltis persoNfirm ever beer a City employee? YES NO CIVa b'61eVICE CoANIISSION . Dces fhis person/firm possess a slrill �rot normallY P�sed bS any YFS NO current ctity emptoyee? cmrn�nree.e ' all YFS answers on a se te sheet and attach. PORTSK'fIICHCOUNCII.OBdF.CfIVE? Neighborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S� 2 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL O S NITIATING PROBI.EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIY'Y (Kfio, What, When, Whem, Why?): The Port Authority has purchased the Plilliams Sill site and wants to improve the site as part of a industrial park redevelopment proqram. DVANTAGESIF APPROVED: he street improvements will permit construction of new businesses. •s31� �!� r?�'�'.'t�3 �STlt�i' ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVF.D: one. i„��; � � 1997 ISADVANTAGFS IF NOT APPROVED: o not approve the resolution would leave the area as a�bsowa� ieT�`a�a. OTAL AMOiJNT OF TRANSACTION: $2 ,148,319 cosrixEVFNt� svnc�rEn tc�ci.E ot� �s xo uvc sotrncs: ASSESSMENTS $610,000 A�T�TY ���' nrrcinr. s�oxMnriox: �nrrLnuv> $881,319 CBDG LOAN $657,000 EDA GRANT (�.�,;u.ra) RFP,-�2-1997 19�41 TKDR 612 292 0�83 P.92��6 /1� • /J _� Summary of Engineering Reco3nmendations Williams I�ill Business Park Project No. Pending 5� Paul, Minnesota Report Prepared April 2, 1997 Neighborhood Informational Meering - Pending Public Hearing - Pending Proiect The proposed project includes redevelopment of an exisdng street and consuuction materials salvage and recycling business and will include construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer, watermain, water and sewer service connections, �treet improvements, sidewalk, tree plantin;, landscaping, signage and a street lighting system in the area generally bounded by University Avenue on the south, IvIississippi Suee[ on the west, Burlington Northem on [he north and John Street on tbe east. Initiatin¢ Actioa The project was initiated by the St. Paul Port Authority as part of rheir industrial park redeve]opment program. Existin� Conditions The existing site is approxunately 3I acres and eontains stockpiles of material from street reconstruction projects and concrete building rubble and foundations. The material is recycled by sieving, crushing, mixing and blending into an aggregate product generally used for new street consuvction. The siic is subject to pollurion problems including noise, dust and erosion of material into the storm sewer system. No sanitary sewer, watermain or private ufiliues exist for industrial redevelopment within the sitc area. T'he site is zoned Il-Light Industrial and lies within the City of St. Paul's Phalen Boulevard redevelopment corridor. RPP.-�2-1??7 19�42 TV.DR 612 2?2 9�83 P.83��6 A ,�,'1�� ProDOSed Improvements A. Site Grading/Soils Remediarion 7'he St Paul Port Authority has purchased the site. Through ag�eement wich the previous owner, ali suuctures will be removed and the stockpiled materials wilI be sieved, cnished, mixed and blended into an acceptable material and [be site graded to facilitate new industrial development Any excess material will be used and/or disposed of off-site. Soils remediation of contaminated areas of the site will be peifosmed coincidentaliy with the site grading. $. Sanitary Sewer Sanitary sewer will be extended north along new right-of-way from UnSversity Avenue to serve lots 2-5. Lot 1 and the BN cotnmunicavons building will be served from sanitary sewer ex[ended west from the Trout Brook Inte�eptor along che BN railroad tracks on the north side of Lot 1. Ail exisdng unused sanitary sewer within the site will be abandoned. Sanitary sewer services will be extended fzom the sewer lateral to the pioperty ]ine for each ]ot. C. Water \TJatercnain will be extended north along the new right-of-way from the system in University Avenue and connect ro the system in Mississippi Street. In order to facilitate fire flows for the business pazk water system, upgrades will also be required along Universiry Avenue, Olive Stseet and John 5treet. All existing unused watermain within the site will be abandoned. Water services to facilitate domestic use and fire flow will be extended from the watermain to the property line for each lot. D. Storm Sewer Stonn sewet will be extended north along the new right-of-way from the sewer ezisting in Uni��ersity Avenue. Storm sewer services wi21 be extended from the sewer pSpe to the properry line for each lot. RFP.-�2-1997 10�42 TY:DR E. Street Improvements F, G. 612 292 �Q83 P.04-'06 a �.��� A new street is proposed between University A��enue and Mississippi Sueet to serve the new lots. Tf�e street improvements will consist of a 44 foot wide bituminous surface with concrete curb and guttet, aad sidewalk. Concrete medians for traffic wntroi are proposed at University Avenue and Mississippi StreeL Boule��azds will be resto�d with seeding/sodding as needed to conuol erosion. Landscaping and Signage Boule��ard trees will be planted in accordance with the City of St. Paul Reforestation Program. Landscaping including trees, shrubsiplantings, irrigation and signing aze proposed for each of the entrances to the business pazk at University Avenue and Mississippi Sereet Sueet Lighting A new energy e�cient sodium vapor light system will be installed. The sueet lights will be the City of St. Paui scandazd lantern style lighting. Aifemative To do nothing would not be consistent w•ith the City's overall plan to remediate "brownfield" azeas and improve neighborhoods. �T�ithout proposed improvements there would be no organized redevelopment of the project area. Properties would require long private sewer and water services to each lot. Positive Benefits Pcoposed improvements will result in redeveIopment of an existing unpleasant area. Extension of street and utilities n�ill permit construction of new businesses. Proposed amenities including street lighting, boulevazd trees and landscaping will significandy improve the aesthetics of the area. Upon completion of improvements to facilitate redevelopment, significant polluuon, i.e. noise, dust and erosion of material into the storm sewers u�ill be eliminated. RPP,-92-1?97 1��43 T1;DR 612 292 �993 P.�Si�6 ,�,�.131 Adcerse Affects Normal problems associated with conshvctioa such as noise, dust and generat disruption willbe presenL SAecial Considerations Close coordination of construcdon with affected reviewing agencies, i.e. MnpOT, BN, MPCA will be required. Construction activiry will need to be coordinated to minimize im�pact on craffic in the area. Time Schedule Site grading and soils remediation wil] begin in 1997 and be completed by fall 1998. Sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer improvements will be constructed in 1997 with street, sidewalk, street lighting, landscaping and signage constructed in 1998. (Insert Cost Estimates, Estimated Financin2l Source of Additional InformaYion Foz additional information contact: John Yaung 224-5686 5t. Paul Port Authority Dick Sobiech 292-4557 TKDA, Inc. Summarv snd Recommendations The St.Paul Por[ Authocity feejs that dvs is a necessazy and worihwhile project and the Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. q �.'lsl 21iY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,,,,,, ,. „.,,..,ARK TOWERS • 345 ST. PETER STREET • ST. PAUL MN 55102-1661 WILLIAMS HiLL PUBUC 1MPROVEMENTS Cost Estimates Demolition Grading Utilities (storm, sanitary sewer, watermain) Street Miscellaneous (sidewalk, street lights, retaining wail, signal, sod, etc.) Engineering Contingency Sources of Fundina Special Assessment CDBG Loan (repaid through TIF) EDA Grant wmbudget $ 25,750 344,767 427,224 244,325 569,173 322,248 214.832 $2,148,319 $ 610,00� 881, 319 657.000 $2,148,319 FAX (612) 223-5998 TOLL Fl2EE (800) 328-8417 • PHONE (612) 224-5686 � RFP.-02-1997 1� � 43 7✓.PR 612 292 9983 P.06�'G5 s � @ Z S � 3 Z � Z N C � Z � � C 0 N � N � ' I 1� � w C N � � Q Z H � '� x ., a w O � � � " -,�-� � � O U � ,.�� 0 . .a p � ,d� W L'� � oc OH _>� <-- �ug � � � � __ J . J ."�... , 133xss Nmf.yn - ��__ ��_' "" , , .. ..�"'.}+� ""' . � 1 ....�-t'� �.....__ -.�_..�_.�_..� _ ��: - _ �� ... .l . ��.. . �-� ' � ' -..._.. ' . ....... ...-.'"�� I'.'.. ........-��_.•_•..,_ __ ., � �_ �: • � � ._.� � � _ _' -�. ` ' .. .� ` ¢ —� _______�_�_����_ _�__ __ �_.. 7 � _' _ _ _ _._ "-..-..... -.: . , . " = ' - _"'_"...- ]SC 9n �u . � ... � _ '. •. .• A�/M JIYLSYL ... ' "' s / / . _ i/ �...� ' . '.... "� �_....... �, /� .._ .��_..-'" _ .�... _'_ — " . . ! .' _'.'...� ~ � � ! q � .�3 .�.+.w�...�..«���ur-�.... � T07AL P.C�5 CITY OF ST. PAIIL PRELIMINARY ORDER ��3� In the Matter of Improving the platted roadway in the Williams Hill Business Park from University Avenue to Mississippi Street by constructing a bituminous surface; constructing concrete curb, gutter, driveway aprons, sidewalks, retaining walls and medians for traffic control at University Avenue and Mississippi Street; constructing a lantern style street. lighting system; constructing a water main/connections, a sanitary sewer/connections and storm water drainage facilities/connections; seeding/sodding the boulevards; planting boulevard trees and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement. The Council of the City of Saint Pau1 having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2,148,319 financed by Special Assessments $610,000 Community Development Block Grant $881,319 and Economic Development Association $657,000. � [i] That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the llth day of June, 1997, at 4:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays ��Blakey i/�ostrom ✓r arr i s ✓regard �rton Rettman- Vl4ca.Nr Thune _ f��psnr.'r Adopted by Council : Date� �`Lq � Certified Passed by Council Secretary 5 In Favor By �� � � �--- O Against � I��JS2`(��' Mayor 1